Questionnaire Text

Austria 1971 Germany 1987 Ireland 2016 Slovakia 2011
Austria 1981 Greece 1971 Italy 2001 Slovenia 2002
Austria 1991 Greece 1981 Italy 2011 Spain 1981
Austria 2001 Greece 1991 Netherlands 2001 Spain 1991
Austria 2011 Greece 2001 Netherlands 2011 Spain 2001
Belarus 1999 Greece 2011 Poland 2002 Spain 2011
Belarus 2009 Hungary 1990 Portugal 1981 Switzerland 1970
Finland 2010 Hungary 2001 Portugal 1991 Switzerland 1980
France 1962 Hungary 2011 Portugal 2001 Switzerland 1990
France 1968 Ireland 1971 Portugal 2011 Switzerland 2000
France 1975 Ireland 1981 Romania 1992 Switzerland 2011
France 1982 Ireland 1986 Romania 2002 Ukraine 2001
France 1990 Ireland 1991 Romania 2011 United Kingdom 1991
France 1999 Ireland 1996 Russia 2002 United Kingdom 2001
France 2006 Ireland 2002 Russia 2010
France 2011 Ireland 2006 Slovakia 1991
Germany 1970 Ireland 2011 Slovakia 2001
Austria 1971 — source variable AT1971A_EMPSTL — Activity status (livelihood concept)
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10. Predominant profession:
Only mark one box.
Unemployed persons and active duty guardsmen comment for Questions 12, 13, 15-17 on their previously practiced profession or their previously visited school.
Those receiving pension, retired persons, and housewives with side employment, work students, as long as the assisting relatives in the family business are included as employed, when they work approximately a minimum of 14 hours in the week.
Housewives with pension or retirement are noted as pensioners, or rather retired persons.
Are you:

[] Employed
[] Unemployed
[] Active duty guardsman for the National Army
[] Pensioner, retired person
[] Homemaker without personal income
[] Child, Pupil, Student without personal income

________ Predominant living from another livelihood, namely:
(e.g. Rent, scholarship, support from relatives, etc.)

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Question 10 of the persons sheet

Every person must answer must answer either by marking or with words about the
predominant livelihood. However, only one answer is allowed--as is clearly noted on the persons sheet.

Whoever works 14 hours weekly on average is considered as "employed".

For a person who is a family member assisting in a family business, especially for housewives, who assist with the business of their husband, for pensioned persons with a side job and for working students it is often difficult to determine if they are employed. In such cases, it is noted in the explanations as a decision making aid, a minimum average weekly time of 14 hours [is required]. Any persons who works less, is "unemployed". Any person who therefore works 14 or more hours a week on average, is considered as employed.

With Question 10 it is decided, which questions on the right half of the persons sheet must be answered. If "employed" was marked, then all questions on the right-hand side of the sheet should be answered. If "Child, pupil, student" was marked, then questions 12 through 14 for the currently attended school should be answered--omitted naturally are children who do not yet attend school. If "unemployed" or "active duty personnel" is marked, then all the questions on the right-hand side of the sheet up through question 14 should be answered (an employment therefore cannot be given for this person). As a result, give answers about the last practiced profession or the previously attended school.
If something different was marked or written in words in Question 10 (i.e. pensioner, retired person, or housewife, etc.), thus only Question 11 should be answered. For Question 10 of the persons sheet, compare also the test specimen on page 16.

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_EMPSTL — Activity status (livelihood concept)
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(10) Livelihood:
[Question 10(a) was asked only of those persons employed. Question 10(b) was asked only of those persons not working.]
(a) Employed: Please answer questions 11-17.

Wives and other dependents who work 13 or more hours per week in a family-run business are considered "employed".

[] Full time (35 or more hours a week)
[] Part-time (13 to 34 hours per week)

(b) Not working, specifically:

When they were previously employed: Ask questions 11-14 concerning the last career position they pursued.

[] Unemployed
[] Active duty servant with the National Guard, civil servant

When they were previously employed: Ask questions 11-12 concerning the last career position they pursued.

[] Medical or maternity leave
[] Retired

When they presently attend a school: Ask questions 13, 15, and 16 concerning the school in which they are enrolled.

[] Homemaker who is without a profession or pension
[] Child, school-aged or college pupil without their own income
[] Other livelihood (i.e. rent, scholarship / fellowship, support from relatives, etc.

Which other livelihood: ____

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For Question 10, Livelihood:

Who is employed?

For a person who is a family member assisting in a family business, especially for housewives, who assist with the business of their husband, for pensioned persons with a side job and for working students it is often difficult to determine if they are employed. In such cases, it is noted in the explanations as a decision making aid that a minimum average weekly time of 13 hours is required. Any person who therefore works at least 13 hours a week on average, is considered as employed; any persons who works less, is "unemployed".

Farmers are counted as employed (as long as they spend at least 13 hours weekly for the running of the business). Farmers are not required to completed questions 13, 14, and 15.

Wives of farmers are handled differently since the last people's census. Please address in every case, if the wife of the farmer helps out in the stable and in the fields or only carries out housework. (In case of doubt, note the 13 hour week limit)

Members of a holy order (i.e. nuns) are counted as employed. The corresponding questions concerning their worldly professions (i.e. child care worker, nurse) should be answered.

A person who only carries out volunteer positions is not counted as employed.

Classification of unemployed persons

The explanations for the individual answer possibilities are stated on the household list (fourth page). Concerning this, there is also the following advice:

[p. 28]

Persons are counted as unemployed who do not have any employment and either receive unemployment payments or seek work. The exception is made for persons in professional retraining. These persons mark themselves as "employed" and answer all corresponding questions for the last practiced profession.

Question 10 serves as a "switchman"

Each person should answer question 10. Only a single answer is allowed--as is noted on the persons sheet.

Based upon the answer in question 10, it is decided, which questions of the persons sheet must further be answered:

If "employed" was marked, then all questions on the right-hand side of the sheet should be answered.

If "Child, pupil, student" was marked, then questions 15 and 16 for the currently attended school should be answered--omitted naturally are children who do not yet attend school.

If "unemployed", "active duty personnel" is marked, then all the questions on the right-hand side of the sheet up through question 14 should be answered (an employment therefore cannot be given for this person).

As a result, give answers about the last practiced profession or the previously attended school.

"Pensioners and retired persons" also answer questions 11 and 12 with reference to the last practiced profession. The survey of the previous profession for pensioners is new. The answers serve primarily to be able to assess the growing number of pensioners in tables according to their previous employment. In addition, the calculation of profession-specific morality tables is planned.

If "Housewife (stay-at-home husband) is marked in question 10 or "other livelihood" is noted in words, no further questions need to be answered.

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_EMPSTL — Activity status (livelihood concept)
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10. Are you:
[] a. Employed: please answer questions 11 to 16.

[] Full-time work (33 and more hours per week)
[] Part-time work (12 to 32 hours per week)

Employers, the self-employed, farmers, as well as workers in the family business are considered to be employed if they work 12 hours a week or more.

[If you are economically active,] Please answer questions 11 to 16.

[] b. Not economically active, but:

[] Unemployed
[] On parental leave, maternity leave

[If you are unemployed or on parental leave, maternity leave], please answer questions 11 to 13 on your last occupation.

If you have never worked before and are looking for a job, answer question 12 with "no profession yet".

[This question was asked of those who were on parental or maternity leave.]

Were you unemployed at the time you entered maternity leave?:

[] Yes
[] No

[] Military service, replacement service: Please answer question 15 and 16 for your journey to the barracks or to your place of service.
[] Retirement benefits from own employment: Please answer questions 11 and 12 on your last occupation.
[] Widow's pension
[] Homemaker
[] Pupil, student: Please answer questions 14 to 16 on the school you are presently attending
[] Child presently not attending school
[] Other livelihood: e.g. rent, alimony, social aid, financial support through relatives, etc.

Persons under 15 years of age are not required to answer this question.

10. Are you: the situation in the last weeks prior to the census day applies in answering this question: in cases of doubt, the situation on May 15, 1991 applies.

Employed: Persons over the age of 15 working 12 hours or more per week are considered "employed". This also included those persons who are self-employed or who are unpaid workers in a family business.

Full-time or part-time: employed persons mark whether they are working full-time or part-time. The limit for full-time work is the 33-hour week, so that e.g. teachers mark "full-time work" if they have a full teaching commitment. Other professional groups, such as free-lancers, judges, etc. also mark "full-time work" even if their weekly working hours are less than 33. This also applies to employees in businesses with "shortened schedules". If several activities are performed in part-time, "full-time work" is to be marked, provided that the sum of these activities adds up to 33 or more working hours per week.

Unemployed: Persons over the age of 15 years are considered unemployed if they are not in employed and are seeking work or an apprenticeship, regardless whether they are receiving unemployment or relief benefits or not.
Persons who have never been employed and are presently seeking work or an apprenticeship also mark "unemployed" and put down "no profession yet" for questions 12 (exact description of occupation). These persons may also skip questions 11 and 13.

Pensioners are persons receiving their own retirement benefits and/or survivors' pension benefits and are not engaged in an occupation with a minimum average of 12 working hours per week.

Homemakers: this box is marked by persons who are occupied with work in their own household and are supported by their spouse (companion).

Pupils, students: persons who are not employed (with at least 12 working hours per week) and are presently attending a school, university, etc. mark this box and answer questions 14 to 16 on their schooling.

Persons presently receiving practical vocational training, such as persons being trained as teachers, persons in an apprenticeship, trainees, unpaid trainees, police students, nurse trainees, etc. mark "full-time work" and answer questions 11 to 16 with regard to this vocational training.

Persons being vocationally retrained, provided that their employment is maintained or they receive health insurance through the labor administration, mark the box "full-time work", and in question 11 to 16 give statements regarding your prior profession (not "employment agency").

Persons attending vocational preparatory courses: if this is a full-time course these persons mark "pupils, students", if this is an evening course, mark the box "other livelihood".

Persons receiving "Sondernotstandshilfe" are not considered unemployed and mark "other livelihood".

Other livelihood is marked in cases of e.g. rent, support through relatives, receipt of alimony, social aid, special aid, special supplementary retirement payment, etc.

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10, Are you:
Possible answers:
a employed: full time (33 hours or more per week), part time (12 to 32 hours per work)
b not employed, rather: unemployed, parental or maternity leave, military draftee in the armed forces or civil servant, pension from own employment, widow pension, homemaker, pupil or student, child without current school attendance, other livelihood.

This question refers to the situation in last weeks prior to the census day only in cases of doubt (e.g. change of employer) to May 15, 1991.

Employed: Persons over the age of 15 that work 12 hours or more per week are considered "employed." This also includes those persons who are self-employed or who are unpaid workers in a family business.

Full-time or part-time: Employed persons mark whether they are employed full-time or part-time. The 33 hour limit for the full employment should be understood as a benchmark: so that teachers mark "full employment" if they have a full teaching commitment. Other professional groups such as freelancers, judges, etc. also mark "full-time employment" even if their weekly working hours are less than 33. This also applies to employees in businesses with "short time work." If several part-time jobs are performed, "full employment" should be marked, provided that the sum of these activities amounts to 33 hours or more per week.

Unemployed: Persons over the age of 15 years are considered unemployed if they are not in an employment relationship and are seeking work or an apprenticeship, regardless of whether they receive unemployment or relief benefits.

Persons who were never employed and are presently seeking work or an apprenticeship also mark "unemployed" and enter "no profession yet" for question 12 (exact description of occupation). Answering questions 11 and 13 is not required for these persons.

Pensioners: are persons that receive their won retirement benefits and/or survivors' pension benefits and are not employed with an average minimum working time of 12 hours per week.

Homemakers: this box should be marked by persons who hare occupied with work in their own household and are supported by their spouse (partner).

[p. 73]

Pupils, students: persons who are not employed (at least 12 working hours per week) and are currently attending a school, university, etc. mark this box and answer questions 14 to 16 for this school attendance.

Persons currently in practical vocational training, such as persons being trained as teachers, interns, unpaid trainees, police school students, nursing school students, etc. are considered in "full-time employment" and answer questions 11 to 16 with regard to this vocational training.

Persons undergoing professional retraining, provided that their employment is maintained or they receive health insurance through the labor administration, mark the box "full-time employment" and give statements regarding their previous profession (not "employment agency") in questions 11 to 16.

Persons attending vocational preparatory courses: if this is a full-time course, these persons mark "pupils, students." If this is an evening course, the box "other livelihood" should be marked.

Persons receiving "special relief benefits" are not considered unemployed and mark "other livelihood."

Other livelihood is marked for example: rent, support by relatives, receipt of alimony, social aid, other support, special supplementary retirement payment, etc.

Enumerator guideline:
Question 10 must be answered by all persons. However, only on single answer may be made - except for retired persons (individual and widow pension).

Who is employed?
For workers in a family business, especially housewives that assist in the business of their husband, retired persons with secondary job and working students, it can often be difficult to decide if they are employed. In such cases, an average weekly minimum working time of 12 hours is given in the instructions as a decision aid. Those who work at least 12 hours weekly on average are considered "employed," and those who work less are considered "unemployed."

Farmers are considered employed in so far as they spend at least 12 hours weekly for the regulation of the business.

Wives of farmers were entered differently in the last population census. In any case, please go according to if the wife of the farmer works in the stall and in the field (=employed) or only performs house work (=housewife). In cases of doubt, please pay attention to the 12 hour per week benchmark.

Members of a religious order (e.g. nuns) are considered employed. The further questions (11 to 16) are answered for their spiritual or secular profession (e.g. Kindergarten teacher, nurse).

Persons in disabled places of employment are considered employed and answer the further questions on the person questionnaire about the job that they practice in this work place.

Persons who only practice a job voluntarily are not considered employed.

"Setting the course" with question 10
Which questions of the person questionnaire must still be answered is decided with the answer to question 10.

Employed (full and part time): All questions of the right half of the questionnaire should be answered.

Unemployed: Questions 11 to 13 should be answered for the last job practiced. Persons who have not yet been employed and are now searching for a job or apprenticeship are excepted. These persons answer question 12 with "no profession yet."

Parental leave, maternity leave: Questions 11 to 13 should be answered for the last job practiced.

Military draftees in the Austrian Armed Forces and civil servants: Questions 15 and 16 should be answered for the route to the barracks or to the place of service.

Retirement pension from own employment: Questions 11 and 12 should be answered for the last job practiced.

Only widow or widower's pension: No further questions should be answered.

Homemakers: No further questions should be answered.

Pupils, students: Questions 14 to 16 should be answered for the current school attendance.

Child without current school attendance: No further questions should be answered.

Other livelihood: No further questions should be answered.

[p. 74]

Purpose of the question:
With this question it is determined who is "employed" (and therefore must answer further occupational questions). The structural data about employed persons and commuters are among the most important results of the population census.

The numbers about employed persons are further needed for calculating general and specific labor force participation rates and are used as a basis for different predictions.

Information about participation in working life is important for labor market analyses and international comparisons. Especially of interest are the type and scope of the employment of older employees, women, youth and foreigners. Data about full and part time employment in connection with information about gender, age and marital status gain increasing weight in the face of growing importance of part time work, especially for family policy and at regional levels.

The question regarding the predominant livelihood of the non employed population makes it possible to subdivide these persons according to the predominant source of livelihood. This differentiation is of central importance for many economic and socio-political questions, for example: the dependent children and homemakers of employed persons, the employment of in the course of age as well as the numerical proportion of employed and retired persons.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_EMPST — Activity status (labor force concept)
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11. You are (multiple answers are possible, e.g. retired marginally employed on a part-time basis):
Self-employed, farmers, freelances and liberal professionals, family members helping out in the family business, apprentices and nursing trainees are also considered to be gainfully employed.

[] Gainfully employed full time (32 and more hours a week)
[] Gainfully employed part time (12 to 31 hours a week)
[] Marginally employed part time (1 to 11 hours a week):

[Those who chosen three choices above,]
Please answer questions 12 to 15

[] Looking for gainful employment for the first time (never gainfully employed before)

Thank you, no further questions.

[] Unemployed (was gainfully employed before)
[] On parental or maternity leave

[] Was gainfully employed before the leave
[] Was unemployed before the leave

[For those who chose "Unemployed" and "On parental or maternity leave",] Please answer questions 12 to 14 on the type of work you last did.
If you are also (marginally) gainfully employed, please answer questions 12 to 15 on the work you are currently doing.

[] On compulsory military service or conscientious objector doing non-military service

Please answer just questions 14 and 15 on the route taken to the barracks or place of service.

[] Homemaker
[] Retirement pension from own gainful employment
[] Widow's or widower's pension

[For those who chose three choices above,] If you are also gainfully employed, please proceed to question 12. Otherwise, thank you, no further questions.

[] Pupil or university student: Please answer question 15 regarding the route taken to school.

If you are also gainfully employed (e.g. working a job on the side as a student) please answer questions 12 to 15 regarding this employment.

[] Child not currently attending school

Thank you, no further questions.

[] Other means of livelihood (e.g. public welfare, support payments, supported by relatives, rent revenues):

If you are also gainfully employed please proceed to question 12. Otherwise, thank you, no further questions.

Question 11:
General instructions:
Please put an "X" in all boxes applicable to you and note the references to further questions.
Example: A housewife with marginal part-time employment puts an "X" in both boxes. The note next to "Marginally employed part time" indicates that the person should proceed to questions 12 to 15 and answer them.

Instructions for individual groups of persons:
Gainfully employed persons: Persons over 15 years of age who do paid work at least 1 hour per week or help in a family business without being formally paid are deemed to be gainfully employed.

A person who does just voluntary work is not deemed to be gainfully employed.

Whether you have full-time, part-time or marginally part-time employment depends on how many hours a week you work on average. If you work several jobs, you should add up the total number of hours worked per week and mark the appropriate box

Answer questions 12 to 15 for this gainful employment (if several part-time positions are held, for the job involving the most working hours.)

Exceptions: Teachers with a full-time teaching position and judges put an "X" next to "gainfully employed full time" even if their work week is less than 32 hours. This is also true of workers in businesses with "short-time working" arrangements (i.e. temporarily reduced working hours).

The unemployed: Persons over 15 years of age who were previously employed and who are seeking work or an apprenticeship position are deemed to be unemployed regardless of whether or not they receive unemployment benefits. Seasonally unemployed persons (e.g. waiters who are without a job between the summer season and the winter season) are deemed to be unemployed unless they pursue other work in the intervening period (in the period around May 15) (e.g. helping out on the family farm).

Persons undergoing practical training, e.g. apprentices, trainees, unpaid interns, pupils being trained for police work and for nursing, are deemed to be fully employed.

Persons undergoing vocational retraining put an "X" next to "gainfully employed full time" if they still hold their position or if they have health insurance through the public employment services agency (AMS) but should answer the questions 12 to 15 for their previous occupation (i.e. not "Public Employment Services Agency").

Persons attending vocational or professional preparatory courses put an "X" next to "pupil or university student" and answer the question 10.1 "School currently attended" and question 15.

Persons drawing special emergency relief assistance (Sondernotstandshilfe) are not deemed to be unemployed and put an "X" next to "Other means of livelihood."

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11. You are:
General instructions: Please mark all boxes that are applicable to you and note the references to further questions. Example: A housewife with marginal part-time employment marks both boxes. The note next to "Marginally employed part-time" indicates that the person should proceed to questions 12 through 15 and answer them.

Instructions for individual groups of persons:
Gainfully employed persons: Persons over 15 years of age who do paid work at least 1 hour per week or help in a family business without being formally paid are considered to be gainfully employed.

A person who only works voluntarily is not considered to be gainfully employed.

Whether you are employed full-time, part-time or marginally part-time depends on how many hours a week you work on average. If you work several jobs, you should add up the total number of hours worked per week and mark the appropriate box.

Answer questions 12 through 15 for this gainful employment (if several part-time positions are held, answer the questions for the job involving the most working hours.)

Exceptions: Teachers with a full-time teaching position and judges mark "gainfully employed full time" even if their work week is less than 32 hours. This is also true of workers in businesses with "short-time working" arrangements (i.e. temporarily reduced working hours).

Unemployed: Persons over 15 years of age who were previously employed and who are seeking work or an [p. 91] apprenticeship position are deemed to be unemployed regardless of whether or not they receive unemployment benefits. Seasonally unemployed persons (e.g. waiters who are without a job between the summer season and winter season) are considered unemployed unless they pursue other work in the intervening period (in the period around May 15) (e.g. helping out on the family farm).
Persons undergoing practical training, (e.g. apprentices, trainees, unpaid interns, pupils being trained for police work and nursing) are considered gainfully employed.

Persons undergoing vocational retraining mark "gainfully employed full time" if they still hold their position or if they have health insurance through the public employment services agency (AMS) but should answer questions 12 through 15 for their previous occupation (i.e. not "Public Employment Services Agency")

Persons attending vocational or professional preparatory courses should mark "pupil or university student" and answer the question 10.1 "School currently attended" as well as question 15.

Persons receiving special emergency relief assistance are not considered to be unemployed and should mark "Other means of livelihood."

Question 11 must be answered by every person. Double markings are possible.

The situation in the last weeks before the census is to be considered, in cases of doubt, the situation on May 15, 2001.

Who is gainfully employed?
Anyone who works at least 1 hour per week on average is gainfully employed and answers questions 12 through 15 for this employment.

The following groups of persons are considered gainfully employed, although they often do not identify themselves as such:
Helpers in a family business (especially housewives)
Retirees with a secondary occupation
Working students
Wives of farmers with at least 1 hour per week of yard or field work
Nursing students
Contractors for work and services
Freelance employees
Members of a religious order (e.g. nuns): Questions 12 through 15 should be answered for the secular profession (e.g. Kindergarten teacher, nurse). If no secular profession is available, "Nun" or "monk" is entered for the job title in question 13.
Persons in disabled local units of employment: Questions 12 through 15 are answered for the job that is performed in this local unit of employment.

Below you will find further instructions on the specific characteristics:
Working for the home or family: This box should be marked by persons that devote their work to their own household. If these persons are also gainfully employed, they should mark the appropriate box and answer questions 12 through 15 for this occupation.

Seeking gainful employment for the first time: This box should be marked by persons that have not previously been gainfully employed and are now searching for work or an apprenticeship.

On parental or maternity leave: Questions 12 through 15 should be answered for the occupation practiced before entering parental or maternity leave.

Retirement pension from own gainful employment: This box should be marked by persons that receive their own pension.

[p. 92]

Widow or widower's pension: Persons that receive a widow or widower's pension should mark this box.

Pupil or university student: Persons that currently attend a school, university, etc. should mark this box.

Other means of livelihood: Persons that live on an orphan pension or accident benefits should also mark this box.
With this questions it is determined, who, and to what extent, is "gainfully employed" (and accordingly who must answer the further questions). The structural data about gainfully employed and commuters are among the most important results of the population census.

The numbers about gainfully employed are needed for calculating general and specific labor force participation rates and find application as a basis for different predictions.

Information about participation in working life is important for labor market analyses and international comparisons. Especially of interest are the type and scope of the gainful employment of older employees, women, youth and foreigners. Data about the extent of gainful employment in connection with information about gender, age and marital status gain increasing weight in the face of growing importance of part time work, especially for family policy and regional levels.

This question further makes it possible to divide the not gainfully employed population into the predominant source of livelihood. This differentiation is of central importance for many economic and socio-political questions, for example: the dependent children and homemakers of gainfully employed persons, the occupation of women in terms of age as well as the numerical proportion of gainfully employed and retired persons.

Austria 2011 — source variable AT2011A_EMPSTAT — Employment status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_WORK — Did person have a job or business?
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12. Did you have a job or business for profit in the period from February 8 through February 15, 1999? (for persons aged 15 and over)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[Persons working multiple jobs respond to items 13-14 on their main activity]
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Question 12. Did you have a job or business for profit in the period from 8 through 15 February 1999?
(for persons aged 15 years and over)

This question is to be put to persons aged 15 years and over.

It is necessary to make sure whether a person questioned had work or gainful business during the week from 8 to 15 February 1999 while it could be permanent, temporary, casual or other work regardless of the dates of direct payment for or profit from his/her activity. For professional soldiers it will be their service in the army.

Those having work or gainful business cover the following persons:

- persons working for wages or salaries, including commission charges or payment in-kind;
- persons temporarily absent from work by the following reasons:
- illness or injury, care for sick person;
- annual leave or weekend, compensatory leave or time-off, compensation of overtime or work on a public holyday;
- statutory maternity and child-care leave;
- unpaid or paid leave on the initiative of administration;
- rotational or other specialized mode of operation;
- other similar reasons.

- persons working for profit or fee at own enterprise (farm), even if there were no actual work or profit in the period mentioned;
- persons working in their personal subsidiary plot, engaged in production of agricultural products, flower production, fishing, hunting, etc. with the purpose of further sale of all taken and produced;
- persons engaged in purchasing goods with the purpose of further sale thereof or in distributing goods, even if the activity has not been registered.

The following activity is not considered paid work or gainful business:

- paid public work obtained from the employment service;
- agricultural works performed by students and pupils seconded by their educational institutions;
- voluntary work in hospitals, parents' committees, and similar organizations;
- work in own personal subsidiary plot aimed at production for own consumption;
- holding stocks or shares in a business if a person does not actually work in this business;
- construction or repair of own house;
- unpaid homework (housecleaning, cooking, etc. for own family).

For persons having work or gainful business is to be marked "yes" and for those not having -- "no".

Persons who answered in positive to question 12, are to be asked questions 13 and 14 of the enumeration questionnaire.

Herewith persons having more than one job (gainful business) should indicate which job (or gainful business) they consider main (where the greatest number of hours were worked, where the service record is kept, and which brings the highest income, etc.)

Persons who answered in negative to question 12, are not to be asked questions 13 and 14 of the enumeration questionnaire and a skip to question 15 is to be made.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_LOOKING — Did person look for a job?
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15. For those not having a job or business for profit, ask: Did you look for a job or try to organize your own business (for persons aged 15-65)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[If yes to question 15]
a) If you found a job, could you start working in the next 2 weeks?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

b) Are you registered with the employment agency as unemployed?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[If no to question 15] Why not?

[] 1 Have got a job and will start working in the next 2 weeks
[] 2 Have organized own business and will start activity in the near future
[] 3 Discouraged about finding a job
[] 4 Have no necessity or wish to work
[] 5 Run the house
[] 6 Other reason

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Question 15. For those not having job or gainful business specify: did you look for a job or try to organize your own business
(for persons aged 15-65)

The question is to be completed for persons aged 15-65 years (including pupils, students, and pensioners) who did not have work or any gainful business, i.e. who answered in negative to question 12 of the enumeration questionnaire.

At the same time, for persons actively looking for work or trying to organize own business, "yes" should be marked.

Specific kinds of job search include: registration with a state or commercial employment service, visiting enterprises, institutions, and organizations, consulting private employers, placing job postings and answering vacancy advertisements, recourse to friends, acquaintances, relatives; efforts to organize own business (registration of own enterprise or acquisition of patent, search for premises, land, resources, equipment, etc.).

In addition, to persons taking steps for seeking work the availability for work should be indicated.

a) if you have found a job, could you start working in the nearest 2 weeks?
"Yes" is to be marked for persons available for work during the nearest two weeks.
For persons not available for work during the two nearest weeks "no" is to be marked.

b) are you registered with the employment agency as unemployed?
The code corresponding to one of responses listed is to be marked.

For persons aged 15-65 years who are not looking for work or gainful business "no" is to be marked and, in addition, reasons are to be indicated (the code corresponding to one of responses listed is to be labeled).

"Have got a job and will start working in the nearest 2 weeks" is to be marked for those who have already found a job by 16 February 1999 and are to start it (or have already started) within the nearest two weeks following the reference week.

"Have organized own business and will start activity in the nearest future" is to be marked for persons who have completed all preparatory work for organizing own business, but have not started it yet in the reference week (have not opened a store, have not got any orders, etc.).

"Discouraged to find a job" is to be marked for persons who have stopped looking for work having used all possibilities to get it.

"Have no necessity or wish to work" may be marked for those having sufficient income from pension, shares, etc., or for those living at expense of the other household member sufficiently keeping the family.

"Keep the house" is to be marked for persons having neither work nor gainful business, but performing domestic duties for own family without payment (for example, cooking, cleaning up, laundering, care for children and other family members, etc.).

"Other reason" is to be marked for persons not looking for work by some other reason than those listed. This category may include persons having applied for a job and waiting for a reply, having participated in the contest for post and waiting for a result, those not able to work (because of age, disability, illness, etc.), those having received calling-up papers, those who are going to leave for a new place of permanent residence in the other city, country, etc.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_WHYNOT — Reason for not looking for a job
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15. For those not having a job or business for profit, ask: Did you look for a job or try to organize your own business (for persons aged 15-65)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[If yes to question 15]
a) If you found a job, could you start working in the next 2 weeks?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

b) Are you registered with the employment agency as unemployed?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

[If no to question 15] Why not?

[] 1 Have got a job and will start working in the next 2 weeks
[] 2 Have organized own business and will start activity in the near future
[] 3 Discouraged about finding a job
[] 4 Have no necessity or wish to work
[] 5 Run the house
[] 6 Other reason

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 15. For those not having job or gainful business specify: did you look for a job or try to organize your own business
(for persons aged 15-65)

The question is to be completed for persons aged 15-65 years (including pupils, students, and pensioners) who did not have work or any gainful business, i.e. who answered in negative to question 12 of the enumeration questionnaire.

At the same time, for persons actively looking for work or trying to organize own business, "yes" should be marked.

Specific kinds of job search include: registration with a state or commercial employment service, visiting enterprises, institutions, and organizations, consulting private employers, placing job postings and answering vacancy advertisements, recourse to friends, acquaintances, relatives; efforts to organize own business (registration of own enterprise or acquisition of patent, search for premises, land, resources, equipment, etc.).

In addition, to persons taking steps for seeking work the availability for work should be indicated.

a) if you have found a job, could you start working in the nearest 2 weeks?
"Yes" is to be marked for persons available for work during the nearest two weeks.
For persons not available for work during the two nearest weeks "no" is to be marked.

b) are you registered with the employment agency as unemployed?
The code corresponding to one of responses listed is to be marked.

For persons aged 15-65 years who are not looking for work or gainful business "no" is to be marked and, in addition, reasons are to be indicated (the code corresponding to one of responses listed is to be labeled).

"Have got a job and will start working in the nearest 2 weeks" is to be marked for those who have already found a job by 16 February 1999 and are to start it (or have already started) within the nearest two weeks following the reference week.

"Have organized own business and will start activity in the nearest future" is to be marked for persons who have completed all preparatory work for organizing own business, but have not started it yet in the reference week (have not opened a store, have not got any orders, etc.).

"Discouraged to find a job" is to be marked for persons who have stopped looking for work having used all possibilities to get it.

"Have no necessity or wish to work" may be marked for those having sufficient income from pension, shares, etc., or for those living at expense of the other household member sufficiently keeping the family.

"Keep the house" is to be marked for persons having neither work nor gainful business, but performing domestic duties for own family without payment (for example, cooking, cleaning up, laundering, care for children and other family members, etc.).

"Other reason" is to be marked for persons not looking for work by some other reason than those listed. This category may include persons having applied for a job and waiting for a reply, having participated in the contest for post and waiting for a result, those not able to work (because of age, disability, illness, etc.), those having received calling-up papers, those who are going to leave for a new place of permanent residence in the other city, country, etc.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_EMPLOY — Employment during the week before the census
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

17. Did you work during the last week prior to census (7-13 October 2009 of the current year)? (any paid job or income-generating activity, unpaid job in family business)

[] 1 Yes [to question 17.1]
[] 2 Temporarily did not work because of illness, paid leave, maternity leave, child care leave up to 3 years old, work on the rotational basis and other specific work type, taking extension courses and so on [to question 17.1]
[] 3 No [to question 18]
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
33.14. In question 17 "Did you work during the last week prior to the census (7-13 October of the current year)?":

The positive answer should be completed for respondents who in the period from 7 to 13 October 2009:
- worked (at least one hour) in paid employment, whether it was regular, temporary or other work;
- worked at their own account or with one or a few partners, both engaging or not any employees;
- worked without pay for relatives (other than those performing housework);
- worked at the personal subsidiary plot with the purpose of further sale of goods produced.
Employees also include respondents who were temporarily absent from work but at the same time had agreements or contracts with their employers. Reasons for temporary absence from work may be as follows:
- illness or injury;
- care for sick person;
- leave, including maternity leave and leave to care for a child under 3;
- off-the-job vocational training (vocational preparation, professional development, probation, retraining);
- rotational or other special type of work and other similar reasons.
Employees also include military servicemen, both regular and conscripts, churchmen. Pupils, students, and pensioners having gainful employment in the period from 7 to 13 October 2009 also refer to those employed.

Persons without employment include:
- contributing family workers who work (help) without pay for a related person, but in the period under review did not perform any work;
- seasonal workers whose employment contract has expired;
- persons who obtained employment (own business), but did not start it yet;
- persons without labour relationship with their employers (performed occasional works) who were not in paid employment in the period from 7 to 13 October 2009;
- those unemployed assigned by employment services for paid social works;
- persons attending full-time military colleges, military academies, postgraduate schools, and doctoral training centers;
- persons producing goods at personal subsidiary plots for own consumption;
- persons performing domestic work at home (housewives);
- persons providing voluntary unpaid services to individuals or charitable organizations, parents' committees, committees of veterans, hospitals, orphanages and homes for the elderly, etc.; those who hold shares of economic societies without direct involvement in economic activities of these societies;
persons engaged in begging, collecting bottles, waste paper, etc.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_SEEKWORK — Search for employment during the previous month
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

17. Did you work during the last week prior to census (7-13 October 2009 of the current year)? (any paid job or income-generating activity, unpaid job in family business)

[] 1 Yes [to question 17.1]
[] 2 Temporarily did not work because of illness, paid leave, maternity leave, child care leave up to 3 years old, work on the rotational basis and other specific work type, taking extension courses and so on [to question 17.1]
[] 3 No [to question 18]
If the respondent had two or more places of employment, questions 17.1-17.4 should refer to the place of employment which he/she considers the main.
[After responding to questions 17.1-17.4, skip question 18.]

18. Have you been seeking employment during the last month before the population census (from 13 September till 13 October of the current year)?

[Question 18 were asked of persons age 15+ who did not work during the last week prior to census (7-13 October 2009 of the current year), per question 17.]
[] 1 Yes
In case you find the job, would you be able to start in two weeks?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
Please indicate one main reason:
[] 1 Found employment, started own business and would do it in the nearest 2 weeks
[] 2 Found employment expecting the answer
[] 3 Expecting the start of working season
[] 4 Lost hope to find employment
[] 5 Retired
[] 6 Health status
[] 7 Study at educational institution
[] 8 Housewife, take care of children and other family members
[] 9 No need or desire to work
[] 10 Other reason ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
33.19. In question 18 "Have you been seeking employment during the last month preceding the census" (from 13 September to 13 October of the current year)?", specific steps to seek employment include:
- registration at public employment services, application to employers (companies and individual entrepreneurs);
- placing or answering newspaper advertisements;
- seeking assistance of friends or relatives;
- arranging for own business (registration of own business (company) or applying for a patent or license, looking for premises, land, equipment, etc.) and other.
If the respondent did not seek employment during a specified recent period, one of the options offered in the questionnaire is to be marked.
The answer "found employment, started own business and will be able for work in the nearest two weeks" should be completed for respondents who had found employment before October 13, 2009 and began working or were going to begin from 14 to 27 October. The same answer should also be entered for respondents who have completed all preparatory activity for arranging own business, but have not started it yet (have not opened a shop, have not got any order, etc.).

The answer "found employment and am waiting for a reply" should be completed for persons who found employment and were waiting for a reply if the waiting period did not exceed four weeks preceding the census moment, and also for those who competed for vacant posts and were waiting for a reply.

The answer "expecting to start the season" should be completed for persons mainly performing seasonal works (for example, at peat harvest or those employed to gather the harvest during the summer-and-autumn period, etc.) who were without work at the census moment and did not seek for another job, but were going to perform seasonal works in the next year.

The answer "other reason" should be completed for respondents who were not looking for a job for any reason other than those listed. For example, for respondents who received a call out notice for military service in the armed forces or those going to move for another residence (to the other city or country) and other;

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_WHYNOWK — Reason for not seeking employment
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

17. Did you work during the last week prior to census (7-13 October 2009 of the current year)? (any paid job or income-generating activity, unpaid job in family business)

[] 1 Yes [to question 17.1]
[] 2 Temporarily did not work because of illness, paid leave, maternity leave, child care leave up to 3 years old, work on the rotational basis and other specific work type, taking extension courses and so on [to question 17.1]
[] 3 No [to question 18]
If the respondent had two or more places of employment, questions 17.1-17.4 should refer to the place of employment which he/she considers the main.
[After responding to questions 17.1-17.4, skip question 18.]

18. Have you been seeking employment during the last month before the population census (from 13 September till 13 October of the current year)?

[Question 18 were asked of persons age 15+ who did not work during the last week prior to census (7-13 October 2009 of the current year), per question 17.]
[] 1 Yes
In case you find the job, would you be able to start in two weeks?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 2 No
Please indicate one main reason:
[] 1 Found employment, started own business and would do it in the nearest 2 weeks
[] 2 Found employment expecting the answer
[] 3 Expecting the start of working season
[] 4 Lost hope to find employment
[] 5 Retired
[] 6 Health status
[] 7 Study at educational institution
[] 8 Housewife, take care of children and other family members
[] 9 No need or desire to work
[] 10 Other reason ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
33.19. In question 18 "Have you been seeking employment during the last month preceding the census" (from 13 September to 13 October of the current year)?", specific steps to seek employment include:
- registration at public employment services, application to employers (companies and individual entrepreneurs);
- placing or answering newspaper advertisements;
- seeking assistance of friends or relatives;
- arranging for own business (registration of own business (company) or applying for a patent or license, looking for premises, land, equipment, etc.) and other.
If the respondent did not seek employment during a specified recent period, one of the options offered in the questionnaire is to be marked.
The answer "found employment, started own business and will be able for work in the nearest two weeks" should be completed for respondents who had found employment before October 13, 2009 and began working or were going to begin from 14 to 27 October. The same answer should also be entered for respondents who have completed all preparatory activity for arranging own business, but have not started it yet (have not opened a shop, have not got any order, etc.).

The answer "found employment and am waiting for a reply" should be completed for persons who found employment and were waiting for a reply if the waiting period did not exceed four weeks preceding the census moment, and also for those who competed for vacant posts and were waiting for a reply.

The answer "expecting to start the season" should be completed for persons mainly performing seasonal works (for example, at peat harvest or those employed to gather the harvest during the summer-and-autumn period, etc.) who were without work at the census moment and did not seek for another job, but were going to perform seasonal works in the next year.

The answer "other reason" should be completed for respondents who were not looking for a job for any reason other than those listed. For example, for respondents who received a call out notice for military service in the armed forces or those going to move for another residence (to the other city or country) and other;

Finland 2010 — source variable FI2010A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity
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[5] Employment
Employment statistics are annual statistics providing data by region on the population's economic activity and employment.

Conscientious objector
Conscientious objectors are defined as people who according to the data of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy have been doing their non-military service during the survey week.
Community service is based on the national defence obligation and also on the freedom of religion and conscience set out in the Constitution of Finland. A person liable for military service can, on serious grounds of conscience founded on religious or ethical conviction, be exempted from military service upon application, at which time he is ordered into non-military service, which is a substitute for military service in peacetime under the Finnish Conscription Act (1950/452).

Conscripts are defined as persons who according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces have been doing their military service during the last week of the year. Persons taking part in refresher courses during the reference week are not regarded as conscripts.

The employed labour force includes all persons aged 18 to 74 who were in gainful employment in the last week of the year and were not registered as unemployed job seekers in the job seeker register of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment or performing mandatory military or non-military service. Data on employment are based on the information of employment pension authorities and the tax administration.

Main type of activity
The concept of main type of activity describes the nature of a person's economic activity. The population is divided into people in the labour force and those outside the labour force. These categories can further be divided into subgroups. The classification is based on data on a person's main type of activity during the last week of the year.

The following classification is used:
Labour force

-- employed labour force
-- unemployed

Persons outside the labour force

-- 0-14-year-olds
-- students, pupils
-- pensioners
-- conscripts, conscientious objectors
-- others outside the labour force.

Information on the main type of activity is based on data obtained from various registers. Where the data conflict as to whether a person is in the labour force or outside it, priority is given to the former. If, within the labour force, the data conflict as to whether a person is unemployed or employed, priority is given to the former.
The group "others outside the labour force" consists of persons who are not in the labour force and do not belong to the following groups: 0-14-year-olds, students, conscripts, conscientous objectors or pensioners.

Pensioners comprise all persons who according to the data of the Social Insurance Institution or the Centre for Pensions receive a pension (excl. those receiving family pension or part-time pension) and are not gainfully employed. All persons over 74 are also classified as pensioners. In addition, some persons have been classified as pensioners on the basis of pension income.

Socio-economic group
The socio-economic group refers to a person's position in society. Formation of a socio-economic group for a person is based on data on the person's main type of activity, occupation, occupational status and industry. Statistics Finland's Classification of Socio-economic Groups valid at each time is used for the classification.
In the employment statistics, persons are classified according to their own activity, apart from persons aged 0 to 15 and the group "others outside the labour force" (mainly home-makers), who have been assigned the same socio-economic group as the reference person in the household. The socio-economic group of students is determined based on their own activity at the end of the year. Students over the age of 18, who have a valid employment relationship at the end of the year, are considered to belong to the employed labour force and thus they are defined as belonging to different socio-economic groups based on their occupation. However, working students under the age of 18 are classified as students (apart from students under the age of 16, who are always assigned the socio-economic group of the reference person in the household).

A student or a pupil is a person over 15 who is studying full-time in an educational institution and is neither gainfully employed nor unemployed.
When the population is classified by socio-economic status, the lower age limit is 16.
Data on studying have been obtained, among other sources, from Statistics Finland's student register. People in labour market training during the last week of the year are also counted as students. Persons aged 15 are also counted as students. Pupils aged under 15 belong to the main activity class "0-14 year-olds".
In certain examinations all persons studying in post-comprehensive educational institutes can be counted as students. Data on students have been collected according to the situation in September. However, during the last week of the year the main activity of the persons concerned may employed, unemployed or conscript.

The unemployed labour force includes all persons aged 16 to 64 who were unemployed on the last weekday of the year. Data on unemployment derive from the job seeker register of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_EMPSTAT — Type of activity
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Education and professional training

(For all persons born before January 1, 1952)
[Applies to questions 8 - 10]

Professional Activity

(For all persons born before January 1, 1948)
[Applies to questions 11 - 16]

If you are currently without work and you are looking for work, go directly to question 16.
If you are no longer working, go directly to question 17.

16. For persons who are currently without work and who are looking for work.

a. Have you ever worked?

[] yes
[] no

b. What is your profession?


c. For how long have you been seeking work?


France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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Education and professional formation (for all persons born before January 1st, 1962)
[Applies to questions 8 - 11]

8. Are you currently a student?

[] Yes (Answer question 9)
[] No (Answer questions 10 and 11)

Do not answer "yes" unless you are taking classes (including professional or technical classes) or at the university for the normal duration of the school year.
If you are apprenticed under contract, if you are not taking any classes except for some professional classes part-time, or classes by correspondence for perfecting your skills, seasonal agricultural classes, etc. answer "no".

Professional activity (for all persons born before January 1st, 1954)
[Applies to questions 12- 18]

17. If you are currently without work and if you are looking for some:

a. Have you already worked?

[] Yes
[] No

b. What is your occupation? ____
c. How long have you been looking for work?

[] 1 less than 3 months
[] 2 from 3 to 6 months
[] 3 from 6 months to less than a year
[] 4 a year or more

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 8: Students must answer "Yes".
Others must answer "No"

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_UNEMP — Unemployment duration
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Professional activity (for all persons born before January 1st, 1954)
[Applies to questions 12- 18]

17. If you are currently without work and if you are looking for some:

a. Have you already worked?

[] Yes
[] No

b. What is your occupation? ____
c. How long have you been looking for work?

[] 1 less than 3 months
[] 2 from 3 to 6 months
[] 3 from 6 months to less than a year
[] 4 a year or more

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 17: The case of the unemployed and those who are looking for work.
This question concerns all people having or having not already worked, who fulfill the following conditions simultaneously:
a) do not have a job:
b) are actively looking for work.
Do not apply to these people the label "unemployed" which is sometimes judged offensive and which has a slightly different connotation.

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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For all people 16 years of age or older
[Applies to questions 8 -18]

17. If you are currently without work and if you are looking for some:

a. For how long have you been looking for work?

[] 1 less than 3 months
[] 2 3 to less than 6 months
[] 3 6 months to less than a year
[] 4 one year or more

b. Have you already worked?

[] Yes
[] No

c. What is your career? ____

18. If you do not work anymore:

(You are, for example, retired from public service, a retired worker, retired executive, former farmer, retired from business, etc.)

What was your principal profession? ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 8 - 18 are for persons age 16 or older]

Question 17: The case of the unemployed and those who are looking for work.
This question concerns all people having or having not already worked, who fulfill the following conditions simultaneously:
a) do not have a job:
b) are actively looking for work.
Do not apply to these people the label "unemployed" which is sometimes judged offensive and which has a slightly different connotation.

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_DURUNEMP — Duration of unemployment
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For all people 16 years of age or older
[Applies to questions 8 -18]

17. If you are currently without work and if you are looking for some:

a. For how long have you been looking for work?

[] 1 less than 3 months
[] 2 3 to less than 6 months
[] 3 6 months to less than a year
[] 4 one year or more

b. Have you already worked?

[] Yes
[] No

c. What is your career? ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 8 - 18 are for persons age 16 or older]

Question 17: The case of the unemployed and those who are looking for work.
This question concerns all people having or having not already worked, who fulfill the following conditions simultaneously:
a) do not have a job:
b) are actively looking for work.
Do not apply to these people the label "unemployed" which is sometimes judged offensive and which has a slightly different connotation.

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_EMPSTAT — Type of activity
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For all persons aged 14 or older

If have practice a professional activity, answer questions 12 through 15,
Including: If you help a family member at work, even if part time
If you are an apprentice under contract or a paid intern

If you are not currently practice a professional activity or if you are unemployed: answer question 16.

16. If you do not actually practice any professional activity, or if you are unemployed:

a. Are you:

[] 1 A mother or housewife
[] 2 Retired (non age-related) from business (former shop keeper, former farmer, etc.)
If you checked box 1 or 2, indicate your previous professions: ____
[] 3 High school or college/university student
[] 4 Unemployed
[] 5 If other, please indicate: ____

b. Are you currently seeking work?

[] 1 Yes

Have you ever worked?
[] 1 Yes
[] 0 No

[] 0 No

France 1990 — source variable FR1990A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Questions 8 through 21 are only for those people 14 years old or more

If you work, go to the back of the page (questions 12 to 21)

If you are on sick leave or maternity leave
If you help a member of your family in his or her work without pay
If you are apprenticed under contract, a paid intern (TUC, SIVP..), etc.

If you do not work (or do not work anymore), answer questions 9-11

9. Are you?

[] 1 High school student, university student, volunteer intern
[] 2 Unemployed (enrolled or not with the ANPE [Agence nationale pour l'emploi - National agency for unemployment])
[] 3 Retired (formerly paid) or retired early
[] 4 Retired from business (former farmer, former artist, former merchant)
[] 5 Housewife
[] 6 Other (not active at this time) (including people not receiving anything but a reversion benefit)

Questions 19 to 21 are only addressed to people who are paid and to paid interns

19. If you are in one of the following situations, check the box which best describes your situation:

[] 1 Apprenticed under contract
[] 2 Practicing beneficial community work (TUC [Travail d'utilité collective], etc.)
[] 3 Under a Contrat d'adaptation (contract for young people ages 16 to 25 who needed additional education in order to quickly get a job; replaced November 2004 by the Contrat de professionalisation ) or Contrat de qualification (same contract, but for people 26 years of age or older)
[] 4 Intern (mainly in a business: SIVP [Stage d'Insertion à la vie professionnelle - Internship of integration into professional life], etc.)
[] 5 Intern (mainly in an educational center: FPA [Formation Professionnelle Accélérée - Accelerated Professional Education], etc.)
[] 6 Placed by an interim agency
[] 7 Under work contract for a determined duration

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_EMPSTAT — Type of employment activity
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Questions 9 through 24 are only addressed to people 14 years old or more
[Questions 9-24 were asked only of persons 14 years or older.]

11. What is your situation?

You work
[] 1 Check the box and continue to the back of the page (questions 15 to 24) including if you are on sick leave or maternity leave, if you help a member of your family in his/her work or if you are apprenticed under contract, or a salaried intern. [skip to question 15]
You don't work (or no longer work)
[] 2 Check the box and answer questions 12 to 14

[Questions 12-14 were asked of persons who do not work per question 11.]

12. Are you a _?

[] 1 University student (university, IUT, teacher-training school, etc.)
[] 2 Student (middle school, high school)
[] 3 Unpaid intern
[] 4 Unemployed (registered or not with the ANPE)
[] 5 Early retirement
[] 6 Former employee
[] 7 Former independent worker (farmer, artisan, businessman, etc.)
[] 8 Other (woman or man working from home, person receiving only a surviving spouse's benefit, disability retirement, etc.)

14. Have you worked before?

[] 1 Yes

What was your main profession? ______

[] 2 No

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_OCCTY — Socio-professional category
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Questions 9 through 24 are only addressed to people 14 years old or more
[Questions 9-24 were asked only of persons 14 years or older.]

11. What is your situation?

You work
[] 1 Check the box and continue to the back of the page (questions 15 to 24) including if you are on sick leave or maternity leave, if you help a member of your family in his/her work or if you are apprenticed under contract, or a salaried intern. [skip to question 15]
You don't work (or no longer work)
[] 2 Check the box and answer questions 12 to 14

[Questions 15-21 were asked of persons who work per question 11.]

15. Profession currently practiced ____

Be specific (ex. robotics maintenance electrician, insurance accountant, chemical technician, etc.)
If you are an agent of public services for the state or cities (including HLMs, public hospitals), specify your rank (organization, category) ____

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_ACTIVTY — Type of activity
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[6. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons age 14 or older.]

10. What is your principal status?

Check off only one box.

[] 1 Employment (paid employee or working for self, including helping a person with his/her work). Check here and then go to Question 17.
[] 2 Contract apprenticeship or paid internship. Check here and then go to Question 17.
[] 3 Studies (student) or unpaid internship
[] 4 Unemployed (whether enrolled or not with the National Employment Agency)
[] 5 Retired or early retirement
[] 6 Housewife or househusband
[] 7 Other status

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_SOCIO24 — Socio-professional category (2-digit)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

[6. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons age 14 or older.]

[12. If you are not currently working answer questions 13-16]

13. Have you ever worked?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No, check here and then go to Question 16.

15. What is your principal profession?__________

[17. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons who are currently working. If you have several jobs, only describe your principal job in questions 18-30]

25. If you are not a paid employee, what is your profession?

Be specific. For example, "Florist" rather than "Retailer"


28. In your job, are you a/an:

[] 1 Unskilled worker, a semi-skilled worker
[] 2 Skilled or highly skilled worker, workshop technician [technician d'atelier]
[] 3 Technician/engineer (non-executive)
[] 4 Category B civil service employee
[] 5 Supervisor, commercial or administrative supervisor, salesperson
[] 6 Category A civil service employee
[] 7 Engineer, executive
[] 8 Category C or D civil service employee
[] 9 Employee (for example: in an office, salespeople/clerks, in a restaurant or house)

29. What is your principal profession?

Be specific. For example: "Cashier" and not "Employee", "Head of client services" and not "Executive". If you are a state, territorial or hospital civil service employee, indicate your rank (unit, category, etc.)


France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Individual form

6) The following portion of the questionnaire is for individuals age 14 or older.

10) What is your primary occupation?
Only tick one space

[ ] 1 Job (employee or self-employed, including helping someone in his/her work)
Tick then skip to 17
[ ] 2 Apprenticeship under contract or paid internship
Tick then skip to 17
[ ] 3 Studies (pupil, student) or unpaid internship
[ ] 4 Unemployed (whether registered or not at the unemployment center)
[ ] 5 Retired or pre-retired (formerly employed or formerly independent)
[ ] 6 Homemaker
[ ] 7 Other circumstances

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_ECON — Economically active

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_UNEMP — Unemployed / seeking work
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11. Are you:
[] Economically active
[] Farmer
[] Unpaid family worker
[] Unemployed/looking for work
[] Not economically active
[] Housewife
[] Regular soldier

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_EMPSTAT — Employment indicator
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Question 7: Are you economically active, unemployed?
Persons who are part of an employment/service relationship, pursue an independent trade, practice a liberal profession, or work as family workers are considered economically active. Persons participating in programs aimed at further education, retraining/reeducation and rehabilitation and are in possession of a work contract should also mark "economically active". Services performed on an honorary basis are not considered an economic activity.

"Economically active up to 36 hours per week" should also be marked if work is performed by the hour, half days or on certain days of the week only.

Unemployed persons who are earning some money on the side should mark "economically active up to 36 hours per week" in addition to "unemployed, looking for work."

Juveniles in their first year of vocational training who do not have a contract of employment/training should mark both "not economically active" and "pupil, student".

7. Are you:

Several answers are possible

[] Economically active (1) full-time (over 36 hours (2) per week)
[] Economically active (1) part-time (up to 36 hours (2) per week)
[] Unemployed, looking for work
[] Not economically active
[] Housewife, "houseman"
[] Pupil, student

(1) = Also farmer, family worker, apprentice, soldier, person doing civilian alternative service
(2) = Based on the number of hours normally worked during a week

Greece 1971 — source variable GR1971A_EMPSTAT — Employment status previous week
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The following questions 13-24 should only be completed for persons born in 1960 or earlier.

The following questions (13-16) refer to the person's usual occupation during the last twelve months (March 1970-February 1971).

15. What was his/her occupational status in the establishment, farm, enterprise, or service where he/she was working?

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Self-employed
[] 3 Assistant in the family business
[] 4 Employee or wage-earner

16. If he/she is not usually working, what is the reason?
[] 1 Pupil
[] 2 Student
[] 3 Household activities
[] 4 Sickness or disability
[] 5 Conscript
[] 6 Other reason

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions 13-16, Usual occupation during the last twelve months (March 1970-February 1971)

148. Questions 13-24 should only be completed only for persons of age 10 and more.

[Omitted, definitions and instructions]

149. An individual is to be considered as working at if he has a job that provides his and the household's livelihood. That is, that the individual is working in order to profit, or for pay (salary, a day's wages, contract work) or assist in the family business even without pay apart from his livelihood as a member of the family.

150. Working individuals may be distinguished in two categories: Those that are always working at the same job and those that that are working in various jobs.

151. Usual occupation is the work that the individual is specialized or is working for the most part of the year. E.g. tailor, shoe-maker, builder, miner, loader, tobacco worker, land worker etc.

Question 15, Occupational status

167. Employer is considered the owner of an establishment (either by himself or with partners) and is employing salaried or wage earning staff.

168. Self-employed is the one that does not employ salaried or wage earning staff apart maybe a member of his family without pay.

169. Assistant in the family business is the family member working in the family business without pay, except his livelihood.

170. Employee or wage earner is the person who for his work is having a salary or a day's wage or by contract.

The employee or wage earner that works on contract but has the materials is considered as employer (if he employs staff) or self-employed (if not employing staff).

Employee is considered as well the one working for percentages on sales but the one working for percentages on profit is considered as businessman.

[p. 49]

Question 16, Reason for not working [omitted]

Greece 1981 — source variable GR1981A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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The following questions should be answered only by persons born in 1970 or earlier.

Occupation [Questions 11 to 14]

11. What is his/her main activity? Specify working even if the person is only working seasonally for money or pay or if the person is assisting in the family business or farm without pay. Specify job seeking if persons are looking for work, regardless of whether they were dismissed from their work, or the business closed, or they are seeking their first job. If they do not work and are not seeking work, then, then specify: Are they engaged in household activities in their own home? Is the person a pupil or student? Is he a conscript? Etc. Put an X next to only one answer.

[] 1 Working
[] 2 Job seeker
[] 3 Household activities
[] 4 Pupil or student
[] 5 Conscript
___ [] 6 Other (Indicate)

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Questions 10-15 should only be completed for persons born in 1970 or before

[Omitted, question 11 as in the form]

178. The enumerated is to be considered (by the Enumerator) as working at the day of the census taking if he has a job that provides his or/and the household's livelihood. That is, that the individual is working in order to:

-profit, as in case of a businessman
-pay, i.e. salary, a day's wages, contract work etc.
or finally,
-assist in the family business or agricultural land without pay (apart from his livelihood).

179. The respondent's work during the census taking may be seasonal so that he may be not working that certain period as in the case of a farmer whose work covers a period of 8 months or a manager of a hotel that is closed during the winter months. [p. 58] These individuals are to be considered as working although due to the nature of their jobs were not working at the time of the census taking.

180. As working are to be considered all individuals having a job as was defined in paragraph 178 but during the census taking were not working due to leave, sickness, accident, weather conditions, strike etc. or just started working (employed a few days before the census taking).

181. The individual assisting in the family business without pay (salary or day's wages) is to be considered as working if he is systematically working i.e. daily (except bank holidays) and at least of 1/3 of the business's usual operating time. If the member of the family is working on the agricultural land in order to be considered as working he will have to be working full time for a period of more than three months per year or more than 90 days of work a year.

But the member of the family working in the family or agricultural land occasionally and for less time that the before mentioned is not to be considered as working and on occasion that is active in the household (household activities).

182. Individuals which even the day before the census taking stopped or lost their work e.g. someone who on Friday the 13th March 1981 got his pension or were dismissed from the shop he were working are not to be considered as working.

Finally, those serving in the Army either as conscripts (draftees) or reserves are to be considered as conscripts and not working even if they were working before their conscription and are to go back when dismissed.

In contrast, all permanent personnel of the armed forces either officers or non-commissioned officers or soldiers are considered as working.

[p. 59]

183. The enumerated is to be considered as job seeker (by the Enumerator) if during the census taking is not working and is seeking work, i.e. taking initiatives towards that end.

In this category are included:
a) Individuals that lost their work for any reason (such as an individual who was dismissed or left his work because the working conditions were unprofitable or unhealthy, or his business was closed etc.) and are seeking work.
b) Individuals seeking work for the first time e.g. having just finished school, or their studies or professional training and are seeking work for the first time.

184. In the cases of job seekers the enumerator apart from the fact that they are not working has to find out that they are not only intended to seek work but are making certain efforts to do so and specially for the individuals of case (b).

185. If the respondent is not working or seeking work (as defined before) on the day of the census taking then will be considered as:
Household activities, as in the case of a housewife
pupil or student if he is mainly studying
conscript serving as conscript or reserve
or finally,
as belonging to any other case when is not working at all or seeking work and has to clarify in this case whether e.g. his main source of likelihood is capital income, or has stopped working due to age, health or any other reasons.

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_EMPSTAT — Occupation during the previous week
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The following questions should only be completed for persons born in 1980 or earlier.

15. What was he/she doing during the previous week (March 10-16)?

-Every person who worked for even one hour during the previous week, either for pay or without pay in the family business, should answer "working." The same applies to persons who had a job from which they were temporarily absent during the specified week. This includes those who had a job (either as an employee or as a self-employed person) and those who normally work in the family business without pay but who did not work at all during the previous week, due to a temporary reason such as sickness, leave of absence, poor weather conditions, or an absence of seasonal work (e.g., for a farmer).
-Every person who was seeking work during the previous week and who was ready to accept work that was offered should answer "looking for work." This is true regardless of whether persons were seeking work because they had been dismissed or they had finished a job or the business where they worked had closed or they were looking for a first job.
-Keeping house, student, etc.: People not in the labor force during the previous week (i.e., neither working nor temporarily absent from a job, as in answer 1, nor looking for work, as in answer 2) should specify their main non-labor force activity, selecting one of the answers numbered 3-7. Every person who is mainly occupied in keeping house or who is primarily a pupil or student or conscript or pensioner (answers 3-6) and who also worked during the previous week, even for one hour, should give one of the answers 3, 4, 5 or 6 as well as 1, i.e., "working." (In such cases, two answers are admissible.)

[] 1 Working
[] 2 Looking for work
[] 3 Keeping house
[] 4 Pupil or student
[] 5 Conscript
[] 6 Pensioner
[] 7 Other ___ (specify)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
The following questions (12-25) were answered only by individuals born in 1980 or before.

12. Level of education
[As in the form, omitted]

[As in the form, omitted]

The question was clear and without problems. In the case of graduates of a foreign educational institution the code of the respective Greek educational institution was checked.

15. What was his/her occupation during the previous week (10-16 March)?
Working- [as in the form, omitted]
Individuals which left or lost their job even one day before the census taking were not considered as working.

Job seeker [as in the form, omitted]
Individuals that were ready to take offered jobs and that during the last four (4) weeks took initiatives towards finding work (applying in companies, registering in the OAED, participating in competitions, answering or placing adds, asking for the help of friends and relations etc.).

Individuals who did not work but were available and had agreed to work at a future date from the reference period were considered as seeking work as well as the individuals that were available and were trying to seek work.

If the individual did not give any of these two answers (working, seeking work) the cases 3-7, economically non active, were checked. [As in the form, omitted]

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_EMPSTAT — Employment status last week
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Questions 15-26 below should only be completed for persons born in 1990 or earlier

16. What was your main activity during the previous week (11-17 March)?
If the person worked for even one hour, check no. 1 ("Working"). Give only one answer.

[] 1 Working
[] 2 Looking for work
[] 3 Looking for first job
[] 4 Pupil or student
[] 5 Pensioner
[] 6 Person of independent means
[] 7 Keeping house
[] 8 Conscript
[] 9 Other case ___ (indicate)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 16: Working is any person that was working during the week prior to the census (12-17 March, 2001) even for one hour only, for money or without payment in the family business. The same answer applies also to persons who were absent from work because of illness, leave etc. Persons that started to work recently are considered as working, but not those who stopped working recently and have no intention of working in the future.

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_EMPSTAT — Employment status during last week
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13. What was your main occupation during the previous week (May 3- 9, 2011)?

If the person has worked even for one hour, check box number 1.

Give only one answer.

[] 1 Working
[] Public Sector
[] Broader Public Sector
[] Private Sector
[] 2 Job seeker
[] 3 First time job seeker
[] 4 Pupil or student
[] 5 Pensioner
[] 6 Person of independent means
[] 7 Housekeeping
[] 8 Conscript
[] 9 Other case (state) ____
[For persons who checked numbers 3-9, skip to question 20.]
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Question 13 "Main occupation during the week of 3-9 of May 2011"
Caution: this question has to be answered by all individuals. Persons aged 5- would answer "Other case".
With this question we want to know the main occupation of the individual during the week of 3-9 May, particularly if he/she was working, if he/she requested for work, if he/she sought work for the first time or if he/she was not economically active, i.e. if he/she was a pupil or student, if engaged in household, whether they were retired, earner, etc. militant.
Working: In general, an individual aged 10+ is considered as working when with his work provides on the whole or part for his livelihood or/and his household, i.e. he is working for profit or pay in money or in kind (salary, a day's wages, contract work etc.) or assist in the family business even without pay but the expenses for his livelihood as a family member.
Individuals that work during the week 3-9 of May for at least for an hour they are to be considered as working.
Also, as working are to be considered the individuals having a place of work (dependent or self-employed) that did not work at all during the week 3-9 of May due to sickness, leave, strike, weather conditions, seasonal work (e.g. farmers) or any other temporal reason. These individuals as well as pupils, students, pensioners that work for at least an hour during the reference week are to be recorded as case 1.
The individuals answering working during the week 3-9 of May (case 1 of question 13) they would have to answer in the same question whether they are working in the 'Public sector", "Broader public sector" or "Private sector".
Public sector includes:

- The office of the Greek Presidency
- Ministries
- Decentralized departments
- Independent authorities
Broader public sector includes:

- Local councils (Regional departments, municipalities and their institutions, i.e. KAPI [centres for the aged], KEP [centres for providing services to the general public], nurseries etc.
- Social security organizations (their institutions, hospitals)
- Institutes of Public sector
- Institutes of Private sector of public character intended for purposes of welfare
- Public businesses and organizations.
Private sector includes all businesses not belonging to the Public or Broader public sector.
Job seeker: will be recorded for the individual who during the week 3-9 May was seeking work because he was dismissed or finished his work or the business was closed etc. and was ready to take an offered job.
For an individual to be considered as job seeker during the before mentioned week, he should:

- Be aged 10+, had not worked at all, did not have a job from which he was temporarily absent during this week.
- Was seeking work during the week 3-9 May and was actively seeking work during the last 4 weeks, e.g. registered in a public or private employment office, participated in competitions for employment in a public service awaiting the results, inserted add in newspapers and periodicals, replied to newspapers' and periodicals' adds, contacted in person an employer etc.
- Is able to undertake work immediately (within 2 weeks) if offered.

Case 3 of the question "seeking work for the first time" is to be answered by every individual aged 10+ who had never worked in the past and was seeking work for the first time, because e.g. completed his military service, or finished his studies etc. In cases 2 and 3 of the question, it should be investigated whether the declaration of the enumerated individual that he is seeking work is not a simple intention but efforts towards finding work with certain actions taken.
[p. 25]
If the individual was not economically active during the week 3-9 May, an answer is required for cases 4 to 9 [omitted, labels as in the form]. We clarify that in case 5, "Pensioner", includes only those that had worked in the past and they are now receiving pension. Those receiving someone else's pension or welfare benefits are not to be included.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity
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14. Do you work, are you economically active?
Those working while getting a pension by own right or a child care allowance must underline "no".

[] Yes
[] No, because:

[] 20 You get a child care fee
[] 21 You get a child care allowance
[] 30 You are an old-age pensioner by own right
[] 31 You are a disability pensioner by own right
[] 32 You are a disability or other rentier by own right
[] 33 You are a pensioner, rentier by widow's right
[] 40 You want to get a job the first time
[] 50 You are unemployed looking for a job
[] 60 You are a child attending a crèche
[] 61 You are a child attending a kindergarten
[] 70 You are a pupil of primary school
[] 71 You are an apprentice
[] 72 You are a pupil of secondary vocational school
[] 73 You are a pupil of secondary school
[] 74 You are a student of college, university
[] 80 Other dependent
[] You don't belong to the above groups; Specify: _____

E.g. you entered into a contract relating to support for life or life annuity; you get a social allowance; you are a bed-tenant; you make your living by having a bed-tenant.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
14. Work performance, work for material compensation (active earner)

The persons having been worked for wage, enumeration in the last week of 1989 are regarded as active earners. The category does not include those who worked besides receiving child care allowance or pension on own right. The following people belong to the group:

-- Employees, outside workers working for companies, institutions, public offices, co-operatives, business association formed by private persons;

-- Working members of agricultural, special, industrial and handicraft co-operatives;

-- Private entrepreneurs;

-- Family helper in non agricultural activities.

Irrespective the factual working activity in the last week of 1989, i.e. persons might have been absent from the work due to being on winter holidays, maternity or other unpaid holidays, illness, participating on a training course, etc.

The following persons are regarded also as active earners:

-- Persons living in the course of 1989 of work performed as causal hand (including the agricultural day-laborers);

-- Persons having performed in 1989 at least 90 (10 hours) days agricultural work as family helper (with the exemption of the same agricultural performance of the students on daily course, the persons receiving childcare allowance or pension on own right);
[p. 12]
-- Conscripts and reservist on duty provided they were active earners before the enrolment;

-- The imprisoned persons provided they were active earners before the enrolment;

-- Persons receiving invalidity pension or pension on derivative right while working actively;

-- Old age pensioners working without receiving their pension.

In case of the above persons, the answer is "yes (10)".

In case the persons can not be classified as active earner after underlining the answer "no", it should be indicated which category the given person belongs to. The answer will be marked by taking into account the following:

-- The person is on "childcare allowance leave (20)" if when taking care of the child the given person is on unpaid holidays, and till the 2nd year the child is entitled to get an allowance from the state in a defined percentage of the salary before the unpaid leave.

-- The person is on "childcare contribution (30)" if taking care of a child from 2 to 3 years of age the persons is on unpaid holidays and receives a cash contribution to the upbringing of the child. The status in case of a child with acute illness, can be prolonged till the 6th year of age. The person on childcare contribution leave -- within certain limits -- is entitled to work for cash compensation.

-- "Old age pensioner on own right (30)" , "invalidity pensioner on own right (31)" and "invalidity or other renter on own right (32)" is the person who is receiving old-age pension, invalidity pension or invalidity or other rent on own right and does not perform any working activity for compensation>

-- "Pensioner on derivative (widow's) right (33)" is the person receiving a pension on the right of the deceased spouse or other relative and he/she is not a student on day course of an educational institution and neither has a working contract, is nor working member of a co-operative or private entrepreneur.

-- The person is qualified as "never worked, looking for first job (40)" if a person, after concluding his studies is not working yet nevertheless is actively looking for an employment (e.g. contacted the labor office, placed an advertisement, have asked the help of friends to find the job, etc.).

-- The person is "unemployed looking for a job (50)" if he/she has been working before but at the date of the enumeration does not have a workplace and has already taken the steps for finding a new job.

-- The answers to questions "child in nursery (60)" and child in kindergarten (61)" are self-evident.

One of the following answers will be underlined if the person is not working for money, is not conducting his studies while receiving childcare allowance or childcare contribution but is studying on the daily course or private pupil in a

-- "General, primary school (70)";

-- "Trainee (71)";

-- "Student in a special institution of secondary level (72)";

-- "Secondary school student (73)";

-- "University (higher educational institution's) student (74)".

To ensure the unequivocal classification it should be mentioned that the pupils attending the school of the mentally handicapped are regarded as pupils in general (primary) schools, the persons studying in schools for stenographers/shorthand writers and medical assistants are regarded as secondary school attendants while those visiting the so called "special vocational schools" are regarded as trainees. The trainees attending the third grade of the special vocational school and already receiving some compensation for their work will be regarded as students. Similarly the persons studying in a high level educational institution university while receiving a bursary or performing some (usually causal) work for compensation will be regarded as students as well.

[p. 13]

The answer is "other dependent (80)" in case of children under 14 years of age not attending the day nursery or kindergarten, and in case of a person aged 15 years and over working as a housewife or family helper in agriculture performing in 1989 less than 90 days. The persons not belonging to the categories listed above and who do not have any regular income or social benefit practically maintained by the members of the family, etc. are classified into this group too. Furthermore the category includes the conscripts and the imprisoned persons not having been worked before their enrolment.

If the answer is "persons not belonging to any other category listed (90)" the source of livelihood should be always entered at the dotted line at the answer. The entry might be: living of letting their land, house, holiday house, etc., of having subtenants, night-lodgers, of selling their property, of having a life annuity contract, etc.

The base rules of answering the questions from 15 to 19 are as follows:

Question 14:

-- Persons answering "yes (10)" will give information on their main occupation.

-- Persons being on child-care leave answering "no (20)" should give should give information on their main occupation before the leave. Each person other than before should not give an answer to questions form 15 to 19.

Questions from 16 to 19:

-- Professional and civilian members of the armed forces and security bodies will not answer question 19/a.

-- Private entrepreneurs should not answer questions 17 and 19/a.

-- Family helpers should not answer questions 17, 18 and 19/a.

-- Causal workers and agricultural day laborers will skip questions from 16 to 19.

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity
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13. What is your source of livelihood?
Please mark at most three answers
[] 10 Work, activity providing income
[] 11 Regular or reserve military service
[] 20 Child care allowance
[] 21 Child care fee
[] 30 Old age pension on own right
[] 31 Disability or accident pension
[] 40 Pension or benefit of relative's right
[] 50 Unemployment benefit
[] 51 Welfare assistance for unemployed
[] 60 Other regular benefit, aid
[] 70 From own asset and other resource
[] 80 Dependent by private person
[] 81 Dependent by public institution

13. Please mark three boxes maximum which relate to a contribution to your livelihood. If you have regular income from work (e.g. you are employed) or you worked at least one hour during the week preceding the enumeration please mark the box code 10. All activities providing income (salary, fee, etc. or compensation in kind) apply here.

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Question 13: What provides your livelihood?

The enumerator should prepare himself/herself that in enumerating the sources of livelihood an increased mistrust might be felt. In case of questioning the income, revenue of the people the reservation is even stronger if the profit earning activity is not or not fully in compliance with the legislation (e.g. business activity without license, working for enumeration besides receiving unemployment benefit, etc.). Therefore it is very important that the enumerator creates a proper ambiance for conducting the questioning.

The enumerator should let it understand that the enumeration is not intended to enumerate the revenues, and especially not the amount, the size of those. The enumeration of the sources of livelihood will be used only for
Classification of the population according to the types of their source of livelihood and
Having a proper description of the unemployment in the country.

The answer to the question should refer to the week preceding the reference date of the census.

The imprisoned persons are the only exemptions; in their case the answer should refer to the situation preceding their arrest, imprisonment.

In recording the sources of livelihood it is inevitable to define all the factors contributing to the sources of livelihood of the individuals. Therefore a single answer can be marked only in case the enumerated person has only one source of livelihood; in case of multiple sources of livelihood, it is not sufficient to mark only the main source. In the case of a pensioner who worked (had a working contract) on the week preceding the reference date of the census, both sources, i.e. the pension and the work will be recorded. Not more than three sources of livelihood can be marked.

It is most important that in the case of the persons receiving compensation for work, the source of livelihood is indicated.

Income generating work is every activity -- including civil services, work performed as family helper, participation in activities of public utility, the causal, odd works -- which is compensated in cash (wage, salary) or in kind. In answering the question it is indifferent if the compensation had been or had not been already paid. While answering the question the legal frames of the work performance -- i.e. performed as employee or private entrepreneur, with or without a working contract, registered or not registered by the social insurance, with or without the working license -- are indifferent.

The following activities are not regarded as income generating work: voluntary, unpaid work (charity, etc.) for any other household, institution; construction, repair, maintenance of the house in the person's property; works performed in the household, including the works in the garden (unless the aim is to sell the products).

The employed persons -- elected or contracted civil servants, judges, prosecutors, working members of co-operatives, persons having a working contract, private entrepreneurs will be regarded people performing income generating work even if due to different reasons (illness, paid or unpaid holidays, temporary standstill of production, etc.) on the week preceding the reference date of the census did not work. The so called "childcare leave" -- which is guaranteed by the social security and the given person receives a cash compensation -- on the other hand must not be regarded as income generating activity. The persons being on childcare leave can be marked as working for income only if while receiving the childcare allowance they also perform additional paid work.

The entry is "conscript, reservist on duty" in case of persons who by allegiance serve the allotted military service as enrolled civilians or reservists on duty. The service might mean the base training, continuing drill, exercise, special service, service with or without weapons, etc. Persons not accepting the military service based on conscience are obliged to perform civilian service, which is equivalent with the enrolment into the army. Nevertheless the civilian service from the point of view of the given question will be regarded as the other civilian works that is the civilian service will be marked as income generating activity.

The parent, foster parent having a young child in the family is entitled to receive childcare allowance. The social security is paying the childcare allowance generally till the forth year of age of the newborn child nevertheless in case the child has definite deficiencies in body or mentally it is possible to prolong the payment till the age of 15th year.

Allowance for upbringing a child (gyet) is paid to the parent, foster parent in case there are at least three children and the youngest one is below the age of 9 years.

The pension, rent on own right is a regular income paid to the person on the base of his/her working activity after reaching the defined age

The pension on own right might be:
Old-age (full or partial) pension (the category includes the miner's pension, the old-age pension of some artists, the old-age pension granted by the Fund of the Hungarian Artists as well as the so called service pension),
Advanced old-age pension
The reduced advanced old age pension which is granted in case the given person acquired the right for getting the pension on the base of a reduced service period. The answer is the same in case of the pensioners of the agricultural co-operatives.

Provided the persons receives a pension on own right and pension on derivative (widow's) right too the answer is "pension, rent on own right".

Disability pension is paid to the persons who are not entitled (by their age or years of service) to get the old-age pension but due to their disability caused by an accident are not able to work. The regular subsidies paid for persons with disabilities (allowance for invalids, payments to blind people, transport/traffic contribution paid to persons disabled in body, allowances for health problems, rents for agricultural invalids) are also marked here.

The answer "pensioner on derivative right" is marked in case the persons receives pension not on his own right but based on the social security contract of his close deceased relative (spouse, parent). The payment might permanent or temporary widow's pension, support to orphans, parent's pension on the right of the child, disability pension on the right of the spouse.

Unemployment benefit or support to unemployed is payable only to persons under the retirement age. The support to unemployed is paid by the local self-government to the unemployed persons not having regular work and not receiving unemployment benefit.

In each of the cases not listed above (family allowance, bourse, subsidies for students, child protection grant, fees for nursing, etc.), the answer is "receiving other assistance, support".

The answer is "living on his property, income of other sources" if the person has an income upon a life annuity contract, from interest on deposited money, from dividends, etc.

Provided the person does not have a regular personal income his livelihood is secured by a supporter. Always should be defined whether who is the supporter of the given person. In case the supporter is one of the parents, member of the household or other relative, the answer is "supported by a private person", while in case the supporter is an organization, institution, foundation, etc., the answer is "supported by public".

The answer must be marked in case of children younger than 16 years of age, not working (due to studies, illness) children over 16 years of age and the housewife. Children under state care are regarded as institutional dependents; the same category is valid for the people living of casual grants, donations, charity benefits.

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_EMPSTAT — Current activity status
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Personal questionnaire

IV. Occupation, workplace and transport

22. Mark which of the following groups you belong to.

If you belong to more than one group (e.g. you work while receiving a pension), please mark all of them.
[] 1 Working (employee, entrepreneur, helping family member, casual worker, primary producer, member of a cooperative
[] 2 Jobless, job seeker
[] 3 Old age pension and retirement provision recipient on own right
[] 4 Disability pensioner and accident annuity beneficiary on own right, survivors (widows/widowers, parent), pension and retirement provision recipient)
[] 5 Child care benefit (child care allowance, child care fee, child care support) recipient
[] 6 Nursing allowance recipient
[] 7 Child attending infant nursery or kindergarten, student, student of a tertiary education institution
[] 8 0-15 years old child not attending infant nursery, kindergarten or school living on own assert or on real estate leasing
[] 9 Housewife
[] 10 Social support recipient
[] 11 Other, specify____
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IV. Occupation, workplace and transport

22. Mark which of the following groups you belong to.
More than one answer can be marked for this question (e.g. in case of working beside studying or pension, child-care allowance etc. working and studying, pension, child-care allowance also has to be marked.) In case the respondent cannot be classified into any category, write in the respondent's answer about himself/herself in the white box next to other.

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_CLASSWK — Class of worker, employment status
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[Questions 14-18 are be completed for each person aged 14 years or older]

15. Employment status_____

If usually working for payment or profit, state whether "Employee", "Assisting relative", "Self employed", "Employs others" or "Self employed, without employees". If at present out of work, write "Out of work".

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The Enumerator should check that, within his knowledge, there is no inconsistency between the answers in this column and those given in Columns 4, 14 and 16.

Questions 14, 15 and 16 are the most difficult and require the most careful scrutiny. Question 14 should be answered for all persons aged 14 years or over, while questions 15 and 16 should be answered for persons who have a job or who are out of work.

Question 15 - Employment status.
This question should be answered for persons aged 14 years or over with a job or who are out of work. Note that the term "Employee" should be used for a person receiving a fixed wage or salary, even if he is assisting a relative. If, however, he is assisting a relative without receiving a fixed wage or salary he should be described as "Assisting relative". Members of religious orders should be described as "Employees". Persons without any paid employees, even though assisted by relatives who are not receiving fixed wages, should be described as "self employed without employees". Persons in partnership in a firm not having paid employees should be described as "self employed, without employees", while persons in partnership in a firm having paid employees should be described as "self employed, employs others". Persons employed to manage commercial concerns should be described as "Employee".

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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Q.15 Present status
Indicate, by inserting check mark in the appropriate box, the person's present principal status. Self-employed persons should insert check mark in Box 1. Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc., should insert check mark in Box 1.

[] 1 At work
[] 2 Seeking regular work for first time
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 At school, student
[] 5 Home (i.e. domestic) duties
[] 6 Retired
[] 7 Unable to work owing to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other (specify ______)

Question 15: Present status

(i) Self-employed persons should insert [the check mark in] in Box 1.
(ii) Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc., should insert [the check mark in] in Box 1.
(iii) Apprentices who are in employment and who also attend technical schools or colleges of technology should insert the [check mark in] in Box 1.
(iv) Full-time students who are in part-time employment should insert the [check mark in] in Box 4.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Q.15 to Q.19:
The Questions on the person's position in regard to employment (Questions 15-19) are the most difficult to check and require the most careful study. These Questions should be answered for each persons aged 15 years and over. (i.e. born on or before 5 April, 1966). Answers in respect of persons aged under 15 should be ignored.

Q.15: Present status
Note that it is the persons principal status that is required and only one of the listed categories should be ticked. A persons who is mainly engaged as an assisting relative on a farm, in a shop or in any other commercial enterprise, should be regarded as "at work" even if he or she receives no payment or no regular payment. A member of a religious body (other than a member who is retired or permanently unable to work owing to illness, etc.) should be regarded as "at work" even if he or she receives no payment.

A housewife however who assists in the family business, but is mainly engaged on housework should be entered as on "home (or domestic) duties".

If category 8 is ticked, the precise status should be described in the space provided.

Ireland 1986 — source variable IE1986A_EMPSTAT — Present status
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[Questions 15-22 relate to persons aged 15 years or over]

Q.15 Present status

Indicate by inserting a check mark in the appropriate box, the person's present principal status. Self-employed persons should insert check mark in box 1. Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc. should insert a check mark in box 1.

[] 1 At work
[] 2 Seeking regular work for first time
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 At school, student
[] 5 Home (i.e. domestic) duties
[] 6 Retired
[] 7 Unable to work owing to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other (specify ____)

Question 15: Present status

(i) Self-employed persons should insert [a check mark in] Box 1.
(ii) Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc., should insert [a check mark in] in Box 1.
(iii) Apprentices who are in employment and also attend technical schools or colleges of technology should insert [a check mark in] in Box 1.
(iv) Full-time students who are in part-time employment should insert [a check mark in] in Box 4.
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Q.15 to Q.20:
The questions on the person's position in regard to employment (questions 15-20) are the most difficult to check and require the most careful study. These Questions should be answered for each person aged 15 years and over (i.e., born on or before 13 April, 1971). For persons younger than 15, these questions should be ignored.

Q.15: Present status
Note that it is the persons principal status is required and only one of the listed categories should be ticked. A person who is mainly engaged as an assisting relative on a farm, in a shop or in any other commercial enterprise, should be regarded as "at work" even if he or she receives no payment or no regular payment. A member of a religious body (other than a member who is retired or permanently unable to "work owing to illness etc.) should be regarded as "at work" even if he or she receives no payment.

A housewife however who assists in the family business, but is mainly engaged on housework should be entered as on "home (or domestic) duties".

If category 8 is ticked, the precise status should be described in the space provided. If persons on AnCo or other training courses/employment schemes require assistance in deciding their status at Q. 15 the information given in Appendix 10 may be used as a guide.

Appendix 10

Procedure to be followed when assistance is required in completing question 15 (present status)

At Question 15 (Present status) what is required is the subjective view of the person as to his/her present status with regard to employment. At any one time there are over 20,000 persons on the various training or other employment schemes and if such persons are unsure as to which status to indicate and ask for the assistance of the Enumerator, the following guidelines should be followed:

A. Persons on the following schemes should be treated as being "At work" (Box 1)

(1) Teamwork/grant scheme for youth employment: This scheme is operated by the Department of Labour, where grants are paid to voluntary bodies to employ young unemployed people for an average period of 6 months on projects beneficial to the community.

(2) Apprentice training: Apprenticeships in designated industries are the responsibility of AnCo and apprentices are often supported/ sponsored by an employer. The majority of apprentices spend the first year of their course in an off-the-job training centre.

(3) Employment incentive scheme: The scheme, which is organised by the Department of Labour, provides a subsidy to employers who take on additional staff for jobs of at least 6 months duration. Many young people may not even know that they are being supported under this scheme.

(4) Enterprise allowance scheme: This NMS scheme is designed to help individuals or groups of individuals to set up their own business. Under Question 17 (Employment status) such persons should be self-employed, coded 1 or 2 as appropriate.

(5) Community enterprise programme: Under this programme the YEA provides assistance to local groups, mainly co-operatives, setting up production or service-type business enterprises.

(6) Youth Self-Employment Programme: This YEA/Bank of Ireland programme is targeted at unemployed young people with a business idea that could provide them with full-time employment but who would have difficulty gaining access to bank loans.

(7) National Co-Operative Farm Relief Services: The YEA provides funding to place young people as farm relief service workers with farm relief co-operatives.

(8) Work Experience Programmes: Under this programme young people with no previous employment experience are giving an allowance for about 6 months while they are gaining some work experience.
(9) Community youth training programme: Participants are given basic training and work experience on community projects and receive a weekly payment from AnCo.

(10) CERT craft/management courses: These courses provide training for school leavers in bar, kitchen, dining room and reception skills. Participants receive a training allowance from CERT in the initial part of the course and are paid by a sponsor during the later (work experience) part.

(11) NRB sheltered employment: The National Rehabilitation Board provides sheltered employment and participants should be regarded as being employed.

(12) BIM - Training in the fishing industry: Courses are offered to young persons wishing to take up a career in fishing. Four months is spent at a training centre and eight months on board a trawler.
B. Persons on the following schemes should be treated as being either "Seeking regular work for the first time" (Box 2) or "Unemployed" (Box 3):
(13) AnCo adult training courses: These short-duration courses are designed to prepare unemployed people for a wide range of occupations at skilled and semi-skilled level.

(14) Community training workshops: This programme, conducted by AnCo, provides basic training in community-based workshops, mainly for early school leavers and travelling people. The programme revolves to a high degree around educational and personal development.

(15) CERT unemployed training programme: These short-duration courses aim to provide basic skills to unemployed persons in cooking food and bar service.

C. Persons on ACOT courses should be regarded as being students (Box 4). Courses in General agriculture are of 9 months duration through an agricultural college. Courses in Amenity / Commercial horticulture are of 2/3 year duration.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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[Questions 16-24 relate to persons aged 15 years and over]

Q.19 Present status

Indicate the person's present principal status. Self-employed persons should insert a check mark in Box 1 by inserting a check mark in the appropriate box. Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc., should insert a check mark in Box 1.

[] 1 At work
[] 2 Seeking regular work for first time
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 At school, student
[] 5 Home (i.e. domestic) duties
[] 6 Retired
[] 7 Unable to work owing to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other (specify ___)
Explanatory notes

Question 19: Present status

(i) Self-employed persons should insert a check mark in box 1.
(ii) Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc. should insert a check mark in box 1.
(iii) Apprentices who are in employment and who also attend technical schools or colleges of technology should insert a check mark in box 1.
(iv) Full-time students who are in part-time employment should insert a check mark in box 4.
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Appendix 1

Q.19 through Q.23: Employment
The questions on the person's position in regard to employment (Questions 19-23) are the most difficult to check and require the most careful study. These questions should be answered for all persons aged 15 years and over (i.e., born on or before 21 April, 1976). Answers in respect of persons aged younger than 15 should be ignored.

Q.19: Present status
Note that it is the person's principal status which is required and only one of the listed categorie should be ticked. A person who is mainly engaged as an "Assisting relative" on a farm, in a shop or in any other commercial enterprise, should be regarded as "At work" even if he or she receives no payment or no regular payment. A member of a religious body (other than a member who is retired or permanently unable to work owing to illness, etc.) should be regarded as "At work" even if he or site receives no payment. A housewife however who assists in the family business, but is mainly engaged on housework should be entered as on "Home (or domestic) duties". If category 8 is ticked, the precise status should be described in the same provided. If persons on FAs or other training courses/employment schemes require assistance in deciding their status, please use the information given at Appendix 11 as a guide.

A. Persons on the following schemes should be treated as being "At work" (Box 1)

1 Teamwork/grant scheme for youth employment: This scheme is operated by FAS, where grants are paid to voluntary bodies to employ young unemployed people for a period of 6 to 12 months on projects beneficial to the community.
2 Apprentice training: Apprenticeships in designated industries are the responsibility of FAS and apprentices are often supported/ sponsored by an employer. The majority of apprentices spend the first year of their course in an off-the-job training centre.
3 Employment incentive scheme: The scheme, which is operated by FAS, provides a subsidy to employers who take on additional staff for jobs of at least 6 months duration. Many young people may not even know that they are being supported under this scheme.
4 Social employment scheme (SES): This scheme was launched in 1985 and is designed to help long-term unemployed people in the over 25 age group. The scheme offers part-time work (a 40-hour fortnight) for up to 52 weeks, on projects sponsored by either public bodies or voluntary organizations.
Enterprise scheme: This scheme is mainly an integration of the following two programmes.
5 Enterprise training programme: This FAS programme is designed to aid individuals in setting up their own business. Under Question 21 (Employment status), such persons should be self employed [and should be] coded 1 or 2 as appropriate.
6 Community enterprise programme: Under this programme FAS provides assistance to local groups, many co-operatives, setting up production or service-type business enterprises.
7 CERT craft/management courses: The courses intended here are not full-time and are organized on a day/block release basis. These courses provide training for school-leavers in bar, kitchen, dining room and reception skills. Some participants receive a training allowance from CERT in the initial part of the course and are paid by a sponsor during the later (work experience) part.
8 NRB sheltered employment: The National Rehabilitation Board provides sheltered employment and participants should be regarded as being employed.
9 NRB employment support scheme: The ESS is designed to enable substantially disabled people, whose work productivity is assessed at between 50-80% of standard, to work alongside their able-bodied colleagues in open employment.
10 BIM - Training in the fishing industry: Courses are offered to young persons wishing to take up a career in fishing. Four months is spent at a training centre and nine months on board a trawler.

B. Persons on the following schemes should be treated as being either 'seeking regular work for the first time (Box 2) or 'Unemployed' (Box 3):

11 Adult training courses: These short-duration courses, run by FAS, are designed to prepare unemployed people for a wide range of occupations at skilled and semi-skilled level.
12 Community training workshops: This programme, conducted by FAS, provides basic training in community-based workshops, mainly for early school-leavers and travelling people. The programme revolves to a high degree around educational and personal development.
13 CERT unemployed training programme: These short-duration courses aim to provide basic skills to unemployed persons in cooking food and bar service.

C. YOUTH REACH: This programme, administered by FAS, is aimed at unqualified
early school leavers and is of two year duration.

14 Youthreach: Those on the Foundation programme (First year) are classified as being "Unemployed" or "Seeking work for the first time" as are those taking part in the Specific skills courses and the Community youth training programme (Second year). Those in "Temporary employment" or in "Job Subsidies" (Second year) are classified as "At work" while those who follow into mainstream education should be classified as "At school".

D. TEAGASC courses.

15 The Certificate in Agriculture (general agriculture) course is of 9 months duration through an agricultural college. The Certificate in Fanning is of 3-year duration and has 6 programme options: General agriculture, Horse production, AgriForestry, Pig production, Poultry production, and Commercial horticulture. Persons on such courses should be regarded as being students (Box 4).
Farm apprentices should be regarded as "At work".
Short term training courses are run for practicing farmers and horticulturists. Persons on such courses are clearly "At work".

Ireland 1996 — source variable IE1996A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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[Questions 15-24 were asked of persons 15 years and over]

Q.18 Present status

Indicate by inserting a check mark in the appropriate box, the person's present principal status.
Self-employed persons should insert a check mark in Box 1. Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc., should insert a check mark in Box 1.

[] 1 At work
[] 2 Seeking regular work for first time
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 At school, student
[] 5 Home (i.e. domestic) duties
[] 6 Retired
[] 7 Unable to work owing to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other, specify ___
Explanatory notes

[Questions 15-24 relate only to persons aged 15 years and over]

Question 18 - Present status

  • Self-employed persons should insert check mark in Box 1.
  • Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc., should insert check mark in Box 1.
  • Apprentices who are in employment and who also attend technical schools or colleges of technology should insert check mark in Box 1.
  • Full-time students who are in part-time employment should insert check mark in Box 4.
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Questions which cover persons 15 years and over

Q.18: Present Status
The person's principal economic status is required so only one of the listed categories should be ticked. A person who is mainly engaged as an 'assisting relative' on a farm, in a shop or in any other commercial enterprise, should be regarded as 'at work' even if he/she receives no payment or no regular payment. Priests, nuns and brothers should be regarded as at work' except
where they are retired or permanently sick. Housewives assisting in the family business, but mainly engaged on housework should tick 'home (or domestic) duties'. If a person on FAS or other training courses/employment schemes require assistance in deciding his/her status, consult the information given in Appendix 4 as a guide.

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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[Questions 20-26 apply to people aged 15 and over]

24 How would you describe your present principal status?

Check one box only

[] 1 Working for payment or profit
[] 2 Looking for first regular job
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 Student or pupil
[] 5 Looking after home/family
[] 6 Retired from employment
[] 7 Unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other, write in ____

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24. How would you describe your present principal status?

Check one box only.

[] 1 Working for payment or profit
[] 2 Looking for first regular job
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 Student or pupil
[] 5 Looking after home/family
[] 6 Retired from employment
[] 7 Unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other, write in ____

Question 24 will provide information on principal economic status, allowing us to classify persons aged 15 years and over into those within and outside the labour force.

Some guidelines on answering question 24:
As the person's principal economic status is required, only one of the listed categories should be ticked.

The following should tick 1: "Working for payment or profit"
  • Persons who are self-employed
  • Persons mainly engaged as "Assisting relatives" on farms, in shops or in any other commercial enterprises even if they receive no payment or no regular payment
  • Priests, nuns and brothers except where they are 6 "Retired" or 7 "Unable to work due to permanent sickness"
  • Persons temporarily absent from work due to illness, holidays, etc.
  • Apprentices who are in employment and who also attend school or technical college
  • Full-time students who are in part-time employment should tick 4 "Student or pupil".

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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B. Person Form

26. How would you describe your present principal status? Check one box only.

[] 1 Working for payment or profit
[] 2 Looking for regular job
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 Student or pupil
[] 5 Looking after home/family
[] 6 Retired from employment
[] 7 Unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other, write in: ________
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 26 will provide information on principal economic status, allowing us to classify persons aged 15 years and over into those within and outside the labour force.
26. How would you describe your present principal status?

Check one box only.
[] 1 Working for payment or profit
[] 2 Looking for regular job
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 Student or pupil
[] 5 Looking after home/family
[] 6 Retired from employment
[] 7 Unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other, write in: ________

Some guidelines on answering question 26:

As the person's principal economic status is required, only one of the listed categories should be ticked.
The following should box Working for payment or profit;
  • Persons who are self-employed.
  • Persons mainly engaged as 'assisting relatives' on farms, in shops or in any other commercial enterprises even if they receive no payment or no regular payment.
  • Priests, nuns and brothers except where they are Retired or Unable to work due to permanent sickness.
  • Persons temporarily absent from work due to illness, holidays, etc.
  • Apprentices who are in employment and who also attend school or technical college.
Full-time students who are in part-time employment should tick box Student or pupil.

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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23. If you are aged under 15
Go to Q34
[Questions 24-33 were asked for persons age 15+.]
27. How would you describe your present principal status?
Mark one box only.

[] 1 Working for payment or profit
[] 2 Looking for first regular job
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 Student or pupil
[] 5 Looking after home/family
[] 6 Retired from employment
[] 7 Unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other, write in ____
Question 27 -- How would you describe your present principal status?
You should mark one box only to select the category which you feel best describes your present principal status. If you are on sick leave or maternity leave and intend to return to work at some stage you should mark box 1 (working).
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions 24 to 33 should be answered only by persons 15 years and over

Question 27. Question 27 will provide information on principal economic status, allowing us to classify persons aged 15 years and over into those within and outside the labour force.

As this question is asking about the person's principal economic status, only one of the boxes should be marked.

The following should mark 'working for payment or profit':

  • Persons who are self-employed.
  • Persons mainly engaged in 'assisting relatives' on farms, in shops or in any other commercial enterprises, even if they receive no regular payment.
  • Priests, nuns and brothers except where they are retired or unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability.
  • Persons temporarily absent from work due to illness, holidays etc.
  • Apprentices who are in employment and who also attend school or college.

Full-time students who are in part-time employment should mark 'Student or pupil'.

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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27. How would you describe your present principal status?

Mark one box only

[] 1. Working for payment or profit
[] 2. Looking for first regular job
[] 3. Unemployed
[] 4. Student or pupil
[] 5. Looking after home/family
[] 6. Retired from employment
[] 7. Unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8. Other, write in ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

Questions 24 to 33 should be answered only by persons 15 years and over

[Question 27: How would you describe your present principal status?]

Question 27 will provide information on principal economic status, allowing us to classify persons aged 15 years and over into those within and outside the labor force.

As this question is asking about the person's principal economic status, only one of the boxes should be marked.

The following should mark 'working for payment or profit':

- Persons who are employed or self-employed.

- Persons mainly engaged in 'assisting relatives' on farms, in shops or in any other commercial enterprises, even if they receive no regular payment.

- Priests, nuns and brothers except where they are retired or unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability.

- Persons temporarily absent from work due to illness, holidays etc.

- Apprentices who are in employment and who also attend school or college.

Full-time students who are in part-time employment should mark 'Student or pupil'.

[The original document includes an image below.]

[p. 124]

[Question 28: If you are working go to Q29.
If you are student, go to Q34.
Otherwise, go to Q35.]

Only those persons who are working are required to provide information on their industry and occupation and place of work. Retired persons are asked about their former occupation only in order to assign a social class to their household. Unemployed persons are asked about their occupation and industry in order to produce a detailed profile of the unemployed at small area level. Only persons who travel outside the home to work school or college are asked to provide the name and address of where they go.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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Persons over 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 6.
Persons under 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 8.

[Questions 6.1-7.12 were asked of persons over 15 years of age.]

6.1 Indicate whether, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), the person was

[] 01 Employed [skip to point 7]
[] 02 Looking for first employment
[] 03 Unemployed (looking for a new job)
[] 04 Waiting to begin a job already obtained
[] 05 Student
[] 06 Looking after home/household
[] 07 Retired
[] 08 On national military service or substitute civil service [skip to point 8]
[] 09 Disabled for work [skip to point 8]
[] 10 Other conditions

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Question 6.1
In order to properly answer this question, refer to the following definitions.
anyone who works on their own, or works for someone else in exchange for salary or some kind of profit (all kinds of retributions must be considered: salary, wage, fee, profit, reimbursement of expenses, payment in kind, room and board);
anyone collaborating with a household member who runs his own business, without a regular work contract or retribution (contributing family worker).
Any type of nominate work, with or without contract, is sufficient to be considered employed, just as long as the hours worked are paid for with money or in kind. The following persons must also be considered employed:

a) anyone who, during the week preceding the Census, did not work because they were on leave, sick, on maternity leave, on part time, in leave of absence, on income support, for lack of commissions, etc;
b) anyone who worked as a paid apprentice or trainee;
c) anyone hired with a specific work contract;
d) anyone participating in work stages as a paid intern.

Not considered employed (and therefore must not cross box 01):
anyone attending a university course for a Ph.D., doctors who attend specialization courses, winners of scholarships and anyone involved in unpaid volunteer activities;
anyone who is serving in the national military service or civil service, including those who maintain the right to their work place or are looking for employment, regardless of previous or future work status.

Looking for first employment:
a) anyone who has completed, terminated or abandoned a series of studies;
b) anyone who has never worked or has terminated self-employment;
c) anyone who has "voluntarily" stopped working for a certain period of time (at least 1 year); and is actually looking for a job and will accept one if offered.

Unemployed (looking for a new job): anyone who, having lost his/her previous job, is actually looking for employment and will accept it if offered.
Waiting to begin a job already obtained: anyone who has already found employment, or has made necessary preparations for self employment and will begin working within the next few weeks.
Student: anyone who dedicates their time mainly to study.
Looking after home/household: anyone whose main occupation is taking care of his/her household and home.
Retired: anyone who has stopped working because of age limitations, invalidity or other causes. A retired is not necessarily a pensioner because those who retire from work do not necessarily receive pension benefits.
On military service or substitute civil service: this category includes all those persons who, during the week preceding the Census (from 14 to 20 October 2001), were under military service or substitute civil service, regardless of previous or future work status or whether they maintained the right to their work place or are looking for employment.
Disabled to work: anyone whose level of physical or mental invalidity make it impossible for them to hold a job.
Other conditions: anyone in conditions other than those listed above (for example, wealthy, retired from work for other reasons, Holder of a social pension or invalidity pension).

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_WORKEDOCT — Worked during the week of 14 to 20 October
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Persons over 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 6.
Persons under 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 8.

[Questions 6.1-7.12 were asked of persons over 15 years of age.]

7. Work activity
[Questions 7.1 to 7.12 were asked of those who worked one or more hours of paid work, or as contributing family worker.]

To answer questions from 7.1 to 7.12, refer to the main work activities (activities where the greater number of hours were worked)

7.1 Indicate the number of work hours during the week of 14 to 20 October

[] 1 None
[] 2 One or more [skip to question 7.3]

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7. Work activity
Answer question 7.1 and question 7.12 by referring to the main job carried out during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001).
The term main work activities refers to the job where the greatest number of working hours was employed.
Employed persons who, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), did not work because they were on vacation, illness, on income support, on leave of absence etc., must refer to the main job usually performed.
Persons who, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), changed job must refer to their new job carried out at the end of that week.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_WORKED — Worked one or more hours of paid work, or as contributing family worker
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Persons over 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 6.
Persons under 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 8.

[Questions 6.1-7.12 were asked of persons over 15 years of age.]

6.2 Indicate whether, during the week from 14 to 20 October, 2001 the person worked one or more hours of paid work, or as contributing family worker

[Question 6.2 was asked of people who were not employed, or on national military service or substitute civil service, or disabled for work.]
[] 1 Yes [skip to point 7]
[] 2 No

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Question 6.2
The term work refers to any activity carried out with the scope of obtaining retribution, salary, wages, profits, etc.
Box 1 must be crossed by those who:
during the week preceding the Census (from 14 to 20 October 2001), have had one or more paid jobs, working either for an employer or independently, on a regular, temporary or seasonal basis, regardless of whether the job was continuous or on a regular work contract. All types of payments must be considered: retribution, salary, profit, reimbursement of expenses, payment in kind, food, accommodation or others, even if still not obtained or if paid during a week other than the one in which the work was actually performed;
during the week preceding the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001) have worked one or more hours helping a household member or relative with their independent activity, company or firm, even without pay (contributing family worker).

A contributing family worker is a someone who collaborates with a household member in their private business, without a regular work contract (for example, a wife who helps her husband in the shop, a son who help his father on the farm).
Box 2 must be crossed by those who:
during the week preceding the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001) worked unpaid hours as a volunteer for organizations, institutes, associations and such;
are seasonal workers who have not worked any hours during referenced week.

Furthermore, hours worked at house chores, small domestic maintenance or repairs, hobbies or similar, must not be considered.

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_ACTIVITY — Employment status last week
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6. Vocational or non-vocational status

[These questions are asked of individuals aged 15 years and over]

6.1 During the week preceding the date of the census, October 2nd -- October 8th, did you work for at least one hour?

It is considered work if you were paid or will be paid, or if it was unpaid, but regular work with the business of a household member

[] 1 Yes [skip to question 6.6]
[] 2 No

6.2 During the week of October 2nd - October 8th, did you have a job from which you were absent?

For example, due to illness, vacation, temporary layoff fund (Cassa Integrazione Guadagni), reductions in business activity, etc.

[] 1 Yes [skip to question 6.6]
[] 2 No

6.3 During the period from September 11th - October 08th, were you actively seeking employment or did you set up the means to start your own business?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [skip to question 6.13]

6.4 If you had the chance, would you be willing to start working within the next two weeks?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [go to question 6.13]

6.5 Have you ever had a paying job or worked as a family worker?

[] 1 Yes [go to question 6.6]
[] 2 No [skip to question 7.1]

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_WORK — Worked at least 1 hour last week
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6. Vocational or non-vocational status

[These questions are asked of individuals aged 15 years and over]

6.1 During the week preceding the date of the census, October 2nd -- October 8th, did you work for at least one hour?

It is considered work if you were paid or will be paid, or if it was unpaid, but regular work with the business of a household member

[] 1 Yes [skip to question 6.6]
[] 2 No
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

Question 6.1
Work refers to any activity performed in exchange for payment, salary, wages, profit, etc. It does not include the time dedicated to housework, minor household maintenance and repairs, hobbies and similar.

Check box 1 ("Yes") if you:

- performed (during the week from October 02nd-08th) one or more hours of paid work (whether permanent, temporary or seasonal), as an employee or on a self-employed basis, regardless of whether a formal employment contract exists. Any and all forms of income should be considered: salary, wages, profits, payments in kind, food, lodging or other forms, including income not yet received or paid during a different week from when the work was actually performed; box 1 should also be checked by apprentices and trainees who receive payment or other forms of non-monetary compensation, as long as it is ongoing (meal vouchers, cell phone credit, petrol coupons, etc.);
- performed (during the week from October 02nd-08th) one or more hours of work helping a family member or relative with their self-employed activity, business or company, including unpaid work (family workers).

Family workers refers to individuals who help another family member who is self-employed, without the work relationship being regulated by a contract (e.g. a wife helping her shopkeeper husband, or a son helping his farmer father).

Check box 2 ("No") if you:

- performed (during the week from October 02nd-08th) hours of unpaid voluntary work for any organizations, institutions, associations or similar;
- are a seasonal worker who did not work during the week of reference.

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_WKABS — Absent from job last week
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6. Vocational or non-vocational status

[These questions are asked of individuals aged 15 years and over]

6.2 During the week of October 2nd - October 8th, did you have a job from which you were absent?

For example, due to illness, vacation, temporary layoff fund (Cassa Integrazione Guadagni), reductions in business activity, etc.

[] 1 Yes [skip to question 6.6]
[] 2 No
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

Question 6.2
Check Box 1 ("Yes") if you have a job you were absent from for one of the following reasons during the week from October 02nd-08th: holiday, leave of absence, maternity/paternity leave, reduction in business activity, illness, holiday, CIG (cassa integrazione guadagni, temporary state layoff fund), etc. This question gathers information about job continuity and the degree of formal attachment to the job in terms of absences and salaries earned.

Employees on leave are considered to be employed if they are absent for less than three months or if they continue to receive at least 50% of their salary during their absence. Exceptions include employees on (mandatory) maternity leave or (optional) parental leave. Self-employed individuals who are absent from work (except for family workers) are considered to be employed if their business activity continues during their absence. Family workers are considered to be employed if their absence lasts less than three months.

Netherlands 2001 — source variable NL2001A_CLASSWK — Economic status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Netherlands 2011 — source variable NL2011A_EMPSTAT — Employment status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_ACTIVITY — Economic activity
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20. Were you employed during the reference week as (concerns the week from May 13th to 19th):
[] 1 Full-time paid-employee
[] 2 Part-time paid-employee
[] 3 Employer
[] 4 Own-account worker (without employees)
[] 5 Agent (in all kind of agencies)
[] 6 Members of agricultural production co-operative
[] 7 Contributing family worker
[] 8 Clergyman/woman
22. What is the main kind of economic activity of the company (institution) in which you have main job?
You may also give the name of a company/institution: ____
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Question 20. Were you employed during the reference week (13th to 19th May 2002) as... [p. 39]

Answer 1 or 2 concerns employees. They are:
Persons employed on the basis of a job contract (also if the payment is in kind)

Persons working on commission or employed on the basis of order agreement,

Persons doing the home employment,

Students who are being trained for the profession if they receive an income.
Full-time paid-employee (answer 1)-- a person who works full-time, but the number of hours worked a week depends on the regulations concerning a profession

Full-time paid-employees are also workers who work shorter than the typical number of hours due to special legal regulations (e.g. concerning work in a toxic surrounding) or persons serving in the army on a compulsory basis.
Page 12
If a work was done on the basis of order agreement, commission or was home employment a person working full time is a person who worked at least 36 hours in a reference week (13th to 19th May 2002).

A person helping in a family business or working in a family farm can also be classified as an employee.

Answer 3. employer means a person running his/her own business either in agriculture or not, registered or not who employs workers on the basis of permanent job contract.

If a married couple or relatives run the business together only one of the persons can be classified as an employer, the others should be classified as own-account workers. (not employing people) or contributing family workers.

Answer 5. agent (in all kinds of agencies) concerns persons who work on the basis of agency contract/agreement or who run an outpost on the basis of order agreement. The persons employed by an agent are classified as employees regardless the legal form of their job contract.

Answer 7. contributing family worker concerns persons who live in the same household and help in family business (also in agriculture) without being paid.

Question 22. What is the main kind of economic activity of the company (institution) in which you have main job? [p. 40-41]

1. If a company a respondent runs an economic activity a field or kind of the activity should be given.

2. Describing the kind of economic activity no general terms such as: plant, workshop, office, service point etc. should be given. The correct answer should indicate exactly what the company produces or what services the company offers e.g. shoe production, food processing, producer of building machinery, car fixing, primary school, kindergarten, council office etc. The name of the company or the abbreviation of the name should be given only in case of the companies that are not local and commonly known such as Poczta Polska (Polish Post Office), PKP (national Railway Company), LOT (Polish Airlines). The terms such as building-service company and in case of such answer an enumerator should try to find out if the main activity of the company is the one regarding building or services. The following abbreviations can be used: przeds. (company), spoldz. (society), prod. (production), gosp. (farm).

3. For persons working in agriculture the kind of agricultural activity should be listed e.g. cultivation, cattle breeding, animal husbandry etc. In case of farmers being engaged in cultivation and breeding animals at the same time the answer ?mixed farming should be given. The same term should also refer to persons employed in an individual agricultural farm or an agricultural yard.

4. For clerics the answer ?ministry should be given.

5. In case of soldiers and persons serving in the army on compulsory basis the answer national defense should be given.

6. Policemen, agents of Government Protection Bureau, frontier guards the answer public safety should be given for persons working in prisons-- judicature, for civil servants of the Ministry of National Defense and the agents (UOP) -- public administration.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

[Questions 17-27 were asked of persons age 12+]

20. Condition towards work

Indicate if in the week of 8-14 of March 1981 you:

[] 1 Worked with a specific profession
[] 3 Did not work with a specific profession, or being a contributing family worker, not paid, worked for less than 15 hours
Question 21
  • Permanently incapacitated for working: mark this option if the person who is incapacitated for working has not reached retirement age, otherwise, chose option 3.
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Important: Individuals not residing in the dwelling where they spend 16 March 1981, at 00:00 hours, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

Note: Individuals younger than 12 years old end the filling-in of the questionnaire after question 16.
Only individuals 12 years of age or older answer the next questions.
[Questions 17-27 were asked of persons age 12+]

Question 20 - Work condition

We consider that an individual had a job if in the reference week:

Worked for pay (no matter how many hours);
Worked, was not paid (as an unpaid family worker) during 15 or more hours of work.
Did not work for temporary reasons, such as vacations, accidents, licenses of various kinds, etc.

People in this condition must indicate on question 22 the number of hours that they normally work. Individuals who have a job do not answer question 21 and go directly to question 22.

Important: On question 17, a person may have answered that he/she received unemployment benefits; it was supported by the household, receiving a pension, etc. However if he did not actually work in the week of 8 to 14th of March of 1981, he must declare so.

Did not work or, being a familiar not paid, worked less than fifteen hours during the indicated week: this question includes the persons who on the reference week:

Did not work in an economic activity, like people in charged of household chores, students, unemployed, retired, etc. Included here people suspended from work without pay.
Worked less than fifteen hours as unpaid family worker, meaning that worked but without payment.

The enumerated that chose option 3 in question 20 should not answer question 22.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

[Questions 18-28 were asked of individuals of age 12+]

19. Condition regarding work in the week of 7-13 of April 1991

[] 1 Worked
[] 2 You were temporarily absent from the work place
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 Permanently unable to work
[] 5 Retired
[] 6 Student
[] 7 Homemaker
[] 8 Other reason

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Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Note: Individuals younger than 12 years old end the filling-in of the questionnaire after question 17.
[Applies to questions 18-28]

Question 19: Condition regarding work

The individuals must indicate the situation they were in the week of 7-13 of April 1991:

a) Did work on an economic activity, being paid or not;

b) Was temporarily absent from the place of work: if on the week of 7-13 of April 1991, the person did not work but had a job. We can include in this option holidays, accidents, licenses of various kinds, etc. or any other cause for temporarily absence with or without authorization;

c) Was unemployed: all individuals 12 years of age or older, that are not attending compulsory school and that on the reference week did not have a job, paid or not and were available to work on paid or unpaid job;

d) Permanently unable to work: all individuals 12 years of age or older, who on the reference week, did not work because of a handicap (either receiving a pension or not for that fact);

e) Retired, pensioners or on reserve: all individuals that did not work on the reference week, but received a retirement pension or other of the same kind;

f) Student: it includes all individuals younger than 12 years old, who, on the reference week, attended any kind of education level and that did not have a job, were not on compulsory military service and did not consider themselves as unemployed;

g) Home chores: all individuals that on the reference week had as main occupation the domestic tasks in their own home;

h) In the option "Other reasons" we can include all the situations not described above.

a) Individuals who are students and simultaneously are responsible for household tasks, are included on the modality "Student";

b) The student, homemaker or any individual that on the week of 7-13 of April 1991 satisfies all the conditions to be considered as unemployed, must be included in that modality;

c) The working-student that on the reference week did not work, cannot choose the option "Student," he must choose the answer "temporarily absent from the work place."

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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[Questions 3.1-21 were asked of persons who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to question 3]

[Questions 10-24 were asked of persons born before December 31, 1999, who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 9]

[Questions 17 to 23 were asked of persons age 15+ who ever attended school at a level higher then pre-primary, and consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 13]

18. In the week of March 5-11, did you work, even if for only 1 hour, and receive (cash or any other form of) payment for this work?

[] 1 Yes - go to 23
[] 3 No
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Question 18 - In the week of 5-11 March, did you work, even if for only 1 hour, and receive (cash or any other form of) payment for this work?
[p. 95]
Yes or no answer.
Answer "Yes" in the following cases:
1. The individuals that worked at least one hour being paid for that, in money or goods;
2. The non-paid familiar workers that worked for at least 15 hours;
3. If the enumerated is doing the compulsory military service;
4. If the enumerated is an apprentice and worked at least one hour and received payment in money or goods;
5. If the enumerated is a student, home keeper, is retired or is in a situation of pre-retirement but worked at least one hour.
Answer "No" in the following cases:
1. The enumerated was attending a professional course with a duration superior to 35 hours, even if he is keeping a job.
2. If the enumerated has any kind of liaison with an employer but didn't work for temporarily reasons, such as hilliness, holydays, accidents, etc.
3. All unemployed individuals, students, home keepers, retired and incapacitated people that didn't work in the reference week.
Note: if the answer was Yes go directly to Question 23.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_EMPSTAT — Current activity status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Romania 1992 — source variable RO1992A_EMPSTAT — Economic status in reference week
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19 Economic condition of the person
[] 1 Employed

Looking for:
[] 2 Another job
[] 3 First job

[] 4 Pupil-student
[] 5 Pensioner
[] 6 Home-maker
[] 7 Supported by another person (pre-school child, old person, etc.)
[] 8 Supported by the state
[] 9 Other situation (with income from rents, interest, other sources)

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Chapter IV - Data on Persons Registered in Households

44. All persons in the household will be recorded in this chapter, regardless whether they were present in the household or absent at the census reference point - "0" hour on the night of January, 6 to 7, 1992, or whether persons had left the household temporarily or for a longer period to work, to study, or for some other reason. Persons temporarily present in the household at the census reference point will not be recorded in this chapter, but in Chapter V.

Q. 19 Economic condition of the person

69. Economic condition of the person refers to the current economic and social situation of the enumerated person and the way of assuring his source of living.

For each person registered in Chapter IV of the form, the enumerator will mark the code box corresponding to the economic situation of the enumerated person: employed, unemployed (seeking another place of work or first-time job-seeker), student, pensioner, homemaker, dependent of a supporter, dependent on public aid, or other situation.

70. When recording the statement of the enumerated persons, the enumerator should keep in mind the following provisions:

Code 1 : The employed are all persons 14 year old and above who, at the census reference point, were in one of the following situations:

a) Persons permanently performing an economic or social activity based on an employment contract (engagement); or who were working independently (on their own account) in order to obtain an income, such as: wage, in kind payment, profit, household income, benefits, etc. For example: persons engaged at the reference point in an economic or social unit, public or private, agricultural production co-operative members, agricultural association members, craftsmen, consumption or credit co-operative members, persons working in their own unit (firm, shop, office etc.) or on their own account, unpaid family workers, etc.
Also considered employed are persons permanently engaged in an economic or social unit, who were temporarily absent from the work place at the census reference point due to the following reasons: absent due to illness or holiday/vacation, (for rest, for studies, without pay, for maternity, etc.), due to economic activity reduction, temporary suspension of work (due to bad weather, mechanical or electrical breakdown, shortage of raw materials, lack of clients), due to strikes, job training scheme etc.;
b) Persons who were not working, but who did work more than 6 months during the year 1991 and who, at the time of the census, were not looking for work (for example: persons with a seasonal agricultural, construction contract or other activities);
c) Persons who were not working but who had economic activity during the year 1991 such as agricultural production, craft or unpaid family work in the household. For example persons such as farmers, craftsmen, clerks, professional households, who were seasonally in an agricultural or productive activity by which the household obtained income or products designated for sale;
d) People who were gone for compulsory conscript service or for updating military knowledge.

The following persons are also considered employed:
Pupils and students who usually had an economic or social activity in order to obtain income, such as employees with a contract or those who work independently;
Pensioners maintained or rehired who, at the census reference point, were engaged in an occupation that brought in income.

71. Code2, 3: The unemployed are those people of working age, 14 years old and above up to the legal retirement age, who at the reference point were in one of the following situations:
Did not work or did not have a contract for employment but previously had a place of work or an activity in the year 1991, and who, for various reasons, lost this place of work and at the census reference point were looking for a place to work, regardless of whether or not they are registered at the labor force office. These persons are classified as code 2 - seeking another place of work. This category also fits women who have interrupted their activity in accordance with the legal provisions regarding the raising and nursing of children;
Did not work but were seeking their first job and until the census reference point had not yet been engaged in an income generating socio-economic activity (such as educational institution graduates), as well as homemakers who never worked but are looking for their first job at the census reference point.

All persons who not registered at labor force offices, whether or not they are receiving unemployment benefits, will be recorded as unemployed - code 2 or 3, according to the statement made.

72. Code 4: A pupil/student is a person who does not have an economic or social activity and attends any regular educational institution, (public or private) for systematic instruction at any level of education aiming to get a profession.

The following are also included in this category:
A pupil/student living only from the successor's pension or school's fellowship;
persons attending a military educational institution belonging to the National Defense Ministry or the Ministry of the Interior.

The following are not included in this category:
Persons 14 years of age and above, attending courses at an educational institution and, at the same time, usually performing an income-generating economic or social activity, either engaged with a contract or working on their own account.

73. Code 4: In the category of pensioner are included persons receiving any kind of pension benefits: old age retirement, disability retirement, survivor's pensioner, agricultural pensioner, military pensioner, veteran pensioner, pensioner of a craftsmen co-operative, survivor's pensioner of the revolution heroes, as well social aid and who, at the reference point, were not in an economic or social activity which brings in income.

The following are not included:
Pensioners who are maintained or rehired, as well as those who work on their own account, obtaining an income which is added to the pension (see paragraph 70 provisions);

Pupils, students in daily courses and pre-school children who are receiving successor's pension or revolution heroes' pension.

74. Code 6: A homemaker is a person 14 years old and above usually engaged in unpaid household duties in their own home or that of relatives (for example: the parent who is taking care of the household of their children and caring for their grandchildren) who does not have their own source of income.

The following are not included:
Homemakers engaged for housekeeping duties working for pay or profit (cash or in- kind, or assurance of a dwelling etc.), pupils and students, and pensioners, even when they are performing household duties. These will be coded 4 or 5, according to the situation.

75. Code 7: In the category supported by another person include: pre-school children, even when they are receiving successor's pension; aged people; handicapped and invalid persons not having any paid income activity and who are not homemakers and are not benefiting from any pension or another income source but are relying on the support of other persons.

76. In Code 8: Supported by the state includes all persons relying on the support of public institutions (retirement homes, hospital hostels, children's homes, etc.), or on co-operative institutions.

The following are not included:
School children from "children's homes" (these will be registered under code 4 -pupil/student);
Persons living in hostels receiving pension benefits(these will be included in code 5 - pensioner);
Pupils and students having a unique income source from a state fellowship (these will be recorded to the code 4).

77. Code 9: Other situations is used for persons who do not have a socio-economic activity and who have, as their main source of livelihood, income from rents, interest, dividends or other incomes.

For each person, a single status will be recorded in Q. 19, according to the above mentioned specifications.

For example, a student, pupil or pensioner who, at the reference point, is also engaged in an on-going economic and social activity and who is considered to be an occupied person, will have an x marked in code box 1.

Similarly, pupils and students who have a scholarship or a successor's pension will be recorded as code 4 (pupil/students) and not as code 8 (supported by the state), nor at code 5 (pensioner).

For persons detained or retained for investigations, record the previous economic condition of the person before the current situation.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_EMPSTAT — Employment status in week of census
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19. Economic status of the enumerated person at the reference period, the week of March 11 - 17, 2002 (only one code will be marked)
[] 1 Employed
[] 2 Unemployed: Seeking another job
[] 3 Unemployed: First-time job-seeker
[] 4 Pupil/student
[] 5 Pensioner
[] 6 Homemaker
[] 7 Dependent of a supporter
[] 8 Dependent on public aid or private organization support
[] 9 Other economic status (income from rent, interest, leasing, other sources)

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Economic status of the enumerated person (item 19)

66. In order to characterize the economic status of the person, the recording of these characteristics is referring to two different references period. The first one (one week reference period: March 11 -- 17, 2002), establishes the current economic situation of the persons, who should be registered on items 19 -- 25, and the second (will be the reference year prior to the census: March 2001 -- March 2002) and is referring to the regular economic situation of the persons who will be registered on the items 26 and 27.

67. Economic status of the person is referring to the current relation of the enumerated with his economic and social activity and the way of assuring its source for living.
The mark x will be written on the code box corresponding to the economic situation of the enumerated person at the census time (the week March 11-17, 2002).
For each person, to the item 19 a single situation will be written, according to the following specification:

-- the mark x on the code box 1 regarding the employed persons.

[p. 47]

They are considered as employed, at the census moment, all persons14 year old and above, who during the reference period of a week (March 11 -- 17, 2002) were in one of the following categories:

a) performed economic or social activity for wage paid in cash or in kind, for at least one hour during the reference week (practically being engaged in an economic or social activity). For example:

-- the engaged persons of the economic or social unit, public or private, (including those permanently engaged by natural persons) and the engaged relying on a civil contract for carrying out services;
-- self -- employment, persons performing the work in their own enterprise (own commercial company);
-- independent working persons, with license or without it -- craftsmen (house painters, tailors etc.), free professionals (lawyers, notaries, accountants, doctors, artists, etc.), merchants, or independent service workers (salesman, taxi drivers, carriers (transporters, musicians, etc.);
-- working individual farmers (more than 15 hours during the reference week) on their own farm, regardless of whether their products are sold, bartered or for own consumption;
-- contributing aiding family household workers, either they are working on own-account production unit, or are working on own non-agricultural field, even they are not paid for their activity. Persons helping a household member working in agricultural activities, even they are not paid, are considered employed only whether they worked at least 15 hours during the reference week;
-- persons working on family association for non-agricultural activities;
-- members of an agricultural enterprise, craftsmen co-operative, consumption co-operative, credit co-operative, who are working for these units.

b) were temporarily absent from the working place, (with a job but not at work), but had a formal attachment to their job. For example: absent persons due to illness, holiday-vacation, (for rest, for studies, without pay, for maternity, etc.), due to economic activity reduction, temporarily suspension of the work (due to bad weather, mechanical or electrical breakdown, or shortage of raw materials, lack of clients), due to strikes or working conflicts, extra season, job training scheme, military compelled conscript;

The formal job attachment should be determined on the basis of the following criteria:
-- assurance of return to work, following the end of the unpredicted event or an agreement of the date of return;
-- continued receipt of some rights (cash, salary in kind);

c) not permanently engaged persons for an economic and social activity (according to the provisions of point " a "), but during the week March 11- 17, 2002, they worked, exceptionally or occasionally at least one hour, for pay or profit, helping a household member or a relative on their activities, on their own enterprise, to perform a craft by using its professional ability, or by carrying out a service, independently, even the persons were not paid for this activity.

The persons who during the week of March 11- March 17, 2002 worked, exceptionally or occasionally, on agricultural activities are considered employed, if they worked at least 15 hours.

d) all members of the armed forces (should be included persons enrolled in the army and the auxiliary services staff);

e) compulsory conscript militaries;

f) Romanian citizens working abroad for economic or social foreign units, (including those daily crossing the border for working).

Particular situations: pupils, students, homemakers, as well as pensioners who during the week March 11 -- 17, 2002 had an economic or social activity regularly, occasionally or exceptionally, should be considered as employed.

Are not considered employed:

-- persons active only on social and charitable or voluntary activities;
-- homemakers, who most of the time were engaged only on household duties in their own home;

[p. 48]

-- confined inmates in the prison, even they did some work on the detention place;
-- The mark x will be written on the boxes for codes 2 or 3 for the persons declaring that are unemployed (or seeking another place of work or first-time job-seekers).

Unemployed are the persons of working age, 14 years old and above (up to the retirement legal age) who at the reference period were without work -- not having arranged engaging job contract, or didn't performed self -- employment activity, were currently available for work, and -- regardless of whether they are registered or not at the unemployment office (receiving or not unemployment aid or for professional integration, and/or support allowance) - were actively seeking for work.

They are also considered unemployed:

-- homemaker persons declaring that they are available for work and are seeking for a job;

They are considered unemployed too:

-- persons without work, ready to work and who did arrangements to start the work, or to start a self-employment activity at a date subsequent to the reference week;
-- persons usually engaged on seasonal works (agriculture, constructions, tourism), whose working contract ended due to the extra-season period, but waiting the new season to come in order to re-start their activities, but not having any formal attachment to their job.

Depending of the particular situation of each unemployed person, these should be recorded on one of the following categories:

a) the unemployed seeking another work are those persons who had a working place before but lost it or left it (code2);

first -- time job-seeker are those persons who never worked, never were engaged before the reference census moment to an economic or social paid activity, in cash or in kind, (for example: graduated from general schools, vocational schools, high schools, high education institutions; homemakers who never worked, etc.), but who are, at the reference census moment, on the course for seeking a job (code 3).

-- The mark x will be written on the code box 4 (pupil/student) -- for persons not economically active - on economic or social activity -- who most of the reference period attended a regular educational institution, (public or private) for systematic instruction at any level of education aiming to get a profession.

There are also included in this category:

-- pupil/student living only from the successor's pension, or school's fellowship;
-- persons attending military educational institution, belonging to the National Defense Ministry or Ministry of Interior;
-- pupils and students engaged in unpaid household duties in their own home (who are not considered employed persons).

Are not included in this category:
-- persons 14 years of age and above, attending the courses of an educational institution and at the same time, are performing an economic or social activity, obtaining an income (these persons being considered as employed).

-- The mark x will be written on code box 5 (pensioner) -- for persons receiving any kind of pensions benefits: old age limit retirement, retired because of disability, survivor's pensioner , agricultural pensioner, military pensioner, veteran pensioner, pensioner of the craftsmen co-operatives, survivor's pensioner of the revolution heroes.

Are not included: pupils, students and pre-school children who are receiving successor's pension.

-- The mark x will be written on the code box 6 (homemaker) for persons 14 years old and above, usually engaged in unpaid household duties in their own home (preparing the meals, cleaning, taking care and educating the children), or the relatives (for example: the parent who are taking care of the household of their children and care of their grandchildren) who do not have their own income resource.

[p. 49]

Are not included:

-- homemakers engaged in housekeeping duties who are working for pay or a profit (cash or in kind or assuring a dwelling) -- will be classified as employed;
-- individual farmers working usually on their own farm, regardless of whether the obtained products are assigned to be sold, to be exchanged or for own consumption -- will be classified as employed;
-- pupils and students and the pensioners, even if they are performing household duties. These will be codified by code 4 or code 5, according to the situation.

-- The mark x will be written on code box 7 (dependent on a supporter) for persons not having own resources and who are relying on the support of the parents, of the relatives or of another persons, who are not classified as homemakers, or are not attending an educational institution.

On this category should be included, too:

-- pre-school children even if they are receiving successor's pension;
-- aged people, handicapped and invalid persons, not having any income paid activity, or are not homemakers, and are not benefiting by any pension or another income source, relying on the support of natural persons;
-- persons below 14 year old, who are not attending any educational institution, but who are performing household duties.

-- The markx will be written on the code box 8 (depending on public aid or private organizations supporters) -- for the persons relying on the support of the public institutions (old people houses, hospital hostels, children's house, etc.), or private organizations (Non Governmental Organizations), for persons having as unique source of income the social aid (for example the handicapped persons who are supported by the relatives or other persons, to whom the state is paying an allowance or a salary to the supporters).

Are not included:
-- school children from "children's house" (these will be marked by code 4 --pupil/student);
-- persons living in the hostels receiving pension (these will be included to the code 5 -- pensioner) or to "other income source";
-- pupils and students having as unique source the state fellowship (these will be recorded to the code 4);

-- The mark x will be recorded on the code box 9 (other situations) -- for the persons not classified in any of the above mentioned categories (codes 1 -- 8).

On this category will be included:

-- persons having as main source of livelihood incomes from rents, interests, dividends, leasing;
-- arrested people, being at the census moment in prison;
-- persons not classified in any of the above mentioned categories (codes 1- 8).

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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30. Current activity status (performed during the reference week 13 to 19 October 2011)

[] 01 Employed
[] 02 Unemployed looking for another job
[] 03 Unemployed looking for his/her first job
[] 04 Pupil/student
[] 05 Pensioner
[] 06 Housewife
[] 07 Supported by another person
[] 08 Supported by state or by private organization
[] 09 Supported from other sources
[] 10 Another economic situation

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_WORK — Worked last week
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15. Did you have a job or gainful occupation from October 2 to October 8 of 2002?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No - Skip to question 20
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11. Employment

Question 11. Did you perform any work for wage or salary a week before the census?
One of the suggested prompts should be marked for persons over 15 years.
"Yes" - for those in paid employment one week before the census (from October 2 to October 8, 2002) who:
1) Performed work regardless of the time of actual payment for the job:

- Work (at least one hour) for consideration regardless of the type: permanent, temporary, seasonal, odd or other job done for consideration;
- Paid public works;
- Work yielding income (but not for hire) - performed independently or with one or several partners - with or without hired labor;
- Unpaid work at a family enterprise or farm;
[p. 54]
2) Were temporarily not at work, but had a formal attachment to their job (e.g., an interpreter employed by the company awaiting a call).
The reasons of temporary absence from work are the following:

- Illness or injury, nursing care;
- Annual leave or days off, compensatory leave or holiday, overtime or weekend (holiday) compensation;
- Maternity and child rearing leave provided for by the law;
- Studies or retraining outside the place of employment, academic leave;
- Suspension of work with/without leave (holiday premium) on the management's initiative;
- Rotation shift duty or another specific type of the job;
- Strike;
- Other similar reasons.

Students and pensioners in paid employment a week before the census (from October, 2 to October 8, 2002) are deemed employed. Mark the "Yes" option for them.
Those with the "Yes" option marked in question l1, must have an identified source of livelihood indicated in question 10 "income from work (except work at personal subsidiary plots)"
"No" - for those out of work or without a paying job, who were solely:

- Attending a military academy, post-graduate course, doctor's degree course as a full-time student;
- Engaged in own-account production retained by the producer;
- Performing household duties in cleaning the house, cooking for household members, tailoring, repair, laundering and cleaning of clothes for household members, upbringing of children, rearing of the elderly or sick members of the household;
- Rendering services as a volunteer without pay to different persons or charity organizations, parent-teacher associations, veterans' committees, orphanages or old people's homes etc.;
-Owning stock of enterprises or companies without direct participation in the economic activity of the enterprise or company;
-Engaged in mendicancy, collection of empty bottles etc.
[p. 55]
The "No" option should be also chosen for those who did not have a job or a paying employment during the week preceding the enumeration point of time.
Ask the persons with the "Yes" option. "What is your status at your primary job?" Inform the respondent of all the prompts and let him/her choose the appropriate answer.
If a respondent had more than one job (paying occupation), ask him/her to identify a job he/she him/herself considers to be the primary job.
If the respondent finds difficulty in identifying the primary job, it is the one where he/she worked most of the time, or the one yielding larger income.
Those who changed the main job during the reference week, should identify the job he/she was doing by the end of the week.
Mark one of two suggested prompts.
"Working for hire" - for those who worked under a written agreement, contract or verbal agreement concluded with the management of an enterprise, organization or institution of any form of ownership, or with a private employer, and were remunerated by a wage or salary (in cash or in kind). The same option should be chosen for:

- Persons elected, appointed or commissioned as manager, or director, or other persons receiving a managerial wage;
- Students receiving a salary;
- Members of the family who worked at a family enterprise for a consideration and enjoyed the same rights and were paid on a par with others performing the same work;
- Ministers of religions.

"Working, but not for hire" - for those who:

- worked at an own enterprise (on an individual basis) with or without hired labor;
- were members of producers' cooperatives (crews);
- worked without pay on a farm, in a producers' cooperative, at a private enterprise (individual or family enterprise) owned by a relative.

The respondents who identified themselves as "Working, but not for hire" should also choose one of the additional prompts:
[p. 56]
"With hired labor" - for those who managed his/her own enterprise or were independently engaged in professional activity or commerce, and used one or more hired workers.
"Without hired labor" - for those who were independently engaged in professional activity or commerce, and did not hire workers.
"Other activity'' for those who were members of a producers' cooperative (crew), i.e. worked at an own enterprise (cooperative) producing commodities or services, where each owner enjoys equal rights with other owners in decision-making on the matters of production, sale and other aspects of the cooperative's activity, investment and distribution of income among the members~ for those who worked without pay on a farm, in a producers' cooperative, at a private enterprise (individual or family enterprise) owned by a relative.

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_WKLOOK — Job search
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20. Were you seeking work last month?
Question 20 is only for those aged 15-64 who answered "no" to question 15.
[] 1 Yes
If you were offered a suitable job, were you able to start within two weeks?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 2 No.
Indicate the main reason:
[] a Found a job and will start work within the next two weeks
[] b Applied for a job and awaiting a reply
[] c Awaiting the beginning of the season
[] d Unable to find work
[] e Occupied with housework
[] f Other reason
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Question 11.6. If you were out of work, have you been seeking employment over the last month?
The answer to this question should be recorded only for people between 15-64 years old with the "No" option checked off in question 11.1, i.e. those who did not have a job or paying occupation a week before the census.
For those who were actively looking for a job or tried to establish an own enterprise- check off the "Yes" option.
Seeking employment means applying/or a job to:

- Governmental or commercial employment service;
- Management of enterprises, institutions and organizations, entrepreneur;
- Turning for help to friends, acquaintances and relatives; as well as:
- Publication of appropriate ads in the media, response to announced job vacancies; establishment of an own enterprise (obtaining of an authorization or license, selection of the location, selection of machines and equipment etc.).
[p. 63]
Ask those who have been looking for a Job (with the "Yes" option checked off) whether they could start working within the next two weeks and check off the appropriate prompt - "Yes" or "No".
The "No" option in response to question 11.6 is recorded for the respondents who did not have work or a paying job and is not seeking it. Then check off one of the prompts identifying one main reason why they are not looking for a job:
"I was accepted for employment and will start working within next 2 weeks" - if a respondent was accepted for employment and has an agreement to start working within two weeks from the beginning of the census;
"I found a job and am now waiting f or the confirmation" - if a respondent has found a job and is waiting for the answer from the management, if the period of waiting does not exceed four weeks;
"I am waiting for the beginning of the season" - if a respondent was employed in seasonal work (e.g., peatery, water transport, fishery- spring or summer) and was not employed during the reference week because of the season is over, and intends to work in seasonal operations next year;
"No opportunity to find a job" - if a respondent is not looking for a job because of unavailability of vacancies in his/her profession, and if there is no opportunity to acquire a new profession;
"I am engaged in housekeeping" · if a respondent is not looking for a job because he/she attends to household duties in the own household without pay (e.g., cooking, cleaning, child care or care of other family members);
"Different reason" if a respondent is not looking for a job through a different reason (e.g., no need to work, because of health condition, attending full-time educational institutions, retirement or old age etc.).
Please, remember: the question should not be put to people under 15 and over 64 years.

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_WORK — Worked last week
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Questions 11.1-11.5 are for the persons aged 15 to 72. Others go to question 12.1

11. Employment and unemployment

11.1 Have you had any work that provided income, wage or salary during the period October 7-13, 2010?

[] Yes
[] No
[If no, go to Question 11.5]
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Section 11. Employment and unemployment
Questions of this section are filled in only by the individuals aged 15 to 72 years inclusive.

Question 11.1. Did you have any income-yielding job during the period from 7th to 13th October, 2010?
Individuals aged 17-72 years put a mark that corresponds to any of the given prompts.
"Yes" is given by the one who had income-yielding job within the period from 7th to 13th October 2010:

1) Regardless of date of direct payment or income receipt for his/her activity:
- Work (at least for an hour) for the reward regardless whether it was permanent, temporary, seasonal, casual or other type of work for reward (salary);
- Paid public works;
- Self-employed work (at his/her own business or organization), bringing income and performed either individually or with one or several companions, with hiring employees and without it;
- Work in a group of students;
- Work at family enterprise without payment;
- Work without payment at a small peasant farm (for those who are the members of small peasant farm household);
- Work at household and personal household plot, if goods or services produced are intended mostly for sale;
2) Was temporarily absent at work, but kept official relations with his/her place of work (for example, translator who works officially for a company on project basis).
The reason for temporary absence at work may include:
- Illness or trauma, nursing care (medical certificate);
- Annual vacation or weekends, compensation vacation or compensatory days off, compensation of overtime work or work during holiday (weekend) days;
- Maternal leave and nursing care of a child till such child reaches 1,5 years of age, as established by the law;
- Training, retraining of personnel outside his/her workplace, study leave;
- Vacation with financial support at administration initiative;
- Vacation without financial support at administration initiative for the duration of less than 6 months;
- Shift or any other specific work;
- Strike;
- Other similar reasons.
Students or pensioners who had any income-yielding job in a week before the date of census, are regarded as employed. They shall put a mark "yes".

"No" is marked for those who did not have any job or a profitable occupation within the week before, even if a respondent:

- Studied full-time at professional education institutions;
- Produced goods at a personal household farm for his/her own consumption;
- Provided services in his own household including house cleaning, cooking for household members, sewing, repairs and keeping the clothes of household members clean, raising children, nursing care for senior and sick household members;
- Provided services voluntarily without payment for different people or charitable institutions, parental committees, veterans committees, hospitals, orphanages and homes for senior or disabled people, etc.;
- Held shares of any enterprise or company without direct participation in financial activity of this enterprise or company;
- Was occupied with begging or bottles' collection, etc.

The following people are considered as not having job:

- Seasonal workers, whose labor contract has expired;
- Individuals who have agreement about the work but who have not yet started it;
- Individuals who are absent over a long period due to vacation at administration initiative, if period of absence at work is 6 months and more;
- Individuals who are absent at work due to care of 1,5 - 3 year old child.

If the answer is "no", you shall proceed to question 11.5.

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_WKLOOK — Looking for work
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11.5 Have you been looking for work during the last month?

Question 11.5 for persons who answered the question 11.1 in the negative
[] Yes
If you were offered a suitable work, could you start working within the next 2 weeks?
[] Yes
[] No
[] No
[If no] Specify one main reason
[] I found work and will start working within the next two weeks
[] I applied for work and am waiting for an answer
[] I am waiting for the start of seasonal work
[] I am engaged in housekeeping
[] Other reason, specify ____
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Section 11. Employment and unemployment
Questions of this section are filled in only by the individuals aged 15 to 72 years inclusive.

Question 11.5. Have you searched for work withing the previous month?
It will be filled only by people aged 15-72, who has "no" as an answer to the question 11.1, i.e. who did not have income-yielding work or occupation within the period from 7th to 13th October 2010.
"Yes" is put by those who:

1) Was searching for work by applying to:
- Governmental or commercial placement service;
- Administration of enterprises, institutions and organizations, to the entrepreneurs;
- Friends, acquaintances or relatives.
2) Placed ads searching for work in printed matters, responded to ads about vacancies;
3) Organized his/her own business (obtained a permission or license, was in search of location, was choosing cars and equipment, etc.).

Individuals who were and are searching for work (i.e. who put "yes") will be asked the following sub-question:
If you were offered a suitable job, could you start working within next 2 weeks?
"Yes" will be put if a respondent could start working. "No" will be put if a respondent could not start working.
"No" in the answer to question about search of work will be put by those who did not have any work (a profitable occupation) and did not search for it within the previous month. These individuals shall give the main reason why they were not searching for work and put the following mark:

- "Was offered a job and will start working within the following 2 weeks", if a respondent was offered a job and has an agreement to start working within 2 weeks from the date of population enumeration;
- "Found job and waiting for response" will be marked by those who found job and is waiting for an answer from an employer, if the waiting period does not exceed 4 weeks;


- "Waiting for the beginning of the season" will be marked by those who was occupied during seasonal work (for example, peatery, water transport, fishing) and was not occupied within the week of the census due to the end of the season, but is going to work during the next season;
- "Occupied with households" will be marked by those who was not searching for work because he/she performs home responsibilities in his/her own households without payment (for example, being a housewife), is occupied with children nursing and caring about other members of the family, cooking and cleaning;
- "Another reason" will be marked by those who was not searching for work for another reason, for example, due to illness, disability, because he/she is a full-time student of educational institution, pensioner, retired serviceman, etc. This reason also shall be marked by those people who do not have necessity to work, or possibility to find a job, etc. In a special field relevant reason shall be indicated.

Slovakia 1991 — source variable SK1991A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity status
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Part A - Information about persons
Instructions for completing Part A - Information about persons
[Instructions include an example that is omitted here.]

17. Economic activity ____

Economically active (including soldiers in active service, persons in custody and in prison), women on maternity leave, person seeking employment, helping (free of charge) in a family business; working and non-working pensioner, person with another kind of income (please specify), primary school pupil secondary vocational school attendee, student, housewife, cared for by family, etc.
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Part A - Personal information

Questions 17 to 23
(a) economically active persons, including working pensioners, women on maternity leave, military service soldiers, persons in custody and in jail, and persons assisting (free of charge) in a family business complete all questions
b) pupils and students (including vocational school pupils) do not complete questions 18 and 19
c) other persons dependent on the breadwinner (mainly children, housewives) complete only question 17
d) non-working pensioners complete only questions 17-19.

Slovakia 2001 — source variable SK2001A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity status
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Personal form

14. Economic activity

[] Working (except of pensioners)
[] Apprentice
[] Secondary school student
[] University student
[] Person on maternity leave (includes further maternity leave)
[] Homekeeping
[] Pensioner
[] Unemployed
[] Child up to 16
[] Other
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Explanations for filling in the personal form

14. Economic activity
Economic activity is information on economic status of the person on the labor market at the decisive moment of the Census.
Economically active population comprises persons being at the time of the Census at work, in membership, on duty, or in a similar relation to any organization, to a cooperative, to private persons, or to other legal subjects, employers, helpers, unemployed, self-employed, irrespective of time usually worked.

Working: Comprises person 16-years and older in paid job and also helping household members in a family enterprise. Also persons at military service, persons in a prison if their work relation still exists. Comprises also entrepreneurs with or without employees. Working pensioners are not included.
Apprentice: Comprises persons learning on daily base at apprenticeship institution.
Secondary school student: Comprises persons studying on daily base at high school.
University student: Comprises persons studying on daily base at high school.
Person on maternity leave (including further maternity leave): Comprises persons on maternity (parental) leave if their work relation still exists.
Homekeeping: Comprises persons 16 years and older dependents by the livelihood on another household member and persons out of the working relation. There are for example persons caring for a child, external university students, and unemployed graduates of universities.
Pensioner: Comprises all pensioners (working and non-working).
Unemployed: Comprises all persons 16 years and older without a job actively seeking work.
Other: Comprises persons who are not dependent on another household member, do not have an income from employment, and have another financial sources of livelihood. In addition, persons at military service, persons in a prison without existing work relation.

Slovakia 2011 — source variable SK2011A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity status
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A. Data on population

9. Current activity status

[] Professionals (other than pensioners)
[] Working pensioner
[] Person on maternity leave
[] Person on parental leave
[] Unemployed
[] Secondary school student
[] University student
[] Person in household
[] Pensioner
[] Capital gain beneficiary
[] Child under 16 years of age (born after 20.5.1995)
[] Other
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Census form A. Population data
Census form A. Population data was completed by each member of the household. For a minor citizen or a citizen who could not provide data on his/her own, the data should be provided by their legal representative, a family member or the owner of the house.

Economic activity
Economic activity is an indication of the position of the population on the labor market at the decisive point of the census. All residents except foreigners residing in the Slovak Republic for less than 90 days are obliged to fill in this information. The following options are available:

- Employed (excluding pensioners)
This group consists of 16-year-olds and older who were employed at the time of the census or were engaged in business regardless of temporary absence from work due to temporary incapacity for work or vacation and did not receive an old-age, early retirement, disability, or retirement pension. For the purposes of the census, residents were also considered to be employed in an agreement on the employment contract and the work contract. This does not include full-time students of secondary schools and universities employed on the basis of contracts for work performed outside employment (temporary work). Entrepreneurs with or without employees were also included in the group of workers. Also assisting members of households in family businesses, persons in custody or serving a term in prison, if their employment is continuous.
- Working pensioners
This group includes residents receiving old-age, early retirement, disability or early retirement pensions who were at the time of the census employed or engaged in entrepreneurial activity. A working pensioner is also a pensioner employed under a work agreement and work activity agreement.
- Persons on maternity leave
This group includes residents on maternity leave while their employment lasted. A person was not considered to be on maternity leave for the purpose of the census if they have never been employed or if their employment or similar employment relationship ended. If this person was not employed, they can choose from the options of unemployed, housewife or other (economic activity).
- Persons on parental leave
This group included residents on parental leave if their employment lasted. A person on parental leave was not a person on parental leave if they had never been employed or his/her employment or similar employment relationship has ended. If this person did not have an employment relationship, he/she could choose from the following options: "unemployed", "homemaker" or "other".
- Unemployed
This group includes 16-year-olds and older who were unemployed at the decisive point of the census and who were actively looking for work regardless of whether or not they were on the job seekers register.
- High school students
This group includes full-time students in secondary schools (including apprentices). Secondary school students receiving a disability pension are not considered students.
- University students
This group included full-time students at universities. University students receiving disability pensions are not considered students.
- Homemakers
This group includes residents aged 16 and over who did not have their own income and were financially dependent on other member(s) of the household. A homemaker was also considered a resident who did not work at the decisive point of the census and did not actively seek work (the so-called voluntarily unemployed). As homemakers are also considered unemployed students studying distance or external learning programs and unemployed school leavers if they were not actively seeking work and were financially dependent on other members of the household.
- Pensioners
This group includes residents who received old-age, early old-age, disability or retirement pensions, and the pension was their only source of income. Children under the age of 16 and full-time students of secondary or higher education institutions receiving disability pensions were also considered to be pensioners, provided that the pension was the only source of their income.
- Beneficiaries of capital revenue
This group includes residents whose main source of income was income from own property rentals, income from capital assets (interest on securities, deposits, etc.).
- Children under 16 years (born after 20.05.1995)
This group included residents who had not reached the age of 16 at the decisive point of the census.
- Other (economic activity)
This economic activity was marked by residents who were not financially dependent on other member(s) of the household and did not belong to any of the groups listed above. Other economic activity was also selected by unemployed persons who were in custody or serving a custodial sentence if their employment relationship did not last.
- Economically active
The economically active population were considered to be residents who were working (except for pensioners), working pensioners, the unemployed, and persons on maternity leave at the time of the census in accordance with these methodological notes.

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity status
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42. [] What is your current activity status?
[] Employed
[] Self-employed
[] Farmer
[] Child, pupil, student
[] Pensioner
[] Contributing family member (on a family farm, family enterprise)
[] Unemployed
[] In the national military service
[] Homemaker
[] Unable to work due to old age, disease, disability
[] Serving a term in prison
[] Other (write in): activity status ____

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42 What is you current activity status?

Employed is marked by the enumerator for:
Persons in paid employment in companies, enterprises and organisations,
Persons employed by self-employed persons,
Persons performing public works.

All persons with employment contracts belong in this group.

Self-employed is marked by the enumerator for:
Individual private entrepreneurs,
Own account workers (e.g. lawyers, cultural workers, independent researchers).

Farmer is marked by the enumerator for:
Farmers, holders of agricultural holdings who have pension and health insurance,
Members of agricultural holdings who have pension and health insurance,
Farmers and members of agricultural holdings who only have health insurance.

Child, pupil, student is marked by the enumerator for:
Persons who by the 2002 Census reference date have not completed 15 years of age,
Persons who are older than 15 but are in education and are not employed, self-employed or farmers.

Pensioner is marked by the enumerator for persons receiving pensions:
According to regulations in the Republic of Slovenia,
From a foreign pension insurance carrier,
Recipients of maintenance allowances for farmers.

Contributing family member (on a family farm, family enterprise) is marked by the enumerator for persons who are formally not employed, self-employed or farmers but work on a family farm, in a family craft establishment, family enterprise or some other form of family gainful activity and as a rule do not receive regular payment for their work.

Unemployed is marked by the enumerator for persons who are registered as unemployed at the Employment Service of Slovenia.

In the national military service is marked by the enumerator for persons who are in regular or civilian military service.

Homemaker is marked by the enumerator for persons who are engaged in housework and can not be included in any of the above answers.

Unable to work due to old age, disease, disability is marked by the enumerator for persons who are unable to work due to age, illness or disability and do not have their own means of livelihood.

Serving a term in prison is marked by the enumerator for persons in prison or in a correction facility or educational establishment.

Other is marked by the enumerator for persons who do not belong in any of the above categories. In this case the enumerator enters the activity status (e.g. rentier, top athlete, etc.), but only if the persons has no employment contract, is not self-employed or a farmer, inactive due to personal or family reasons, etc.

[p. 68]

Persons in paid employment, self-employed persons or farmers who are at the same time full-time or part-time students are counted among persons in paid employment, self-employed persons or farmers.

People receiving pensions are counted among pensioners and not:
Among persons in paid employment if they work part-time;
Among farmers if they receive pension and at the same time work on the farm;
Among persons unable to work due to old age, disease or disability.

The following people are not pensioners:
Children in education receiving family pension;
People receiving partial pension (old-age pensioners who are partially retired and partially in employment relationship working part-time). They are counted among persons in paid employment or self-employed;
Persons receiving partial pension (old-age pensioners who are partially retired and partially unemployed). They are counted among unemployed persons.

Spain 1981 — source variable ES1981A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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12. Which of the following describes your current situation?
Refer to the week of February 22-28, 1981.
Mark with an X the box that corresponds to your answer.
[] 1 Fulfilling military service
[] 2 Working
-in a paid occupation, profession, or job.
-without pay, helping with the family business or farm, for 15 hours or more per week
[] 3 Looking for your first job
[] 4 Unemployed and looking for work, having worked previously
[] 5 Retired, collecting a pension, etc.
[] 6 Living off investments (living off income from rental properties, dividends, or other capital income)
[] 7 Elementary school student (including those enrolled in pre-school) or other student
[] 8 Keeping house
[] 9 Permanently handicapped and unable to work
[] 0 Other (e.g., children not in school, persons in the interval between school graduation and beginning a job search)

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_EMPSTAT1 — Work relationship 1
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22. Employment status
Mark the situation that you were in during the week from February 22 to 28, 1991.

If you were in more than one situation, mark as many as apply, up to a maximum of three. (For example, a person who was both working and studying should mark both Employed (2x) and student (8x).)

Classify as "employed" all persons who worked at least one hour during the reference week (February 22 to 28). Those persons who had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent (because of illness, vacations, etc.) during the reference period should also be considered "employed."
[] 1 Serving in the military
[] 2 Employed
[] 3 Unemployed, looking for a first job
[] 4 Unemployed, previously employed
[] 5 Retired (receiving a retirement pension or disability pension)
[] 6 Receiving a pension other than retirement or disability
[] 7 Permanently disabled and unable to work
[] 8 Student, including elementary, high school, and pre-school students
[] 9 Keeping house (unpaid)
[] 10 Another situation (minors not in school, persons living off rental income, etc.).

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_EMP1 — Employment situation last week (first response)
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7. Which of the following describes your situation last week?
Review all the options in Table 7 and mark all of the boxes that apply.
[] 1 Receiving some type of schooling (including schooling via nursery school, academies, businesses, etc.)
[] 2 Working (worked at least 1 hour) or temporarily absent from work.

[If answers 1 or 2 apply] Please fill an individual questionnaire.

[] 3 Unemployed, looking for a first job
[] 4 Unemployed, having worked previously
[] 5 Receiving a pension because handicapped or disabled
[] 6 Receiving a widow's or orphan's pension
[] 7 Receiving a retirement or pre-retirement pension
[] 8 Doing volunteer work
[] 9 Unable to do basic activities without assistance (bathing, getting dressed, moving around)
[] 10 Doing or helping with household chores
[] 11 Some other situation (children too young to attend school, persons living off rental income, etc. )

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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14. In what labor situation was she last week?
[] Employed (that?s to say, worked at least an hour) or temporally absent from work:
[] full-time
[] part-time
[] Unemployed, having had worked previously
[] Unemployed, seeking employment for the first time (go to question 18)
[] Person with permanent labor disability (go to question 18)
[] Retired, pre-retired, pensioned, or rentier (go to question 18)
[] Other situation (go to question 18)
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1.D.1 Current relation with the activity

This variable allows a classification of the population with relation to economic activity, establishing the groups of active and inactive and their main collectives. It is a variable of basic classification in the census operation.

The temporary reference of this variable is the week previous to the census reference.
It is asked of all those people that are 16 years of age or older.

Categories of this variable:


Unemployed having worked before
Unemployed seeking his/her first employment
Person with permanent labor disability
Retired, pre-retired, pensioned, or rentier
Other situation

Switzerland 1970 — source variable CH1970A_EMPSTAT — Labour force status
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C. Questions to persons age 13 and over
[Applies to question 19]
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Question 19: Present occupation, livelihood
Farmer wives and other adult persons, who work on the farm in addition to their housework, should enter "housewife" as well as "full time or part time employed". In question 20 they should enter only the time which they spend normally at farm work.
Persons age 16 and over who are dependent on their relatives, as long as they are not un-employed, housewives or students, mark the field "other sources of livelihood".
Other sources of livelihood are also alimony, scholarships, support payments, etc.

Switzerland 1980 — source variable CH1980A_LABFORCE — Labour force status
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C. Questions to persons aged 15 and over

17. Present activities and sources of income
Please mark every applicable square, e.g. if you run the household and are employed; if you work and are a student; if you draw a pension and work. The monthly allowances of the Old Age Pension and Invalid Insurance are regarded as pensions. Do not take into consideration any interruptions of work caused by illness, holidays, military service, etc.
Partially employed = working fewer hours than is usual in the branch or firm concerned, e.g. half-days or only on single days a week.
Housewives, pensioners and students who work part-time should enter themselves as 'partially employed' and not under 'additional occupation'.

Main profession, source of income

[] Fully employed
[] Partially employed at one or more jobs
[] At present unemployed
[] Looking for a permanent job
[] Future job assured
[] Housework (in own household)
[] Pensioner, retired
[] Schoolchild, student
[] Other sources of income

[1. Unemployed indicate under Questions 19a and b their last activity and position.]

Additional occupation (besides full or part-time activity)

[] Additional occupation in agriculture
[] Additional occupation in another branch

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Question 17: Present occupation, livelihood

Farm wives and other adult persons who work on the farm in addition to their housework, should enter "housewife" as well as "full time or part time employed". In question 18a they should enter only the time which they spend normally at farm work and in question 18c the time for housework.

Persons age 16 and over who are dependent on their relatives should mark the field "other sources of livelihood", as long as they are not un-employed, housewives or students. Other sources of livelihood are also alimony, scholarships, support payments, etc.

Switzerland 1990 — source variable CH1990A_LABFORCE — Labour force status
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10. Current principal occupation, source of income
(More than one answer can be given here)

[] 1 Part-time occupation with single job

Number of hours per week: _ _

[] 2 Part-time occupation with two or more jobs

Total number of hours per week: _ _

[] 3 Fully employed

Number of hours per week: _ _

[] 4 Unemployed at present, but looking for a job
[] 5 Unemployed at present, but future job assured
[] 6 Unemployed at present and not looking for a job
[] 7 Housework in own household
[] 8 Undergoing education (school, studies, apprenticeship)
[] 9 None, under school age
[] 10 Retired, pensioner
[] 11 Other situation, namely ________

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_LABFORCE — Labour force status
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Questions 12, 13 and 14 are intended for those aged 15 and over

13. Occupation: present situation

Please tick everything that applies.

'In employment' means persons:
Who work one hour or more a week against payment
Who work in a family business without payment
Who are currently ill, on paid maternity leave or military service but are otherwise in employment.
Casual jobs should also be counted.

Apprentices should select both 'In employment' and 'Undergoing training'. The appropriate number of hours must be given for both categories.

[] In (full-time) employment

Average number of hours a week: _ _ hours

[] In (part-time) employment (at least one hour a week)

Average number of hours a week: _ _ hours

[] Several (part-time) jobs

Average number of hours a week: _ _ hours

[] Unemployed
[] Not in employment but seeking a job
[] Not in employment but future job guaranteed
[] Not employed and not looking for a job
[] Undergoing training (school, studies, apprenticeship) _ _ hours
[] Retired, pension, beneficiary (old-age, disability, etc.)

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_EMPSTATAGG3 — Labor market status
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Personal questionnaire

11. What is your current labour market situation?

Please tick everything that applies (more than one answer is possible). Casual jobs should also be entered. Tick ''in employment'' if:
- You work at least one hour per week for payment, or;
- You work in a family business without payment, or
- You are temporarily away from work (on holiday, sick leave or paid maternity leave, military / community service) but are otherwise employed or self-employed.

Apprentices should select both ''in employment'' and ''undergoing training.''

[] 1 In full-time employment
[] 2 In part-time employment
[] 3 In several part-time employments
[] 4 Seeking a job (whether or not registered for unemployment insurance)
[] 5 Undergoing training (school, studies, apprenticeship)
[] 6 Looking after home or family
[] 7 Disabled or partially disabled (e.g. person in receipt of Federal Disability Insurance)
[] 8 Retired (in receipt of AHV (retirement) or other pension), or pensioner in receipt of benefit other than disability insurance
[] 9 Other non-employed situation

[If 1, 2, or 3 is chosen,] average number of hours worked per week: _ _

25. In the following columns, enter all persons except for person 1 from question 24, keeping the same numbers for each person.

Person 1 is the person who completed the personal questionnaire

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

Person 2
1. First name: ____
2. Year of birth: (YYYY): _ _ _ _
3. Month of birth: (MM): _ _
Person 3
1. First name: ____
2. Year of birth: (YYYY): _ _ _ _
3. Month of birth: (MM): _ _
[Same questions are repeated for persons 4 - 6 and omitted from this form]

30. What is the person's occupational status?

Only one answer.

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

Only to be completed by persons in employment (incl. apprentices). Refer to the person's main occupation.

Person 2
[] 1 Self-employed or owner of the stock corporation or plc
[] 2 Relative employed in family business
[] 3 Employed as director or board member
[] 4 Employee with managerial responsibility
[] 5 Employee without managerial responsibility (including apprentice)
[Same questions are repeated for persons 3 - 6 and omitted from this form]
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3.3 Structural statistics

3.3.2 Basic output
The structural statistics provide additional information on the basic statistics, together with base information for the analysis of the thematic statistics of the census system. They cover the resident population, excluding people who live in institutional households. The information on dwellings relates to occupied dwellings. The structural statistics provide annual results on the following topic areas:

T4 Information provided by the structural statistics

Topic area "work"
Occupation/participation in the labour market          
- Employment status
- Current occupation
- Status in occupation
- Socio-professional category
- Economic branch, legal status, and size of the enterprise
- Number of hours worked per week, work-time percentage


- Labour market status
- Unemployment rate

Ukraine 2001 — source variable UA2001A_INCSRC — Source of livelihood
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13. Sources of living

[] 1 Work for enterprise, organization, institution, farm
[] 2 Work for private persons
[] 3 Self-employed (own enterprise)
[] 4 Work performed on the individual basis
[] 5 Work at own agriculture farm
[] 6 Work without payment at family enterprise
[] 7 Work at private subsidiary agriculture
[] 8 Income from property
[] 9 Pension
[] 10 Scholarship
[] 11 Benefits (excluding unemployment allowances)
[] 12 Unemployment allowances
[] 13 Other government social security
[] 14 Dependent
[] 15 Other source
No of the main source of living ____
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Question 13 - Your sources of living
Before you ask questions, you must give the respondent a card with a list of sources of living.


After reviewing the card respondent indicates one or more sources of living among the listed. Based on the received response in the census questionnaire you should make marks that correspond to one or more of the mentioned variants of responses.

In specially outlined box you should write down the number of source of living, which the respondent considers to be the main. Thus the main source of living should be considered the source, income from which is the largest part of the total respondent's income.

Working in enterprise, organization, institution, agriculture (farmer) sector is marked to persons who have entered into a written employment agreement, contract or verbal arrangement with the administration of enterprise, organization, institution or with individual about the conditions of work as well as payment and are employed in enterprises, organizations, institutions of all forms of ownership, such as in state or municipal enterprise, agriculture (farmer) sector, joint stock company, private or joint enterprise, public or religious organization, founds, production cooperative, etc.

This source as a means of living is also marked to persons occupied an elective position;
pensioners and students who have a permanent job; those who study at training and skills development courses; persons who worked at seasonal jobs in spring, summer or autumn (such as at peat field, timber rafting (floating), water transport, fisheries), although at the time of population Census do not work; family members who work in family business for a fee on a common basis; women who were on leave to care for a child until she/he (a child) reaches the age of three or six years; persons who were on leave without retention or partial retention of wages initiated by the administration of enterprise, organization, institution; persons who do not work for three weeks or less due to job changing; persons who performed or are performing paid community work obtained through the employment service.

Working for individuals is marked to those who are employed by individuals (personal secretaries, domestic workers, nurses, drivers, guards, etc.).

Running a business of own is marked to persons who are engaged in own business as individual owners of the company or as members of the owners group of the company in order to earn income or family income in cash or in kind.


Collective owners include members of producers' cooperatives (except employed by cooperatives), members of associations and other collective enterprises. Those who are working in his/her own enterprise can carry out its own production activities both involving the employees or not.

Working on an individual basis is marked to persons who are self-employed and are not in the staff of an enterprise, institution or organization (self-employment: dentist, hairdresser, photographer, etc.); to persons who are engaged in business activities, including the production or craft (e.g., individual activities in trade, individual repair of apartments, tailoring, etc.), as well as to persons with liberal profession engaged in creative activity that brings income and are not in the staff of an enterprise, organization and institution (writers, composers, etc.).
Working at own agriculture (farming) enterprise" is marked to persons who are engaged in their own agriculture (farming) enterprise, registered according to established procedure, that uses its own or leased land and property, produces agricultural products and provides its processing and marketing. Thus the owner of such enterprise can be either an individual or household in whole or its part.

Working at the family enterprise without payment is marked to persons who do any unpaid work at the private or family enterprise, agricultural enterprise owned by one of the members of the household of that person.

Working at private plot is marked to persons who are engaged in private farm activities related to the production of agricultural products or caring for livestock, regardless the products will be used for selling (exchanging) or personal consumption .

Income from property is marked to persons who receive income from their own enterprise (at that, the owner does not work at the enterprise); persons who receive income in the form of rent for leased land, homes, cottages, garages and other property owned by the person; persons who receive income in the form of interest on deposits, credit, bank loan; shareholders who receive income in the form of dividends from the joint-stock company, currency difference for the sold shares and, etc.

Pension is marked to persons who receive old-age pension, disability pension, long service pension, survivor pension, social pension. The "pension" is marked to persons whom it is granted to, but not to those who receive it (for example, "survivor pension" that is granted for children is marked to children, but not to the mother or father, even if they receive this pension).


Scholarship is marked to persons who study and receive a scholarship (including scholars to whom a scholarship is paid by enterprises, organizations or employment service that sent them to training).

Benefits (excluding unemployment allowances) is marked to persons who receive the state social allowances. However, it is marked to those to whom this assistance is granted but not to those who receive it.

For example, for mothers or persons replacing them you should mark allowance due to pregnancy and childbirth; child care allowances until the age of three; payments to mothers (parents) who take care of three or more children under 16 years; allowance for a disabled child care; allowance for children under 16 years old (students - up to 18 years); allowance to single mothers; allowance for military servant's children; allowance for children under guardianship.

Unemployment allowances is marked to capable persons of working age who are registered at the state employment service as unemployed and receive unemployment allowances or financial aid on unemployment.

Other governmental social security is marked to orphans and pupils of boarding schools; to persons who live in nursing homes for elderly and disabled, etc.; to persons who are at government or social organization maintenance.

Dependant is marked to persons who are engaged in cooking in household, caring for children or other relatives, etc., and to persons who live off relatives or others' money.

Dependant is also marked to persons for whom alimony are paid. For example, if alimony is paid for minor children, even if it is received by their mother (father), "dependant" is marked to children but not to mother (father).

Other source is marked to persons whose source of living is a source that is not included in the mentioned above (e.g., savings) and also to ministers of religion (priests, rabbis, etc.)

Those who do not work 22 days or more due to job changing, source of their living is marked (such as "Dependant", "Other source", etc.).

United Kingdom 1991 — source variable UK1991A_EMPSTATP — Economic position (primary)
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Answer to the remaining questions are not required for any person under 16 years of age (born after 21st April 1975)
[Applies to questions 13 - 19]

13. Whether working, retired, looking after the home etc. last week
Which of these things was the person doing last week?

Please read carefully through the list and tick all the descriptions that apply.

Casual or temporary work should be counted at boxed 1, 2, 3 or 4. Also tick boxes 1, 2, 3 or 4 if the person had a job last week but was off sick, on holiday, temporarily laid off or on strike.
Boxes 1, 2, 3 and 4 refer to work for pay or profit but not to unpaid work except in a family business.
Working for an employer is part time (box 2) if the hours worked, excluding any overtime and mealbreaks, are usually 30 hours or less per week.

[] 1 Was working for an employer full time (more than 30 hours a week)
[] 2 Was working for an employer part time (one hour or more a week)
[] 3 Was self-employed, employing other people
[] 4 Was self-employed, not employing other people
[] 5 Was on a government employment or training scheme
[] 6 Was waiting to start a job he/she had already accepted
[] 7 Was unemployment and looking for a job (Include any person wanting a job but prevented from looking by holiday or temporary sickness)
[] 8 Was at school or in other full time education (Do not count training given or paid for by an employer)
[] 9 Was unable to work because of long term sickness or disability
[] 10 Was retired from paid work
[] 11 Was looking after the home or family
[] Other, please specify ________

[Identification header here]

Please read A below, tick the box that applies and follow the instruction by the box ticked. This will tell you which questions to answer for each person.

[Question A. applies to people who were full or part-time employees or self-employed, with or without employees]
A. Did the person have a paid job last week (any of the boxes 1, 2, 3 or 4 ticked at question 13)?
[] Yes. Answer questions 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 about the main job last week, then go on to question 19. Answer B

B. Has the person had a paid job within the last 10 years?
[] Yes. Answer questions 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 about the most recent job, then go on to question 19.

United Kingdom 2001 — source variable UK2001A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity (last week)
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[Questions 16 - 35 were asked of people age 16 to 74.]

18. Last week, were you doing any work:
- as an employee, or on a Government sponsored training scheme,
- as self-employed/freelance, or in your own/family business?

[Check] 'Yes' if away from work ill, on maternity leave, on holiday or temporarily laid off.
[Check] 'Yes' for any paid work, including casual or temporary work, even if only for one hour.
[Check] 'Yes' if you worked, paid or unpaid, in your own/family business.

[] Yes -- Go to 24
[] No -- Go to 19

[Questions 19 - 23 were asked of persons who were not doing any work last week.]

19. Were you actively looking for any kind of paid work during the last 4 weeks?

[] Yes
[] No

20. If a job had been available last week, could you have started it within 2 weeks?
[] Yes
[] No

21. Last week, were you waiting to start a job already obtained?
[] Yes
[] No

22. Last week, were you any of the following?

[Check] all boxes that apply.

[] Retired
[] Student
[] Looking after home/family
[] Permanently sick/disabled
[] None of the above

23. Have you ever worked?

[] Yes, please write in the year you last worked _ _ _ _ -- Go to 24
[] No, have never worked -- Go to 36

[Questions 24 - 35 were asked of persons who are currently working or have ever worked.]

25. Do (did) you work as an employee or are (were) you self-employed?

[] Employee
[] Self-employed with employees
[] Self-employed/freelance without employees