Questionnaire Text

France 1962
France 1968
France 1975
France 1982
France 1990
France 1999
France 2006
France 2011
France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_SEDATTAN — SAPHIR diploma
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Education and professional training

(For all persons born before January 1, 1952)
[Applies to questions 8 - 10]

10. Of the diplomas listed below, indicate all that you have earned:

a. General or Higher Education

[] 1 Certificate of primary studies
[] 2 General Certificate of Secondary Education [B.E.P.C.], or elementary certificate
[] 3 Baccalaureate (1st or 2nd part, including technical), or advanced level certificate [brevet superieur]
[] 4 Advanced 2nd level baccalaureates (university, engineering school, etc.)

b. Professional or Technical Training

State Diplomas
1. [] Exam indicating completed craftsman apprenticeship
2. [] Certificate of completion of F.P.A. [Certificat de fin de stage de la F.P.A.].
3. [] Vocational Training Certificate [Certificat d'Apprentissage Professionel.]
4. [] Professional degree
5. [] Certificate of industrial, commercial, social, hotelier education (1st or 2nd part, probationary or definitive [probatoire ou definitif]).
6. Student with a certificate from the ENP: technical certificate

0 [] Other professional diplomas granted by private schools or public agencies.
Indicate the corresponding specialty or specialties: ____

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_SDIPLOMA — SAPHIR diploma
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Education and professional formation (for all persons born before January 1st, 1962)
[Applies to questions 8 - 11]

11. Among the following diplomas, indicate all of those which you have:

a. General education

[] 1 Certificate of primary studies (C.E.P.) [Certificat d'études primaires]
[] 2 Elementary certification (B.E.P.C.) [Brevet d'études du premier cycle], (B.E.) or junior high certification (B.E.P.S.) [Brevet d'enseignement primaire supérieur]
[] 3 High school diploma (first part, junior year, second part), including the technical series, or superior certification [Brevet supérieur]
[] 4 Diplomas of higher education after the complete high school diploma (diplomas given in universities, diplomas at the end of studies at large professional schools [Grandes Ecoles], public or private, engineering schools, etc.).

b. Professional or technical education

[] 1 Exam at the end of artisan's internship
[] 2 Certificate at the end of a F.P.A internship
[] 3 Professional aptitude certification (C.A.P.) [Certificat d'aptitude professionnel]
[] 4 Professional certificate (B.P.) [Brevet professionel], Master's certificate
[] 5 Professional business certificate (B.E.C.) [Brevet d'enseignement commercial], Industrial certificate (B.E.I.), social (B.E.S.), hotel management (B.E.H.), agriculture (B.E.A.), etc.
[] 6 Student certified in the E.N.P. [Ecole nationale polytechnique] or from a technical high school, technical certificate or master technical certificate.
[] 9 Other professional diplomas given by private schools or public institutions.

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5.6.5 Question 11: Diplomas
Just as for question 11a (general education or college- level studies) as for question 11b (technical school and professional school), several boxes can be checked. Only people who really have a diploma given should check the box which refers to it, except for those who have taken the following classes, without having obtained the diploma but believe to have attained the level of the diploma.
F.P.A. = professional adult education; E.N.P. = national professional school

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_SDIP — SAPHIR-harmonized diploma
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For all people 16 years of age or older
[Applies to questions 8 -18]

8. Among the following diplomas, indicate all those that you have:

a. General or secondary education

[] 1 Certificate of primary studies (C.E.P), Diploma from the end of obligatory studies (D.F.E.O).
[] 2 Elementary certification, junior high school certificate (B.E.P.C) [Brevet d'études du premier cycle], Elementary certificate (B.E.) or certificate of superior primary education (B.E.P.S.) [Brevet Européen du Premier Secours].
[] 3 High school diploma (1st part, probationary, or second part), not including the series F, G and H; superior certificate
[] 4 Diplomas of levels superior to the high school diploma (diplomas given in universities, diplomas from large specialized schools public or private, engineering schools, etc.)

b. Technical education and professional training

[] 1 Certificate of professional aptitude (C.A.P.) [Certificat d'aptitutude professionnelle] Certificate of professional education (B.E.P.) [Brevet d'études professionelles], Exam at the end of artisan's apprenticeship (E.F.A.A.) [Examen de fin d'apprentissage artisinal], Agricultural certificates (B.A.A. [Brevet d'apprentissage agricole], B.E.A. [Brevet d'enseignement agricole], B.P.A. [Brevet professionnel agricole]) Certificate at the end of the internship of the F.P.A. [Formation Professionnel des Adultes] first degree.
[] 2 Professional certificate (B.P.) [Brevet professionnel], Master's certificate, certificate at the end of the internship of the F.P.A. [Formation professionnel des adultes], 2nd degree.
[] 3 Certificate of business education (B.E.C), [Brevet d'enseignement commercial], industrial (B.E.I.) [Brevet d'enseignement industriel], social (B.E.S.) [Brevet d'enseignement social], hotel management (B.E.H.); [Brevet d'enseignement hotelier], Certificate of agricultural technical agent (B.A.T.A.) [Brevet d'agent technique agricole].
[] 4 Technician's high school diploma (series F, G or H), technician's certificate (B.T., B.T.A. [Brevet de technicien agricole], Student certified in E.N.P [Ecole nationale polytechnique] or a public technical high school, superior certificate of business education (B.S.E.C.) [Brevet supérieur d'enseignement commercial].
[] 5 Superior technician's certificate (B.T.S.), University technical diploma (D.U.T.), Graduate degree in technical studies (D.E.S.T.).
[] 6 Paramedical and social diplomas (nurse, midwife, child care, welfare, social assistant, etc.)
[] 0 Other professional diplomas. Specify ____.

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[Questions 8 - 18 are for persons age 16 or older]

Question 8: Among the following diplomas, indicate all those which you have.
Just as for question 8a (general education or college- level studies) as for question 8b (technical school and professional school), several boxes can be checked.
People who really have a diploma given should check the box which refers to it.
Those who have taken corresponding studies, without however obtaining the diploma, should not check the box which refers to it (even if they believe to have attained the level of the diploma).

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_SDIPLOMA — SAPHIR diploma
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For all person aged 14 or older

10. Indicate which of the following degrees or certificates you hold:

a) General primary or secondary education:

[] 1 Certificate of primary studies [Certificat d'études primaires], (C.A.P.); Diploma indicating completion of required schooling [Diplôme de fin d'études obligatoires] (D.F.E.O).
[] 2 General Certificate of Secondary Education [Brevet d'études du 1er cycle], (B.E.P.C.); Elementary Certificate [Brevet élémentaire], (B.E.); or Certificate of Advanced Primary Education [Brevet d'enseignement primaire supérieur], (B.E.P.S.).
[] 3 Baccalaureate (1st part, preliminary or 2nd part), not including F, G, and H series; Advanced Certificate [Brevet supérieur]; Certificate of Advanced Secondary Studies [Certificat de fin d'études secondaires], (C.F.E.S.).

b) Technical and professional education at the secondary level:

[] 1 Vocational Training Certificate [Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle], (C.A.P.); Professional Training Certificate [Brevet d'enseignement professionnel], (B.E.P.), Exam indicating completion of craftsman apprenticeship [Examan de fin d'apprentissage artisanal], (E.F.A.A.); Agricultural Certificates [Brevet agricoles], (B.A.A., B.P.A.); Certificate of completion of first level F.P.A. [Certificat de fin de stage de la F.P.A. 1er degré].
[] 2 Professional Certificate [Brevet professionnel], (B.P.); Certificate of Mastery [Brevet de maîtrise], (B.M.); Certificate indicating completion of internship for advanced F.P.A.
[] 3 Certificate of Agricultural Education [Brevet d'enseignement agricole], (B.E.A.); of Commercial Education [d'enseignement commerial], (B.E.C.); of Hotelier Instruction [d'enseignement hôtelier], (B.E.H.); of Industrial Education [d'enseignement industriel], (B.E.I.); of Social Education [d'enseignement social], (B.E.S.); Certificate to be a Technical Agricultural Agent [Brevet d'agent technique agricole], (B.A.T.A.)
[] 4 Technician's Baccalaureate [Baccalauréat de technicien] (series F, G or H); Technician's Certificate [Brevet de technicien], (B.T., B.T.A.); Certified Student of E.N.P. or of a government technical high school [Élève breveté des E.N.P. ou d'un lycée technique d'État]; Advanced Certificate in Commercial Education [Brevet supérieur d'enseignement commercial], (B.S.E.C.); basic legal qualification [Capacité en droit].

c) Higher education

[] 1 Diplomas related to healthcare and social services: midwife, nurse, physical therapist, social worker, specialized teachers (special education teachers, teachers of adjudicated youth, etc) [éducateurs specialisés]
[] 2 Advanced Technician's Diploma [Brevet de technicien supérieur], (B.T.S.); Technical Diploma from a University Technology Institute [Diplôme universitaire de téchnologie], (D.U.T.); Technical Higher Education Diploma [Diplôme d'études supérieures techniques], (D.E.S.T.)
[] 3 Preliminary University Diploma (first-year course [propédeutique], D.U.E.L., D.U.E.S., D.E.U.G., P.C.E.M. excluding D.U.T.s); Degree indicating completion of studies to teach primary school [Certificat de fin d'études normales]; Pedagogical Training Degree [Certificat d'aptitude pédagogique]
[] 4 Advanced University Degrees [Diplôme universitaires du 2e ou 3e cycle] (B.A., master's, doctorate, etc.); C.A.P.E.S., C.A.P.E.T.
[] 5 Terminal degree [diplôme de sortie] from a highly competitive public or private college [grande école publique ou privée] or engineering college.
[] 6 Other diploma. Specify type: ____

France 1990 — source variable FR1990A_SDIPLOMA — SAPHIR diploma
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Questions 8 through 21 are only for those people 14 years old or more

8. Indicate your highest grade level or degree

[] 1 Certificate of primary studies
[] 2 BEPC (Brevet d'études du premier cycle - certificate of first cycle studies), elementary certificate, junior high school certificate
[] 3 CAP (Certificat d'aptitutude professionnelle - certificate of professional aptitude)
[] 4 BEP (Brevet d'études professionelles - certificate of professional studies)
[] 5 High school diploma, professional certificate or technical certificate, other certificate (BEA [Brevet d'Enseignment Agricole - c. of agricultural education], BEC [Brevet d'etudes commerciales - c. of management studies], BEI [Brevet d'Enseignement Industrielles -c. of industrial education], etc.)
[] 6 University Bachelor's degree, BTS [Brevet de Technicien Supérieur - superior technician c.], DEST [Diplome d'études supérieures techniques - superior technical studies diploma], DUT [Diplome Universitaire de Technologie - technological university diploma], diploma of social professions or of health
[] 7 University graduate degree, Engineering degree, from a Grande Ecole [school of superior studies, admission to which is highly competitive], etc.

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_DEGREE — Last diploma obtained
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Questions 9 through 24 are only addressed to people 14 years old or more
[Questions 9-24 were asked only of persons 14 years or older.]

10. Indicate your last diploma obtained

[] 0 No diploma
[] 1 Certificate of elementary studies
[] 2 BEPC, elementary certificate, middle school certificate
[] 3 CAP
[] 4 BEP
[] 5 General high school diploma (Philosophy, Sciences, etc., basic math, A, B, C, D, E, L, S, ES, etc.)
[] 6 Technical diploma (F, G, H, STI, etc.) or professional, professional certificate or technician's certificate, other certificate (BEA, BEC, BEI, etc.) basic legal qualification
[] 7 Bachelor's or Associate's degree, BTS, DUT, diploma of social or health professions
[] 8 Graduate or post-baccalaureate university diploma (including medicine, pharmacy, dentistry), engineering degree, from a teacher-training school.

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_DIPLOMA — Highest diploma achieved
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[6. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons age 14 or older.]

9. What diplomas, certificates or degrees do you have?

[] 01 You have never been to school
[] 02 No diploma/certificate/degree but schooling up to primary school or high school
[] 03 No diploma/certificate/degree but schooling beyond high school
[] 11 Certificate of primary studies (CEP)
[] 12 General certificate of secondary education (BEPC); preliminary-level intermediate certificate (brevet elementaire); vocational school certificate (brevet des colleges)
[] 13 Vocational training certificate (CAP); journeyman's certificate [brevet de compagnon]
[] 14 Professional training certificate (BEP)
[] 15 General baccalaureate degree, certificate of advanced studies [brevet superieur]
[] 16 Technical or professional baccalaureate [baccalaureat technologique ou professionnel]; professional or technical vocational certificate [brevet professionnel ou de technicien]; basic legal qualification (2-year degree) [capacite en droit] ; certificate of agricultural education (BEA); certificate of business education (BEC); certificate of industrial education (BEI); BEM
[] 17 Preliminary-level university degree [diplome de 1er cycle universitaire]; advanced technical degree (BTS); technical degree from a university technology institute (DUT); degrees related to social or health-care professions, or nursing
[] 18 Advanced university degrees (including medical, pharmaceutical and dental); engineering degree, degree from a highly competitive public or private college, doctorate, etc.

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_DEGREE — Highest degree obtained
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Individual form

6) The following portion of the questionnaire is for individuals age 14 or older.

9) What diplomas do you have?

[ ] 01 You never went to school
[ ] 02 No diploma, but educated until primary or middle school
[ ] 03 No diploma but educated past middle school
[ ] 11 CEP (Primary education certificate)
[ ] 12 BEPC, France, general certificate of secondary education
[ ] 13 CAP, vocational training qualification
[ ] 14 BEP
[ ] 15 General baccalaureate
[ ] 16 Technical or professional baccalaureate, Professional or technical certificate, BEA, BEC, BEI, BEH, basic legal qualification
[ ] 17 1st cycle university diploma, BTS, DUT, social or health professions diploma, nursing
[ ] 18 2nd or 3rd cycle university diploma (including medical, pharmacy, dental), engineering diploma, grande école, doctorate, etc.