Questionnaire Text

Spain 1981
Spain 1991
Spain 2001
Spain 2011
Spain 1981 — source variable ES1981A_EDLEVEL — Level of instruction
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11. Educational attainment
Indicate the highest level of study that you have completed and passed.
For example: Law, graduated with degree; Medicine, 4th year; Upper level baccalaureate, 5th grade; elementary through 11th grade; elementary school graduate; Basic general education, 6th year; etc.
If you have never attended school, even if you know how to read and write, write "no studies"
_ _ / _

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_EDLEV — Studies completed (level of instruction)
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19. To be answered only by persons age ten or older on March 1, 1991

What is the highest level of schooling that you have completed?

Mark the appropriate choice. Note that "completed" means that schooling at this level is completed, that you passed all courses pertaining to this level, and that you are therefore entitled to the corresponding degree or diploma.
[] 1 Does not know how to read and write
[] 2 Never attended school
[] 3 Elementary school or five completed years of EGB or equivalent
[] 4 Basic baccalaureate degree [translator's note: this is similar to a high school education] (General, Labor, or Technical), EGB completed or equivalent
[] 5 1st level Technical Training; Industrial official education
[] 6 2nd level Technical Training; Industrial masters degree
[] 7 Higher level BUP
[] 8 Other 2nd level degrees
[] 9 Technical architects or engineers (completed third level education) in higher technical schools
[] 10 Diploma from university schools and diploma (third level completed) from University faculties and colleges
[] 11 Upper level architect or engineer
[] 12 University degree
[] 13 Degrees for non-university higher education studies
[] 14 Doctoral degree
[] 15 Diplomas for post-graduate studies or specialized post-graduate studies for university graduates
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_EDLEV — Level of education completed
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3. Highest level of education completed.
Look for the numbers in Table 3 and mark the corresponding box.
[] 1 Does not know how to read or write.
[] 2 Knows how to read and write, but attended school for less than five years.
[] 3 Attended school for five years or more, but did not complete EGB, ESO, or basic baccalaureate degree [EGB, educación general básica, basic general education / Educación Superior Oficial, Official higher Education]
[] 4 Basic Baccalaureate degree, EGB, or ESO completed (School graduate)
[] 5 Higher Baccalaureate degree, BUP, Bachelors LOGSE, COU, PREU
[BUP, Bachillerato Unificado y Polivalente, integrated upper secondary education, a 3-year course of university-preparatory education for 14 to 17 year old students, which also prepares students for employment. COU, Curso de Orientación Universitaria, a one-year college preparatory program.]

[If answer is 1-5] Go on to question 5.

[] 6 Technical Training, mid-level; Official industrial training, or equivalent
[] 7 Technical Training, second level; advanced Technical Training; Industrial master's degree or equivalent
[] 8 Diploma, Architecture or Technical engineering, 3 years completed of a bachelor's degree, or the first three years of an engineering or architecture degree
[] 9 Completed degree in Architecture or Engineering, Bachelor's degree, or equivalent
[] 10 Doctorate

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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If the Person 1 is 16 years or older, go to question 10. If he/she is younger than 16 years continue with question 9.

10. What is the highest level of studies that he/she has completed?
Mark only one option.

[] Cannot read or write (go to question 12)
[] Can read and write but attended school for less than five years (go to question 12)
[] Attended school for five or more years but did not complete compulsory secondary education (ESO), basic general education (EGB), or elementary baccalaureate (go to question 12)
[] Completed compulsory secondary education (ESO), basic general education (EGB), elementary baccalaureate, or received completion certificate for compulsory education (go to question 12)
[] Baccalaureate (LOE, LOGSE), unified secondary school diploma (BUP), higher baccalaureate, university orientation course (COU), or pre-university (PREU) (go to question 12)
[] Intermediate professional formation (FR), professional formation I (FP I), official industrial course or equivalent, intermediate professional music and dance training, offical langauge school certificate
[] Higher professional formation, professional formation II (FP II), industrial masters or equivalent
[] General university degree (diplomatura), technical architecture degree, technical engineering degree, or equivalent
[] Bachelor's degree (grado) or equivalent
[] Bachelor's degree (licenciatura), architecture degree, engineering degree, or equivalent
[] Official university master's degree (following 2006), medical specialties, or equivalent
[] Doctorate (PhD)
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1.C.1 Level of studies

The level of studies refers to the highest level satisfactorily completed in the education system of the country in which the education was received. It is considered that a person has achieved a determined level of instruction when he/she has finished and passed all the courses of the level and is in conditions to obtain the corresponding title or diploma.

[p. 36]

Categories of this variable:

Does not know how to read or write
Knows how to read and write but attended school for less than 5 years
Went to school for 5 years or more but did not reach the final course of ESO, EGB, or Basic High School
High school (LOE, LOGSE), BUP, Superior High School, COU, PREU
FP middle grade, FP I, Industrial Official or equivalent, Middle grade of music and dance, Certificates of Official Language Schools
FP superior grade, FP II, Industrial masters or equivalent
University diploma, technical architecture, technical engineering or equivalent
University grade or equivalent
Official university masters (since 2006), Medical specialties or analogs