Questionnaire Text

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8. The dwelling occupied by this household is:
[ ] 1 Owned by occupants
[ ] 2 Rented
[ ] 3 Loan-backed habitation contract (anticresis, defined: occupants have use of property in payment of a debt, until the debt is paid)
[ ] 4 Free
[ ] 5 In payment of services
[ ] 6 Other (specify) ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 8.- The dwelling that this household occupies is:

[There is a picture of question 8 from this section of the enumeration form.]

Read the responses in order and mark the box that corresponds to the response that the informant gives.

Owned.- If the dwelling belongs to one of the members of the household, whether it is totally paid or in the payment process.

Rented.- When some member of the household pays rent to live in the dwelling.

Loan-backed habitation contract (anticresis).- If there is a rental contract through which some member of the household that is renting the dwelling gives a quantity of money (capital) to the owner of the property in order to have the right to occupy the dwelling for a certain amount of time. In other words, the occupants of the dwelling are beneficiaries of the interest that this capital would generate if it were invested.

Free.- When the members of the household live in the dwelling without any cost.

For services.- When the members of the household live in the dwelling as part of the payment for services rendered. For example: the dwelling assigned to the caretaker, custodian, etc.

Other (specify).- If the members of the household lived in the dwelling under circumstances other than those previously mentioned.