7. In what state of tenure does this household occupy the dwelling?
[] 1 Owned
[] 2 Rented
[] 3 Free
[] 4 For services
[] 5 Other (for example, sharecropping) ____
Question 7. What is the condition of ownership of the dwelling for this household?
Read the categories in order and mark the box that corresponds to the answer that the informant gives.
Owned. If the dwelling belongs to the members of the household, whether it is completely paid for or they are making payments.
Rented, when they pay rent to inhabit the dwelling.
Free, when the dwelling is inhabited at no cost to the residents.
For services, when the dwelling is inhabited as part of payment for services rendered, for example: the dwelling assigned to the caretaker, concierge, etc.
Other, if the dwelling is inhabited in circumstances other than the above mentioned. For example: use of property in payment of a debt (antichresis), or rent for payment of debt, etc.
Question 7. What is the condition for occupancy of the dwelling for this household?
[ ] 1 Owned
[ ] 2 Rented
[ ] 3 Free
[ ] 4 For services
[ ] 5 Other (For example: use of property in payment of a debt)