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5. What is the wastewater elimination system for this dwelling?
[] 1 Connected to public sewer system
[] 2 Septic tank
[] 3 Other means ____ (specify)
[] 4 None

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Question 5: What is the system for removing waste water from the dwelling?

1. Connected to a public drain system -- if the removal of the waste waters is through a subterranean public sewer system.

2. Septic tank -- If the waste water is eliminated in a pit.

3. Other form -- If the dwelling has infrastructure for removing waste water that is not connected to the public network or a septic tank, for example: private sewer that empties into a river or irrigation ditch.

4. None -- If the dwelling does not have any of the above mentioned systems for eliminating waste water, for example: dumping the water in empty land or in the street.

5. What is the system for removing waste water from the dwelling?

[ ] 1 Connected to a public drain system
[ ] 2 Septic tank
[ ] 3 Other form (specify) _____
[ ] 4 None