Questionnaire Text

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Section IV - Household characteristics

16. What type of fuel does your household mainly use for cooking?

[] 1 Propane
[] 2 Coal
[] 3 Wood
[] 4 Electricity
[] 5 Other
[] 6 Never cooks
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 16. What type of fuel does your household mainly use for cooking?
The goal of this question is to establish the main type of fuel used for cooking in the household.
Ask the question and fill in the code given by the informant. If the informant states that there is more than one fuel for cooking, ask which one is primarily used, then record the one that corresponds to the option given. In the case that the fuel used is not propane, coal, wood or electricity mark the option "Other" and when the members of the household eat out or get their food already prepared, meaning, there is no cooking in the household, then fill in the option to code 6 "Never cook".