Questionnaire Text

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For women of 15 years old and more
[Questions 64-67 were asked for women age 15+.]

64. In total, how many live-born children has [the respondent] had, including those that died a few hours or days after birth? If any, indicate the number; if not, fill the oval box, and skip to the next person.

_ _ Sons
_ _ Daughters
[] None
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions 64-67 should only be asked to women who are 15 years old or older.

Question 64: In total, how many live births has (NAME) had, even if the baby died a few hours or days after being born?
Consider live births to be only those that "after being pushed out or removed from the mother's womb, was breathing or with some other vital signs, such as heartbeat, a pulsating umbilical cord, or muscle movements or voluntary contractions, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta has been removed or not".

Record in each box the total number of male children and female children that the woman has born.
If the woman answered that she has not had any female or male children alive, fill in the bubble to none and continue with the next person.

In the case that all children are male record "00" in female children, and if all children are female record "00" in male children.