Questionnaire Text

Benin 1979 Fiji 2007 Lesotho 2006 Portugal 2001
Botswana 2001 Fiji 2014 Liberia 2008 Portugal 2011
Botswana 2011 Ghana 1984 Malaysia 1991 Saint Lucia 1980
Brazil 1970 Ghana 2000 Malaysia 2000 Saint Lucia 1991
Brazil 1980 Ghana 2010 Mauritius 1990 South Africa 1996
Brazil 1991 Guinea 1983 Mauritius 2000 South Africa 2007
Burkina Faso 1985 Haiti 1982 Mauritius 2011 South Africa 2011
Cameroon 1976 Haiti 2003 Mexico 1990 South Sudan 2008
Cameroon 1987 Honduras 1961 Mexico 1995 Spain 1981
Cameroon 2005 Honduras 1974 Mexico 2000 Spain 1991
Chile 1982 Honduras 1988 Mexico 2010 Spain 2001
Chile 1992 Honduras 2001 Mexico 2015 Spain 2011
Chile 2002 Indonesia 1980 Mexico 2020 Sudan 2008
China 1990 Indonesia 1985 Mongolia 2000 Suriname 2012
Colombia 1993 Indonesia 1990 Morocco 1982 Tanzania 1988
Colombia 2005 Indonesia 1995 Morocco 1994 Thailand 1970
Cuba 2002 Ireland 1981 Morocco 2004 Thailand 1980
Dominican Republic 1970 Ireland 1986 Mozambique 1997 Thailand 1990
Dominican Republic 2002 Ireland 1991 Mozambique 2007 Thailand 2000
Dominican Republic 2010 Ireland 1996 Myanmar 2014 Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Ecuador 1990 Ireland 2002 Nepal 2001 Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Ecuador 2001 Ireland 2006 Nepal 2011 Trinidad and Tobago 1990
Ecuador 2010 Ireland 2011 Nicaragua 1995 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Egypt 1986 Ireland 2016 Nicaragua 2005 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
Egypt 1996 Italy 2001 Palestine 2017 Uganda 1991
Egypt 2006 Jamaica 1982 Panama 1980 United Kingdom 1991
El Salvador 1992 Jamaica 1991 Panama 2010 United Kingdom 2001
El Salvador 2007 Jamaica 2001 Papua New Guinea 1990 Venezuela 1971
Ethiopia 1984 Jordan 2004 Papua New Guinea 2000 Venezuela 1981
Ethiopia 1994 Kenya 1989 Paraguay 1972 Venezuela 1990
Ethiopia 2007 Kenya 1999 Paraguay 1982 Venezuela 2001
Fiji 1976 Kenya 2009 Peru 2007 Vietnam 1989
Fiji 1986 Kyrgyzstan 2009 Portugal 1981 Vietnam 1999
Fiji 1996 Lesotho 1996 Portugal 1991 Vietnam 2009
Benin 1979 — source variable BJ1979A_ACTIVITY — Type of activity (last month)
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Economic Characteristics (for persons 10 years or older) (Only for ordinary households)
[Columns 13-16]

(13) Type of activity____

Write down:

[] OCC = employed
[] CHO = unemployed
[] CT = first time seeking employment
[] MEN = housewife
[] ETU = student
[] RET = retired
[] DP = physically disabled
[] AUT = other
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Economic characteristics
The information classified under this broad rubric relates to the last 4 questions of the census.
The first set of information, column (13) "Type of activity" shall be asked to all persons of 10 or more years of age, without exception. This will allow classifying such persons either in the economically active population or the economically inactive population.
While the last 3 sets of information, columns (14), (15), and (16) shall only be asked to persons classified under the 2 types of activity: employed and unemployed. These sets of information provide more details on the population

Column (13): Type of activity
Ask the following question to each person of 10 or more years of age: What did you do during the month preceding the census?
Then report:

- OCC (employed) for each person with a job even if seasonal;
- CHO (unemployed) for each person having previously worked for at least once and who is unemployed and seeking employment during the census;
- CT (seeking employment) for each person seeking employment for the first time;
- MEN (household) for women who only take care of their household and children.
- ETU (student) for schoolchildren, high school students, and students in higher education.
- RET (retirement) for retired persons and rentiers. Is considered retired, every person who regularly receives income as a result of previous employment. A rentier is a person who possesses a personal fortune allowing him to live without having to work. However, a retired person or a rentier helping a relative with his work or who also holds a job that provides him with income shall be classified as OCC i.e. employed. This is the case of retired persons who work in commerce or agriculture;
- DP (disabled) for each person suffering from a mental or physical disability that precludes him/her from working. Certain disabilities do not however preclude all activities and a partially disabled individual who works should be naturally considered as employed.
- AUT (other) for other. This category comprises all persons who are not engaged in any economic activity or all other persons who are not included in the categories below such as children in school.

Botswana 2001 — source variable BW2001A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity since Independence Day 2000
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All persons 12 years and over
[Questions A16-A26]

A21. What has [the person] been doing mainly since Independence Day 2000?

Seasonal work
[] 01 Paid
[] 02 Unpaid
Non-seasonal work
[] 03 Paid
[] 04 Unpaid
[] 05 Job seeker
[] 06 Home maker
[] 07 Student
[] 08 Retired
[] 09 Sick
[] Other (specify) ____
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109b. Column A16-A26: These questions apply only to persons aged 12 years and more. If the person is under 12 years of age, then when you reach column A16 you should put dashes in the shaded areas for columns A16 -- A32 and proceed to the next listed person in the household.

111. Column A21: Usual economic activity: This is the work or something of economic value that someone usually does for either for payment in any form or for no pay.

Q: What has [the person] been doing mainly since Independence Day 2000?

Enter the appropriate two-digit code in the shaded area:

[] 01 and 02 Seasonal work:
Codes 01 and 02 should be used respectively for someone who did seasonal work for payment and for no payment. Seasonal work should be regarded as work or economic activity which is normally done during certain seasons or periods of the year. An example of these type of work is harvesting which is normally done for three months of the year when it is the time for harvesting. So those people engaging in such activities for no payment like those in family business should be coded code 02. Payment could be in cash, in kind or any other form.

[] 03 and 04 Non-seasonal work:
This refers to economic activity or normal work usually done at all times of the year. Just like in seasonal work above this could also be paid in kind or for cash payment. When the activity is done for payment the code to be used should be 03 and 04 when the activity is done for no pay.

[] 05 Job seeker:
A person who was mainly seeking work during the past year should be considered to be actively seeking work.

[] 06 Home maker:
Remember that either a female or a male not economically active could be responsible for daily housework, i.e. cleaning of the house and premises, preparing food and other household duties. People doing this kind of activity should be coded 06. It should be noted, however, that domestic servants working for pay are classified as economically active.

[] 07 Student:
A student is a person, at least 12 years of age, who, as a result of attending school for most of the day, does not work.

[] 08 Retired:
A retired person is a woman or a man who, as a result of old age or disability, cannot do any type of work.

[] 09 Sick:
This is a person who cannot or who had to leave work as a result of illness or due to poor health conditions. A medical doctor could have made a recommendation that the person should not work at all.

[] 10 Other (specify):
If the person was doing something else other than the categories listed above, then write in what the person was doing in the unshaded area of column A21. If you need more space, use the comments box.

Botswana 2011 — source variable BW2011A_EMPIND — Employment status since Independence Day 2010
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A. Person Information

Economic activity

19. What has [the respondent] been doing mainly since Independence Day 2010?

Seasonal work
[] 01 Paid
[] 02 Unpaid
Non-seasonal work
[] 03 Paid
[] 04 Unpaid
[] 05 Job seeker
[] 06 Home work
[] 07 Student
[] 08 Retired
[] 09 Sick
[] 10 Prisoner
[] 12 Other (specify) ________
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All Persons Aged 12 years and over

145. Column A18-A25
These questions apply only to persons aged 12 and years and over. If the person is less than 12 years of age, then when you reach column A16 you should put dashes in the shaded areas for columns A16-A31 and proceed to the next listed person in the household.

148. Column A20: Usual economic activity
Q. What has the respondent been doing mainly since Independence Day 2010?
You must call out all the listed work activities. These work activities are to assist in determining the employment status of an individual. Often one would have been engaged in more than one work activity during the past twelve months. For instance, an individual could have had casual wage employment some months back, but during other months performed an agricultural activity. A person is usually employed if months employed is greater or equal to months unemployed. A person is usually unemployed if months unemployed are greater than months employed. If a person did none of the listed work activities, ask him/her what was his/her main activity in the past 12 months.

Enter the appropriate two-digit code in the shaded area

a. 01 and 02: Seasonal work
Codes 01 and 02 should be used for someone who did seasonal work for payment and for no payment respectively. Seasonal work should be regarded as work or economic activity, which is normally done during certain seasons or periods of the year. An example of this type of work is harvesting which is normally done for three months of the year when it is the time for harvesting. So those people engaging in such activities for no payment like those in family lands etc. should be coded 02. Payments could be in cash, in kind, or any other form.
b. 03 and 04: Non-seasonal work
This refers to economic activity or normal work usually done at all times of the year. Just like in seasonal work above this could also be paid in kind or for cash payment. When the activity is done for payment the code to be used should be 03 and 04 when the activity is done for no pay.
c. 05: Job seeker
A person who was mainly seeking work during the past year should be considered to be actively seeking work.
d. 06: Housework
Remember that either a female or a male could be responsible for daily housework, i.e. cleaning of the house and premises, preparing food, and other household duties. People doing this kind of activity should be coded 06. It should however be noted that domestic servants working for pay are classified as economically active.
e. 07: Student
A student is a person, at least 12 years of age, who, as a result of attending school for most of the day, does not work.
f. 08: Retired
A retired person is someone who as a result of old age, ill health, or other reason is not doing any type of work. It should be noted that a person who has retired from his/her permanent job but at the moment working somewhere (working on contract basis or any paying job) should not fall under this category.
g. Sick
This is a person who cannot or who had to leave work as a result of illness or due to poor health conditions. A medical doctor could have made a recommendation that the person should not work at all.
h. Other (specify)
If a person was doing something else other than in the categories listed above, then write in what the person was doing in the unshaded area of column A20. If you need more space, use the comments box.

[Table omitted.]

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_ACTIVITY — Employment situation
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Only for people 10 years and older
[Applies to questions 18 - 22]

22. If person doesn't work, nor seeks work, what is the occupation or situation that he/she considers principal?

[] 0 domestic affairs
[] 1 student
[] 2 retired
[] 3 lives on rent income
[] 4 sick or invalid
[] 5 imprisoned
[] 6 no occupation
[] 7 working or seeking work

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Question 22 - If respondent neither works nor is looking for work, what occupation or situation does he or she consider the main one?

(Only for persons age 10 or over)


a) one of the following situations for those who neither exercise an occupation nor are looking for work:

[p. 42]

Domestic chores - A person who renders domestic services at home, without remuneration.
Student - a person who is attending school;
Retired - a person who receives income resulting from retirement from work which he or she exercised at an earlier date (retired, etc.) or who receives a pension from a government pension or social assistance fund left upon the death of a person upon whom he or she was dependent;
Lives on earnings - a person who earns income deriving from investment of his or her own capital;
Sickness or disability - a person who did not work during the year preceding the date of the Census due to illness, or temporary or permanent disability, without being retired or living on earnings. Persons age 70 or over who do not exercise an occupation should be included in this category;
Prisoner - Serving sentence, even if he or she exercises an occupation in the prison;
Unoccupied - a person who does not exercise an occupation, even though he or she is able to do so. Persons who are able to work, but who live on donations, help from others, etc., are included in this category.

b) Works or is looking for work - a person who exercises an economic occupation, that is, one which is practiced in order to receive payment in cash or kind (part of the products obtained from exercising agricultural, extractive or industrial activity) and a person who is looking for work, even if he or she has never worked before.

Work exercised by members of the family of the owners or partners of a company is also considered an economic occupation, even if no remuneration is received, as well as work exercised by religious people (priests, ministers, friars, nuns, etc.).

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_EMPSTAT — Current activity
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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 10 years or older
[Applies to questions 25 -49]

29. If responded yes in question 28 mark 0 box and go to question 30. If responded no in question 28, indicate the situation or occupation in the correct place and skip to question 46

[] 0 worked
Seeking work:
[] 1x has worked
[] 2x never worked
[] 3x retired or prisoner
[] 4x live on rent
[] 5x imprisoned
[] 6x student
[] 7x sick or invalid
[] 8x homemaker
[] 9x no occupation

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The following questions will only be filled out for persons age 10 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1970.

[Applies to questions 25-49]

Question 29 - If the person answered yes in Question 28, mark Box 0 (zero) and go on to Question 30. If he or she answered no, indicate the appropriate situation or occupation, following the numbered order, and then go on to Question 46

When the answer to Question 28 is yes, the Box - Worked - will be marked and the following questions will be answered.
When the answer to Question 28 is no, one of Boxes 1 to 9 will be marked, as the case may be; Question 46 will then be asked, and Questions 30 to 45 will be left blank.
If the person can be classified into more than one of the situations presented, the first in the order presented will be marked. For these, consider:

Looking for work - Already worked - a person who had worked before 9/1/1979, is willing to work, and has taken some measure in the last 2 months to find work, specifically: made contact with employers, employment agencies, labor unions or the like; asked relatives, friends or colleagues; looked for a job in want ads, etc.; this category includes those who have found work and are waiting to be called or who have signed up for a selection process;
Looking for work - Never worked - a person who never worked but is willing to work and who, in recent months, took at least one of the measures described in the preceding item;
Retired or pensioner - a person who receives income resulting from retirement from work which he or she exercised at an earlier date (retired, etc.) or who receives a pension from a government pension or social assistance fund left upon the death of a person upon whom he or she was dependent. A person who, retired during the reference period (9/1/1979 to 8/31/1980), should not be considered as retired. In this case yes will be marked in Question 28, - the declared [occupation], and the occupation exercised upon retirement, in Question 30.
Lives on earnings - a person who lives only on earnings arising from use of capital or property of which he or she has usus fructus, such as rent from real estate, movable items, etc., interest from stocks and bonds, dividends, etc.;
Prisoner - serving sentence, even if he or she exercises an occupation in the prison;
Student - a person who did not work nor looked for work, does not live on earnings, nor was a prisoner, and was attending some course among those listed in Questions 21 or 22;
Sick or invalid - a person who cannot work due to illness or permanent disability, but is not on leave from work, retired, living on earnings, in prison or a student;
Domestic chores - a person who only works caring for the house where he or she lives; or
No occupation - a person who does not want to work or who, although desiring to work, stopped looking because he or she failed to find any job and does not fit into any of the above categories.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_OCCUCOND — Condition of activities
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58. If in question 45, responded "don't work", indicate the situation or occupation currently in, following the enumerated order. If "worked", skip to question 59.
Seeking work:
[] 1 have worked
[] 2 never worked
[] 3 retired
[] 4 pensioner
[] 5 live on rent
[] 6 prisoner
[] 7 student
[] 8 sick or invalid
[] 9 homemaker
[] 0 no occupation

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Question 58 - If, in question 45, the person marked did not work, indicate his or her situation or occupation, according to the specified numbered order. if the person worked, do not fill out this question, and go on to question 59
When, in Question 45, the answer was Did Not Work, one of the Boxes from 1 to 0 should be marked, as the case may be.
If the person is classified into more than one of the listed situations, the first in the order established will be marked.
1 - Looking for work - Already worked - a person who had worked before 9/1/1989, is willing to work, and has taken some measure in the last 2 months to find work, specifically: made contact with employers, employment agencies, labor unions or the like; asked relatives, friends or colleagues; looked for a job in want ads, etc.; this category includes those who have found work and are waiting to be called or who have signed up for a selection process;

[p. 93]
2 - Looking for work - Never worked - a person who never worked but is willing to work and who, in the last 2 months, took at least one of the measures described in the preceding item;
3 - Retired - a person who lives on income deriving from work exercised in the past (retired, etc.). Do not consider as retired a person who has worked part of the period of reference;
4 - Pensioner - a person who lives on income from a pension fund or institute. Do not consider a person who lives only on alimony as a pensioner;
5 -Lives on earnings - a person who lives only on earnings arising from use of capital or property of which he or she has usus fructus, such as rent from real estate, movable items, etc., interest from stocks and bonds, dividends, etc.;
6. Prisoner - serving sentence, even if he or she exercises an occupation in the prison;
7. Student - a person who did not work nor looked for work, does not live on earnings, nor was a prisoner, and was attending some course among those listed in Questions 25 or 26;
8. Sick or invalid - a person who cannot work due to illness or permanent disability, but is not on leave from work, retired, living on earnings, in prison or a student;
9. Domestic chores - a person who only works caring for the house where he or she lives and is not remunerated.
A person who regularly carries out domestic chores but who helps a person with whom he or she lives (even without remuneration) in an economic activity (cutting sugar cane, clearing land, harvesting, etc.) will be considered as having worked; or
0 - No occupation - a person who does not want to work or who, although desiring to work, stopped looking because he or she failed to find any job and does not fit into any of the above categories.

Burkina Faso 1985 — source variable BF1985A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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Residents 10 years of age and older
[Questions 9-15 were asked for residents age 10 and older.]

Economic activity

11. Employment status ____

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Column eleven - occupational status:

The reference period is the week preceding the census agent's visit to the household.

Occupational status is the connection between each person and economic activity within a determined time period.

This fundamental question allows the classification of the population into two categories: active and inactive.

a) Active

The active population includes those employed and those not employed but actively seeking employment.

- A person is considered employed if they have worked at least three days during the reference period. Record: OCC.


Farmers and their family helpers are considered employed even if the reference week falls during a period of inactivity due to climate conditions. For example after a harvest, a farmer that carries out no activity should still be considered as employed.

- Workers that are sick, on vacation or laid-off during the reference period are also considered employed; a person who already works and is in training during the census counting is also considered employed.

- A person is considered not employed but actively looking if they did not work at all or worked less than three days during the reference period, but who are searching for employment. Two categories are distinguished:

[p. 29]

- Persons who worked previously but lost their job and are looking for employment during the reference period. For this category, record: CHO.

- Persons who have never worked, that is to say persons who are searching for their first job. For this category, record: QUE.

b) Inactive

Inactive persons are those that follow within the following classifications:

- Persons taking care of the household: POF
- Students: ETU
- Retired persons: RET
- Stockholders: REN
- Sick persons: INV
- Other inactive persons: AUT.

Some precisions

- Persons taking care of the household (POF):

These are persons of either sex that are not exercising any form of economic activity (neither agricultural, artisanal nor commercial), and who perform household tasks at their place of residence, such as housewives or family members taking care of the household and the children. However, domestic workers that receive remuneration should be classified as employed because they are part of the active population.

Attention: In rural areas, a woman that takes part in cultivation or livestock farming as well as performing household duties is employed.

- A wife that aids her husband or another household member in their profession or performs a paid activity (dying, cutting/styling hair, pottery) is considered employed, even if she also takes care of the household.

[p. 30]

- A woman who, for example, goes to the market in the morning to sell produce or other products and then returns to do housework is also considered employed.

- Students (STU):

A person of either sex is in this category if they perform no economic activity and frequent an establishment of private or public education to receive schooling at any level.

For persons in this category, refer to the situation of the person during the 1985/1986 school year.

For persons taking night or literacy classes, the following situations may arise:

- The person has a job they attend during the day. They should be recorded as employed.
- The person does not have a job. They should be recorded as CHO, QUE, POF, etc. based upon their situation.

- Retired (RET):

A person of either sex is in this category if they perform no economic activity and their resources come principally from a pension, state-funded or otherwise, resulting from previous activity.

If a person claiming to be "retired" performs an economic activity that earns them more money then their pension, this person should be considered employed.

- Stockholder (REN):

A person is in this category if they perform no economic activity and their primary resources come from placement of funds and assets, notably real estate.

[p. 31]

- Sick persons (INV):

A person of either sex is in this category if they have a physical or mental illness that prevents them from working. Nevertheless, sick persons who work should be classified as employed.

- Other inactive persons (AUT):

An inactive person of either sex is in this category if they perform no economic activity and are not classified in any of the categories mentioned above. Classified in this category in particular are children older than 10 years of age who do not attend school and are not economically active, and elderly persons who no longer work and have no pension or personal fortune and depend on the charity of family or others.

N.B.: Every person 10 years of age and older must have an occupational status recorded in column 11.

Cameroon 1976 — source variable CM1976A_EMPSTAT — Activity situation
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Population 4 years old or older

21) Economic activity
Did you work during the period from _______ to _______?
Mark the abbreviation corresponding to the work based on the instructions at the bottom of the page.

[] 1 WK= Has worked
[] 2 UN= Without a job but has already worked
[] 3 LK= Looking for a job for the first time
[] 4 HK= Housewife
[] 5 ST= Student
[] 6 REN= Person of independent means
[] 7 RET= Retiree, old person
[] 8 HAN= Handicapped
[] 9 OIS= Idle

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b) Column 17 to 25:

To be filled out individually for the people ages 4 and over (mark a line in column 17 to 25 for children under 4.

Column 21: Employment status (1)

The purpose of this question is to determine the economic activity of each person aged 4 and over during the week preceding the beginning of the surveying (week of April 2 to 8 1976).

First mark the dates below on the instruction insert in column 19 under the following form: "period from April 2 to April 8." Then mark

WK: for all the individuals having worked at some point during the week of reference. This category is made up of family workers who work under the authority of the head of household, with or without remuneration (for example wives who farm while taking care of the household) and individuals who have a permanent job but haven't worked during the reference period because of illness, off agricultural season, vacation, etc?

[Codes omitted]

UN for individuals who were without employment during the week of reference who already had worked and who are looking for another job

LK for individuals who have never worked and who are looking for their first job.

HK for women who perform only the housework at their home without other economic activity. Consider rather as WK women who do another job, either with an employer, or at her home: for example a farmer, a tailor, a factory worker, a sales clerk, etc.

ST for students who don't work. Consider rather as WK students who also work

REN for persons of independent means: people living off regular revenue from capital or all other annuity (revenue not coming from work)

RENT for retirees and old people who can no longer work.

HAND for those with physical and mental handicaps who cannot work because of their handicap (class in another category those handicapped individuals likely to work)

OIS for person who cannot be classed in the above categories (idle). In these situations, provide explains in "observations" if needed.

Cameroon 1987 — source variable CM1987A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity
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Population of 6 years and older (born before April 1981)
[Questions 19-22 were asked of persons 6 years old or more.]

P19. Economic activity ____

During the week from ... to ... what was [the respondent] doing most of the time? Put the appropriate abbreviation according to the instructions at the bottom of the page.

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Columns P19 to P22: Population of 6 years and older (born before April 1981)
These columns concern only persons who are 6 or- more years old, in other words persons born before April 1981.
For all children who are less than six years old, put a dash in columns P19, P20, P21 and P22.
For all persons who are six or more years old, you should determine their economic activity during the reference week -that preceding the interview in the household.

Column 19: Situation of activity
You should record in this column what the person did during the reference week; write one of the following abbreviations as the case may be:
WK: all persons who worked for themselves,

- all persons who worked for any remuneration (wages, salary, pay in kind, etc.)
- all persons who worked for the family under the supervision of the family head, with or without remuneration.(Example: a child who tended his parent's flock)
- all women who, in addition to doing housework, worked either with an employer, for themselves of for their family (Example: farmer, seamstress, worker, sales woman)

Cameroon 2005 — source variable CM2005A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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Economic activity for persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 27 to 33 were asked of persons aged 6 years and older.]

28. Employment status
During the last 7 days preceding the census, what was this person's activity? _ _

[Question 28 was asked of persons aged 6 years and older.]
If code greater than 02, go to question 34.

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Questions (Questions 27-33) related to the economic activity are only ask to people 6 years old and older

28. Activity
This variable allows you to learn if a person worked over the course of the 7 days before your first visit to the household. In other words, the week of reference is determined by the date of your first visit in the household. This means that you count 7 days back starting with the day of your first visit; and these are the 7 days that correspond to the reference week (1 week in this specific case equals 7 days).

[Example omitted]

Q. What was your activity/what was the activity of ______ over the last 7 days.

The terms of this variable are:
01 = At work: This is the situation of a person who worked at a job over the last 7 days before your first visit to the household, whether the work was compensated or not. You must note that all the people on vacation are part of this group.
[Examples omitted]
02 = Unemployed, having already worked: This is the situation of a person who has already worked at least once but did not have a job over the course of the last 7 days and who is looking for a job
03 = Looking for work for the first time: This is a situation where the person who never had a job is looking for their first job
04 = Housewife: These are all people who are exclusively looking after the household and household work, without getting a salary and without looking for work
05 = Student: These are people who regularly go to an educational establishment and who are not engaged in economic activity
06 = Person of independent means: These are people who do not work and who live exclusively off of revenue from their property of their capital.
07 = Retiree: This is an individual who no longer works and who has a retiree's pension
08 = Old person: This is an aging person who doesn't have independent means and isn't a retiree, who does not work and who is no longer looking for work and who lives off of financial assistance and the finances of a relative
09 = Handicapped: This is a person cannot work because of his handicap
10 = Idle: This is a person without work, capable of work, but not looking for a job

The codes of the terms of this variable are:
01 = worked
02 = didn't work, is looking for a job but already worked in his life
03 = didn't work, looking for a job, never worked before
04 = didn't work, housewife who is not looking for a job
05 = didn't work, student (not looking for work)
06 = didn't work, person of independent means not looking for work
07 = didn't' work, retiree not looking for work
08 = didn't work, can't work or can't work anymore because of age, old person
09 = didn't work, can't work or can't work anymore because of his handicap or because of his illness, handicap
10 = didn't work, doesn't want to work and isn't looking for work

Following the order number:

-Legibly write on the dotted line corresponding to the registration order number of the surveyed person the situation of activity
-Mark the corresponding code in the reserved space

N.B. If the code is above 02, go to Q34.
If the code of the answer to question 28 (Activity) is equal to 01 (at work) or 02 (doesn't work, is looking for work and has already worked), first ask Q30 (work) then Q29 (Employment status), then Q31 (type of employment), Q32 (employment sector) and Q33 (Branch of business).

Chile 1982 — source variable CL1982A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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For all those age 15 and older

10. How did you spend the majority of your time in the past week?


1. You worked at your job where you were paid
2. You worked for a family member without pay in the form of money
3. You had a job, but did not work (because of sickness, vacation, leave, etc.)
4. Unemployed (having worked before)
If you selected one of these alternatives (1-4), continue on to question 11 and those questions following it.

5. Looking for work for the first time

6. Working in the home (When it is not considered domestic service)
7. Student
8. As a renter or living only on your pension
9. Permanently incapacitated and unable to work.
10. Another situation

If you selected one of these alternatives (5-10) and are a woman, pass on to question 14, if you are a man, pass on to question 18.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

10. What did you do the majority of the time last week?

These questions should refer to the activity done during the period of time between Monday and Sunday of the week prior to the day of the census.

When asking the question, read the alternatives in order just as they appear on the questionnaire until you get an affirmative response.

Ask questions 11, 12 and 13 only if you get a response to one of the alternatives in group A.

[p. 20]

Worked in an occupation that gave them money: if the person performed a paid job that gave them any earnings

Worked for a relative without receiving monetary payment for the work; for example, the wife who usually helps out her husband; the son who works with his father without receiving monetary payment, etc.

Had a job but did not work; a person who, having a job or employment, did not perform it last week because of: vacation, sickness, permission, temporary suspension of activities, etc.

Was unemployed: a person who didn't have a job or employment last week, but who had worked before. For example: because of a closing or reduction in personnel at factories, businesses, mines, or other [places]; dismissals or another cause.

If you get a response to one of the alternatives in group B or C, continue on to question 14, if the person being interviewed is a woman, and to question 18, if the person being interviewed is a man.

Looked for work for the first time: a person who never before had a job and who was actively seeking employment last week.

Household duties: a person who was totally dedicated to the care of the household. It does not include domestic service, which should be considered under the alternative worked in an occupation that gave them money.

Student: a person who, the majority of the time last week, attended classes in a regular teaching establishment and didn't dedicate themselves to any other activity.

Since the question refers to Economic Activity, if the person works the majority of the time and also studies, you should register the information under the alternative worked in an occupation that gave them money or worked for a relative without receiving monetary payment for the work, as appropriate.

Retired or pensioner: a person who lives only off of their retirement funds, pension, or dependent's pension and doesn't perform any other activity.

Permanently unable to work: a person permanently impeded from working. For example: disabled people, the mentally ill, etc.

Other situation: this alternative includes those people who can't be classified under any of the previous alternatives. Example: a temporarily ill person who doesn't work and doesn't have a job; a prisoner who doesn't work, etc.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 10 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 1992 — source variable CL1992A_EMPSTAT — Employment status in previous week
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For all individuals 14 years of age and older [applies to questions 10 to 16]

11. Which of the following was your situation during the last week?

[] 1 Working for pay
[] 2 Not working, but having a job
[] 3 Working for a family member without receiving payment in money
[] 4 Looking for work, having worked before

For any of the above answers, go on to question 12.

[] 5 Looking for work for the first time
[] 6 Engaged in household duties
[] 7 Studying, without also working
[] 8 Retired or pensioner without also working
[] 9 Permanently disabled for purposes of work
[] 10 Other situation

For answers 5 through 10, if female, skip to question 15 and following; if male, skip to only questions 15 and 16.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

11. In which of these situations did you find yourself last week?

These questions should refer to the activity done during the period of time between Monday and Sunday of the week prior to the day of the Census, that is, between April 13 and 19, 1992.

When asking the question, read the alternatives in order just as they appear on the questionnaire, until you get an affirmative response. If the person did two or more activities, always choose the one to which the person dedicated the majority of their time.

1. Working for income: If the person performed a job for which they received monetary payment.

2. Didn't Work, but has a job: A person who has a job, but didn't perform it last week because of: vacation, sickness, temporary suspension of activities, etc.

3. Working for a relative without monetary payment: A wife who usually helps out her husband; a son who works with his father without receiving monetary payment, etc.

4. Looking for work and has worked before: A person who, having worked before, now has no employment or job, but has made definite efforts to get it on the date of the Census. (Unemployed)

[p. 29]

Important: If you get a response of any of the options in the first group (1 through 4), Continue to question 12 and the subsequent questions; otherwise, continue probing with the following alternatives.

5. Looking for work for the first time: A person who has never before worked but wants to work and has made definite efforts to get it on the date of the Census.

6. Has household duties: A person who was totally dedicated to the care of the household. It does not include domestic service, which should be considered under the alternative Working for income.

7. Studying without working: A person who, the majority of the time last week, attended classes in a teaching establishment.

Important: Since this question refers to Economic Activity, if the person works the majority of the time and also studies, you should register the information under the alternative Working for income or Working for a relative without monetary payment, as appropriate.

8. Pensioner or Retired who doesn't work: A person who lives only off of their retirement funds, pension, or dependent's pension and doesn't perform any compensated activity.

9. Permanently unable to work: A person who is permanently impeded from working. For example: disabled people, the mentally ill, etc.

10. Other situation: This alternative includes those people who can't be classified under any of the previous alternatives. Example: a temporarily ill person who doesn't work and doesn't have a job; a prisoner who doesn't work, etc.

Important: If you get a response of any of the options in the second group (5 through 10) and the person being surveyed is a woman, you should continue on to question 15 and the subsequent questions. If it is a man, you should ask him only questions 15 and 16 and then end the interview, continuing with the next member of the household.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 11 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 2002 — source variable CL2002A_EMPSTAT — Employment status last week
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For all individuals 15 years of age and older

29. In which of the following situations did you find yourself during the last week?

[] 1 Working for pay
[] 2 Not working, but having a job
[] 3 Looking for work, having worked before
[] 4 Working for a family member without receiving payment in money

For any of the above answers, go on to question 30.
[] 5 Looking for work for the first time
[] 6 Engaged in household duties
[] 7 Studying
[] 8 Retired or pensioner
[] 9 Permanently disabled for purposes of work
[] 10 Other situation

For the above answers, skip to question 33.
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Question 29

"Last week": Between Monday, April 15 and Sunday, April 21. [These instructions refer to a graphic of question 29 on the census form.]

In this question, you should only mark one oval. The informant determines the option that best describes him/her. [These instructions refer to a graphic of question 29 on the census form.]

China 1990 — source variable CN1990A_UNEMPST — Non-employment status
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[Questions 10-13 were asked of persons age 15 and older.]

12. Status of non-working people:

[] 1 Students
[] 2 Housekeeping
[] 3 Awaiting school enrollment
[] 4 Awaiting job assignment in city/town
[] 5 Retired
[] 6 Disabled/aged
[] 7 Others

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

12. Status of non-working persons --- Those non-working persons aged 15 and over. There are seven answers as follows

1. Students: are those who are enrolled and receiving education at different types of schools at different levels.
2. Housekeeping: are those who engage in household work in their own households.
3. Awaiting school enrollment: are those aged below 25 who are participating in cram school or study independently in order to enroll at the schools.
4. Awaiting job assignment in city/town: are those with non-agricultural, urban household registration who are within working ages, able to work, do not have jobs, do not seek employment, and register at the local urban authorities to await job assignment. The people include those secondary/high school graduates aged 15-25 who don't enroll to higher-level schools, don't join the army, or don't work; and those males (females) aged 25 - 50 (45) who await job assignment. Those workers from institutions declaring bankrupt, those from institutions close to bankrupt, those laid off during the period of legal consolidation, those whose contract is terminated by the companies, or those laid off by their companies, those seeking employment at the time of Census, circle "awaiting job assignment in city/town".
5. Retired: are those retired workers or cadres and those farmers dependent on pension. The retired persons who engage in household works after retirement should circle this answer. The retired persons who return to engage in social works and are receiving reimbursement (or payment) are the employed/working persons.
6. Disabled/aged: are those who lost their ability to work due to mental or physical reasons, or aging. These do not include those receiving pensions.
7. Others: are those non-working persons who do not belong to above categories.

Colombia 1993 — source variable CO1993A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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F3. Ask these questions of all persons who are ten years old or more.

37. Principal activity of last week -- you . . .

[] 1 Looked for work having worked before
[] 2 Looked for work for the first time (continue with F 4)
[] 3 Did not work, on vacation or leave or other reason
[] 4 Worked
[] 5 Student (continue with F 4)
[] 6 Household domestic duties (continue with F 4)
[] 7 Disabled (continue with F 4)
[] 8 Retired (continue with F 4)
[] 9 Other situation (continue with F 4)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

F3. Ask these questions to all persons 10 years old or older

37. Last week [the respondent] principally did:

Read the question and the alternatives to the interviewed person until obtaining an affirmative response. You should mark with "x" a single option.

[Below the text is a form.]

Keep in mind the following criteria:

Looked for work but had worked before
A person who having worked any other time did not have a job last week but did look for work or was waiting for a response to requests that had been carried out previously (Unemployed, unemployed person who looks for work).

Looked for work for the first time
A person who had never worked, but during the reference week was looking for work (applicant).

Did not work because of being on vacation or with permission or other reason
A person who, having employment or work, in the reference week and did not do it. For example, on vacation, on leave, repair of equipment, sickness, strike, or any other temporary interruption of their job.

It corresponds to persons who in the week before the census carried out a job for an income in money or kind.

A person who during the reference week was dedicated to studying and did not have or look for a job. Students on vacation are included in this category.

Carried out household duties
A person who, during the reference week, was dedicated to the duties of their own household or directed them and did not have or look for work.

Is incapacitated to work
A person who because of any permanent disability could not carry out any type of work.

Lived from retirement payments, pension or investments
A person who, without working, receives income by investments (interest, leasing, dividends or companies) or pensions (of old age, invalid or death). Retirees are those who receive an old age pension.

[p. 171]

Another situation
Persons whose activity in the reference week cannot be classified in any of the previous options. For example, one who worked without remuneration for goodwill or voluntary entities.

If an interviewed person responds to you that they "studied", "carried out domestic duties" or "lived from retirement payments or investments", ask if along with this, they carried out any other productive activity like for example driving a taxi, worker in a store, etc. If they respond affirmatively to you, mark option 4 ("working") and erase the other option.

If you marked options 1, 3 or 4 continue with question 38.

If you marked options 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, go directly to filter F4 and do not ask questions 38 and 39

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_EMPSTAT — Type of work that he/she did last week
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For persons five years old or more (generated through the DMC )
[Questions 45-52 were asked of persons age 5+.]

47. During the past week, [the respondent]: (basic)

[] 1 Worked?
[] 2 Did not work, but had a job?
[] 3 Looked for work having worked previously?
[] 4 Looked for work for the first time? (Continue with 51)
[] 5 Studied only, neither worked nor looked for work? (Continue with 51)
[] 6 Did household chores and neither did not work nor look for work? (Continue with 51)
[] 7 Was permanently incapacitated for work? (Continue with 51)
[] 8 Lived off of retirement pension or rents and neither did not work nor look for work? (Continue with 51)
[] 9 Was in another situation? (Continue with 51)

Cuba 2002 — source variable CU2002A_EMPSTAT — Job status
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For persons 15 years old or more
[Questions 17-21]

17. What did you do during the week before September 7?

[] 01 Worked - Continue with question 18
[] 02 Had a job, but did not work - Continue with question 18
[] 03 Looked for work because he/she had lost his/her job
[] 04 Looked for work for the first time
[] 05 Retired or receiving a pension
[] 06 Collects rents or receives economic support
[] 07 Household chores
[] 08 Student
[] 09 Incapacitated for work
[] 10 Does not carry out any economic activity
[] 11 In the hospital, in an asylum, or recluse who does not work
[] 12 Other situation

For answers 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12: end of interview.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 17. What did you do in the week before the day of September 7th?

This block of questions should be answered by persons who are fifteen years old or more. It is the most complicated block of questions, for which we recommend that you pay attention to it.


17. What did you do in the week before the day of September 7th?
[] 01 Worked
[] 02 Had a job, but did not work

Answers 1-2 -- Continue with question 18

[] 03 Looked for work because he/she had lost his/her job
[] 04 Looked for work for the first time
[] 05 Retired or pension
[] 06 Receives rents or economic assistance
[] 07 Household chores
[] 08 Student
[] 09 Disabled for working
[] 10 Did not do any activity
[] 11 In the hospital, asylum or prison, did not work
[] 12 Other situation

Answers 3 to 12 -- The interview is concluded.

You will take the week of Sunday to Saturday of the week before the week of the Census Moment as the reference period. If we consider the Census Moment as twelve o'clock midnight of the night of September 6th, the reference week will be from August 25th to 31st.

[Illustration of the calendar for August and September 2002, with the weeks of August 25 and September 8, and the dates Sept. 15 and Sept. 16 highlighted. Illustration not reported here]

The economic questions of the Questionnaire begin with question 17. You should ask this question of each person who is fifteen years old or more:
What did you do the week before the day of September 7th?

The question refers to what the person dedicated his/her time or what he/she did in the week immediately before the Census Day (from Sunday to Saturday), and for this it is necessary to know if the interviewee was working, was a student, retired or any of the different situations that appear listed in this question.

After you ask the question to the interviewee, without waiting for an answer, you should begin to read each of the alternatives, and mark an (x) for the one that the interviewee gives an affirmative response.

[Header: Instructions for the use of the Enumerator / Section IV. Information about the Person -- 67 ]

To select the correct box, you should take into account the following clarifications.

Worked: This is group of persons who, in the week before the Day of the Census, as a reference period, worked at least eight hours in an occupation in the public sector, cooperative, private sector, self-employed or for someone else, in the national territory or in another country (embassies, consulates, commercial offices and other medical missions, or other professions, etc.). As week before, we understand the period before the Census Day and not, for example, from Wednesday to Tuesday, if the interview is carried out on a Wednesday.

We consider as "worked":
- Unpaid family assistants
- Members of SMG and the EJT
- The university graduates in the stage of "social service"
- Persons who are presumed inactive (retirees, housework, etc.), who during the reference week did any paid work.
- The persons who work in their own household under the orders of a state entity.
- The persons who are found being trained under the system of workers directly in production. (Res. 4248 of CETSS)
- The rural laborers (compassions) who rented their lands to the state and who work in the state sector.
- In this group, you should include the persons who are found in training courses or re-training courses as a result of their jobs being cancelled.
- The persons who have been sent by some organization, business or budgeted unit to be training, without this person loosing his/her labor ties to the entity that sends it.

Do not include as working (even if they work or receive payment):
- The students in field schools or in fields.
- The students who are interns in organizations, businesses, etc., who do not included in the "Registry of Workers of the Center".
- The student-teachers and student-assistants of any level.
- The students in the last year of Medical Sciences, who are doing their practice in health centers.
- The person who do any type of work that is not paid (volunteer work, etc.), except the family assistant who does not receive payment.
- The persons who did paid work, but for a period of less than eight hours in the reference week.

Whenever a person declares that he/she "worked", you should ask if the work was paid (not voluntary) and also the time that the person worked in this week to determine if he/she truly worked.

Consider as paid work when the person receives payment in money or in kind for the work done.

[Header: Instructions for the use of the Enumerator / Section IV. Information about the Person -- 68 ]

Had a job, but did not work: These are all persons who, in the reference week before the Census Day, had secure employment, but did not work because of one of the following conditions:
- Vacations
- Temporary illness
- Work-related accident or another type of accident
- Unpaid permission
- Maternity leave
- Sports leave
- Deployed
- Affected by raw materials, fuels, etc.
- Other temporary labor interruption that permits him/her to return to his/ her job at a later time. This includes persons who are processing their retirement and have not lost their link to the labor center.

Looking for work because he/she has lost his/her job. This includes persons at working age (men from 17 to 59 years old and women from 17 to 54 years old) who in the reference week made direct efforts in the Municipal Employment Office of the Popular Forces, Businesses of Budgeted Units, personnel departments, permission requests or permits for self-employment, to obtain a paid job or who are waiting for the result of these efforts, as long as the person is willing to accept the job for which he/she has applied or a similar job, and as long as the persons have previously been state or private sector workers, who lost their labor links for any reason.

Remember that the persons in this group had to declare that they did not work in the reference week, but that they were making efforts to obtain another job.

Included in this group:
- Self-employed workers who look for employment because they have ended this condition.
- Available workers who are looking for a job.
- Those that have been fired but have not started training courses in organisms.
- Those who wish to do the above-mentioned procedures, but who have not been able to, due to temporary illness or another justified cause.
- Those that have just received a new job, but have not started to work yet.
- The cases of persons who are contracted to work, but due to violations in the work center, are waiting to be called back to work. An example of this could be persons contracted for a specific period for jobs that are not vacant yet, as a violation that was detected through an audit of the work center.

Looked for work for the first time: This includes the persons who are at working age (men between 17 and 59 years old and women between 17 and 54 years old) who in the reference week made efforts to obtain his/her first employment without having worked previously, whether because of his/her age or because of having been previously classified as doing household chores, students, or as unemployed persons in other conditions.

Here we include the members of the labor reserve classified as never having had a previous labor tie, and who in the reference week had not been incorporated in an useful job or in training courses.

Retired or collection pension: This includes the persons who did not carry out any paid work, or they did so for less than eight hours in the reference week, and those who collected income from Social Security for:

[Header: Instructions for the use of the Enumerator / Section IV. Information about the Person -- 69 ]

- Age-related pension (retired)
- Pensions for disability, widows, orphans, or other cases of benefits received by relatives of workers who have died.

Observe that these persons come from a previous labor relationship of the worker in benefit of himself/herself or his/her family.
Therefore, do not include maintenance pension given from one person to another.

Collects rents or receives economic assistance: This includes the persons who did not do any paid work at all or who did so for less than eight hours in the reference week, and who received income for:
- Rents or pensions paid to previous owners of dwellings or lands as result of the dispositions of the Law of Urban Reform or other causes. In the case of rural workers (campesinos) who do not work the land for the State, they are considered rent collectors even if they work a parcel of land for their own consumption; those who work for the State will be considered "state workers" instead of rent collectors.
- Economic assistant given by organizations such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Department of Social Security and Social Assistance from the Popular Forces (previously Social Welfare), etc.

Observe that these rents or economic assistances do not originate in a labor activity, even if they should always be given by state organisms, and never from one person to another in the cases of maintenance pensions.

You should consider the rural workers (campesinos) who rented their lands to the State and who work for the State in this group.

Household tasks: This includes the housewives, as well as the members of the household nucleus who are primarily dedicated to the tasks of the household (e.g. food preparation, cleaning, childcare) and who did not do any paid labor at all, whether state, in a cooperative, private, self-employed or other form, for at least eight hours in the reference week.

Generally, these are persons of the female sex, but it can also include persons of the masculine sex.

If any of the persons included in this definition also:
- Studies (training courses, sewing, etc.), he/she should be classified as household chores and not as students.
- Receives pension income (for age or other reason), he/she will be classified as pensioner (according to the situation), if it is for rent or economic assistance, he/she will be classified as collecting rents or receiving economic assistance.

Student: This includes all of the persons who, without doing any paid economic activity (or who did them circumstantially during the reference period) systematically attend an educational establishment with the goal of receiving instruction at any of the educational levels contained in the National Educational System.

[Header: Instructions for the use of the Enumerator / Section IV. Information about the Person -- 70 ]

Included as students (even if they work and/or receive assistance)
- Persons who are fifteen years old or more, fundamentally dedicated to studying, who regularly attend classes given by the National Educational System (with a scholarship, living off campus, etc.).
- Those students who are practicing as student-teachers and student assistants, even if they receive some payment, since this is generally in relation to the teacher training.
- Here we also include the students in the Higher Teacher Training who work as professors in the ESBEC and the students in the last years of Medical Sciences, who receive similar support.
- Those students who are interns in organizations, businesses or budgeted units, whether or not they receive any stipend for said labor, as long as this is related to the practice or laboratory of his/her future profession.
- Students who are studying on scholarships in foreign countries.
- Those students with learning problems or behavioral problems who are found doing their studies in centers called workshop schools.
- The students who are found working as Enumerators or Supervisors in the Population and Dwelling Census.
- Young persons (17 to 30 years old) incorporated in the Integral Superation Courses, as well as those enrolled in the Schools for Social Workers.

Do not include:
- Persons who study as a secondary activity and who, because of their primary activity, are included in any of the above situations, including working.
- Persons who have been sent by any organization or business to be trained, without this person loosing his/her labor relation with the organization or business that sends him/her to the training.

- Persons who are found being trained, according to the learning system for workers directly in production (Resolution 4248 of the CETSS).

Disabled for work: This includes persons whose physical or mental state impedes carrying out any labor activity as the result of an illness, wound, congenital problem or hereditary problem.

In this situation, you can encounter persons who were working until the time of the illness or wound and who were not protected by the laws of Social Security before the Triumph of the Revolution, as well as those whose limitations date to their birth, infancy, or childhood.

Generally, this group includes: persons who are blind, mentally ill, terminal cancer patients, advanced stage tuberculosis, Down's Syndrome, partial or total motor disability, advance rheumatism, persons with neurological conditions, and with other health problems that make them permanently disabled for work.

Do not include:
- Persons who are temporarily ill.
- Disabled persons who receive retirement, pension, rents, economic assistance, etc., from whom you will mark the corresponding boxes.

Did not do any activity: This includes persons who do not work nor study, and who declare that they did not do any activity.

[Header: Instructions for the use of the Enumerator / Section IV. Information about the Person -- 71 ]

In the hospital, asylum, or prison and does not work: This includes persons who reside permanently in hospitals, asylums, or other similar institutions or establishments, as well as those who are in prison and not working, which means, those who do not carry out any type of productive labor or services.

This box will only be used by collective dwellings that are of permanent nature: hospitals, asylums, etc.

The persons who reside permanently in hospitals, asylums, etc. and who receive income for pension, rent, etc. will not be included in this group, but should be included in the group that corresponds to each condition.

Other Situation: This includes the persons who do not declare nor indicate any occupation as a means of living, nor a situation that permits inclusion in the previous categories. Here we categorize: training, out of working age, not working nor studying, and others.

Training: This includes those persons who are found receiving training in a course given by some organization or business, receiving a stipend for this and without labor ties with this or any other center. This situation should not be confused with the situation where an organization, business or budgeted unit has sent a person to be trained without the person loosing the labor ties to said entity, in which case he/she is classified as working.

Out of labor age, not working nor studying: This includes the persons who are out of labor age (men less than 17 years old and more than 59 years old and women who are less than 17 years old and over 54 years old) who do not work nor study and who are not found in any of the above situations.

Others: This includes the persons who within neither labor age (men 17 years old to 59 years old and women from 17 years old to 54 years old) who do not declare or indicate any means of earning a living, nor a situation that permits inclusion in any of the previous categories.

The persons who are retired and housewives, who are hired to work in the Census, if not contracted in the week before the Census Day, will be classified as Retirees and Housewives, respectively; if they were already contracted for work related to the Census, then you will consider them as working.

Be aware that the alternatives are in descending order of importance, so if a person declares that he/she is in two different alternatives, you should mark the one that has the lowest code.

For the persons who responded in the affirmative for box 1 or 2 (because he/she is a worker), you should continue asking the questions in the order that they appear in the questionnaire.

For those who declare to be in one of the other boxes (3 to 12), you should not ask the rest of the questions, considering the interview concluded.

Dominican Republic 1970 — source variable DO1970A_ECONACT — Economic activity
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Persons 10 years of age and older [Applies to questions 12-16]

12. Occupation condition [economic activity] of the enumerated person. What was the occupational condition of the enumerated person between the 1st and the 9th of this January, according to the options I am going to read to you?
(Read the list to the right)

[] 1 Employed (had paid work of any kind)
[] 2 Unemployed
[] 3 Seeking first job
[] 4 Household duties
[] 5 Student
[] 6 Renter
[] 7 Retired or receiving pension
[] 8 Disabled or institutionalized
[] 9 Other (specify) ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
11.5.4 Economic characteristics. Questions 12-16 are presented only to those 10 years of age and older. It is also pointed out that questions 13-16 are only presented to those who were classified in either of the first two groups of question 12: "employed" or "unemployed".

a) Question 12. Economic activity of the enumerated person. For this question, the "census moment" is the period of January 1-9, 1970; that is, the employment status of the enumerated person during this period is requested. In order to obtain a correct answer, it is strictly necessary that all of the classification found in the census form opposite the question be read to the enumerated person. Each of the alternatives is explained below:

[The following paragraph has been broken into smaller paragraphs.]
i) Had work of any kind (with pay or earnings). Those who were occupied (or who had an occupation) from January 1-9
p. 17]
are classified into this group. One who is occupied worked for pay, salary, or any other type of remuneration during the indicated time period. Also included in this group are those who are employed or have work but who are temporarily absent because of an illness, accident, labor conflict, vacation, leave, etc.
ii) Without work (unemployed). This category includes those who did not have a paid occupation or job from January 1-9 but who had been previously employed and who are looking for work. Also included are those who are not looking for work because they have found employment that will start after January 9
iii) Looked for work for the first time. This includes those who have never worked before and who had been looking for their first employment between January 1-9.
iv) Household duties. This refers to those who carry out household duties, without remuneration, in their own homes. Also included are those who, besides their household duties, carry out a paid activity during a period of time less than one-third of the normal working day [less than 1/3 time]. For the purposes of the census (only for the purposes of the census), the normal working day is understood to be nine hours per day. Therefore, a person who carries out domestic duties and also a remunerated activity can be classified in this group if the activity is carried out for less than three hours per day.
v) Student. This comprises all those who are exclusively dedicated to studying and those who, besides studying, carry out a paid activity during a period of time less than one-third of the normal working day [less than 1/3 time].
vi) Rentier. Included in this category are those who do not carry out a remunerated activity and who live from the product of their capital; such as interest, dividends, or income coming from stocks, bonds, houses, or other real estate properties.
vii) Retired or pensioned. This includes those, usually of an advanced age, who do not carry out a paid activity and who receive a periodic income, normally called a retirement or pension, because they had been previously employed. Included in this category are those who receive a "pensiĆ³n de gracia" [#tr probably a welfare check]. Those pensioned or retired persons carrying out a remunerated activity for less than one-third of the normal laboral working day, they are placed in this category.
viii) Invalid or prisoner or recluse. This includes those who cannot carry out a paid activity because of a physical or mental disability or because of adopting a cloistered life (as is the case for certain religious orders) or because of a judicial sentence (prisoners). If the disability is temporary or accidental and the occupation is guaranteed or reserved, they are classified in the first group "1 X Had work of any king (with pay or earnings)".
ix) Other. Included in this group are all those whose situations cannot be fit into the previous classifications; e.g. minors who do not attend school, elderly with no economic resources, prisoners who carry out a paid activity for more than three hours per day, etc.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_ACTIVITY — Main activity of person not in work
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For persons of 10 years old and more

If the answer to questions 46 or 47 or 48 was "yes", skip to question 59.

56. What was [the respondent]'s main activity last week? Read all options and select just one:

[] 1 Household chores
[] 2 Studies
[] 3 Living from investments
[] 4 Retired or receiving pension
[] 5 Disabled/elderly
[] 6 No activity
[] 7 Other
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For people age 10 or older

Question 56: What was the main occupation that (NAME) did last week?

Read each option and answer accordingly.

Make sure that you follow the guidelines for the answer options:

Housekeeping: A person that works as a housewife in house chores with no payment.
Study: A person that studies without doing other than that and does not receive any payment.

[PAGE 35]

Landlord or Stockholder: A person that receives income by renting or investments (i.e. interests, salaries, deposits, rent, etc.) and that does not work to acquire other income.
Retired: A person that receives income from a pension or retirement, and that does not work to acquire other income.
Elder or disable: A person that due to his/her age or a permanent disability cannot work.
Person with no activities: A person that does not work or performs any job, even if is physically capable and of age to work. (These people are considered vagabonds, hobos)
Other: When a person is in a situation or condition different that the ones previously mentioned. In this case, you should record the name or situation in which the interviewee is involved. Some examples of who might be in this category are those who are in prison or confinement, priests, nuns, etc.

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity of individual
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For persons age 10 or older

53. In that job [the respondent] was (or is)?

Read all answers and mark only one.

[] 1 Salary or waged employee?
[] 2 Employer or owner?
[] 3 Family worker or unpaid worker?
[] 4 Self-employed?
[] 5 Other?
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Question 53. In that job [the respondent] was (or is)?
This question has the goal of defining the occupational category that the person being surveyed had in the business or company where they worked during the week before the census interview. In the case of people who were not working the week prior to the census, but who did work some time in the past, the question refers to the occupational category in their last paid job. Fill in the bubble according to the informant's answer.
What follows is an explanation of the concepts related to the various alternatives of occupational categories, with the purpose of providing you with enough knowledge to choose the correct response based on the informant's answer.

  • Salary paid employee is the person who maintains a dependent relationship with the company or institution that he/she works for and receives pay in the form of a salary, either in cash or kind.
  • Employer or Owner is the person who runs or manages on their own a business or career, employing one or more paid employees, in addition to family members or non-relatives who work, not necessarily paid.
  • Family worker with no remuneration is the person who works in the business or company of a family member or non-family member without pay, for at least one hour during the week before the census. However, if the person is regularly paid a pre-determined amount of money, that could be considered a salary, he/she should be recorded as a paid employee.
  • Independent Worker is the type of worker that has neither a boss, nor is in charge of employees or laborers. The business or company only has one worker, not belonging to another organization, that sells and/or produces goods and/or services for that which a price is charged. Examples: an independent lawyer, engineer, plumber, electrician, door to door salesperson, artisan, etc.
  • Other. This category exists for people who are economically active and cannot be included in any of the previous categories.

Ask the question exactly as it is written in the census survey and fill in the bubble corresponding to the code that fits the informant's answer.

Ecuador 1990 — source variable EC1990A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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For all individuals 8 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 13-18.]

13. What did you do last week?

Read the response options in the order indicated: Worked (at least one hour), had a job but did not work (due to illness, vacation, strike, etc.), looked for work having worked before (unemployed), looked for work for the first time, etc. Upon receiving an answer, mark the appropriate box and go on the next question as indicated.

[] 0 Worked (at least one hour)
[] 1 Had a job but did not work
[] 2 Looked for a job having worked before (unemployed)

For any of these responses, skip to question 15

[] 3 Looked for work for the first time
[] 4 Household duties only
[] 5 Student only
[] 6 Retired only
[] 7 Pensioner only
[] 8 Disabled for purposes of work
[] 9 Unknown

For any of these responses, continue with question 14

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Question 13. What did he/she do last week?

Read the question and all of the categories of answers. Observe instructions that tell you how to continue, this way you will avoid asking unnecessary questions.

Just like the other questions, there can only be one answer.

Pay attention to the following definitions:

"Did you work?" refers to all persons that carried out one or more activities during the week of the 19th to the 24th of November, whether they were paid or not, in the home or outside the home, for at least one hour.

"Do you have a job but did not work?", when the person has a job but in the week of the 19th to the 24 of November he/she did not work because of vacations, illness, strike, bad weather, etc.

"Looked for work, having worked before (unemployed)", is the person who left his/her job, voluntarily or involuntarily, and was looking for work in the week of the 19th to the 24th of November.

"Looked for work for the first time?", when the person has never held a job and in the week of the 19th to the 24th of November the person was seeking employment.

"Only housework?", when the person being interviewed only did domestic household tasks. If this was a paid job, you should mark "worked", code "0".

"Only studied?", when the person only went to school.

"Only retired?", when the person receives a retirement pension for services provided previously and the week from the 19th to the 24th of November, the person did not carry out any productive activity.

"Only pensioner?', when the person did not carry out any productive activity and receives a pension (charity, orphan) for services previously provided by a relative affiliated with Social Security.

Take into account that for women (and only for them) 15 years old or more, you must investigate chapter D, fertility and mortality characteristics, questions 19-22.

Last week, did you carry out or help carry out any activity that was paid or unpaid? For example, did you plant, harvest, care for animals that would be sold; prepare textiles to sell; wash, iron or sew clothing for someone else? Did you help attend any business; sell food, artisan goods, fruit, newspapers or other goods? Did you take care of or watch children or elderly persons or carry any similar tasks?

[ ] 1 Yes. Continue with question 15.
[ ] 2 No. For women, continue with question 19; for men, continue with question 23.

Ecuador 2001 — source variable EC2001A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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18. What did he/she do last week?
Read the possible answers in the indicated order: Worked (at least one hour), has a job but did not work (because of illness, vacation, strike, etc), looked for work having worked before (unemployed), looked for work for the first time, etc. When you receive an answer, mark the corresponding box and move on to the next question. This question only allows one answer.

[ ] 01 Worked (at least one hour); continue with question 20
[ ] 02 Has a job but did not work; continue with question 20
[ ] 03 Looked for work having worked before (unemployed); continue with question 19
[ ] 04 Looked for work for the first time; continue with question 19
[ ] 05 Only did housework; continue with question 19
[ ] 06 Only student; continue with question 19
[ ] 07 Only retired; continue with question 19
[ ] 08 Only pensioner; continue with question 19
[ ] 09 Handicapped, cannot work; continue with question 19
[ ] 10 Other, specify___; continue with question 19
[ ] 99 Don't know; continue with question 19

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Question 18.- What did you do last week?

[There is a picture of question 18 from this section of the enumeration form.]

Read the question and all of the response options verbatim. Abide by the directions which indicate to you what question to continue with. That way you will avoid asking inopportune questions.

Just as in the rest of the questions, this one admits only one response.

Keep in mind the following definitions:

Worked (at least one hour).- This refers to any person who, during the previous week (from November 19th to the 24th) performed one or more activities, paid or otherwise, inside or outside of the house, for at least one hour. For example, helped out in a family business.

Has a job but didn't work.- When the person being enumerated has a job but, during the week of November 19th to the 24th didn't work because of vacation, sickness, a strike, bad weather, etc.

Looked for work having worked previously (unemployed).- A person who left their job, voluntarily or involuntarily, and who looked for work during the week of November 19th to the 24th.

Looked for work for the first time.- When the person has never worked before and was looking for work during the week of November 19th to the 24th.

Only household chores.- When the person being investigated performs household chores exclusively. Example: housewives who, for their work in the home, don't receive any payment. If these activities are paid, you should mark worked, code "00." Example: domestic employees who receive income for services rendered.

[p. 49]

Only student.- When the person is devoted exclusively to studying.

Only retired.- When the person receives a retirement pension for services previously rendered and during the week of November 19th to the 24th didn't perform any productive activity.

Only pensioner.- When the person doesn't perform any productive activity and receives a pension (dependent's or orphan's pension) in exchange for services previously rendered, through a relative affiliated with Social Security.

Prevented from working.- A person who, because of a physical or mental deficiency, was not working during the week of November 19th to the 24th.

Other (specify).- If the person does not fit into the previous categories.

Unknown.- When the information is provided by third parties who don't know if, during the week of November 19th to the 24th, the person in question was included in one of the previously described categories.

Keep in mind that, in the case of people who responded with categories 01 or 02, the interview continues with question 20. For those who responded with categories 03 to 10 and 99, they should go to question 19.

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_EMPSTAT2 — Labor force status
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For persons five years old and older
[Questions 27 to 33 were asked of all people five years and older.]

27. What did [the respondent] do last week:

[] 1 Worked at least one hour?
[] 2 Did not work, but has a job?
[] 3 Made some product or provided some service for at least one hour?
[] 4 Helped in some way in a business or work of a relative for at least one hour?
[] 5 Did at least one hour of agricultural labor or took care of animals?
[] 6 Is unemployed: If he/she looked for work having worked before and it is available to work?
[] 7 Did not work?

For answers 1-6, skip to question 29.

28. If [the respondent] has not worked:

[Question 27 was asked of people 5 years and older who did not work in the last week.]

[] 1 Looked for work for the first time and is available to work?
[] 2 He/she collects rents?
[] 3 He/she is retired or a pensioner?
[] 4 He/she is a student?
[] 5 Does household chores?
[] 6 Prevented from working by a disability?
[] 7 Other?

Skip to question 34.

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[Section 4]

Step 14: Continue with section 4, information about the population / D: Economic characteristics (annex, pages 41-45)

[A copy of section 4D of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]


  • Follow the sequential order of the questions.
  • Remember that the questions are for people 5 years old and older.
  • (A)The week of reference will be Sunday the 21st to Saturday the 27th of November.
  • Question 27 serves to identify people who did some activity for an income or not.
  • (B)Take into account the leaps of questions 27 and 28.
  • Question 29 is written literally, the activity of the business or company in which the interviewed person works or worked.
  • If the informant mentions having more than one job, you should register the one that he/she considers the principal one.
  • Question 30 is written very literally, what does the interviewed person do or what he/she did where he/she works/worked
  • Question 31 indicates the dependency relation that the person has in the place where he/she works.
  • Question 32 registers the total number of worked hours, at his/her principal work, in the past week or the last week that he/she worked.
  • In question 33, register if the activity that the person does is inside or outside the household.
  • If the person does more than one activity, as for example weave wool clothing in the household and leave to sell in the streets; for the registry of question 33 priority will be given to the production, therefore you will mark x in code 1 (within the home).

8. Economic characteristics

[Question 28 is asked of persons who did no work during the week before the census]

Looked for work for the first time and is available to work:
When the person has never worked and in week previous to the census (from the 21st to the 27th of November) is looking for work for the first time and that he/she is available to work.

He/she collects rents:
A person who does not work and receives income that come from the rents of a company or business and/ or rents of buildings, machinery, or dividends that are derived from his/her properties or capital.

He/she is retired or a pensioner:
When the person who does not do any economic activity and receives income originating of a pension or retirement whether by having retired from a company or institution by fulfilling age requirements, years of service, old age, or by permanent incapacity and the established period of service; as well as those who receive a pension for widowhood, or being an orphan.

He/she is a student:
A person who is dedicated exclusively to studying.

Does household chores:
When the person does exclusively domestic chores in his/her own household. For example: The housewives who receive no payment for workings in the home.

Prevented from working by a disability:
That person who by his/her physical, sensorial or mental deficiency is prevented from working.

Egypt 1986 — source variable EG1986A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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Part B: Individual data

Persons six years and over
[Questions 8-11 asked of persons six years and over.]

8. Employment status

[] 1 Under age
[] 2 Employer
[] 3 Self-employed
[] 4 Employee
[] 5 Unpaid worker
[] 6 Seeking work (old)
[] 7 Seeking work (new)
[] 8 Student
[] 9 Housewife
[] 10 Not willing to work
[] 11 Retired
[] 12 Aged not working
[] 13 Unable to work
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Employment status: Column number (8)
For the person less than (6) years put the circle round number (1)
For the person (6) years and over put a circle:
Circle number (2) who runs a work on his own account and employs others

Or circle number (3) for the person who works on his own account and doesn't employ others
Or circle number (4) for worker who is paid by others even those others are his relatives
Or circle number (5) a family unpaid worker
Or circle number (6) for the person seeking work but, he was previously working
Or circle number (7) for the person seeking work and has no previous work

The person seeking work means that he is able and willing to work but, he can't find it

Or circle number (8) for the student of full time study
Or circle number (9) for the female who has a full time housework
Or circle number (10) for the person who is able to work but, unwilling to work
Or circle number (11) for the pensioner because of age (60 years but, not reaching 65) and he is not working now either willing or unwilling
If the pensioner is working after the legal age; therefore, number (11) is not given to him but, it is given the suitable employment status "retired" if the retired is under the age of retirement (60) years and he is able to work, the suitable recent employment status and not the employment status before his retirement
Or circle number (12) for the person who is (65) years old and over and he is not working
Or circle number (13) for the person (6) years and over and less than (65) years and not working because he is unable to work

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_EMPSTAT — Work status
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Persons six years and over
[Questions 8-11 were asked of persons 6 years and over.]

8. Employment status

[] 1 Under age
[] 2 Employer
[] 3 Self-employed
[] 4 Employee
[] 5 Unpaid worker
[] 6 Seeking work (old)
[] 7 Seeking work (new)
[] 8 Student
[] 9 Housewife
[] 10 Not willing to work
[] 11 Retired
[] 12 Aged not working
[] 13 Unable to work

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The employment status column No.(8)
For the person less than (6) years fill in ink the circle in front of No.(1)
For the person six years and over fill in ink the circle:
In front of No.(2) for the employer
In front of No.(3) for the person who is working for his own account (self employed)
In front of No.(4) is for the paid worker who is working to other or to his relatives (employee)
In front of No.(5) for unpaid worker
In front of No.(6) the person who is seeking work but he was previously working
In front of No.(7) is for the person who is seeking for work but, he has no previous work
In front of No.(8) is for student
In front of No.(9) is for the housewife
In front of No.(10) is for the person who is able to work but, he is unwilling
In front of No.(11) is for the retired person because of age (60 years but he does not reach 65) and he is not working now, he is either willing or unwilling.
If the retired person after the legal age is working, the proper employment status is given to him, and not No.(11) as retired is given to him, if he is able to work, it is given to him the proper employment status that he is practicing after finishing his first job
In front of No.(12) for the person whose age is 65 and over and he is not working
In front of No.(13) for the person (6) years and more and less than 65 years and he is not working because he is unable to work

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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[Questions 8-14 were asked of persons age 6 and older]

9. Work status

[] 1 Underage
[] 2 Employer
[] 3 Self employed
[] 4 Waged worker
[] 5 Unpaid, working for family
[] 6 Unpaid, working for others
[] 7 Currently unemployed
[] 8 Recently unemployed
[] 9 Full-time student
[] 10 Housewife
[] 11 Retired
[] 12 Oldster and does not work
[] 13 Disabled
[] 14 Does not want to work
[] 15 Others

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Table 1: Household characteristics

11. Member employment status (during the previous week of the enumeration day)

The data regarding the nature of work, for members aged 6 years and older, should be selected from field number (1) to field number (16). There are 2 squares to code one of the correct answers in, writing the verbal response below the squares:

1. Member below age (less than 6 years).
2. Business owner who hires others.
3. Member who works for himself/herself and doesn't hire anyone.
4. Member who works for a wage for others or for family.
5. Member who works for family without wage.
6. Member who works for others without wage.
7. Unemployed who has worked before.
8. Unemployed who has never worked before.
9. Full-time student.
10. Full-time housewife
11. Retired who is less than 65 years and doesn't work
12. Member who is 65 years or above and doesn't work
13. Disabled
14. Doesn't want to work although he/she can work because he/she has enough income.
15. Other, for a male member who is between 6 to below 15 years, who is not enrolled in school and doesn't work.

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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V. Information on members of the household

2. Persons age 10 or older
[Questions 14-21 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

14. The week prior to the census you:

[] 1 Worked in exchange for wage in money or kind
[] 2 Worked for somebody else without receiving a wage
[] 3 Had a job, business, enterprise, owned a farm, but did not work (due to sickness, strike, vacation, bad weather, etc.)
(If 1, 2, or 3 are selected, continue with question 16)
[] 4 Looked for a job and had previously worked
[] 5 Looked for a job for the first time (i.e., had not worked previously)
[] 6 Did not look for a job because you though none were available
[] 7 Was a "housewife" exclusively
[] 8 Studied exclusively
[] 9 Were a retiree, pensioned, or renter
[] 10 Were institutionalized [imprisoned]
[] 11 Were permanently unable to work [disabled]
[] 12 Other (specify) ____
(For options 4-12, continue with question 15)

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4.5.4 Persons age 10 or older
These questions numbered 14 to 21 will be asked to those who are age 10 or older, males and females. If the person is younger than 10, the interview will end, canceling the corresponding page.

Principal activity:
The week prior to the beginning of the census, were you:

- Working for pay in money or in kind?
This category refers to the people who in the previous week up to the day of the census worked one or more hours for pay in money or in-kind compensation acting as employer, worker on their own count, employee or worker, etc.

- Working for another person without compensation?
This refers to those who work for another person without receiving any type of compensation or in kind such as apprentices of mechanics, carpentry, family workers, etc.

- Employed, or did you have a business, a company, a farm, but you didn't work (due to sickness, strikes, vacation, bad weather, etc.)?
This applies to people who have jobs or are occupied but, during the week referred to, did not work due to sickness, strikes, vacation, bad weather or other circumstances.

[The rest of pg. 49 is omitted in this translation]

[pg. 50]

- Looking for work and had you worked previously?
These are unoccupied people who are looking for work but have experience, as they have worked previously.

- Looking for work for the first time (never had a job before)?
This refers to recently graduated people of any university major, non-university course of study, or any vocational specialty and they are looking for work for the first time, even if they are young people who out of economic necessity have to work and have never worked before.

- Not looking for work because you thought there wasn't any? These are persons who had worked before, but for different reasons are without work and are not looking for work because they think that there are no vacant positions and sometimes they may be waiting for the seasons of agricultural harvest.

[pg. 51]

Only a housewife: This refers to women who are dedicated exclusively to daily chores of the household.

- Just studying?
This is all people whose only responsibility is to study, whether in school, high school, higher education centers, university, academy, etc.

- Retired, pensioned or rentier?

  • Retired: This is a person who, having completed the time of work service required and having reached the official age, retired, receiving a monthly or biweekly compensation.
  • Pensioned: This is a person who for reasons of sickness, accidents, age or another cause has retired from work, receiving a monthly salary.
  • Rentier: This is a person who lives off the interest of the money put away in savings accounts, installments or personal loans, from renting houses or lands.

[pg. 52]

- Imprisoned?
These are people who are in jail whether or not they have received a sentence.

- Permanently disabled?
This is about people who as a result of suffering from some physical or mental impediment are completely unable to work, which is why they are not working, such as: the blind, amputees of either upper or lower limbs, the insane, etc.

- Other?
In this group list all people who did not fit into the previous categories.
If they responded to one of the options 4 through 12, continue to question 15.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_WHYNOT — Reason did not work the previous week
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[Questions 13-24 are for persons age 10 or older]

19. Why didn't you work the week prior to the census?

[] 1 Performed housework
[] 2 Is a full-time student
[] 3 Is retired, has a pension, or is living off investment income
[] 4 Imprisoned
[] 5 Permanent disability
[] 6 Other reasons (specify) __________

[Go to Section 4 if any of options 1-6 are marked]
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[Questions 13-24 are for persons age 10 or older. If the person is younger than 10, end the interview and cross out the corresponding page]

Question 19: Why didn't you work the week prior to the census?

Performed housework:
This refers to persons who only do housework.

Is a full-time student:
This is all the people whose only responsibility is to study.

Is retired, has a pension, or is living off investment income

A. "Retired" is a person who has completed his/her required time of service and has reached the required age, has retired, and is receiving a bi-monthly or monthly remuneration.

B. "Has a pension" is a person who, for reasons of illness, accident, age or other reasons is retired from his/her work and is receiving a monthly payment.

C. "Living off investment income" is a person who lives off the interest from money in savings accounts; CDs [dinero puesto a plazo] or personal loans; or rent from apartments or land.

These are persons who are in prison, regardless of whether they have been sentenced yet or not.

Permanent disability:
This is for people who are completely unable to work due to a physical or mental disability, and this is the reason they are not working.

Other reasons:
Record in this group all persons who are not placed in previous categories. This is for persons who have employment but did not work in the week previous to the census because of illness, strike, vacations, bad weather or other circumstances.

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_WHYNOWK — Reason for not working
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33. If did not work, reason for not working.

If reported as not working in column 32 (code 2), what is the reason for not working?
[Question 33 was asked for household members age 10+ who reported not being engaged in productive work during the last 12 months.]
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Column 33: Reason for not working

This column is filled for those who have not worked in the last seven days prior to the census day or for those "0" was entered in column 32. Those who have not been engaged in productive activity in the last seven days may be grouped in one of the following.

01 = Unemployed without work experience: - These are people who have not worked even for one day due to not finding job and never having work experience. These are who have attempted to find job and are ready to work if they get one.
02 = Unemployed with work experience: - These are people who have not worked even for one day in the last seven days but have work experience. They may or may not have tried to get job and they are ready to work.
03 = Employed but did not worked in the last seven days: - These are people who have regular job but haven't worked even for one day in the last seven days due to illness, annual leave, accident, -, etc.
04 = Not worked because of off work season: - These are people who have job but have not worked because the factory didn't have raw material or the factory is undergoing annual renovation, -, etc.
05 = Student: - These are people who have been enrolled in any kind of educational institution in a regular program during day time and who have not worked for even one day in the last seven days.
06 = Unpaid house workers: - These are people who don't get payment in cash or in kind and who only work any kind of job in the house., These are house wives, relatives, -, etc.
07 = Disabled: - These are people who were not able to work due to physical handicap or mental illness. Disabled people who are doing begging are categorized under beggars.
08 = Beggars: - These are people who run their lives by begging. Disable people who beg are considered as beggars.
09 = Prostitutes: - These are those engaged in prostitution working as waitresses in bars or having their own booth of drinks or others engaged in similar activities.
10 = Child: - Has not worked even for one day because too young to work.
11 = Pensioners, living with family support and contribution: - These are people who live by getting money from annuity, pension, saving, family support and contribution. Senior pensioners are included in here. If encountered with others different than mentioned above they are also grouped here.

Based on the codes given above the correct answer will be recorded in the space provided under column 33 and the code in card columns 59 and 60.


1.If a person is disabled and engaged in productive activity and meets the definition of productive activity as defined in column 32, then he/she is considered as working and not assigned code "06" which refers to Disability as reason for not working.
2. If a person has income from pension, insurance, property, etc. and has worked in the last seven days, he/she is considered as working and not living with pension or with family support and contribution.
3. Evening students having no job but making effort to find a job are registered as unemployed.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_WHYNOWORK — Reason for not working (last 12 months)
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Section III: Detailed particulars of household members

29. Reason for not working

If did not work (Col. 28 code 2), what was the reason for not working?

[For urban area]
29. For those who have been engaged in productive work during the last seven day (column 28 code 1-7), unemployed with previous experiences (column 29 code 2) and for those who had worked but did not work during the last seven days (column 29 code 03).

If did not work reason for not working. Ask those reported " No" in column 28 reasons for not being engaged in productive activity during most of last 12 months and enter the appropriate code in the space provided.

[] 01 Unemployed without work experience
[] 02 unemployed with work experience
[] 03 Had work but did not work
[] 04 students
[] 05 Unpaid family workers (individual homeworkers, house wife)
[] 06 Disables
[] 07 Too young
[] 08 Pensioners, etc.
[] 09 Prostitute
[] 10 others

For those who have been engaged in productive activity for most of the time (code 01 in column 28), unemployed with previous work experience (code 02 in column 29) and for those who had work but didn't work during the last 12 months (code 03 in column 29).

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What do we mean by most of the last 12 months?
A person is to be classified as most of the last 12 months active (engaged in productive activity) usually if he/she has been economically active (engaged in productive activity) for more then 6 months or 26 weeks or above during the last 12 months. The above clarification is general definition/ concept. But engagement in productive activity for most of the last 12 months depends on the type and nature of activity they were involved and vary from country to country. The following three examples elaborate how most of the last 12 months are applicable.

a) If a person is engaged in agriculture, he/she is considered as being engaged in economic activity during most of the last 12 months if he/she has worked most of the main agricultural seasons of the reference year in that area/ locality.

For example
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Suppose that the main agricultural season for a particular area is 8 months. A person in this particular area is said to be engaged in most of the last 12 months if he/she has worked for 4 months and more. Agricultural season includes the main and the "Belg" Season and the time from preparing the land to harvesting (seeding, ploughing, sawing, weeding, harvesting and collecting).

b. If a person is engaged in other agricultural activity, like livestock, poultry, cattle rearing, etc., for 6 months or more in the last 12 months, then that person is considered as he is engaged for most of the last 12 months.
c. Those who are engaged either non-agricultural sectors like, trade, weaving, or work in government organization/ NGO etc?., if they were worked for more than 6 months and above in the last 12 months.
Column 29: Reason for not working. If did not work (Column 28 code 2) What was the main reason for not working?

This column is asked for those who were not engaged in productive work in most of the last 12 months prior to the census date, or code 2 is given in column 28. The possible answers are given below with their codes.

01 = Unemployed without work experience: These people were not engaged in productive activity during most of the last 12 months and they have no job before 12 months and they may or many not seek to get a job during the reference time. If opportunity comes, they are ready to work.

02 = Unemployed with work experience: Even though these people had a job some time before a year but due to lack of job they were not engaged in any productive activity during most of the last 12 months. This people may seek or may not to get jobs. But if opportunity comes, they were ready to work.

03 = Employed but not working in most of the last 12 months: Persons who are employed but not working most of the last 12 months due to illness, injury, lack of raw materials, etc. classified here.

04 = Student: The category includes all persons, aged 10 years and above who, during most of the last 12 months do not engaged in productive activity due to
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attending school/training during day time. But those students who engaged in productive activity during most of the last 12 months are not included in this code.

05 = Unpaid Home maids/servants: All persons, male or female, who are aged 10 years and above, and who, during most of the last 12 months were not engaged in productive activity due to domestic activities like preparing food for family,?etc. For example, house maid. It is important to note that those persons may or may not engage in economic activity during the last 12 months.

06 = Disabled: These persons were not working in the economic activity most of the last 12 months because of their disability or handicap ness.
Note: Disabled or handicapped persons who were engaged in productive activity (in Que.21) should not be included here.

07 = Too young: All persons (male or female) who are aged 10 years and above and who, during most of the last 12 months were not engaged in productive /economic activity because they are too young. For those persons who are aged 15 and above were not included in this code. For those persons who are attending school should be given code 4, rather than code 8

08 = Old age/ retired/ remittance: These are persons who were not engaged in productive /economic activity during most of the last 12 months because of old age/retired or remittance or renting a house.
Remark: In addition to remittance, pensions and earning money from renting housing if they are engaged in economic activity during most of the last 12 months should not be included here;

09 = Prostitutes: Those persons who were not working in the productive activity during most of the last 12 months because of their main act.

10 = Others: Those persons who were not working in the productive activity during most of the last 12 months because of other reasons that are not classified from code 01 - 09 are categorized here.
Remark: Unemployed students are those students attending school during the night and seeking job and were not engaged in any productive activity during the day should be included either in code 01 or 02.

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_WKAVAIL — Available to work next month
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Section 3: Details of persons in the household

[Questions 21-25 were asked of long form respondents' age 10+.]

22. Is [the respondent] available to work during the coming month?

If "yes," record 01. If "no," record the reason.
[] 1 Available
[] 2 Personal/family affair
[] 3 Student/training
[] 4 Homemaking
[] 5 Disabled
[] 6 Injury/illness
[] 7 Too young
[] 8 Old age/pensioner/remittance
[] 9 Other
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Question 21 - 24:- Economic Activity

In this section the enumerators collect data regarding the economic activities and indicators of unemployment characteristics during the last seven days and the last twelve months prior to the date of enumeration.

Question 22:- Is [the respondent] available to work during the coming month?

Question 22 concern the availability criterion. It is formulated in conditional terms, asking whether the person would have been able and ready to start work, if an opportunity for work had been offered during the reference period. This question should be appropriately amended to refer to ability and readiness to start work within 3 weeks. Regular students are said to be ready to work if and only if they are full time available to work. Even though the part time students claim to ready, they will not be taken as they were ready to work and asked reasons for that and choice code 3 education/ training.

This question presents for those who replied code 3 in question 21, refer for those did not have any work for payment or self-employment but available to work in the coming month including the weeks of enumeration. If they are ready to work, choose code 1; If not available to work, choose any one from code 2-9 alternatives provided.

1 = Available
2 = Personal/ family affairs
3 = Student/ Training
4 = Home making without payment
5 = Disabled
6 = Injury/ Illness
7 = Too young
8 = Old age/Pensioned/Remittance
9 = Others (instance: Delivery/pregnancy etc...)
Note: Additional notes can be found from Question No. 23 for above alternative answers.

Fiji 1976 — source variable FJ1976A_EMPSTAT — Employment status in past week
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For all persons born in 1962 and before

12. Type of activity last week

State whether the person was working last week; normally working but sick, holiday, etc.; unemployed looking for work (exp/inexp); other, specify housewife, student, disabled, etc.

Fiji 1986 — source variable FJ1986A_EMPSTAT — Type of activity last week
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For all persons born in 1971 or before
[Questions 14-17 were asked of all persons born in 1971 or before]

14. Type of activity last week

What did the person do last week? Cash work or other work.

If no work, what was the reason? Looking for work, not looking, housewife, student, pensioner, too old, disabled, etc.

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Question 14 - Type of activity last week

142. "What did this person do last week?"

143. A person either worked last week or did not.

144. By work we mean any activity concerned with providing the necessities of life for the person or the person's family or household. The question applies to women as well as men.

145. Anyone who was active last week, in any way, in providing for themselves or the household worked. It does not matter whether they had a job or were paid for what they did. A person who farmed, fished, cut copra, looked after livestock, replaced thatch on a roof, or cultivated in a vegetable garden worked. So did a person who was in paid employment.

146. Those who worked fall into two categories for the purposes of the census -- those who worked mainly for money last week and those who provided for themselves in other ways.

Cash work: A person who was employed last week or who worked mainly for cash is a cash worker. Such a person may have had a paid job or may have worked on his or her own account making, growing, or selling things for money.

Other work: Many people provide for themselves or their families in other ways than by working for cash. Such people may perform a variety of tasks in growing, gathering produce, or fishing to feed their families and may sell some produce. But such people are not mainly working to sell produce for cash.

147. A person may have combined cash work and other last week. In such cases write "cash work".

[p. 16]

148. A person may not have worked last week because he or she was temporarily absent from work by reason of being on holiday, sickness, or for some other reason. In such cases ask about the person's normal activity. A teacher on holiday, for example, may not have been teaching last week because the schools were closed. Such people should be regarded as having worked.

149. If a person did no work, ask: "What was the reason?"

150. There are many reasons why a person may have done no work last week. Those which are most important to the census are:

Looking for work: This applies to people who would have worked, who wanted to work and who actively looked for work last week. The test is, "Did this person do anything about finding work?"

Not looking for work: This category applies to those of working age who were capable of working but who did no work last week and did nothing about finding work, either because they knew there were no jobs available or because they did not want to work. The test is, 'Did this person do anything to provide for himself or herself?' If he or she did so, enter "cash work" or "other work" as appropriate. Only if the person did nothing last week and was dependent upon others for food or shelter should you enter "Not looking".

Housewife: This applies to those who did not work last week and were occupied with purely domestic duties around the house. Many housewives combine domestic duties with working outside the house -- in the garden, collecting food, or in paid employment. In such cases you should write "cash work" or "other work" as appropriate.

Student: If the person is attending school, a training course, or a university full-time, write "Student". Full-time students will be on holiday at the time of the census and some may have worked last week but for the purpose of the census such people should be entered as "Student".

Other: There are other reasons why a person may have done no work last week. Ask and record the reason -- 'too old', 'disabled', 'pensioner', 'patient', or as the case may be.

Fiji 1996 — source variable FJ1996A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity
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For all persons born in 1981 or before
[Questions D14-D17 were asked of persons born in 1981 or before.]

(d) If doing (M), (UNEMP) or (SUBS) write (NA). For others, state Student, Not looking for work, Fulltime homemaker, retired, disabled, other - specify.

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Economic activity last week

For all persons born in 1981 or before
138. The next set of questions, D14 to D17, apply to all persons born in 1981 or before. Look back at the year of birth you have entered for each person. For those born 1982-1996 write 'N/A' for question D14[a] and leave the rest of the column [D14-D17] blank.

139. Questions D14-D17 are concerned with how people provide for themselves, how they make their living. It is restricted to persons 15 years of age and over.

140. In the week before census night, almost everyone in Fiji will have done something to provide for himself or herself. It is your job to discover and record what each person did.

141. Ask the questions as they are set out here and on the questionnaire and talk about each member of the household until you understand what he or she did in the way of making a living last week. Make entries on the questionnaire only when you have the picture clear in your mind.

Question D14 - Type of activity last week

142. Question 14[a]
Did this person do any work for money last week?

Money work here means:
A wage and salary job.
Business, shop, taxi/carrier business, repair shop
Grow things for sale
Raise animals for sale
Catch fish, collect shells for sale


Provide services for money

You should write 'M' against money work. Include also persons who had a job but were either sick or on leave or did not attend work for some other reason.

For persons who did not work for money last week write 'NO' in this box.

145. For those persons responding with 'M' in D14[a], you should also complete

D14[b] Number of days worked last week.
D14[c] Did the person do any subsistence work as well
D15 Describe the task performed last week.
D16 The type of activity, service or product produced at place of work.
D17 How was the person paid

weekly wages
fortnightly/monthly salary
by sale of crops, livestock
for job done
unpaid family worker

147. Question D14[d]

So far you have classified

person who has worked for money 'M'
person who has worked for money as well as 'SUBS'
person who was actively looking for work 'UNEMP'
person who provided for himself 'SUBS'

Therefore for persons who are classed in 14[a] as 'M' or 14[b] as 'UNEMP' or 14[c] as 'SUBS'. Write 'NA' in 14[d] box.

For other classify in one of the following category:


'STUDENT' if the person is attending school or a training course full time. Full time students will be on holiday at the time of the census and some may have worked last week, but for the purpose of the census, such people should be entered as 'STUDENT'.

'NOT LOOKING FOR WORK' This category applies to persons who were capable of working but did not work last week and did nothing about finding work, either because they knew there were no jobs available or because they did not want to work.

Did this person do anything to provide for himself or herself?

If 'yes' then go back to either 14[a] for money work 'M'
or 14[c] for subsistence work 'SUBS' as appropriate.

Only if person did nothing and was dependent on someone else for food and shelter you should enter 'not looking'.

Full time homemaker.- This applies to those persons who did no work for money 'M' or Subsistence 'SUBS' or did not actively look for work last week 'UNEMP' and were occupied with purely domestic duties around the house.

Many housewives combine domestic duties with working outside the house - in the garden, collecting food [SUBS] or in paid employment [M]. Such cases should be reclassified along the appropriate box.

Retired person has regular income and does not have to work anymore.
Disabled person who suffered some form of permanent mental or physical disability and cannot work.


Other.- There may be other reasons why a person may not have worked last week, apart from persons who had a job but were either sick or on leave. Specify as the case may be.

When a person worked for money last week ie. 'M' in 14[a] or was 'UNEMP' in 14[b] or 'SUBS' in 14[c], write 'NA' [not applicable] in the box for 14[d].

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_NONACTIV — Reason not looking for work
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For all persons born in 1997 or before
[Questions D19-24.]
(Questions D19-D24 refer to last week)

b. If "no" why didn't [person] actively look for work?
[Questions 24b was asked of persons who were born in 1997 or earlier, were not working or worked for subsistence, and did not actively look for work.]

[ ] 1 Fulltime homemaker
[ ] 2 Fulltime student
[ ] 3 Retired
[ ] 4 Disabled
[ ] 5 No intention
[ ] 6 Believes no work available
[ ] 7 Other-specify____

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_WKLASTWK — Person did any work last week
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For all persons born in 1997 or before
[Questions D19-24.]
(Questions D19-D24 refer to last week)

D19. a. Did [the person] do any work?

(For money, payment in kind or subsistence).
Tick appropriate box.
Important: For those temporarily absent from their work: tick "yes"
[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No (Go to D24)

b. If "yes", what type of work did [the person] do?
(If applicable, select more than one option)
[ ] 1 Work for money
[ ] 2 Work to support household by producing goods for sale
[ ] 3 Work to support household by producing goods for own consumption
(If only 3: Go to D24)

Fiji 2014 — source variable FJ2014A_WKREAS — Reason for not looking for work
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Questions D14-D18 for money or other compensation workers only

[D18a] Did this person actively look for work?

Tick appropriate box.
[] 1 Yes [Go to D18c]
[] 2 No

[D18b] If 'No', why didn't this person actively look for work?

[Question to be asked to persons who are not actively looking for work in question D18a.]
[] 1 Fulltime homemaker
[] 2 Fulltime student
[] 3 Retired
[] 4 Disabled
[] 5 No intention
[] 6 Believes no work available
[] 7 Other, specify ____

Ghana 1984 — source variable GH1984A_EMPSTAT — Activity during past week
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Answer only for persons aged 10 years and over, the answers should, except where otherwise stated, refer to the seven days before census night
[Questions 8-11 were asked of persons age 10 and older.]

8. Type of activity

(a) Did you do any work for pay or profit?
[] Yes
[] No
(b) If no, how were you mainly occupied?
2 [] Had job but did not work
3 [] Unemployed
4 [] Homemaker
5 [] Student
[] Other, specify ____
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8. Economic characteristics.

Questions 8, 9, 10 and 11 are restricted to persons aged 10 years and over.

8a. Did you do any work for pay or profit during the seven days before census night?

Two boxes have been provided for this question and you should mark a cross in the appropriate box according to the answer you receive. If a person tells you that he did some work (as defined below) for at least one day or for unpaid family workersĀ· three days during the seven days preceding census night, you should mark a cross in the box marked yes. Otherwise you should mark a cross in in the other box marked no.

Note that whenever the yes box is marked, column 8b should be left blank. This means that as soon as you mark the yes box you must proceed to ask question 8c.

Those who worked-For the purpose of this Census the following categories of persons should be regarded as working and the yes box marked.

(a) All those aged 10 years and over who were in regular employment during the 7 days before census night but who may or may not have done any active work during the reference period.
(b) All those aged 10 years and over who worked for at least one day for pay or profit during the seven days before census night.
(c) All those aged 10 years and over who during the reference period worked on their own farms or went out to fish at least one day even though they may not have sold any produce daring the period.
(d) Domestic servants aged 10 years and over who worked for at least one day and were remunerated for their work either in kind or in money.
(e) Apprentice workers (i.e. persons learning a trade and who normally work under the supervision of qualified workers) aged 10 years and over and who worked for at least one day during the reference period.
(f) All persons aged 10 years and over who worked without pay for three days or more in an establishment or farm operated by a member of their family. This category of persons known as unpaid family workers includes the following:
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(i) Wives who during the reference period worked in their husband's store or farm or other economic enterprise. If these wives are paid, they should not be classified as unpaid family workers or homemakers.
(ii) Children aged 10 years and over who during the reference period helped in the father's or any family member's farm or shop or assisted them in other economic activities such as cocoa selling.

Note that paid family workers should be classified as having worked in the usual way. You should also remember to exclude as family workers all persons aged 10 years and over who helped family members in their economic activities but were full-time students in educational institutions. These persons should be treated as students.

8b. If no, how were you mainly occupied?

This question is restricted to persons who did not do any work for pay or profit during the seven days before census night, i.e. those for whom the "no" box was marked. For these persons, four boxes and a dotted line have been provided and you are expected to mark a cross in one of the boxes or write down what the person did on the dotted line.

(a) Had job but did not work- Mark a cross in this box for any person who during the reference period did not do any work for pay or profit although he had a job to which he could return. Persons who come under this category may or may not be paid during their absence from their jobs and include the following who were temporarily absent from their jobs for any of the following reasons:

(i) On leave without pay but with definite instructions to return to work after a certain period. Note that persons on study leave who are receiving full-time education in an educational institution, e.g. teachers on study leave, etc. should be regarded as students.

(ii) Off-season, e.g. farmers or fishermen who did not do any work because 1t was their off-season. Note that in certain parts of the country, particularly in the northern and upper regions work on the farms takes
pg. 54
place during certain months of the year while in other months the farmers remain virtually idle. The same applies to fishermen.

(iii) Temporarily ill without pay, but would return to a fixed job after recovery, e.g. workers on sick leave or on admission at hospitals.

(iv) Labour dispute, strike or lock-out.

(v) Temporary lay-off with definite instructions to return r o work at a specific date. Such workers include permanent farm labourers, workers in various enterprises and establishments whose work has been interrupted temporarily for lack of raw materials and or other reasons.

(vi) Bad weather, i.e. persons not working because of bad weather. For example, farmers who could not go to their farms because the paths leading to their farms were flooded; fishermen who could not fish because of stormy weather, masons who did not work because of bad weather, etc.

(b) "Unemployed"- Mark a cross in this box for any person who did not work and had no fixed job during the seven days preceding census night but was actively looking for workĀ· (e.g. by visiting employment agencies, writing applications, seeing relatives for help in securing jobs, etc.). This category also includes any person who was not looking for work because he believed that no work was available for him.

Note that a person should not be classified as unemployed simply because he or she was without work during the seven days preceding census night. The person should, during the period, have been actively looking for work or should have given up looking for work because he had despaired of getting any work. Otherwise he or she should be classified as voluntarily unemployed (see below).

(c) A Homemaker- Mark a cross in this box for a person of either sex who was wholly engaged in household duties and was not paid for this work. If such a person traded one full working day in the

pg. 55

seven days preceding census night or worked regularly some hours daily or engaged in some other economic enterprise (e.g. worked on a farm or in a beer bar) or did any part-time work (e.g. typing, dressmaking) for which the person was paid or did any work on the family farm or business for three days or more without pay, the person should not be classified as homemaker but should be grouped with the working population. You should not assume that a married person who did not do any work during the reference period is necessarily a homemaker.

(d) Student- Mark a cross in .this box for a person aged 10 years or over who is pursuing full-time education in an educational institution and for whom the "now" box has been marked in question

(e) "Other specify''- An answer which does not fall into any of the above categories, i.e., homemaker, unemployed, student, should be written down on the dotted line marked "other, specify". The main types of persons who come under this group are:

(i) Vocational trainee-This refers to a trainee in an educational institution which aims at preparing the pupils solely for a trade or occupation other than teaching. For persons in this category you should record the type of trainee, e.g. vocational trainee (nurse), vocational trainee (priest). Note that vocational training differs from apprenticeship where persons work under experienced craftsmen to learn a craft or a trade, e.g. a private seamstress or a tailor's establishment where the main emphasis is on the practical aspects of the trade. Such persons should be considered as apprentice workers and treated as working.
(ii) Pensioned or retired
(iii) Living on independent income
(iv) Old
(v) Disabled
(iv) Prisoner
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(vii) Hospital patient and not going to return to a fixed job
(viii) Voluntarily unemployed, i.e. not employed although able to work and not interested in seeking work
(ix) Too young to work

Note that the permanent and paid staff of educational institutions, hospitals, prisons and similar institutions should be regarded as working while the inmates even if they receive a small allowance should be regarded as not working and entered on the dotted line marked "other, specify".

Remember that the remaining questions, 9, 10 and 11 are for only those who during the reference period worked for pay or profit, "had jobs but did not work" and the "unemployed". Ā·

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_EMPSTAT — Unemployment status
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P13 Type of activity: For P13 to P17; answer only for ages 7 years or older. The answer should refer to the 7 days before census night:

P13a Did (name) work for pay or profit or family gain? (If yes, go to P13c)

[] Yes
[] No

P13b If no, how was (name) occupied? (if P13b= 1 or 2, go to P14) (if P13b = 3 or more, go to P18)
[] 1 Had job but did not work (Go to P14)
[] 2 Unemployed (Go to P14)
[] 3 Homemaker (Go to P18)
[] 4 Student (Go to P18)
[] 5 Old age (Go to P18)
[] 6 Pensioner (Go to P18)
[] 7 Persons with disability (Go to P18)
[] 8 Other (Go to P18)

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P13 Type of activity: questions are to be asked of only persons aged 7 years or older; and refer to the seven days before census night

P13b If no, how was (name) occupied?

This question is restricted to persons who did not do any work for pay or profit or family gain during the seven days before Census Night, i.e. those for whom the "No" box was marked in P13a. For these persons, write in and mark the appropriate code.

a. Had job but did not work - Mark box 1 for any person who during the reference period did not do any work for pay or profit or family gain although he/she had a job to which he/she could return. Persons who come under this category may or may not be paid during their absence from their jobs and include the following who were temporarily absent from their jobs for any of the following reasons:

i. On leave with/without pay but with definite instructions to return to work after a certain period. Note that persons on study leave who are receiving full-time education in an educational institution, e.g. teachers on study leave with or without pay, etc. must be regarded as students.

ii. Off-season, e.g. farmers or fishermen who did not do any work because it was their off-season. Note that in certain parts of the country, particularly in the northern and upper regions, work on the farms takes place during certain months of the year while in other months the farmers remain virtually idle. The same applies to fishermen.

iii. Temporarily ill without pay, but would return to a fixed job after recovery, e.g. workers on sick leave or on admission at hospitals.

iv. Labour dispute, strike or lockout.

v. Temporary lay-off with definite instructions to return to work at a specific date. Such workers include permanent farm labourers, workers in various enterprises and establishments whose work has been interrupted temporarily for lack of raw materials and or other reasons.

vi Bad weather, i.e. persons not working because of bad weather. For example, farmers who could not go to their farms because the paths leading to their farms were flooded; fishermen who could not fish because of stormy weather, masons who did not work because of bad weather, etc.

Note: If the person had a job but did not work, then after marking 1, skip to P14.

b. "Unemployed"- Mark box 2 for any person who did not work and had no fixed job during the seven days preceding Census Night but was actively looking for work (e.g. by visiting employment agencies, writing applications, seeing relatives for help in securing jobs, etc.). This category also includes any person who was not looking for work because he/she believed that no work was available for him/her.

Note that a person should not be classified as unemployed simply because he/she was without work during the seven days preceding Census Night. The person should, during the period, have been actively looking for work or must have given up looking for work because he/she became despaired of getting any work. Otherwise he/she or she must be classified as other. (See (h) below, voluntarily unemployed)

c. Homemaker- Mark box 3 for a person of either sex who was wholly engaged in household duties and was not paid for this work. If such a person traded one full working day in the seven days preceding Census Night or worked regularly some hours daily or engaged in some other economic enterprise (e.g. worked on a farm or in a bar) or did any part-time work (e.g. typing, dressmaking) for which the person was paid or did any work on the family farm or business for one hour or more without pay, the person must not be classified as homemaker but must be grouped with the working population. You must not assume that a married person who did not do any work during the reference period is necessarily a homemaker.

[p. 43]

d. Student - Mark box 4 for a person aged 7 years or older who is pursuing full-time education in an educational institution and for whom the "Now" box (i.e. box 2) has been marked in question P12a.

e. Old age- Mark box 5 for any person who did not work during the seven days preceding Census Night because of old age.

f. Pensioner- Mark box 6 for any person who did not work during the seven days preceding Census Night because he/she has attained the age of 60 years in an establishment and is on pension. Such persons are normally paid government pension or Social Security every month.

g. Persons with Disability - Mark box 7 for any person who did not work during the seven days preceding Census Night because the person has a disability. A person with a disability is one whose impairment inhibits his/her ability to work or participate or perform an activity in a manner or within the range considered normal. (An impairment refers to any physical, functional or psychological defect, which results from illness, injury or congenital malformation people who are born with disability).

h. Other:- An answer, which does not fall into any of the above categories, must be marked in the Other box. The main types of persons who come under this group are:-
i. Living on independent income -- those who live on remittance;
ii. Hospital patient and not going to return to a fixed job;
iii. Voluntarily unemployed i.e. not employed although able to work and not interested in seeking work (e.g. beggars);
iv. Too young to work.

Note: Question P13b is to be answered for only those who answer No in P13a.

If the answer in P13b = 1 or 2 (i.e. had job but did not work = 1 or unemployed = 2) then continue asking the rest of the questions from P14.

If the answer in P13b = 3 or more (i.e. 3, 4, . . . . 8) and the person is a male or a female less than 12 years old then you need not ask the person the rest of the questions.

You, however, need to ask the next member the population questions, starting from P01. If the person is a female and 12 years or older then skip to P18.

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_WHYNOWK — Reason for not seeking work
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[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

Economic activity -- P13-P17: Should be related to the past 7 days preceding census night
[P13 to P17 were asked of all persons age 5 years or older.]

P13c. Why did [the respondent] not seek work?

[P13b was asked of persons who were 5 years of age and were not engaged in any activity for pay in the 7 days prior to the census (per question P13a) and was not seeking work (per P13b).]
[After responding to P13c, skip P14-P17]
[] 1 Did home duties (household chores/full time homemaker)
[] 2 In full time education/student
[] 3 Pensioner/retired
[] 4 Disabled/too sick to work
[] 5 Too old/too young
[] 6 Other
Go to P18.
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Economic activity (P13 - P17)

Economic activity questions cover P13a, P13b, P13c, P14, P15, P15a, P16 and P17. All these questions should be related to the period of 7 days preceding Census Night. They should be asked only for persons aged 5 years and older.

P13c. Why did (name) not seek work?

This question is restricted to persons who were not engaged in any activity for pay or profit or family gain during the seven days before Census Night, i.e. those who "did not work and were not seeking for work" in P13b. For these persons, enter the appropriate code as defined below.

This category includes those who;

1. Did home duties (household chores)/full time homemaker
Enter code 1 for a person of either sex who was wholly engaged in household duties and was not paid for this work. If, however, a person traded one full working day in the seven days before Census Night, or worked regularly some hours daily, or engaged in some other economic enterprise (e.g. worked on a farm or in a bar), or did any part-time work e.g. typing, dressmaking for which the person was paid or did any work on the family farm or business for one hour or more without pay, such person must not be classified as homemaker but must be classified as employed. You must not assume that any married female who did not do any work during the reference period is necessarily a homemaker. You should probe further to ascertain her correct status.

2. In full time education/student
Enter code 2 for a person aged 5 years and older who is pursuing full-time education in an educational institution and for whom a code of 2 ("now") is entered in P12a.

3. Pensioner/retired
Record code 3 for any person who did not work during the seven days preceding Census Night because he/she is retired and on pension. Such persons normally receive government/company pension or social security payments every month.

4. Disabled/too sick
Enter code 4 for any person who did not work during the seven days preceding Census Night because he/she has a disability or was too sick to work. A person with a disability is one whose impairment inhibits his/her ability to work, participate in or perform an activity in a manner or within the range considered normal. (Impairment refers to any physical, functional or psychological defect, which results from illness, injury or congenital [people who are born with disability] malformation).

5. Too old/too young
Enter code 5 for any person who did not work during the seven days preceding Census Night because he/she is too old or too young to work.

6. Other [specify]
An answer, which does not fall into any of the above categories must be entered as other (code 6) in the appropriate box. The main types of persons who come under this group are:
i. Living on independent income - those who live on remittances;
ii. Hospital patient and not returning to a fixed job;
iii. Voluntarily unemployed i.e. not employed although able to work and not interested in seeking work (e.g. beggars);

All persons who are recorded in P13a as working (i.e. yes in P13a) or in P13b as had job but did not work, unemployed, worked before and seeking work and available for work, and unemployed and seeking work for the first time are classified as economically active.

All others who did not work and were not seeking for work in P13b are classified as economically inactive.

For all categories in P13c (i.e. 1, 2, ?, 6) skip to P 18.

Guinea 1983 — source variable GN1983A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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For the population aged 10 years and above: Economic characteristics
[Questions 15-18 were asked of persons aged 10 years and above.]

15. Activity status
[The French text says "Type of activity"]

[] 1 Employed
[] 2 Unemployed, jobless
[] 3 Domestic/housewife
[] 4 Student
[] 5 Retired, pensioned
[] 6 Disabled, handicapped
[] 9 Other

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C. Economic characteristics for the population aged 10 and older

Column (15): Type of Activity
133. The census enumerator (AR) will ask each member of the household aged 10 years and above in order to know what economic activity he or she had in the week preceding the census. According to the answers, the census enumerator (AR) will write:

OCC for employed, i.e., any person having a job, even seasonal.
In rural areas, farmers and their family helpers are employed (OCC) even if the census takes place during an inactive period (during the dry period, for example).
People who have been laid off or are on sick leave or other type of leave during the census are employed (OCC).

ST for without work, i.e., any person who does not have a job and would like to have one at the time of the census. This category is found in urban areas above all. In rural areas it is generally a question of paid agricultural workers (workers, unskilled agricultural laborers and others in the same category), if there are any, who do not find work at the time of the Census. However, a farmer (farmer-stockbreeder) who finds himself in the city for a determined amount of time for family, health or other reasons is considered employed (OCC).

MEN for housekeeper, i.e., any woman who is employed only in taking care of children and the household (cooking, maintaining the house, etc.).
A craftswoman (seamstress, for example) should be recorded in the "employed" (OCC) category, even if she does her sewing at home.
In rural areas most, perhaps even all women, should be recorded in the "employed" (OCC) category because, in addition to childcare and housework (cooking, finding food, maintaining the house, etc.) they are very active participants in agricultural work.

ELE or ETU for any person who is attending an academic institution: any primary school, high school or university student.
It should perhaps be clarified that for the census, any person who was involved strictly in learning/training during the week prior to the census should be included in the ELE-ETU category, even if that person is a civil servant who is in training, for example.

RET for retired, i.e., any person receiving benefits from a previous job.
However, a retired person who helps a relative in his work or who exercises an activity that pays him should be classified in the "employed" (OCC) category.

HAN for handicapped: any person who is afflicted with a serious physical or mental infirmity which prevents him/her from working.

AUT for any other type of activity not mentioned above. In this category, for example, are the following:

Children aged 10 years and above, who are neither OCC, nor ST, nor ELE, nor ETU;
Elderly persons, who do not receive any pension, and who cannot work at the time of the census, except if they are disabled or handicapped (HAN).

134. The following 3 columns, (16), (17) and (18) are relative to the branch of economic activity and professional status and will only be filled out for employed (OCC) and unemployed (ST) from column 15.

135. For housekeepers (MEN), high school students (ELE), university students (ETU), retired people (RET), the handicapped (HAN) and those in the category "other" (AUT), put a dash (--) in columns 16,17 and 18 without asking any questions, which would be pointless.

Haiti 1982 — source variable HT1982A_EMPSTAT — Type of work (last 12 months)
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D. Economic characteristics
For persons 10 years and older.
[Questions 17-21 were asked of persons 10 years of age and older.]

17. Type of job: What type of work did this person do during the 12 months preceding the census?

(Mark only one box)
[] 1 Worked.
[] 2 Has a job but did not work
[] 3 Is currently looking for employment
[] 4 Student only - does not work
[] 5 Retired, private income
[] 6 Takes care of house only
[] 7 Does not work because of illness

Person whose answer is from 3 to 6: Go to Question 22.
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D) Economic characteristics
[Questions 17-21.]
Ask questions relative to the economic characteristics of people age 10 years old or more.

Question 17: Type of activity
78. The point of this question is to obtain information on the most important economic activity of the person during the period of 12 months preceding the census.
The situation in regards to the economic activity of the people is divided into 7 exclusive categories.

1) Has worked - You must count in this category:

a. Any person who has worked at one time or another during the period in question.
b. Family worker who works under the authority of the head of household with our without pay. A woman who takes care of the home and who helps at the same time in farm work must be considered in this category because she lends her service to a given economic activity which, in this case, is agriculture.

2) Has a job, but has not worked - This applies to a person who has a regular job but who, because of illness, has not worked during the period in question.
3) Is currently still looking for work - This applies to the unemployed who has not worked at any time during the period in question.
4) Only studies and does not work - Check this box for the person who does not practice any economic activity and who attends a public or private teaching establishment no matter what the level of learning.

[p. 34]

5) Boarder, pensioner - This is the person who does not practice any economic activity and who has revenue constituted by goods or other investments, royalties, or pensions coming from previous activities.
6) Only takes care of the home - This is the person who does not practice any economic activity, and who carries out household work at her own home. For example, the housewife or the relative who takes care of the household and the children.
Paid housekeepers, on the other hand, must be classified in box "1" (has worked)
7) Does not work because of handicap - Mark down in this category the person who, because of sickness, a severe physical or mental handicap, is incapable of working or practicing work of any economic kind.

Haiti 2003 — source variable HT2003A_EMPLSTAT — Terms of occupation
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F3. Population aged 10 and older
[Questions 21-28 were asked for individuals 10 years of age and older.]

22. What did this person do from __________ to ______________?

[] 01 Worked (go to question 24)
[] 02 Did not work but had a job (go to question 24)
[] 03 Looked for work having previously had a job
[] 04 Looked for work not having previously had a job
[] 05 Did not work because discouraged
[] 06 Studied only
[] 07 Is retired, receives a pension or a private income
[] 08 Took care of home only
[] 09 Is an invalid
[] 10 Other

Honduras 1961 — source variable HN1961A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity in the reference year
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Economic Characteristics

For persons 10 years of age and older
[Questions 11-19 were asked of people aged 10 years or older]

15. [Working] Condition
Write one of the following categories, according to the case:

[] Employed
[] Unemployed
[] Student
[] Elderly person
[] Retired or pensioner
[] Lives from rents
[] Ill person
[] Confined
[] Disabled
[] Other
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Economic characteristics
This section comprises questions 11 to 19 which are asked to persons aged 10 years or older.

Column number 15: [Employment] situation
As mentioned above, for every affirmative answer in questions 11, 12, or 13, the word "employed" must be recorded in column 15. When the answer is "No" for these three questions, but "Yes" in question 14, the situation is "unemployed".

When the answer for questions 11, 12, 13, and 14 is "No", investigate the [employment] situation of the person and record the corresponding word: Unemployed, household duties, students, elderly, retired, pensioned, rentier, disabled, sick, religious, imprisoned, etcetera.

[p. 23]

Unemployed: other than those persons seeking employment, included in this group are those who are not working and not looking for work, because of a temporary illness, because the person has made arrangements for a job to begin at a future date, or because the person is temporarily or permanently without paid employment.

Household duties: this category includes all persons dedicated exclusively to the care of their own home; e.g. housewives and other relatives who are in charge of caring for the house and children. Domestic servants are considered to be "employed".

If a person receives retirement or pension [payments], he or she is considered to be "retired" or "pensioned".

Student: those who are not working because they are attending school (any educational center). If studying and carrying out a paid occupation or job, they are considered to be "employed".

Elderly or retired: those who have stopped working and are receiving income in the form of retirement or a pension.

Rentier: those who do not work but receive money from rents coming from a business or company, interests, etcetera.

Disabled: those who cannot work because they suffer a physical or mental defect.

Sick: those who suffer from an illness whose cure requires long-term care or rest.

Religious: the condition of persons who consider themselves to be in such a condition [in religious service]. This can be in spite of the fact that these persons carry out, or carried out, even without direct remuneration, occupations that are usually remunerated; such as: teaching, assisting the sick or indigent, administering, etc.

Imprisoned: those who are in penal or correctional facilities, barracks, etc., carrying out a sentence or punishment, military service, etc.

Honduras 1974 — source variable HN1974A_ACTIVITY — Economic activity in the previous week
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C. - Economic Characteristics

(For all individuals 10 years of age and older)

14. What activity did you do during the week of February 25th to March 2nd?

Mark the appropriate box according to page 38 of your manual.

[] 1 Worked [Go to question 15.]
[] 2 Had a job but did not work [Go to question 15.]
[] 3 Looked for work [Go to question 15.]
[] 4 Studied [Go to question 18.]
[] 5 Household duties (unpaid) [Go to question 18.]
[] 6 Lived from investment or retirement income [Go to question 18.]
[] 7 Disabled [Go to question 18.]
[] 8 Other [Go to question 18.]
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C. Economic Characteristics (For persons aged ten and older)
Do not ask persons aged less than ten any more questions from the form. Cross out questions 14-21 with a large X.

The answers in question set 14 are the basis for categorizing the population aged ten and older as economically active (employed and unemployed) and economically inactive (students, domestic work (unpaid), those who live from rental or investment income, retired workers and the disabled).

The questions in this section refer to the situation in the week immediately preceding the census date (the week of February 25-March 2).

Question set 14: What did you/the person do during the week of February 25 - March 2?

Ask the questions in the order in which they appear on the form. Continue asking until you check off a box which corresponds to the principal activity performed by the person during the reference week, and according to the following instructions:

a) If you check off box 1, 2 or 3, go on to question 15-17. If the enumerated person is a woman aged 15 or older also ask questions 18-21.

b) If you check off box 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 and the enumerated person is male, do not ask any more questions. If the enumerated person is a female aged 15 or older, do not ask questions 15-17, but do ask questions 18-21.
[p. 39]

When deciding which type of activity to choose, give preference to economic activity and then student activity before household tasks.

The following definitions will help you to decide the appropriate box to check off:

Box 1: Worked. This is a person who performed the equivalent of at least one day of paid work during the week of February 25-March 2.

Broaden the census term for "work" by including the following:

A) Paid work for another person as an employee or worker (paid) which includes:
a) Work paid by the day, or as regular pay
b) Work paid in kind (food, lodging or supplies received in place of cash payment).
c) Work paid by the piece, on commission or as tips.
d) Active duty in the armed forces.
B) Worked in his/her own business or profession, or as an independent worker (self-employed).

C) Worked without pay in a business or on a farm run by a family member (a son who works without pay in his father's store, for example) for more than 15 hours per week.

D. Worked part time i.e., any work performed in the last week on a part-time basis for which the person received payment in money.

Include in this category sewing and other work performed in the home for other persons or businesses, and for which payment in cash or kind is received. Also include the preparation of food, candy, etc. for sale.

Keep in mind that housewives, students and seniors who don't appear to work may actually perform

[p. 40]

activity that earns them money, and this is considered "work" for census purposes. Therefore, when a person answers that he/she hasn't worked, confirm that he/she has not in fact worked.

Do not consider the following as work (for census purposes):

A. Household tasks performed at home, such as housework (except work as a servant with or without pay), and jobs performed in or on one's own house, such as cutting the lawn, painting the walls, etc.

B. Unpaid volunteer work for the church, the Red Cross, or other non-profit organizations.

C. Work performed by persons who are in an institution such as a prison, sanitarium, retirement home or work farm. This does not include regular workers who are in fact performing a job.
Box 2: Had a job but did not work. This is a person who did not work during the week of February 25 - March 2, but who has a job or business from which he/she was absent for reasons of illness, bad weather, vacation, self-employed agricultural workers waiting for the sowing or harvesting season, etc.

Box 3: Looked for work. This is a person who did not have work during the week of February 25-March 2 because he/she was laid off or for other reasons; this person is looking for a new job.

Also, include in this category persons who are seeking work for the first time. These are people who have never had paid work and were taking steps to obtain a work for the first time during the week of February 25 - March 2.

Box 4: Studied. This is a person who was attending school (primary, high school or university) during the week of February 25 - March 2 as long as he/she did not perform any paid work during this period.

[p. 41]

Box 5: Performed household tasks (unpaid). This is a person who did not perform any paid work for the majority of the week of February 25 - March 2 and dedicated himself/herself exclusively to housework. Remember that domestic employees should not be included in this category, but in the "Worked" category.

Box 6: Lived off of rental or retirement income. This is a person who did not perform any paid activity during the week of February 25 - March 2, and received retirement income, a pension, or payment for services previously rendered by the person or a relative. Include in this category those persons who receive rental or other income without performing any type of paid activity.

Box 7: Disabled. This is person who cannot be categorized in any of the previous categories and who does not perform any economic activity because he/she is physically or mentally prevented from doing so.

Box 8: Other. This is a person who cannot be categorized in any of the previous categories. Include inactive persons who do not want to work.

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_ACTIVITY — Economic activity in the last week
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C. Economic characteristics

19. During the last week, did you:

[] 1 Work in an occupation for which you were paid
[] 2 Work in an occupation without payment
[] 3 Have a job but did not work (due to illness, vacation, leave, etcetera)
[] 4 Look for work (had worked before)
(For the above answers, skip to question 21)
[] 5 Look for work for the first time (never had worked before)
[] 6 Perform household duties
[] 7 Study exclusively
[] 8 Retired or pensioned (and live only from pension income)
[] 9 Permanently disabled for purposes of work
[] 0 Other
(For answers 5-0, go on to question 20)

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C. Economic characteristics

19. During the last week the person:

Note: This question is designed to determine the condition of activity or type of activity; that is, the relationship between each person and economic activity that takes place in the country. To determine the condition of each person, all residents 10 years of age or older are asked if, during the week of May 15-21, 1988 (last week), they "worked in an occupation that gave them money", "worked for another person without receiving money", or any of the other eight alternatives that follow.

Important: The condition of each person, during last week, should be carefully investigated. Each of the alternatives should be read and only one "X" is marked for the alternative that receives the affirmative answer.

[p. 49]

Each of the alternatives for question 19 is presented below. They should be carefully analyzed.

[] 1 Did you work in an occupation that gave you money?
This is the person who carried out some type of work in the week of May 15-21, 1988, for at least the work equivalent to one work day.

Other than what is normally considered to be work, a person is considered to have worked in the last week if:

- He or she worked for a daily or regular wage.
- He or she worked for in-kind pay: "food, supplies, or shelter in place of pay in cash."
- He or she was directing or collaborating in the work of his or her own farm.
- He or she worked for commission, tips, or for a piece-rate.
- He or she was directing the work for his or her own business, professional practice, or was working as an independent worker (on own-account).
- He or she was in the armed services.
- He or she occasionally worked.
- He or she worked part-time, or if they carried out any part-time job during the past week for which was paid in money.
[] 2 Did you work for another person without receiving pay in money?
The person who worked for a relative or other person, who, instead of money, received pay in-kind such as: food, clothing, and supplies; or who received pay in services such as: dwelling, transportation, etc.

[p. 50]

[] 3 Did you have a job but did not work?
This refers to those who are employed but who did not carry out their activities during the last week because they were absent because of illness, vacation, or leave. Many agricultural employees who wait for the planting and harvesting season are in this situation.

Note: The following two categories allow the classification of the unemployed; therefore, the enumerator should be very careful to include all persons who are in this situation.

[] 4 Did you look for employment? ([the person] had worked before)
Include in this category those who had lost their employment, job, or business; because of this they did not work last week but they are currently looking for work.

[] 5 Did you look for work for the first time? (never having worked before)
Include in this category those who are looking for work for the first time and having never worked before. This category is very common for those young persons who have recently finished some level of education, either primary, secondary, or university.

[] 6 Did you perform domestic duties?
Those who did not carry out any remunerated activity during the past week, having been exclusively dedicated to domestic duties, are included in this category. The domestic employee should not be included in this category, rather in the category of "Worked in an occupation that gave money".

[] 7 Did you study exclusively?
This question refers to those who, during the last week, were only dedicated to studying; that is, they did not carry out a productive activity at the same time.

Reminder: For the purposes of the census, for those who study and work at the same time, only the activity that occupies most of the person's time during the week of 15-21 May, 1988, is considered.

[p. 51]

[] 8 Are you a retiree or pensioner? (lives only from pension)
This question refers to those who receive their income exclusively from a pension that can be because of widowhood, disability, or retirement because of age or years of service.

[] 9 Are you permanently disabled, unable to work?
This category refers to those who, because of illness, accident, or advanced age, are completely or permanently disabled and unable to carry out a productive activity.

[] 0 Other?
Include in this category those who did not work during the last week, but the reason for this is not found in question 19. Example: when a person claims to work when he or she want to, or the person does not like to work, etcetera.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_ACTIVITY — Activity last week
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Section F. Characteristics of the persons

For persons 7 years old or more
[Questions 12-16 were asked of persons aged 7 years or older]

13. Last week, did the person:

[Part] A:

[] 01 Worked on agricultural or forestry crops or raised animals that belong to [him or her] or a relative
[] 02 Worked on or assisted in a business or shop that belongs to [him or her] or a relative
[] 03 Prepared food or produced articles for sale
[] 04 Had work, but did not work because of vacations, leave, illness, etc.
[] 05 Looked for work, having worked previously

[Part] B:

[] 06 Looked for work, not having worked previously
[] 07 Lived off retirement or pension
[] 08 Lived off of rental income
[] 09 Only studied
[] 10 Only did housework
[] 11 Is permanently incapacitated to work
[] 12 Other

(For answers 6-12, continue to question 17)
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For persons 7 years old and older
[Questions 12-16 were asked of persons aged 7 years or older]

Question 13: During the past week, did you tend agricultural crops, forestry, or animal breeding on your property or the property of a relative? Did you attend or help in some business or workshop that is yours or belongs to a family member? Did you have work but not work because of vacations, permission, illness, etc.? Did you look for work having never worked before? Did you live off from retirement funds or pension? Did you live off from rents? Did you only study? Did you only do household chores? Are you permanently incapacitated for work? Other?

With this question, you try to rescue all of the persons that in the above question answered that they did not work, but they do have an economic activity that generates for them a utility or they work in a family business. For example: making tortillas to sell, making bread, make clothing, repair shoes, etc.

Make an emphasis that this is about last week, and read each of the alternative answers in the order indicated; and mark the corresponding box for the first affirmative answer.

Below we describe each of the alternatives to the question:

1. Tended agricultural crops, forestry, or animal breeding on your property or the property of a relative: Here you should include all persons who worked during the past week, whether on a farm, ranch, or business dedicated to agriculture, forestry exploitation, animal breeding, or all activities related to agriculture. Either on his or her own account (as an employer or independent worker) or in a family business (unpaid family worker).

2. Attended or helped in some business or workshop that belongs himself/herself or to a family member: Here you should include all persons who last week worked on a business, workshop or self-owned business (as an employer or independent worker), dedicated to the preparation of a product (manufacturing industry), or commercialization (buying and selling), or provided a service (legal office, customs agency, etc.)

3. Prepared foods or made other articles to sell: Include the persons who are dedicated to preparing foods (candies, cakes, etc.) and any other type of article or product (tortillas, bread, embroidery, hats, piƱatas, floral arrangements, etc.) for sale that permits them to obtain some income to contribute to the household economy.

4. Had work but did not work because of vacations, permission, illness, etc.: This refers to the persons who had work, however, last week they did not do their activities because they were on vacation, had license, due to illness, temporary lay-off, lack of prime material, etc.

5. Looked for work and had worked previously: This is the person who having lost his or her employment, work or business, did not work but did look for work or made efforts to establish his or her own business or to cultivate land. You should also include here all of the persons who last week were being trained to obtain a job.

6. Looked for work having never worked before: This is all of the persons who are looking for work for the first time, which means that he or she has never worked before, not even in his or her own business or in a business of a family member. Also, include here those persons who were trained for a job, but have never worked before. This case is very common in young persons.
[p. 51]
7. Lived off from a retirement fund or pension: Here you include all persons who last week did not work because he or she lives off of an income that comes from a retirement pension, whether, because of his or her age, for the years of services provided in a business or a widow's or disability pension, etc.

8. Lived off from rents: This is all persons who did not work, because he or she lives off from the income that he or she receives for rent of real estate (buildings, dwellings, etc.), or from the interests earned by the capital that is saved in banking institutes. Also, include here those persons who rent agricultural machinery for construction, only if the person does not participate directly in the administration or direction of the business.

9. Only studied: This refers to the person who during the past week was dedicated only to studying, which means that he or she did not do any type of work.

10. Only did household chores: Considered as such is the person who the past week was dedicated exclusively to doing domestic chores (housewife) in the dwelling where he or she lives.

11. [The person] is permanently incapacitated for work: This category refers to persons who physically or mentally are permanently unable to work.

12. Other: This category should be marked when the informant cannot be placed in any of the above categories, whether because the past week he/she did not work, did not work, nor is interested in working.
Instructions that should be followed by the enumerator
-If you mark any box of block 'A; options 01 to 01', continue with the next question.

-If you mark any box of block 'B; options 06 to 12', continue with question 17.

Indonesia 1980 — source variable ID1980A_REASNOWK — Primary reason for not seeking work during the previous week
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40. Primary reason for not seeking for work during the previous week
[Question 40 was asked of persons who did not look for work during the previous week.]

[] 1 Did not need work
[] 2 Waiting for the outcome of an application
[] 3 Gave up trying
[] 4 Attending school
[] 5 Housekeeping
[] 6 Not able to work
[] 7 Other

Indonesia 1985 — source variable ID1985A_ACTIVITY — Primary activity last week
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VII.C. Person age 10 or older
[Questions 1-5 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

Q.1 What kind of activity [was] done during the previous week?

[] 1 Working (go to block VIII)
[] 2 School
[] 3 Homemaking
[] 4 Unable to work
[] 5 Other

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

X. Information on household members

A. Block VII: General information on household members
1. The objective of this block is to record information on items such as sex, age, schooling status, and activities conducted during the past week for every household member, starting with the member with serial number "01" and continuing to the last household member.

2. Method of filling out the form
Circle one of the codes corresponding to the respondent's answer, and then write the code in the box on the right.

D. Block VII. C: Persons age 10 or older

Question 1: What were your activities during the past week? Circle one of the codes "1" through "5" in accordance with the respondent's answer. If the answer is code "1", continue the interview with the questions in block VIII.

  • "During the past week" is the period of 7 consecutive days that ends the day before the day of the enumeration. For example, the enumeration is conducted on 20 October, then the past week means the period beginning 13 October and continuing through 19 October.
  • Activities cover work, attending school, homemaking and others (for example, actively looking for work, sports, recreation, etc.).
  • "Main activity" is the activity that requires the most time compared to the other activities of the respondent.
  • "Most of the time" is the longest time spent by comparing the time spent for all activities such as work, school, homemaking and others (actively looking for work, engaged in sports, handicapped, too old to work, very ill). Time used for relaxation, sleep and play are not considered when comparing amounts of time spent for activities.
  • "Work" is an economic activity with the intention to obtain or help to obtain earnings or profits for at least one hour during the past week. Work for at least one hour must be work that is done continuously, without a break, for one hour or more. Earnings and profits cover wages/salaries including all allowances, bonuses and other earnings such as rent, interest, and profit in both cash and in kind.

[pg. 60]

a. Those activities that produce grains (rice, corn, sorghum) and/or crops (cassava, parsnips, sweet potatoes, taro, potatoes), which are consumed by those who produce them, are considered work.

Those activities that produce something other than grains or crops, which are used by those who produce them such as clothes sewn by the person for his/her own use, painting for themselves, cooking for one's own family, and fishing as a hobby, are not considered work.

b. A household member who assists in the work of the head of household or other household member, for example in a rice field, farm, food stall/store, etc., is considered to be working even though he/she does not receive a wage/salary.

c. Someone who rents agricultural equipment/tools, industrial equipment, party supplies/equipment, vehicles, etc., to others is considered to be working.

d. A housemaid is considered to work, whether or not she/he is a member of the employer's household.

e. Prisoners who carry out activities such as planting, furniture making, etc. are not considered to be working.

f. Someone who leases farm land to others in a crop-sharing arrangement is considered to be working if he/she is partly responsible for or participates in the management of the operation.

  • "School" is the activity of someone who attends a formal school from the primary level up to an institution of higher education, including those who might be on vacation from school. If besides attending school a respondent also works, the respondent's activity will be categorized depending on which activity he/she does most of the time.
  • "Homemaking" is the activity of someone who manages the household or assists in managing the household without receiving a wage/salary.

Example: The activities of a housewife or children who assist in managing the household are considered to be homemaking. On the other hand, the activity of a maid who manages the household is classified as work because he/she receives a wage/salary.

[pg. 61]

  • Unable to conduct any activity is the classification of those who because of their physical situation are not able to conduct any activity (physically handicapped, elderly, mentally handicapped, etc.).
  • Other is the classification of the activities other than work, school, and homemaking.

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_REASLOOK — Main reason for not looking for work during the previous week
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VII. Activity of persons age 10 or older
Household members age 10 or older
[Questions 24-38.]

35. Looking for a job during previous week

[] 1 Yes (go to question 37)
[] 2 No

36. Reason not looking for a job

[Question 36 was asked of persons age 10 or older who were not looking for a job last week, as per question 35.]

[] 1 Unnecessary
[] 2 Hopeless/gave up
[] 3 Attending school
[] 4 Housekeeping
[] 5 Incapable
[] 6 Other ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 35: Were you seeking a job during the past week?
Seeking a job is an activity of a person to obtain a job. People who are seeking a job are categorized into:
a. Those who are working or have a job, but because of a certain cause are trying to obtain another job.
b. Those who are not employed and will be called back, but are still trying to obtain another job.
c. Those that have never worked and are looking for a job.

The activity of seeking a job is not limited to the period of the previous week, but could be ongoing from several weeks before, as long as the current status is still waiting for the answer of the work application.

Circle code 1 and fill in the box if the answer is "Yes" and continue to Question 37. Circle code 2 if the answer is "No" and continue to Question 36.

Question 36: Reason for not seeking a job during the last week.
Circle one of codes 1 up to 6 that is matched with the answer and fill into the box on the right side.

Unnecessary: This reason especially addressed to those who already have a job or worked and consider it unnecessary to seek a job. Also those who consider it unnecessary to seek a job because they have savings, collects rent or [have] other means that produce income such as interest, lease income, and others who do not need working.
Hopeless/gave up: The reason is having failed several times in finding a job and gave up trying to obtain a job again.
Still in school: The reason for not seeking a job is because [the respondent] is still attending school.
Taking care of the household: The reason for not seeking a job is because [the respondent] is taking care of the household.
Incapable of working: The reason for not seeking a job is being physically and mentally incapable to work. [This category includes] the elderly, handicapped, or paralyzed.
Others: The reasons for not seeking a job are not mentioned above. Write the reason in the provided area.

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_REASNOWK — Primary reason for not seeking work
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VI. Economic activity of persons age 10 or older
[Questions 601 to 615]

613. Primary reason for not seeking work

[Question 613(a) was asked of persons age 10 or older who did not look for work, as per question 612.]

[] 1 Did not need work
[] 2 Gave up trying
[] 3 Attending school
[] 4 Housekeeping
[] 5 Incapable of work
[] 6 Other, specify ____

613a. Do you want to receive a job?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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6.6. Block VI. Activities of household members age 10 or older
This block is used to collect characteristics on the economic activities of every household member who is 10 or older, such as field of business, type and work status and number of working days/hours during the past week.

The work force of the community age 10 or older is categorized into two groups: work force and non-work force. The work force are those who have jobs during the past week, those who are working or temporarily not working due to a certain cause such as waiting for harvest, on leave, etc. Also included in this group are those who do not have a job but are seeking one/hopefully obtaining a job. The non-working force are those who during the week only attended school, took care of a household, and others who do not do any activities that could be categorized as working, temporarily not working, or seeking a job.

There are several questions that are specifically asked to people who are either working or seeking a job, and also some for the non-working force who attends school, takes care of a household, elderly people, or other non-economic activities. Then there are some that confirm the number of people who are categorized as working force and non-working force.

This block consists of 16 questions: P601 to P615, beginning with the most frequent activity conducted during the week through the field of business during the previous year.

Question 613: Main reason for not seeking a job
Did not need work: this category is aimed to those who already have jobs or have worked and consider it unnecessary to seek a job. Also, [this category includes] those who consider it unnecessary to seek a job because of savings, rental payments received from a house, and/or other means of income such as interest, lease income and others who do not need to work.

Gave up trying: the person has not succeeded in finding a job several times, and stopped trying to obtain a job again.

Attending school the reason for not seeking a job is because of current school attendance .

Housekeeping: the reason for not seeking a job is taking care of the household.

Incapable of work: the reason for not seeking a job is physical and mental incapacity such as being elderly, handicapped or paralyzed.

Others: the reasons for not seeking a job are not mentioned above. Write the reason in the provided area.

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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Q.15 Present status
Indicate, by inserting check mark in the appropriate box, the person's present principal status. Self-employed persons should insert check mark in Box 1. Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc., should insert check mark in Box 1.

[] 1 At work
[] 2 Seeking regular work for first time
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 At school, student
[] 5 Home (i.e. domestic) duties
[] 6 Retired
[] 7 Unable to work owing to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other (specify ______)

Question 15: Present status

(i) Self-employed persons should insert [the check mark in] in Box 1.
(ii) Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc., should insert [the check mark in] in Box 1.
(iii) Apprentices who are in employment and who also attend technical schools or colleges of technology should insert the [check mark in] in Box 1.
(iv) Full-time students who are in part-time employment should insert the [check mark in] in Box 4.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Q.15 to Q.19:
The Questions on the person's position in regard to employment (Questions 15-19) are the most difficult to check and require the most careful study. These Questions should be answered for each persons aged 15 years and over. (i.e. born on or before 5 April, 1966). Answers in respect of persons aged under 15 should be ignored.

Q.15: Present status
Note that it is the persons principal status that is required and only one of the listed categories should be ticked. A persons who is mainly engaged as an assisting relative on a farm, in a shop or in any other commercial enterprise, should be regarded as "at work" even if he or she receives no payment or no regular payment. A member of a religious body (other than a member who is retired or permanently unable to work owing to illness, etc.) should be regarded as "at work" even if he or she receives no payment.

A housewife however who assists in the family business, but is mainly engaged on housework should be entered as on "home (or domestic) duties".

If category 8 is ticked, the precise status should be described in the space provided.

Ireland 1986 — source variable IE1986A_EMPSTAT — Present status
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[Questions 15-22 relate to persons aged 15 years or over]

Q.15 Present status

Indicate by inserting a check mark in the appropriate box, the person's present principal status. Self-employed persons should insert check mark in box 1. Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc. should insert a check mark in box 1.

[] 1 At work
[] 2 Seeking regular work for first time
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 At school, student
[] 5 Home (i.e. domestic) duties
[] 6 Retired
[] 7 Unable to work owing to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other (specify ____)

Question 15: Present status

(i) Self-employed persons should insert [a check mark in] Box 1.
(ii) Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc., should insert [a check mark in] in Box 1.
(iii) Apprentices who are in employment and also attend technical schools or colleges of technology should insert [a check mark in] in Box 1.
(iv) Full-time students who are in part-time employment should insert [a check mark in] in Box 4.
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Q.15 to Q.20:
The questions on the person's position in regard to employment (questions 15-20) are the most difficult to check and require the most careful study. These Questions should be answered for each person aged 15 years and over (i.e., born on or before 13 April, 1971). For persons younger than 15, these questions should be ignored.

Q.15: Present status
Note that it is the persons principal status is required and only one of the listed categories should be ticked. A person who is mainly engaged as an assisting relative on a farm, in a shop or in any other commercial enterprise, should be regarded as "at work" even if he or she receives no payment or no regular payment. A member of a religious body (other than a member who is retired or permanently unable to "work owing to illness etc.) should be regarded as "at work" even if he or she receives no payment.

A housewife however who assists in the family business, but is mainly engaged on housework should be entered as on "home (or domestic) duties".

If category 8 is ticked, the precise status should be described in the space provided. If persons on AnCo or other training courses/employment schemes require assistance in deciding their status at Q. 15 the information given in Appendix 10 may be used as a guide.

Appendix 10

Procedure to be followed when assistance is required in completing question 15 (present status)

At Question 15 (Present status) what is required is the subjective view of the person as to his/her present status with regard to employment. At any one time there are over 20,000 persons on the various training or other employment schemes and if such persons are unsure as to which status to indicate and ask for the assistance of the Enumerator, the following guidelines should be followed:

A. Persons on the following schemes should be treated as being "At work" (Box 1)

(1) Teamwork/grant scheme for youth employment: This scheme is operated by the Department of Labour, where grants are paid to voluntary bodies to employ young unemployed people for an average period of 6 months on projects beneficial to the community.

(2) Apprentice training: Apprenticeships in designated industries are the responsibility of AnCo and apprentices are often supported/ sponsored by an employer. The majority of apprentices spend the first year of their course in an off-the-job training centre.

(3) Employment incentive scheme: The scheme, which is organised by the Department of Labour, provides a subsidy to employers who take on additional staff for jobs of at least 6 months duration. Many young people may not even know that they are being supported under this scheme.

(4) Enterprise allowance scheme: This NMS scheme is designed to help individuals or groups of individuals to set up their own business. Under Question 17 (Employment status) such persons should be self-employed, coded 1 or 2 as appropriate.

(5) Community enterprise programme: Under this programme the YEA provides assistance to local groups, mainly co-operatives, setting up production or service-type business enterprises.

(6) Youth Self-Employment Programme: This YEA/Bank of Ireland programme is targeted at unemployed young people with a business idea that could provide them with full-time employment but who would have difficulty gaining access to bank loans.

(7) National Co-Operative Farm Relief Services: The YEA provides funding to place young people as farm relief service workers with farm relief co-operatives.

(8) Work Experience Programmes: Under this programme young people with no previous employment experience are giving an allowance for about 6 months while they are gaining some work experience.
(9) Community youth training programme: Participants are given basic training and work experience on community projects and receive a weekly payment from AnCo.

(10) CERT craft/management courses: These courses provide training for school leavers in bar, kitchen, dining room and reception skills. Participants receive a training allowance from CERT in the initial part of the course and are paid by a sponsor during the later (work experience) part.

(11) NRB sheltered employment: The National Rehabilitation Board provides sheltered employment and participants should be regarded as being employed.

(12) BIM - Training in the fishing industry: Courses are offered to young persons wishing to take up a career in fishing. Four months is spent at a training centre and eight months on board a trawler.
B. Persons on the following schemes should be treated as being either "Seeking regular work for the first time" (Box 2) or "Unemployed" (Box 3):
(13) AnCo adult training courses: These short-duration courses are designed to prepare unemployed people for a wide range of occupations at skilled and semi-skilled level.

(14) Community training workshops: This programme, conducted by AnCo, provides basic training in community-based workshops, mainly for early school leavers and travelling people. The programme revolves to a high degree around educational and personal development.

(15) CERT unemployed training programme: These short-duration courses aim to provide basic skills to unemployed persons in cooking food and bar service.

C. Persons on ACOT courses should be regarded as being students (Box 4). Courses in General agriculture are of 9 months duration through an agricultural college. Courses in Amenity / Commercial horticulture are of 2/3 year duration.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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[Questions 16-24 relate to persons aged 15 years and over]

Q.19 Present status

Indicate the person's present principal status. Self-employed persons should insert a check mark in Box 1 by inserting a check mark in the appropriate box. Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc., should insert a check mark in Box 1.

[] 1 At work
[] 2 Seeking regular work for first time
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 At school, student
[] 5 Home (i.e. domestic) duties
[] 6 Retired
[] 7 Unable to work owing to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other (specify ___)
Explanatory notes

Question 19: Present status

(i) Self-employed persons should insert a check mark in box 1.
(ii) Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc. should insert a check mark in box 1.
(iii) Apprentices who are in employment and who also attend technical schools or colleges of technology should insert a check mark in box 1.
(iv) Full-time students who are in part-time employment should insert a check mark in box 4.
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Appendix 1

Q.19 through Q.23: Employment
The questions on the person's position in regard to employment (Questions 19-23) are the most difficult to check and require the most careful study. These questions should be answered for all persons aged 15 years and over (i.e., born on or before 21 April, 1976). Answers in respect of persons aged younger than 15 should be ignored.

Q.19: Present status
Note that it is the person's principal status which is required and only one of the listed categorie should be ticked. A person who is mainly engaged as an "Assisting relative" on a farm, in a shop or in any other commercial enterprise, should be regarded as "At work" even if he or she receives no payment or no regular payment. A member of a religious body (other than a member who is retired or permanently unable to work owing to illness, etc.) should be regarded as "At work" even if he or site receives no payment. A housewife however who assists in the family business, but is mainly engaged on housework should be entered as on "Home (or domestic) duties". If category 8 is ticked, the precise status should be described in the same provided. If persons on FAs or other training courses/employment schemes require assistance in deciding their status, please use the information given at Appendix 11 as a guide.

A. Persons on the following schemes should be treated as being "At work" (Box 1)

1 Teamwork/grant scheme for youth employment: This scheme is operated by FAS, where grants are paid to voluntary bodies to employ young unemployed people for a period of 6 to 12 months on projects beneficial to the community.
2 Apprentice training: Apprenticeships in designated industries are the responsibility of FAS and apprentices are often supported/ sponsored by an employer. The majority of apprentices spend the first year of their course in an off-the-job training centre.
3 Employment incentive scheme: The scheme, which is operated by FAS, provides a subsidy to employers who take on additional staff for jobs of at least 6 months duration. Many young people may not even know that they are being supported under this scheme.
4 Social employment scheme (SES): This scheme was launched in 1985 and is designed to help long-term unemployed people in the over 25 age group. The scheme offers part-time work (a 40-hour fortnight) for up to 52 weeks, on projects sponsored by either public bodies or voluntary organizations.
Enterprise scheme: This scheme is mainly an integration of the following two programmes.
5 Enterprise training programme: This FAS programme is designed to aid individuals in setting up their own business. Under Question 21 (Employment status), such persons should be self employed [and should be] coded 1 or 2 as appropriate.
6 Community enterprise programme: Under this programme FAS provides assistance to local groups, many co-operatives, setting up production or service-type business enterprises.
7 CERT craft/management courses: The courses intended here are not full-time and are organized on a day/block release basis. These courses provide training for school-leavers in bar, kitchen, dining room and reception skills. Some participants receive a training allowance from CERT in the initial part of the course and are paid by a sponsor during the later (work experience) part.
8 NRB sheltered employment: The National Rehabilitation Board provides sheltered employment and participants should be regarded as being employed.
9 NRB employment support scheme: The ESS is designed to enable substantially disabled people, whose work productivity is assessed at between 50-80% of standard, to work alongside their able-bodied colleagues in open employment.
10 BIM - Training in the fishing industry: Courses are offered to young persons wishing to take up a career in fishing. Four months is spent at a training centre and nine months on board a trawler.

B. Persons on the following schemes should be treated as being either 'seeking regular work for the first time (Box 2) or 'Unemployed' (Box 3):

11 Adult training courses: These short-duration courses, run by FAS, are designed to prepare unemployed people for a wide range of occupations at skilled and semi-skilled level.
12 Community training workshops: This programme, conducted by FAS, provides basic training in community-based workshops, mainly for early school-leavers and travelling people. The programme revolves to a high degree around educational and personal development.
13 CERT unemployed training programme: These short-duration courses aim to provide basic skills to unemployed persons in cooking food and bar service.

C. YOUTH REACH: This programme, administered by FAS, is aimed at unqualified
early school leavers and is of two year duration.

14 Youthreach: Those on the Foundation programme (First year) are classified as being "Unemployed" or "Seeking work for the first time" as are those taking part in the Specific skills courses and the Community youth training programme (Second year). Those in "Temporary employment" or in "Job Subsidies" (Second year) are classified as "At work" while those who follow into mainstream education should be classified as "At school".

D. TEAGASC courses.

15 The Certificate in Agriculture (general agriculture) course is of 9 months duration through an agricultural college. The Certificate in Fanning is of 3-year duration and has 6 programme options: General agriculture, Horse production, AgriForestry, Pig production, Poultry production, and Commercial horticulture. Persons on such courses should be regarded as being students (Box 4).
Farm apprentices should be regarded as "At work".
Short term training courses are run for practicing farmers and horticulturists. Persons on such courses are clearly "At work".

Ireland 1996 — source variable IE1996A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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[Questions 15-24 were asked of persons 15 years and over]

Q.18 Present status

Indicate by inserting a check mark in the appropriate box, the person's present principal status.
Self-employed persons should insert a check mark in Box 1. Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc., should insert a check mark in Box 1.

[] 1 At work
[] 2 Seeking regular work for first time
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 At school, student
[] 5 Home (i.e. domestic) duties
[] 6 Retired
[] 7 Unable to work owing to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other, specify ___
Explanatory notes

[Questions 15-24 relate only to persons aged 15 years and over]

Question 18 - Present status

  • Self-employed persons should insert check mark in Box 1.
  • Persons temporarily absent from work because of illness, holidays, etc., should insert check mark in Box 1.
  • Apprentices who are in employment and who also attend technical schools or colleges of technology should insert check mark in Box 1.
  • Full-time students who are in part-time employment should insert check mark in Box 4.
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Questions which cover persons 15 years and over

Q.18: Present Status
The person's principal economic status is required so only one of the listed categories should be ticked. A person who is mainly engaged as an 'assisting relative' on a farm, in a shop or in any other commercial enterprise, should be regarded as 'at work' even if he/she receives no payment or no regular payment. Priests, nuns and brothers should be regarded as at work' except
where they are retired or permanently sick. Housewives assisting in the family business, but mainly engaged on housework should tick 'home (or domestic) duties'. If a person on FAS or other training courses/employment schemes require assistance in deciding his/her status, consult the information given in Appendix 4 as a guide.

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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[Questions 20-26 apply to people aged 15 and over]

24 How would you describe your present principal status?

Check one box only

[] 1 Working for payment or profit
[] 2 Looking for first regular job
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 Student or pupil
[] 5 Looking after home/family
[] 6 Retired from employment
[] 7 Unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other, write in ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
24. How would you describe your present principal status?

Check one box only.

[] 1 Working for payment or profit
[] 2 Looking for first regular job
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 Student or pupil
[] 5 Looking after home/family
[] 6 Retired from employment
[] 7 Unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other, write in ____

Question 24 will provide information on principal economic status, allowing us to classify persons aged 15 years and over into those within and outside the labour force.

Some guidelines on answering question 24:
As the person's principal economic status is required, only one of the listed categories should be ticked.

The following should tick 1: "Working for payment or profit"
  • Persons who are self-employed
  • Persons mainly engaged as "Assisting relatives" on farms, in shops or in any other commercial enterprises even if they receive no payment or no regular payment
  • Priests, nuns and brothers except where they are 6 "Retired" or 7 "Unable to work due to permanent sickness"
  • Persons temporarily absent from work due to illness, holidays, etc.
  • Apprentices who are in employment and who also attend school or technical college
  • Full-time students who are in part-time employment should tick 4 "Student or pupil".

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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B. Person Form

26. How would you describe your present principal status? Check one box only.

[] 1 Working for payment or profit
[] 2 Looking for regular job
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 Student or pupil
[] 5 Looking after home/family
[] 6 Retired from employment
[] 7 Unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other, write in: ________
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 26 will provide information on principal economic status, allowing us to classify persons aged 15 years and over into those within and outside the labour force.
26. How would you describe your present principal status?

Check one box only.
[] 1 Working for payment or profit
[] 2 Looking for regular job
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 Student or pupil
[] 5 Looking after home/family
[] 6 Retired from employment
[] 7 Unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other, write in: ________

Some guidelines on answering question 26:

As the person's principal economic status is required, only one of the listed categories should be ticked.
The following should box Working for payment or profit;
  • Persons who are self-employed.
  • Persons mainly engaged as 'assisting relatives' on farms, in shops or in any other commercial enterprises even if they receive no payment or no regular payment.
  • Priests, nuns and brothers except where they are Retired or Unable to work due to permanent sickness.
  • Persons temporarily absent from work due to illness, holidays, etc.
  • Apprentices who are in employment and who also attend school or technical college.
Full-time students who are in part-time employment should tick box Student or pupil.

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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23. If you are aged under 15
Go to Q34
[Questions 24-33 were asked for persons age 15+.]
27. How would you describe your present principal status?
Mark one box only.

[] 1 Working for payment or profit
[] 2 Looking for first regular job
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 Student or pupil
[] 5 Looking after home/family
[] 6 Retired from employment
[] 7 Unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8 Other, write in ____
Question 27 -- How would you describe your present principal status?
You should mark one box only to select the category which you feel best describes your present principal status. If you are on sick leave or maternity leave and intend to return to work at some stage you should mark box 1 (working).
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions 24 to 33 should be answered only by persons 15 years and over

Question 27. Question 27 will provide information on principal economic status, allowing us to classify persons aged 15 years and over into those within and outside the labour force.

As this question is asking about the person's principal economic status, only one of the boxes should be marked.

The following should mark 'working for payment or profit':

  • Persons who are self-employed.
  • Persons mainly engaged in 'assisting relatives' on farms, in shops or in any other commercial enterprises, even if they receive no regular payment.
  • Priests, nuns and brothers except where they are retired or unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability.
  • Persons temporarily absent from work due to illness, holidays etc.
  • Apprentices who are in employment and who also attend school or college.

Full-time students who are in part-time employment should mark 'Student or pupil'.

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
27. How would you describe your present principal status?

Mark one box only

[] 1. Working for payment or profit
[] 2. Looking for first regular job
[] 3. Unemployed
[] 4. Student or pupil
[] 5. Looking after home/family
[] 6. Retired from employment
[] 7. Unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability
[] 8. Other, write in ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

Questions 24 to 33 should be answered only by persons 15 years and over

[Question 27: How would you describe your present principal status?]

Question 27 will provide information on principal economic status, allowing us to classify persons aged 15 years and over into those within and outside the labor force.

As this question is asking about the person's principal economic status, only one of the boxes should be marked.

The following should mark 'working for payment or profit':

- Persons who are employed or self-employed.

- Persons mainly engaged in 'assisting relatives' on farms, in shops or in any other commercial enterprises, even if they receive no regular payment.

- Priests, nuns and brothers except where they are retired or unable to work due to permanent sickness or disability.

- Persons temporarily absent from work due to illness, holidays etc.

- Apprentices who are in employment and who also attend school or college.

Full-time students who are in part-time employment should mark 'Student or pupil'.

[The original document includes an image below.]

[p. 124]

[Question 28: If you are working go to Q29.
If you are student, go to Q34.
Otherwise, go to Q35.]

Only those persons who are working are required to provide information on their industry and occupation and place of work. Retired persons are asked about their former occupation only in order to assign a social class to their household. Unemployed persons are asked about their occupation and industry in order to produce a detailed profile of the unemployed at small area level. Only persons who travel outside the home to work school or college are asked to provide the name and address of where they go.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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Persons over 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 6.
Persons under 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 8.

[Questions 6.1-7.12 were asked of persons over 15 years of age.]

6.1 Indicate whether, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), the person was

[] 01 Employed [skip to point 7]
[] 02 Looking for first employment
[] 03 Unemployed (looking for a new job)
[] 04 Waiting to begin a job already obtained
[] 05 Student
[] 06 Looking after home/household
[] 07 Retired
[] 08 On national military service or substitute civil service [skip to point 8]
[] 09 Disabled for work [skip to point 8]
[] 10 Other conditions

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Question 6.1
In order to properly answer this question, refer to the following definitions.
anyone who works on their own, or works for someone else in exchange for salary or some kind of profit (all kinds of retributions must be considered: salary, wage, fee, profit, reimbursement of expenses, payment in kind, room and board);
anyone collaborating with a household member who runs his own business, without a regular work contract or retribution (contributing family worker).
Any type of nominate work, with or without contract, is sufficient to be considered employed, just as long as the hours worked are paid for with money or in kind. The following persons must also be considered employed:

a) anyone who, during the week preceding the Census, did not work because they were on leave, sick, on maternity leave, on part time, in leave of absence, on income support, for lack of commissions, etc;
b) anyone who worked as a paid apprentice or trainee;
c) anyone hired with a specific work contract;
d) anyone participating in work stages as a paid intern.

Not considered employed (and therefore must not cross box 01):
anyone attending a university course for a Ph.D., doctors who attend specialization courses, winners of scholarships and anyone involved in unpaid volunteer activities;
anyone who is serving in the national military service or civil service, including those who maintain the right to their work place or are looking for employment, regardless of previous or future work status.

Looking for first employment:
a) anyone who has completed, terminated or abandoned a series of studies;
b) anyone who has never worked or has terminated self-employment;
c) anyone who has "voluntarily" stopped working for a certain period of time (at least 1 year); and is actually looking for a job and will accept one if offered.

Unemployed (looking for a new job): anyone who, having lost his/her previous job, is actually looking for employment and will accept it if offered.
Waiting to begin a job already obtained: anyone who has already found employment, or has made necessary preparations for self employment and will begin working within the next few weeks.
Student: anyone who dedicates their time mainly to study.
Looking after home/household: anyone whose main occupation is taking care of his/her household and home.
Retired: anyone who has stopped working because of age limitations, invalidity or other causes. A retired is not necessarily a pensioner because those who retire from work do not necessarily receive pension benefits.
On military service or substitute civil service: this category includes all those persons who, during the week preceding the Census (from 14 to 20 October 2001), were under military service or substitute civil service, regardless of previous or future work status or whether they maintained the right to their work place or are looking for employment.
Disabled to work: anyone whose level of physical or mental invalidity make it impossible for them to hold a job.
Other conditions: anyone in conditions other than those listed above (for example, wealthy, retired from work for other reasons, Holder of a social pension or invalidity pension).

Jamaica 1982 — source variable JM1982A_ACTIVYR — Main activity during the past 12 months
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Section 6: Economic activity
[All persons age 14 and older]

[Questions 30-31 refer to the past year]

31. Main activity during past 12 months:

[] Worked
[] Seeking first job
[] Other seeking work
[] Wanted work and available
[] Home duties
[] Student
[] Retired
[] Disabled
[] Other
[] Not stated

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Section 6 - Economic Activity

5.47 General
Section 6 is comprised of Questions 25 to 31 and should be asked of persons 14 years and over. The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals were in the working force of the country at some time during the week preceding Census Day. The most difficult and perhaps important of the concepts here is that of 'work.' It is essential, therefore, that Census Takers understand fully the precise definition of the term 'work' in this context and that this meaning should be made clear to respondents by the method of questioning them. The Census Taker and all persons working on the Census must, therefore, understand and remember the following carefully:

5.48 Definition of Work
Work includes:

(a) Work with Pay that is:
(i) Work for others for a wage or salary including commission or tips. Work may be done either in the employ of the Government a business organization, some private or public organization, or an individual.


(This corresponds to Worked for Others Government or Non-Government in Question 27).
(ii) Work as trainee (such as nurses in training) or apprentice (persons at trade). (This also might be applicable at alternative 1 or 2 in Question 27).
(iii) Work for self in One's own business or farm which is run for profit or fees, but does not employ paid help. (This corresponds to Has Own Business or Farm - W/Out Paid Help at Question 27).
(iv) Running for profit or fees one's own business or farm which employs paid help. (This corresponds to Question 27 - Has Own Business or Farm - With Paid Help).

(b) Work Without Pay in a business or farm which is run for profit, that is:
(i) Work without pay in a business or farm run for profit, (usually by a relative), in cases where the individual is either supported by the owner or obtains some benefits other than cash from the running of the business (See Unpaid Worker at Question 27).
(ii) Work as an unpaid helper in a business or other organization, in cases where the respondent is learning a trade or profession in this way, with a view to engaging in work for pay (See Unpaid Worker at Question 27).

Do not include in "Working", those persons who:
(i) worked without money or pay for a relative or other person at tasks which did not contribute to the operation of a farm or of a business e.g. housework, gardening, odd jobs around the house or yard such as painting the fence, etc.
(ii) worked without pay assisting a relative or friend in his duties as an employee.
(iii) worked without pay either in cash or in kind as a volunteer worker for service organizations or church groups - such as the Red Cross, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Society for the Blind, Operation Workshop, etc.

Note also that 'Work' must relate to work in Jamaica. It includes, however, those persons who are residing in the territory but are working on boats, ships, airplanes etc. which may operate outside of the territory, as well as travelling salesmen, consultants, etc. Also included are persons going as contract workers to the U.S.A. for a few


months to work on farms there during the crop season. Other persons who live and work outside of the country should not be classified as having worked with respect to the time they were resident outside of the country.

5.49 Question 25 - Economic situation during past week

[Image omitted here]

You are required to record here the economic situation, i.e. the economic activity in which the individual was engaged for most of the week (one hour or more) preceding the Census.
Definitions of the various categories of economic situations are:

Worked: This covers those persons who, during the week preceding the Census, carried out one or more of the activities described as work in paragraph 5.45 within Jamaica. Include here any individual who had a job of work, as defined in the above, and was absent with pay, full or part, for all or most of the week on vacation leave, sick leave, or other leave of absence, excluding study leave. Persons absent on study leave or on leave without pay should not be included.

Seeking first job: This covers persons who had never worked before in Jamaica and who, during the week preceding the Census, were actively engaged in trying to get work.

Others seeking work: This covers persons who had some work experience (in Jamaica) who were not working during the week preceding the census but were actively trying to get work during the week.

Wanted work and available: This refers to those individuals who, during the week, wanted work and were available for work although not actively seeking work through the recognized channels.

Home Duties: This relates to those persons who were engaged during the week in looking after their own homes, that is, cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. It does not cover domestic servants and others who were performing these duties in other people's homes for pay; these would be classified as "Worked". Ensure that you do not include here those persons who were classified in the categories "Worked" "Seeking First Job", "Others Seeking Work" or "Wanted Work and Available".

Students: This applies to those persons not classified above who were full-time students in primary, secondary, technical or other school, at the University or were engaged in private studies. Persons on holidays from school or university are to be included here.

Retired/Disabled: This relates to those persons who have previously worked, but who, during the week preceding the Census, were in retirement from work. This category covers also those


persons who were unable to work because of some physical or mental disability.

Other: This group includes all persons who cannot be properly put into one of the above categories.

Not Stated: This includes all persons for whom satisfactory information cannot be obtained in order to classify them according to their economic activity.

How to ask the question:
Now that you know the meaning of the various categories in this question, you must be instructed in the methods of obtaining the required information. It is necessary to ask the questions in such a way that all respondents will understand what you want to find out.

Ask Question 25 this way:

"What did you (he/she) do during the week preceding Census Day i.e. up to June 7. Worked? Looked for Work; Wanted Work and was available for Work; Kept house? Went to School? or Something else? If you get an answer part way through the question, stop and verify the answer.

Note: you should ask the question in the order given above. If the answer permits you to classify the person immediately in one of the specified classes, do so after verifying this. If the person answers that he/she "looked for work" ask this further question: "Have you (has he/she) ever worked prior to this period when you were (he/she was) looking for work? You will then be able to classify him/her as either:
(a) 'Seeking first job' or
(b) 'Others Seeking Work'

5.55 Economic Activity During Past Year
Questions 30 and 31 relate to the economic activity of individuals during the twelve month period preceding the census enumeration.

5.57 Question 31 - Main Activity During Past 12 Months

[Image omitted here]

The categories here are the same as in Question 25 and the definitions remain the same. The important difference is that here, the question relates to the 12 month period prior to Census Day instead of the week preceding.
You are required to record here the main activity i.e. the activity in which the individual was engaged for the longest time during the 12 months (or part thereof in the country) preceding the Census.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_EMPSTAT — Main activity during past 12 months
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Section 6: Economic activity
[Persons age 14 and older]

[Go to Question 8.1 for persons younger than 14 years]

6.7. What did you / did [the respondent] do most during the past 12 months? For example did you/did he/did she work, look for work, keep house or what?

[] Worked or had a job
[] Looked for work (go to Question 7.1)
[] Student (go to Question 7.1)
[] Home duties (go to Question 7.1)
[] Retired (go to Question 7.1)
[] Disabled, unable to work (go to Question 7.1)
[] Other (go to Question 7.1)
[] Not Stated

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Section 6 - Economic Activity

5.63 General
Section 6 is comprised of Questions 6.1 - 6.9 and should be asked of persons 14 years and over. The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals were in the WORKING FORCE of the country at some point in time. Questions 6.1 - 6.6 and Question 6.9 relate to the week preceding the census while Questions 6.7 - 6.8 relate to the preceding twelve months. The most difficult and perhaps important of the concepts here is that of WORK. It is essential therefore that you understand fully the precise definition of the term WORK in this context and that this meaning should be made clear to respondents by the method of questioning them.

5.64 Definition of Work
(a) Work includes:
Work with pay, that is:
(i) Work for others for a wage or salary including commission or tips. Work may be done either in the employment of the government, a business organization, some private or public organization or an individual. (This corresponds to the categories - Paid Employee of Government, Private Enterprise or Private Home - Q6.3).
(ii) Work as trainee (such as nurses in training) or apprentice (persons at trade)
(iii) Work for self in one's own business (including farm) which is run for profit or fees but does not employ paid help.
(This corresponds to Own Business Without Paid Employee - Q6.3)
(iv) Work for self in one's own business (including farm) which is run for profit or fees and employs paid help.

(This corresponds to Own Business With paid Employees - Q6.3).


(b) Work without pay in a business or farm which is run for profit, that is:
(i) Work without pay in a business or farm run for profit (usually by a relative), in cases where the individual is either supported by the owner or obtains some benefits other than cash from the running of the business (see Unpaid Worker at Q6.3).
(ii) Work as an unpaid helper in a business or other organization, in cases where the respondent is learning a trade or profession in this way, with a view to engaging in work for pay (see Unpaid Worker at Q.6.3).

Do not include in "working" those persons who:
(i) Work without money or pay for a relative or other person at tasks which did not contribute to the operation of a farm or of a business e.g. housework, gardening, odd jobs around the house or yard such as painting the fence, etc.
(ii) Work without pay assisting a relative or friend in his duties as an employee.
(iii) Work without pay either in cash or in kind as a volunteer worker for service organizations or church groups - such as the Red Cross, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Society for the Blind, Operation Workshop, etc.

Note also that WORK must relate to work in Jamaica. It includes, however, those persons who are residing in the territory but are on boats, ships, airplanes, etc., which may operate outside of the territory, as well as travelling salesmen, consultants, etc. Also included are persons going as contract workers to the U.S.A. for a few months to work on farms there during the crop season. Other persons who live and work outside of the country should not be classified as having worked with respect to the time they were resident outside of the country.

5.71 Economic Activity During Past Twelve Months
Questions 6.7 and 6.8 relate to the economic activity of individuals during the twelve month period preceding the census enumeration, i.e. April 1991 inclusive.

5.72 Question 6.7 Main Activity During Past 12 Months
The categories here are the same as in Q6.l and the definitions remain the same. The important difference is that here, the question relates to the 12 month period prior to census day instead of the week preceding.
You are required to record the main activity, i.e. the activity which took place in the country. If the person was abroad for parts of the period, it is the main activity undertaken during the time that he or she was in Jamaica. You must be aware of the fact that unlike Q6.1 work does not take precedence over the other activities. Instead it is the activity in which the person was involved MOST of the time.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_ACTIVYR — Activity last 12 months
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[Questions 4.15 - 4.18 for persons age 14 and older]

4.15 What did you/did [the respondent] do most during the past twelve months?

[] 0 Worked or had a job
[] 1 Looked for first job (go to section 5)
[] 2 Looked for work, which was not the first (go to question 4.17)
[] 3 Student (go to question 4.17)
[] 4 Home duties (go to question 4.17)
[] 5 Retired did not work (go to question 4.17)
[] 6 Disabled unable to work (go to question 4.17)
[] 7 Not interested in work (go to question 4.17)
[] 8 Other (go to question 4.17)
[] 9 Not stated

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Section 4: Economic activity
[Persons age 14 and older]

5.73 General
Section 4 is comprised of Questions 4.1 through 4.20, and should be asked to persons age 14 and older. The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals were in the working force of the country at some point in time.

This section is included in the sample coverage because it requires much more probing than should be undertaken for the short form. Economic activity in Jamaica has undergone some amount of transformation within the past two or three decades, whereby there has been a significant development of what has come to be regarded as the "Informal sector". People have in many instances moved away from the traditional jobs in the public and private sectors and have ventured into their own small scale businesses, some of which are being operated within homes.

You must pay close attention to the skip instructions at all times to ensure that you ask relevant questions. You will also need to pay close attention to the different reference periods stated. Questions 4.1 through 4.4 seek to identify the persons who worked. As we know that work means different things to different people, we try in these questions to establish clearly whether an individual worked or not within a particular week. These questions relate to the week preceding the Census date, as do Questions 4.5 through 4.13. Question 4.14 asks for a specific date. Questions 4.15 and 4.16 relate to the past twelve months, while questions 4.17 and 4.18 refer to the past 5 years. Questions 4.19 and 4.20 are relevant to persons of pensionable age and seek to determine the type of social welfare benefits or pension being received. Even if the person has never worked, he/she can be in receipt of social welfare benefits (as the beneficiary of a spouse).

It is important that the concept of work be fully understood.

Work includes:

(a) Work with pay, that is:
(i) Work for others for a wage or salary including commission or tips. Work may be done either in the employment of the government, a business organization, some private or public organization, or an individual. These correspond to the categories "Paid employee of government", "Private enterprise", or "Private home" in question Q4.6).

(ii) Work as trainee (such as nurses in training) or apprentice (persons at trade). This could also correspond to the same categories at is point (i).

(iii) Work for oneself in one's own business (including farm), which is run for profit or fees but does not employ paid help. This corresponds to "Self-employed without Employees" in question Q4.6. For example: odd job, hustling, buying and selling etc.

(iv) Work for oneself in one's own business (including farm), which is run for profit or fees and employs paid help. This corresponds to "Self-employed with employees" in question Q4.6.

(b) Work without pay in a business or farm which is run for profit that is:
(i) Work without pay in a business or farm run for profit (usually by a relative), in cases where the individual is either supported by the owner or obtains some benefits other than cash from running of business (see "Unpaid employee in agriculture" or any type of business in question Q4.6).

(ii) Work as an unpaid helper in a business or other organization, in cases where the respondent is learning a trade or profession in this way, with a view to engaging in work for pay (see "Unpaid employee in agriculture" or any type of business in question Q4.6).

Do not include as "working" those persons who:
(i) Work without money or pay for a relative or other person on tasks that did not contribute to the operation of a farm or of a business: e.g., housework, gardening, odd jobs around the house or yard, such as painting the fence, etc.

(ii) Work without pay assisting a relative or friend in his duties as an employee.

(iii) Work without pay either in cash or in kind as a volunteer worker for service Society for Blind, Operation Workshop.

Note also that "work" must relate to work in Jamaica. It includes, however, those persons who are residing in the territory but are on boats, ships, airplanes, etc., which may operate outside of the territory, as well as travelling salesmen, consultants, etc. Informal commercial importers who travel to the Cayman Islands buying and selling are to be included. Do not include the work done by persons going as contract workers to North America for a few months to work on farms there during the crop season. Other persons who live and work outside of the country should not be classified as having worked with respect to the time they were resident outside of the country.

Questions 4.15 and 4.16 relate to the economic activity of individuals during the twelve-month period preceding the enumeration (between September 10, 2000 and September 9, 2001).

5.86 Question 4.15: Main activity during the past 12 months

The categories here are generally the same as in Q4.4 (with the inclusion of the category "Worked" or "Had a job") and the definitions remain the same. The important difference is that here the question relates to the twelve-month period prior to Census day instead of the preceding week. You are required to record the main activity: i.e., the activity in which the person was involved most of the time (for 6 months or more). If the person was abroad for parts of the period, it is the main activity undertaken during the time that he or she was in Jamaica.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_EMPSTAT — Economic situation
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225. Did [name] work during the week that ended in October 1st 2004 even for one hour?
- In any paid work
- In a business completely or partially owned
- In a business owned by the household without payment
- In any other business
[Question 225 was asked of persons age 15+ about their employment during the week ended in October 1st 2004.]
[] 1 Yes (skip to 227)
[] 2 No

226. Had [name] any job, but he did not practice it (was temporarily absent) due to illness, vacation, holiday, travel, reduction in economic activity, temporary breakdown in the establishment during the week ended in October 1st 2004?

[Question 226 was asked of persons age 15+ who did not work during the week ended in October 1st 2004, per Question 225.]
[] 1 Yes [skip to 228]
[] 2 No [skip to 232]

233. Did [name] actively search for work during the 4 weeks ended in October 1st 2004?

[Question 233 was asked of persons age 15+ who did not work and were also not temporarily absent from work, but were prepared to start a job if offered one during the 7 days ended in October 1st 2004 or in the next 15 days, per Questions 225, 226 and 232.]
[] 1 Yes [next person]
[] 2 No

234. The relationship of [name] with major economic activity during the 7 days ended in October 1st 2004

[Question 233 was asked of persons age 15+ who did not work, were also not temporarily absent from work, were not actively searching for work and were not prepared to start a job if offered one during the 7 days ended in October 1st 2004 or in the next 15 days, per Questions 225, 226, 232 and 233.]
[] 1 Student
[] 2 Housemaker
[] 3 With means
[] 4 Disabled
[] 5 Other (specify) ____

Kenya 1989 — source variable KE1989A_EMPSTAT — Activity status
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C. Persons aged 10 years and over

P30. Activity:

What was [the respondent] mainly doing during the last 7 days preceding the Census night?

[] 01 Worked for pay or profit
[] 02 On leave/sick leave
[] 03 Working on family holding
[] 04 No work
[] 05 Seeking work
[] 06 Student
[] 07 Retired
[] 08 Disabled
[] 09 Home makers
[] 10 Other

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Column P30 - Activity

128. Activity status is defined here as the participation in the production of economic goods and services in the week preceding the Census Night.

129. Ask all persons age 10 years and above, 'What was ________ (name) mainly doing during the last seven days preceding the Census Night?'

130. Probe and establish whether the respondent worked for most of the period during the seven days preceding the Census Night.

131. What the respondent was mainly doing will denote the time factor spent on the work. The activity, which occupied most of the person's working time during the last week.

132. The responses in column P30 are, worked for pay or profit, on leave/ sick leave, work on family holding etc. They are coded 01 to 10. If the respondent reports, no work, seeking work, student, retired, disabled, homemaker, (i.e code 04 to 09) then the interview should terminate at this column unless they are females aged 12 years and over. For all males and for females aged less than 10 years, code 00 in column P31 and in column P32 for the above individuals. Below are given definitions to help you code persons correctly.

133. The employed group comprises all persons who during the seven days before the census night worked most of the time for wages, salary commission, tips, contract and those paid in kind. Self-employed persons who worked for profit are also included e.g. Jua Kali mechanics, traders in farm produce, paid family workers. All those who are paid for their services are employed persons.

134. On leave/sick leave
This group comprises all those with formal attachment to job or business/enterprise but were not at work during the reference period because they were sick or on holiday, season workers, leave without pay, bad weather etc. However a person who is on leave, such as teachers but worked on the family holding in the past seven days, preceding census Night, should be indicated as 'on leave'.

135. Family holding
Is the unit of land, farm or shamba which is owned or rented by the family/household and is used for purposes of cultivation of crops or for herding cattle mainly for subsistence purposes. All the members of the household who are working on the family holding without pay/profit will be coded 03. Any member of the household working on the holding for pay and profit or is paid in kind will fall under category 01, (worked for pay or profit). Hired workers for the family holding will also be coded 01. Note that 'family holding' does not limit itself to production of crops, but also includes livestock rearing as is the case in the nomadic areas.

136. Work for pay or profit denotes wages, salary, commissions, tips and payment in kind.

137. No work
A person who was available for work in the past seven days before the Census Night but had not been on paid employment, or was not self-employed will be coded 04.

138. Seeking work
A person who in the last one week before Census Night was looking for work. This category should not include the under employed (i.e. those who have paid work but wish to leave for better opportunities) Persons who have no work at all and are looking for work are the ones who will fall under this category. If a person is working on the family holding, but is seeking work, he should be coded as 'working on family holding and not as 'seeking work'.

139. Students
Are persons of either sex who spent most of their time in regular educational institutions (Primary, Secondary, College and University). If for some reason the student was on holiday during the week preceding the census night and may have been engaged in gainful employment he/she should be given the appropriate code 01 or 03

140. Retired person
Is one who reports that for the past one week before census night he was not engaged in any economic activity because he had retired either due to age, sickness or voluntarily. If a person has retired and is doing some work/business then he should be coded 01. If he/she has retired but is seeking work then he/she will be coded as 'seeking' work.

141. Disabled persons
Are those who can not work. Do not assume that physically disabled persons can not work. For example a blind man who is employed will fall under category 01 and not 08. Same as cripple/lame persons working on the holding. They should fall under 03. Probe and find out about physically disabled persons.

(a) Homemaker
A person of either sex involved in household chores in their own homes e.g. fetching water, cooking, babysitting etc who do not work for pay and profit. This category should not include house boys/house girls who fall under category 01. If such persons worked on family holding they should be coded 03 and not 09. Please probe.

(b) Others include
Any other person not mentioned above. You are to probe to find out whether unpaid family workers consider themselves, 'seeking work', 'have no work' and code them as such. For example, if a young man helps his uncle to sell things in the shop without receiving pay, probe. If he is 'seeking work,' code him accordingly; if he considers himself to have no work, code him '04' ('no work'); and if he considers himself as working, code him as '01'.

Kenya 1999 — source variable KE1999A_CLASSWKR — Class of worker
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B. Information regarding persons aged 5 years and above:


P-30. Labor force particulars

What was [the respondent] mainly doing during the last 7 days preceding the Census night?

[] 01 Worked for pay
[] 02 On leave/sick leave
[] 03 Worked on own/ family business
[] 04 Worked on own family agricultural holding
[] 05 Seeking work
[] 06 No work available
[] 07 Full time student
[] 08 Retired
[] 09 Incapacitated
[] 10 Homemaker
[] 11 Other

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Column P30: Labor force participation

86. Column P30 contains a question on labor force participation during the last seven days preceding the census night and is asked of all persons aged 5 years and above

87. Ask all persons aged 5 years and above.
What was this person mainly doing during the last seven days preceding the census night? What the respondent was mainly doing will denote the activity that occupied most of the respondent's time during the 7 days preceding the census night. The responses in column P30 are as follows:

Worked for pay
Comprises persons who during the 7 days preceding the census night worked most of the time for wages, salaries, commissions, tips, contracts and paid in kind (especially in the rural areas where people who have rendered services may be paid using food or clothing).

On leave/sick leave
This group comprises all those with formal attachments to a job or business/enterprise but were not working during the reference period because they were sick or on holiday, seasonal workers, leave without pay, bad weather, etc. However, a person who is on leave such as a teacher but worked on family holding in the past 7 days preceding census night should be indicated as on leave.

Worked on own/family business
This category comprises self-employed persons who worked on own business or persons who worked on family business for family gain. It includes "jua-kali" artisans, mechanics, traders in farm produce and family workers not on wage employment. Any member of the household working on the holding for pay will fall under code "01 ".

Worked on own/family agricultural holding
A holding in this case is the unit of land, farm or shamba which is owned or rented by the family and is used for purposes of cultivation or rearing livestock for subsistence. All the members of the household who are working on the holding without pay/profit will be coded "04" (i.e. working on own/family agricultural holding). Any member of the household working on the holding for pay will fall under code "01" (i.e. worked for pay).

Seeking work
A person who in the 7 days preceding the census night was actively looking for work. This category should not include the under-employed (i.e those who have paid work but wish to leave for better opportunities). Persons who have no work at all and are looking for work will fall under this category. If a person is working on the family holding but is seeking work, he/she should be coded as "working on family holding" and not as "seeking work". This category should include only persons who are available full time for work and hence are' actively looking for it.

No work available
This is a person who is not working nor is looking for work because he/she is discouraged, but would usually take up a job when offered one.

Full-time student
This is a person who spent most of his/her time in a regular educational institution (primary, secondary, college, university etc.) and hence not available for work. If, for instance, a student was on holiday during the 7 days preceding the census night and may have been engaged in gainful employment, he/she should be given the appropriate code "01".

This is a person who reports that during the 7 days preceding the census night, he/she was not engaged in any economic activity because he/she had retired either due to age, sickness or voluntarily. If a person has retired and is doing some work/business he/she should be coded appropriately, either as "01 ", "03" or "04". If he/she has retired and is seeking work he/she should be coded as "05".

Is one who cannot work. Do not assume that all physically disabled persons cannot, work. For example, a blind person who is in wage employment will fall under category "01" and'- not' "08". Similarly lame/crippled persons working on the family holding should fall under category "03" or "04". Please probe.

Is a person, of either sex involved in household chores in his/her'ov4n home e.g. fetching water, cooking, babysitting' 'etc. who did not work -for pay or profit nor sought work. These categories should 'not' 'include house boys/girls who fall under category "01". If such a person worked on
family holding they should be coded as "03" or "04" and not as "10". Please probe.

This category includes any other persons not mentioned above. You are to probe to find out whether unpaid family workers consider themselves as 'seeking work', etc. and code them accordingly. For example, if a young man helps his uncle to sell goods in a kiosk without receiving pay, probe whether he is 'seeking work' and code him thus; if he considers himself as working code him as "01".

For persons aged below 5 years leave column P30 blank. For respondents aged 5 years and above whose labor force participation status is not known or not stated, write "99"

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity in the last 7 days
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E: Labour force particulars
Economic activity
[Question 42 was asked of all individuals age 5+.]

P-42. What was [person] mainly doing during the last 7 days preceding the census night? _ _

The code list is provided.

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- Section E: Labor force particulars. This section covers columns p42 to p44 and should be asked of all persons 5 years old and above.

34. Section E: Labor force participation

[Questions 42 to 44 are asked of all persons 5 years old and over.]

34.1 Column P42 to P44:

This section involves collection of labor statistics, mainly used for employment policies and programs and for projecting future labor force. The questions are asked to all persons aged 5 years and above and refer to the last seven days preceding the Census night. However, the reference period for those who held a job (on leave or on sick leave) falls outside the last seven days.

34.2 Column P42: Main activity

Ask: What was [the respondent] mainly doing during the last seven days preceding the Census Night?

What the respondent was mainly doing will denote the activity that occupied most of the respondent's time during the 7 days preceding the Census Night. The codes for the possible responses in column P42 are provided, and are defined here below:

- Worked for pay
This comprises persons who, during the 7 days preceding the Census Night, worked most of the time for wages, salaries, commissions, tips, contracts and paid in kind (especially in the rural areas where people who have rendered services may be paid using food or clothing).
- On leave
This group comprises all those with formal attachments to a job or business/enterprise but were not working during the reference period. This includes people on any of the following type of leave: annual, maternity, paternity, terminal, compulsory leave etc. A person who is on leave such as a teacher but worked on family holding in the past 7 days preceding Census Nightshould be indicated as on leave.
- Sick leave
These are persons who during the reference period were sick and on leave with permission.
- Worked on own/family business
This category comprises of self?employed persons who worked on own business or persons who worked on family business for family gain. It includes "jua?kali" artisans, mechanics, traders in farm produce, and family workers not on wage employment. Any member of the household working on the holding for pay will fall under code "1 ".
- Worked on own/family agricultural holding
A holding in this case is the unit of land, farm or shamba which is owned or leased by the family and is used for purposes of cultivation or rearing livestock. All the members of the household who are working on the holding without pay/profit will be coded "5" (i.e. working on own/family agricultural holding). Any member of the household working on the holding for pay will fall under code "1" (i.e. worked for pay).
NB: You are to probe to find out whether unpaid family workers consider themselves as 'seeking work', etc. and code them accordingly. For example, if a young man helps his uncle to sell goods in a kiosk without receiving pay, probe whether he is 'seeking work' and code him appropriately; if he considers himself as working code him as "4".
- Apprentice/intern
An apprentice is a person whose training is done on the job for an agreed period of time. This includes students on attachment. This helps the apprentices learn their trade, in exchange for their labor. An intern on the other hand is one who works in a temporary position with an emphasis on on?the?job training rather than merely employment, making it similar to an apprenticeship. In most cases, an intern will have completed a certain level of education or training. Interns or apprentices are usually college or university students, but they can also be high school students or post graduate students seeking skills for a new career. Student internships/apprenticeship provide opportunities for students to gain experience in their field, determine if they have an interest in a particular career, create a network of contacts, or gain school credit. The person may be unpaid or partially paid (in the form of a stipend).
- Volunteer
This is a person who works for free in an organization primarily because they choose to do so. Many serve through a non?profit organization ? sometimes referred to as formal volunteering, but a significant number also serve less formally, either individually or as part of a group. These people do not receive any compensation for services rendered other than reimbursement for out?of pocket expenses.
- Seeking work (action taken)
This refers to a person who, in the 7 days preceding the Census Night, was neither working nor holding a job, but was available to take up a job and was actively looking for work. It should only include persons who have no work at all and are looking for work. It includes only persons who are available full time for work and hence are actively looking for it. This category should not include the under?employed (i.e. those who have paid work but wish to leave for better opportunities). If a person is working on the family holding but is seeking work, he/she should be coded as "seeking work" and not as "working on family holding".
- Seeking work (no action taken)
This refers to a person who, in the 7 days preceding the Census Night, was neither working nor holding a job. The person should be available to take up a job but did not actively seek for work in the reference period.
- No work available
This is a person who is not working nor seeking for work because he/she is discouraged, but would usually take up a job when offered one.
- Retired
This is a person who reports that, during the 7 days preceding the Census Night , he/she was not engaged in any economic activity because he/she had retired either due to age, sickness or voluntarily. If a person has retired and is doing some work/business he/she should be coded appropriately, either as "1", "4" or "5". If he/she has retired and is actively seeking work he/she should be coded as "8".
- Homemaker
This is a person of either sex involved in household chores in his/her own home e.g. fetching water, cooking, babysitting etc., who did not work for pay or profit nor sought work. This category should not include houseboys/girls who fall under category "1". If such a person worked on family business or agricultural holding they should be coded as "4" or "5" and not as "12". Please probe.
- Full?time student
This is a person who spent most of his/her time in a regular educational institution (primary, secondary, college, university etc.) and hence not available for work. If, for instance, a student was on holiday during the 7 days preceding the Census Nightand may have been engaged in gainful employment, he/she should be given the appropriate code (i.e. worked for pay, worked on own, family business etc.).
- Incapacitated
This is a person who cannot work. Do not assume that all physically disabled persons cannot work. For example, a blind person who is in wage employment will fall under category "1" and not "14". Similarly, lame/crippled persons working on the family business or agricultural holding should fall under category "4" or "5". Please probe.
- Other (specify)
This category includes any other persons not mentioned above.
NB: For persons aged below 5 years, leave column P42 blank. For respondents aged 5 years and above whose labor force participation status is not known or not stated, write "99".

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_NOWKREAS — Reason not looking for work
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15. Employment
For persons 12 years and over

17. Looking for work?
For unemployed persons 15 years and over

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

If yes,

[] 3 Ready to start work next two weeks

if no, specify the reason

[] 4 Absence of work
[] 5 Illness, disability
[] 6 Family reasons
[] 7 No need to work
[] 8 Other reasons

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Question 17. Is the person looking for a job? is to be completed for persons aged 15 and over who do not have any work or gainful business and are looking for a job.

Code 1 "Yes" is to be encircled for persons actively looking for work or trying to organize own business.

Specific steps to seek work include: registration at public employment services, application to employers, checking at enterprises and organizations, placing or answering newspaper advertisements, seeking assistance of friends or relatives, arranging for own business.
If a person questioned answered "Yes" and Code 1 is encircled for him/her accordingly, he/she is to answer the following question: are you available for work in the nearest two weeks? If the answer is "Yes", the enumerator is to encircle Code 3 and go to question 18.

If a person questioned answered "No" and Code 2 is encircled for him/her accordingly, the enumerator is to encircle the code corresponding to one of reasons of not looking for a job out of codes 4 to 8:
Code 4 to be encircled for persons not seeking work because of its absence.
Code 5 to be encircled for persons not seeking work because of illness, disability or bad health status.
Code 6 to be encircled for persons not seeking work for family reasons (care for children or sick relatives, household work, housekeeping).
Code 7 to be encircled for persons not seeking work because they consider work not necessary for them for different reasons.
Code 8 to be encircled for persons not seeking work for reasons other than those listed above.
It should be noted that Code 1 "Yes" in question 17 may be encircled also for persons under 15 years of age if they are, for family or other reasons, forced to seek congenial employment.

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_ACTIVITY — Employment status last week
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Section D. For all persons aged 10 years and above

18. What was (the respondent's) employment status during last week?

[] NA not applicable
[] 10 Employer
[] 20 Own account worker/ farmer
[] 31 Regular wage/ salary earner
[] 32 Causal worker
[] 40 Unpaid family worker
[] 50 Job seeking
[] 55 Job seeking for first time
[] 60 Homemaker/ housewife
[] 70 Retired
[] 80 Student
[] 90 Disabled
[] 95 Other
[] 99 Don't know
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4. Part D of the questionnaire

125. Column 18: Employment status during last week.
Please code according to list, enter NA for persons too young to work. Own account worker refers to a self-employed person

Code 32: Casual worker for a laborer who gets a piece-job casually.

Code 40: Unpaid family workers for all persons 10 years and over who worked without pay for three days or more in an establishment or farm operated by a member of their family.
This category of unpaid family workers includes the following:

(i) Wives who during the reference period worked at their husband's store or farm or other economic enterprise. If these wives are paid they should not be classified as unpaid family workers or homemakers.
(ii) Children aged 10 years and over who during the reference period helped in the father's or family members' farm or shop or assisted them on other economic activities such as fruit/vegetable selling.

126. Remember to exclude as unpaid family workers, all persons aged 10 years and over who helped family members in their farm, shop or business but were full-time students in educational institutions. The code is 80 for students. Job seekers coded 50 and 55 are persons who have been actively looking for a job and are still looking e.g. Making application or going from place to place asking.
If two answers are possible in this column give the status that claims most of his/her time.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_ACTIVITY — Economic activity in the last week
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Section E. Economic status
[For persons aged 10 years and above.]

24. What was (the respondent's) employment status during the previous week?

[] 10 Employer
[] 20 Own account worker/ farmer
[] 31 Regular wage/ salary earner
[] 32 Causal worker
[] 40 Unpaid family worker
[] 50 Job seeking
[] 55 Job seeking for first time
[] 60 Homemaker/ housewife
[] 70 Retired
[] 80 Student
[] 90 Disabled
[] 95 Other, specify ____
[] 99 Don't know
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Part D of the Questionnaire
For persons aged 2 years and over

94. Column 24: Employment Status during last week

Here ask for the work that occupies most time of each eligible member of the household and code according to list, enter 88 for persons too young to work. Own account worker refers to a self -employed person.
Code 32 casual workers for a laborer who gets a piece-job casually.
Code 40 unpaid family workers for all persons 10 years and over who worked without pay for three days or more in an establishment or farm operated by a member of their family.
This category of unpaid family worker includes the following:-
(i) Wives who during the reference period worked at their husband's store or farm or other economic enterprise. If these wives are paid they should not be classified as unpaid family workers or housewives.
(ii) Children aged 10 years and over, who during the reference period helped in the father's or family member's farm, shop or assisted them on other economic activities such as fruit/vegetable selling.
Remember to exclude as unpaid family workers, all persons aged 10 years and over who helped family members in their farm, shop or business, but were full-time students in educational institutions. The code is 80 for students.
Housewives are persons who are only engaged in household activities.
Homemakers are persons who are considered active; they do household activities as well as other income generating activities such as selling vegetables from the backyard gardens. Enumerators have to probe in order to find out these extra activities.
Job seekers coded 50 and 55 are persons who have been actively looking for a job and are still looking e.g. Making application or going from place to place asking. Code 50 are people who once worked but are currently out of a job and actively looking for a job. While, code 55 are people who never worked, but are currently looking for a job.
If two answers are possible in this column give status that claims most of his/her time.

Liberia 2008 — source variable LR2008A_EMPSTAT — Activity status
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Persons 6 years and over

P21. Economic Activity

What was [the respondent] doing mainly, during past one year (12 months)?

Malaysia 1991 — source variable MY1991A_WHYNOT — Reason not seeking job
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[Questions C1-27 were asked of persons who live in their households on Census Days.]

For person aged 10 years and above (Date of birth before/on 14 of August, 1981)
[Questions 18-27 are asked of those who lived in their households on Census Days and 10 years old or above.]

C22. What is the main reason for not seeking work?

[Question C22 was asked of persons who did not work at least 1 hour during the last 7 days, did not have any work to return to, and did not look for work during the last 7 days.]

[] 01 Believe no suitable job available
[] 02 Bad weather
[] 03 Sick/Confinement
[] 04 Will start new job
[] 05 Waiting for answers to job applications/have looked for work prior to last 7 days
[] 06 No qualification
[] 07 Still schooling
[] 08 Housewife
[] 09 Going for further studies
[] 10 Handicapped/disabled
[] 11 Not interested
[] 12 Retired/Too old
[] 13 Too young
[] 14 Others (specify) ____

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Questions C18-C27

General Guidelines

Who should be asked?
(i) These questions (C18-C27) should be asked for persons aged 10 years and above, that is, those who were born before or on 14 August 1981.
Refer to Question C5 to find out the date of birth. For persons whose birth dates are 14 August 1981 or earlier, Questions C18-C27 must be asked.
If no information is provided for C5, refer to Question C6. For persons who are 10 years or more, Question C18 - C27 must be asked.

(ii) For Questions C25 and C26, if possible, obtain the information from the household members directly so that more detailed information may be given.

Reference Period
The reference period for Question C18-C27 refer to the 7 days prior to the day of the interview.

To determine the reference period, refer to the calendar provided in Document 7 (Thank You Card).

If the interview was conducted on 15 August 1991, the information required should be based on the period 8-14 August 1991.

Question C22
[Question C22 of the enumeration form is not presented here.]

To find out the reason why the person did not look for work.

Believe there is no suitable job available (Code 01)
This is a personal opinion. Some respondents believe that there is no job or suitable job for them.

Bad Weather (Code 2)
A person who did not look for work might be prevented from doing so because of weather conditions such as heavy rain, drought, heat, etc.


Sick/Confinement (Code 03)
Illness or injury must be of a temporary condition. A person cannot be marked Code 03 solely on the basis that he/she has fallen ill/in confinement during the last 7 days before the interview data. You have to check with the respondent that he/she would have looked for work if he/she has not fallen ill.

Will start new job (Code 04)
This category refers to a person who is waiting to start a job (with pay/salary) scheduled to begin within 30 days from the date of interview. Do not mark "X" in this box for person who is waiting to begin his own business, farm, or professional practice.

Waiting for answers to job applications/have looked for work prior to the last seven days (Code 05)
Some respondents might have looked for work prior to the reference period. If they say that they are now awaiting results of applications made prior to the reference period, mark this code for them.

No qualification (Code 06)
Some respondents might feel that they do not have enough qualification to meet the job. As a result, they feel they are unemployable and so do not make an attempt to look for work.

Still Schooling (Code 07)
This refers to students who study full time or part-time at an institution or through correspondence at home.

Housewife (Code 08)
For persons who stay at home to look after the house. The person can be a male or female.

Going for further studies (Code 09)
A person could be waiting/making preparations to continue further studies and hence not interested in looking for work.


Handicapped/disabled (Code 10)
This category includes those who are unemployed or not interested in work due to either physical or mental handicap or disability.
This disability must be of a permanent nature. Disregard those who were temporarily disabled as a result of a mishap, and should be categorized under Code 03.

Not interested (Code 11)
This code is marked for persons who state that they are not interested to work.

Retired/too old (Code 12)
This code is meant for persons who said they have retired either by option or compulsion.
This category should include old people.

Too young (Code 13)
This category is for those who said they do not qualify for work because they are too young.

Others (Code 14)
If a person gives reason other than those started above, you should mark this code. This includes those who are waiting to begin their own business or professional practice.

How to ask the question

Ask this question as follows:
"What is the main reason ____ (member's name) did not seek for work?"

How to record the answer
Mark only one of the relevant boxes and go to Question C23.

Malaysia 2000 — source variable MY2000A_WHYNOT — Reasons not seeking work
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Question C17 - C29 for person aged 10 years and above

C24. What is the main reason for not seeking work?

[Question C24 is asked of persons who were not working, had no job to return to and did not look for work during the last 7 days.]

[] 01 Believe no suitable job available/ bad weather/sick/confinement/will start new job/waiting for answers to job applications/no qualification
[] 02 Housewife
[] 03 Still schooling
[] 04 Going for further studies
[] 05 Handicapped/ disabled
[] 06 Not interested
[] 07 Retired/ too old
[] 08 Too young
[] 09 Others (Specify) ____

(End interview for this person*)

*In Sabah, W.P. Labuan and Sarawak, go to question C28 for ever married woman.

Mauritius 1990 — source variable MU1990A_WKAVAIL — Available for work last week
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In strict confidence
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Central Statistical Office

Population Census

Night of 1-2 July 1990

For persons aged 12 years and over:

27 Type of activity ____

Was the person available for work during the past week?
Write 'yes' or 'no'.

If 'no', give reason as follows:
[] HH - household duties
[] ST - studies
[] DIS - illness, injury, or disability
[] WR - wholly retired
[] Other, specify ____
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Stop at column 18 for children under 2 years of age
Note that columns 19-21 are for persons aged 2 years and over

Column 27
Availability for work
If the person was available for work during the past week, write 'yes'.
If the person was not available for work, write 'no' and give the reason as follows:

HH- for a person who was engaged in or helping with household duties in his/her own home.
ST - for a person who was studying.
DIS - for a person who was sick, injured or disabled.
WR - for a wholly retired person.
[Next Page]
Other - for a person who was not available for work because of other reasons; details should be given, e.g. person was a rentier, or a child not going to school and too young to work.

Mauritius 2000 — source variable MU2000A_WKAVAIL — Available for work during past week
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[Population census form]

For persons aged 12 years and over:
[Column 22 to 34 were asked of persons aged 12 years and older.]

Type of activity
[Questions 23 through 26 relate to the type of activity a person is involved with. These questions were asked of persons aged 12 year and older.]

26. Was the person available for work during the past week?

Write 'yes' or 'no'.

[] Yes
[] No

If 'no', give reason as follows:
[] HH - household duties
[] ST - studies
[] DIS - illness, injury, or disability
[] WR - wholly retired
[] OTHER - other (specify)
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7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form

Column 26 - Availability for work
If the person was available for work during the past week, write 'Yes'.
If the person was not available for work, write 'No' and give the reason as follows:

HH: for a person who was engaged in or helping with household duties in his/her own home;
ST: for a person who was studying;
DIS: for a person who was sick, injured or disabled;
WR: for a wholly retired person;
OTHER: for a person who was not available for work because of other reasons; details should be given, e.g. person was a rentier, or a child not going to school and too young to work.

Mauritius 2011 — source variable MU2011A_WKREAS — Reason not working
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Individual form

[Question P23 to P34 for persons aged 12 years and over]

P27. Availability for work

State if, during the past 4 weeks, the person was available for work.

[] Y: Yes
[] N: No
If [No], give reason as follows:
[] 1 Household Duties
[] 2 Studies
[] 3 Disability, illness, injury
[] 4 Wholly retired
[] 5 Other - specify____
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P24, P25, P26 and P27 - Current Activity
The questions on type of activity during the past week (current activity), coupled with others, provide detailed information on the geographical distribution and characteristics of the employed and unemployed population. The information is of fundamental importance for making manpower projections and for formulating programs aimed at making the most effective use of the human resources of the country.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P27 - Availability for work
[figure omitted]

If the person was available for work during the past week, shade box "Y" and go to question P28- When last worked.

If the person was not available for work during the past week, shade box "N" and give the reason by shading the appropriate box. Please note that

- 1 Household duties applies to a person who was engaged in or helping with household duties in his/her own home;
- 2 Studies applies to a person who was studying;
- 3 Disability, illness, injury applies to a person who was sick, injured or disabled;
- 4 Wholly retired applies to a wholly retired person;
- 5 Other applies to a person who was not available for work because of other reasons. In this case, write the reason in the adjacent boxes e.g. person not interested to work, child not going to school and too young to work, etc. An example is given below.

[figure omitted]

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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Ask only if the person is twelve years old or more

13. Principal activity

Last week, this person: Mark with an X one circle only.

[ ] 1 Worked
[ ] 2 Had a job but didn't work
[ ] 3 Looked for work
[ ] 4 Is a student
[ ] 5 Does housework
[ ] 6 Retired
[ ] 7 Permanently incapacitated to work
[ ] 8 Didn't work for other reasons

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions for persons who are twelve years old or more.

Questions: 11. Number of children; 12. Civil status; 13. Principal activity; 14. Principal Occupation; 15. Labor situation; 16. Hours; 17. Economic activity and 18. Income, will only be asked if the person about whom you are requesting information is 12 years old or more. If the person is a man, continue directly with the question about civil status. If the person is a woman, ask question 11. Number of children.

13. Principal activity

With this question you want to know the type of activity that the person was engaged in the week before the census, which means the week from March 5 to 11, 1990.

If the person carried out any type of economic activity, which means that he/she worked for an income, profit, pay, salary, days wages, or any other type of payment in money or goods, mark:

Worked? [x] 1

-I work in my taxi.
-Here is your pay.
-I get paid in goods.
[End of illustration]

A person is paid in goods when instead of receiving money for his/her work, he/she receives, for example, products like beans, corn or other products.

For the purpose of the census, if a person carried out agricultural activities with the goal of obtaining products for his/her own consumption and consumption of his/her family, it is considered that:
Worked? [x] 1

If a person worked only a few hours a day, if he/she worked only a few days in the week or at least for one hour between March 5 to 11, 1990, you should mark:
Worked? [x] 1

If the person worked, in the week before the census, helping at a family business or shop without any pay, you should mark:
Worked? [x] 1

-I help my father for three hours a day in the carpentry shop.
[End of illustration]

If the person worked, in the week before the census, as an apprentice or assistant in a business, store, or shop, you should also mark:
Worked? [x] 1

-Look how he cuts hair.
[End of illustration]

The answer 'had work, but did not work' should be marked if the person, during the week before the census, had work but:

-Was waiting to begin or continue farm labor.
-If the person was sick or temporarily incapacitated for work.
-If the person was one strike, on a work stoppage, or taking care of urgent personal business.
-Was on vacation, had an excuse or permission to not go to work.

In all of these cases, mark the option:
Had a job, but did not work? [x] 2

Had a job, but did not work? [x] 2
Had a job, but did not work? [x] 2
[End of illustrations]

If the person actively looked for work in the week of March 5 to 11, 1990, mark:
Looked for work? [x] 3

Actively look for work means to fill out applications, look in the newspapers, go to places that offer work or ask friends or relatives if they know about any jobs.

A person can have employment and look for another job. If the person worked and looked for another job in the week of March 5 to 11, 1990, you should only mark:
Worked? [x] 1

Under no circumstances should you mark two answers.

Looked for work? [x] 3
[End of illustration]

If the person spent time exclusively as a student, dedicated to household chores, is retired or pensioned, is incapacitated permanently for work, or did not work for another reason, such as has rent income, savings, investments or is supported by another person, you should mark the corresponding answer.

Did housework in his/her home? [x] 5
[End of illustration]

In all of these cases you should be sure, before you mark the corresponding answer, that the person did not work, which means that he/she did not carry out any economic activity. If the person worked and also studied; or worked and also did household chores; or worked and is pensioned, you should only mark:
Worked? [x] 1

Remember that you should only mark one answer.

If the person answers for the week before the census:

If he/she answers:
Worked? [x] 1
Had a job but did not work? [x] 2
Ask the following questions:

You should ask the questions: 14. Principal occupation; 15. Labor situation; 16. Hours; 17. Economic activity; and 18. Income.

The questions of Principal Occupation, Labor situation, hours and Economic Activity refer to the job that the person carried out during the week before the census.

I work as a flower vendor. I do not have an employer, I am self-employed. I work everyday, Monday through Sunday, from 8 in the morning until 6 P.M.. I sell my flowers in the street, on the street called "September 16", and I make about two hundred thousand pesos biweekly.

14. Principal occupation
What is the job, post or position that you have at your principal occupation?
Flower vendor
Write the name.

What are the tasks or functions that you do in your job?
Sell flowers
Write the tasks.

15. Work situation
The person in his/her work is?
Mark only one circle
Employee or worker? [ ] 1
Day laborer or salaried laborer? [ ] 2
Self-employed? [x] 3
Employer or businessman [ ] 4
Unpaid worker in a family business or property? [ ] 5

16. Hours
How many hours total did you work last week?

Write the number

17. Economic activity
What is the primary activity of the business, lot, company, institution or place where you worked?

To sell flowers
Write the primary activity

Where did you work?
For example: in the fields, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop

In the street
Write the place where he/she worked

18. Income
How does this person earn for his/her work?
Write only one answer in numbers

Weekly [__] 1
Biweekly [200,000] 2
Monthly [__] 3
Yearly [__] 4
Mark with an x
Does not receive income [ ] 0

-I am a seamstress, I make dresses and blouses for my clients here in my house. I work six hours a day and I rest on Saturdays and Sundays. I make about eighty thousand pesos a week.

14. Principal occupation
What is the job, post, or position that you have at your principal occupation?
Seamstress of dresses and blouses
Write the name.

What are the tasks or functions that you do in your job?
Sew and cut blouses and dresses
Write the tasks.

15. Work situation
The person in his/her work is?
Mark only one circle
Employee or worker? [ ] 1
Day laborer or salaried laborer? [ ] 2
Self-employed? [x] 3
Employer or businessman [ ] 4
Unpaid worker in a family business or property? [ ] 5

16. Hours
How many hours total did you work last week?

Write the number

17. Economic activity
What is the primary activity of the business, lot, company, institution or place where you worked?

To cut and sew blouses and dresses
Write the primary activity

Where did you work?
For example: in the fields, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop

At home
Write the place where he/she worked

18. Income
How does this person earn for his/her work?
Write only one answer in numbers

Weekly [80,000] 1
Biweekly [__] 2
Monthly [__] 3
Yearly [__] 4
Mark with an x
Does not receive income [ ] 0

[End of illustration]

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For people 12 years old or older
[Applies to questions 7.1 and 7.2]

Condition of activity
7.1 Last week, did (Name):

Read the options until getting an affirmative answer.

[] 1 Work? Go to 7.3.
[] 2 Not work, but had a job? Go to 7.3.
[] 3 Look for work?
[] 4 (Name) a student?
[] 5 Does (Name) do chores in the household?
[] 6 Is (Name) retired or pensioned?
[] 7 Is (Name) permanently disabled from working? Go to 7.10
[] 8 Does (Name) not work?
[] 9 Does not know

Condition of activity ____
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VII Economic characteristics

In this section some of the economic characteristics of the population of work age (12 years old or older) are found out; which are related to socio-demographic and cultural information about the population, that permit us to know the socioeconomic situation of people and households.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The information obtained in this section permits us to know, in a specific reference period (the week before the interview), how the work force [p. 119] in the country is formed, that is, who worked or looked for work; about the first jobs, what is done in the occupation, how many hours are worked, what are the incomes, the relation with the employer, etc.

Also in the population of 12 years old or older it is meant to distinguish who receives income by different sources at the job and the importance of these perceptions.

7.1 Condition of activity

With this question, people 12 completed years old or older, who have done any economic activity in the week before the interview are distinguished from those who did not because they did non-economic activities.

Economic activity is understood to be every action meant to produce goods (growing corn, raising animals, growing trees, extracting minerals, making furniture, clothes, machinery, etc) and doing any service for the market (repairing vehicles, teaching classes, selling and distributing different products, preparing and serving food, transporting people and cargo, generating and distributing water and electricity, offering medical services, etc.) Also, agricultural production and the raising of animals for the consumption of members of the household are included.

Non-economic activity is understood to be those done to satisfy personal and family needs, like studying, doing domestic chores in their own household, among others. Also activities of personal interest (free services or volunteers in the community, participation in clubs, workshops or recreation associations) are included here also not doing anything for many reasons.

When an informant declares that the person did economic activities and also non --economic, register the information referring to the economic activity that was done. For example, if it is a homemaker who, as well as doing chores in the household, works, register that the person worked. So also, write down option 3 in the case of a student who the week before the interview, aside from studying, actively looked for a job.

[p. 120]

Below the nine answer options in this question are described.


In this option, people who worked or helped to work at least an hour a week the week before the date of the interview, in an institution, company, business or family piece of land, in the street, among others, are classified, it is not important if they received a payment or remuneration or not.

Also in this option students who did social service in the reference week are classified, receiving a remuneration or bonus or not for the activity they did.

Also, include people who helped in agricultural activities or in the raising of animals for their sale, work in the field or consumption by members of the household.

Also in this category people who in the reference week attended their business, even when no one has hired their service or bought their products.

Did not work, but had a job?...2

It is understood to be people who have a job but did not work in the reference week for any of the following reasons:

- Sickness or accident (temporary incapacity).
- On leave, on military leave, or vacation for a definite time (for example a person on maternity leave).
- Strike or work stoppage in the place of work.
- Breakdown of machinery, equipment, instruments or work vehicles.
- Lack of primary material for doing a job.
- Interruption of work because of bad weather, lack of rain, etc.
- Waiting for the beginning or season of harvest or other agricultural labor.

The characteristic of people classified here is that their absence did not break the tie with their employer (that is, they are not unemployed) and because of that, they have the security of returning to their place of work as soon as the days of leave, vacation, incapacity, restarting the agricultural cycle (seeding, growing and harvesting), of waiting to receive material or resources for production are concluded.

Also in this option those who in the week before the interview carried out a community or social activity and because of it did not work but did have a job, are included. For example: farmers who form part of any commission in their cooperative or community.

[p. 121]

When an informant gives an affirmative answer to option 1 (worked) or option 2 (did not work, but did have a job), write down the corresponding code and go to question 7.3 Occupation or office.

Looked for work?...3

It refers to people who during the week before the date of the interview, actively looked for work, like looking in the newspaper, visiting companies or employment agencies, asking friends about any jobs, doing procedures to begin or open a business, etc.

Also the following people are included in this option:

Those who have looked for work, but during the reference week did not do it for any reason: for example: got sick, cared for a family member, etc.

Those who are about to begin to work or have begun to work the week of the interview, although in the reference week had not looked for work.

Is a student?...4

It finds the people who are enrolled in or attend an educational institution with the goal of receiving education, either in the basic system of education (primary and secondary), middle (high school), or superior (professional) or in any level of technical or commercial education.

Does chores in the household?...5

It is understood to be people who are dedicated to the care and attention of their household. Also in this option family members who help in the labors of the household are classified.

Is retired or pensioned?...6

They are people who receive an income or pension (because of years of work, advanced age, or because they had a work accident) by part of any social security institution (like IMSS or IMSSSTE) or companies where they provided their services and currently do not work.

Is permanently disabled from working?...7

They are people who cannot do a job or economic activity because of a physical or mental problem or impediment.

[p. 122]

When an informant gives an affirmative answer to this option, write down the corresponding number and go to question 7.10 Other incomes.

Does not work?...8

In this option they are understood to be people who did not do any economic activity among which the following can be found:

People of an advance age who are not retired or pensioned.

People who live from rents or bank interests. If they mention to you that the person lives from the rent of houses, buildings, tenement houses, among others, but also does administration of its goods other its business (collects rent, writes bills, arranges permits, etc) classify in option 1 worked?

People who support in a voluntary form beneficiary activities (National volunteer) or affiliates of any political, social, religious or civil organization. If the activity is done as work and they receive a payment, they are classified in option 1 worked?

People who ask for charity and do not do anything (bums), did not look for work.

Classify in option 1, people who give as an answer any situation like, did domestic chores in their household, but also sold fruit; studied in the morning and helped a carpenter in the afternoon; is pensioned, but sells cosmetics. Give preference to the condition of economic activity, even when the person does few hours or did not receive income for the work done.

Does not know 9

If after reading all options, the person does not know the information, write down code 9 Does not know.

It is important to point out that when an informant selects any of the options 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 or 9, ask question 7.2 Verification of condition of activity

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_ECONACT — Economic activity status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For persons twelve years old or more

22. Economic activity status

Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response.
Circle only one answer.

Last week, this person:

1 Worked (Continue with question 24)
2 Had a job but didn't work (Continue with question 24)
3 Looked for work
4 Is a student
5 Does housework
6 Retired
7 Permanently incapacitated to work (Continue with question 31)
8 Didn't work

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22. Condition of Activity and 23. Verification of Activity

These questions identify those people who worked the previous week, as well as those who did not work.

For the purposes of the census, a person worked the week before the census if, for at least one hour, they carried out activities for the production or elaboration of some product or for performing some service. It is also considered work if they carried out agricultural or livestock activities for family consumption.

[Depiction of these two completed questions on the enumeration form]

[P. 77]

Ask the question regarding condition of activity of all people 12 years old or older, to find out if they worked, had a job but did not work, sought work, are a student, dedicated themselves to household chores in their own home, are retired or drawing a pension, are permanently unable to work, or simply did not work.

Take into account that option 1. Did you work? and 2. Do you have a job, but did not work? are for people who had a job during the previous week.

[2 Drawings representing option 1]

When you ask did you work? And they respond that the person works on household chores in their own household, circle the code for option 5. Did you dedicate yourself to household chores?

If the person did not work because they were on vacation, was on medical leave, the machinery was broken, there were no basic materials, or they were waiting for the rainy season to begin to plant, consider the person as having a job, but did not work.

[2 Drawings representing this last condition]

[P. 78]

Ask the question verification of activity only of people who did not have a job the previous week (options 3 thru 6 and 8 for the question condition of activity).

This question is asked in order to find out if the person carried out any of the activities mentioned, regardless of whether they spend very little time doing them, earn little or nothing, carry them out on the street, in private homes, or in their own house.

In reading this question, change what is in parentheses to what the person reported in condition of activity.


Besides being a student, did Lorenzo help with a family business during the past week?

[Depiction of this completed question on the enumeration form, and a related drawing]

In mentioning the options you can use examples from your region.

Once you have recorded in condition of activity that the person worked (option 1) or had a job but did not work (option 2) last week, or that they carried out some activity included in verification of activity, options 1 thru 5, continue with questions 24 thru 30 in order to find out the type of work that they performed.

For people who reported in the question on condition of activity that during the past week they had a job but did not work (option 2) ask for the characteristics of the work that they normally do.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For person age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

26. Activity status
Now I'm going to ask you about employment status.
Last week, [the respondent]:

Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer and then circle only one code.

[] 1 Worked (for at least one hour) (go to 28)
[] 2 Had a job but didn't work (go to 28)
[] 3 Looked for work
[] 4 Receives a pension or is retired
[] 5 Is a student
[] 6 Does housework
[] 7 Has a permanent physical or mental disability which prevents him/her from working (go to 35)
[] 8 Had a status other than those listed above

27. Verification of activity status
Even though you told me that [the respondent] (answer to 26), last week did [the respondent]:
[Question 27 was asked of persons age 12 or older who did not work last week and were not disabled, per question 26.]

Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer and then circle only one code.

[] 1 Help in a business (family or non-family)?
[] 2 Sell a product?
[] 3 Make a product for sale?
[] 4 Help in field work or raising animals?
[] 5 Do any other type of activity for pay? Examples are washing or ironing for someone else, or childcare.
[] 6 Was an apprentice or completing his social service?
[] 7 Did not help or work (go to 35)

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For persons age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 are for persons age 12 or older]

26. Activity status, 27. Verification of activity status

For better operation of the questions in this category, it's important that you emphasize the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask you about your labor situation", since this will help the informer understand the new theme. Read this phrase before asking question 26.

This question seeks to find out which of the people who inhabit the dwelling worked the week prior to the data collection.

[p. 108]

Consider that a person worked if:

  • He/she completed some economic activity for more than one hour the week prior to the data collection in exchange for an income, salary, earnings, wages, or other form of pay in terms of money or goods (like beans, corn, or other products).
  • He/she participated or helped in the collaboration or sale of agricultural, herding, self-sufficient
  • activities, construction, or some other economic activity.
  • He/she was in training or doing an internship
  • He/she completed some economic activity without receiving a salary.
  • The business is or is not part of the family, it is or is not part of his/her property, it does or does not have installations, or if he/she worked on his/her own.

Circle code 2 of question 26, when the person did have work but didn't go to work because:
  • He/she had medical leave or maternity leave.
  • He/she was on vacation.
  • There were not primary resources or the machinery wasn't working.
  • He/she was waiting for the rainy season to start working in the field.
  • There was a technical stop in the work or he/she didn't go for other reasons.

[p. 109]

When this is the case, investigate the characteristics of the job that he/she normally completes. If the person completed more than a month at the job, ask which was his/her primary task, as recognized as such by the informer or the worker. If he/she has some doubt, ask which of those tasks is the most important? If the doubt persists, investigate to which task he/she dedicated the most time the last week.

Circle code 3 when the person already found work but the week previous to the data collection still hadn't started to work.

When the person, in addition to work, studied or did chores around the house, consider that he/she did work, even though he/she dedicated more hours to studying or the household chores.

Ask question 27 only if the people in question 26 expressed not having a job the week before the data collection.

Keep in mind that the options for question 27 are activities that people generally don't consider as work.

For example:
Interviewer: "Now I'm going to ask you about your labor situation. Did you work last week?"
Informer: "No, I didn't work".
Interviewer: "You had work, but you didn't work?"
Informer: "No".
Interviewer: Did you look for work?
Informer: "No, sir, I'm a housewife".
Interviewer: "Then, you dedicate yourself to the household chores?"
Informer: "Yes, that's right".
Interviewer: "Even though you told me that you dedicate your time to the household chores, did you help with the family business last week?"
Informer: "Well, sometimes I take out my stove and sell quesadillas here outside, to help us a little with the expenses".
Interviewer: "Last week you sold quesadillas".
Informer: "Yes, only on Tuesday".

[Illustration of form shows code 6, "Housework" for Question 26, and code 2 "Sells product" for Question 27.]

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_EMPSTAT — Employment status last week
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
28. Work
Did [the respondent] work last week?

[] 1 Yes [skip to question 30]
[] 3 No

29. Other activities
So, last week [the respondent]:
[Read the options and circle one code]

[] 1 Made or sold any product
[] 2 Help in a business (of family or other people)
[] 3 Raised animals or harvested anything (in their land or house, for own consumption or sale)
[] 4 Offered a service for payment (carried bags, washed cars, took care of children, etcetera)
[] 5 Worked in his/her own business
[] 6 Had a job, but did not work (due to leave of absence, medical leave, or vacations)
[] 7 Looked for a job [skip to 41]
[] 8 Is a student [skip to 41]
[] 9 Is retired or on a pension [skip to 41]
[] 10 Works on household chores [skip to 41]
[] 11 Has a physical or mental limitation that impedes him/her to work [skip to 41]
[] 12 Did not work [skip to 41]
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28. Work and 29. Other Activities
Both questions identify if people worked the week prior to the interview, i.e., the period from Monday to Saturday of last week.

[Figures are omitted]

In question 28 "Work", circle 1 when people answer "yes" and go to question 30 "Name of occupation". If the answer is "no", circle code 3 and apply question 29 "Other activities", which identifies if the person worked last week even when sometimes people believe that their activities do not form part of a job.

Consider that a person worked when he/she:

[] Worked for an hour or more during last week.
[] Developed, manufactured, drew up, knitted, or made any product for sale or offered any service such as cutting hair, teaching, making repairs, among others.
[] Cultivated grains or vegetables, raised large or small animals for sale, or sale its derivatives (egg, milk, or wool) or for subsistence of the family.
[] Participated in the building of his/her own home (all or partially).
[] Received a payment in cash or in-kind, regardless of whether it was much or little.
[] Worked in a business, company, or self-employed with or without a place for it, even in a private house, street, or elsewhere.
[] Helped or collaborated with or without payment to do any of the activities mentioned above.
[] Was apprenticed or performed a social service.

The activities contained in options 1 to 6 in question 29 "other activities" correspond to jobs; options 7 to 11 are used to identify people who looked for a job and those that did not work for different reasons.

To have a proper record of the response, consider the following information for question 29:

[] Circle the corresponding code when the person offered a service, produced or made a product with the intention of selling it, but the week before the interview he/she did not sell or somebody else sold it.
[] Select code 6 when the person had a job but did not work because he/she was on vacations, had medical leave or maternity care, was waiting for the rainy season to start field work, he/she did not have raw material or the machinery was broken but he/she still received a pay.
[] If the person started to work the week of the interview, circle code 7 "looked for a job".
[] Circle code 10 for housewives who only performed housework at their own homes.
[] Circle code 11 "do you have any physical or mental impairment that prevents you from working?" when the informant mentions that his/her limitation is permanent and prevents him/her from working.

If someone states that had two or more jobs during the week preceding the interview, ask him/her to indicate the main job. If the person has doubts, ask for the job in which the person spent more hours. Then, you will refer to this main job for all related questions.

If you circled a choice between 1 and 6, continue with question 30 "Name of occupation"; if the answer is from codes 7 to 12, go to question 41 "Activities without payment".

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_EMPSTAT — Employment status last week
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Continue if the person is 12 years of age or older

30. Employment condition: The following questions are about your employment situation. Last week, did [the respondent]:

Read the options until you get an affirmative answer and circle one code only

[] 1 Work (for at least one hour) (go to 32)
[] 2 Have a job, but did not work? (go to 32)
[] 3 Look for job?
[] 4 Is [the respondent] pensioned or retired
[] 5 Is [the respondent] a student
[] 6 Does [the respondent] do housework
[] 7 Does [the respondent] have any permanent physical or mental limitations that prevent him/her from working? (go to 44)
[] 8 Was [the respondent] in a different situation from those just mentioned?

31. Verification of employment status: Although you already stated that [the respondent] [answer of 30], last week, did [the respondent]:

Read the options until you get an affirmative answer and circle one code only

[] 1 Help in a business (family or non-family)
[] 2 Sell any products
[] 3 Make any products to sell
[] 4 Help with farm work or raising animals
[] 5 Perform another type of activity in exchange for payment? For example: washed or ironed other people's clothes, took care of children
[] 6 Serve as an apprentice or do social service
[] 7 Did not help or work (go to 44)
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15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

30. Activity condition and 31. Activity condition verification
These questions aim to identify the population aged 12 and older who worked the week prior to the interview (Monday through Sunday).

Slowly, read the sentence: Now I am going to ask about employment status, with the intention of letting the respondent know that he/she will be asked about a different topic.
Question 30. Activity status.

You have the purpose of knowing the population of 12 years of age or older that in the week prior to the survey worked; had a job, but did not work; looked for work; is pensioner or retired; is a student; was engaged in household chores; is permanently unable to work; or carried out a different activity.

[p. 366]

Read the question using the person's name, for example: "Last week, did (NAME) work, did he/she have a job, but didn't work," and so on, until you get an affirmative answer. Between each option, allow time for the respondent to provide you with the answer.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Consider that a person worked and circle code 1, when he/she:

- Worked at least one hour the week prior to the survey.
- Participated or assisted in the processing or sale of any agricultural or livestock product or other economic activity; including those who carried out this activity for self-consumption.
- Manufactured, made up, or elaborated any other product for sale, such as furniture, clothing, and footwear, among others.
- Provided any type of service, such as food sales, medical, educational, tourism, banking, surveillance, etc.
- Worked on "the construction site" or in the construction of his/her own housing unit (completely or. partially).
- Received a payment or earnings in cash or in kind, regardless of whether it was a lot or a little.
- Performed work in a company or business, regardless of whether or not it is family-owned or not; whether or not it is owned; whether or not it has facilities; or whether it is carried out in a private home, on the street, or elsewhere.
- Was an apprentice or provided social services.
- Performed any of the economic activities mentioned above or others, regardless of whether or not a salary was received.

Circle code 2. He/she had work but didn't work when he/she:

- Had medical leave or maternal or paternal care.
- Was on vacation.
- There was no raw material or the machinery was out of order.
- He/she was waiting for the rainy season to start working on the farm.
- There was a technical strike at his/her work or he/she did not attend for other reasons.

Remember that, if the respondent mentions that last week he/she had a job, but did not work for some reason, in the following questions you should inquire about the characteristics of the work he/she normally performs.

When the person already got a job, but the week before the interview had not yet started working, consider the person as he/she searched for a job and circle Code 3. He/she searched for a job.

[p. 367]

The activities listed in codes 4 to 8 are not economic: Are you a pensioner or retiree?
Are you a student? Do you do housework? Do you have any permanent physical or mental limitation that prevents you from working? and He/she was in another situation different from the previous ones. These options are only circled when the respondent so states.

When the respondent indicates that the person, in addition to working, studied or did household chores, he/she considers that he/she worked, even if he/she spent more hours studying or doing household chores.

If you circled code 1. He/she worked or 2. He/she had a job but he/she did not work, continue to question 32. Occupation name. If the answer was 3. He/she searched for a job?, 4. Is he/she a pensioner or retired?, 5. Is he/she a student?, 6. Is he/she dedicated to household chores? or 8. If he/she was in a different situation other than the above mentioned, apply question 31. Verification of activity condition.

In case the respondent mentions that the person did not work because he/she has a permanent physical or mental limitation, circle code 7 and continue with question 44. Children born alive.

Please note that the options in question 31. Activity status verification refers to work or activities that people generally do not consider as work.

When applying the question, read slowly each of the activities contained in options 1 to 6 and select the code that corresponds to what the respondent indicates.

If you circled any option between 1 and 6 in question 31. verification of activity condition, continue with question 32. Occupation name.

In case you get a negative answer to all of the above options, circle code 7. Did not assist or work and skip to question 44. Children born alive.

Only if the respondent states that any of the residents had two or more jobs the week before the interview, he/she is asked to indicate which one he/she considers the main one; and with respect to this one, all the related questions are applied. If in doubt, ask which one he/she spent the most hours on.

[p. 368]


Interviewer: Did Luis (13-year-old) work last week?

Respondent: No, he goes to school.

Interviewer: Although you already told me that Luis has been studying, did he help in a store last week, did he sell any products?

Respondent: Yes, he went to sell flowers, but he only goes for a little while.

Interviewer: Was it more than an hour last week?

Respondent: Yes, about 2 hours a day.

Interviewer: So, for census purposes, Luis will be considered to have worked last week.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

The following images show different activities that people do not commonly consider as work. The question Activity verification is applied to recover these activities as economic.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 369]

The questions activity condition and verification of activity condition are presented in the census manager as follows:

[Figure omitted: images with text]

Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_UNEMP — Reason for not working
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 16-18 were asked of persons age 15+ who worked during last week.]

19. Why haven't you been working?

[Question 19 was asked of persons age 15+ who had not worked during last week, per Question 15.]

[] 1 Studying
[] 2 On pension/retired
[] 3 Disabled
[] 4 Home duties
[] 5 No work available
[] 6 Looking for a job
[] 7 Other

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 19

Why have you not been working?

This Question should be asked to a person who answered "No" to Question number 15.
The enumerator should talk with the enumerating person about his unemployment and reason, and circle only one code.

[p. 29]

a. Studying-1
People who are not working due to her or his participation to the any educational institutions such as secondary school, occupational school and institutions. This Question is different than Question number 13 in its purpose. The purpose of Question number 13 is to determine the attendance of primary and secondary school. But the purpose of Question number 19 is to clarify the reason why he or she is not working.

b. "On pension, benefit-2"
People who are not working and retired due to physical conditions and old ages get support from government such as superannuation and pensions, will be included in this group.

c. "Disabled-3"
People who are not working due to disability will be included in this group. Also people who are not at the work place in the last seven days before the census due to sickness and who have a labor contract with employees and return to work.

d. "Household duties-4"
People who are not working due to nursing children, sick and old people, will be included in this group. Also people who are not at the work place in the last seven days before the census due to sickness and who have work.

e. "No suitable job is available-5"
Persons who did not work and were looking for work in the last seven days before the census. This involved discouraged persons who are interested or available for work but didn't look for work in the last seven days because of being discouraged by failure to find a suitable job or of being unaware of how to search or perceiving that no suitable job is available.

f. "Looking for a job-6"
Persons who did not work in the last seven days before the census and looking for a job at the time of the census.

Reasons other than the above "A to E" will be included in this group.

Guideline to fill Questions number 15-19 of the Questionnaire

The enumerator should fill out the questions related to the employment and main activity of enterprise, with many details (not general) and make it easy to understand for coding people. In the employment section, if the person is a teacher, it should be clarified by asking what does he or she teaches? There is an example to make it more understandable.

A. The main activity of person should be detailed. For instance, the person would say his or her employment as a manager and should indicate his or her main activity as an "industry and trade". In this case, the enumerator should ask if he is a sales manager or general manager and at which division does he or she work for? What kind of economic activity does your enterprise do?

[p. 30]

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Advertisement manager
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Sale and production of salami and meat product
18. Employment status: Contract worker-1

It should be clarified by asking "Do you have salary? Do you own this enterprise? If he or she does not own this enterprise or contributed his or her own property to this enterprise, he or she will be defined as a contract worker.

2. If a person owns that enterprise, the main activity of the enterprise will remain the same as a "trade" and his or her employment would be a "sales person". It should be clarified with many details that trade is wholesale, retail trade or intellectual work trade. For instance, wholesale of vegetables, retail trade of shoes in the black market.

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Vegetables salesperson
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Wholesale trade of vegetables
18. Employment status: Contract worker-1

In this case, the person who works in the wholesale trade of vegetables as a salesperson is a contract worker because he or she gets paid working as a salesperson. It must be clarified that whose property is in this trade, if he or she did not contribute any property to this trade, he or she will be defined as a contract employer.

3. Occupational jobs should be clarified in a very detailed manner, too. If the person is an operator, it should be clarified what kind of machine or equipment operator does he or she do? For instance, the person who works at "Hotol cement" company as an operator, he or she should answer own employment as following:

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Equipment operator of cement production
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Cement company
18. Employment status: Cooperative member-4

In this case, it is understandable or certain, a person who works at a cement company as a paid employer and his or her employment status will be defined as a contract employer.

[p. 31]

B. Example to fill in the questions about employment of person who work at more than one job

1. If a person worked at more than one job one week prior to the reference period, the main job should be registered in the questionnaire. The main job is the one that was worked at the longest during the reference period (1 week) of the census. If the worked hours at both jobs is the same, then the job with the higher income will be registered in the questionnaire. For instance, accountant Ms. Dulmaa works at a commercial bank as a general accountant but also works at small private shop as a accountant, the main job will be a general accountant and the main economic activity will be registered as an "activity of monetary circulation".

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: General accountant
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Activity of monetary circulation
18. Employment status: Contract worker-1

In this case, Ms. Dulmaa works at the commercial bank as a general accountant and she is a contract worker. Because she gets paid working as a general accountant, it should be clarified whose property is in the commercial bank, and if she did not contribute any property to this bank, her employment will be defined as a contract employer.

C. An example to fill the questions about self-employed person.

1. Questions 15-18, related to the employment of person aged 15 and over who works at household businesses (livestock, farming etc) except the head of households, should be filled out as follows:

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Herder
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Livestock sector
18. Employment status: Unpaid family worker-5

People who do not get paid from their work in a household business should have their employment status defined as "unpaid family worker". The employment status of those people cannot be defined as "self-employed" because they are participating in their own household business but are not engaged with any industrial activity that is independent.

[p. 32]

2. If a person engages in the household business and hires any other household members permanently, the employment status of the head of household will be defined as a" employer" not self-employed.

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Owner
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Livestock sector
18. Employment status: Unpaid family worker-5

The employment status of the person who is engaged in retail trade, craftsman or service without any permission, will be filled out as "self-employed" because they are engaged with their own business that is independent. If a person says that he or she works at a car cleaning service, it should be clarified by asking, what kind of car does he/she clean, where does he or she work?

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Car cleaner
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Livestock sector
18. Employment status: Self-employed-3

Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_EMPLOYED — Current employment
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Persons aged 15 and over should answer.
[Questions 14-19 were asked of persons 15 and over.]

15. Have you worked during the last week?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [skip to question 19]

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Question 15

Did you work last week?

This question should be answered by the employed resident population aged 15 and over, and should be asked about their paid employment for the last 7 days prior to the census.

The code 1, which means "Yes" should be indicated under following circumstances: Namely,

1. All people who worked for payment for a week or at least for one day.

The employed population compromised of all working person irrespective of industrial sectors, type and ownership of all employees and occupational category and all persons involved in informal sector such as sales workers in open market and streets, shoe polishers, news-vendors, car washers, craftsman and collectors of raw materials.

2. The people who did not work at any time 7 days prior to the census, but has a labor contract with his or her employee and are not able to continue work after certain period.

a. People who are not at the workplace for various reasons such as on maternity leave, nursing children,
b. Vacation, sickness and seasonal cessation of work all of whom have a labor contract.
c. The people who have administrative permission with and without salary.
d. People who work at seasonal jobs and do not work in the winter time, such as those in agriculture, gold mining, construction, geology.
e. People who are not working temporarily due to industrial damage or strike.

[p. 24]

3. Employment of household members in household businesses such as herding and cropping are defined as following:

Households, engaged in a household business is defined as one which makes production for commercial purposes and own consumption. In the meantime, reflecting the country specific feature herding household was also included in this category.

Persons aged 15 and above who are engaged in household herding and do not earn from other jobs are defined as employed.

Persons other than the above mentioned such as students, pensioners and the disabled will be defined as employed if they engage in a household business and earn their financial resources from this business.

Persons such as a pensioner and disabled engaged with paid employment will be defined as employed.

Persons who study at all levels of school and courses and work at least one day during the past seven days, part-time.

Please ask question number 16, 17, 18 to the people who answered "Yes".

Go directly to the question number 19 (Why have you not been working?), if the person answers "No". The enumerator should get a more detailed answer if the person answers the question as "No".

Guideline to fill Questions number 15-19 of the Questionnaire

The enumerator should fill out the questions related to the employment and main activity of enterprise, with many details (not general) and make it easy to understand for coding people. In the employment section, if the person is a teacher, it should be clarified by asking what does he or she teaches? There is an example to make it more understandable.

A. The main activity of person should be detailed. For instance, the person would say his or her employment as a manager and should indicate his or her main activity as an "industry and trade". In this case, the enumerator should ask if he is a sales manager or general manager and at which division does he or she work for? What kind of economic activity does your enterprise do?

[p. 30]

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Advertisement manager
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Sale and production of salami and meat product
18. Employment status: Contract worker-1

It should be clarified by asking "Do you have salary? Do you own this enterprise? If he or she does not own this enterprise or contributed his or her own property to this enterprise, he or she will be defined as a contract worker.

2. If a person owns that enterprise, the main activity of the enterprise will remain the same as a "trade" and his or her employment would be a "sales person". It should be clarified with many details that trade is wholesale, retail trade or intellectual work trade. For instance, wholesale of vegetables, retail trade of shoes in the black market.

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Vegetables salesperson
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Wholesale trade of vegetables
18. Employment status: Contract worker-1

In this case, the person who works in the wholesale trade of vegetables as a salesperson is a contract worker because he or she gets paid working as a salesperson. It must be clarified that whose property is in this trade, if he or she did not contribute any property to this trade, he or she will be defined as a contract employer.

3. Occupational jobs should be clarified in a very detailed manner, too. If the person is an operator, it should be clarified what kind of machine or equipment operator does he or she do? For instance, the person who works at "Hotol cement" company as an operator, he or she should answer own employment as following:

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Equipment operator of cement production
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Cement company
18. Employment status: Cooperative member-4

In this case, it is understandable or certain, a person who works at a cement company as a paid employer and his or her employment status will be defined as a contract employer.

[p. 31]

B. Example to fill in the questions about employment of person who work at more than one job

1. If a person worked at more than one job one week prior to the reference period, the main job should be registered in the questionnaire. The main job is the one that was worked at the longest during the reference period (1 week) of the census. If the worked hours at both jobs is the same, then the job with the higher income will be registered in the questionnaire. For instance, accountant Ms. Dulmaa works at a commercial bank as a general accountant but also works at small private shop as a accountant, the main job will be a general accountant and the main economic activity will be registered as an "activity of monetary circulation".

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: General accountant
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Activity of monetary circulation
18. Employment status: Contract worker-1

In this case, Ms. Dulmaa works at the commercial bank as a general accountant and she is a contract worker. Because she gets paid working as a general accountant, it should be clarified whose property is in the commercial bank, and if she did not contribute any property to this bank, her employment will be defined as a contract employer.

C. An example to fill the questions about self-employed person.

1. Questions 15-18, related to the employment of person aged 15 and over who works at household businesses (livestock, farming etc) except the head of households, should be filled out as follows:

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Herder
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Livestock sector
18. Employment status: Unpaid family worker-5

People who do not get paid from their work in a household business should have their employment status defined as "unpaid family worker". The employment status of those people cannot be defined as "self-employed" because they are participating in their own household business but are not engaged with any industrial activity that is independent.

[p. 32]

2. If a person engages in the household business and hires any other household members permanently, the employment status of the head of household will be defined as a" employer" not self-employed.

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Owner
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Livestock sector
18. Employment status: Unpaid family worker-5

The employment status of the person who is engaged in retail trade, craftsman or service without any permission, will be filled out as "self-employed" because they are engaged with their own business that is independent. If a person says that he or she works at a car cleaning service, it should be clarified by asking, what kind of car does he/she clean, where does he or she work?

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Car cleaner
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Livestock sector
18. Employment status: Self-employed-3

Morocco 1982 — source variable MA1982A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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Q17: Activity status
[] 0 AO -- Active, employed
[] 1 CH -- Jobless, never worked
[] 2 CH2 -- Jobless, has worked before
[] 3 FF -- Housewife
[] 4 EC -- Student, pupil
[] 5 RET -- Retired, pensioned, or living on private means
[] 6 MAL -- Disabled, handicapped, sick person
[] 7 JEU -- Too young to work
[] 8 AUT -- Other cases

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17. Activity type:
"Actively employed": Considered actively employed are every person, man or woman, age 7 or older who declared at the census reference date that he/she has a professional activity. According to this definition, individuals who have certain jobs (farmers, individuals with periodical jobs), even if they were not practicing their activity during the census period, are considered to be actively employed. Include also individuals with a job but [who were] absent from their job during the census period because of annual leave, sickness, accident.

"Unemployed, never worked before": Active unemployed is anyone no younger than 15 years old, and declared that he/she has no job at the census reference date, but is looking for it. These individuals have worked in the past.

"Unemployed, has worked in the past": Active unemployed is anyone no younger than 15 years old, and declared that he/she has no job at the census reference date, but is looking for it. These individuals never worked before.

"Housewife": Every girl or woman age 15 or older who does not practice any work but takes care of the house and household members (cleaning, cooking). Not all women are to be automatically classified in this category. The enumerator should separate housewives and women that do some activities (weaving, agriculture, servant) for money or in-kind value. These women should be classified in the former categories according to the status during the census.

"Student": Every individual whose primary activity is limited to going to school or a professional training establishment during the 2003-2004 school year, also if he was not planning to attend next year. But the student who finished his schooling is considered active: occupied or unemployed depending on his situation.
If a student has a part-time job, even it was paid, he is still considered to be a student. In addition, a student civil servant is considered a student even if receiving salary. However, an employee who is a taking night classes or education to improve his skills is considered as actively employed.

"Landlord or retired": He/she is not active. His earnings are from renting out properties (apartment, farmland) or his earnings are from retirement plans from private or government establishments. But, if this person is practicing economical activities, then he/she should be considered actively employed.

"Sick or handicapped" is every person whose handicap/illness prevents him from doing any job.

"Child" [Too young to work]: Age 15 or younger, does not work and is not in school.

"Other cases"

Morocco 1994 — source variable MA1994A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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Q18. Activity type:
[] 0 Active occupied
Every person, man or woman, age 7 or older who declared on the census reference date that he/she has a professional activity is considered actively employed. According to this definition, individuals who have certain jobs (farmers, individuals with periodical jobs), even if they were not practicing their activity during the census period, are considered to be actively employed. [This definition] also includes individuals with a job who are absent from their job during the census period because of annual leave, sickness, accident.

[] 1 Unemployed, never worked before
Anyone age 15 or older, who declares that he/she has no job on the census reference date but is searching, is actively unemployed. These individuals never worked in the past.

[] 2 Unemployed, worked in the past
Active unemployed is anyone age 15 or older who declares that he/she has no job at the census reference date but is searching. These individuals have worked in the past.

[] 3 Housewife
Every girl or woman age 15 years or older who does not practice any work, but takes care of the house and the household members (cleaning, cooking, etc.). Not all women are to be automatically classified in this category. The enumerator should separate between a housewife and a woman that does some activities (weaving, agriculture, serving) for money or in-kind compensation. Therefore, these women should be classified in the former categories according to their status during the census.

[] 4 Student
Every individual whose primary activity is limited to going to school or attending a professional training establishment during the 2003-2004 school-year, if he was not planning to attend next year. But the student who finished schooling is considered an actively employed or unemployed [person], depending on his situation.
If a student has a part-time job, even if paid, he is still considered a student. In addition, a student civil servant is considered a student even if he is receiving a salary. However, an employee who is a taking night classes or education to improve his skills is considered as actively employed.

[] 5 Landlord or retired
He/she is not active. His earnings come from renting properties (apartment, farming land) or a retirement plan from private or government establishments. But if this person is practicing economic activities, then he/she should be considered actively employed.

[] 6 Sick or handicapped
Sick or handicapped is a person whose handicap/illness prevents him from doing any job.

[] 7 Child
Younger than 15, doesn't work and is not in school.

[] 8 Other cases to be noted ____
[] Younger than 15, doesn't work and is not in school.

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Individuals: (multiple records)

For persons age 10 or older
[Questions 15-16.]

Q18. Activity type:

0 Active occupied
Every person, man or woman, age 7 or older who declared at the census reference date that he/she has a professional activity, is considered to be "Active employed". According to this definition, individuals who have a certain job (farmers, individuals with periodical jobs), even if they were not practicing their activity during the census period are considered to be active employed. [This defintion] also includes individuals with a job but absent from their job during the census period because of annual leave, sickness, or accident.

1 Unemployed never worked before
Anyone age 15 or older, who declares that he/she has no job at the census reference date, but is looking for it is "Active unemployed". These individuals never worked in the past.

2 Unemployed who has worked in the past
"Active unemployed" is anyone age 15 or older, and declares that he/she has no job at the census reference date, but is looking for it. These individuals have worked in the past.

3 Housewife
Every girl or woman age 15 or older who does not practice any work but is taking care of the house and household members (cleaning, cooking, etc.). Not all women are to be automatically classified in this category. Enumerator should separate between housewife and woman that does some activities (weaving, agriculture, service) for money or in kind values. Therefore these women should be classified in the former categories according to their status during the census.

4 Student
Every individual whose primary activity is limited to going to school or professional training establishment during 2003-2004 school year, if he was not planning to attend next year. But, the student who finished his schooling is considered an actively occupied or unemployed depending on his situation.
If a student has a part time job, even if it was paid, he is still considered to be a student. In addition, a student civil servant is considered a student even if he is receiving a salary. However an employee who is a taking night classes or education to improve his skills is considered as occupied active.

5 Landlord or retired
He/she is not active. His earnings are from renting properties (apartment, farming land) or his earnings are from retirement plan from private or government establishments. But, if this person is practicing economic activities, then he/she should be considered occupied active.

6 Sick or handicapped
Sick or handicapped is every person whose handicap/illness prevents him from doing any job.

7 Child
Younger than 15, does not work and [is] not in school.

8 Other cases to be noted ____
Younger than 15, does not work and [is] not in school.

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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Individual form / population structure

Economic activity

15. Activity status

[] 0 AO -- Active, employed
[] 1 CH1 -- Jobless, never worked
[] 2 CH2 -- Jobless, has worked before
[] 3 FF -- Housewife, girls at home
[] 4 EC -- Student, pupil
[] 5 REN -- Living on private means
[] 6 RET -- Retired, pensioned
[] 7 MAL -- Disabled, handicapped, sick person
[] 8 JEU -- Too young to work
[] 9 AUT -- Other cases, specify ____

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Economic activity

Q15: Activity status

0. AO Active, employed: Is considered active employed every person, man or woman, age 7 or older, who declared on the census reference date to have a professional activity. According to this definition, individuals who have a certain job (farmers, individuals with periodical jobs), even if they were not practicing their activity during the census period, are considered to be active employed. Also includes individuals with a job but absent from their job during the census period because of annual leave, sickness, or accident

1 CH1 Jobless, never worked: Active unemployed is anyone age 15 or older who declares that he/she has no job at the census reference date, but is looking for it. These individuals never worked in the past.

2 CH2 Jobless, has worked before: Active unemployed is anyone age 15 or older who declares that he/she has no job at the census reference date, but is looking for it. These individuals have worked before.

The following types are not active: anyone who declares that he holds no job and is not looking for it.
3 FF Housewife, girls at home: every girl or women age 15 or older who does not practice any work but is taking care of the house and household members (cleaning, cooking.). Not all women are to be automatically classified in this category. Enumerator should separate between housewife and women who do some activities (weaving, agriculture, serving) for money or in-kind values. Therefore these women should be classified in the former categories according to their status during the census.

4 EC Student, pupil: every individual whose primary activity is limited to going to school or professional training establishment during 2003-2004 school year, if he was not planning to attend next year. But, the student who has finished his schooling is considered active: occupied or unemployed depending on his situation.
If a student has a part time job, even if it paid, he is still considered to be a student. In addition, a student civil servant is considered a student even if he is receiving a salary. However an employee who is a taking night classes or education to improve his skills is considered as an occupied active.

5 REN Living on private belongings: he/she is not active. His earnings are from renting properties (apartment, farming land).

6 RET Retired: he/she is not active. His earnings are from retirement plan from private or government establishments. But, if this person is practicing economical activities, then he/she should be considered occupied active.

7 MAL Disabled, handicapped, sick person: is a person whose handicap/illness prevents him from doing any job.

8 JEU Child: younger than 15, doesn't work and is not in school.

9 AUT Other cases, specify: for instance an elder person with no income.

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity
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[Questions 6 through 31 were asked of usual residents of the household.]


21. What activity has (the person) performed in the past week?

[] Worked- Go to #2
[] Did not work, but has a job- Go to #23
[] Helped a relative- Go to #23
[] Looked for a new job- Go to #23
[] Domestic- Go to #22
[] Looked for a job for the first time- Go to #27
[] Served the FADM- Go to #27
[] Studied only- Go to #27
[] Retired/ reserve- Go to #27
[] Was unable to work- Go to #27
[] Other- Go to #27
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions Only For People With 7 Years And Older

P21. Did you work last week?
Read the question and each of the alternatives to get a response. Then mark the number corresponding to the response.
If you checked the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, go to P23. If you checked the number the number 5, go to P22, and ask if in last week the respondent was in the farm, producing or selling products on the market, informal trade, dumba-neng or at home.
If you checked the numbers 6, 7, 8, 10 or 11, go to P27.
Keep in mind that:

- "a week before" refers to the week from 25 to 31 July 1997;
- In rural areas there is a tendency of farmers to respond that they are not working, particularly by the fact that the month of August is a weak month in agricultural terms. If the respondent actually did not work, mark X in box number 2 of the question P21 "Did not work but have a job."
- You should consider the people who worked in one of the following situations:
- Employees on vacation at the time of the census. Tick the box of number 2;
- Hospital patients, persons on leave for childbirth, not workers who worked during the reference week due to pregnancy, strike, natural calamity, provided that in the reference week still maintain the link with the employer usually made or any activity. Mark X in box number 2 of P21.;
- Seasonal workers. Mark X in box number 2 of P21.;
- household members who helped in the reference week (without pay) in the work of the chief farm trade, business, workshop, sewing, etc. Mark X in box number 3 of P21. These people should be considered in P25 as unpaid family workers, alternative 6.
Consider that:
- one person who works beyond home work is usually working for sale, for example, cakes, sewing, or has other business paid to improve the performance of household. You should not regard the person as housewife;
- "Person who did not work, but has a job", refers to a person with a regular occupation which did not in the reference week worked for being sick, vacation, maternity leave, labor strike or other reason. Mark X in box number 2. Skip to P23;
- "Person helped family", a person who supported the family members at their occupations or work for them, but without pay. For example, a daughter who helped her mother in the fields.
- "sought new employment" refers to the person that during the reference week did not work because he/she was fired, resigned or terminated employment before his contract and is waiting for another job opportunity. Mark X in box number 4;
- "Housewife" if the person in the reference week was occupied with only the work of your own home. Mark X in box number 5. Skip to P22;
- "Looking for a job for the 1st time" if the person has never worked and was looking for his/her first paid employment. Mark X in box number 6. Skip to P27, if applicable;
- FADM if the person in the reference week was a member of the Armed Forces of Mozambique (FADM). Mark X in box number 7. Skip to P27.
- It should only be considered as the student who found himself enrolled in a school or institution official, private or community in the reference week. Mark X in box number 8. Skip to Q27, if applicable.

Do not consider student-workers as students. These should be framed among the alternatives of work.

- Consider as retired the person who has not worked, who depends on retirement or pension during the reference week. Mark X in box number 9 and skip to Q27.
- However, if a pensioner or retiree is engaged in any gainful employment, he/she must be included in an alternative work (1, 2 or 3);
- Consider as "disabled" person that has not work because he/she is permanently unable to work due to age or some physical or mental impairment in the reference week. Mark X in box number 10 and skip to Q27;
- Consider as "other "if the person was not framed in any of the above. Mark X in box number 11. Skip to Q27.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity
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[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

For people aged 7+ only

26. What activity did (the person) do in the last week of July, this year?

[] 1 Worked- Go to question 28
[] 2 Did not work, but had a job- Go to question 28
[] 3 Helped a relative- Go to question 28
[] 4 Looked for a new job- Go to question 28
[] 5 Domestic - Go to question 27
[] 6 Looked for a job for the first time- Go to question 32
[] 7 Served the FADM- Go to question 32
[] 8 Studied only- Go to question 32
[] 9 Retired/reserve- Go to question 32
[] 10 Was unable to work
[] 11 Other ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions to people aged 7+ only

P26. What activity did (the person) do in the last week of July (25-31), this year?

Read the Question and mark the corresponding response. If you marked the alternatives 1, 2, 3 or 4 go to P28. If you marked the box number 5, go to P27 and ask whether in the past week the person has been to the machamba, has produced or sold goods in the market, shops, street market or at home. If you marked the box with a number from 6 to 11 go to P32.

[Note: The word machamba refers to small plots of land used for agricultural purposes].

Be aware that:

In the rural area peasants tend to respond they do not work if, during the Census, the agricultural season is "dead/not productive". If the respondent did not effectively work, mark an X in box number 2 of P26 "Did not work but had a job".
It is common that in the dead seasons the peasants lead other activities such as build or repair their houses, sell goods, etc. For these cases, you should ask about their main activity.

You should consider as people who have worked those who fit one of the following situations:

  • Workers on vacation during the Census. Mark an X in box number 2;
  • Hospitalized persons, persons on maternal leave, workers who did not work on the reference week due to pregnancy, strike or natural disasters, as long as on the reference week they still keep their employment relationship or USUALLY PERFORM SOME KIND OF ACTIVITY. Mark an X in box number 2 of P26;
  • Seasonal workers. Mark an X in box number 2 of P26;
  • Members of the household who, on the reference week, helped (without pay) the head of household with the works in the Machamba, business, garage, sewing, etc. Mark an X in box number 3 of p26. These persons, in P30, should be considered as family worker without pay; alternative 10.
  • For persons who have an institutional affiliation and during the enumeration were working for the Census 2007, you should validate their affiliation. For example, a public school teacher who is involved in the works of the Census should be considered as having worked (P26=1) and P30=1;
  • Students who are involved in the works of the Census should be considered as students in P26
  • All of those who, during the enumeration, do not have any type of institutional affiliation (for example, recently graduated students, candidates of various levels of education, etc.) and who are working for the Census, should be considered as having worked (P26=1) and P30=12.

Consider as someone who:


NOTE: You should avoid assuming that housewives do not perform any economic activity.

Did not work, but had a job - refers to a person with a regular occupation who did not work on the reference week because they were sick, on vacation, on maternal leave, on labor strike, or other. You should pay close attention to the situation of the peasants who did not work during the dry season. Mark an X in box number 2. Go to P28;
Helped a relative: a person who assisted members of the household with their duties or worked for them, but without pay.
A member of the household who helped a relative in the Machamba, garage, fishing, selling of goods and is not given any pay in money or goods.
Looked for a new job - refers to people who did not work on the reference week because they had been dismissed, had resigned or whose contract of employment expired, and is awaiting for another employment opportunity. Mark an X in box number 4. Go to P28;
Performed Domestic work: a person who looked after their own house. Mark an X in box number 5. Go to P27;
Served the FADM : a person who was a member of the Armed Forces of Mozambique (FADM) on the reference week. Mark an X in box number 7. Go to P32;
Studied only: a person who, on the reference week, was enrolled in a school or Official Educational establishment, either Private or Public.
Employed students should not be considered as students. They should be marked in the alternatives of people who work (1, 2 or 3);
Retired/reserve: a person who did not work on the reference week, lives on reserve pension or is retired. Mark an X in box number 9 and go to P32.
However, a person who is in army reserve or retirement and is performing a paid activity should be marked in the alternatives of people who work (1, 2 or 3);
Was unable to work: a person who did not work on the reference week because they were permanently unable to work due to old age or some physical or mental impossibility. Mark an X in box number 10 and go to P32;
It is important to note that in this category you should not include workers who did not work on the reference week for health reasons. These persons should be considered as people who did not work but have a job (alternative 2).
Other: a person who does not fit any of the previous situations. Mark an x in box number 11. Go to P32.

Myanmar 2014 — source variable MM2014A_ACTIVITY — Activity status
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Age 10 and above (22 through 24)
[Questions 22 through 24 were asked only of persons age 10 and older.

Labor force (22 through 24)

Activity status

22. What was [the respondent's] activity status during the last 12 months? (April 2013 - March 2014)

If options 6 to 11 skip to Q25

[] 1. Employee (Government)
[] 2. Employee (Private, Org)
[] 3. Employer
[] 4. Own account worker
[] 5. Contributing family worker
[] 6. Sought work
[] 7. Did not seek work
[] 8. Full time student
[] 9. Household work
[] 10. Pensioner, retired, elderly person
[] 11. Ill, disabled
[] 12. Other
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Labor force section
The Labor Force section is applicable to all persons 10 years and above. For respondents age below 10 years you will skip the section, leave it blank.

Question 22: Main activity status during the last 12 months

173. Ask "what was [the respondent]'s main activity status during the last 12 months before the Census (April 2013 to March 2014)? What the respondent was doing denotes the work, economic activity or employment that occupied most of the respondent's time during the last 12 months. Here 'employment' is interpreted as work for at least one hour daily in the reference period. Economic activity is work that leads to production of goods and service. The possible response options are as follows.

[p. 40]

174. Employed (worked for at least 1 hour for pay, profit or family gain or was temporarily absent from work but had a job, farm or business. Note that very little paid work is needed to be classified as 'employed'.

1. Employee working for the government. All people working in the government of Myanmar or any other should fall under this option.

2. Employee (working for private employer or private organization for pay in cash or in kind). This category comprises persons who during the reference period worked for wages, salaries, commissions, tips, contracts or payment in kind (especially in the rural areas where people who have rendered services may be paid using food or clothing). All people in NGOs, international organizations, companies, etc. must be coded here.

3. Employer (employing one or more employees). This category comprises persons who during the reference period worked in their own business, which also employs other persons. The person must have also been spending much of his/her time at the place of work than in other work. This is to say that if the person has two places of work then this is where he/she spends more of the working time. The people employed can be paid either in cash or in-kind.

4. Own-account worker (not employing any employee). This category comprises self-employed persons who worked on own business or worked on own/ family business for family gain. This category can include, for example, artisans, self-employed mechanics, traders in farm produce and family workers offering services in own or family business. Any member of the household working on the family holding for pay will fall under code "2".

5. Contributing family worker (working without pay in the business or farm of another household/family member)

175. Not employed, available for work

6. Sought work: A person who in the reference period was actively looking for work belongs to this category "6". This category should not include the under-employed (i.e. those who have paid work but wish to leave for better opportunities). Persons who have no work at all and are looking for work will fall under this category. If a person is working on the family holding but is seeking work, he/she should be coded as "contributing family worker" and not as "seeking work". This category should include only persons who are available full-time for work and hence are actively looking.

7. Not seeking work: This person is not working nor looking for work because he/she is discouraged, but would usually take up a job when offered one.

176. Not employed, not available for work

8. Unemployed student: This is a person who spent most of his/her time in a regular educational institution (primary, secondary, college, university etc.) and hence not available for work. If, for instance, a student was part-time during the better part of the reference period and was engaged in gainful employment, he/she should be coded as employed. This may be the case amongst the university students.

9. Household work (homemaker): Is a person of either sex involved in household chores in his/her own home e.g. fetching water, cooking, babysitting, etc., who did not work for pay or profit or sought work. These categories should not include houseboys/girls who fall under category "2". If such a person worked on family holding without pay they should be coded as "5" and not as "9". Please probe. Many women, especially in rural areas, consider themselves as housewives, but work in the fields on the family farms. They should be classified as "5" Contributing family workers.

10. Pensioner, retired, elderly person: This is a person who reports that during the 12 months, he/she was not engaged in any economic activity because he/she had retired either due to age, sickness, or voluntarily. If a person has retired, but is doing some work/business, he/she should be coded as "2", "3", "4" or "5" as appropriate. If he/she has retired, but is seeking work he/she should be coded as "6".

11. Disabled or ill: This is somebody who cannot work due to some form of disability or illness. Do not assume that all disabled persons cannot work. For example, a blind person who is in wage employment will fall under category "2" and not "11". Similarly physically disabled person working on the family holding should fall under category "2" or "5". You should probe if you are unsure at first.

12. Other: This category includes any other persons not mentioned above. You are to probe to find out whether unpaid family workers consider themselves as "seeking work", etc. and code them accordingly. For example, if a young man helps his uncle to sell goods in a shop without receiving pay, probe whether he is seeking work, and if so code him as such. In such case code 5 would be appropriate. In such case the person is either working without pay (code 5) or employed with pay (code 2).

This question is aimed at identifying the size of the labor force and the reasons why people are not working. It is therefore important this question is asked with all the care. In most cases, women may assume that they are not working but they are deeply involved in the workforce. Below are some photos which should probe you to inquire if the people both women and men say that they are not working; ask them what they are doing then code as appropriate.

Nepal 2001 — source variable NP2001A_WKREASON — Reason for not usually doing economic work during last 12 months
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Questions [15 to 20] are asked to persons 10 years of age and above

20. What was the ____ reason for usually not working during the last 12 months?

[] 1 Student
[] 2 House work
[] 3 Aged
[] 4 Pension
[] 5 Physically and mentally handicapped
[] 7 Sickness or chronic illness
[] 6 Others ____

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The following should be taken into consideration while asking questions of column 17, 18, 19 and 20.
a. If the number of months by summing category 1, 2, and 3 of column 16 >= 6 (six months or more), then the questions on columns 17, 18 and 19 should be asked and the question 20 should not be asked.

b. If the number of months by summing category 1, 2, and 3 of column 16 is less than six months and more than 0 month, then the questions on columns 17, 18, 19 and 20 should be asked.

c. If number of months of category1 of column 16 = 0 and number of months of category 4 of column 16 =12, then the questions on columns 17, 18, 19 should not be asked but the questions on column 20 should be asked.

Column 20: What was the reason for usually not working during the last 12 month?

(For 1+2+3 is less than 6 months in column 16 or 4= 12 months for all)
[] 1. Student (study)
[] 2. Housework
[] 3. Aged
[] 4. Pension
[] 5. Physically and mental handicapped
[] 6. Sickness or chronic illness
[] 7. Others

The reason why a person could not do the work in the last 12 months should be mentioned; or, if she/he has done work for some time, why she/he was not employed in the reference time. The main reasons of usually not working applies to the last 12 month, when she/he has not done any income generating activities or has done income generating activities for less than 6 month.

Ask the respondent why the income generating work (mentioned work of category 1, 2, 3 and 4 of column 15) was not done in the reference year or if income generating work had been done for some time, and why this work was not done for more than 6 month. Possible reasons for not doing income generating work in the reference year or possible reasons for doing income generating work for short time are given above (category 1 through 6 in this column). If there are other reasons for not doing or partially doing income generating work, then it should be encircled in category 7 and the reason should be mentioned.

1. Student (study) - For enumeration purposes, a student can be defined as being enrolled or not in school, campus or any other educational institution and regularly studying or taking training. If the usual activity of the last 12 month was study, then it should be encircled 1 in the given category.

But if the usual activity of the person is income generating activities (1, 2 or 3 category of column 16) and doing study in the morning/evening in school/campus or participating in the private exam in the partial time, then it should be enumerated in the income generating activities (1, 2 or 3 categories of column 15).

2. Housework - The activities that are done in the house or home compound - like cooking, cleaning, washing cloth of household members and teaching own children - are "housework". These works are done only for the household members and these works are not enumerated as income generating work. In other words, for the use of household works that are done by the household members, these works are not treated as economically income generating work. If the household members (male or female) were usually doing this work in the reference period, then for the population census purpose these work are treated as housework or non-economic work.

If in the reference period, someone had done mostly housework as mentioned above, to
denote that the person is not doing economically income generating work, it should be encircled in category 2.

Note :
i. In our country, we have the tradition that the income generating activities that are done by women are also counted as housework. To avoid misinterpreting the meaning of this question, probing should be done if the respondent has answered as housework in the question of what work you had done in the last 12 month. In the description of column 15 it is tried to make clear what are economically income generating work, not income generating work, and house work. The description of work given in column 15 should be understood clearly.

But if someone had done the above mentioned housework for others by taking salary or wages, then these activities should be the economically income generating work. It should not be included in the housework if the person was doing housework for others by taking salary or wages (in cash or kind or in other form). Male or female: any person can do the housework.

ii. The economically income generating work - except housework that was usually done by male or female in the reference period - should be encircled in the related work as mentioned in the category 1, 2, 3 or 4 of column 15. It should not be encircled in the housework or not doing any work category.

iii. For own use or for selling purposes, some males or females may be engaged in weaving blanket, carpet, sweater; similarly some may be engaged in the production of dairy products like cheese/churpi, and they may sell them in the market; some may be engaged in the production of cotton lamps for others. All these activities are income generating activities. These are not housework. In the last 1 year, if they had done these activities and got the cash or kind or other remuneration, then it should be encircled in the related category of column 15. It should not be encircled in the housework category. In column 15, there is also the category of housework. In this column, it should be mentioned the usual activity. To mention the work of the reference period - cooking for household member, care taking of aged and children, teaching own child, cleaning house, washing cloth of the household members - if these activities were done then it should be encircled in the category 6.

3. Aged - Aged can be defined as a person(s) who cannot do work due to old age. Simply, the person having age more than 60 and cannot do work is known as aged. If the person having the age less than 60 but cannot do income generating work or doing income generating work for less time, that may have other reasons, is not aged. It should be asked clearly to the respondent about the reasons for not working. If the person had not done any economically income generating activities in the reference period due to this reason, it should be encircled in the category 3.

4. Pension - If the enumerated person was not doing any economically income generating work or partially doing the work due to receiving of the pension of the previous work done in the office or corporation or maintaining her/his life expenses due to the hereditary property or by the income of the previously kept property in the reference period, it should be encircled in the category 4.

5. Physical and mental handicapped - If the enumerated person was not doing any economically income generating work in the last 12 months or had done economically income generating work for less than 6 month due to physical or mental problem, then it should be encircled as category 5. In other words, due to blindness, deafness, mentally retarded or by physical disability, if the person has not done economically income generating work in the last 1 year or if the work was done for less than 6 months, it should be encircled in the code category 5.

6. Sickness or chronic illness - If the enumerated person became disable due to disease or due to sickness or chronic illness and could not do any economically income generating work in the last 12 month or if some work was done only for less than 6 months then it should be encircled in the code category 6.

7. Others - If the enumerated person was not doing any economically income generating work in the last 12 months due to some other reasons except as mentioned above. Then, it should be encircled in the category 7 and the reason should be mentioned. Some of the reasons may be beggar, Yogi, etc.

Note : In the last, some of the other reasons could be: cannot do work due to care taking of aged and children, due to pregnancy. If the person had not done economically income generating work in the last 1 year due to these reasons, then it should be encircled in category 7 and the reason should be mentioned clearly.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_INACTIVE — Reason for economic inactivity in past 12 months
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Questions are asked to persons 10 years of age and above
[Questions 22 to 26 were asked of persons 10 years or older.]

[26] What was the reason for usually not working during the last 12 months by [the respondent]?

For question 26, Q 22: [1+2+3+4+5] less than 6.
[Question 26 was answered by people who indicated less than a total of 6 months within responses agricultural (1), salary/wage (2), own economic enterprise (3), extended economic (4) or are seeking work in question 22.]
[] 1 Student
[] 2 House work
[] 3 Aged
[] 4 Pension
[] 5 Physically and mentally handicapped
[] 6 Sickness or chronic illness
[] 7 Others ____
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Work, economic activity, economically active/inactive manpower (columns 22-26)
Five questions from columns 22-26 are related to economic and non-economic activities. Ask these questions to the people usually living in the family and aged 10 years or older.

Column 26: What is the reason of [the respondent] for not being economically active in the last 12 months?
(Ask who have a sum less than six months in options 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of column 22)

[] 1 Study
[] 2 Household chores
[] 3 Old age
[] 4 Pension/revenue
[] 5 Disability
[] 6 Illness or chronic disease
[] 7 Other
[p. 95]

Usually not working (any economic or extended economic activity) in the last 12 months means not earning in the last 12 months or earning income for less than six months. Ask the main reason for not earning income regularly in the last 12 months, and circle the related reference number.

While asking the respondent this question, ask them why did not do any of the economic activities stated in the census (column 22, reference 1, 2, 3, and extended economic activities of reference 4, or the search for job of reference 5) or why worked for less than six months if he did.

The possible reasons for not working or working for less than 6 months have been stated above (reference 1-6 of this column). If there are any other reason that stated above, circle the reference "7. other" and specify the reason.

The description of above stated reasons are:-
1. Study - Because of studying in school, campus or any other education or training institution regularly, either with enrollment or not, if the person was unable to do any usual economic or extended economic activity in the last 12 months, circle the reference 1 to indicate it. In this situation, the number of months would be more in the reference 7 (study) of column 22.

But, there might be the possibility of going to school/college/ university in the morning and evening or studying for some time to take a private examination and rest of the time they might be doing income generation work, and this should be identified clearly. In this situation, the reason for not working could be other, not study.

2. Household chores - Household chores are such type of services that are done at home for self or for other family members - e.g. cooking, feeding, washing, cleaning, care work, teaching children or providing education, etc. and there is no direct economic benefits from doing such duties. Circle the reference 2 to indicate household chores for self or family members as the reason for being unable to do any economic activity in the last 12 months.

[Image is omitted]

However, some other production works that can be done at home. For instance, firewood collection, fetching water, food production at home or in other places and processing it or grinding, hammering in home or in mill or stitching/weaving sweater, spilling sacred cotton thread, weaving of bamboo basket, straw mat or making processed pickle, titaura, masyaura, etc. are extended economic works and should not be put under household chores. The production for household use might not give direct economic benefit, but it helps to save by cutting expenses and should be put under extended economic activities. Only the activities of service by family members that are used for the family consumption can be considered non-economic activities and should be counted under household chores. The person doing such works during most of the time in reference time period should be understood, for the purpose of census, as the person doing household chores or no doing any economic activity.

[p. 96]

If anyone has done household chores for most of his time, circle the reference of this column to indicate as a reason for not doing an economic activity.

[Images omitted]

a. In our country, the income generating work of women are generally put under household. Hence, to ensure the response of asked question is not wrong, if any person responded household chores as the work they did, then ask complementary question about what they actually did under household chores. In the column 22, efforts have been made to clarify the economic activity, non-economic activity, and household chores. Therefore, be clear about the description of the works under column 22.

But, if any person has done the above stated household works for others taking salary/ wage, then it is an economic activity. The household chores done for others by taking wage/salary should not be included under household chores. Household chores might have done by anyone, either female or male. Therefore, any domestic worker living in the family as a member without taking salary/wage but doing household chores for living, eating, studying there, then such done by the domestic worker should be taken as an economic activity.

b. If any woman or man, for own purpose or for selling, weaves woolen carpets, sweater, or did these following works by taking a wage, sells milk products, spills the cotton thread, weaves leaf, then these small works are also income generating activities, not household chores. If any person has done such work and has taken cash, good, or any other kind of remuneration for doing such works, the total months worked on such activities should be put under the reference "2 salary/wage" of column 22. But do not write it under household chores.

[p. 97]

If reference "2 household chores" of column 26 is circled for the reason for not being economically active in the last 12 months, then the number of months in the reference "6 household chores" of column 22 must be graeter.

3. Old age - If a person is unable to be economically active most of the time in the last 12 months because of old age, circle the reference 3. There might be other reasons also for not doing economic activity by old people. Therefore, ask clearly the respondent the reason and circle the appropriate reference number.

4. Pension/rent - If any person has received a pension regularly for his previous work in any office or organization or has lived from rents (from inherited assets or assets earned by self), and he was not engaged in any economic activity in the last 12 months (did not work for most of the time), then circle the reference "4. pension/revenue."

[Images are omitted]

5. Disability: If any person usually was unable to work in the last 12 months (did not do an economic activity or did for less than 6 months) due to some physical or mental disability, circle the reference 5 to indicate it.

In other words, because of blindness, unable to move limbs, dumb, or any other mental disability, if a person was unable to do any economic activity or did it less than 6 months in the last year, circle the reference 5.

[Image is omitted]

6. Illness or chronic disease - If any person was unable to work on an income generating activity or did it less than six months in the last 12 months due to illness or chronic disease, circle the reference 6.

[Image is omitted]

7. Other - Besides the above stated reason, if any person was unable to do an economic activity due to any other reasons, circle the reference 7 and specify the reason (e.g. beggar, saint, wanderer, traveler, etc.)

Some of the reasons must be stated in this category - A person might be unable to do an income-generating work due to pregnancy or care in pregnancy, maternity or to care for maternity, etc. If any of these reasons for not doing an economic activity, circle the reference 7 and specify the reason.

[Image is omitted]

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_EMPSTAT — Work status last week
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For persons age 10 or older
[Questions 12-18 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

Working status
13. Last week this person:

[For answers "01"-"07", go to question 15]

[] 01 Worked

Did not work because he/she was:

[] 02 On vacation/leave
[] 03 Sick/receiving subsidy

Did not work because he/she was waiting:

[] 04 To continue agricultural work
[] 05 For replies from an employer
[] 06 For a new job

[] 07 Looked for work having worked before
[] 08 Looked for work for the first time
[] 09 Lives from a pension, is retired or has private means
[] 10 Does housework
[] 11 Is a student
[] 12 Is permanently disabled
[] 13 Other

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Questions only for persons who are age 10 or older
The goals of these questions are to know the current marital status of the persons and the principal economic characteristics of the population that participated in the production of goods and services, as well as those who are dedicated to non-economic activities, such as: household chores, studying, etc.

If the person is younger than 10, continue with the next person.

Question 13: Working status
Last week this person:

With this question we want to know who had work the week previous to the census and who was unemployed.

Before asking this question, be aware of the following definitions:

For the purpose of the census, the following are considered "Work":

a) When the person carried out any economic activity, which means, he/she worked for income, earnings, salary or other type of payment in money or in kind.

b) When the person worked in a business or farm administered by a family member, with the goal of obtaining products for his/her own consumption and that of his/her family (example: a son works without pay in his parents' store, helps with agricultural labor, etc.)

c) When he/she works for his/her own business, professional practice or as an independent worker (self-employed).

d) Any other labor that is carried out during the reference period for which payment is received in money or goods. This includes the work of a seamstress or others carried out in the person's own house for other persons or businesses, as well as food preparation, candy making, etc., which will be sold.

From this question 13, the alternatives "01" to "04" will indicate the number of persons who worked in the week before the census. From the answers "05" to "07" we will obtain the information about those persons who , being part of the economically active population, are unemployed. From the answers of the alternatives "08" to "13" we will obtain the information about the persons considered economically inactive.

For the purpose of the census, the following will not be considered work:

a) The tasks carried out in the household, such as household chores (except the domestic employees who are paid) and activities that persons carry out in their own homes.

b) The tasks of unpaid volunteers in churches, as firemen, or other charitable organizations; also included are the tasks of persons who are involuntarily confined in institutions (prison, sanatoriums, asylums, penal ranches, etc.).

Taking into account the definition of "work", ask the person being enumerated, "What did you do during the majority of the time last week?"
01. Worked:
We consider a person as such who carried out labor, paid or not, during the reference week equivalent to at least one hour of work.

02. Did not work because he/she was on vacation/leave:
You should mark this box if the person during the week before the census, although he/she has a job, did not work because he/she was on vacation or leave.

03. Did not work because he/she was sick/receiving subsidy:
You should mark this box if the person, during the week before the census, although having work, did not work because he/she was receiving a subsidy or was sick.

04. Did not work because he/she was waiting to continue agricultural work:
These are the persons who did not have work during the reference week because they were waiting for the harvesting season, cane cutting season, etc.

05. Was waiting for replies from an employer:
In the reference period these persons did not actively look for work because they had done so and were waiting for an answer.

06. Was waiting to start a new job:
These are the persons who were waiting to soon start a new job because they already had a positive answer from a previous application.

07. Looked for work having worked before:
We consider a person as such who did not have work during the reference week because he/she left his/her job because of being fired or another cause, and during the week he/she actively looked for work. For example: visiting factories, farms, completing applications, looking in newspapers, asking friends or relatives, etc.

08. Looked for work for the first time:
We consider a person as such who has never had a job before and during the reference week actively looked for work or employment for the first time.

09. Lives from a pension, is retired or has private means:
This refers to persons who have retired having completed the period of service in a job and having reached the age established by law, or, who for reasons of illness, accident or other cause, receives a pension. "Has private means" are those who live off of the interest of money in savings accounts, long-term deposits or by renting out dwellings. These persons do not carry out any paid activity.

10. Does housework:
These are the persons who do not carry out any paid activity during the reference week, being exclusively dedicated to household tasks.

11. Is a student:
These are the persons who are exclusively dedicated to attending public school, private school, or university during the reference week, as long as they have not carried out any work.

12. Is permanently disabled:
These are the persons who are totally incapacitated for work due to suffering from some physical or mental impediment.

13. Other:
In this group you will register all of the persons who cannot be placed in any of the previous categories.

Remember that you should only mark one answer.

If the person responded any of the answers "08" to "13", you should continue with question 14. You must continue to mark one of the options, even if it will be "07": "No activity".

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_NONWORK — Activity performed last week (inactive persons)
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[Questions 19-31 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

23. If [the person] does not work, and did not look for work, what does [the person] do?

[] 1 Only studies
[] 2 Housework
[] 3 Is pensioned/retired/collects rent or investment income
[] 4 Is permanently disabled
[] 5 Is elderly
[] 6 Other

Continue to question 25

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This is when a person spends at least one hour a week performing any economic activity and earns profits, wages, or a salary or another type of payment in money or in kind, or as an unpaid worker.

Not work
  • Unpaid household tasks and work on a person's own dwelling.

  • Unpaid volunteer work for a church, fire department or other non-profit institution.

  • Work done by persons who are involuntarily confined to an institution such as a jail, sanitarium, asylum, penal farm, etc.

For persons age 10 or older (Questions 19-31)

Economically inactive population (PEI)


Studies only
This is a person who did not work or look for work during the reference week because s/he was studying. If the person helped with housework in addition to studying, s/he should still be classified as a student.

This is for a person who only did housework in his/her own home. This person does not receive a pension or retirement income, is not retired, and does not live off of investment income or rent earnings. This person does not have any economic activity that generates goods or services with or without payment or wages.

Is receiving a pension or retirement income, is retired, or lives off of investment income or rent earnings
This is a person who regularly receives income from a pension, retirement fund, investment income, or rent earnings.

Permanently disabled
This is a person with a physical or mental disability that prevents him/her from performing an economic activity.

This is a person who is not retired, receiving a pension or retirement income, and does not live off of investment income or rent earnings but who is unable to work due to advanced age.

Question 23. If [the person] does not work and did not look for work, what does [the person] do?

Mark an "X" next to the option stated by the informant and go to question 25.

Palestine 2017 — source variable PS2017A_ACTIVITY — Activity status
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Labor force status in the past week previous to the reference night (18--24/11/2017) (persons 7 years and over)
[Questions 74 to 82 asked to persons aged 7 years and older]

74. Type of labor force status

[] 1. Worker 1 -- 14 hours
[] 2. Worker 15 -- 34 hour
[] 3. Worker 35 -- 45 hours
[] 4. Worker 46 hours and more
[] 5. Sought work during the last 4 weeks (doesn't work but want to work -- worked before)
[] 6. Sought work during the last 4 weeks (doesn't work but want to work -- not worked before or doesn't work and not want to work)
[] 7. Studying/training
[] 8. Housekeeping
[] 9. Disability/aging/illness
[] 10. Having another source of income
[] 11. Retirement
[] 12. Other

[If answered response 6 through 12, go to question 83.]
Other source documentation view entire document:  text  image
Persons aged 7 years and over who were work at least one hour during the reference period, or who were not at work during the reference period, but held a job or owned business from which they were temporarily absent (because of illness, vacation, temporarily stoppage, or any other reason). The employed person is normally classified in one of two categories according to the number of weekly work hours, i.e. 1-14 work hours and 15 work hours and above. Also the absence due to sick leave, vacation, temporarily stoppage, or any other reason.

Labour force status:
A person?s work status in terms of being inside or outside the labour force and also classified as follows:

1. Employed 1-14 work hours: Persons aged 7 years and over who were at work for at least one hour or were not at work during the reference week but held a job or owned a business from which they were temporarily absent and usually working hours 1-14 hours per week.

2. Employed 15-34 work hours: Persons aged 7 years and over who were at work for at least one hour or were not at work during the reference week but held a job or owned a business from which they were temporarily absent and usually working hours 15-34 hours per week.

3. Employed 35-45 hours or more: Persons aged 7 years and over who were at work during the reference week and held a job or owned a business from which they were temporarily absent and usually working hours 35-45 hours per week.

4. Employed 46 hours or more: Persons aged 7 years and over who were at work during the reference week and held a job or owned a business from which they were temporarily absent and usually working hours 46 hours or more per week.

5. Does not work but want to work - Ever employed actively seeking a job during the last 4 weeks: Those individuals aged 7 years and over who worked for more than two weeks continuously during the past reference period, i.e. this individual did not work even for one hour during the reference week (last week that precedes the night of reference period), although he wants to work and actively seeking a job during the last 4 weeks preceding the interview, by one method of the following: registration at employment office, or registration at a labour union, or asking friends or relatives, or a personal visit to the premises, or reading the newspaper in order to obtain jobs, or searching for a building or land or machinery or equipment in order to establish a private project or seek financial resources. Note: this category is those who worked in the previous two weeks continuously for the last three years.

6. Does not work and wants to work - never employed actively seeking a job during the last 4 weeks: Those individuals aged 7 years and over who did not work at all during the last period, were not absent from a job, were available for work and actively seeking a job during the last 4 weeks preceding the interview, by one method of the following: registration at an employment office, or registration at a labour union, or asking friends or relatives, or a personal visit to the premises, or reading the newspaper in order to obtain jobs, or searching for a building or land or machinery or equipment in order to establish a private project or seek financial resources.
Does not work and does not want to work:
Individuals aged 7 years or over for whom the concept of employed or unemployed does not apply, are classified outside the labour force in the sense that this individual did not work even one hour during the reference period, nor is looking for work and does not wish to work and falls under this definition:

7. Full-time studying / training: Individuals aged 7 years and above who regularly study in order to obtain a qualified skill and not linked to work during the reference period. It should be noted here that household chores and hobbies are excluded from the concept of employment.

8. Full-time housekeeping: Females aged 7 years and above not working and not looking for work and not attending regular study and aims to serve the household. This does not include the servicing other households for payment in kind or cash.

9. Disabled /old age /illness: An individual aged 7 years and above who cannot do any kind of work due to chronic illness or disability. This category also includes all individuals who are unable to work because of old age.

10. The existence of income: If an individual is able to work but does not work and did not wish to work nor look for work because there is revenue or a source of income.

11. Retirement: If an individual is able to work but does not work and did not wish to work nor look for work because of his retirement.

12. Other: Includes any individual for which all the previously stated did not apply, such as a prisoner, or individual capable of work but not wishing or looking for work and who has no income, such as sons and daughters who are not attending school and do not apply to any situation mentioned previously.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_WHYNOT — Reason for not looking for work last week
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

16. What was the reason for not looking for work last week?
Mark the appropriate box

[] 1 Does casual/occasional jobs
[] 2 Has been looking for more than three months
[] 3 Has looked before and is now waiting to hear
[] 4 Impossible to find work
(in the case of the above responses, go on to question 17)

[] 5 Housewife [homemaker]
[] 6 Student
[] 7 Disabled
[] 8 Retiree [reached retirement age/work years]
[] 9 Pensioner, rentier
[] 10 Retired [removed from workforce]
[] X Other condition
(in the case of responses 5 through X, skip to question 25)

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For persons 10 years old or older
(Apply to questions 14 to 25)

The questions that form this Section are meant to get information about the participation of the population 10 years old or older in the economic activities of this country.
The questions relating to the chapter are applied to the situation existing in the week immediately before the day of the Census (reference week). Reference week is defined below:
Definition of "Reference Week" or "Last Week": It is the complete calendar week, from Sunday to Saturday that, for census purposes goes from May 4, 1980 to May 10, 1980.
The answers obtained in question 13 are the basis for classifying the population of persons 10 years old or older as:
1. Economically active (employed and unemployed).
2. Not economically active (homemaker, student, disabled, retired, pensioner, rentier, others inactive).

[p. 80]

1. Economically active population
This group is understood to be the population of 10 years old or older who supply the workforce available for the production of goods and services of the country and is divided into Employed and Unemployed.

1.1 Employed Population: is understood to be persons who:

a) Have an occupation or job remunerated in money or in kind, during the reference week.
b) Have a private business or job on their own account. Example: The owner of a grocery store, the farmer, the lawyer who has his own practice, etc.
c) Works regularly in a business or company of a member of their family even when not drawing a wage or salary (Contributing family worker).
d) Sell tickets, newspapers, or any other article; make food to sell; wash cars; shine shoes; sew in their house for others; the kind of work, time worked or amount of money that they receive during the reference week does not matter.
e) Have a steady remunerated job but do not work during the reference week because of temporary circumstances: sickness or accident; vacation; work conflicts such as: bad weather; machine breakdowns, strike, on leave, etc.

1.2 Unemployed population: This group constitutes persons who do not have a remunerated occupation or job during reference week, but:

a) Have worked before and look for work (visits employment agencies or offices in search of work, consults friends about the availability of work, is relying on ads in newspapers, that is to say, makes the effort with the goal of finding employment).

[p. 81]

b) Are not looking for work because they have a job that will begin on a previously appointed date.
c) Look for their first job or that is "New Workers". The oldest age for a "New Worker" is 45.

2. Not economically active population
This group is understood to be the flowing persons:

2.1 Homemaker: The person who is dedicated only and exclusively to domestic tasks and chores in their own home and were not looking for work, nor were they retired, pensioned, living on investments, or attending school. In a dwelling there can be more than one homemaker.
2.2 Student: The person who is dedicated exclusively to studying.
2.3 Invalid: The person who is found to be physically or mentally impeded from working.
2.4 Retired: The person who has stopped working and is receiving retirement income.
2.5 Pensioned, rentier: The person who receives auxiliary or pensioned income (pensioned). Equally include in this group all the persons who without working receive money or investments from a business or company (rentier). Do not include persons who receive pension for food, divorce, etc.
2.6 Retired without benefits: Include in this group the persons who in some opportunity had a job but currently are separated from all type of economic activity without receiving retirement benefits or a pension.
2.7 Other condition: The person who without being classified in any of the groups above does not do any economic activity and remains idle.

When classifying the population, special care should be taken with the persons of the female sex who declare themselves to be "Homemaker" and those who declare themselves to be [p. 82] students. In the first case they sometimes also do remunerated jobs like: cleaning, ironing, sewing, styling hair, painting fingernails, making candy etc. in their own home or outside it but because they spend little time in these labors they forget to give this information.
On the other hand, some students after class or on weekends dedicate themselves to cleaning shoes, selling newspapers, washing cars etc. Equal care should be taken with the spouse or companion or the children of farm families, who regularly help with the agricultural labors but do not declare this job.
For reasons already explained, it is necessary that before classifying the population, the enumerator investigates more to find out if the parson did some work during the reference week. If is made known that the person worked during this period, even when it was part time, it should be classified as Employed, that corresponds to the population who is Economically Active.

Question 16 What was the reason for not looking for work last week?

This question is asked to persons who answered "NO" on the question before (Question 15).
Mark the corresponding box according to the response the person gives you.
For persons who have been classified in boxes 1 to 4 continue to question 17 (occupation).
For persons classified in boxes 5 to X, continue with question 25 (What was your total income last month?).

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_WHYNOT — Reason for not looking for work
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 17 to 27 were asked to individuals 10 years old and older]

22. What was the reason for not looking for work last week?

[] 1 You do work for fixed periods of time
[] 2 You already found a job
[] 3 You looked previously and are awaiting a response
[] 4 You are tired of looking for a job
Answers 1-4, continue with question 23.
[] 5 You are retired or pensioned for old age
[] 6 You are pensioned (for accident or illness)
[] 7 You are a student only
[] 8 You are a housewife or household worker
[] 9 You have a permanent disability from work
[] 10 Advanced age (70 years old and more)
[] 11 Other inactive people. Specify ____
Answers 5- 11, continue with question 28.

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[Questions 17 to 27 were asked to individuals 10 years old and older]

Question No. 22: What was the reason for not looking for work last week?
Read all the alternatives presented in the questionnaire and begin to mark the circle according to the response of the person. If a person responds affirmatively in any of the circles 01 to 04 (the person does occasional jobs, looked before and is expecting news or finds impossible to find a job), mark the corresponding circle and continue with question 23.
[p. 174]
For those who answer "Yes" to any of the circles 05-11 (Retired or age pensioner, pensioner (by accident or illness), only student, homemaker or household worker only , permanently disabled to work, age (70 and over), Other inactive), mark the corresponding circle, go to question 28 and draw a diagonal line through questions 23 to 27.
Note the following definitions:
The person works for fixed periods of time (Circle 01): A person not looking for a job, because she depends on a work she does with some regularity and which gives her enough income to survive, must be located in this question. Example: contractors, or marine in the reference week who were resting in their homes.
[To the right of the text there is a picture.]
The person is about to start working (Circle 02): The person you interview says that she got a job, which will begin at a later date to the census reference week.
The person looked for a job before and is expecting news (Circle 03): The person searched employment or job before and is waiting to be called or warned about.
The person got tired of looking for a job (Circle 04): The person states that she did not seek employment during the reference week, as she has done it previously and did not found a job, so she thinks that it is impossible to find a job.
[To the right of the text there is a picture.]
Retired or old age pensioner (Circle 05): A person who has stopped working, after having the quotas and the required age and who is receiving retirement income (regardless of the country where he retired).
[To the right of the text there is a picture.]

[p. 175]
Pensioner (by accident or illness) (Circle 06): A person who has stopped working and is receiving income retirement or pension for having some kind of ailment, disease or having had an accident that prevents her from performing work activities. This does not include people who receive maintenance for divorce or separation, or survivors.
[To the right of the text there is a picture.]
Student only (Circle 07): The person who is dedicated solely to studying.
[To the right of the text there is a picture.]
Housewife only or home worker (Circle 08): A person of either sex, who does not do any economic activity, and is dedicated to taking care of her own home. For example, consider housewives and other relatives responsible for the care of the house and of the children. These people are engaged solely to the housework or chores in their own homes, they are not looking for a job, they are pensioners or retired, they receive no income, or attend school. There may be more than one housewife in a home.
[To the right of the text there is a picture.]
Permanently disabled to work (Circle 09): Consider in this group those persons having some sort of permanent disability as a result of an illness, accident or any physical or mental limitation (disability) which prevents them from doing any work, and who do not receive pension for their condition.
[To the right of the text there is a picture.]
Advanced age (70 and over) (Circle 10): This refers to people who are neither working nor looking for work, because their age does not allow it. Age 70 and over is the parameter from which the Census defines elderly population. Do not classify in this section a person just because she is 70 years; you should inquire if she does the chores at home, she is a homemaker; if she works she is classified as an employee, among others.
[To the right of the text there is a picture.]
[p. 176]
Other inactive (Circle 11): Persons without being classified in any of the above groups who do not perform any economic activity and are inactive. The same person can be a rentier (the person who receives money without having to work or who receives income from a business or company such as: real estate, rental of land or machinery, etc.), or can be idle (lazy), among others.
[To the right of the text there is a picture.]
[Below the text there is a sample image of the form.]
Remember that you should mark only one answer in this question.
If the person is a student and also works, you should have marked circle 1 "Yes" in question 17; equally, if the person is retired and works well, you should have marked circle 1 in question 17. In summary, it prevails in the classification of questions 17 to 22, the fact that she is a worker.
[p. 177]
When classifying the population you should take special care with persons who declare to be "Worker in the home, homemaker " or " Student" because the first group at times also does remunerated jobs like: cleaning, ironing, sewing, doing hair, painting fingernails, making candies or food to sell, etc. in their own home or outside of it, but because they spend little time in these labors they forget to supply this information.
On the other hand, some students shine shoes, sell newspapers, are supermarket packers, or wash cars, etc. after class or on weekends. Equal care should be taken with the spouse or companion or the children of farm families, who regularly help with the agricultural labors but do not declare such job.
If a person worked during that period even though it was part time, she should be classified in the category of Employee which corresponds to the Economically Active Population.
For the case of workers of the home or homemakers who attend school, that is to say, that they have been marked in circle 1 (Yes) in question 13 of Section VI. Educational Characteristics, you should mark circle 07 (Student only) of the question 22 of Section VII. Economic characteristics.

Papua New Guinea 1990 — source variable PG1990A_ACTIVITY — Economic activity last week
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[The rural and urban census forms are identical for questions 1-17. Questions 1-17 are provided here in detail under the rural census form, and omitted in the urban census form.]

For all persons 10 years of age and older (born before July, 1980)
[Questions 16-17 were asked of persons of ages 10 years or older.]

17. Principle economic activity during the last 7 days

Circle one code only

[] 01 Worked at wage job (including on leave and temporarily absent)
[] 02 Business with paid help
[] 03 Self employed including unpaid help
[] 04 Farming/ fishing for food and money
[] 05 Farming/fishing subsistence only
[] 06 Student
[] 07 Housework
[] 08 Too old/young or handicapped/ sick
[] 09 Looking for work
[] 10 Available for work

Papua New Guinea 2000 — source variable PG2000A_ACTIVITY — Economic activity (past 7 days)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Continue only for persons aged 10 years or more
[Questions 13-19 were asked of persons age 10+.]

19. What was the person doing mostly in the last seven days?

[Asked of persons not active in any work in the last seven days in Question 15]

If other describe in the space provided.

[] 1 Housework
[] 2 Studying
[] 3 Waiting to start a new job
[] 4 looking for work
Not working because:
[] 5 Too young
[] 6 Too old/retired
[] 7 Sick
[] 8 Permanently disabled
[] 9 Other, describe ____
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Economic questions

The economic questions are an important part of the census form. The economic questions for each person over 10 years are in Question 15 to 19.
The census provides the chance for us to find out what kind of work people do. Work that earns some income or helps to support the family, such as growing food, is called "economic activity". Some people are not economically active. On the information collected, community needs can be identified. Better plans can be in place.

Question 19. Non-economic activity
This question tells us what those who do not have jobs are doing.

Q19. What was the person doing most of the time in the last seven days?

01. Housework
02. Studying
03. Waiting to start work
04. Looking for work
Not working because
05. Too young
06. Too Old/Retired
07. Sick
08. Permanently Disabled
09. Other (describe)
Who to ask: Ask the head of the household or the person responding.
Get this information for: All persons 10 years or more who had Code 7 (None) in Q15. This question is asked after Q18.

How to ask: "What was the person doing most of the time in the last seven days?"
How to record:
Enter one code only in the box provided.
If the person answers "other" (Code 9), write beside the box exactly what they did.

-All persons answering this question are not working, so their main activity will be a non-work activity. For the census, not working means not employed or not producing anything.
Codes 1 to 4 are non-work activities.
Codes 5 to 8 are reasons why the person was not economically active (Not working because...)
[]Housework includes cleaning, washing, cooking and child minding around the home for the family without pay. (So it is not an economic activity).
[] Cleaning, washing, cooking or child minding for someone else for pay would be counted in Q15 as a wage job. People who do a wage job should not be asked Q19.
[]Studying includes any type of formal or informal studying or training, provided it is the main activity. If the person is paid for studying by their employer they should be recorded as a wage job in Q15, and their usual job recorded in Q16 and Q17. People who are paid for studying should be asked Q19.
[] Waiting to start a job only includes the persons with a definite, arranged job to go to. Do not include persons who are only hoping to find a job.
-Some of the people who were looking for work (Code 1 in Q18) could have a different answer in Q19 because the period is shorter here (7 days). For example, some women may have looked for work in the last 4 weeks but their main activity in the last 7 days was Housework.
-Only use "looking for work" (Code 4) if the person actively tried to find a job -- i.e. answering advertisements, writing letters, asking people if they have work.
-Accept what the respondent says for Q19. For example, if they say a sixteen-year old is too young to work, we accept that.
[] Also, for "too old/tired", accept what the person says.
-It is important to find out if people are not working because they are sick as this tells us about health needs.
-Note again that only permanently disabled persons who do not have an economic activity are asked this question and recorded answers.
[] Only write "other" (Code 9) if you cannot put the person into one of the other categories.
-Give each person a code. Do not leave the code blank.
-For students home on holiday and not doing any economic activity, record their usual activity, which is student or studying.

Paraguay 1972 — source variable PY1972A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity last week
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
C. Economic characteristics

Only for persons 12 years of age and older
[Questions 15 to 18 were asked of persons age 12 and older]

15. What did you do during the greater part of last week?

Ask each of the questions in the order given, until receiving an affirmative response.

[] 1 Worked?
[] 2 Did not work but had a job?
[] 3 Looked for work having worked before?
[] 4 Looked for work for the first time?
[] 5 Lived off pension or investment income?
[] 6 Studied?
[] 7 Took care of your home?
[] 8 Disabled?
[] 9 ____ Other (specify)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
IV. Information about the Population

C. Economic characteristics.

15. Activity during the week of July 3rd to 8th, 1972.

Ask the questions in the order indicated on the form until you receive an affirmative answer. Be aware that the answers are exclusive, which means, when you mark one, it eliminates the possibility of marking any other.

* Worked: this includes all persons who worked for pay or salary, in cash or in kind, for tips or commission, or self-employed. Also includes the person who works without pay in a family business.

* Did not work, but had employment: this includes all of the persons who have an employment or business, but in the reference week did not work due to illness, vacations, broken-down machinery, bad weather, accident, etc.

* Looked for work having worked before: this refers to the persons who having worked previously, in the week before the Census did not work and were dedicated to looking for another job.

* Looked for work for the first time: this includes the persons who not having worked previously, desire to do so, for which they have made the effort to find work, personally offering themselves to possible employers, registering in employment placement offices, and placing advertisements in the newspapers, etc.

* Lived off of his/her pension or rents: includes the person who did not have any paid occupation in the week before the Census, and maintained himself/herself with the product of his/her goods or capital or what he/she receives in the concept of retirement or pension.

* Studied: this refers to the persons who were exclusively dedicated to studying, without doing any paid activity. If, in addition to studying, he/she did any paid work, you should mark the box 1 "Worked".

* Took care of his/her household: this includes the persons dedicated to the domestic labors in his/her own household, such as housewives and other relatives who did the domestic chores without being paid.
If the person being enumerated does the work or household chores in someone else's house and for payment "in cash" or "in kind", you should mark box 1, "Worked".

* Incapacitated: this covers the persons who for reasons of advanced age, physical incapacity, or chronic illness, cannot work nor look for work.

* Other: this includes any other reason for which he/she did not do any remunerated work. Mark the box and specify the cause.

15. What did you do the greatest part of last week?

Ask each of the questions in the indicated order until you obtain an affirmative answer.
Only if you marked the boxes 1, 2, or 3 should you ask the questions of line 16 to 18.

[] 1 Worked?
[] 2 Did not work, but had a job?
[] 3 Looked for work having worked previously?
[] 4 Looked for work for the first time?
[] 5 Lived off of pension or rents?
[] 6 Studied?
[] 7 Took care of your household?
[] 8 Incapacitated?
[] 9 Other (specify) ____

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity during last week
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
III. Economic characteristics

For those 12 years of age and older

17. What did you do during the greater part of last week?

Ask each of the questions in the order given, until receiving an affirmative response.

[] 1 Worked
[] 2 Did not work but had a job
[] 3 Looked for work having worked before
[] 4 Looked for your first job
[] 5 Lived off retirement or pension
[] 6 Lived off investment income
[] 7 Studied
[] 8 Did domestic chores in your own home
[] 9 Disabled

Other situation (specify) ____
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III. For people 12 years old and older. Economic characteristics.

Question 17. What did you do with most of your time last week?

Read each of the options until receiving an affirmative answer and make an X in the corresponding box.

If it is a case not specified, specify the case on the line "other situation."

[A depiction of question 17 to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

[P. 48]

If you have marked the boxes corresponding to 1, 2, or 3, continue with questions 18, 19, and 20. If you have marked the boxes corresponding to 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or "other situation," end the interview, unless dealing with the head of household, who should answer question 21.

Keep in mind the following definitions:

Work: Includes all persons who work for pay or salary, "in cash" or "in kind," for "tip or commission" or for "themselves." Also if they work, without remuneration, for a family business.

[A drawing of men working is omitted here.]

Does not work, but has a job: Includes all persons who have a job or business, but who in the week being asked about, did not work for reasons of illness, vacation, machine malfunction, lack of work material, bad weather, accidents, etc.

[A drawing of men who did not work but had a job is omitted here.]

Seeking work having worked before: This refers to persons who, having worked before, in the week before the Census did not work and spent their time seeking another job.

[P. 49]

[A drawing of men seeking work is omitted here.]

Seeking their first job: Includes the people who, not having worked before, desire to do so, and have made an effort to find work, personally offering themselves to possible employers or registering themselves at job placement offices, putting notices in the newspaper, etc.

Living from their retirement or pension: Includes the persons who did not have a paid occupation the week before the census, and maintained themselves solely from what they received by way of retirement or pension.

[A drawing of men receiving pension is omitted here.]

Lived from their investments: Includes persons who received income solely from the product of their holdings or capital.

Studied: Refers to persons who dedicated themselves exclusively to studying, without having done any paid work.

Work in one's own home: Includes persons who dedicated themselves to domestic labors in their own home, such as homemakers, and other relatives who do domestic chores without pay. If the enumerated does work in someone else's home, and is paid "in cash," make an X in the box corresponding to "work."

[P. 50]

[A drawing of people working is omitted here.]

Disabled: Includes those people who cannot work or seek work because of their advanced age, physical disability, or chronic illness.

Other situation: Includes any other reason for why they neither work for pay nor seek paid work.

[A drawing of man in jail and old man is omitted here.]

Peru 2007 — source variable PE2007A_LASTNOWK — Activity last week if not working
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For persons aged six or older
[Applies to questions 13-19]

13. Did you work at least one hour last week for payment in cash or kind?

[] 1 Yes (go to question 16)
[] 2 No

15. Last week were you (Read each option and circle only one number):

[] 1 Looking for work and have worked before?
[] 2 Looking for work for the first time?
[] 3 Studying and did not work?
[] 4 Living off a pension or retirement income and did not work?
[] 5 Living off investment income and did not work?
[] 6 Taking care of the house and did not work?
[] 7 Other?

Specify ________

Go to question 20.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For persons aged six and older
[Applies to questions 13-19]

Question 15: If you did not work, what were you doing last week?
Circle just one option.
If the person is 12 years old or older, go to question 20.
If the person is less than 12, end the interview and continue with the next person.
[Each of the 7 examples below is accompanied by a drawing.]

1. Looking for work and has worked before. This is when a person who has worked before took specific steps last week (sent out a resume, visited potential employers) to look for work as an employee or an independent worker. It includes people who sought money or supplies to start their own business or company; who applied for permits or licenses to start their own business; and who were repairing their premises, machinery, or equipment.
2. Looking for work for the first time. This is when the person was looking for work last week for the first time (the person had never worked before). This person took specific steps (sent out a resume, visited potential employers, etc.) to find work as an employee or independent worker.

[p. 54]
3. Was studying and did not work. This is when the person was studying last week in one of the following: primary school, secondary school, non-university higher education, or university higher education. This person did not do any paid work, nor did he/she look for work.
4. Living off pension or retirement income and did not work. This occurs when the respondent receives a monthly payment from the state or a private organization and did not do any paid work, nor did he/she look for work.
5. Living off investment income and did not work. This occurs when the respondent receives investment income derived from his/her assets (real estate, etc.) and/or capital and did not do any paid work, nor did he/she look for work.
6. Was taking care of the house and did not work. This occurs when the person worked only in the home the week prior to the Census Day and did not do any paid work, nor did he/she look for work.
7. Other. This category includes all people not included in previous categories. Examples include minors who are not in school, those enlisted in the military, etc.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

[Questions 17-27 were asked of persons age 12+]

20. Condition towards work

Indicate if in the week of 8-14 of March 1981 you:

[] 1 Worked with a specific profession
[] 3 Did not work with a specific profession, or being a contributing family worker, not paid, worked for less than 15 hours
Question 21
  • Permanently incapacitated for working: mark this option if the person who is incapacitated for working has not reached retirement age, otherwise, chose option 3.
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Important: Individuals not residing in the dwelling where they spend 16 March 1981, at 00:00 hours, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

Note: Individuals younger than 12 years old end the filling-in of the questionnaire after question 16.
Only individuals 12 years of age or older answer the next questions.
[Questions 17-27 were asked of persons age 12+]

Question 20 - Work condition

We consider that an individual had a job if in the reference week:

Worked for pay (no matter how many hours);
Worked, was not paid (as an unpaid family worker) during 15 or more hours of work.
Did not work for temporary reasons, such as vacations, accidents, licenses of various kinds, etc.

People in this condition must indicate on question 22 the number of hours that they normally work. Individuals who have a job do not answer question 21 and go directly to question 22.

Important: On question 17, a person may have answered that he/she received unemployment benefits; it was supported by the household, receiving a pension, etc. However if he did not actually work in the week of 8 to 14th of March of 1981, he must declare so.

Did not work or, being a familiar not paid, worked less than fifteen hours during the indicated week: this question includes the persons who on the reference week:

Did not work in an economic activity, like people in charged of household chores, students, unemployed, retired, etc. Included here people suspended from work without pay.
Worked less than fifteen hours as unpaid family worker, meaning that worked but without payment.

The enumerated that chose option 3 in question 20 should not answer question 22.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

[Questions 18-28 were asked of individuals of age 12+]

19. Condition regarding work in the week of 7-13 of April 1991

[] 1 Worked
[] 2 You were temporarily absent from the work place
[] 3 Unemployed
[] 4 Permanently unable to work
[] 5 Retired
[] 6 Student
[] 7 Homemaker
[] 8 Other reason

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Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Note: Individuals younger than 12 years old end the filling-in of the questionnaire after question 17.
[Applies to questions 18-28]

Question 19: Condition regarding work

The individuals must indicate the situation they were in the week of 7-13 of April 1991:

a) Did work on an economic activity, being paid or not;

b) Was temporarily absent from the place of work: if on the week of 7-13 of April 1991, the person did not work but had a job. We can include in this option holidays, accidents, licenses of various kinds, etc. or any other cause for temporarily absence with or without authorization;

c) Was unemployed: all individuals 12 years of age or older, that are not attending compulsory school and that on the reference week did not have a job, paid or not and were available to work on paid or unpaid job;

d) Permanently unable to work: all individuals 12 years of age or older, who on the reference week, did not work because of a handicap (either receiving a pension or not for that fact);

e) Retired, pensioners or on reserve: all individuals that did not work on the reference week, but received a retirement pension or other of the same kind;

f) Student: it includes all individuals younger than 12 years old, who, on the reference week, attended any kind of education level and that did not have a job, were not on compulsory military service and did not consider themselves as unemployed;

g) Home chores: all individuals that on the reference week had as main occupation the domestic tasks in their own home;

h) In the option "Other reasons" we can include all the situations not described above.

a) Individuals who are students and simultaneously are responsible for household tasks, are included on the modality "Student";

b) The student, homemaker or any individual that on the week of 7-13 of April 1991 satisfies all the conditions to be considered as unemployed, must be included in that modality;

c) The working-student that on the reference week did not work, cannot choose the option "Student," he must choose the answer "temporarily absent from the work place."

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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[Questions 3.1-21 were asked of persons who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to question 3]

[Questions 10-24 were asked of persons born before December 31, 1999, who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 9]

[Questions 17 to 23 were asked of persons age 15+ who ever attended school at a level higher then pre-primary, and consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 13]

18. In the week of March 5-11, did you work, even if for only 1 hour, and receive (cash or any other form of) payment for this work?

[] 1 Yes - go to 23
[] 3 No
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Question 18 - In the week of 5-11 March, did you work, even if for only 1 hour, and receive (cash or any other form of) payment for this work?
[p. 95]
Yes or no answer.
Answer "Yes" in the following cases:
1. The individuals that worked at least one hour being paid for that, in money or goods;
2. The non-paid familiar workers that worked for at least 15 hours;
3. If the enumerated is doing the compulsory military service;
4. If the enumerated is an apprentice and worked at least one hour and received payment in money or goods;
5. If the enumerated is a student, home keeper, is retired or is in a situation of pre-retirement but worked at least one hour.
Answer "No" in the following cases:
1. The enumerated was attending a professional course with a duration superior to 35 hours, even if he is keeping a job.
2. If the enumerated has any kind of liaison with an employer but didn't work for temporarily reasons, such as hilliness, holydays, accidents, etc.
3. All unemployed individuals, students, home keepers, retired and incapacitated people that didn't work in the reference week.
Note: if the answer was Yes go directly to Question 23.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_EMPSTAT — Current activity status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Saint Lucia 1980 — source variable LC1980A_EMPSTATYR — Main activity during the past 12 months
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Persons age 15 years and over [Questions 23-29]

[Questions 23-27: refer to the past year]

23. Main activity during the past 12 months

[] Worked
[] Seeking first job
[] Others seeking work
[] Wanted work and available
[] Home duties
[] Student
[] Retired
[] Disabled
[] Other
[] Not stated

Saint Lucia 1991 — source variable LC1991A_EMPSTAT — Activity last week
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Section 7. Economic activity
For persons 15 years and over
[Questions 7.1 through 7.17 were asked of all individuals over the age of 15.]

7.5 What did ____ do most during the past week -- for example, did you/he/she work, look for a job, keep house or carry on some other activity?

[] 1 Worked -- Skip to 7.8
[] 2 Had a job but did not work -- Skip to 7.8
[] 3 Looked for work
[] 4 Wanted work and available
[] 5 Home duties -- Skip to 7.7
[] 6 Attended school -- Skip to 7.7
[] 7 Retired -- Skip to 7.7
[] 8 Disabled, unable to work -- Skip to 7.7
[] 9 Other (please specify) ____ -- Skip to 7.7
[] 10 Not stated -- Skip to 7.7

South Africa 1996 — source variable ZA1996A_ECONACTT — Employment status
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Question 16-19 should be answered for each person in the household, whether child or adult, born before 10 October 1991 (5 years or older)

17. Does (the person) work? (for pay, profit or family gain) Answer yes for formal work for a salary or wage. Also answer yes for informal work such as making things for sale or selling things or rendering a service. Also answer yes for work on a farm or the land, whether for a wage or as part of the household's farming activities. Otherwise answer no.

[] 1 = Yes. Go to question 19.1
[] 2 = No. Go to question 18.1

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_WKWHYNOT — Reason not working
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Section E: Employment and economic activities - ask of all persons 15 years and older listed on the flap
[Questions P-30 to P-39 were asked of persons age 15 and older.]

P-32 Reasons for not working
Why did (the person) not work during the past seven days?

[Question P-32 was asked of persons who were not working in the last seven days, per questions P-30a to P-30g.]
[] 01 Has found a job, but is only starting at a definite date in the future
[] 02 Scholar/student and prefers not to work
[] 03 Housewife/homemaker and prefers not to work
[] 04 Retired and prefers not to seek formal work
[] 05 Invalid, ill, disabled or unable to work (handicapped)
[] 06 Too young or too old to work
[] 07 Seasonal worker, e.g. fruit picker, wool-shearer
[] 08 Lack of skills or qualifications for available jobs
[] 09 Cannot find work
[] 10 Cannot find suitable work (salary, location of work or conditions not satisfactory)
[] 11 Contract worker, e.g. mine worker resting according to contract
[] 12 Retrenched
[] 13 Other reason
Write code in the box.
_ _

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5.6. Section E: Employment and Economic Activities

This section is to be asked for every person fifteen (15) years and older listed on the flap.

If "yes" for a person to any of the questions from p-30a to p-30g, go to p-36 for that person.


Even if the person did only one of the mentioned activities even for at least one hour during the past 7days the skip to Question P-36 is still valid.

If "no" to all questions from p-30a to p-30g, continue with p-31 to p-35 for that person.

(P-32) Reasons for not working: Why did (the person) not work during the past seven days?
This question must only be answered for the person who answered "No" to all the questions P-30a to P-30g and P-31.

Do not read out the categories; let the person give the reason without being influenced by the categories. Mark only one reason.

If the person has found a job and has a definite starting date (Code 01), do not ask P-33 to P-39 - Go to P-40.

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_REASNOWK — Reasons for not working in the last 7 days
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Section F: Employment
Ask of all persons aged 15 years and older listed on the flap.

P-23 Employment status

In the SEVEN DAYS before 10 October ?
Did [the person] work for a wage, salary, commission or any payment in kind (including paid domestic work), even if it was for only one hour?
Mark the appropriate circle with an X.
1. Yes
2. No
3. Do not know
In the SEVEN DAYS before 10 October ?
Did (name) run or do any kind of business, big or small, for herself/himself or with one or more partners, even if it was for only one hour?
Mark the appropriate circle with an X.
1. Yes
2. No
3. Do not know
In the SEVEN DAYS before 10 October ?
Did (name) help without being paid in any kind of business run by her/his household, even if it was for only one hour?
Mark the appropriate circle with an X.
1. Yes
2. No
3. Do not know
If 1 to any P-23a, P-23b, or P-23c, go to P-29a

P-27 Reasons for not working
What was the main reason for not trying to find work or starting a business in the last four weeks before 10 October?
Write the appropriate code in the box _ _

01. Awaiting the season for work
02. Waiting to be recalled to former job
03. Health reasons
04. Pregnancy
05. Disabled or unable to work (handicapped)
06. Housewife/homemaker (family considerations/child care)
07. Undergoing training to help find work
08. No jobs available in the area
09. Lack of money to pay for transport to look for work
10. Unable to find work requiring his/her skills
11. Lost hope of finding any kind of work
12. No transport available
13. Scholar or student
14. Retired
15. Too old/young to work
16. Did not want to work
17. Other
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8. Section F: Employment (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Provides information regarding the country's labor force (people who are employed, in business, unemployed and not economically active).

This section must be completed for everyone aged 15 years and older listed on the flap.
Employment: P-23a, P-23b and P-23c: You must complete all of the questions (a, b and c), and if you answered a 'Yes' on any of them, you skip the following questions and continue answering on P-29a (Industry).
For employment (P-29a), PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD refers to domestic workers and gardeners only.
i. Example ? Employment (below):
No response is expected for Adam, because the question is for people who are 15 years and older.
Diana and Francinah provided answers to all the three questions (P-23a, b and c).
Neither Diana nor Francinah worked for a wage, ran a business or helped in a family business in the seven days before October 10 (NO to P-23a, b and c).

[Figure omitted, example]
j. Example- Employment cont. (below):

Diana has a paid job, although at the time of completing the questionnaire, she was on maternity leave.
Francinah is a pensioner.

[Figure omitted, example]
k. Example ? Employment cont. (below):

For those who are working, the industry (P-29a) question must be completed.
For people with no-name businesses (from home or street), write OWNHOUSE or
Diana works at the Chris Barnard Memorial Hospital.

[Figure omitted, example]
l. Example ? Employment cont. (below):

For those that have a job, P-29b (main goods or services), P30a (occupation), P-30b (main task/duty) and P-31 (type of sector) must be completed.
If a member of the household has more than one job (e.g. has a paid job and runs a business), he/she should report on the one where they spend most of their time.
See Diana's example.
Type of sector:
Formal sector employment is where the business, institution or private individual is registered in some way with the government or statutory bodies to perform the activity. Registration may involve collecting taxes (e.g. PAYE), making UIF contributions or having a business licence.
Informal sector employment is where the business or private individual is not registered with the government or any statutory body in any way.

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_REASON — Reason for economic inactivity
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Economic activity
[Questions 19 - 23: Persons age 10 or older]

20. For those who did no work and were not seeking work, why did [the respondent] not seek work?

[Q20 is asked of persons age 10 or older who did not work and are not seeking work, as per Q19.]
[] 1 No hope of finding job
[] 2 Full-time student
[] 3 Income recipient
[] 4 Too old
[] 5 Disabled / too sick
[] 6 Full-time homemaker / housewife
[] 7 Pensioner / retired

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7.5. LFQ economic status questions 19-23

The remaining questions are only asked of persons aged 10 years old and above. If you are asking questions for a person 9 years old or less, stop and go to the next person listed on the questionnaire. These questions refer to the period of time 7 days prior to census night.

Q20 For those who did no work and were not seeking work, "Why did [the respondent] not seek work?" This question applies only to those persons who were coded "5" in Q19. Continuing with the first person listed "Person 01" 10 years old or over who responded "5" in question 19, ask question 20. Possible responses include:

(1) "No hope to find a job." Includes persons who have given up looking for a job, but will accept one if offered.

(2) "Full time student." Includes any male or female 10 years or older who were attending school the week before census night, who were not engaged in any work as previously defined and were not seeking or available for work.

(3) "Income recipient." Includes persons who were not engaged in any work but who received money from rents or other investments.

(4) "Too old." Includes those not working or seeking work due to old age. Old persons currently working should coded "1" in question 19. Old persons who are receiving income from rent or other investments should be coded "3" in question 20.

(5) "Disabled/too sick." Includes those who were not working or looking for work because either a disability or long illness prevents them from doing so. Those who are disabled or ill who receive income should be coded "3" and those who receive pensions should be coded "7".

(6) "Full-time homemaker." Includes any male or female who was wholly engaged in household duties the week prior to census night and were not engaged in any work for pay, goods, or services of any kind nor looking for work.

Note: Persons, male or female, who while engaged in household duties were also actively looking for work and available for work should be coded 03 if worked before or 04 if seeking work for the first time in Q19.

(7) "Retired/Pensioner." Includes those who've retired from work or who receive pensions who are not working or seeking work. Note that retired persons currently in paid or self-employment should be classified as working and coded 1 in Q19. Likewise, retired persons who are receiving income from rent or other investments should be coded 3 in this question.

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_EMPSTAT — Activity status
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Economic activity
[Questions 19 - 23: Persons age 10 or older]

19. During the week before census night, did [the respondent] work at least one hour for pay (or without pay), profit, in kind, or for family business?

[] 1 Worked (skip to Q21)
[] 2 Did not work but have a job to go back to (skip to Q21)
[] 3 Did not work but worked before and seeking work and available for work (skip to Q21)
[] 4 Did not work, seeking work for the first time and available for work (skip to Q24)
[] 5 Did not work and not seeking work

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7.5. LFQ economic status questions 19-23

The remaining questions are only asked of persons aged 10 years old and above. If you are asking questions for a person 9 years old or less, stop and go to the next person listed on the questionnaire. These questions refer to the period of time 7 days prior to census night.

Q19 "During the week before census night, did [the respondent] work at least one hour for pay (or without pay), profit, in kind or for family business?" Continuing with the first person listed "Person 01" 10 years old or over, ask question 17.

  • Shade the number that corresponds to the given response.
  • Never assume that female members of the household are homemakers and do not work. You must probe to get the correct response.

[Below the text is a form showing question 19. This illustration is omitted here]

(1) "Worked" (skip to Q21). Those who should be considered as having worked last week include:
a) All persons at least 10 years old who were in paid employment during the 7 days preceding census night, no matter how much they were paid.
b) All who worked at least one hour for food, goods, or services even if it was their own/family business or farm, including: small shop owners, cattle herders, basket weavers, traditional beer makers, roadside fruit sellers, wayside barbers, or tea and coffee sellers.
c) Farmers, hunters and fishermen (male or female) who worked producing or capturing food for their own household, if this makes up a large part of the food for the household. Women who gather food for household consumption are included in this category.
d) Apprentices who worked at least one hour, whether paid or not.
e) Homemakers who also worked on the family farm/business, or worked some outside the home to earn money. Such as:

  • Persons who collect firewood and sell part of it.
  • Persons who make and sell traditional beer.
  • Persons who milk cattle and sell part of the milk.
  • Persons who weave baskets and sell them.

f) Students, who while studying, were at the same time in paid or unpaid employment. Students who look after cattle after school hours or at weekends should be included in this category.

(2) "Did not work but have job to go back to" (skip to Q21). Includes those with jobs, businesses or farms that were temporarily not at work the week before census night for a specific reason, such as:
  • Farmers not working because of drought.
  • Temporarily away from work/job because of illness, maternity leave, or vacation.
  • Did not work because there were no customers that week (hairdressers, dressmakers, painters, etc.)
  • Workers temporarily off from work but have been assured that they will go back to work (construction workers who are waiting for materials for example.)
  • Persons who have a job but took other temporary work that week, such as teachers involved in the census work.

(3) "Did not work but worked before and seeking work and available for work" (skip to Q21). Includes persons who were not working, had no job, but were looking for and available for work.
  • This includes persons who completed applications for employment, checked at work sites, asked for work at businesses, or looked for land or money to establish their own business

(4) "Did not work, seeking work for the first time and available for work" (skip to Q24). Includes persons who have never had a job, paid or unpaid, but are seeking and available for work.

(5) "Did not work, and not seeking work." Includes persons who did not work at all (paid or unpaid), were not temporarily away from work, and are not looking for work.

Spain 1981 — source variable ES1981A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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12. Which of the following describes your current situation?
Refer to the week of February 22-28, 1981.
Mark with an X the box that corresponds to your answer.
[] 1 Fulfilling military service
[] 2 Working
-in a paid occupation, profession, or job.
-without pay, helping with the family business or farm, for 15 hours or more per week
[] 3 Looking for your first job
[] 4 Unemployed and looking for work, having worked previously
[] 5 Retired, collecting a pension, etc.
[] 6 Living off investments (living off income from rental properties, dividends, or other capital income)
[] 7 Elementary school student (including those enrolled in pre-school) or other student
[] 8 Keeping house
[] 9 Permanently handicapped and unable to work
[] 0 Other (e.g., children not in school, persons in the interval between school graduation and beginning a job search)

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_EMPSTAT1 — Work relationship 1
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22. Employment status
Mark the situation that you were in during the week from February 22 to 28, 1991.

If you were in more than one situation, mark as many as apply, up to a maximum of three. (For example, a person who was both working and studying should mark both Employed (2x) and student (8x).)

Classify as "employed" all persons who worked at least one hour during the reference week (February 22 to 28). Those persons who had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent (because of illness, vacations, etc.) during the reference period should also be considered "employed."
[] 1 Serving in the military
[] 2 Employed
[] 3 Unemployed, looking for a first job
[] 4 Unemployed, previously employed
[] 5 Retired (receiving a retirement pension or disability pension)
[] 6 Receiving a pension other than retirement or disability
[] 7 Permanently disabled and unable to work
[] 8 Student, including elementary, high school, and pre-school students
[] 9 Keeping house (unpaid)
[] 10 Another situation (minors not in school, persons living off rental income, etc.).

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_EMP1 — Employment situation last week (first response)
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7. Which of the following describes your situation last week?
Review all the options in Table 7 and mark all of the boxes that apply.
[] 1 Receiving some type of schooling (including schooling via nursery school, academies, businesses, etc.)
[] 2 Working (worked at least 1 hour) or temporarily absent from work.

[If answers 1 or 2 apply] Please fill an individual questionnaire.

[] 3 Unemployed, looking for a first job
[] 4 Unemployed, having worked previously
[] 5 Receiving a pension because handicapped or disabled
[] 6 Receiving a widow's or orphan's pension
[] 7 Receiving a retirement or pre-retirement pension
[] 8 Doing volunteer work
[] 9 Unable to do basic activities without assistance (bathing, getting dressed, moving around)
[] 10 Doing or helping with household chores
[] 11 Some other situation (children too young to attend school, persons living off rental income, etc. )

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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14. In what labor situation was she last week?
[] Employed (that?s to say, worked at least an hour) or temporally absent from work:
[] full-time
[] part-time
[] Unemployed, having had worked previously
[] Unemployed, seeking employment for the first time (go to question 18)
[] Person with permanent labor disability (go to question 18)
[] Retired, pre-retired, pensioned, or rentier (go to question 18)
[] Other situation (go to question 18)
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1.D.1 Current relation with the activity

This variable allows a classification of the population with relation to economic activity, establishing the groups of active and inactive and their main collectives. It is a variable of basic classification in the census operation.

The temporary reference of this variable is the week previous to the census reference.
It is asked of all those people that are 16 years of age or older.

Categories of this variable:


Unemployed having worked before
Unemployed seeking his/her first employment
Person with permanent labor disability
Retired, pre-retired, pensioned, or rentier
Other situation

Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_REASON — Reason for economic inactivity
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Economic activity
[Questions 19 - 23: Persons age 10 or older]

20. For those who did no work and were not seeking work, why did [the respondent] not seek work?

[Q20 is asked of persons age 10 or older who did not work and are not seeking work, as per Q19.]

[] 1 No hope of finding job
[] 2 Full-time student
[] 3 Income recipient
[] 4 Too old
[] 5 Disabled / too sick
[] 6 Full-time homemaker / housewife
[] 7 Pensioner / retired

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Q20 For those who did no work and were not seeking work, "Why did [the respondent] not seek work?" This question applies only to those persons who were coded "5" in Q19. Continuing with the first person listed "Person 01" 10 years old or over who responded "5" in question 19, ask question 20. Possible responses include:

(1) "No hope to find a job." Includes persons who have given up looking for a job, but will accept one if offered.

(2) "Full time student." Includes any male or female 10 years or older who were attending school the week before census night, who were not engaged in any work as previously defined and were not seeking or available for work.

(3) "Income recipient." Includes persons who were not engaged in any work but who received money from rents or other investments.

(4) "Too old." Includes those not working or seeking work due to old age. Old persons currently working should coded "1" in question 19. Old persons who are receiving income from rent or other investments should be coded "3" in question 20.

(5) "Disabled/too sick." Includes those who were not working or looking for work because either a disability or long illness prevents them from doing so. Those who are disabled or ill who receive income should be coded "3" and those who receive pensions should be coded "7".

(6) "Full-time homemaker." Includes any male or female who was wholly engaged in household duties the week prior to census night and were not engaged in any work for pay, goods, or services of any kind nor looking for work.

Note: Persons, male or female, who while engaged in household duties were also actively looking for work and available for work should be coded 03 if worked before or 04 if seeking work for the first time in Q19.

(7) "Retired/Pensioner." Includes those who've retired from work or who receive pensions who are not working or seeking work. Note that retired persons currently in paid or self-employment should be classified as working and coded 1 in Q19. Likewise, retired persons who are receiving income from rent or other investments should be coded 3 in this question.

Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_EMPSTAT — Activity status
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Economic activity
[Questions 19 - 23: Persons age 10 or older]

19. During the week before census night, did [the respondent] work at least one hour for pay (or without pay), profit, in kind, or for family business?

[] 1 Worked (skip to Q21)
[] 2 Did not work but have a job to go back to (skip to Q21)
[] 3 Did not work but worked before and seeking work and available for work (skip to Q21)
[] 4 Did not work, seeking work for the first time and available for work (skip to Q24)
[] 5 Did not work and not seeking work

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Q19 "During the week before census night, did [the respondent] work at least one hour for pay (or without pay), profit, in kind or for family business?" Continuing with the first person listed "Person 01" 10 years old or over, ask question 17.
  • Shade the number that corresponds to the given response.
  • Never assume that female members of the household are homemakers and do not work. You must probe to get the correct response.

[Below the text is a form showing question 19. This illustration is omitted here]

(1) "Worked" (skip to Q21). Those who should be considered as having worked last week include:
a) All persons at least 10 years old who were in paid employment during the 7 days preceding census night, no matter how much they were paid.
b) All who worked at least one hour for food, goods, or services even if it was their own/family business or farm, including: small shop owners, cattle herders, basket weavers, traditional beer makers, roadside fruit sellers, wayside barbers, or tea and coffee sellers.
c) Farmers, hunters and fishermen (male or female) who worked producing or capturing food for their own household, if this makes up a large part of the food for the household. Women who gather food for household consumption are included in this category.
d) Apprentices who worked at least one hour, whether paid or not.
e) Homemakers who also worked on the family farm/business, or worked some outside the home to earn money. Such as:

  • Persons who collect firewood and sell part of it.
  • Persons who make and sell traditional beer.
  • Persons who milk cattle and sell part of the milk.
  • Persons who weave baskets and sell them.

f) Students, who while studying, were at the same time in paid or unpaid employment. Students who look after cattle after school hours or at weekends should be included in this category.

(2) "Did not work but have job to go back to" (skip to Q21). Includes those with jobs, businesses or farms that were temporarily not at work the week before census night for a specific reason, such as:
  • Farmers not working because of drought.
  • Temporarily away from work/job because of illness, maternity leave, or vacation.
  • Did not work because there were no customers that week (hairdressers, dressmakers, painters, etc.)
  • Workers temporarily off from work but have been assured that they will go back to work (construction workers who are waiting for materials for example.)
  • Persons who have a job but took other temporary work that week, such as teachers involved in the census work.

(3) "Did not work but worked before and seeking work and available for work" (skip to Q21). Includes persons who were not working, had no job, but were looking for and available for work.
  • This includes persons who completed applications for employment, checked at work sites, asked for work at businesses, or looked for land or money to establish their own business

(4) "Did not work, seeking work for the first time and available for work" (skip to Q24). Includes persons who have never had a job, paid or unpaid, but are seeking and available for work.

(5) "Did not work, and not seeking work." Includes persons who did not work at all (paid or unpaid), were not temporarily away from work, and are not looking for work.

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_ACTIVITY — Activity status
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Personal module

Persons 15 and above (employment)
[Questions P30 - P42 were asked of persons aged 15 and above about their employment.]

P30. Was this person active in the period 6 to 12 August 2012?

Examples of work: activities in agriculture, livestock and fisheries, selling pickles, selling newspapers, jobs, odd jobs.

N.B.: If the person carries out unpaid work in a family business, enter code 1.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 No response

[If answer 1, go to question P32. Elsewise, go to P31.]

P31. Was this person absent from work in the period 6 to 12 August 2012 due to, for example: leave, illness, holidays, stay abroad, training, strike, weather conditions?

[Question P31 was asked of persons age 15+ who were not active in the period 6 to 12 August 2012, per question P30.]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 No response

[If answer 2, 7 or 9, go to P38.]

P32. This person was active as:

[Question P32 was asked of persons age 15+ who were active in the period 6 to 12 August 2012, per question P30 or who were not active in that period but absent from work due to, for example: leave, illness, holidays, stay abroad, training, strike, or weather conditions, per question P31.]

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Self-employed person
[] 3 Unpaid worker in family business
[] 4 Civil servant
[] 5 Employee with parastatal institution
[] 6 An employee of a private business / NGO
[] 7 Employed at private household
[] 8 Trainee
[] 9 Volunteer
[] 10 Member of a worker co-operative
[] 97 Don't know
[] 99 No response

P38. Was this person looking for work in the period 12 July 2012 to 12 August 2012?

[Question P38 was asked of persons age 15+ who were not active in the period 6 to 12 August 2012, per question P30 and who were absent from work not due to, for example: leave, illness, holidays, stay abroad, training, strike, or weather conditions, per question P31.]

[] 1 Yes [go to question P40]
[] 2 No [go question P39]
[] 7 Don't know [go question P41]
[] 9 No response [go question P41]

P39. What is the reason this person wasn't looking for work?

[Question P39 was asked of persons age 15+ who were not active in the period 6 to 12 August 2012 per question P30, who were absent from work not due to, for example: leave, illness, holidays, stay abroad, training, strike, or weather conditions, per question P31, and who were not looking for work in the period 12 July 2012 to 12 August 2012 per question P38.]

Once you have completed P39, proceed to P41

[] 1 Retired / elderly
[] 2 Student (regardless of level of education)
[] 3 Family career
[] 4 Incapacitated for work
[] 5 Thinks they won't find work
[] 6 Looking for work but unable to find
[] 7 Waiting for application outcome
[] 8 Other, please specify ____
[] 97 Don't know
[] 99 No response

P41. What did this person do most of the time during the past 12 months?

A job / an odd job is also regarded as work

[] 1 Was working
[] 2 Had a job but didn't work
[] 3 Was looking for work for the first time
[] 4 Looked for work having worked previously
[] 5 Didn't look for work but wanted to work and was available for work
[] 6 Went to school (any level)
[] 7 Was a family career
[] 8 Retired, without work
[] 9 Was impaired / incapacitated for work
[] 10 Other, please specify ____
[] 97 Don't know
[] 99 No response

[If answer 1 or 2, go to question P42. Elsewise, go to P43.]

Tanzania 1988 — source variable TZ1988A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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Persons 5 years and older
[Applied to questions 14 to 18]

17. What kind of work is [the respondent] usually doing? Enter code for work usually done. ____

Thailand 1970 — source variable TH1970A_WORKREAS — Reason for not working
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Only for persons 11 years and over
[Questions 17-24.]

20. Occupation last week (25 March - 31 March 1970) ______

[Also record the main occupation for the person who has a full-time job but is currently ill or is on a temporary break. Record "not working" if the person does not work.]

21. Reason for not working, if record "not working" in 20:

[] Seeking employment
[] Waiting for the agricultural season
[] Doing housework
[] Studying
[] Cannot work because the person is ill, old, or disabled
[] Others, specify ____

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[From column 17 to column 24, ask only persons age 11 years or older.]

Column 21: Reasons for not working in the last 7 days before the census date
If the person answers "did not work" in column 20, ask: "Why did the person not work during March 25-31, 1970?" and record the reason in this column.

The reasons are categorized as follows:

a. looking for a job
b. waiting for agriculture season (record the head of household only)
c. doing household works (work by themselves or supervise the others)
d. being a student (even during the school breaks)
e. unable to work due to sickness, old age, or disability
f. other (specify), e.g. being a monk, millionaire, having earnings from loans, rent, dividends without the need to work, etc.

If the reason for not working is because of temporary absence due to sickness or for vacation during March 25-31, 1970, but the person still has a regular job, do not record in this column. The interviewer needs to go back to column 20, and record the person's regular job as the main occupation.

Thailand 1980 — source variable TH1980A_WRKREASN — Reason for not working
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For person 11 years and older or those who were born before and in the year 1968.
For ever-married women.
[Questions L22-L25 were asked of women age 11 and over who have ever been married.]

L28. What job was [respondent] working in during last week?

Specify kind of work i.e. typist, school teacher, accountant, farmer, etc.

Occupation last week (25-31 March 1980) ____

L29. Reason for not working ____

If 'not work' in column 28.

Example: looking for work, student, aged/disability, waiting for farm season, homemaker, retired official, etc.

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3.23 Job:

A job that can fall into any following categories:

3.23.1 A job with a return in cash or in kind e.g., food, clothes, commodity. In cash maybe paid on monthly, weekly, daily, or per piece of products basis.
2.23.2 A job with a return in any dividend forms e.g., trading of industrial factory.
3.23.3 Family business job without salary/wages or profits. Family members work as employers or self-employed entrepreneurs.
3.24 Occupation:

A regular job that one is working e.g. statistician, journalist, rural school teacher, horticulturalist, rice farmers.

Columns 22 - 29

Ask those who are 11 years old and over, or who were born before or in 1968 (Monkey year)

Column 28 Occupation in last 7 days before the date of census (March 25
- 31, 1980)

Ask "What have you been doing for a living in last 7 days (March 25 - 31, 1980)?"

Record occupation of the interviewee between March 25 - 31, 1980 specifically, e.g. electric appliances sale man, teacher of P4, principal, furniture carpenter, rice carrying laborer, servant, etc.

Do not record government services, trading, or employee because it is not specific.

Those who have more than one occupation, record only one:

1. Occupation they spent most of their time in last 7 days.
2. If they spent equal time in two occupations, record the occupation they earned more income.
p. 78

In case that the interviewees have their permanent job e.g., a teacher of a public school or employee of a company:

1. In last 7 days (March 25-31, 1980) they did not work because of sickness or on annual leave, their occupations in last 7 days are their permanent occupations.
2. In last 7 days (March 25 - 31, 1980) they spent more time doing jobs other than their permanent jobs e.g. handicraft in last 7 days before the date of census, their occupations in last 7 days before the date of census are "handicraft maker."

For those who have no permanent job e.g., rice carrying laborer, vender, in last 7 days they have not worked, their occupations in last 7 days before the date of census are "jobless."

Those who did not work e.g., retired officers living on pension, moneylender living on interest, are regarded as "jobless" in this Column.

If the interviewees do not know the occupation of the persons in question, but know they have worked, record "work, do not know occupation".

Again, occupation in last 7 days before the date of census of a person may be the same as, or different from, permanent occupation in last year round (Column 10).

Column 29 Reasons for not working

Ask only those recorded "Do not work" in Column 28.

Ask "Let me know why you do not work?"

Record the reasons. In case that the person is jobless or has no occupation, e.g.

- looking for a job
- waiting for growing season
- doing household chore
- being a student
- old age, disability
- millionaire, millionaires
p. 79
- retired officer living on pension
- monkhood
- etc.

Thailand 1990 — source variable TH1990A_REASWORK — Reason for not working
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L25. Last week occupation
During March 25-31 1990, what job did (name) spend most of the time working on?
Ask only persons age 13 years and over or persons born before1977

Example; typist, accountant, teacher, farmer, etc. and skip to L27.
If did not work, enter 'not work'.

L26. Reason for not working
Why (name) did not work?

Ask only persons age 13 years and over or persons born before1977

Example: looking for work, waiting for farm season, study, home worker, aged, young, ill, disable, pensioner, millionaire, priest, etc.

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Columns 25-26:
[Ask persons who aged 13 years or older or who were born before 1 April 1990]

Column 25: Occupation during the last 7 days (25-31 March 1990)
Ask: "Between 25-31 March, 2000 ...... (name) ...... what occupation did you spend most of your time on?"

Record the specific occupation, job description, or position that a person did during the 7 days before the census date. Examples are commercial rice farming, cassava planting, coconut growing, electrical-appliance sale person, chief of the finance department, painter, molder, furniture carpenter, laborer, maid, soil digger, etc. (Do not record the occupation such as government officer, businessman because they are not specific.)

For craftsman, teacher, engineer, mechanic, medical doctor, nurse, driver, agricultural worker, employee, record their specific occupations in the same way as the record of last year occupation (see the instruction for recording last year occupation from the PHC2 form, part 2, column 9.)

If in the past week before the census date, a person had more than one occupation, record only one occupation by considering the following criteria:

1. The occupation in which a person spent most of his time in the past 7 days before the census date.
2. The occupation in which a person earned higher wage or income than other occupations, if he/she spent equal amount of time for both occupations.

If the respondent has a permanent (or regular) occupation, such as a primary-school teacher in a government school or a typist in an automobile sell company, and:
1. During the past 7 days (25-31 March 1990) he/she did not work because he/she was sick or took a leave of absence, the occupation of that person during the last 7 days before the census date was his/her permanent work.
2. During the past 7 days (25-31 March 2000), he/she did not work on his permanent job because he/she took a leave of absence or school was closed for vacation, and he was engaged in other work, the occupation in the last 7 days before the census date was another work that he was doing during the last 7 days.

Example: Mr. A is a primary-school teacher in a government school during 25-31 March, 1990, and the school was closed for vacation. During that time, Mr. A had made bamboo baskets for sale at his house. Therefore, Mr. A's occupation during the last 7 days before the census date was a bamboo-basket maker.

A permanent job in this context means the occupation in which a person did not work in the past 7 days before the census date but still received wage, salary or anything in return on a regular basis, and that person still maintain his position during that 7 days period before the date of the census even though he may not receive wage, salary or anything in return during the time he did not work.

If the enumerator does not knowing the occupation but knows that the person was working, record "working but not knowing occupation."

If record the occupation a person did during the week before the census date or record "working but not knowing the occupation" in column 25, skip to column 27.

For persons who do not have permanent occupation such as laborer, if in the last 7 days (25-31 March 1990) he/she did not work, record "not working".

For those who are not working such as the pensioner, lenders, etc., consider them as not working and record "not working".

If record "Not working" in column 25, continue to the next column.

Column 26: Reason for not working
[Only for those who record "Not working" in the column 25]
Ask: "why ...... (name) ...... did you not work during the 25-31 March, 2000?"
Record the reason for not working. Examples:

Looking for a job
Waiting for planting season
Working on house chore, housewife
Too young to work
Ill, disabled, unable to work
Priest, monk

Thailand 2000 — source variable TH2000A_REASWORK — Reason for no availability for work
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For persons 13 years and over
[Questions S13-L21 were asked of all individuals 13 years and older]

L19. Reason for not being available

[] 1 Working for agricultural season
[] 2 Waiting for appropriate season
[] 3 To study
[] 4 House worker
[] 5 Childhood, elderly
[] 6 Illness/disability unable to work
[] 7 Monk
[] 8 Others

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Column S13-S16 and L17-L22
[Ask persons age 13 years or older]

Column L19: Reason for not being available for work during the previous week
[Only for those who recorded code "3" in column L18]

The question asked [of respondents]: "Why you were not available to work during the March 25th-31st, 2000 week?"

Record the code of the reason for not being available to work in a check box as follows:

[] 1 Waiting for planting season

Record code "1"

[] 2 Waiting for the appropriate time

Record code "2"

[] 3 Studying

Record code "3"

[p. 112]

[] 4 Working for house chores, housewife

Record code "4"

[] 5 Childhood, old age

Record code "5"

[] 6 Unable to work due to illness, disability

Record code "6"

[] 7 Priest, monk

Record code "7"

[] 8 Others

Record code "8"

Examples of recording last year's occupation, job description, type of business at the working place, work status, or last week occupation:

Trinidad and Tobago 1970 — source variable TT1970A_EMPSTAT — Economic situtation during the past week
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Section VI. Economic Activity

[Questions 23-29 asked of all persons 10 years and over.]

28. Economic situation during past week

[] Worked
[] With job, not working
[] Looked for work
[] Home duties
[] Student
[] Retired
[] Disabled
[] Other
[] Not stated
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F. Section VI - Economic activity

One of the main purposes of this section is to determine which individuals have been in the working force of the country at any time during the 12 months preceding Census Day. It is essential that the enumerator understands the definition of the term work as given in question 2.3 and makes use of it in his interviews. Generally work done
outside of the country is not relevant to the Census, but work done under contract on U.S. farms by residents is to be included, as also is work on ships and aircraft operating outside of the country.

61. Question 28 - Economic situation during past week

The categories here are almost the same as those of Question 23. One important difference is that here the question relates to the week before enumeration, instead of the 12 month period. Also instead of relating to the main activity, this question gives priority to the categories worked, with job not working and looked for work. Thus if someone both worked and was engaged in home duties, he should be classified as worked. Further if the individual worked for two days and looked for work for three days, he should be classified as worked rather than looking for work.

Trinidad and Tobago 1980 — source variable TT1980A_EMPSTATYR — Employment status, past 12 months
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Section 4 Economic Activity -- For all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

This section deals with the economic activity of all who are 15 years old and over. It relates to the past week as well as the past 12 months. Question 16 to 18 apply to those answering from [10] to [30] in Question 15.
Interviewer: Job seekers and persons wanting work must have responses to Questions 16-18.

22. Main activity during the past twelve months
What did (N) [the respondent] do most during the past twelve months?

[] 10 Had a job/worked (HJ/W)
[] 11 Had a job, did not work (HJNW)
[] 20 Seeking first job (SFJ)
[] 21 Other seeking work (OSW)
[] 30 Wanted work and available (WW)
[] 40 Student (S)
[] 41 Home duties (HD)
[] 42 Retired (R)
[] 43 Disabled (D)
[] 44 Old age pensioner (OAP)
[] 45 Did not want work (DNWW)
[] 98 Other
[] 99 Not stated (NS)
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Section 4 - Economic Activity, questions [15] to [23]

Question 22 - Main activity during the past twelve months

The question aims at classifying persons aged fifteen years of age and over according to their main activity, that is, what they did most for six months and over during the twelve-month period preceding enumeration. It is also intended to distinguish between persons who worked [i.e. were economically active] and those who did not work [those who were not economically active].

Categories of persons who were not economically active in this context include persons who had never worked but who were seeking their first job, people engaged in home duties, full-time students and those retired or disabled. The term "did not want work" refers to those persons who were neither students, retired, pensioned, home duties, etc. but clearly did not wish to engage in economic activity. Discrete prompting should be used to elicit a reply.

It is to be noted that the term "most" referring to a period of six months and over need not be continuous.

Trinidad and Tobago 1990 — source variable TT1990A_EMPSTATYR — Main activity during the past twelve months
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Section 4. Economic activity - For all persons 15 years old and over

This section deals with the economic activity of all who are 15 years old and over. It relates to the past week as well as the past 12 months. Questions 16 to 18 apply to those answering from 10 to 30 in Question 15.

Interviewer: Job seekers and persons wanting work must have responses to Questions 16-18

21. Main activity during the past twelve months
What did [the respondent] do most during the past twelve months?

[] 10 Had a job, worked (HJ/W)
[] 11 Had a job, did not work (HJNW)
[] 20 Seeking first job (SFJ)
[] 21 Others seeking work (OSW)
[] 30 Wanted work and available past three months (WW)
[] 40 Student (S)
[] 41 Home duties (HD)
[] 42 Retired (R)
[] 43 Disabled (D)
[] 44 Old age pensioner (OAP)
[] 45 Did not want work (DNWW)
[] 98 Other
[] 99 Not stated (NS)
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Section 4 - Economic activity-questions [15] to [21]
The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals have been engaged in economic activity, that is the production of goods and services for sale during the week preceding enumeration and at any time during the past twelve [12] months and, those who were not so engaged. It is essential that the enumerator understands the concept of the term work as given in question [15] and makes use of it in his interviews. Generally, work done outside Trinidad and Tobago is not relevant to the census, but work done under contract on Canadian farms by residents is to be included, as also is work by resident crew on ships and aircraft operating outside of the country.
It should be noted that priority is given to work over all other activities. Also, economic activity holds precedence over non-economic.

Question 21 - Main activity during the past twelve months

This question aims at classifying persons aged fifteen years and over according to their main activity, that is, what they did most during the twelve-month period preceding enumeration. It is also intended to distinguish between persons who worked [i.e. were economically active] and those who did not work [those who were not economically active].
Categories of persons who were not economically active in this context include persons who had never worked but who were seeking their first job, people engaged in home duties, full-time students and those retired or disabled. The term "did not want work" refers to those persons who were neither students, retired, pensioned, home duties, etc. but clearly did not wish to engage in economic activity. Discrete prompting should be used to elicit a reply.
It is to be noted that the term "most" need not be continuous.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_EMPSTATYR — Economic activity last year
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Section 6. Economic activity - For all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

30. What did (N) [the respondent] do most during the past twelve (12) months?

[] 10. Had a job, worked (H.J.W.)
[] 11. Had a job, did not work (H.J.N.W. )
[] 20. Seeking first job (S.F.J.)
[] 21. Others seeking work (O.S.W.)
[] 30. Wanted work and available (W.W.)
[] 40. Student (S.)
[] 41. Home duties (H.D.)
[] 42. Retired (R.)
[] 43. Disabled (D.)
[] 44. Old age pensioner (O.A.P.)
[] 45. Did not want work (D.N.W.W.)
[] 77. Other (O.)
[] 99. Not stated (NOT STATED)
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Section 6 - Economic activity

The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals have been engaged in economic activity, that is, the production of goods and services during the week preceding enumeration and at any time during the past 12 months and those who were not so engaged. It is essential that the enumerator understands the concept of the term work as given in question (22) and makes use of it in his interviews.

Question 30 - Main activity during the past 12 months

This question aims at classifying persons aged fifteen years and over according to their main activity, that is, what they did most during the twelve-month period preceding enumeration. It is also intended to distinguish between persons who worked (i.e. were economically active) and those who did not work (those who were not economically active).

Categories of persons who were not economically active in this context include persons who had never worked but who were seeking their first job, people engaged in home duties, full time students and those retired or disabled. The term "did not want work" refers to those persons who were neither students, retired, pensioned or those involved in home duties, etc. but clearly, did not wish to engage in any economic activity. Discrete prompting should be used to elicit a reply.

It is to be noted that the term most, need not be continuous.

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_EMPSTATYR — Economic activity during last year
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Section 6: Economic Activity - For all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

25. What did (N) [the respondent] do most during the past twelve (12) months?

[] 10 Had a job and worked (HJW)
[] 11 Had a job, did not work (HJNW)
[] 20 Seeking first job (SFJ)
[] 21 Seeking work - not first job (SW)
[] 30 Wanted work and available (WW)
[] 40 Student (S)
[] 41 Home duties (HD)
[] 42 Retired (R)
[] 43 Disabled (D)
[] 44 Old Age Pensioner (OAP)
[] 45 Did not want work (DNWW)
[] 77 Other (O)
[] 99 Not stated (NS)
Interviewer: For persons who shaded 20 in Q.19, classify by where (N) [the respondent] last applied for a job. And those persons shading 21 OR 30 classify by last job held.
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Section 6 - Economic activity

6.11. Main activity during past twelve (12) months

The main activity during the past twelve (12) months refers to what the individual did most during the twelve (12) month period preceding enumeration. It is to be noted that the term "most" need not be continuous.

Uganda 1991 — source variable UG1991A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
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For All Persons Aged 10 Years or Over

17. Activity status last week (employed, self employed, unpaid family worker, student, household work, looking for work, disabled, too old, etc.)

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120. The next set of questions, 14. to 18, apply to all persons aged 10 or over. Look back at the age you have entered for each person. For those aged 0 to 9 years write "N/A" for question 14 and leave the rest of the column blank.

Question 17 and 18 Activity Status and Occupation

134. Questions 17 and 18 are concerned with how people provide for themselves, how they make their living. The questions apply to women as well as to men.

135. In the week before census night, almost everyone in Uganda will have done something to provide for him or herself. It is your job to discover and record what each person did. It does not matter whether they had a job or were paid for what they did. A person who farmed or fished or replaced thatch on a roof or cultivated a vegetable garden worked. So did people who were in paid employment.

136. Ask the questions as they are set out here and on the questionnaire and talk about each member of the household until you understand what he or she did in the way of making a living last week. Make entries on the questionnaire only when you have the picture clear in your mind.

Question 17 Activity Status Last Week

137. "What was the person's main activity during the past week?"

138. A person either did something to provide for him or herself last week or did nothing.

139. Those who were active in providing for themselves or their families, may have been active in different ways. We are concerned with the main activity - the one the person spends most time at - that which the person considers most important.

140. If the person combines paid employment with unpaid work you should record the paid job rather than the unpaid job - for example, if the person is a bus driver and worked as well in his garden to grow food it is the fact of his being a bus driver in which we are interested. And if the person is a housewife who went to market to sell fruit, it is the fact of selling to make money in which we are interested.

141. If the person is engaged temporarily on the census we are concerned with his or her usual activity. Thus if the person is a secondary school teacher and is working as a census enumerator or supervisor, it is the fact of being a teacher in which we are interested.

142. Persons who did something to provide for themselves or their families were active in one of the following ways:

Employed - such people are employed by others and are paid regularly in cash or in kind. If the person did some work last week for a wage or salary or was paid in kind, write "employed". You should also write "employed" if the person was temporarily absent from work because he or she was on leave or sick or for some other reason. A teacher on holiday, for example, may not have been teaching last week because schools are closed, but he or she should be recorded as "employed".

Self-employed - such people work for themselves and receive cash when they sell some thing or some service, or receive goods in exchange. They do not receive a wage or salary.

This category includes a person who runs his or her own shop or business, who sells in the market, which makes handicrafts or pottery or other things to sell, who grows vegetable or root crops or catches fish to sell. It includes casual workers and everyone who is paid on a contract, task or piece work basis. For these people write "self-employed".

Unpaid Family Worker - such people work to provide for themselves and their families but do not receive regular wages. Very often they work in the family business or farm and are members of the family who are provided with food and lodging and share in the profits which arise from the joint family work but do not receive cash on a regular basis. For such people write "unpaid".

143. A person may have done nothing last week to provide for him or herself. There are many reasons why this might happen. Those which are most important to the census are:

Household Work - this applies to men or women who were occupied with purely domestic duties round the house. For such people write "household work".

Many household workers combine domestic duties with working outside the house - in the garden, in paid employment, making articles for sale. In such cases they were active in providing for themselves and should be classified as "employed", "self employed" or "unpaid" as appropriate.

Student - if the person is a full time student, write "student".

Looking for work - this applies to people who were capable of working and who would have worked if there had been a job available. It includes those who wanted to work and actively looked for work as well as those who did nothing about finding a job because they knew there were none available.

The question is, "Did this person do anything to provide for him or herself last week?" If the person did nothing and was dependent on others for food and shelter but could have worked and wanted to work, write "unemployed".

There are other reasons why a person may have done nothing to provide for him or herself last week. Ask for and record the reason - "too old", "disabled", "pensioner", "mad" or as the case may be.

United Kingdom 1991 — source variable UK1991A_EMPSTATP — Economic position (primary)
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Answer to the remaining questions are not required for any person under 16 years of age (born after 21st April 1975)
[Applies to questions 13 - 19]

13. Whether working, retired, looking after the home etc. last week
Which of these things was the person doing last week?

Please read carefully through the list and tick all the descriptions that apply.

Casual or temporary work should be counted at boxed 1, 2, 3 or 4. Also tick boxes 1, 2, 3 or 4 if the person had a job last week but was off sick, on holiday, temporarily laid off or on strike.
Boxes 1, 2, 3 and 4 refer to work for pay or profit but not to unpaid work except in a family business.
Working for an employer is part time (box 2) if the hours worked, excluding any overtime and mealbreaks, are usually 30 hours or less per week.

[] 1 Was working for an employer full time (more than 30 hours a week)
[] 2 Was working for an employer part time (one hour or more a week)
[] 3 Was self-employed, employing other people
[] 4 Was self-employed, not employing other people
[] 5 Was on a government employment or training scheme
[] 6 Was waiting to start a job he/she had already accepted
[] 7 Was unemployment and looking for a job (Include any person wanting a job but prevented from looking by holiday or temporary sickness)
[] 8 Was at school or in other full time education (Do not count training given or paid for by an employer)
[] 9 Was unable to work because of long term sickness or disability
[] 10 Was retired from paid work
[] 11 Was looking after the home or family
[] Other, please specify ________

[Identification header here]

Please read A below, tick the box that applies and follow the instruction by the box ticked. This will tell you which questions to answer for each person.

[Question A. applies to people who were full or part-time employees or self-employed, with or without employees]
A. Did the person have a paid job last week (any of the boxes 1, 2, 3 or 4 ticked at question 13)?
[] Yes. Answer questions 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 about the main job last week, then go on to question 19. Answer B

B. Has the person had a paid job within the last 10 years?
[] Yes. Answer questions 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 about the most recent job, then go on to question 19.

United Kingdom 2001 — source variable UK2001A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity (last week)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 16 - 35 were asked of people age 16 to 74.]

18. Last week, were you doing any work:
- as an employee, or on a Government sponsored training scheme,
- as self-employed/freelance, or in your own/family business?

[Check] 'Yes' if away from work ill, on maternity leave, on holiday or temporarily laid off.
[Check] 'Yes' for any paid work, including casual or temporary work, even if only for one hour.
[Check] 'Yes' if you worked, paid or unpaid, in your own/family business.

[] Yes -- Go to 24
[] No -- Go to 19

[Questions 19 - 23 were asked of persons who were not doing any work last week.]

19. Were you actively looking for any kind of paid work during the last 4 weeks?

[] Yes
[] No

20. If a job had been available last week, could you have started it within 2 weeks?
[] Yes
[] No

21. Last week, were you waiting to start a job already obtained?
[] Yes
[] No

22. Last week, were you any of the following?

[Check] all boxes that apply.

[] Retired
[] Student
[] Looking after home/family
[] Permanently sick/disabled
[] None of the above

23. Have you ever worked?

[] Yes, please write in the year you last worked _ _ _ _ -- Go to 24
[] No, have never worked -- Go to 36

[Questions 24 - 35 were asked of persons who are currently working or have ever worked.]

25. Do (did) you work as an employee or are (were) you self-employed?

[] Employee
[] Self-employed with employees
[] Self-employed/freelance without employees

Venezuela 1971 — source variable VE1971A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Only for individuals 15 years of age and older

19. In which of these activities did [the respondent] spend the most time during the last week?

[] 0 Work (Skip to 26)
[] 1 Did not work but had a job (Skip to 26)
[] 2 Looking for work (unemployed) (Skip to 20)
[] 3 Household duties (Skip to 20)
[] 4 Study (Skip to 20)
[] 5 Rentier (Skip to 20)
[] 6 Pensioner or retiree (Skip to 20)
[] 7 Interned in an institution (End)
[] 8 Disabled for purposes of work (End)
[] 9 Other situation [arrow points to question 20]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

8.2. Definition of work.

For the purposes of the census, work is considered to be:

1. Paid work completed by another person in the capacity of employee or other (salaried), which includes

[p. 90]

a. Daily work or regular salary

b. Work for pay "in kind" (food, shelter, or provisions received in place of cash).

c. Work paid by the piece, commissions, or tips

d. Active duty in the Armed Forces.

2. Work for own business, professional practice, or as an independent worker (on own-account).

3. Work without pay in a business or farm administrated by a relative (e.g. a child who works without pay in the father's store), for more than 15 hours per week.

4. Part-time work: any work completed during the last week paid in money, for example, after leaving school, Saturdays, or any other part-time work even when having only worked a few hours. This includes work such as dressmaking or other jobs completed in the home for other persons or enterprises with payment of clothing or food, work completed in the family business or family farm and other similar jobs.

Be aware that thousands of housewives, students or elderly persons, who apparently do not work, complete activities that produce monetary income, which is also considered to be work.

[p. 91]

8.3. Not counted as work:

1. Tasks done in the home, such as housework (except for domestic employees with or without pay), individual tasks for other relatives without remuneration and work completed at the person's own home (such as cutting the grass, painting walls, the floor, etc.).

2. Volunteer work without remuneration for the Church, the Red Cross, or other charity organizations.

3. Work completed by institutional inmates or prisoners (prisons, sanatoriums, welfare institution, penal colonies), not including the regular workers who are considered to be working.

8.4. Active population (workforce).

The workforce or active population is made up of two groups: employed or unemployed

a) Employed persons are:
1. Those who were working the week prior to the census,

2. Those who, if not working during the week prior to the census, had work, employment or a business from which they were temporarily absent for all or part of the week due to sickness, vacation, labor dispute, weather, problem in the factory, etc.

b) Unemployed persons are:
Those who were unemployed but looking for work during the week prior to [p. 92] the census. Also those who were looking for work for the first time during the reference week or during the last month.

8.5. Persons not in the workforce.

Those not in the workforce are the persons who are not in the categories or employed or unemployed; this group is subdivided into students, housewives, disabled persons, retirees, prisoners or inmates in institutions, rentiers, and other non-workers such as retirees or those who are voluntarily idle.

8.6. Reference week

"Reference week" or "last week" as mentioned in the questionnaire is defined as the complete calendar week, Sunday to Saturday, preceding the week of enumeration. The week in which the interviews take place is called the "interview week".

Interviewers should begin the interviews on the Monday of the interview week.

8.7. To which of the following activities did [the respondent] dedicate most of the last week (Q - 19)?

Question 19 is meant to begin the interview and to sound out the person's principal activity during the last week. That is, whether the person was working, looking for work, [completing] household duties, [p. 93] attending school, [in] another situation, or if the person was unable to work [disabled].

Mark only one box for each person.

Remember that some who carry out household duties (housewives), especially in rural areas, and those who work part-time, are looking for work, or are working for pay within the home in urban areas do not consider themselves to be part of the workforce or to be economically active. For the purposes of the census, they may or may not be in the workforce in the first case. Therefore, it should be insisted that questions 20-25 be answered when interviewing women. The same situation applies to students, rentiers and pensioners, or retirees.

8.8. Employment.

The "0" box is marked for the person who claims to have been working the last week for a salary or pay in-kind, which includes:

1) Salaried employment. This includes work for salary, wage or a daily wage (jornal) in cash as an employee [white collar] or manual laborer. Pay can be by piecework, through commission, or tips. This also includes workers, without remuneration, who are paid in-kind (food, shelter, or merchandise received in stead of a monetary salary). An example of a person paid "in-kind" would be a dishwasher or a [p. 94] servant who receives food or shelter without any monetary compensation.

2) Own-account employment. This includes employment for gain in the person's own agricultural/livestock operation, professional practice, or a private business. For example, a woman who owns her own beauty salon; a lawyer with a [private] legal practice; one who directs their own agricultural/livestock operation; a nurse who works in a home; a peddler; etc. (as independent workers). Mark the first box (0) for a person who was associated with a business or profession even when no professional services or sales had been made. In a similar fashion, in the case of persons with [paying] guests, accept the answers given to the regular questions with respect to their employment situation. For example, a housewife might claim to be "working" if a considerable amount of work is created by renting out rooms or preparing meals for the guests.

3) Working without remuneration in a family business or in a family agricultural/livestock operation. Mark the first box (0) for the person who worked at least 15 hours during the "reference week" in duties (other than domestic) related to a family agricultural/livestock operation without receiving pay. [p. 95] his includes duties such as feeding the birds, cattle, or other animals; cleaning the milking equipment; transporting products, tools, fertilizers, and other materials used in a family farm; planting and harvesting, and participating in tasks similar to those of the head or farmer (hombre) in the operation.

4) Trade work or shared work in a farm. In some localities it is customary that farmers or ranchers (and their families) help each other in the periods of peak activity without compensation for such activity. This is known as trade work (trabajo de intercambio) or shared work (trabajo compartido). For example, a producer and his family could have transferred to the farm of another producer for the first days of the week to help in the harvest; and vice versa (without any monetary exchange).

5) All military officers and other active members of the Armed Forces

8.9. Did not work but is employed.

Mark the first box (1) for the person who, even though employed, was absent from work during all or most of the reference week because of reasons such as sickness, vacation, inclement weather [p. 96] labor dispute, strike, etc.

Definition of employment. Employment exists when there is a definitive agreement to fulfill a regular job for which a wage will be received. This includes agreements for part-time or full-time work. A formal, definitive agreement with one or more employers to work a specified number of hours per week or days per month is also considered to be employment even when the weekly or monthly schedule is irregular.

Nevertheless, a person who is called for work only when their services are needed is not considered to be employed. This is an example of people who are "in service" but who are generally not considered to be employed. E.g. substitute teachers, substitute telephone operators, substitute mail carriers, and cooks or waiters in the service of an agency that provides such services.

During the periods when these persons are not really working they should be classified as either out of the workforce or as looking for employment, according to the answer given.

Seasonal employment is only considered to be employment during the season and not outside of that time period.

8.10. Looking for work - Unemployed.

Mark the second box (2) if the person was trying to find [p. 97] a new job, because of unemployment, or beginning a business, occupation or profession in the week before the census. Accept the answer if the person claims to have been looking for work. If the person is in doubt as to what it means to be looking for work, use this explanation: those "looking for work" are trying to obtain an employment or to establish themselves with a business or profession during the reference week or in the last month.

Looking for work includes the following types of attempts to obtain employment or to start a business:

a. Registering in a public or private employment office

b. Being on the waiting list or "in service" of a personnel office or employment registry or other types of registries.

c. Visiting places where employers select possible employees.

d. Making appointments with possible employers.

e. Placing or answering ads.

f. Writing letters [resumes] soliciting employment.

g. Establishing contact with a union or other labor organization.

h. Investigating the possibilities of starting a professional practice or staring a new business.

If a person lost employment and is not looking for work, do not mark the second box (2), rather mark the last one (other situation) unless the person is in another activity. A person, for example, who looked for work [p. 98] 6 months ago and has not made any more attempts is not considered to be looking for work. Do not mark the second box (2), rather mark box 9. On the other hand, if the person looked for work 2 or 3 weeks ago or less than 2 month ago and is waiting, or not, for an answer, the second box should be marked.

Remember that a person who has lost employment and does not want to work is not considered to be looking for work. Do not mark the second box (2), mark box 9.

8.11. Household duties.

Mark the third box (3) for those who have been principally occupied with tasks in their own home during the reference week. This box is also marked for those, usually women, who indicate that their principal activity has been to tend to household duties except for periods of temporary absence or sickness.

Note that this classification usually applies to women but it can, in some cases, apply to a man. Be aware that domestic employees are considered to be working and do not fall into this category even while participating in this type of activity, with or without cash remuneration. This applies when the work takes place in another home or in a commercial or service establishment.

This type of work is not exclusively [p. 99] cooking, washing, or cleaning. This classification applies to any person who claims to have spent the majority of the reference week directing, or being responsible for the home and for any person who claims that their principal activity is taking care of [their own] children.

More than one person can fall into this category in a household. E.g. a mother and daughter who share in the responsibility of the household duties and childcare are both classified under "household duties".

8.12. Studying.

Mark this box for the person who spent the majority of the reference week attending any type of public, religious, or private (internal or external) school or any other type of educational institution including technical schools (vocacionales) where the students do not receive any type of monetary or in-kind compensation. Mark this box if the person would have attended school if it were not for a sickness or brief vacation such as Christmas, Carnival, or Holy Week.

However, many students may also be working part or full time during breaks, at the end of courses, or they may be looking for work at the time of the census. In this case the person may fall into the category of box (0) or box (2).

[p. 100]

8.13. Rentier.

Mark the fifth box (5) for a person who receives income, not from working, but from interest or from participation in corporate profits through capital investments, real estate, etc., without completing any other management/effort except for the receipt of the corresponding amounts, generally through a third party. This does not include regular lenders or investors and landowners who directly manage their interests or properties - these are considered employed.

8.14. Pensioner or retiree.

Mark the sixth box (6) for those, of any age or sex, who live exclusively from a pension received because of widowhood, orphanhood, physical disability, scholarship, or any other type of subsidy such as retirements from work after reaching a certain age or number of years of service in the occupation (retired military, etc.). This only applies when there is no other activity that could classify the person into another group; e.g. those who work or look for work.

8.15. Institutionalized or imprisoned.

Mark the seventh box (7) for those imprisoned/institutionalized permanently, indefinitely, or long term, in a welfare institution such as mental hospitals, leprosy clinics, oncology clinics, and similar institutions; penal facilities, religious cloisters [p. 101] etc. This also applies when the person participates in a productive activity within the institution (e.g. prisoner's work, blind person's work, etc.).

Excluded from this category are those temporarily institutionalized in medical establishments (hospitals, clinics, etc.) or those detained temporarily by the police. These people correspond to one of the previous categories and will reintegrate into that category after recovering from the illness or regaining their liberty.

8.16. Unable to work [disabled].

Mark the eighth box (8) for the person who could not complete any type of work during the reference week due to a disability, physical or mental illness, or age.

1) Definition of illness or physical or mental disability. A physical or mental disability or indolence is understood to be a specific condition or illness such as blindness, missing limb, serious heart condition, tuberculosis, mental disorder or deficiency, etc., and a combination of difficulties associated with advanced age. Therefore, this oval should not be marked for someone who has retired from work or who believes that they are too old to find work, unless they are suffering from an illness or defined disability that is serious enough to impede the ability to work.

[p. 102]

2) The person who is temporarily sick is not included. Do not mark this box for the person who is only temporarily sick or incapacitated and does not give an indication of the expected duration of the illness or disability. Try to find out, from the person, whether it is expected that they be in condition to return to work within a short or long period of time. Do not base this judgment on your own interpretation or observation.

3) Not limited to the elderly. Do not limit this category to the elderly only. It can apply to young and old persons of either sex.

8.17. Other situation.

Mark this box for those persons whose activity does not fall into any of the above criteria.
Examples of this include:

Resting (a person who cannot work because of temporary rest).

Does not want to work (a person who does not want to or is not interested in working).

Voluntary work (a person who works when they want to)

Ill (a person who cannot work because of a temporary illness)

Any person that does not fall into any of the above categories.

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

(Only for people 12 years of age and older.)

18. In which of the following situations did you find yourself last week? (Mark only one response)

[] Working -- Go on to question 24
[] Not working but employed -- Go on to question 24
[] Looking for work
[] Household duties
[] Studying
[] Living from investment income
[] As a pensioner or retiree
[] In another situation
[] Permanently disabled for purposes of work

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 18

-- In which of the following situations did you find yourself last week?

In which of the following situations did the informant find himself last week?


This oval is filled in when the person carried out a productive activity last week:

-- For a daily or regular salary.
-- For pay in-kind (food, clothing, supplies, etc.) received in place of cash.
-- For pay in services (dwelling, transportation, etc.).
-- For active service in the Armed Forces.
-- For activity in the person's own business.
-- For a professional practice.
-- For own-account work.
-- For part-time work in any productive activity.
-- In the person's own home for a third party or company, for pay in money, such as: dressmaking, domestic production (elaboraciĆ³n) of products for sale, ironing, washing, etc.

Domestic employees who complete household duties are considered to be working because they are receiving remuneration or a benefit. Similarly, the housewife who carries out remunerated work in the home is also considered to be "working".

Not working, but employed

This corresponds to those who did not carry out their labor activities in the last week, but who have a job, employment, or business from which they were temporarily absent because of diverse circumstances such as illness, vacation, leave, labor conflict, etc.

Those who are temporarily sick who receive a wage or salary are counted in this category.

For those who respond to one of the previous categories, fill in the corresponding oval and skip to question 24.

Looking for work

Those who are looking for employment, either for the first time or because of unemployment, are included in this category.

The person who is working and looking for a new job is not included here, they are considered to be "working".

[p. 79]

[Page 79 contains 3 cartoon-style graphics illustrating the categories explained below]

Household duties:

This refers to those who were dedicated mainly to the care of their [own] home and did not carry out a productive activity in the last week.


This refers to those who were dedicated exclusively, in the last week, to studying and did not carry out a productive activity.

Important: For the purposes of the census, the person who is studying and working simultaneously is only considered to be "working". Similarly, the housewife who carries out "household duties" but also studies at the same time is only considered and marked down to be in the category of "household duties".


A person classified in this category is one who receives income exclusively from rents, interest or from economic participation in corporate benefits [profits] through capital investments, real estate, etc. It is understood that the only effort is to receive the above mentioned profits is through a third party, such as a bank, financial society, administrator, etc. Those who personally manage their own capital or assets are considered to be "working".

Pensioner or retired:

The person classified in this category is one whose only income comes from a pension that can be because of widowhood, orphanhood, disability, or retirement because of advanced age and years of service.

If the person also carries out any type of productive activity, he/she is considered to be "working".

Other situation:

The person classified in this category is one who carried out an activity in the last week that cannot be classified in any of the previous categories. For example, one who does not want to or is not interested in working, a person who works when they want to, and a person who cannot work because of a temporary illness or disability.

Permanently unable to work:

The person who, because of a permanent disability caused by illness, accident, or advanced age, cannot carry out a productive activity is included in this category.

If the person responds to any of the previous categories, fill in the corresponding oval and proceed to question 19.

Only one oval is filled in for this question.

Venezuela 1990 — source variable VE1990A_EMPSTAT — Employment status
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Questions 18-26 are only for people 12 years of age and older

18. In which of these situations do you currently find yourself?

[] Working -- Go on to question 20
[] Not working but employed -- Go on to question 20
[] Looking for work having worked before -- Go on to question 19
[] Looking for work for the first time -- Go on to question 26
[] Doing household duties without also working -- Go on to question 26
[] Studying without also working -- Go on to question 26
[] Living from pension or retirement without also working -- Go on to question 26
[] Permanently disabled for purposes of work -- Go on to question 26
[] Other situation -- Go on to question 26

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 18-26 are only for people 12 yrs of age and older

Question No.18

[Economic activity]
[The instructions refer to a graphic of section VI, question 18 on the census form.]

-- Read the question and the possible answers and fill in the corresponding cell.

-- If the answer is working or not working but employed, go to Question No.20.

-- If the answer is looking for work having been previously employed, go to Question No.19.

-- If the answer is other than working, not working but employed, or looking for work having been previously employed, go to Question No.26.

A person who is economically active and receives pay in money or in kind.

Example: A person who produces, sells, or performs a service, works on their own account, serves in the Armed Forces, works as a domestic employee, etc.

This includes people who help a family member in an economic activity without being compensated.

Looking for work having been previously employed:
An unemployed person who is actively looking for work who was previously employed.

Looking for work for the first time:
A person who is actively looking for work but has never been employed before.

Performing household duties and not working:
A person dedicated to the care of the household and does not engage in any productive activity.

Studying and not working:
A person dedicated to studying and does not engage in any productive activity.

Not working but employed:
An employed person (with a job or a business) who is not working at the time of the Census due to vacation, leave, sickness, strike, etc.

Pensioner or retired and not working:
A person whose income only comes from a pension or from a retirement account and does not engage in any productive activity.

Permanently disabled:
A person who, because of a permanent disability, because of sickness, accident, or old age, does not engage in any productive activity.

Other situation:
Any person who does not fit in any of the previous categories.

Example: A person who does not want to -- or is not interested in -- working, or a person who cannot work due to a temporary disability, etc.

Mark a person as "working" if they perform any productive activity even though they may claim to be "performing household duties", "studying", "pensioner", or "retired".

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_EMPSTAT — Employment status

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Vietnam 1989 — source variable VN1989A_ECONACT — Usual activity in last 12 months
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For persons born on or before 1-4-1984 [it should say 1976] (aged 13 and over) answer following questions [applies to questions 9 to 13]

11. Usual activity in the last 12 months

[] 1 Worked 6 months and over
[] 2 Worked permanently less than 6 months
[] 3 Worked temporarily less than 6 months
[] 4 Unemployed
[] 5 Student
[] 6 Household duties
[] 7 Invalid
[] 8 Other

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Persons born before April 1st, 1976 (aged 13 and older) answer this question.

11. Usual activities in the last 12 months
Persons born before April 1st, 1976 (aged 13 and older) answer this question.

11. Usual activity in the last 12 months

[] 1 Worked 6 months and over
[] 2 Worked permanently less than 6 months
[] 3 Worked temporarily less than 6 months
[] 4 Unemployed
[] 5 Student
[] 6 Household duties
[] 7 Invalid
[] 8 Other

Worked 6 months and over: a person is considered to be working for 6 months and over if s/he works 6 months or over during the last 12 months in one or more jobs.

Work permanently less than 6 months: a person is considered to be working permanently less than 6 months if s/he works less than 6 months in the last 12 months, but this job is permanent and s/he will work on this job for a long term.

Work temporarily less than 6 months: a person is considered to be working temporarily less than 6 months if s/he works less than 6 months in the last 12 months, and it is a temporarily job, or s/he already quitted the job in less than 1 month from the date of interview.

Unemployed: Unemployed persons are those who are in need to have a job, but are currently unable to find a job. Persons who have worked only less than 1 month in the last 12 months and currently do not have job are unemployed.

Studying: Persons who are currently studying at general education schools or other types of schools for 6 months and over in the last 12 months. Therefore, persons who are in continuing education programs or have studied less than 6 months in the last 12 months, or are enrolled in evening general education schools are not considered as "studying".

Household chores: Persons who perform their own household chores, for example: cooking, child rearing, washing cloths, etc., and have worked on these tasks for 6 months and over in the last 12 months.

If a person is doing both, household chores and other income-generated activity, such as gardening, breeding, etc., interviewers should calculate the time spent on each type of work to define if that person is doing "household chores" or working for 6 months and over, or working less than 6 months.

Persons who are doing household chores for other households, or receive paid income from this work are not considered as doing "household chores". Depending on the duration of work in the last 12 months, interviewers can define if that person works 6 months or more or less than 6 months.

Unable to work: Person who are unable to work are those who are not able to work due to health reasons and receive subsides from relatives or from social welfares. These persons are often disable, aesthetic, in serious health or mental illness, etc., and unable to work.

Other situation: Includes persons who are able to work but do not need to work (they have supports from parents, children, relatives, or use their own savings, etc.) and retired persons who are not doing any additional work for pay.

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_ECONACT — Main activity last 12 months
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Persons born before 4/1986 (13 years old or over) answer the following questions:

16. What type of work has (Name) spent most of his time at during the last 12 months?

[] 1 Worked
[] 2 Household work [Go on to question 19]
[] 3 Student [Go on to question 19]
[] 4 Invalid [Go on to question 19]

[] 5 Wanted to work [Go on to question 19]
[] 6 Did not want to work [Go on to question 19]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 13 to 18: Only ask persons who were born before April, 1986 (aged 13 years and older) (Persons who were born in 1986 and do not have month of birth in question 4 should also answer these questions).

Question 16: What type of work has (name) spent most of his time during the last 12 months?

Work is all legal income-generating activities.

Employed persons are defined, as follow:

Persons are currently getting paid for their work in cash or in kind (being hired);
self-employed persons who organize and implement their own work for profit or income for themselves and their families (self-owner).

Persons work in family enterprise and do not receive wage or salary (work for household)

Persons who actually have a job but are currently on sick leave, maternity leave, vacation, or waiting for job due to company's broken machine, company's lack of productive materials, company's reorganization, etc.

Type of work spent most of time during the last 12 months can be in one of 5 following choices:

1. Worked: Persons whom their income-generated work occupies the most time among all of their works during the last 12 months before the census, regardless of the length of that work. If a person is defined as "worked", interviewers select code "1".

A person replies about his/her work during the last 12 months before the census, as follow: study for 4 months, looking for a job for 3 months, working as a constructor for 5 months. That person is considered as "worked" because s/he spent the most of his/her time for construction work.

Another person replies about his/her work during the last 12 months before the census, as follow: in hospital for 4 months, household chores for 3 months, agricultural work for 2 months, food services for 3 months. This person is also considered as "worked" because his/her total time of work is 5 months (2 months for hired labor work and 3 month for food services) which is greater than the time in hospital or doing household chores.

2. Household chores: Persons whom household chores occupy most of their time in all of their works during the last 12 months before the census. If a person is defined as doing "household chores", interviewers select code "2" and ask the next person in household (if it is a complete census household) or ask question 19 (if it is a sampling census household), and skip questions 17 and 18.

Note: If it is a paid work in cash or in kind for doing household chores, that time doesn't count as doing "household chores", interviewers should count as working time and select the corresponding code for the job.

3. Study: persons for whom their studying time (in general school, professional school, vocational school or other government recognized school/class) occupies most of their time during the last 12 months before the census. If a person is defined as "study", interviewers select code "3" and ask the next person (if it is a complete census household) or ask question 19 (if it is a sampling census household), and skip questions 17 and 18.

4. Unable to work: persons for whom time for not doing any work (due to their health condition, or mental illness, etc.) occupies most of their time among all types of activities during the last 12 months before the census. If a person is defined as "unable to work", interviewers select code "4" and ask the next person (if it is a complete census household) or ask question 19 (if it is a sampling census household), and skip questions 17 and 18.

5. Unemployed: Persons for whom time not doing any work occupies most of their time among all types of activities during the last 12 months before the census. "Unemployed" persons can also be those who perform illegal work during the last 12 month before the census.

For "unemployed" person, interviewers need to use a supplemental question to ask if that person wanted to work during the last 12 months. If that person answers "yes", interviewers select code "5" (unemployed) and ask the next person (if it is a complete census household) or ask question 19 (if it is a sampling census household), and skip questions 17 and 18. If that person answers "no", interviewers select code "6" (other situation) and ask the next person (if it is a complete census household) or ask question 19 (if it is a sampling census household), and skip questions 17 and 18.

Note: if a person worked on 2 types of job equally during the last 12 months and these jobs occupy most of his/her time, interviewers should follow the following instruction:

If one of these two jobs is "worked" and the second job is in job categories from "2" to "6", interviewers place this person into "worked" category. For example, Mr. Hoang answered that he worked in rice paddy field for 5 months, performed household chores for 5 months, and did not work for 2 months. Based on our rules, Mr. Hoang is categorized as "worked" (code "1").

If two jobs are in codes "2" to "6", interviewers record the smaller code for this person's job. For example, Mr. Cuong replied that he studied for 6 months, looked for job for 6 months and still had not had a job yet. According to the above rule, Mr. is coded as "study" (code "3"). Interviewers should not record Mr. Cuong as "unemployed" (do not select code "5").

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_REASUE — Reason did not look for work
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17. If the respondent was born before April 1994 (15 years or older), [go to] Q 18; otherwise, ask the next [person]
[Questions 18-30 were asked of persons aged 15 years and over]

30. If Q28 = 2: Why didn't you look for work?
If Q29 = 2: Why weren't you available for work?

[Question 30 was asked of persons age 15 or older who did not work nor receive a wage/salary without working during the previous 7 days, who did not have a job to return to during the following 30 days, and who did not look for work during the previous 30 days or weren't available for work during the previous 7 days, as per questions 20-22, 28, 29]
[] 1 No suitable work / don't know where
[] 2 Illness / personal matter / waiting for job application's result
[] 3 Bad weather / off-season
[] 4 Attending school
[] 5 Housework
[] 6 Disabled
[] 7 Not willing to work
[] 8 Other (specify) ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions from 20 to 30: These are questions on work during the last 7 days for persons of 15 years old or more. Thus, in order to collect exact information, the enumerator must have direct interviews with these persons.

Question 30
This question is only asked of persons who marked (x) in the small box next to code "2" in Question 28 or marked (x) in the small box next to code "2" in Question 29.

If the respondent answers "No" to Question 28 (marked (x) in the small box next to code "2"), the enumerator asks: "Why didn't you look for work?"
If respondent answers "No" to Question 29 (marked (x) in the small box next to code "2"), the enumerator asks: "Why weren't you available for work?"

The choices for the main reason of a person not looking for work or not available for work are:

No suitable work / don't know where: are persons who believe that even if they look for work, there would be no work suitable to their career, or they do not know where they can find work.

Illness / personal matter / wait for job application's result: are persons who are ill, are busy with own tasks, such as: taking care of an ill person, looking after the aged, having a newborn baby, in a period of mourning, busy with a wedding ceremony, etc., or who have gone to sit for interviews to ask for a job and are waiting for interview results. This also includes persons who have received a new job and will start that job in the future, but the starting date is over 30 days from the interview day.

Bad weather / off-season: are persons who are temporarily absent from work because of bad weather/off-season, and the temporarily absent time duration is over 30 days since the interview day.

Attending school: are persons who did not work because they were going to school (general education schools, vocational schools, vocational training schools, colleges, universities or other schools).

Housework: are persons who spent most of their time doing household work for their family and did not receive any payment. Note: Persons who do household work for other families to earn money are counted as "working".

Disabled: are persons who had health problems and/or mental issues and are therefore unable to work, such as being physically disabled, long-term illness, etc.


Not willing to work: are persons not wanting to work because they have another living source such as: retired pension, taken care by relatives or society, etc.

Other: are persons who gave reasons for "not looking for work" and for being "not available for work" other from those described above.

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_EMP1 — Income from employment
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17. If the respondent was born before April 1994 (15 years or older), [go to] Q 18; otherwise, ask the next [person]
[Questions 18-30 were asked of persons aged 15 years and over]

20. Now, let me ask about work in the last 7 days:
During the last 7 days, did you do any work to earn income?

[] 1 Yes (go to Q23a)
[] 2 No
[] 3 Do not know (go to Q31)

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Questions from 20 to 30: These are questions on work during the last 7 days for persons of 15 years old or more. Thus, in order to collect exact information, the enumerator must have direct interviews with these persons.

Question 20: Now, let me ask about the work in the last 7 days: During the last 7 days, did you do any work to earn income?
This question is asked to all persons of 15 years old or more.

Last 7 days are the 7 days before the date that the enumerator visits the household to conduct the interview. For example, if the enumerator conducts an interview on 5 April, 2009, then the last 7 days include: 4 April, 3 April, 2 April, 1 April, 31 March, 30 March, and 29 March.

Work means all engagements in economic activities of at least one hour to earn income that is not prohibited by the laws.

Being classified as working in the last 7 days comprises all persons who, during 7 days prior to the date that enumerator visits the household to conduct the interview, have worked at least one hour to earn income, including those who worked for their family not requiring payment, such as: salary workers, businessmen or persons working on their gardens or farms.

For persons who are abroad and persons who are working in other places for less than 6 months since leaving their families (including those who are gone fishing, gone on ocean vessels, trading from afar, gone on business trips, etc.): if respondent cannot determine whether the person has been working or not during the last 7 days, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "3", "Do not know" and then skips to ask Question 31, not to ask questions 21 to 30.

Note: A person is not considered as working if during the last 7 days he/she performed voluntary work, helped other persons (volunteer youths, helpers, etc.), caring for persons, etc.

If the respondent answers that during the last 7 days he/she only undertook work as mentioned above [in the note], the enumerator should ask the additional question: "Apart from that work (what the respondent has reported), did you have other work of 1 hour or more that earned you money?" If the respondent undertook other work of 1 hour or more to earn income, he/she is counted as working in the last seven days.

If during the last 7 days, the respondent has worked for at least 1 hour to earn income, the enumerator marks (x) in the small box next to code "2", and then asks Question 21.