Questionnaire Text

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Section IV. Personal data
[Applies to questions 1-23]

For people over 6 years of age
(End of interview for persons under this age.)
[Questions 11-15 were asked persons over 6 years old]

12. What is the highest level of education you finished completely?

(Only mark one)

[] 0 None (go to question 15)
[] 1 Elementary
[] 2 Basic secondary
[] 3 Qualified worker
[] 4 Pre-university
[] 5 Intermediate technical
[] 6 Intermediate pedagogy
[] 7 Higher education or university
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section IV. Personal Data.

For persons 6 years and older (end of interview for those under this age)

Question 12. What is the highest level of educational you finished completely?
The objective of this question is to know what educational level the interviewee has completely finished.
It is understood that a level has been completely finished when the last year or grade has been passed, obtaining the academic title or diploma that accredits one as a graduate.
Note that the levels are the same (same code) as those listed in the previous question (11)
Mark the box corresponding to the level completed by the interviewee.
The "None" box will be used for people who claim not to have completely finished any educational level. Before marking, you must compare the information given to the previous answer, with this method giving you a method to rapidly determine if the response received is suitable or not.
Depending on the curriculum, passing a year or grade may or may not lead to completing the corresponding level.
9th grade of Basic Secondary:
12th grade of Pre-university: 3rd and 4th grade of Intermediate Technical
4th, 5th or 6th grade in Higher Education or University
Therefore it is extremely important that you ask "What is the highest level of education that you completely finished?"
[Figure omitted]

[Figure displaying examples of the relationship between questions 11 and 12 has been omitted]

If the box for 0 "None" has been checked on this question, you should proceed directly to question 15 without asking questions 13 and 14.