16. What is your civil or marital status?
(Mark only one)
For persons 12 years old or more
[] 1 Married
[] 2 Civil union
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Single
Question 16. What is your civil or marriage state?
The objective of this question is to know the civil status or marriage status of the enumerated persons.
You should ask the question and then you should read each of the boxes so that the person can select his/her civil or marital status.
16. What is your civil or marriage state? (only one mark)
[] 1 Union
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Divorced
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Widowed
[] 6 Single
You should memorize the following definitions:
Union: This is the person who lives as in a marital relationship in a stable manner with a person of the opposite sex, without a legal contract that recognizes the relationship. The conjugal status is also called consensual union.
You will mark this box if the person is found in this condition even if he/she is divorced, widowed, or if he/she is only separated from the previous spouse.
Married: This is the union of two persons of opposite sex, formally and legally recognized.
Divorced: This is person who has terminated his/her civil status as married, through the dissolution of the marriage by judicial decree and who currently does not live in a consensual union.
[Header: Instructions for the use of the Enumerator / Section IV. Information about the Person -- 66 ]
Separated: This is the person who, being legally married or in a union with another person, is currently found separated, which means that he/she does not live in a marital relationship with the person from whom he/she is not divorced, nor lives in a stable consensual union with another person.
Widow: This is the person who, being legally married or in a consensual union, has lost his/her spouse or companion through death and has not remarried nor is currently in a consensual union.
Single: This is a person who has never been legally married, nor lives in a consensual union.
Remember that the persons who declare to be married or in a union, if they live in the same household as their partner, should have the annotation in question number 3 that corresponds to this questionnaire. If the spouse does not reside in the household, it should be noted in the space designated for "Spouse of" as "00".
With this question we have concluded the part of Section IV that corresponds to persons twelve years old and more and we will begin to work with the segments of the population that are fifteen years old and more, with questions about their economic situation.