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Section II. Classification of the housing units

[] 1 Private dwelling - Continue with section III: Information about the private dwelling.
[] 3 Work site (with permanent residents)
Type and name of the Work Site ____
Continue with Section IV: Information about the Person.

[] 5 Collectivity (with permanent residents)
Type and name of the Collectivity
Code _ _ _
Continue with Section IV: Information about the Person.

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Section II. Classification of the Housing Units

This section will be completed for all of the dwellings that have permanent residents, whether it is a private dwelling, a work center, or a collective dwelling, according to the definitions given for these Housing Units. In the case of the last two alternatives, you should also write the type and name, in addition to marking the corresponding box.

Section II. Classification of the Housing Units:

[] 1 Private dwelling
Continue with Section III. Information about the Private Dwelling

[] 3 Work Center (With permanent residents)
Type and name of the work center.
Continue with Section IV. Information about the persons

[] 5 Collective dwelling (With permanent residents)
Type and name of work center
_____ [ _ _ ] []
Continue with Section IV. Information about the persons / Code

When we are in the presence of a Private Dwelling, box (1) will be marked and you will continue with Section III "Information about the Private Dwelling".