Questionnaire Text

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Only for people 12 years or older
[Questions 20 through 23 are asked only of persons aged 20 and older]

28. In this job [the respondent] is...?

[] 1 Employer (has permanent employees)
[] 2 Self-employed worker
[] 3 Employee of a private company
[] 4 Employee of the public sector
[] 5 Employee of a private households
[] 6 Unpaid worker
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Questions 20 to 31 are asked only of people 12 years of age or older.

Questions 24 to 29: Determine the characteristics of the people's main work
This refers to the characteristics of the main job, that to which the person habitually dedicates the most number of hours or that which generates the greatest income.

About the main job

Question 28: Occupational category

28. In this job [name] is...?

[] 1 Employer (has permanent employees)
[] 2 Self-employed worker
[] 3 Employee of a private sector
[] 4 Employee of the public sector
[] 5 Employee of private households
[] 6 Helper without pay

The "occupational category" is that relationship of dependence in which a person completes his/her occupation. In order to correctly note this it is necessary to understand the following concepts:

Employer (has permanent employees): this is the owner or active partner in a business that as part of his/her job contracts one or more salaried workers in a permanent way.

Self-employed worker: this is the person that works alone or in association, without establishing dependence with a boss, that generally does not contract salaried personnel or only on occasion.

A person that works "on one's own" defines the conditions of the work and places value of the goods produced, of the services provided, or of the price of the merchandise sold.

The people that work in a cooperative as partners of the cooperative are in included in this category.

Employee of a private sector: person that works in a relationship of dependence with a private company and receives a payment for the work in the form of a salary, wage, or daily paid, whether in money or in kind, or both.

Employee of the public sector: person that works in a relationship of dependence with the state.

Employee of private households: the person that works in a relationship of dependence with a household that is not his/her own. This person works as a salaried worker, in money or in kind, or both.
[p. 168]

Unpaid worker: this is that person that works in a relationship of dependence with a person in a farm, business, or family company, and does not receive payment for his/her work in money or in kind.