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13. The sanitary service is connected to??

[] 1 Sanitary sewer system
[] 2 Septic tank
[] 3 Direct connection to ditch, trench, river, or estuary
[] 4 Hole, cesspit, or latrine
[] 5 No sanitary service
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Question 13: Availability of sanitary service

13. The sanitary service is connected to ____?

[] 1 sanitary sewer system
[] 2 septic tank
[] 3 direct connection to ditch, trench, river, or estuary
[] 4 hole, cesspit, or latrine
[] 5 no sanitary service

The "sanitary service" is the space conditioned within or outside the dwelling, with a "bowl", "recipient" or other object, in which the people can take care of their physiological needs.

[p. 117]

Sanitary sewer system: the sanitary system is connected to a network of sanitary sewage that collects the "black waters" of various dwellings. This includes those sewage systems that direct the waters to a treatment plant.

Septic tank: the sanitary service communicates with a tank of concrete, cement, or other material, connected to drainage areas. In general it is built on the patio of the dwelling. If the tank is found connected to the sewer or public sewage system, mark the previous option.

Direct connection to ditch, trench, river, or estuary: sanitary services that drain in a natural water current or a trench or other terrain.

Hole, cesspit, or latrine: this consists of a hole over which there is a little house with a cement, concrete, or wood floor and a box that serves as a latrine. Generally they are found outside of the dwelling.

[p. 118]

No sanitary service: when the residents of a dwelling do not have access to any type of sanitary service and in general use one from another dwelling or deposit excrements directly on the ground in open air in some terrain.