Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 9 - 12 are] For those 5 years of age and older

12. Able to read and write?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Second Block:

Only for persons 5 years old or older

Question 12: Literacy

Literacy is investigated to obtain a general indicator of the development of a country.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

This question should only be asked to persons 5 years old or older who say that their level of instruction (question 11) is "None", "Kindergarten or preparatory" or "Primary (from 1st to 6th grade). Only one of the two possible responses is accepted:

1. Yes: knows how to read and write in their first language, at least a simple text that permits them to face situations in daily life: a message or notice.

[Below the text is a picture of a person reading and writing.]

2. No. When a person does not know how to read and write a simple paragraph in their first language. Also are include in this category one who only knows how to sign or write their name or only knows how to read and one who says that at one time they knew how to read and write but now it has been forgotten.