Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 9 - 12 are] For those 5 years of age and older

10. Does ____ attend preschool, primary school, high school, or university?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Second Block:

Only for persons 5 years old or older

Question 10: Attendance at Centers of Regular Education

With this question an estimation of the access of the population to regular education is meant to be obtained.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

Regular education: It is understood to be kindergarten or preparatory, primary school, secondary school, school of special education, associate degree (parauniversitaria) or university, public or private. In the case of associate degrees they are only considered regular education if the study they belong to a program directed at obtaining a degree of diploma, of two to three years of duration and that has as a requisite having graduated from the secondary level.

On the contrary, do not include within the regular education those institutes that prepare the student to obtain a high school diploma by experience/maturity (bachillerato por madurez), or for the passing of secondary years through exams, nor any other open system of education. Also do not consider the attendance at non-regular centers of education like the INA and schools for commercial training or for computers, that teach short courses.