Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 1 - 8 are] For all individuals

4. When ____ was born, where did the mother live?

[] 1 In this same canton
[] 2 In another canton
____ Canton or place
____ Province
[] 3 In another country:
____ (Name of the country)

[a 3-character box appears here]

4a. In what year did ____ arrive to live in Costa Rica?
_ _ _ _ Year
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First block

For all persons

Question 4: Place of Birth

With this question, the place of birth of each person is to be determined, understanding that it as where their mother resided when the person was born. Do not confuse the place of birth with the hospital or place where the birth occurred.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

The possible situations are:

In this same canton: if at the moment the reference person was born, their mother resided in this same canton where this person currently resides.

In another canton: in whose case you should write down the canton or province of the usual residence of the mother at the moment of birth of the person. If the person does not know exactly, write down any reference, like neighborhood or district, that permits determining later the correct canton.

In another country: Write down the country of birth when the person was born abroad. Additionally the year of arrival to the country is requested. You should not forget question 4a. It refers to the respective person and not to their mother.