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14. In this dwelling, electricity comes from
[] 1 the C.N.F.L. or the I.C.E. [Public enterprises]
[] 2 Other
[] 3 There is no electric light

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Question 14: Availability of electricity

This question has the purpose of measuring the degree of electrification of the country, and what institution or company offers the service.

Mark with "X" the corresponding option.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

C.N.F.L. or I.C.E.: Electrical lighting from public service supplied by the National Company of Power and Light (C.N.F.L.) or by means of the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity (I.C.E.)

Other: Electric light supplied by a cooperative committee or private plant. The cooperatives or Committees include: Administrative Committee of Electrical Services of Cartago (J.A.S.E.C.), Company of Public Services of Heredia (E.S.P.H.), Coopelesca, Coopealfaro, Coopesantos, Coopeguanacaste, or other company of public services.

The private plant is an instillation for use of the dwelling or for owners of a farm, factory, mine, etc., for their exclusive use and that of their workers, whether this service is free or not.

There is no electric light: When another type of illumination is used like kerosene, gas, candle, or others.