Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Only for women 15 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 17 - 18]

18. Children currently alive

[] 00 None
_ _ Children

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Fifth block of questions: only for women 15 years old and older

This is the last block of questions of the Population Form. They are written as you can see in the questionnaire as two questions, 17 and 18, and only should be applied to women 15 years old or older.

Question 18: Children currently alive

After having written down the total amount of children born alive, you will ask: Of the children that you told me were born alive, how many of them are currently alive?

[p. 58]

[At the top of the page is a form.]

Before making the annotation, keep in mind that:

a. They are children that are currently alive, from the total the was declared in the first question.
b. Do not forget to include children born alive but do not reside with the mother (because they work in another place, because they are married or because they live outside of the country).

Once you are sure of the exact number of children that the enumerated person has at the census moment, you should write down the information in the corresponding boxes. If none are alive on the date of the census, then simply mark with an X the circle corresponding to "None".