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Type of lighting

Questionnaire Text

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11. Type of lighting
[] 1 Electricity from public system
[] 2 Electricity from private generator
[] 3 Kerosene/petrol (canfín)
[] 4 Other
[] 5 None

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Question 11: Type of Lighting

Great are the advances that our country has achieved in the matter of electric energy for the illumination of streets, buildings and dwellings. Nevertheless, many dwellings still remain that are illuminated by other means, such as kerosene, gas from small lamps, candles, etc.

[p. 34]

In the reproduction of question 11 of the dwelling form, it will concern the fact that 5 possible responses exist to the question "With what do we Costa Ricans illuminate ourselves?" The first refers to "Electric from a public service" illumination, that is to say, that type of illumination that entities of public service provide, like The Costa Rican Institute of Electricity, The National Company of Power and light, The Administrative Group of Municipal Electrical Services of Cartago, Heredia etc., the electricity cooperatives or persons who are in charge of supplying this type of service in public form to the dwelling. In such a situation, mark with an "X" the circle followed by number 1.

[To the left of the text is a form.]

The second response classifies "Type of illumination" as "Electric from privately generated plant". Here you should register with an "X" in the corresponding number 2, the dwellings that receive illumination from an electric service of private use supplied by a plant, dynamo etc. Dwellings that enjoy this service due to the fact that its occupants work on a farm, factory, mine etc. that owns a private service are included, whether it is free or not is not important.

Some use the fuel named "kerosene" to illuminate themselves. In such a case it is necessary to mark with an X circle number 3 of question 11. Finally, the form leaves open two more possibilities of response. Through these options can be classified those dwellings that have a type of illumination that is not kerosene or electricity, in whose case you should mark with an X the circle that says "Other" without detailing what this "Other" type of illumination consist of (for example, illumination from a gas lamp). On the other hand, the last alternative is for dwellings that do not possess any type of illumination and what the form figures as "Does not have".