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1. Type

Private Dwelling

[] 1 Regular
[] 2 Mobile
[] 3 Small room/shack (tugurio)
[] 4 Temporary

[] 5 Collective dwelling (Name) ____

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Question 1: Type of Dwelling

This question is concerned with identifying if the dwelling is individual or collective. If it is individual, find out if it is the ordinary or common type, if it concerns a mobile dwelling, a hovel or a temporary dwelling. In this case what you the enumerator should do is mark with an X the circle that corresponds to the type of dwelling that is found.

(See the illustration on the next page)

For census purposes dwelling have been classified into two principal types, which we define below:

Private Dwelling

Separate and independent premises that are meant to lodge a single person (Private Dwelling) or a group of persons (one or many households) that can have family ties or not, but that are distinguished because they live together and because they prepare and consume their own food.

[p. 24]

A dwelling is not considered individual when the household established here has six or more persons considered as "Others non family" (Pensioned, etc.) agreeing with question 1 of the Population Census form. We can distinguish the following classes of private dwellings:

{Types of Private Dwelling}

  • Ordinary Dwelling

It is what we commonly perceive or consider as such because it has been built following a functional, structural or architectural design preconceived in terms of a habitual residence. It concerns a room or group of rooms and their dependents, located in a house, building or permanent place (permanent because it has a durability of 10 years or more) and that has been built with long lasting materials like cement, stone, concrete block, bricks, wood, etc., without its current state being important . This type of dwelling includes in addition to houses that we all know as such, apartments that are grouped in buildings or constructions named apartment buildings, apartment hotels or aparthotels. Also grouped here are shacks, which are ordinary in warm zones.

{An important observation with respect to apartments}

The reason for which we consider apartments within this classification, is because the occupants can develop the same style of life as occupants of a house, that is to say, residing for long periods of time, preparing food within the premises and living a common life independent of other premises (in this case apartments). Each apartment is a dwelling since it has direct access.

{Definition of a Shack}

With respect to shacks, it is advisable to remember that they are considered ordinary dwellings because their construction merits the use of materials of a certain durability and of a complete idea of the procedure adapting to the construction according to the usable material.

Shacks have walls and roof partially or totally built with materials like straw, palm, cane, etc. Although these materials can appear combined with wood and zinc sheets.

In this manner huts in which already many of our indigenous persons and some persons from costal regions principally live constitute as examples of shacks.

  • Mobile Dwelling

It is a premises that can be moved by its own design. Examples of mobile dwellings are the following: camping tents, trailers or a premises equipped as such in boats, ships, railroad cars, trucks, etc.

  • Hovel

A hovel is a premises built with discarded material. These dwellings are built, generally, with the purpose of responding to a need of immediate lodging. They are always found on banks of rivers, under bridges over rivers, in the outskirts cities, in overrun lands, of state or private property, etc.

  • Temporary

This other class or category of private dwelling includes that type of premises that has been available or meant for dwelling in:

a) Buildings or permanent places that normally fulfill other functions and that originally were not made to lodge persons. We refer here to a room or groups of rooms used for living like houses within mechanical workshops, wine cellars, granaries, factories, garages, stores, offices, guard houses, etc.

[p. 25]

b) Places that, by their configuration can be adapted as human dwellings and are bring used in this form on the day of enumeration. Here we can mention for example caves or any other natural refuge.

{Important Observation}

When we are found with a natural refuge (cave, hole in the trunk of a tree, etc.) that is possible to consider as a temporary dwelling, we only consider it as such if on the day of the visit there are clear indications that it is occupied as a residence.

Collective Dwelling

If the option of response to the question about the Type of Dwelling is Collective Dwelling you should take into account those places, buildings and houses in which the sick, police, prisoners for various crimes, young or children delinquents, workers, students, religious persons, the elderly or other groups that carry out or live together under the same roof. These places, buildings or houses in which groups of persons live without family ties between them, or that is, who being Non Family groups, have been designated by the government, by a private company or other institution, to resolve problems or social necessities like health, discipline, security, social adaptation, work in places far from the family dwelling, old age, being orphaned, poverty, study or religious life, etc.

We can cite the following as clear examples of this type of dwelling: hospitals, clinics and sanitariums in which exist the mentally sick or those who suffer diseases that have them weakened, barracks, jails, reformatories or centers of social adaptation, boarding houses, residence halls or students quarters, hospitals for orphans, asylums or retirement households for the elderly and convents.

{Something To Remember}

Caution: In a building or place meant to be a Collective Dwelling it is possible to find one or more private dwellings. You should be very careful about this. They are in hotels, jails, hospitals, convents, when any special group (owners, employees, managers, superintendents, etc.) has a dwelling with an entrance independent for them.

When in the dwelling form you should mark a Collective Dwelling (marking with an X the circle followed by the number 5) begin then to specify the name that the institution organization or place is known as in the line that follows the word "Name".

Immediately after beginning with the next thing, go to fill out the population forms for persons who correspond to it, as we will explain in the following unit.