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11. Lighting type

[] 1 From public utility
[] 2 From private generator
[] 3 From another source

Other types

[] 4 Kerosene (canfĂ­n)
[] 5 Other (specify) ____

[] 6 None

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5.4.- Question 11.- Lighting Type

[Below the box is a filled out form.]

Only a single circle should be marked, according to whether the type of lighting and agreeing with the following criteria:

5.4.1.- Electric From public utility: is considered as such, service supplied by: the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity "ICE", National Company of Power and Light, Administrative Board of Electrical Services of Cartago "JASEC", etc., Municipalities, Electric Cooperatives, private companies, or persons whose job is to supply this type of service to various dwellings.

[p. 28] From private generator: The dwellings that have a system of electric light of exclusive use are considered, a plant, dynamo, etc. From another source: If the dwelling does not have any of the types of lighting previously described, it will be marked in this heading, it can be like service because of (compensation to) working on a farm, a factory, mine, etc.

5.4.2.- Other Types: Types of lighting different than electric will be indicated here, like kerosene, candles, etc., being careful to specify always what is used in the space "Other".

5.4.3.- Does not have: is considered when the dwelling does not have any type of lighting.