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9. Bathroom facilities
By pipe:

[] 1 For this dwelling only
[] 2 For this and other dwellings

[] 3 By other means (specify) ____
[] 4 None

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5.2.- Question 9.- Bathroom facilities.

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

It is considered that the dwelling has a bath when it is provided from a place for these facilities. The place can be outside or inside the dwelling.

[5.2.1.-] Piped: The corresponding circle is to be marked if the bath receives water by means of pipes, for the exclusive use of a dwelling or for two or more dwellings.

5.2.2.- By other Means: Here the corresponding circle is marked when the dwelling has bath facilities, that does not receive water through pipes. Where the water comes from should be specified, for example: River, well, irrigation ditch, public source, etc.

5.2.3.- Does not have: When the dwelling does not have a place meant for bathing, the circle corresponding to "Does not have" will be marked.

In rented houses in narrow streets (pasajes) or when there are rooms in places to be rented and the bath is for the service of all the dwellings, it should be considered that each one has bath facilities.