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15. Rooms and bedrooms
(write in both spaces)

____ Number of rooms
____ Of these, how many are used as bedrooms?

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Box No. 15.- Rooms and Bedrooms


A "room" will be considered as any one of the compartments or rooms used for purposes of lodging, including: living room, dining room, kitchen, bed rooms, studies, recreation rooms, servants' quarters, but excluding: porches, hallways, bathrooms, inner patios, except when these last ones are used as recreation room, library or other purpose of lodging in which case they should be considered as "rooms".

You should ask and write down the number of rooms according to the criteria explained above.

Those compartments that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service purposes, such as store, local store (pulpería), bar, workshop, barber shop etc. should not be considered rooms of a Dwelling.


Bedroom is understood to be any room of a Dwelling that is used for sleeping.

Keep in mind that in the explanation about "rooms" it said that those compartments used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service purposes should not be considered. On the other hand, if in a Dwelling there is a place that is used as a workshop of a shoe store {a very frequent case) and at the same time someone sleeps in it, such a place should be considered as "room", and also so "bedroom".