Questionnaire Text

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F3. Ask these questions of all persons who are ten years old or more.

39. In this job, he/she was

[] 1 Worker (professional or manual labor)
[] 2 Owner, employer
[] 3 Own-account worker
[] 4 Domestic employee
[] 5 Family worker

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

F3. Ask these questions to all persons 10 years old or older

39. In this job [the respondent] is or was:

Mark a single option taking into account the following criteria:

[Below the text is a form.]

Worker, employee
A person who works or has worked for a private employer or the government for a salary in money or in kind.

Directors and administrators in the front of entities or companies are considered employees if they do not own the business.

Owner, employer
A person who directs their own company or runs for their own account a profession or trade using one or more remunerated employees.

Heads of household by having one or more workers at the service of the household are not considered "patron" or employer.

Own-account worker
They are persons who run for their own account a profession or trade or manage their own company, without using any remunerated worker. They can work alone, with associates of equal condition or using non remunerated family workers.

Domestic employee
It is a person who works in a single household different from their own, carrying out their own labors and receiving a salary in money or in kind, understood to be servants, nannies, housekeeper, chauffeurs, gardeners, etc.

[p. 173]

If a person works for different households, you should consider them as "worker on their own account".

Family worker without remuneration
It is a person who works without remuneration in a company or agricultural or livestock exploitation of a family member.

If they receive any money in a regular form that can be considered a payment, you should consider them worker or employee.