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20. Where do the persons of this household cook?
(Answers 1, 2, 3, and 4: continue with number 21)

[] 1 In a bedroom or living room without a sink
[] 2 In a bedroom or living room with sink
[] 3 In a room designated as a kitchen
[] 4 In a patio, hallway

(Answer 5: continue with number 23)

[] 5 Nowhere

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Question No. 20 Place to cook

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in box 1, when persons of this dwelling cook within a room that they also use as bedroom or living room, but in which a dishwasher or toilet bowel ["poceta"] does not exist.

Mark "x" in box 2, when persons of this dwelling have a kitchen that is in a space used as living room or as bedroom and in which exists a dishwasher or recipient with drain used to clean dishes.

Mark "x" in box 3 when persons of this dwelling have a kitchen that is found in a room dedicated only for cooking.

[p. 36]

Mark "x" in box 4, when persons of this dwelling have a kitchen that is found in a hall, corridor, patio or shelter.

Mark "x" in box 5, if a dwelling does not have a place to cook. If you mark this box, go to question 23.