Questionnaire Text

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A. General characteristics (for all the persons in the household).
[Applies to questions 1 - 9]

2. What is his/her relationship to the head of the household?

[] 1 For the first person, the only answer is head of household
For persons 2-9, the answers are:

[] 2 Spouse
[] 3 Son (daughter)
[] 4 Parent or parent-in-law
[] 5 Grandchild
[] 6 Other relative
[] 7 Domestic employee
[] 8 Pensioner
[] 9 Other unrelated person

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Section A. General characteristics

[Below the text is a form.]

Section A. General characteristics will be filled out for all the persons of a census household who spent the night of October 23 to 24 in the dwelling.

Do not forget to include newborns, minors and the elderly.
[Applies to questions 1 - 9]

Question No. 2. Relationship

In the first column mark the box "head" with an "x".

[Below the text is a form.]

[p. 40]

In the remaining columns, mark with an "x" the box that corresponds to the relation or relationship of each one of the members of the census household, with the head of the household.

[Below the text is a form.]

[Note: the Spanish explicitly refers to both male and female grammatical endings in this section.]

Spouse: Refers to the companion of the person who appears as head of the household, united by matrimonial ties or not.

Child: Includes both children of the current union as well as those of other unions and also adoptive or brought up, especially when they are recognized by the head of the household and are present at the moment of the Census.

Parents and in-laws: Refers to the blood related or adopted parents of the head of the household and the parents of the companion.

Grandchildren: Refers to children of the children of the head of the household.

Other Relatives: They are all persons related to the head of the household and that do not appear in any of the previous alternatives, niece/nephew, cousins, aunt/uncles, brother/sister-in-laws, etc. In this category guests are included especially when they do not pay to eat and sleep.

Domestic employees: They are persons who dedicate their job to the service of the household in exchange for remuneration in money and /or in kind; nanny, housekeeper, cook, chauffeur, gardener, etc.

Pensioner: Is a person who pays for sharing meals with the Household and for occupying a space in the dwelling.

Other unrelated: Includes all persons who have no relationship with the head of the household and who are not included in the previous definitions: Example: spouse or companion of domestic employees, children of domestic employees, minors in guardianship, etc.