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4. Kitchen

Does this household have a room that serves only as a kitchen?

[] 1 For this household exclusively?
[] 2 Shared with other households?

[] 3 No

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Question No. 4. Kitchen

[Below the text is a form.]

Read the question and wait for a response:

When the interviewed person answers that "yes it has" ask the question "Is it of exclusive use of the household?"

If the response is affirmative, mark "x" in box 1. In the contrary case mark "x" in box 2: "Of use shared with other households".

When a household does not have an independent room for cooking, mark "x" in box 3: "Does not have".

Kitchen quarters: is an independent space, meant for the preparation of food.

Corridors, passageways, patios, food supply rooms, in which a stove [or "reverbero" small stove] or any other kitchen appliance is placed are not considered kitchen quarters.

Also rooms for sleeping in which a small stove or portable oven are put are not considered kitchen quarters.