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Relationship to the head of household

Questionnaire Text

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2. Relationship to head of household:
[] 1 Head of household
[] 2 Spouse
[] 3 Child
[] 4 Grandchild
[] 5 Parent
[] 6 Grandparent
[] 7 Other relative
[] 8 Non-relative

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

2. Relationship to household head -- The first person of a household should be household head, and circle "1". For other members, circle the answers according to his/her relationship to household head. If the respondent is not the household head, do not circle answers based on respondent's relationship with other household members.

In the standard answers listed, "children" include child-in-law. "grandchildren" includes grandchild-in-law, great-grand-child and great-grand-child-in-law. "Parents" includes parents-in-law. "Grand-parents" includes great-grand-parent. "Other relatives" includes siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins, and cousin-in-law. "Non-relatives" includes baby-sitter, colleagues, classmates, and others who are not related to household head. The first person in an institutional household is the household head, and circle "1". For other members, circle "Non-relatives".