Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
0 | NIU (not in universe) | 6,427 |
1 | Detached house | 70,551 |
2 | House with several housing units | 25,600 |
3 | Modern villa | 3,087 |
4 | Apartment building | 1,678 |
5 | Compound or sare | 65,628 |
6 | Other | 1,177 |
9 | Unknown | 1,498 |
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This variable indicates the structure of the buildings/houses.
- Cameroon 1987: Private households
- Cameroon: 1987
Questionnaire Text
Questions on housing
Circle the appropriate number where applicable: in the case of a compound occupied by only one household, take the characteristics (except for the number of rooms) of the main house.
H1. Type of structure
[] 1 Detached house.
[] 2 House with several housing units.
[] 3 Modern villa
[] 4 Apartment building
[] 5 Compound or sare
[] 6 Others
[] 2 House with several housing units.
[] 3 Modern villa
[] 4 Apartment building
[] 5 Compound or sare
[] 6 Others
Filling in page 4.
Begin by filling in the space reserved for questions concerning housing and then fill in the space for deaths.
This page is completed only as concerns the first questionnaire used in the household.
1) Space for questions concerning housing. In this column, encircle only one number.
Example : The household is living in a modern villa, column H 1, encircle No. 3.
1 - Isolated house
2 - House with many self-contained flats
3 - Modern villa
4 - Apartment story building
5 - Compound or saré
6 ? Other
1 - Isolated house
2 - House with many self-contained flats
3 - Modern villa
4 - Apartment story building
5 - Compound or saré
6 ? Other
If the housing unit is a compound or saré, the numbers to be encircled are those corresponding to the characteristics of the main house as concerns the materials used for the walls, roof, floor, type of lighting system, water supply, source of energy for the kitchen, type of toilet. However, the number of rooms to be written in column H10 is the total number of room used by the household in all the housed that make up the compound or saré.
The rooms to be taken into account are the bedrooms, sitting rooms, the dining rooms, rooms for house servants and kitchen; do not count corridors, verandahs, lobbies, bathrooms, toilets, rooms for professional practice such as lawyer's chambers, doctor's consultation room, tailoring workshop, street stalls, etc.
If a room is used by two or more households (examples: kitchens, dining rooms, etc.), record it in the name of one household and do not count it for any other household.
If in a housing unit you note many characteristics for the materials, record the main one:
Example: a mud wall plastered with cement (half concrete), record 6 ? mud
Integrated variables
- None