Questionnaire Text

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Only for private, occupied dwellings with people present [applies to questions 3 to 16]

A. In the exterior walls:

[] 1 Reinforced concrete, stone
[] 2 Brick
[] 3 Structural panels, prefabricated block
[] 4 Wood or sawed planks
[] 5 Fiber-cement [drywall]
[] 6 Adobe, clay with straw
[] 7 Waste material (tin, cardboard, plastic, etc.)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 3 through 16: Only for private dwellings which are occupied with people present.]

Question 4

Construction materials allow us to define the actual conditions of Chilean dwellings. The following questions are asked:

4a. Exterior walls [An arrow points to a picture of an exterior wall.]
4b. Roof [An arrow points to a picture of a roof.]
4c. Floor [An arrow points to a picture of a floor.]

Question 4a. Exterior Walls

When more than one material is used, you should mark the most used, the predominant material. You should only fill in one oval. [These instructions refer to a graphic of question 4a on the census form.]

[p. 31]

Question 4b. Roof

In the case of an apartment, you should ask about the roof of the last [i.e., the uppermost] floor of the building. [These instructions refer to a graphic of question 4b on the census form.]

Questions 4b (Roof) and 4c (Floor)

Please: Remember to fill in only the oval with the type of material that the informant considers the most used. [Two arrows point to graphics of questions 4b and 4c on the census form.]