Questionnaire Text
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IV -- Fertility
Only for women 15 years of age and older
17. Number of children:
Questionnaire instructions
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IV. Fertility Rate
Only for women 15 and older
The questions included under this title should be asked of all women 15 and older, regardless of their marital status. Ask the questions exactly as they are written, waiting for a response to each item (A, B, C, etc.) before continuing on to the next one.
If the answer to item A) How many live-born and stillborn children have you had?, is "none," record zero, zero (00). Conversely, if the response is affirmative, record the number of children and ask all of the following questions, even though they may seem obvious.
If the number of children had by a woman is unknown, or if the person doesn't respond to this question, record XX after item A).
In order to answer the questions, it is necessary for you to remember the following definitions:
Born alive: A child who, upon being born, breathes, cries, or moves. If the child demonstrated any of these signs of life and then died, it is a "child born alive."
Stillborn: A child who, upon being born, doesn't show any sign of life. That is, the child doesn't cry, breathe, or move.
[p. 40]
Question No. 17--Number of Children
A. You should record here the total number of children had by the woman, including live-born and stillborn children.
B. Record here, separately, the total number of stillborn children.
C. Again separately, record in this item the total number of children born alive.
D. Of the children born alive, record in this item how many are currently alive.
E. From the total of children born alive, record in this item how many of them have died.