Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1980 Germany 1970 Malaysia 2000 Senegal 2002
Armenia 2001 Germany 1987 Mali 1987 Sierra Leone 2004
Armenia 2011 Ghana 1984 Mali 1998 Sierra Leone 2015
Austria 1971 Ghana 2000 Mali 2009 Slovakia 1991
Austria 1981 Ghana 2010 Mauritius 1990 Slovakia 2001
Austria 1991 Greece 1971 Mauritius 2000 Slovakia 2011
Austria 2001 Greece 1981 Mauritius 2011 Slovenia 2002
Austria 2011 Greece 1991 Mexico 1960 South Africa 1996
Bangladesh 1991 Greece 2001 Mexico 2015 South Africa 2001
Belarus 1999 Greece 2011 Mexico 2020 South Africa 2011
Belarus 2009 Guatemala 1964 Mongolia 1989 South Africa 2016
Benin 1979 Guinea 1983 Mongolia 2000 Spain 1981
Benin 1992 Guinea 1996 Morocco 1982 Spain 1991
Benin 2002 Haiti 1971 Morocco 1994 Spain 2001
Benin 2013 Honduras 1961 Morocco 2004 Spain 2011
Botswana 1981 Honduras 1974 Morocco 2014 Sudan 2008
Botswana 1991 Hungary 2001 Mozambique 1997 Suriname 2004
Botswana 2001 Hungary 2011 Mozambique 2007 Suriname 2012
Botswana 2011 Indonesia 1971 Nepal 2001 Switzerland 1970
Brazil 2010 Indonesia 1980 Nepal 2011 Switzerland 1980
Burkina Faso 1996 Indonesia 1985 Netherlands 1971 Switzerland 1990
Burkina Faso 2006 Indonesia 1990 Netherlands 2001 Switzerland 2000
Cameroon 1976 Indonesia 1995 Pakistan 1998 Switzerland 2011
Cameroon 1987 Indonesia 2000 Palestine 1997 Tanzania 1988
Cameroon 2005 Indonesia 2010 Palestine 2007 Tanzania 2002
Canada 1971 Iran 2006 Papua New Guinea 1990 Tanzania 2012
Canada 1981 Iraq 1997 Paraguay 2002 Thailand 2000
Canada 1991 Ireland 2002 Philippines 1990 Togo 1960
Canada 2001 Ireland 2006 Philippines 2010 Turkey 1985
Canada 2011 Ireland 2011 Poland 2002 Turkey 1990
Costa Rica 1963 Ireland 2016 Poland 2011 Turkey 2000
Costa Rica 1973 Italy 2001 Portugal 1981 Uganda 1991
Costa Rica 1984 Italy 2011 Portugal 1991 Uganda 2002
Costa Rica 2000 Jordan 2004 Portugal 2001 Uganda 2014
Côte d'Ivoire 1988 Kenya 1969 Portugal 2011 United States 1980
Côte d'Ivoire 1998 Kenya 1979 Puerto Rico 1980 United States 1990
Ecuador 2010 Kyrgyzstan 1999 Puerto Rico 1990 United States 2000
Egypt 1986 Kyrgyzstan 2009 Puerto Rico 2000 United States 2005
Egypt 1996 Laos 1995 Puerto Rico 2005 United States 2010
Egypt 2006 Laos 2005 Puerto Rico 2010 United States 2015
Fiji 2007 Laos 2015 Puerto Rico 2015 United States 2020
Fiji 2014 Lesotho 1996 Puerto Rico 2020 Uruguay 1963
France 1962 Lesotho 2006 Romania 1992 Venezuela 1971
France 1968 Liberia 1974 Romania 2002 Venezuela 1981
France 1975 Liberia 2008 Romania 2011 Venezuela 1990
France 1982 Malawi 1998 Russia 2002 Venezuela 2001
France 1990 Malawi 2008 Russia 2010 Zambia 1990
France 1999 Malaysia 1970 Rwanda 1991 Zambia 2000
France 2006 Malaysia 1980 Rwanda 2002 Zambia 2010
France 2011 Malaysia 1991 Senegal 1988 Zimbabwe 2012
Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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C. Population

For all of the persons
[Questions 1-6 were asked of all persons]

6. [Immigration status]

Only for persons who have usual residence in Argentina and were born in another country.
[Questions 6A and 6B asked only of persons born outside Argentina and who currently reside in Argentina.]

B. Are you a naturalized citizen of Argentina?

[] Yes
[] No
[] Unanswered

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C. Population

Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.

6. Only for persons born abroad who usually reside in Argentina.
a) You will complete the year.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form.]

b) You will fill out the corresponding cell.

Armenia 2001 — source variable AM2001A_ETHNIC — Ethnicity
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Q12: ____Your nationality
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Question 12

Your nationality

The nationality the replier mentions is written. The nationality of children is determined by the parents. For summarizing the information the manual of encoding the nations is used which was approved by the RA National Statistical Service.

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_NATION1 — First country of citizenship
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9. Country of citizenship (For dual citizenship, indicate citizenship of second country) ___
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Question 11

The country of your citizenship.

For the answer to this question two lines are intended.

If the person has one citizenship, then only the first line is completed. For the citizens of Armenia "Armenia" is written, and for the citizens of other countries the name of the country which citizens they are is written, for example "Germany", "Russia", "Lebanon" and so on.

For the person with double citizenship both lines are completed. If the citizen of other countries than Armenia is given the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, than in the first line his/her main citizenship must be written, and in the second line "Republic of Armenia" should be written.

Foreigners with double citizenship both lines are completed by the order at their discretion.

For the people who don't have a citizenship, "doesn't have" is written.

The parents determine the citizenship of the children.

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_NATION2 — Second country of citizenship
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9. Country of citizenship (For dual citizenship, indicate citizenship of second country) ___
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Question 11

The country of your citizenship.

For the answer to this question two lines are intended.

If the person has one citizenship, then only the first line is completed. For the citizens of Armenia "Armenia" is written, and for the citizens of other countries the name of the country which citizens they are is written, for example "Germany", "Russia", "Lebanon" and so on.

For the person with double citizenship both lines are completed. If the citizen of other countries than Armenia is given the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, than in the first line his/her main citizenship must be written, and in the second line "Republic of Armenia" should be written.

Foreigners with double citizenship both lines are completed by the order at their discretion.

For the people who don't have a citizenship, "doesn't have" is written.

The parents determine the citizenship of the children.

Austria 1971 — source variable AT1971A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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[Questions 1 - 9 were asked of all persons]

7. Citizenship:

[] Austrian
[] Not Austrian, namely ________

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_CITIZ — Citizenship

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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6. Citizenship: (in case of dual citizenship: state all)
[] Austrian
[] German
[] Italian
[] Yugo-Slavian
[] Swiss
[] Turkish
[] Without citizenship
[] Other Specify ____

6. Citizenship: If you have the Austrian and another citizenship, please mark the box "Austrian" as well as the box of the other citizenship. Of the other citizenship does not have its own box, please mark "Other" and write this other citizenship on the line provided. Persons whose citizenship is not clear mark "others" and write "not clear".

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6, Citizenship:
Possible answers: "Austrian," "German," "Italian," "Yugoslavian," "Swiss," "Turkish," "stateless," "other, please specify."
If you have Austrian and another citizenship, then please mark the box "Austrian" as well as the box of the other citizenship. If there is not individual box present for this citizenship, then please mark "other" and indicate this other citizenship in the text line. Persons with unclear citizenship mark "other" and enter "unclear."

Enumerator guideline:
Dual citizenships are also surveyed in the population census. For that reason it is especially important that Austrians who also possess a foreign citizenship indicate both.

Purpose of the question:
Citizenship is a requirement for the determination of the so-called "number of citizens." Based on this the mandates per electoral district is calculated. Further, citizenship serves the determination of the number and structure of the foreigners living in Austria, who differ significantly from nationals in demographic, social and economic respects, as well as the assessment of the many foreigner questions.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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5. Citizenship (Please mark both in the case of dual citizenship):
[] Austria
[] Germany
[] Czech Republic
[] Slovak Republic
[] Hungary
[] Turkey
[] Romania
[] Poland
[] Slovenia
[] Croatia
[] Bosnia and Herzegovina
[] Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
[] Macedonia
[] Stateless
[] Other country ____

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5. Citizenship:
Explanation: Persons with unclear citizenship should enter "not clarified" in the text field "other countries."

[p. 75]

Anyone who has another citizenship in addition to Austrian citizenship, marks the box "Austria" as well as the box of the other citizenship or indicates this in the text field.
Citizenship is a requirement for the determination of the so-called "number of citizens." Based on this the mandates per electoral district is calculated. Further, citizenship serves the determination of the number and structure of the foreigners living in Austria, who differ significantly from nationals in demographic, social and economic respects, as well as the assessment of the many foreigner questions.

Austria 2011 — source variable AT2011A_CITIZEN — Country of citizenship

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Bangladesh 1991 — source variable BD1991A_NATION — Nationality
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25. Nationality
[] 1. Bangladeshi
[] 2. Foreigner

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Fill up without asking question if there is a clear idea about his/her nationality. If there is any doubt, ask " Is (the person) Bangladeshi? ". For Bangladeshi fill oval (1) and fill oval (2) for foreigner.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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6. Citizenship
[] 1 Republic of Belarus
[] 2 Without citizenship
[] 3 Other country (specify)

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Question 6. Citizenship

For the citizens of the Republic of Belarus the response "Republic of Belarus" is to be marked.

For persons having no citizenship a mark against the "without citizenship" should be made.

For foreigners the response "the other country" should be marked and the name of the country where the person in question is a citizen (e.g., "Italy", "Ukraine") should be entered in a special box. For persons with dual citizenship the name of one country at the person's discretion is to be recorded.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_CITIZ — Country of citizenship
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire

[Questions were asked of all persons]

8. Your citizenship

[] 1 Republic of Belarus
[] 2 Other country, indicate name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[] 3 Without citizenship

Benin 1979 — source variable BJ1979A_NATION — Ethnicity or nationality
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Demographic characteristics (for all person)

(10) Nationality _ _ _

Indicate nationality for Beninese. For example: Goun, Dendi, Fon, Ditanmari, Mina, Bariba...

And country for non-Beninese. For example: Togo, Nigeria, Senegal, France...
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Demographic Characteristics (for each household member)

Column (10): Nationality
For a Beninese, ask the question: "What is your nationality?" and write down the following answer: Ditanmari, Yoruba, Dendi, Bariba, Mahi, Fon, etc.
For a non-Beninese, ask "What is your country of origin?" and write down according the answer: Togo, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, France, Romania, China, Canada, etc.

Benin 1992 — source variable BJ1992A_NATION — Nationality
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For all persons
[Questions in columns 1 to 9 asked of all persons.]

(8) Nationality ____

Mark down the nationality (country)
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II. How to fill out the questionnaire (Document RGPH 2 Number 1).

Column (8): Nationality
Ask the question "What is your nationality?" and write down the name of the country on top of the grid.

Example: Beninese for Benin
Nigerians for Nigeria
French for France,

Benin 2002 — source variable BJ2002A_NATION — Nationality
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For all persons
[Questions in columns 1 to 11 were asked of all persons]

Now we would like to ask for information on you and the persons habitually living in your household or currently residing in your home

(8) Nationality ____

Of which ethnicity is [the respondent]? Write down FON, DENDI, etc for Beninese and country for foreigners
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i) Socio-demographic characteristics

Column (8): Nationality or ethnicity
First, ask the question "What is the nationality of [the respondent]?" If the answer is "Beninese" ask then: "Of which ethnicity is [the respondent]?" and write down the declared ethnicity on the line. Report the declared ethnicity for persons with a Beninese nationality and the country for foreigners on the corresponding horizontal line and leave the boxes empty.
For the purposes of the RGPH3, ethnicity is the same as the sociolinguistic group to which the interviewee belongs.
For Beninese, a possible response is the following: Ditamari, Yoruba, Fon, Adja, Goun, Dendi, Yom, Nagot, Mahi, etc.
For foreigners,

Niger, the response is Nigers;
France, the response is French;
Nigeria, the response is Nigerians.

Note: Mark "naturalized" for the Beninese by alliance or who acquired the Beninese nationality.

Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_ETHNIC — Ethnicity or nationality
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9. Ethnicity or nationality - Which is the ethnicity or nationality of [the person]?

Write down FON, MINA, DENDI, etcetera for Beninese, and country for foreigners
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Section 2: Individual characteristics of household members

Questions 1 [order number] to 12 [residency status] apply to all persons to count in the household.

9. Ethnicity or nationality

Ethnicity is a person's belonging to a sociolinguistic and cultural community.

Nationality is a person's citizenship to a country or a given state.

First, ask the following question:

Q: "What is the ethnicity of [the respondent]?
Write down [in capital letters] the declared ethnicity on the line corresponding to the counted person's registration order number.

Example: For Beninese, a possible response is the following: Ditamari, Yoruba, Fon, Adja, Goun, Dendi, Yom, Nagot, Mahi, etc.;

NB: Write down "naturalized" for persons who acquired the Beninese nationality [through alliance [marriage] or any other way], since they cannot be attributed a national ethnicity.

For persons with foreign nationalities, ask the following question:

Q: "What is [the respondent]'s's nationality?"
[] Write legibly the name of the country on the line corresponding to the counted person's registration order number.
[] register the first declared nationality for individuals with dual citizenships.


[] Niger, for persons having declared being of the Nigerian nationality.
[] Lebanon, for persons having declared being of the Lebanese nationality.
[] France, for persons having declared being of the French nationality.

Botswana 1981 — source variable BW1981A_CITIZEN — Country of citizenship
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[Questions 7 through 9 were asked of present residents in the household]

7. What is the country of (the person)'s citizenship?

[] 01 Botswana
[] 02 Zimbabwe
[] 03 Zambia
[] 04 Namibia
[] 05 Malawi
[] 06 Angola
[] 07 Lesotho
[] 08 Swaziland
[] 09 South Africa
[] 10 UK
[] 11 USA
[] 12 India
[] 13 Pakistan
[] Other (specify)
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Column [P7] citizenship
Enter the appropriate answer code against each person's name. For a citizen of a country not listed in the questionnaire write the name of the country of which that person is a citizen.

Botswana 1991 — source variable BW1991A_CITIZEN — Country of citizenship
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Section A

(All persons)

6. Citizenship

What is the country of [the respondent's] citizenship?

[] 01 Botswana
[] 02 Angola
[] 03 Lesotho
[] 04 Malawi
[] 05 Mozambique
[] 06 Namibia
[] 07 South Africa
[] 08 Swaziland
[] 09 Zambia
[] 10 Zimbabwe
[] Other -- see list
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Column A6: Citizenship

What is the country of [the respondent]'s citizenship?

For Botswana citizens, enter 01 in the shaded area under column A6. For citizens of other countries, write the name of the country in the unshaded area and the code for that country in the shaded area beneath. The codes for most southern African countries are shown on the questionnaire. If a person is a citizen of a country not listed, look up the code in the Village/Country List.


In the sample questionnaire in paragraph 103, all the persons listed are citizens of Botswana (code 01), except for Thembe, who is a citizen of South Africa. "RSA" is written in the unshaded area under column A6, in line 6, whilst the code for South Africa, 07, is written in the shaded area.

Botswana 2001 — source variable BW2001A_CITIZEN — Citizen
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All persons
[Questions A1-A12 were asked of all persons]

A6. What is the country of [the person's] citizenship?

[] 01 Botswana
[] 02 Angola
[] 03 Lesotho
[] 04 Malawi
[] 05 Mozambique
[] 06 Namibia
[] 07 South Africa
[] 08 Swaziland
[] 09 Zambia
[] 10 Zimbabwe
[] Other - see list
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104. Column A6: Citizenship

Q: What is the country of [the person's] citizenship?

For Botswana citizens, enter 01 in the shaded area under column A6. For citizens of other countries, write the name of the country in the unshaded area and the code for that country in the shaded area beneath. The codes for most southern African countries are shown on the questionnaire. If a person is a citizen of a country not listed, look up the code in the village/country list.

Botswana 2011 — source variable BW2011A_CITIZENBW — Citizenship, Botswana and Non-Botswana
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A. Person Information

6. What is [the respondent's] country of citizenship?

[] 001 Botswana
[] 002 Angola
[] 003 Lesotho
[] 004 Malawi
[] 005 Mozambique
[] 006 Namibia
[] 007 South Africa
[] 008 Swaziland
[] 009 Zambia
[] 010 Zimbabwe
[] 011 Tanzania
[] 012 Democratic Republic of the Congo
[] 013 Mauritius
[] 014 Seychelles
[] Other (see list)
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J. The questions and the answers

Part A of the questionnaire

124. Columns A1-A6 collect the basic information about the persons in the household (name, relationship to head of household, sex, age, and citizenship). The sample questionnaire is shown on page 24.

130. Column A6: Citizenship
Q. What is the country of the respondent's citizenship?
For Botswana citizens, enter 001 in the shaded area under column A6. For citizens of other countries, write the name of the country in the unshaded area and the code for that country in the shaded area beneath. The codes for most Southern African countries are shown on the questionnaire. If a person is a citizen of a country not listed, look up the code in the Locality Coding/Country List.

[Table omitted.]

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_NATION — Nationality
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6. Resident characteristics

Internal migration and international immigration

6.20 What is your nationality?

[Question 6.20 was asked of persons who were not born in their current state of residence, per 6.19.]

[] 1 Native Brazilian (Go to 6.22)
[] 2 Naturalized Brazilian (Go to 6.21)
[] 3 Foreigner (Go to 6.21)

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6.20-What is your nationality?
Depending on the situation, record:
1 - Brazilian: A person who was born in Brazil or was born in a foreign country and was registered as Brazilian, according to the laws of Brazil.
2 - Naturalized Brazilian: A person who was born in a foreign country and obtained Brazilian citizenship by way of naturalization or according to the laws of Brazil.
3 - Foreign: A person who was born outside of Brazil or a person who was born in Brazil and is registered in foreign country, and is not naturalized Brazilian.

Burkina Faso 1996 — source variable BF1996A_NATION — Nationality
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Entire Population
[Questions P01 to P14 were asked for all persons.]


P14. What is [person]'s nationality?

Circle the corresponding code.

[] 01 = Burkinabe
[] 02 = Benin
[] 03 = Ivory Coast
[] 04 = Ghana
[] 05 = Mali
[] 06 = Niger
[] 07 = Nigeria
[] 08 = Senegal
[] 09 = Togo
[] 10 = Other African country
[] 11 = Europe
[] 12 = Other

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_NATION — Nationality
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II. Individual Characteristics
Entire Population

P16. Nationality

What nationality is [the person]?

Specify the country.

Cameroon 1976 — source variable CM1976A_NATION — Nationality
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16) Nationality
What is your nationality?
Mark the nationality declared by the person: ____
'C' for the Cameroonian nationality and the nationality in plain language for the others.

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a) Columns 1 to 16:

Fill out for each person.

First take inventory of all the people to mark by filling out columns 1 to 6 for each person. Next ask the other individual questions (columns 7 to 25), filling out line by line.

Column 16: Nationality:

Nationality designates the legal nationality of an individual. All people in possession of the legal nationality of Cameroon are considered as "Cameroonian."

In all cases, mark the declared nationality of each person.

Mark "C" for the Cameroonians and the full name of the nationality of the non-Cameroonians.

[Examples omitted]

Cameroon 2005 — source variable CM2005A_BPLCTRY — Country of birth
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7. Place of birth. In which subdivision/district/country was each person born? ____
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7. Location of birth
The location of birth is, for people born in Cameroon, the quarter/district in which they were born. For people born outside of Cameroon, the location of birth if the country where they were born.

If the person being surveyed has civil status certificate or a national identity card, this information exists in those documents:

-Take this information and transcribe it in the questionnaire while respecting the rules below which define the location of birth.

If the person does not have a civil status certificate, ask him the following question:

Q. Where you born in Cameroon? If the answer is YES,

Ask the following question:

Q. What district or quarter where you born in?
-Mark the answer on the dotted line corresponding with the registration order number of the surveyed person (if it's a quarter that still exists)

If the person was born in Cameroon and knows the town he was born in, but isn't able to connect it to an quarter or a district, ask him the following question:

Q. Which administrative district or grouping is attached to the town in question?
-Do not write anything in the questionnaire. Take the information from the scratch notebook, specifying the names of those in the household and the order number of the relevant person and inform the team leader so as to find a solution together.

If the answer is No, the person was born outside of Cameroon, ask him the following question:

Q. Which country were you born in?
-Mark the answer provided on the dotted line corresponding to the registered order number of the surveyed person.
Q. In which quarter were you born, was _____ born in?
-Then ask him if this location was in a city or a town (based on the location of residence at the time of birth);
-Mark in the proper space the code for his location of birth (1=urban, 2=rural).

Example 2:

Question: "What quarter was X born in?"
Answer: "Obala".
Additional question: "Was it Obala proper or a village in the district of Obala?"

If it was a village:

-Mark 2, which corresponds to the code for a rural space.

NB. You must consider the changes that occurred after the current administrative re-zoning which may affect the quarter/district of birth of the surveyed person.
Consequently, only mark the current quarter which is attached to the town declared by the surveyed person.

-Ask for his birth country if he was born abroad.
-Mark the name of this country on the dotted line that corresponds to the registration order of the surveyed person.

Canada 1971 — source variable CA1971A_CITIZ — Country of citizenship
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14. Of what country are you a citizen?
[] Canada
[] U.S.A.
[] U.K.
[] Other, write here ____

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14. Persons born in Canada are Canadian citizens unless they have lost their citizenship.
Persons born outside of Canada who have obtained Canadian citizenship papers should fill the circle for "Canada".
Persons who have not yet become Canadian citizens and have lost their former citizenship, or have no citizenship for any other reason, should write "Stateless" in the space provided above "Other, write here".
Persons who are citizens of more than one country should enter only one citizenship, preferably the last one acquired.

Canada 1981 — source variable CA1981A_CITIZ — Country of Citizenship
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24. Of what country are you a citizen?
Mark as many boxes as apply.
[] Canada, by birth: Go to Question 26.
[] Canada, by naturalization
[] Same as country of birth (other than Canada): Go to Question 25.
[] Other

Canada 1991 — source variable CA1991A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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12. Of what country is this person a citizen?
Mark more than one circle, if applicable.
[] Canada, by birth
[] Canada, by naturalization
[] Same as country of birth (other than Canada)
[] Other country

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Question 12: Citizenship
Information on citizenship helps in planning for elections since, when combined with age data, this information can reveal the number of potential voters. It is also used by those who plan citizenship classes and programs.
Mark Canada, by birth for persons: born in Canada (see exception below); born outside Canada if, at the time of birth, one or both parents were Canadian citizens and if Canadian citizenship has been retained.
For example, if born in West Germany and, at the time of birth, one or both parents were employed with the Canadian Armed Forces in West Germany, mark Canada, by birth. Also mark Same as country of birth (other than Canada), if that citizenship is still retained.
Do not mark Canada, by birth if born in Canada and at the time of birth one parent was: (a) in the service of a foreign government, or (b) employed by a person in (a), or (c) in the service of an international organization whose personnel were granted diplomatic privileges, and, neither parent was a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (landed immigrant).
Persons who have become Canadian citizens by naturalization would normally have received citizenship certificates from the Canadian government.
For persons who have dual citizenship, mark all of the categories that apply; for example, Canada, by naturalization and Same as country of birth (other than Canada).
If born outside Canada and not a Canadian citizen, mark Same as country of birth (other than Canada) if this citizenship is still retained. Otherwise, mark Other country.
If former citizenship has been lost and if Canadian citizenship has not yet been obtained, or if a person has no citizenship for any other reason - mark Other country.

Canada 2001 — source variable CA2001A_CITIZENP — Citizenship
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10. Of what country is this person a citizen?
Indicate more than one citizenship, if applicable.
"Canada, by naturalization" refers to the process by which an immigrant is granted citizenship of Canada, under the Citizenship Act.
[] Canada, by birth
[] Canada, by naturalization
[] Other country, specify ____

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Question 10 -- Citizenship

Mark Canada, by birth for persons: born in Canada (see exception below); born outside Canada, if at the time of their birth one or both parents were Canadian citizens and if this person has retained Canadian citizenship.
Exception: Some persons who are born in Canada should not mark Canada, by birth, if at the time of their birth: one or both parents were government representatives of another country (diplomatic service); and neither parent was a Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant. Mark Canada, by naturalization for persons who have become Canadian citizens. These persons have been issued a Canadian citizenship certificate. This includes persons born in the United Kingdom or in other Commonwealth countries who have immigrated to Canada and have become Canadian citizens.
For persons who were born outside Canada and have not become Canadian citizens, report under Other country the name of the other country or countries for which they hold citizenship(s).
For persons who are dual citizens of Canada and another country, do not report "dual citizenship". Mark either Canada, by birth or Canada by naturalization, and report the name of the other country.

Canada 2011 — source variable CA2011A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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Sociocultural information

10. Of what country is this person a citizen?

Indicate more than one citizenship, if applicable.

"Canada, by naturalization" refers to the process by which an immigrant is granted citizenship of Canada, under the Citizenship Act.

[] Canada, by birth
[] Canada, by naturalization
[] Other country -- Specify: ____
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Sociocultural Information
Questions 9 to 22 provide a social and cultural profile of Canada's population.

Question 9 provides information on the diversity of Canada's population, and tells us about movements of people within Canada and from other countries to Canada.

Question 10 provides the citizenship status of Canada's population. The information is used to plan citizenship classes and programs.

Questions 11 and 12 provide information about immigrants and non-permanent residents in Canada, and the year people immigrated. This information is used to compare the situation of immigrants over time, to evaluate immigration and employment policies and programs, and to plan education, health, and other services.

Questions 13 to 16 are used to provide a profile of the linguistic diversity of Canada's population. This information is used to estimate the need for services in English and French, and to better understand the current status and the evolution of Canada's various language groups.

Question 17 provides information about ethnic and cultural diversity in Canada. This information is used by associations, agencies and researchers for activities such as health promotion, communications and marketing.

Questions 18, 20 and 21 provide information used by governments, including Aboriginal governments and organizations, to develop programs and services for Aboriginal people.

Question 19 tells us about the visible minority population in Canada. This information is required for programs under the "Employment Equity Act", which promote equal opportunity for everyone.

Question 22 helps measure religious affiliation and diversity. It is used to trace change in Canada's society. The information is also used to plan facilities and services within diverse communities.

Question 10 -- Citizenship
For persons born in Canada, unless --at the time of their birth-- one or both parents were government representatives of another country (for example, in diplomatic service) and neither parent was a Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant, mark 'Canada, by birth'.

For persons born outside Canada if, at the time of their birth, one or both parents were Canadian citizens, mark 'Canada, by birth'.

For persons who have applied for, and have been granted, Canadian citizenship (i.e., persons who have been issued a Canadian citizenship certificate), mark 'Canada, by naturalization'.

For persons who were born outside Canada and have not become Canadian citizens, report under 'Other country' the name of the other country for which they hold citizenship.

For persons who are dual citizens of Canada and another country, do not report 'dual citizenship': mark either 'Canada, by birth' or 'Canada, by naturalization', and report the name of the other country.

Costa Rica 1963 — source variable CR1963A_NATIONAL — Nationality
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9. Nationality

Mark and "X" if Costa Rican by birth and "NX" if Costa Rican by naturalization. If foreign, write the appropriate nationality.


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Line No. 9.- Nationality

Ask the question and write down the annotation according to the following:

1) If one is Costa Rican by birth, write down an "X".

2) If one is a naturalized Costa Rican, write down "NX".

3) If one is a foreigner, write down the nationality that the person reports. If a person has more than one nationality, write down the one corresponding to the country of birth.

Costa Rica 1973 — source variable CR1973A_NATIONAL — Citizenship
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10. Nationality
Mark the "X" circle if Costa Rican by birth.
Mark the "YX" circle if Costa Rican by naturalization. If a foreigner, write the appropriate nationality.

[] X
[] YX _ _

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17.- Question No. 10.- Nationality

Ask the question and write down the annotation according to the following:

17.1.- If one is Costa Rican by birth, write down an X.

17.2.- If one is a naturalized Costa Rican, write down SX.

17.3.- If one is a foreigner, write down the nationality that the person reports. If a person has more than one nationality, write down the one that is preferred.

Costa Rica 1984 — source variable CR1984A_NATIONAL — Citizenship
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5. Nationality
Costa Rican by:

[] 7 Birth
[] 8 Naturalization
[] 9 Other nationality ____

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First block of questions: for all persons

Question 5: Nationality

The objective of this question is to obtain the nationality of every person. Legal nationality is understood to be the national or foreign condition that every person has with respect to the country where the census is being fulfilled.

[Below the text is a form]

Ask the question in the following manner: What nationality are you? (or is such and such other person) and write down the response of the enumerated person conforming to the following rules:

If one is Costa Rican by birth mark with an X the corresponding circle.

If one is Costa Rican by naturalization, mark with an X circle 8.

If one is Another Nationality, clearly write down the corresponding nationality.

If a person is an expatriate, write it down. If their situation is not well defined clarify it in observations. If the person has dual nationality, ask which is preferred and write that down.

{Who are Costa Rican by birth or by naturalization}

So that you have no doubts regarding if a person who you enumerate is Costa Rican by birth or by naturalization, the following articles 13 and 14 of the Political Constitution are transcribed.

[p. 48]

Article 13. They are Costa Rican by birth:

1) The child of a Costa Rican father and mother born in the territory of the republic.
2) The child of a Costa Rican by birth father and mother, who was born abroad, and is registered as such in the Civil Registry, by the will of the Costa Rican birth parent, even while at a young age, or by the child after 25 years of age.
3) The child of foreigners born in Costa Rica that is registered as Costa Rican, by the will of either of the birth parents even while at a young age, or by the child after 25 years of age.
4) An infant, of unknown parents, found in Costa Rica.

Article 14. They are Costa Rican by naturalization:

1) Those who have acquired this quality by virtue of previous laws.
2) Nationals of other Central American countries, of good conduct and with a year of residence in the republic at least, who declare before the Civil Registry their decision to be Costa Rican.
3) Spaniards or Latin Americans by birth who obtain the respective letter before the Civil Registry, always who have had their house in the country during previous years at their request.
4) Central Americans, Latin Americans or Spaniards who are not citizens by birth and other foreigners who have had their house in Costa Rica for the minimum term of five years immediately before the request of naturalization, according to the requirements that the law indicates.
5) A foreign woman who when marrying a Costa Rican, loses her nationality or who claims her desire to be Costa Rican.
6) One who receives an honorable nationality from the Legislative Assembly.

Costa Rica 2000 — source variable CR2000A_NATION — Citizenship
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[Questions 1 - 8 are] For all individuals

5. What is the nationality of ____?

[] 1 Costa Rican by birth
[] 2 Costa Rican by naturalization
[] 3 Other (specify) ____
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First block

For all persons

Question 5: Nationality

This question refers to the legal condition of national or foreign that each person has with respect to the country in which the census is being given and permits determining the amount of foreigners residents in the country.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

They are Costa Rican by birth:

a. Children of Costa Rican mother and father, born in the country or away from it, but duly registered.

[Below the text is a picture of a baby and two parents.]

b. Children of foreign mother and father but born in Costa Rica and registered as Costa Rican

[Below the text is a picture of a baby and two parents.]

Costa Ricans by naturalization are those who having been born abroad, acquire nationality by virtue of what the Costa Rican laws establish, once naturalization is dealt with and awarded by the Civil Registry of our country.

They are of another nationality, those who do not have Costa Rican nationality neither by birth nor naturalization, [whether] they are legally or illegally in the country. In this case the nationality declared by the enumerated person will be registered.

Keep In Mind

If a person refuses to answer, make clear that the information is confidential and will be used in global [aggregate] statistics; it will not be supplied in an individual form to another institution.

Côte d'Ivoire 1988 — source variable CI1988A_ETHNIC — Nationality or ethnicity
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All individuals
[Question 17 through 28 were asked of all individuals]

26. Nationality / ethnicity

Indicate as applicable

____ a) For Ivorians, CI/Ethnicity. Ex: CI/Baoulé. Note: For a naturalized citizen, write CI/naturalized
____ b) For foreigners, the country name. Ex: Burkina-Faso, for Burkinabe nationality
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4.3.2 The inside of the questionnaire: data on the household

To complete the inside of the questionnaire, you must have:

- Read and fully understand the contents of this manual.
- If any points are unclear to you, ask your team leader for an explanation.
- Know the definitions perfectly and the meaning of the abbreviations used.
- The presence of the person you are surveying to obtain reliable information. If the head of the household is absent, speak with his representative to get the necessary information.


- Ask each person to be surveyed to present an identification document (national identification card, birth certificate, passport, driver's license, etc.) in order to quickly obtain answers to questions regarding first and last names, date of birth, etc.

Carefully follow all instructions you have been given, especially regarding how to ask the questions.

Question 26: Nationality (plus ethnicity for Ivorians)

Ask each individual you survey: "What is your nationality?"

For all Ivorians

If the surveyed individual declares that they are of Ivorian nationality, Indicate CI and ask, "What is your ethnicity"? Indicate the reported ethnicity preceded by CI.


Example: For a Baoulé, write CI/Baoulé under the coding table
For an Abbey, write CI/Abbey under the coding table

Note: If the surveyed individual is a naturalized citizen, write CI/Naturalized.

For foreigners

If the surveyed individual reports another nationality, indicate the reported country.

For example, for the Burkinabe nationality, write Burkina Faso. For the French nationality, write France. If an individual has applied for naturalization but has not yet obtained it, write the name of his/her current country.

If an individual has multiple nationalities, write the nationality of his/her choosing.

If a person has no nationality, write "None."

Côte d'Ivoire 1998 — source variable CI1998A_ETHNIC — Ethnicity
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All persons surveyed ? present residents (RP), absent residents (RA), and visitors (VI)
[Question 14 through 20 were asked of all persons.]

20. Nationality or ethnic group

Record as pertinent:

For Ivorians, their ethnic group: (e.g. CI/Baoule, CI/Naturalized.) _ _ _

For non-Ivorians, the name of the country, (e.g. Togo) ____
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Question 20: Nationality/ethnicity (additional information for Ivorians)
Ask each person you survey, "What is your nationality?"
1 - For all Ivorians

If the person surveyed claims Ivorian nationality, write down CI and then ask, "What is your ethnicity?" Write the ethnicity after "CI."
Example: - For a Baoulé person, write under the coding grid: CI / Baoulé
For an Abbey person, write under the coding grid: CI / Abbey

Note: If the person surveyed is a naturalized citizen, write CI / Naturalisée.
CI / Naturalise: The children of a naturalized citizen may be, based on the circumstances: CI / Naturalise (if they were born prior to the naturalization) or CI / Sans Precision [unspecified] (if they were born after the naturalization.)

2 - For foreigners

If the person surveyed claims another nationality, write the name of the country.
Example: - For Burkinabé people, write: Burkina Faso
- For French people, write: France

If a person has applied for naturalization but has not yet obtained it, write in his/her nationality of origin.
If a person claims more than one nationality, write in one nationality of his/her choice.
If a person does not state his/her nationality, insist on getting nationality information.

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_CIVREG — Civil registration
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For all persons
[Questions 1-18 were asked of all persons.]

6. Is [the respondent] registered in the civil registry?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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[Section 4]

Step 10: Section 4, information about the Population / B: General Characteristics, is divided into three parts: The first part corresponds to the questions that go from question one to ten.

[A copy of part of section 4B of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]


(A) The information of the first person corresponds to the one listed this same section in subsection A - identification by person; row 1 (page 4 of the census questionnaire).

  • Follow the sequential order of the questions.

(B) Begin with the head of household (male or female), and for the rest of persons it register them according to the order established in relation to the head of the household. For each household, there should only be one head of household, and he/she will be registered as person 1.
(C) Register the exact age of the person in years completed. If a boy or girl is younger than one year, register 0 (zero).
(D) Pay attention to the leaps in question 5 and question 8.
(E) It will be registered that yes he/she has a citizenship certificate, even if it has been stolen or lost.

  • Pay attention to the instructions that are indicated in questions 3 and 9.
  • In question 7, do not include the insurance of the IESS.

(F) Remember that the question 9 can have several alternatives of answers.

  • The disabilities are of permanent nature and that prevent him/her from doing activities that other people would do without difficulty. If any person mentions that his/her hip hurts, that he/she has to use glasses because he/she no longer sees well, or that he/she must use an apparatus to hear because he/she no longer hears well, these will not be registered as disabilities.
  • If a person does not speak (mute person), register alternative 4 and note it in observations.

Egypt 1986 — source variable EG1986A_NATION — Nationality
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Part B: Individual data

5. Nationality

[] 1 Egyptian
[] 2 Foreigner
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Nationality: column number (5)
Put a circle round number (1) for the Egyptian person and record the nationality of the non-Egyptian person near the word foreigner for example (Pakistani, German, American, French, Sudanese etc)

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_NATION — Nationality
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5. Nationality ____
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Nationality column No(5)
Fill in ink in front of the suitable number (Egyptian/ non Egyptian) then record the nationality of the non Egyptian in front of the non Egyptian nationality (American/ German/ Sudanese.....)

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_NATIONG — Nationality
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Table 1: Family characteristics
[Questions 1-7 for all persons]

[Questions in table 1 can be answered for up to 7 people]

6. Nationality

[] 1 Egyptian
[] 2 Foreigner (specify the nationality) ____

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Table 1: Household characteristics

6. Nationality
It should be noted that there is only one square on the right and 3 squares on the left.

Only the square on the right is filled and one of two following options is recorded: (1) Egyptian, (2) Foreigner; the rest of the squares are left empty for coding.

In case the answer was (2) Foreigner, his/her nationality is written on the line below the squares and nothing is written in the squares, so that the nationality can be coded by the Information Technology sector (in the 3 squares on the left).

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_RESSTAT — Residency status
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For all persons
[Questions D1-D18 were asked of all persons.]

D14. What is [person's] residency status?

(Tick appropriate box)
[ ] 1 Fiji citizen
[ ] 2 Permit holder
[ ] 3 Visitor

Fiji 2014 — source variable FJ2014A_CITIZEN — Fiji citizenship
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For all persons
[Question D1 through D9 were asked of all persons.]

[D8] What is this person's residency status?

Tick appropriate box.
[] 1 Fiji citizen
[] 2 Permit Holder
[] 3 Visitor

France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_SCITIZ — SAPHIR citizenship
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5. Nationality

[] French by birth (including by reintegration)
[] Became French through naturalization, marriage, declaration or option. Indicate your previous nationality ____
[] Foreigner. Indicate your nationality ____

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_SCITIZEN — SAPHIR citizenship
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5. Nationality
[] French by birth (including by reintegration)
[] French by naturalization, marriage, declaration or option
Indicate your previous nationality ____
[] Foreigner
Indicate your nationality ____

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_SCITIZ — SAPHIR citizenship
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6. Nationality

[] 1 French by birth (including by reintegration 1
[] 2 French through naturalization, marriage, declaration
Indicate your previous nationality ____

[] 3 Foreigner
Indicate your nationality ____

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_SCITIZEN — SAPHIR citizenship
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[Questions 1 - 6 apply to all persons]

6. Nationality

[] 1 French by birth (including by reinstatement)
[] 2 Became French by naturalization, marriage, declaration or choice

Indicate your previous nationality: ____

[] 3 Foreigner

Indicate your nationality: ____

France 1990 — source variable FR1990A_SCITIZEN — Saphir citizenship
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6. Nationality
[] 1 French by birth (including reintegration)
[] 2 Naturalized citizen by naturalization, marriage, official statement upon becoming an adult
Indicate your former nationality
[] 3 Foreigner
Indicate your nationality

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_FRENCH — Nationality
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6. What is your nationality?

[] 1 You were born French
[] 2 You became French through naturalization, registration, upon becoming an adult or by your own incentive, etc.
Indicate your nationality at birth: ____

[] 3 Foreign

Indicate your nationality: ____

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_NATION — Nationality
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3. What is your nationality?
[] 1 You were born in France
[] 2 You became French (for example, through naturalization, by declaration, upon becoming a legal adult).

Indicate your nationality at birth_________

[] 3 Foreigner. Indicate your nationality _____________

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_FRENCH — Nationality
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Individual form

3) What is your nationality?

[ ] 1 You were born French
[ ] 2 You became French (for example, through naturalization, through declaration, at adulthood)
Indicate your nationality at birth ____
Indicate your nationality ____

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_GERMAN — German
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6. Citizenship
[] German
[] Non-German

If not German, which ____

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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Question 5: What is your citizenship?
If another citizenship exists in addition to the German citizenship, mark "German". Stateless persons or those whose citizenship is undetermined should mark "others/none". The "other EC countries" include: Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain.

For all persons
[Questions 1-8 were asked to all persons]

5. What is your citizenship?

[] 1 German
[] 2 Greek
[] 3 Italian
[] 4 Other European Community countries
[] 5 Yugoslav
[] 6 Turkish
[] 7 Others/none

Ghana 1984 — source variable GH1984A_NATION — Nationality of individual
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Answer for each person
[Questions 1-6 were asked of all persons]

6. Nationality

What is your nationality?

00 [] Ghanaian
[] If not Ghanaian, specify country ____
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6. What is your nationality?

A box and a dotted line have been provided under this item and you are required to differentiate between a Ghanaian and all other nationals. A Ghanaian national is any person who falls into any of the following categories:

(a) A person born in Ghana one of whose parents is a Ghanaian citizen.
(b) A person born in Ghana, before the 6th day of March, 1957 and who within the meaning of the law in force in Ghana on that date was a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or a British protected person. (Such a person has to register to become a Ghanaian citizen).
(c) A person born outside Ghana with at least one Ghanaian parent who acquired Ghanaian citizenship by birth or where both parents acquired Ghanaian citizenship otherwise than by birth before 22nd August, 1969.
(d) A person who acquired Ghanaian citizenship by registration.
(e) A person who acquired Ghanaian citizenship by naturalization.
(f} A person who was born in or outside Ghana if either of his parents is ·or was a Ghanaian citizen.
(g) Any woman who is or was married to a Ghanaian citizen and who applied to be registered as a citizen of Ghana.
(h) A child less than seven years old found in Ghana whose parents are not known.
(i) A child less than 16 years old who is adopted by a Ghanaian citizen.
(j) Any man who has been living in a monogamous marriage with a Ghanaian woman for not less than five continuous years and who has applied for a Ghanaian citizenship.

Note that if a person is aged 21 years or over and claims to be a citizen of another country, he cannot be regarded as a citizen of Ghana.

pg. 50

The dotted line marked "if not Ghanaian, specify country" is for all those who are not Ghanaian nationals, i.e., all those who do not fall into the above categories. Note that you should indicate on this dotted line the name of the country of which these persons are nationals.

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_NATION — Nationality
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P04 Nationality: What is (name's) nationality?
[] 1 Ghanaian by birth
[] 2 Ghanaian by naturalisation (Go to P07)
[] 3 Other ECOWAS national (Go to P07)
[] 4 African other than ECOWAS (Go to P07)
[] 5 Non African (Go to P07)

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P04 Nationality: What is (name's) nationality?

You are required to differentiate between a Ghanaian by birth and a Ghanaian by naturalisation as well as all other nationals. Other nationals have been grouped into ECOWAS nationals (See Appendix 2 - for list of ECOWAS and African countries), Africans who are not from ECOWAS countries and non-Africans

1.Ghanaian by birth:
a. A person born in or outside Ghana, one of whose parents is a Ghanaian citizen
b. A child of not more than seven (7) years of age found in Ghana whose parents are not known.

2. Ghanaian by naturalization: For the purpose of this census, a Ghanaian by naturalisation would include the following:
Adopted Children: A child of not more than sixteen years of age neither of whose parents is a citizen of Ghana who is adopted by a Ghanaian.
Citizenship by Registration: A person who acquired citizenship by registration.
Naturalization: A person who acquired Ghanaian citizenship by naturalization.

Note that if a person is aged 21 years or over and claims to be a citizen of another country, he/she cannot be regarded as a citizen of Ghana.

3. Other ECOWAS National

[p. 37]

A citizen of any of the ECOWAS Countries; these include Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Cote D'ivoire, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.

4. African, Other than ECOWAS National
Write in and mark this option for all persons who are Africans but not from any of the ECOWAS states.

5. Non-African
Write in and mark this option for persons who are from other continents other than Africa e.g. Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Australia.

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_NATION — Nationality
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[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

[Questions P00 to P03 were asked for all persons in the household (usual members or visitors) who were present on census night (per the roster in A16a).]

P03. Nationality.
What is [the respondent's] nationality?

[] 01 Ghanaian by birth
[] 02 Dual Nationality
[] 03 Ghanaian by naturalization [skip questions P04 and P05]
[] 04 Nigerian [skip questions P04 and P05]
[] 05 Liberian [skip questions P04 and P05]
[] 06 Sierra Leonean [skip questions P04 and P05]
[] 07 Gambian [skip questions P04 and P05]
[] 08 Togolese [skip questions P04 and P05]
[] 09 Burkinabe [skip questions P04 and P05]
[] 10 Ivorian [skip questions P04 and P05]
[] 11 Other ECOWAS national [skip questions P04 and P05]
[] 12 African, other than ECOWAS [skip questions P04 and P05]
[] 13 European [skip questions P04 and P05]
[] 14 American (North, South/Caribbean) [skip questions P04 and P05]
[] 15 Asian [skip questions P04 and P05]
[] 16 Oceanian (incl. Australian and New Zealander) [skip questions P04 and P05]
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
P03. Nationality: What is (name)'s nationality?
You are required to differentiate between a Ghanaian by birth and a Ghanaian by naturalization as well as all other nationals. Other nationals have been grouped into ECOWAS nationals, Africans who are not from ECOWAS countries (See appendix 2 - for list of other ECOWAS and other African countries), and non-Africans.

(1) Ghanaian by birth:
a. A person born in or outside Ghana, one of whose parents is a Ghanaian citizen.
b. A child of not more than seven (7) years of age found in Ghana whose parents are not known.
(2) Dual nationality (Ghanaian and other)
This relates to a citizen of Ghana who holds the citizenship of another country in addition to his/her Ghanaian citizenship.

(3) Ghanaian by naturalization: For the purpose of this census, a Ghanaian by naturalization include the following:
  • Adopted child: A child of no more than sixteen years of age and neither of whose parents is a citizen of Ghana who is adopted by a Ghanaian.
  • Citizenship by registration: A person who acquired citizenship by registration.
  • Naturalization: A person who acquired Ghanaian citizenship by naturalization.
(4) Nigerian
Enter the code (04) for this option for all persons who are citizens of Nigeria.

(5) Liberian
This category is for persons who responded that they are Liberians (code 05)

(6) Sierra Leonean
Enter code 06 for all persons who are Sierra Leoneans.

(7) Gambian
This option (07) refers to nationals of the Gambia.

(8) Togolese
Enter code 08 for all persons who are Togolese.

(9) Burkinabe
This option refers to persons who responded that they are nationals of Burkina Faso (09).

(10) Ivorian
Enter code 10 for all persons from Cote D'Ivoire.

(11) Other ECOWAS national
For citizens of any of the other ECOWAS countries; these include Benin, Cameroun, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and The Gambia, enter code 11.

(12) African, other than ECOWAS national
Enter code 12 for this option for all persons who are Africans but not from any of the ECOWAS states.

(13) European
Enter code 13 for this option for all persons from countries in Europe.

(14) American (North, South and Caribbean)
Enter the code for this option for persons from North, South and those from the Caribbean islands.

(15) Asian
All nationals of Asian countries (e.g. India, China, Vietnam, Japan, etc.) should be put under this category and coded 15.

(16) Oceania (including Australian, New Zealand, etc.)
Record code 9 for nationals of Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Philippines and South Pacific Islands, etc.

Note that for options 01 and 02 continue to ask P04; for all other options, skip to P05

Greece 1971 — source variable GR1971A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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9. Citizenship: If he/she is a citizen of two countries, specify both of them.
[] Greece
[] Without nationality
[] Other country
___ _ _ Which country

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Question 9: Citizenship. If they are citizen of another country write both answers.

133. Citizenship (nationality) is ascertained by official documents. If not, the respondent's answer is inserted. Married women usually have their spouses' citizenship. The under age children have their fathers' citizenship. Greek immigrants have often double citizenship (Greek-Americans, Greek-Canadians, Greek and British citizenship etc.).

Persons "without nationality" are to be met in cases of immigrants or gypsies.

Greece 1981 — source variable GR1981A_CITIZ — Country of citizenship
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Questions 1-9 should be completed for all persons, regardless of their age. (Mark the answers by filling in an X in the appropriate space, wherever applicable.)

7. Citizenship: If a citizen of Greece and of another country, supply both answers.

[] 1 Greece
[] 2 Without nationality

___ _ _ Other country (indicate country)

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Question 7: "Citizenship". If they are citizen of another country write both answers.

162. Citizenship (nationality) is ascertained by official documents. If not, the respondent's answer is inserted. Married women usually have their spouses citizenship, and the under age lawful children that of their fathers, unlawful children that have not been recognized or adopted that of their mothers.

163. Persons "without nationality" are to be met in cases of immigrants or gypsies. Without nationality are certain other persons -even Greeks- that have been legally deprived of it.

164. Citizenship of two countries may have Greek immigrants -men and women- that returned to Greece, as well as immigrants from other countries that resided permanently in Greece and have both citizenships. These persons are to declare them both.

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_CITIZ — Citizenship status
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9. Of which country are you are a citizen?
[] 1 Greece
[] 2 Both Greece and another country ___ (specify)
[] 3 Another country ___ (specify)
[] 4 Without nationality
[] 5 Unspecified nationality

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Question 9: The citizenship may be ascertained by official documents such as identity card, passport, etc. Item 5 refers to persons whose citizenship is not resolved (due to unification or separation of the countries they come from). If an answer from 2-5 is given and the respondent resides in Greece, the Form P-13/Part D should be completed.

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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C. Enumeration form of person

7. Country of citizenship.

[] 1 Greece
[] 2 Greece and other (state) ____
[] 3 Other country (state) ____
[] 4 Without citizenship
[] 5 Unspecified citizenship
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Question 7 "Country of citizenship"
Citizenship means the particular legal bond of a person to a state.
Greek citizens and other people who may have the Greek citizenship are, men and women who once emigrated, and who returned to Greece as well as immigrants from other countries who are legally settled in Greece and have Greek nationality. These people declare both their citizenships.
In this question only one answer will be given.
If the person is a national only of Greece, put X in box 1.
If the person is Greek, and has the citizenship of another country, put X in box 2 and write the name of the country in the space.
If the person has only the nationality of a foreign country, put X in box 3 and write the name of the country. If someone has more than one nationality of foreign countries, write only the name of one country which the individual considers important or which was acquired first.
If the person is "stateless", put X in box 4.
In case 5, register people whose nationality has not yet been clarified, this includes people whose countries have been liquidated, separated or unified.
Unspecified citizenship may be of foreigners who have come from countries that are divided or dissolved.
The asterisk code at the end of the query is to be completed by the Office.

Guatemala 1964 — source variable GT1964A_NATION — Nationality
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13. Nationality

This refers to birth nationality or naturalization. When you mark the foreigner box, write the country of the nationality.

[] Guatemalan by:
[] 1 Birth
[] 2 Naturalization
[] Foreigner (specify) ____
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General characteristics

Ask these questions for all of the persons, independent of their age or other situation:

Question 13: Nationality

Ask the question and make the notation according to the following:
a) If the person is Guatemalan by birth, mark X in the small box 1;
b) If the person is naturalized Guatemalan, mark X in the small box 2; and
c) If the person is a foreigner, note in the respective line the nationality that the informant reports. If the person has double nationality, you should note the corresponding country of birth.

Guinea 1983 — source variable GN1983A_NATION — Nationality
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Section E. Demographic characteristics of the whole population (individual characteristics)
[No label "E" on the questionnaire]

10. Nationality (Country of citizenship) ____
Write in clear the current nationality, for instance: Guinean, Malian, Senegalese, Soviet, French, Chinese, etc.

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Column (9): Nationality
119. Note the current nationality of the persons enumerated. For all Guineans, write "Guinean." For foreigners write the declared nationality; for example: Senegalese, Malian, Soviet, from the Ivory Coast. For the countries of Niger and Nigeria only write out the name of the country. For those who have dual nationality, write the name of the 2 nationalities.

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_NATION — Nationality
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P08 Nationality (Country of citizenship) ____
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Column P08: Nationality
Nationality is a legal concept, and is acquired by birth or naturalization.

Some legislation foresees cases of dual nationality. For the purposes of the census, the overriding objective is to be able to classify people living in Guinea as nationals (Guinean citizens) and foreigners (citizens of another country or without a country, that is, people without a nationality.) The enumerated person is at liberty to declare his/her nationality. In case of dual nationality the person should declare only one nationality, the nationality of his/her choice.

Ask the following question: "What is your nationality?" For Guinean citizens write "Guinean" in the appropriate space. For foreigners, those who are citizens of another country, write the declared nationality. For example, it may be necessary to write "Senegalese," "Ivorian," "Malian," "Russian," or "Ukrainian" to indicate the nationality of citizens of the respective countries of Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Russia and the Ukraine. In the specific instance of citizens of Niger and Nigeria, simply write the name of the country, Niger or Nigeria, to avoid errors due to an error in the recording of the correct term.
Please note: Do not write anything in the 2 boxes of the numbering grid located below.

Haiti 1971 — source variable HT1971A_NATION — Nationality
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9. Nationality
Note: A Haitian cannot be born abroad. A foreigner cannot be naturalized as a Haitian.
[] 1 Haitian
[] 2 Foreigner

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Column 9- Nationality: There are 2 possible answers to this question. Write an 'x' for the nationality in one of the corresponding boxes. It is understood that nationality includes all Haitians born in the country and abroad, as well as naturalized Haitians.

Example 1: M. Paul was born in New York of a Haitian father and mother and is of Haitian nationality.

Example 2: M. Levi was born in Italy but is a naturalized Haitian and his nationality is Haitian.

Honduras 1961 — source variable HN1961A_NATION — Nationality
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General Characteristics

7. Nationality
For those born in the country write the letter "H". For naturalized Hondurans write "naturalized". For foreigners, write [the nationality] that they state. Example: Salvadoran, Nicaraguan, etc.

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Column number 7: Nationality
For those born in Honduras, an "H" is written down. For those born abroad, it should be asked if the person has acquired Honduran citizenship; if the answer is affirmative, naturalized is written down, for other answers, the nationality declared is recorded.

Honduras 1974 — source variable HN1974A_NATION — Nationality
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A. - Personal and Geographic Characteristics (For all people resident in the dwelling)

8. Only for those born abroad

B. Are you Honduran?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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A) Personal and Geographic Characteristics

This section is for all residents in the dwelling. It is intended to find out information about the composition of the population according to their relationship with the head of household, sex, age, civil status, whether the mother is alive, place of birth, year of arrival in the country, nationality, and permanent residence in 1969.

Ask questions 1-9 of everyone who is enumerated, without exception and according to the detailed instructions below.

Question set 8: Year of arrival in the country and nationality

A) Year of arrival in the country.
For any person born abroad ask, "In what year did you/the person come to live permanently in this country."

a) Record the stated year of arrival in the country.

b) Mark an "X" in the "Unknown" box if the respondent does not know the enumerated person's year of arrival in the country.

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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3. Country of citizenship
[] 1 Hungary
[] Other ____

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3 Question: Country of citizenship

In cases of foreigners, the country of citizenship should be entered.
In case of a person of double citizenship,
If one of the citizenship is Hungarian after marking it into the heading other country the name of the country of the second citizenship will be marked;
If none of the citizenships are Hungarian, then only one citizenship, namely the one which according to the respondent has primary significance will be marked.

In case the person does not have any citizenship, then, in other country, the term "stateless" should be entered.

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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Personal questionnaire

I. Demography

[Questions 1 through 3 were asked of all persons]

3. Citizenship

[] 1 Hungarian
[] 2 Hungarian and foreign, specify other: ____ (1)
[] 3 Foreign, specify____ (2)
[] 4 Displaced person
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I. Demography

3. Citizenship
Citizenship that is not Hungarian should be specified in the white box.
Persons with dual citizenship Hungarian and other should specify the other citizenship by writing it in the white box. Persons without Hungarian citizenship should fill the box next to not Hungarian, and write the citizenship in the white box. Two citizenships can be marked at this option. Displaced is the person who is not citizen of any country.

Indonesia 1971 — source variable ID1971A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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Individual form
[Section I is the same as Section I: Household and Living Unit Information above]

II. For all ages

5. Citizenship

[] Indonesia
[] China
[] Arabian country
[] India
[] Pakistan
[] Other

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6.6. Question 5: Citizenship
When a person's citizenship is unclear or unknown, ask:
"Are you an Indonesian citizen or a foreign citizen?"

If the answer is "Indonesian citizen", fill in the Indonesian box.
If the answer is "Foreign citizen", then ask: "What is your citizenship?"

Fill in the answer in the appropriate box.

Indonesia 1980 — source variable ID1980A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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All persons
VII. Characteristics of individual household members

10. Citizenship

[] 1 Indonesian
[] 2 Chinese (People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Stateless)
[] 3 Other foreigner

Indonesia 1985 — source variable ID1985A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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VII. A. All ages
[Questions 1-13 were asked of persons of all ages]

Q.6 Citizenship

1 Indonesian citizen
2 People's Republic of China (PRC), Taiwan, and stateless China citizen
3 Other foreign citizen

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X. Information on household members

A. Block VII: General information on household members
1. The objective of this block is to record information on items such as sex, age, schooling status, and activities conducted during the past week for every household member, starting with the member with serial number "01" and continuing to the last household member.

2. Method of filling out the form
Circle one of the codes corresponding to the respondent's answer, and then write the code in the box on the right.

B. Block VII. A: Persons of all ages

Question 6: Citizenship
Circle the code in accordance with the respondent's answer.

  • "Indonesian citizens" are those who are descendants of native Indonesians and those who are descendants of non-Indonesians who have obtained Indonesian citizenship.
  • "Citizens of the People's Republic of China (PRC), Taiwan, and those who are stateless", that is, those who do not have any citizenship, who in general are Chinese.
  • "Other foreign citizens" are those who are citizens of countries other than Indonesia, PRC, and Taiwan.

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_CITIZ — Nationality
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VI. Household member characteristics

VI-A: All ages
[Questions 1-13.]

7. Nationality

[] 1 Indonesian
[] 2 Foreigner: China, Taiwan, stateless China
[] 3 Other foreigner

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Question 7: Nationality
Indonesian nationality are people who are originally from Indonesia and foreigners who obtain Indonesian nationality
Chinese (People's Republic of China/Taiwan) are foreigners who hold the foreign nationality of the People's Republic of China/Taiwan
Other foreign nationality are people with a nationality other than Indonesian or People's Republic of China/Taiwan, including people without nationality.

Circle one of the appropriate codes with the respondent's nationality and write the code in the available box.

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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V. Characteristics of individual household members

508. Citizenship

[] 1 Indonesian
[] 2 Chinese (PRC, Taiwan, or stateless) (go to Q509a)
[] 3 Other foreigner (go to Q509a)

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6.5 Block V. General characteristics of household members
This block is used to record personal characteristics such as sex, age, mobility of living, attained education, school participation and the daily language used by each household members, starting from the first serial number of the household member until the last one.

Block V is asked to all household members
In order to fill in this block, the enumerator should try to directly interview the respondent.

Question 508: Nationality


Indonesian nationality are people who are originally from Indonesia and foreigners that obtain the Indonesian nationality

Chinese are foreigners who have the foreign nationality of the People's Republic of China/Taiwan

Other foreign nationality are people with a nationality other than Indonesian or People's Republic of China/Taiwan, including people without nationality.

Indonesia 2000 — source variable ID2000A_NATION — Nationality
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8. Citizenship/ethnicity
[] 1 Indonesian
[] 2 Other

Specify ethnic group/citizenship: _ _ _ _

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Question 08: Nationality/ethnicity
Please ask the respondent: "What is your father/mother/family citizenship?" Blacken [the oval] for the appropriate answer in the box. If the [code for the answer is] 1, namely Indonesian citizenship, please write down the respondent's ethnicity.

Ethnicity is the respondent's ethnicity according to the respondent.
The question of ethnicity is different from the usual language spoken; it could happen that people speak a local language (dialect) associated with an ethnicity but are children of parents of a different ethnicity.

If the [code for the answer is] 2, then please write down the respondent's nationality briefly and accurately. The code for ethnicity and foreign citizenship will be filled in by the supervisor of enumerator.

Indonesian citizen are Indonesian people or foreigners who obtained Indonesian citizenship. Foreign citizens are people who do not have Indonesian citizenship.

Indonesia 2010 — source variable ID2010A_FOREIGN — Country of citizenship
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208. What is [the respondent's] citizenship and ethnicity?
a. Indonesian, specify ethnicity: ____ _ _ _ _ _
b. Foreigner, specify country of citizenship: ____ _ _ _

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Question 208: Ethnicity and Citizenship
Ethnicity consists of a variety ethnic groups which are viewed as cultural wealth. Having data on ethnic diversity enables us to know our own people who live by the slogan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity), from many different ethnic groups come one people and one country. Data on ethnicity is important as a source of information which can be used as material for social research. Data on ethnicity was collected during the 2000 Population Census and used for research here as well as abroad.
[p. 121]
Ask the ethnicity and citizenship of each household member. If the household member is an Indonesian citizen, then write his ethnicity in Q208a. If the household member is a foreign citizen, then write the citizenship in Q208b. Codes for ethnicity and citizenship will be filled in by the Team Coordinator according to the list of codes in Book 7.
[Graphic illustrating example is not presented here.]
Citizenship and Ethnicity
Ethnicity is the ethnic group and culture which a person inherits. In general, ethnicity follows the paternal line (father/men), but there are some ethnic groups which follow the maternal line (mother/female) such as the Minangkabau.
Even though there is this "rule" there may still be some situations where a person has difficulty in deciding his ethnicity. For example, there are often difficulties when people of different ethnicities marry and even more so when different ethnicities have been mixed for several generations. In such cases, the ethnicity of a household member is whatever he thinks it is. Of course, a person usually leans toward an ethnicity in which he feels most comfortable. One measure is the cultural traditions which he/she follows most often. If the respondent "is confused", the enumerator can point him/her (with the respondent's permission) in the direction of his father's line, grandfather's line and so on.
If the citizenships of the parents are different, and the respondent cannot determine the citizenship of his children, then the citizenship of the children should be that of the father.
Indonesian citizens are those who are native Indonesians and those who are foreign born but have become Indonesian citizens.
Foreign citizens are those who have a nationality other than Indonesian. Citizenship is recorded as the name of the country in which he/she has citizenship. For example, if a person is of Chinese descent, but is a citizen of India, then record India as his citizenship.

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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13. Citizenship
[] 1 Iran
[] 2 Afghanistan
[] 3 Iraq
[] 4 Pakistan
[] 5 Turkey
[] 6 Turkmenistan
[] 7 Azerbaijan
[] 8 Armenia
[] 9 Other countries ________

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19. Citizenship, Column 13
Ask their citizenship, and write the proper code to their answer. If you put "9" for anyone in this column, write down the name of the country in the designated area.
If someone has more than one citizenship, indicate it based on their claim.
[] 1 Iran
[] 2 Afghanistan
[] 3 Iraq
[] 4 Pakistan
[] 5 Turkey
[] 6 Turkmenistan
[] 7 Azerbaijan
[] 8 Armenia
[] 9 Other countries

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_NATION — Nationality
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For those who were born before the 10/17/1987
[Applies to questions 59-61]

Usual place of residence before the population census in 1987

59. Governorate or abroad

[] 1 In this governorate
[] 2 In other governorate ____
[] 3 Abroad ____

60. Administrative unit

[] 1 Urban
[] 2 Rural

61. Nationality

[] 1 Iraqi
[] Arabic or foreigner
(Give the nationality) ____

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61. Nationality:
This field is filled by all population Iraqis, Arabs or foreigners. If the person is Iraqi indicates by the sign (x) in the square opposite to the word (Iraqi) but if the person is an Arab or a foreigner the nationality of the person is indicated in the special space for that for example Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian, Indian etc. If the person has no nationality the phrase without nationality is indicated.

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_NATION — Nationality
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6 What is your nationality?
If you have more than one nationality, please declare all of them.
[] 1 Irish
[] 2 Other nationality, write in________
[] 3 No nationality

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The purpose of questions 5 to 9 is to study migration patterns, both short-term and long-term. This information will give us a picture of where people are moving to or from and who is moving in terms of age, sex, education, occupation, etc.
Location is a key characteristic that is used with other data to build an accurate picture of our population. It is the basis for population estimates and projections and determining electoral boundaries.

6. What is your nationality?

If you have more than one nationality, please declare all of them.

[] 1 Irish
[] 2 Other nationality, write in _____
[] 3 No nationality

Nationality is being asked for the first time and is important in the context of a more culturally diverse Ireland.

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_NATION — Nationality
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B. Person Form

6. What is your nationality? If you have more than one nationality, please declare all of them.

[] 1 Irish
[] 2 Other nationality, write in:
[] 3 No nationality
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[Questions 5-9]
The purpose of Questions 5 to 9 is to study migration patterns, both short-term and long-term. The resulting information will give us a picture of where people are moving to and from and their characteristics in terms of age, sex, education, occupation, etc.

6 What is your Nationality?

If you have more than one nationality, please declare all of them.
[] 1 Irish
[] 2 Other nationality, write in _____
[] 3 No nationality
Comparing a person's place of birth (Question 5) and his or her current place of usual residence (Question 7) gives an indication of the extent of longer-term migration. Likewise, if a person lived outside the country for a continuous period of one year or more (Question 9) it is possible to determine the person's country of origin and the period he or she took up residence in Ireland.
Nationality (Question 6) was asked for the first time in the 2002 census and is important in the context of a more culturally diverse Ireland. [Note: give a table of usual residents by main nationality groupings.]
Location (Question 7) is a key characteristic that is used with other data to build an accurate picture of our population. It is the basis for the annual population estimates and for population projections. It is also key in determining changes to electoral boundaries.
By comparing a person's usual residence one year before the census (Question 8) and their residence at census time (Question 7) we get an indication of the extent to which people change residence. The responses to this question are particularly useful in monitoring internal migration within the State.

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_NATION — Nationality
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10. What is your nationality?
If you have more than one nationality, please declare all of them.

[] 1 Irish
[] 2 Other nationality, write in

[] 3 No nationality
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Question 6-10. The purpose of questions 6 - 10 is to study migration patterns, both short-term and long-term. The resulting information will give us a picture of where people are moving to and from and their characteristics in terms of age, sex, education, occupation etc.

Comparing a person's place of birth (question 6) and his or her current place of usual residence (question 7) gives an indication of the extent of longer term migration.

[Examples omitted.]

Location (question 7) is a key characteristic that is used with other data to build an accurate picture of our population. It is the basis for the annual population estimates and for population projections. It is also used to determine changes to electoral boundaries.

By comparing a person's usual residence one year before the Census (question 8) and their residence at Census time (question 7), we get an indication of the extent to which people change residence. The responses also provide data on the extent of internal migration within Ireland.

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_NATION — Nationality
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10. What is your nationality?
If you have more than one nationality, please declare all of them

[] 1. Irish
[] 2. Other nationality, write in _____
[] 3. No nationality
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Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

[Question 10: What is your nationality?]

Nationality is now a key demographic variable on the census and is analyzed in conjunction with age, sex and economic status to provide invaluable information on the profile of the population at small area level. The information is used by a broad spectrum of local, community and government based organizations.

If the person is Irish, they should mark this box.

If the person is not Irish, they should mark this box and write in their nationality.

If the person is not considered a national by any state, they should mark this box.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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2.1 Indicate the citizenship (Anyone with another citizenship, in additional to Italian, must mark only box 1 "Italian")
[] 1 Italian [skip to question 2.2]
[] 2 Foreign
Indicate the foreign country of citizenship ____
[] 3 Stateless

If born abroad go to questions 2.3 and 2.4 and continue from point 3
If born in Italy go to point 3

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Question 2.1
Foreign citizens must cross box 2 and indicate the name of the foreign country of citizenship in Latin letters and in the Italian language.
Foreign citizens with more than one citizenship (except for Italian) can only select one foreign country of citizenship.
Persons without citizenship must declare themselves a stateless person (cross box 3). The category of stateless people also includes those people whose citizenship status has not been clarified following the dissolution, separation or unification of Countries.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_ITALARRIV — Year moved to Italy
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2.2 Indicate whether the person has Italian citizenship
[Question 2.2 was asked of Italian citizens.]
[] 1 From birth [skip to point 3]
[] 2 Acquired (e.g. by marriage or naturalization)

Indicate the country of previous citizenship and go to point 3 ____

For foreign citizens and stateless persons, if born abroad Questions 2.3-2.4.
[Questions 2.3-2.4 were asked of foreign citizens and stateless persons if born abroad.]

2.3 Indicate the year in which you moved to Italy____

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Question 2.2
Those who are Italian citizens from birth must cross box 1 ("From birth"), even if born in a foreign country. An Italian citizen from birth is one:
a) Whose mother or father has Italian citizenship.
b) Who is born in Italy from a stateless mother and father, or a child who does not keep his father's or mother's citizenship, in
accordance with the laws of the country to which these belong.
c) Who is the child of unknown parents who was found in Italy and for whom there is no proof of other citizenship.

Anyone who made a special request to became an Italian citizen, and this request was approved by the appropriate Authorities, must cross box 2 ("Acquired, for example, through marriage, naturalization"). Box 2 must also be crossed by anyone who has "automatically" become an Italian citizen. For example, box 2 must be crossed by:
a) A minor who acquired Italian citizenship through adoption by an Italian citizen or by maternal or paternal recognition (or legal statement of filiation) by the Italian parent;
b) A live-in minor who acquired Italian citizenship;
c) Anyone who acquired Italian citizenship by marriage, ordinary or special naturalization, by birth in Italy where he/she uninterruptedly resided until the age of 18.

Anyone who crosses box 2 must also specify the previous foreign country of citizenship, in Latin letters and in Italian.

Question 2.3
Specify the year in which you transferred to Italy.

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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Section II: Individual Form

[For persons in List A]

3. Citizenship

3.1 What citizenship do you have?

If you have other citizenships (in addition to Italian), check box "1 Italian" only

[] 1 Italian (go to question 3.2)
[] 2 Foreign
Specify the foreign country of citizenship and skip to question 3.4
Municipality ____
Province _ _
[] 3 Stateless (no citizenship) [skip to question 3.4]
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

3 - Citizenship

Question 3.1
Foreigners should check box 2 and specify the name of their foreign country of citizenship in Italian using the Latin alphabet.

Individuals with another citizenship in addition to their Italian citizenship should indicate Italian citizenship only (by checking box 1).

Foreign citizens with multiple citizenships (but not Italian citizenship) should indicate a single foreign country of residence according to the following order of preference: a) European Union Countries, b) other Countries. For multiple citizenships within group a) or within group b) countries, select a single foreign country of your choice.

Individuals without any citizenship should declare themselves stateless (by checking box 3). The stateless category also applies to people whose citizenship status has yet to be clarified following the dissolution, separation or unification of different States.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_NATION — Nationality
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212. Nationality _ _ _

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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8. Citizenship
[] 1 Kyrgyz Republic
[] 2 Without citizenship
Citizen of another country (specify country) ____ _ _ _

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Question 8. Citizenship

For citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic code 1 "Kyrgyz Republic" is to be circled.

Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic are persons possessing the citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic and those who acquired it in accordance with the Law of December 18, 1993 "On citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic" and did not declare about their affiliation with the citizenship of other state.

For foreign citizens in the line "other state" the name of the state where the person in question is a citizen (e.g., Ukraine, Russia, Italy, Spain, etc.) is to be recorded.

For persons with dual citizenship the name of one country at the person's discretion is to be recorded.

Citizenship of children is to be recorded in accordance with the decision of their parents.
For persons without citizenship code 2 "stateless" is to be encircled.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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8. Citizenship
[] 1 Kyrgyz Republic
[] 2 Without citizenship
Citizen of another country (specify the country) _ _ _

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Question 8. Citizenship

For citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, code 1 "Kyrgyz Republic" is to be encircled.
Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic are persons possessing citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic and those who acquired it in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and did not declare about their affiliation with the citizenship of any other state.
For foreign citizens in the line "other country" the name of the country where the person in question is a citizen (e.g., Ukraine, Russia, Italy, Spain, etc.) is to be recorded.
For persons with dual citizenship, the name of one country at the person's discretion is to be recorded.
Citizenship of children is to be recorded in accordance with the decision of their parents.
For persons without citizenship code 2 «stateless» is to be encircled.

Laos 1995 — source variable LA1995A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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B. For all persons
[Questions 1-10 were asked of all persons]

1. Persons in the household: Who was a member of this household on September 26, 1994?

List the name and surname of all persons who were members of the household on September 26, 1994, whether they were present or absent.

Enter the person who was heading the household as person number one.

Name and surname ____
[Note:] It is very important that all persons who were members of the household on March 1, 1995 are listed.

If there are more than 10 members in the household, use additional questionnaire(s). When this is necessary, tick the box in the bottom right corner and change the person number (1, 2, 3 ... in column a in the questionnaire) to 11, 12, 13 ... in the second questionnaire, 21, 22, 23 ... in the third questionnaire, etc.

Regarding the routines for collective households, see the enumerator's manual.

7. What is [the respondent's] citizenship?

Enter code from code list:

[] 00 Laos
[] 01 Cambodia
[] 02 China P.R.
[] 03 Myanmar
[] 04 Thailand
[] 05 Vietnam
[] 06 Other Asian Countries
[] 07 European Countries
[] 08 African Countries
[] 09 American Countries
[] 10 Australia
[] 11 Other Countries
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Section B: For all persons

Question 7: What is [the respondent's] citizenship?
Do not deduce someone's citizenship from the language an individual speaks or his/her country of birth. Record what the respondent tells you.

A list of the country codes for citizenship is shown in Appendix 2 and at the back of each questionnaire. For not known, use code "99".

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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B. For all persons
[Questions 1- 10 were asked of all persons]

7. What is [the respondent]'s citizenship?

Enter code from code list no. 7. If "Lao", please tick cross in box.

[] Lao
[] 1 Cambodia
[] 2 China
[] 3 Burma
[] 4 Thailand
[] 5 Vietnam
[] 6 Other Asian country
[] 7 Europe
[] 8 Africa
[] 9 America
[] 10 Australia
[] 11 Other countries
[] 99 Don't know
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Section B: For all persons

Question 7: What is [the respondent]'s citizenship?
Do not deduce someone's citizenship from the language an individual speaks or his/her country of birth. Record what the respondent tells you.
A list of the country codes for citizenship is shown in Appendix 2 and at the back of each questionnaire. If the person is a Lao citizen, tick the box "Lao"; if not enter the relevant code. For not known, use code "99".

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_CITIZEN — Country of citizenship
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B. For all persons in the household

Q7. Citizenship

[] 1. Lao (Tick box 1 below and go to Q8)
[] 2. Other (Enter the country code in box 2 and go to Q9)

Enter the country code:
[] 01. Cambodia
[] 02. China
[] 03. Myanmar
[] 04. Thailand
[] 05. Vietnam
[] 06. Other Asian
[] 07. Europe
[] 08. Africa
[] 09. Americas
[] 10. Australia/Oceania
[] 11. Other
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4.2 Part B: Use for all households.

Q7: Nationality
The purpose of the question is to obtain information on the nationality of citizens across the country.

Lao Nationality 
It refers to the close political and legal relationship between individuals and the Lao PDR state, which expresses the rights and obligations of Lao citizens to the Lao PDR, the rights and responsibilities of the Lao PDR State to Lao citizens (the Law on Lao Nationality No.05/NA, dated 17 May 2004, article 2: Lao Nationality).
The nationality of a person is to be recorded according to the interviewee's statement as to what nationality he/she is. The nationality code is on the back of the questionnaire. If it is a Lao citizen, highlight in black the boxes of code 1. If not, you must put the country code. Generally, the country code must be 2 digits. For countries that consist of only one code, write 0 on the front. For example, for the United States of America, write 01, according to the country code set on the back of the questionnaire. For those who are not Lao citizens, skip to question 9.
Note: For those who do not know their nationality, enter code 99.

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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Section B. For all persons

10. What is (the respondent's) citizenship?

[] 10 Lesotho
[] 15 Republic of South Africa
[] 20 Swaziland
[] 25 Botswana
[] 30 Namibia
[] 35 Zimbabwe
[] 40 Zambia
[] 45 Mozambique
[] 50 Angola
[] 55 Tanzania
[] 60 Malawi
[] 65 Other Africa
[] 70 America
[] 75 Asia
[] 80 Europe
[] 90 Other
[] 99 Don't know
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2. Part B of questionnaire
(Questionnaire concerning the individual members of the household) the questions are marked by numbers to be read from left to right.

The first two columns must be completed before entries are made anywhere else in the questionnaire.

117. Column 10: Citizenship
Please code 10 for a Lesotho citizen. For citizens of other countries not listed in the questionnaire state name of country of citizenship in full (no codes). If dual citizenship, give one citizenship. For the countries listed enter codes according to list.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_CITIZEN — Citzenship
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Section B. List of household members

14. What is (the respondent's) citizenship?

[] 10 Lesotho
[] 15 Republic of South Africa
[] 20 Swaziland
[] 25 Botswana
[] 30 Namibia
[] 35 Zimbabwe
[] 40 Zambia
[] 45 Mozambique
[] 50 Angola
[] 55 Tanzania
[] 60 Malawi
[] 65 Other Africa, specify ____
[] 70 America
[] 75 Asia
[] 80 Europe
[] 90 Other, specify ____
[] 99 Don't know
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Part B of the questionnaire
For all persons

83. Column 14. Citizenship

Please code 10 for Lesotho citizen. For citizens of other countries not listed in the questionnaire. i.e. code 65 or 85, state the name of country of citizenship in full. If dual-citizenship, give one citizenship. For countries listed enter codes according to list.

Liberia 1974 — source variable LR1974A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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8. Citizen of Liberia

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Liberia 2008 — source variable LR2008A_NATION — Citizenship
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P09. Citizenship
What is [the respondent's] citizenship?

Malawi 1998 — source variable MW1998A_NATIVITY — Country of origin
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B6. Nationality _________
Write the name of the country where the person comes from.
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Part B: Characteristics of Individual Household Members

1. All persons

Nationality: This refers to a person's country of origin.

B6. Nationality: Ask the respondent the country of origin for each person in the household and write down the name of the country in the space provided in column B6 and leave the three boxes blank. However, if the person's country of origin is Malawi, record "000" in the three boxes.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_MALAWI — Malawian
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[Questions P1-P8 were asked of all persons]

P7. What is [the respondent's] nationality?

[] If Malawian, mark here

Foreigner: Record the country code _ _ _

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P07. Nationality
Enquire about the citizenship of each member of the household. You should establish whether the person is a Malawian or not. Mark the first box if the respondent is a Malawian. However if the respondent is not a Malawian, record the code in the appropriate box provided and shade the appropriate box.

Example: a person who is a British citizen (UK) should be coded "549". See Appendix B.

Malaysia 1970 — source variable MY1970A_CITIZM — Citizenship
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14. Do you have a Malaysian citizenship?

[] Yes
[] No (Skip to 16)
[] Under 12 (Skip to 18)

15. Color of Identify Card (I.C.)

[Question 15 was asked if the person had a Malaysian citizenship.]

[] Blue (Skip to 17)
[] Other
[] No I.C.

16. What citizenship do you have?

[Question 16 was asked if the person age 12+ was not a Malaysian citizen or did not have a blue I.C..]

[] Singapore
[] Other foreign
[] Stateless/applied/N.S.

Malaysia 1980 — source variable MY1980A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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9. What citizenship do you have?
[] Under 12 years of age (Skip to 11)
[] Malaysia
[] Singapore
[] Indonesia
[] Philippines
[] Thailand
[] Other foreign
[] Unknown

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Question 9
Ask the question as shown on the questionnaire. For those aged below 12 years, you are asked to mark the first box.

Malaysia 1991 — source variable MY1991A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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[Questions C1-27 were asked of persons who live in their households on Census Days.]

C17. What is your citizenship?

[] 1 Malaysia
[] 2 Singapore
[] 3 Indonesia
[] 4 Philippines
[] 5 Thailand
[] 6 Brunei Darussalam
[] 7 Others (specify) ____

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Question C17

[Question C17 of the enumeration form is not presented here.]

The purpose of this question is to obtain information on the person's citizenship.

How to ask the question
Ask the question as follows:
"What is the citizenship of ____ (member's name)?'

How to record the answer
You are to mark "X" in the relevant code box.
In general, accept the answer as given by the respondent.
Do not make any guesses.
You are to mark the code box for the State/Country based on the answer given by the respondent.
If the respondent replies "I am not a citizen of any country", you are to mark the code box "Others" (Code 7) and write "No country" on the dotted line provided.
For those who have applied for Malaysian citizenship, but still hold the citizenship of their original country, please mark their original citizenship.
If the respondent is not sure, ask for the color of his identification card. If a person holds a blue identification card, he is a Malaysian.

Malaysia 2000 — source variable MY2000A_CITIZEN1 — Citizenship
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C12. Citizenship/residence status
Malaysian citizen

[] 1 Malaysian citizen (Go to C14)

Non-Malaysian citizen

[] 2 Permanent resident
[] 3 Expatriate
[] 4 Foreign visitor
[] 5 Foreign student
[] 6 Foreign worker
[] 7 Others (specify) ____

Mali 1987 — source variable ML1987A_NATION — Nationality
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10. Nationality

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10. Nationality
At issue is determining nationality for Malians and for citizens of other countries. Ask the following question to get at this issue: "What is your nationality?" Then write the answer given in column 10.

a. Write MALI for Malian nationality

b. For foreigners, write the name of the country (Ivory Coast, Senegal, Cameroon, Togo, France, etc...)

For those people who have double nationality, who are in the midst of the naturalization process, or whose nationality is not well defined, identify them according to their most recent nationality or their country of origin.

Mali 1998 — source variable ML1998A_NATION — Nationality
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Section B: Individual Characteristics

9. Nationality

_ _ _

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1.2.1. Questions for ALL Household Members

9. Column P9: Country of citizenship

Here, the aim is to determine the nationality, for Malians and for the citizens of other countries. For this, the question to be asked to record the nationality will be: "What is the country of citizenship of name?"

Then, write the declared answer in Column P9:

a) Mali for Malians.
b) The name of the country for the foreigners (Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Cameroon, Togo, France etc...).

Persons who enjoy a double nationality, those who have applied for a new nationality, or those whose nationality is ill defined, will be identified, case by case, by the most recent country of citizenship, or by the country of birth.

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_NATION — Nationality
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P11) Nationality
What is [Name]?s nationality?

Record Mali for Malians and the name of the country for foreigners.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Nationality (Column P11)
This question aims to determine the nationality of members of the household. The question to ask is: "What is the nationality of [NAME]?." The officer writes the response in column P11 He notes "Mali" for "Mali," the name of the country to foreigners (Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Cameroon, Togo, France etc. ....).

For people with dual nationality, the agent records the declared nationality. For people in the process of naturalization or for those whose nationality is not well defined, the agent records the country of origin.

[Omitted example]

Instruction: Do not fill in the shaded boxes. They are for codification.

Mauritius 1990 — source variable MU1990A_CITIZEN — Mauritian citizenship
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In strict confidence
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Central Statistical Office

Population Census

Night of 1-2 July 1990


1. Persons by whom the return is to be made
In the case of:

(i) households: the Head of the household or person for the time being acting as head;
The head of a household is any adult member, whether male or female, who is acknowledged as head by the other members. A household is either (i) a person living on his own or (ii) a group of two or more persons who may or may not be related, but who live together and make common provision for food and other essentials for living. Two families living in one house constitute one household if they have common housekeeping arrangements, but should be considered as separate households if they have separate housekeeping arrangements and should then be entered on two separate census forms.
(ii) hotels, clubs, boarding houses: the Manager or other person for the time being in charge of the premises;
(iii) hospitals, infirmaries, asylums, prisons or any other residential institution: the Chief Resident Officer or other person for the time being in charge of the institution;
(iv) Naval Forces, Air Forces, the Special Mobile Force or the Police Training School: the Commanding Officer or the officer presently in charge;
(v) ships, barges or other vessels in any port or harbor in Mauritius: the Captain, master or other person for the time being in charge of the vessel;
(vi) persons arriving after midnight on the night 1-2 July 1990 and who have not been enumerated elsewhere: the person specified above by whom the return is to be made with respect to the persons present at midnight on 1 July 1990 in any of the premises mentioned above;
(vii) persons not included in any of the above-mentioned categories: the person in respect of whom the return is to be made.

2. Persons in respect of whom the return is to be made

(i) All persons who spend census night 1-2 July 1990 on the premises whether they are members of the household, visitors, guests, boarders or servants;
(ii) all persons who arrive on the premises and join the household on Monday July 2 1990 without having been enumerated elsewhere; and
(iii) all temporarily absent members of the household, i.e. all persons who usually live in the household, but who are away on census night, for example, on a business trip, on vacation, in hospital or studying abroad; include them even if you know that they are being enumerated elsewhere.

3. Legal provisions

(i) The Census is taken by the Central Statistical Office under the Statistics Act. Every person is required by law to give to the person responsible for making the return such information as may be necessary to enable the return to be made. No use may however be made of such information by the person to whom it is given except for the purpose of making the return.
(ii) Any person who refuses or neglects to fill in the form or to supply the particulars required therein or who knowingly makes in this form any statement which is untrue in any material particular shall commit an offence under the Statistics Act, and shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year and to a fine not exceeding Rs. 1,000.
(iii) All information obtained in the course of the Census is treated as confidential. No information about named individuals is ever passed on by the central Statistical Office to any other Government Department or to any other Authority or person. All enumerators and other officers engaged in the taking of the Census are under oath and are liable to prosecution if they improperly disclose any information which has come to their knowledge while performing their duties.

4. Completion of the form

The form should be completely filled in by the person designated in section 1 above. If any difficulty is experienced, particularly with columns 24 to 37, guidance should be sought from the Enumerator when he calls to collect the form. If the answers are incomplete or inaccurate, the enumerator will ask any questions necessary to enable him to complete or correct the form.
The information should be entered in the space provided using ink or a ball-point pen. Nothing should be written in the boxes which are reserved for codes.

5. Collection of the form

The form will be collected on 2 or 3 July 1990 by the appointed enumerator.
Before completing the census form, please consult the guide which is in both English and French.

I declare that the information in this return is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature or mark of the person making the return: ____
Signature of authorized officer: ____

Please do not write anything in the boxes
Complete a line for every person present on Census night (1-2 July 1990) and also for every person who usually lives in the household but was absent on Census night.
See instructions in section 2 on front page.

9 Citizenship ____ _ _ _ _

If of Mauritian nationality, write:
[] MB -- Mauritian born
[] MR -- Mauritian by registration
[] MN -- Mauritian by naturalization
If not Mauritian, specify the country of which person is a citizen.
[Stop here for non-Mauritians usually residing outside Mauritius]
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7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form
The Census form has to be filled in completely by the head of the household.
A household is either one person living alone, or a group of persons, who may or may not be related, but who live together and make common provision for food and other essentials for living. The head of household is any adult member, whether male or female, who is acknowledged as head by the other members.

The census form can contain information for up to 10 persons. If there are more than ten persons, continue on a new form which can be obtained from the Census enumerator. Please note that nothing should be written in the shaded boxes [][]: they are reserved for inserting codes.

[Next page]

After completing the form, have it ready so that the enumerator can collect it on Monday 2 July 1990 or soon after. If you are not sure how to complete any of the entries, please ask the enumerator to help you when he or she calls. He or she will also check your answers and ask any questions necessary to complete the form and correct inaccurate entries.

Column 8
Usual address
If the person usually lives at this address write 'here' even if he or she was away on Census night, for example, on night work, on a business trip, on vacation, in hospital, studying abroad, or staying temporarily with relatives.

If the person does not usually live at this address, write his or her usual address, specifying the Municipal Council Ward or Village Council Area where possible.

For persons on visit to Mauritius, write only the country of permanent residence of the person. However, for non-Mauritians working in Mauritius and their families, write the usual address in Mauritius or Rodrigues.

If a person has more than one usual address, write the address of his or her principal residence.

Mauritius 2000 — source variable MU2000A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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[Population census form]

9. Citizenship _ _ _ _ _

If of Mauritian nationality, write:

[] MB - Mauritian born
[] MD - Mauritian by descent
[] MR - Mauritian by registration
[] MN - Mauritian by naturalization

If not Mauritian, specify the country of citizenship.
(Stop here for non-Mauritians usually residing outside Mauritius)
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7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form

Column 9 - Citizenship
Write as appropriate:

MB- Mauritian born: for persons who are citizens of Mauritius by reason of being born in the Islands of Mauritius, Rodrigues, Agalega, St. Brandon and Diego Garcia;
MD- Mauritian by descent: for persons who are born outside Mauritius by Mauritian parents;
MR- Mauritian by registration: for any Commonwealth citizen who has been registered as a citizen of Mauritius;
MN- Mauritian by naturalisation: for any person, other than a Commonwealth citizen, who has become a citizen of Mauritius by naturalisation.

If a person is not a Mauritian citizen, specify the country of which he or she is a citizen.

Mauritius 2011 — source variable MU2011A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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Individual form

P07A. Citizenship

State if the person's citizenship is:

[] 1 Mauritian, born in Island of Mauritius
[] 2 Mauritian, born in Rodrigues
[] 3 Mauritian, born in Diego Garcia / Chagos
[] 4 Mauritian, born in Agalega / St. Brandon
[] 5 Mauritian by descent
[] 6 Mauritian by registration
[] 7 Mauritian by naturalization
[] 8 Non-Mauritian
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P07A and P07B - Citizenship
Citizenship helps to distinguish Mauritian nationals from other people present in the country, and gives the number of potential voters when combined with age data.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P07A and P07B Citizenship
Shade the appropriate box for the person's citizenship:

- Mauritian, born in Island of Mauritius: for persons who are citizens of Mauritius by reason of being born in the islands of Mauritius,
- Mauritian, born in Rodrigues
- Mauritian, born in Diego Garcia/Chagos
- Mauritian, born in Agalega, St Brandon
- Mauritian by descent: for persons who are born outside Mauritius of Mauritian parents;
- Mauritian by registration: for any Commonwealth citizen who has been registered as a citizen of Mauritius;
- Mauritian by naturalization: for any person, other than a Commonwealth citizen, who has become a citizen of Mauritius by naturalization.
- Non Mauritian

[figure omitted]
Note that P07B is applicable to non-Mauritian citizens only. Write the country of which he/she is a citizen; an example is given below

[figure omitted]
For Mauritians, the boxes should be left blank.

Mexico 1960 — source variable MX1960A_NATION — Nationality
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[] 14. Mexican

15. If the person is a foreigner, write his/her current nationality: Lebanese, Guatemalan, Chinese, etc.

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Columns 14 and 15. If the enumerator is Mexican by birth or naturalization, an (X) should be written in column 14, and the word Mexican should not be written in column 15. If the enumerated declares that they are a foreigner, write their nationality in column 15. For example: Spanish, French, Lebanese, North American, Chinese, English, etc.

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_CITIZEN — Has the Mexican nationality
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12. Nationality
Is [the respondent] Mexican by nationality?
[Circle one code]

[] 5 Yes
[] 7 No
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12. Nationality
This question determines whether people born in another country have the Mexican nationality.
A person has Mexican nationality when he/she is recognized by the Mexican State as a member of this nation.

[Figures are omitted]

Therefore, people have Mexican nationality in the following cases:

[] People born in the national territory.
[] Foreigners who obtain naturalization by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
[] Foreigners married with Mexicans resided within the national territory.
[] People born abroad whose parents are Mexican born in the national territory
[] People born abroad whose parents are Mexican by naturalization.
[] Consider that naturalization is the legal process by which Mexican nationality is given to people born in another country.

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_CITIZEN — Has the Mexican nationality
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4. Mexican nationality: Is [the respondent] a Mexican citizen?

Circle one code only

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No
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15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

4. Mexican nationality
The purpose of this question is to find out whether or not people born in another country have Mexican nationality.

Read the question and when you get an answer, circle the appropriate code.

A person has Mexican nationality when they are recognized by the Mexican State as a member of this nation.

Mexican nationals are people born abroad who:

- Their father or mother is a Mexican national born in Mexican territory.
- Their father or mother is a naturalized Mexican citizen.
- Obtained the citizenship charter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Consider that naturalization is the legal process by which Mexican nationality is granted to people born in another country.

[Figure omitted: image with text] 

[p. 297]

If the answer you get is: "They were born in another country, but have lived in Mexico since they were born", "They have lived in Mexico for a long time" or other answers, ask whether or not they have a document that certifies them as Mexican and record the corresponding code.

The question of Mexican nationality is presented in the census manager as follows:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Mongolia 1989 — source variable MN1989A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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6. Citizenship _____
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Question Five. Nationality

118. Nationality shall be recorded by a person's answer. Parents shall define their children's nationality. If parents are not able to define their child's nationality then the child's nationality shall be defined as his/her mother's.

119. Nationality of people shall be recorded as answered. Nationality of all citizens of the People's Republic of Mongolia shall be recorded as "Mongol" and nationality for people of other countries shall be defined as such as Russian or Bulgarian or Cuban or Chinese as shown in the Appendix 6.

120. If parents of a child are from different countries then the nationality of the child shall be defined as parents said. If parents have disagreement then the child's nationality shall be recorded/defined by their country of residency.

121. People without citizenship shall be recorded as people without citizenship.

122. People who reside in People's Republic of Mongolia but have not become citizens shall be recorded as nationality of their country of origin the word: "residing" shall be added.

Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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All persons should answer.
[Questions 1-9.]

5. Citizenship:

[] 01 Mongolian
[] 88 Non-citizenship
[] Foreign (specify) ____ _ _

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Question 5

Citizenship. Information on citizenship should be collected on the basis of the respondent's response. The name of the country should be understandably noted, by abbreviation. For instance: instead of writing "The Republic of China" the enumerator should write "China". Like this, the enumerator should write: Japan, France, England etc. For all those with a Mongolian citizenship, code 01 will be circled. If a foreign person belongs to the Inner Mongolia, citizenship will be defined as China. Annex 5 of this manual will be used for filling out this question.

If the parents' citizenship is different, the person over the age of 16 will independently decide his or her citizenship. But citizenship of children under 16 will be based on the parent's decision. If parents disagree with their children's citizenship, then the children's citizenship will be decided by following the mother's citizenship.

The code 88 for "non-citizenship" will be circled for people who are defined as non-citizenship.

Morocco 1982 — source variable MA1982A_NATION — Country of citizenship
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Q08: Nationality
[] 01 Moroccan
[] 02 Algerian
[] 03 Tunisian
[] 40 French
[] 41 Spanish

Other nationality: specify, without coding ________________

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8. Nationality:

[] 01 Moroccan
[] 02 Algerian
[] 03 Tunisian
[] 40 French
[] 41 Spanish, other nationality mention but do not code. Coding [will be] applied at later stage of questionnaire processing.

Morocco 1994 — source variable MA1994A_NATION — Country of citizenship
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Q8. Nationality:
[] 01 Moroccan
[] 02 Algerian
[] 03 Tunisian
[] 40 French
[] 41 Spanish
[] Other nationality: mention but do not code ____

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Individuals: (multiple records)

Q8. Nationality:

01 Moroccan
02 Algerian
03 Tunisian
40 French
41 Spanish
Other nationality, write out and do not code ____

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_NATION — Country of citizenship (nationality)
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Individual form / population structure

4. Country of citizenship (nationality)

[] 01 Morocco
[] 02 Algeria
[] 03 Tunisia
[] 10 Libya
[] 40 France
[] 41 Spain
[] Other nationality: specify ____

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Q04: Country of citizenship (nationality)
01 Morocco
02 Algeria
03 Tunisia
10 Libya
40 France
41 Spain
Other nationality: specify ____

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_NATION — Nationality
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Population structures

05. Country of nationality _ _

Specify and write the code for the country of nationality.

01 Morocco
02 Algeria
03 Tunisia
10 Libya
12 Mauritania
40 France
41 Spain
49 Italy

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_NATION — Nationality
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[Questions 6 through 31 were asked of usual residents of the household.]

8. What is (the person)?s nationality?

[] Mozambican
[] Foreigner

Indicate which one: ________
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P8. What is your nationality?
Read the question and wait for the answer. The base should be the nationality indicated in a national ID card, Passport or Identification Document for Foreigners (DIRE).
For Mozambicans, just check the X 001 [] Mozambican
For foreigners, it should indicate their nationality. Example: Angolan, Brazilian, British, Portuguese, Peruvian, Tanzanian, etc.
For people who have no nationality must write "NO".

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_NATION — Nationality
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Section D: Questions about the Population
Enumerator: Ask questions to all of the people listed in Section C.

[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

8. What is (the person)'s nationality?

[] 1 Mozambican
[] Foreigner - Indicate which one
____ _ _ _
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P8. What is (the person)'s nationality?

Read the Question and wait for the response. The reference should be the nationality indicated in the person's I.D., Passport or Identification Document of Foreigners (DIRE).

For the Mozambicans, just mark an X in the box where you read 001|_| Mozambican.
For the foreigners, ask their nationality and write it in the appropriate space. Example: Angolan, Brazilian, Portuguese, South African, Tanzanian, Zambian, etc.
Do not use the language spoken by the respondent to determine their nationality. Always ask their nationality.

Nepal 2001 — source variable NP2001A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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9. What is ____ citizenship?
(Citizenship as to the country must be circled and specified for others)

[] 1 Nepali
[] 2 Indian
[] 3 Chinese
[] 4 Other ____

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Column 9: Which citizenship do ____ have?
[] 1. Nepali
[] 2. Indian
[] 3. Chinese
[] 4. Others

A person who utilizes the nation's civil rights is denoted as a citizen. According to constitution, if the person has civil rights of a country, then the person is said to be a citizen of that country.

Every person is a citizen of some country, but not everyone may have taken the certificate of citizenship. In Nepal, many people haven't taken the certificate of citizenship but they have their civil rights.

According to citizenship, in Nepal people can be divided into two groups
a) Nepali citizens
b) Foreign citizens (other country)

There is a provision for one person to be a citizen of only one country at a time. Foreign nationals have been living in Nepal for different objectives and work motives. Foreign Nationals included by the definition of the count should also be counted. To separate the identity of the country of each person, citizenship should be revealed. To reveal citizenship, inquire about a person's native country. While recording the citizenship of every individual, citizenship should be confirmed and marked. If there is doubt concerning the person stating Nepali citizenship, ask the question again regarding the year of issue of the citizenship. To specify citizenship: if Nepali 1 should be marked, if Indian 2 should be marked, if Chinese 3 should be marked. Besides these, if the individual belongs to some other country, then 4 should be marked and specified with the name of the country, like: Bangladeshi, Bhutanese, Afghan, Pakistani, German, American, etc.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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Personal Information

[11] Which country's citizen is [the respondent]?

[] 1 Nepal
[] 2 India
[] 3 China
[] 4 Other ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Individual information
After collecting the introductory and household information of data sheet 1, there are questions for individual information collection on the right side of the page. To write individual information, a row has been allocated for each member of the family. Sequence and rules for information collection have been put accordingly. In line with this, ask the question and fill the information. The response of each individual question should be written in the respective column.

Column 11: what is [the respondent] citizenry or nationality?

[] 1 Nepal
[] 2 India
[] 3 China
[] 4 Other ____

Citizenry refers to such person who has entitled to exercise the citizen rights of the concerned country. That means the person who can use the citizen entitlement and right is the citizen of the country. As per the constitution and laws of each country, the citizens of a country are using their citizen rights or can use them and be the citizen of that country. Each person is a citizen of a country but some persons have not taken their citizenship certificate. The people living in Nepal can be divided into two groups on the basis of citizenship - a. Nepalese citizen b. foreign citizen (of other countries).

Law has provided that any person can be a citizen of one country at a time. But all persons might not have received citizenship certificate. For example, children under 16 years do not receive citizenship certificate but they are using the citizen rights. For many reasons, many adult citizens also have not taken citizenship, but are using their citizen rights or have the status to use their citizen rights. Similarly, foreign citizens might have also lived in Nepal for different purposes and work. Foreign citizens covered by the enumeration definition should also be enumerated. In that situation, those people to be enumerated would be citizens of their respective country. Hence, identify their citizenship at the time of enumeration and circle the respective country's reference number. While making circle to the respective reference number to specify the citizenship of a person, circle the reference 1 if they are citizens of Nepal, circle the reference 2 if they are citizens of India, and circle the reference 3 if they are citizens of China. If the person does not belong to any of the above, circle the reference 4 and specify the country by asking him/her (e.g. Bangladesh, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, France, Germany, America, etc.). If a person is using the rights of more than one country, write the name of the country to which he prefers to belong most.

Netherlands 1971 — source variable NL1971A_CITIZ — Country of citizenship
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Questions to be answered by all persons

10. What is his/her nationality?

[] Dutch
[] Belgian
[] German
[] Italian
[] None (stateless)

If he/she has another nationality please turn to question 10 at the back of this page.

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Question 10 [Nationality]
Mention, if the party involved has more than one nationality, every nationality of the person.

Netherlands 2001 — source variable NL2001A_CITZ — Country of citizenship

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Pakistan 1998 — source variable PK1998A_NATION — Nationality
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7. Nationality
[] 1 Pakistani
[] 2 Other

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Column No.6: Nationality
This question will be asked for every person in the house. If nationality is reported as Pakistani then fill oval number 1 and if some other nationality, e.g. Afghani, Bangladeshi, Indian or Sri Lankan is reported, then fill the oval relevant to them. For other non Pakistanis, fill the oval related to others.

Palestine 1997 — source variable PS1997A_NATION — Original nationality
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38. The original Nationality (Palestinians who have another nationality should write Palestinian) ____

Palestine 2007 — source variable PS2007A_NATION — Nationality
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46. Nationality (Palestinian who has another nationality, write Palestinian)
Nationality ____
Code _ _ _

Papua New Guinea 1990 — source variable PG1990A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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[The rural and urban census forms are identical for questions 1-17. Questions 1-17 are provided here in detail under the rural census form, and omitted in the urban census form.]

7. Citizenship

Circle one code only

[] 1 Papua New Guinea
[] 2 Not Papua New Guinea

If "Not Papua New Guinea", give name of country of citizenship
Citizenship _ _

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_IDCARD — Identity card
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Population Information

Chapter E. For all persons.

6. Is your identity card...

[] 1 Paraguayan?
[] 2 Foreign?
[] 3 Paraguayan and foreign?
[] 4 Don't have
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D. List of persons

E. Population information for all persons

Before enumerating each of the members of the household, you should note the order number, the name and last name and relationship on the page that corresponds to each of them in the same order as chapter D (Question 28). After registering all of the persons, you should complete the information for each of them, beginning with the head of household, male or female.

Question 6: Do you have a national identification card?

If the person being enumerated lost his/her national identification card and has not requested another, you should mark "does not have".

If the person lost it and is requesting a replacement (has the ticket), you should mark one of the first three options as corresponds.

Philippines 1990 — source variable PH1990A_CITIZ — Country of citizenship
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P9. Is [respondent] a citizen of the Philippines?

Encircle code

1 Yes, skip to P11
2 No

P10. What country is [respondent] a citizen of?

___ Enter appropriate code listed below.
If others, specify.

01 People's Republic of China
02 U.S.A.
03 Indonesia
04 India
05 Japan
06 Iran
07 Australia
08 United Kingdom
__ Others, specify

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P9 and P10 Citizenship

Citizenship is defined as the legal nationality of a person. A citizen is a legal national of the country at the time of census, while an alien is a non-national of the country. The collection of data on citizenship permits the classification of the population into (a) citizens and (b) aliens.

Data on citizenship are valuable in the study of problems relating to the legal status and civil rights of immigrants.

A person's citizenship depends on the country to which he owes legal allegiance or where he exercises the right of suffrage.

P9 - Is ____ a citizen of the Philippines?

Ask the question in P9, "Is ______ a citizen of the Philippines?" for all persons. This question determines who among the members of the household are citizens of the Philippines and who are not. If the household member is a citizen of the Philippines, encircle 1 for Yes in P9 and enter a dash (-) in P10. However, if the household member is not a citizen of the Philippines,, encircle 2 for No in P9 and ask the question in P10, "What country is ______ a citizen of?"

P10 - What country is ____ a citizen of?

Enter the appropriate code for the country of citizenship of household members who are not Filipinos. The codes are listed at the bottom of the questionnaire. For persons with dual citizenship, both aliens, inquire which one should be reported and enter the code for the preferred country of citizenship. However, for those with dual citizenship, Filipino and an alien citizenship, encircle 01 for Yes in P9. For persons whose citizenship is other than those provided with codes at the bottom of the questionnaire, write on the space provided the name of the country to which they owe legal allegiance to.

If the person being interviewed hesitates to answer this question, remind him that the information will be held strictly confidential and no reference to individual persons will be made.

Philippines 2010 — source variable PH2010A_CITIZEN — Country of citizenship
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Population Census Questions

For all persons.
[Question 2 through 12 were asked of all persons.]

P9. Citizenship- Is [the respondent] a citizen of the Philippines?

Write X in the box. If code "1", skip to P11.

[] 1 Yes, (Filipino citizen)
[] 2 Yes, (Filipino with dual citizenship)
[] 3 No

P10. Citizenship- What country/other country is [the respondent] a citizen of?

Write the answer on the space provided. See codebook.

Country / other country of citizenship ____
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Columns P1 to P12 for All persons
Columns P1 to P12 are to be accomplished for all household members regardless of age.

P9 and P10-Citizenship
Citizenship is defined as the legal nationality of a person. A citizen is a legal national of the country at the time of census, while an alien is a non-national of the country. Data on citizenship allows the classification of the population into (a) citizens and (b) aliens. These data are valuable in the study of problems relating to the legal status and civil rights of immigrants.
A person's citizenship depends on the country to which he/she owes legal allegiance or where he/she exercises the right of suffrage.
Ask the question in P9:" Is [the respondent]a citizen of the Philippines?" for all persons. This question determines who among the members of the household citizens of the Philippines are and who are not. If the household member is a citizen only of the Philippines, write "X" in the box beside code "1" for Yes, and skip to P11. However, if the household member is a citizen of the Philippines and at the same time a citizen of another country, write "X" in the box beside code "2", meaning he/she has a dual citizenship. Then ask the question in P10 "What country is [the respondent]a citizen of?" Moreover, if the household member is not a citizen of the Philippines, write "X" in the box beside code "3" and ask the question in P10.
For persons with dual alien citizenship, inquire which one should be reported and enter the code for the preferred country of citizenship. However, for those with Filipino citizenship and alien citizenship, write "X" in the box for Yes, Dual Citizenship in P9. Specify the other country of citizenship in P10 and enter the appropriate code for the country of citizenship. The codes are listed in the Codebook.
For persons whose citizenship is other than those provided in the Codebook, write on the space provided the name of the country where they owe legal allegiance to.
If the person being interviewed hesitates to answer this question, remind him/they that the information shall be held strictly confidential and no reference to individual persons will be made

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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16. What is your citizenship?
If the answer is 2 or 3 - give the name of the country (ies) of citizenship

[] 1 Polish (only)
[] 2 Both - Polish and other (specify) ________
[] 3 Only others (specify)
________ Name of country
________ Name of country
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Question 16. What is your citizenship? [p. 36]

1. An enumerated person can be a citizen of one, two or more countries.If a person is a citizen of more than one country, write in the names of maximum two countries. For stateless persons answer 3 should be chosen.

2. For persons being citizens of Poland only choose answer 1.

3. If a foreign person does not know the country he/she is a citizen of, write in the name of the country he/she was born in.

Poland 2011 — source variable PL2011A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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8. Module -- Country of birth and citizenship

4. What is your citizenship?

[] 1) Polish (only Polish or Polish and other)
[] 2) Only other
Please specify the country of your citizenship ____
[] 3) Stateless person (person with no citizenship)
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Module 8 -- Country of birth and citizenship (questions 1-6)

Questions 1-5 are asked to all individuals surveyed during the census, regardless of their age.

Question 4. What is your citizenship?

Citizenship is understood as a relation between the respondent and the country. It does not indicate ethnic identity and it should be asked irrespective of answer provided in the question about nationality.

Answer "1. Polish" -- should be indicated for individuals having only Polish citizenship, as well as for individuals having Polish and other citizenship. The answer should be also indicated for repatriates and their children.

Answer "2. Only other" -- should be indicated for citizens of foreign countries only that is -- for individuals without Polish citizenship. Citizenship should be then specified by selecting one of names of countries from the appended index. If the citizen of foreign country has more than one citizenship, including a country located in the EU, he or she should indicate the country located in the EU (if both countries of citizenship are located in the EU, the individual should indicate the country, which he or she feels closer relation with

Answer "3. Stateless person" -- should be indicated for individuals without any citizenship.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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3. Citizenship
One citizenship:

[] 99 Portuguese only
[] Foreign. Specify from which country: ____

[] 98 More than one citizenship
[] 97 Stateless

Question 3 - Citizenship

  • If you have more than one citizenship, even one of them is Portuguese, mark option 98.
  • If you have an ongoing naturalization process, indicate the citizenship that you currently have and not the one you intend to obtain.
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Question 3 - Citizenship

If the enumerated individual has more than one citizenship, even when one is Portuguese he must signal the option "More than one citizenship".

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

7. What is your citizenship?

[] 1 Portuguese only
[] 3 Stateless

More than one citizenship

[] 5 Portuguese and other
[] 7 Other cases


[] 8 From country of birth
[] 9 Foreign, from another country, please write in ____

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Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Question 7: What is your citizenship?

The options of answer to this question are:

1 Portuguese only
3 Stateless

More than one citizenship

5 Portuguese and other
7 Other cases


8 From country of birth
9 Foreign, from another country, please write in ____

If the enumerated individual is currently applying for a different citizenship, he/she must indicate the citizenship valid at the moment and not the one he/she is applying for.

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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[Questions 3.1-21 were asked of persons who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to question 3]

7. What is your citizenship?

[] 1 Portuguese only
[] 2 Double citizenship: Portuguese and other
[] 3 Double citizenship: Other cases
[] 4 Foreign, from country indicated in question 6
[] 5 Foreign, from another country, please specify.
[] 6 Stateless

Question 7 - What is your citizenship:

If you are currently in the process of changing your citizenship, indicate the citizenship you have at present and not the one you wish to have.

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Question 7 - What is your citizenship?

The options of answer to this question are:

Portuguese only
Double citizenship
Portuguese and other
Other cases
Foreign, from country indicated in question 6
Foreign, from another country, please write in.

If the enumerated individual has a citizenship acquisition process going on, he must indicate the citizenship he was at the moment and not the one he is applying for.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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Individual questionnaire

9. What is your nationality?

[] 1 Portuguese only
[] 2 Foreign, indicate the country ____
[] 3 Double nationality: Portuguese and other
[] 4 Double nationality: Two foreign nationalities, one of which is from a European Union country, indicate the EU country ____
[] 5 Double nationality: Two foreign nationalities, none from a European Union country, indicate a country ____
[] 6 Stateless (no nationality)
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7.2.4. Individual

Question 8- Nationality (indicate the place of residence of your mother when you were born)
[There is an image of question 8]
This question asks about the nationality of the population, having as reference the place of residence of the mother on the individual's date of birth and not the place corresponding to health center where the person was born.
If the mother lived in Portugal, you must indicate the corresponding municipality:
If it coincides with a parish or the municipality where the individual actually resides you must choose the respective option;
If it is some other, indicate the name of the respective municipality.
[p. 120]
If the mother lived abroad:
In a country mentioned on the questionnaire, mark the corresponding country;
If she lived in a foreign country not mentioned in the questionnaire, you must indicate the country writing in capital letters in the boxes provided.
Indicating the country should be done with reference to currently existing borders and designations.
Example: An individual that was born in the ex-colony of Mozambique in 1966 (a place where the mother held residence), you must respond Mozambique.

Question 9-What is your nationality?
[There is an image of question 9]
If the individual has foreign nationality, and only one, you must write the nationality in the space provided.
If the individual has more than one nationality (double nationality) you must distinguish if any one of them is Portuguese. If this is the case, you must mark "Portuguese and another".
If the individual has double nationality both foreign, you need to distinguish if any of them pertains to a country in the European Union. If this is the case, you must fill out the option "Two foreign nationalities, one of which is from a European Union country, indicate the EU country".
If neither of the nationalities pertains to a country in the European Union, you must indicate a country in the option "Two foreign nationalities, none from a European Union country, indicate a country".
If the individual does not have any nationality you must choose "Stateless". Stateless means someone who does not hold citizenship of any nation, or rather a person that is not considered a national by any State.
If the individual is in a naturalization process, indicate the nationality that currently have and not the one pending.
The indication of the country must be given considering the borders and designations that currently exist.

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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11. If this person was born in a foreign country --

11a. Is ____ a naturalized citizen of the United States?

[] Yes, a naturalized citizen
[] No, not a citizen
[] Born abroad from American parents (including Puerto Rican)

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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6. Where was [respondent] born?

Mark (X) the appropriate box and print the name of municipio, State, or foreign country.

[] 1 Puerto Rico --> print name of municipio ____
[] 2 United States --> print name of U.S. State ____
[] 3 Elsewhere --> print name of foreign country ____

If the answer to question 6 appears in one of the first two "Yes" categories listed below, mark (X) the appropriate "Yes" category. Otherwise, ask

7. Is [respondent] a citizen of the United States? That is does [respondent] have at least one American parent or is [respondent] a citizen by naturalization?

[] 1 Yes, born in Puerto Rico -- Skip to 9
[] 2 Yes, born in the United States, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
[] 3 Yes, born abroad of American parent or parents
[] 4 Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization
[] 5 No, not a citizen of the United States

Puerto Rico 2000 — source variable PR2000A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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13. Is this person a citizen of the United States?
[] Yes, born in Puerto Rico -- Skip to 15a
[] Yes, born in a U.S. state, District of Columbia, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Mariana Islands
[] Yes, born abroad of American parent or parents
[] Yes, a U.S. citizen by naturalization
[] No, not a citizen of the United States

Puerto Rico 2005 — source variable PR2005A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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8. Is this person a citizen of the United States?
[] Yes, born in Puerto Rico -- Skip to 10a
[] Yes, born in a U.S. state, District of Columbia, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
[] Yes, born abroad of American parent or parents
[] Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization
[] No, not a citizen of the United States

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[Answer Housing Question 7-14 for all residents]

8. If the person was born in Puerto Rico, mark the "Yes, born in Puerto Rico" box. If the person was born in a U.S. state, District of Columbia, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas, mark the "Yes, born in a U.S. state, District of Columbia, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas" box. If the person was born outside the United States (or at sea) and has at least one American parent, mark the "Yes, born abroad of American parent or parents" box. Mark the "Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization" box only if the person has completed the naturalization process and is now a United States citizen.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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[Questions 7-48 were asked of all persons.]

8. Is this person a citizen of the United States?

[] Yes, born in the United States - Skip to 10a
[] Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
[] Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents
[] Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization
Print year of naturalization _ _ _ _
[] No, not a U.S. citizen
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Answer person questions 7 through 16 for all persons on pages 2, 3, and 4.

Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. (Questions 1-6 appear on pages 2, 3, and 4 of the questionnaire.)

7. For people born in the United States:

Mark the "In the United States" box and then print the name of the state in which the person was born. If the person was born in Washington, D.C., print "District of Columbia."

For people born outside the United States:

Mark the "Outside the United States" box, and then print Puerto Rico or the name of the foreign country or area where the person was born. Use current boundaries, not boundaries at the time of the person's birth. For example, specify either Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland (Eire); North or South Korea; England, Scotland, or Wales (not Great Britain or United Kingdom). Specify the particular country or island in the Caribbean (for example, Jamaica, not West Indies).

8. If the person was born in Puerto Rico (50 states and the District of Columbia), mark the "Yes, born in Puerto Rico" box. If the person was born in a U.S. state, the District of Columbia, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas, mark the "Yes, born in a U.S. state, District of Columbia, Guam, the U.S." box. If the person was born outside the United States (50 states and the District of Columbia) or at sea and had at least one parent who was a U.S. citizen at the time of the person's birth, mark the "Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents" box. Mark the "Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization" box only if this person was born outside the United States (50 states and the District of Columbia) and has completed the naturalization process and is now a United States citizen. In the boxes below "Print year of naturalization," print the four-digit year this person completed the formal naturalization process. If this person is not a U.S. citizen, mark the "No, not a U.S. citizen" box. Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) or "green card" holders, or other non-naturalized immigrants or visitors to the U.S. are not citizens of the United States and therefore should mark the "No, not a U.S. citizen" box.

9. If the person entered Puerto Rico more than once, enter the latest year he or she came to live in Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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8. Is this person a citizen of the United States?

[] Yes, born in Puerto Rico - skip to question 10a
[] Yes, born in a US state, district of Columbia, Guam, the US Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
[] Yes, born abroad of US citizen parent or parents
[] Yes, US citizen by naturalization - print year of naturalization _ _ _ _
[] No, not a US citizen
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Answer person questions 7 through 17 for all persons on pages 2, 3, and 4.

Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. (Questions 1-6 appear on pages 2, 3, and 4 of the questionnaire.)

8. If the person was born in Puerto Rico (50 states and the District of Columbia), mark the "Yes, born in Puerto Rico" box. If the person was born in a U.S. state, the District of Columbia, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas, mark the "Yes, born in a U.S. state, District of Columbia, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas" box. If the person was born outside the United States (50 states and the District of Columbia) or at sea and had at least one parent who was a U.S. citizen at the time of the person's birth, mark the "Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents" box. Mark the "Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization" box only if this person was born outside the United States (50 states and the District of Columbia) and has completed the naturalization process and is now a United States citizen. In the boxes below "Print year of naturalization," print the four-digit year this person completed the formal naturalization process. If this person is not a U.S. citizen, mark the "No, not a U.S. citizen" box. Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) or "green card" holders, or other non-naturalized immigrants or visitors to the U.S. are not citizens of the United States and therefore should mark the "No, not a U.S. citizen" box.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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8. Is this person a citizen of the United States?

[] Yes, born in Puerto Rico - Skip to question 10a
[] Yes, born in a U.S. state, District of Columbia, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
[] Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents
[] Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization - Print year of naturalization - _ _ _ _
[] No, not a U.S. citizen
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Person questions 7-11

Answer questions 7-11 for the first five persons listed on pages 2-7 of your questionnaire. Person 1 on page 2 should correspond to Person 1 on page 12; Person 2 on page 3 should correspond to Person 2 on page 19; etc.

P8. If the person was born in the United States (50 states and the District of Columbia), mark the "Yes, born in the United States" box.

If the person was born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas, mark the "Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas" box.

If the person was born in a foreign country, in American Samoa, or at sea AND had at least one U.S. citizen parent at the time of the person's birth, mark the "Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents" box. Mark the "Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization" box only if this person was born outside the United States (50 states and the District of Columbia) and has completed the naturalization process and is now a United States citizen. In the box below "Print year of naturalization," enter the four-digit year this person completed the formal naturalization process.

If this person is not a U.S. citizen, mark the "No, not a U.S. citizen" box. Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) or "green card" holders, or other non-naturalized immigrants or visitors to the U.S. are not citizens of the United States and therefore should mark the "No, not a U.S. citizen" box.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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14. Citizenship
[] 10 14.1 Romanian
_ _ 14.1 Other citizenship

_ _ 14.2 If dual citizenship, identify the country

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Citizenship (item 14)

61. The citizenship is the particular direct legal bond between a people (individual citizen) and its State.

-- the mark x will be recorded on the code box 10 Romanian) - for all citizens stating as having Romanian citizenship (even they have other citizenship too);
-- on the space provided for other citizenship, at 14.1, other citizenship will be recorded the citizenship declared by persons having citizenship other than Romanian; when the persons have dual citizenship the second one will be recorded too, on the space provided for second citizenship 14.2;
-- for stateless persons, on the space provided for other citizenship 14.1 will be mentioned "without citizenship"
-- when the persons don't want to state their citizenship, the enumerator clearly will record "undeclared" on the space provided for recording other citizenship -- 14.1.

After recording the enumerator will codify the citizenship, by using "The code List of the countries" (paragraph 125).

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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14. Place of birth (the mother's residence at the moment of the enumerated person's birth)

[] 900 In the enumeration locality
[] In another locality____
[] ____county
[] Municipality/city/commune____
_ _ _ _ _ _
[] In another country____
_ _ _

22. Citizenship (country of citizenship)

22.1 [] 642 Romania
[] Another citizenship ____

Russia 2002 — source variable RU2002A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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6. Your citizenship
[] 1 Russian Federation
[] 2 Other State (indicate name of State) ________
[] 3 Stateless
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Question 6. Your citizenship
Russian citizens should be identified by the "Russia" prompt.
In the proper field (box) indicate the citizenship (name of the state) of a foreign respondent (e.g., Italy, Ukraine, Moldavia).
If a Russian citizen also has citizenship of another country, you should mark the "Russia" option and indicate his/her other citizenship (name of the state).
If a respondent is a citizen of two foreign states, indicate one foreign citizenship only - at his/her choice.
Persons without citizenship are identified by the "stateless" option.
Citizenship of children under 14 years is identified by their parents.
Do not complete the field for digits located after the entry of the name of the state made in writing.

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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6. Citizenship

[] Russian Federation
[] For citizens of a foreign state and for those with double citizenship, write down the state's name ____
[] Without citizenship
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Question 6. Your citizenship
The citizens of the Russian Federation mark the prompt "Russian Federation".
Foreign citizens will write the name of the country of citizenship in the special field (for example, Italy, Ukraine, Moldova).
Citizens of the Russian Federation who have double citizenship - of Russia and of another country - shall mark the prompt "Russian Federation" and write down the name of another country of citizenship.
For those who have two citizenships only one chosen by the respondent shall be specified. In case of oral answer mark shall not contain word "Russia", but "Russian Federation" shall be used instead.
If a respondent finds it difficult to answer this question, he shall be reminded that the citizenship is indicated by the passport of the country or another document indicating the citizenship of a person. In this case a census taker is strictly forbidden to demand the passport or to show a record about citizenship in it.
For those who do not have a citizenship, a "no citizenship" prompt shall be marked.
The citizenship of children under 14 years of age is identified by their parents.
[Footnote: For acquisition and termination of the Russian Federation citizenship by the child of 14 to 18 years old his consent is required (according to the Russian Federation citizenship Federal law of 31.05.2002 No. 62-FZ, Article 9 clause 2).]
Space for numbers after writing name of the country in words is left blank.

Rwanda 1991 — source variable RW1991A_ETHNIC — Nationality/country of citizenship/ethnicity
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For all persons
[Questions P1 to P15 were asked of all persons]

P12. Nationality / Country of citizenship _ _

What is your nationality? / of which country are you a citizen of? ____

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_NATION — Nationality/country of citizenship
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A. Questions to be asked to all members of the household
[Questions 1-14.]

P07. Nationality/country of citizenship

What is the nationality/country of citizenship of ____?
For visitors, (P03 = 3) skip to the next person.
[Question asked only of permanent residents]

_ _ _Write down the name of the country / If he/she is Rwandese, ask whether the person has another citizenship. If yes, write it down.


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P07: Nationality (country of citizenship)

One will write here the nationality or the country of birth. If the person is Rwandese and has another nationality, write also the other nationality. One shall write only what the enumerated person declares. For a small child, write down his/her father's nationality.

If the enumerated person is a classified as a visitor, the questions related to him/her stop on item P07.

Senegal 1988 — source variable SN1988A_ETHNIC1 — Ethnic group or nationality
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P8. Ethnicity or nationality ________
For Senegalese, write the name of the ethnic group
For foreigners, write their nationality and skip to P11.

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P8) Ethnicity or nationality

Ask the following question: "What is your ethnic group?" if the person is Senegalese. Or, "What is your nationality" the person is a foreigner.

Record in plain words the ethnic group declared for the Senegalese, just above the coding box, in the empty space left for this.

Example: Wolof, Diola, etc.

For Senegalese who cannot determine their ethnic group, or for those who became Senegalese by naturalization, record "Other".

For foreigners, record the name of the country of origin.

Example: Guinea-Conakry, France, etc.

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_ETHNIC — Ethnic group or nationality
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Section B: Individual Characteristics

Total Population

B10. Ethnicity or nationality

For Senegalese, write the name of the ethnic group__________________
For foreigners, write the nationality________________

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B10. Ethnicity or nationality

Record in plain words the ethnic group declared for the Senegalese, and the nationality for the foreigners.

Example: Wolof, Diola, Mancagne, etc.

For Senegalese who cannot determine their ethnic group, or for those who became Senegalese by naturalization, record "Other".

For foreigners, record the name of the country of origin, of which they have the nationality.

Example: Guinea-Conakry, France, the Gambia, etc.

Sierra Leone 2004 — source variable SL2004A_ETHNIC — Ethnicity/nationality
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P8. Nationality/ethnicity
What is [the respondent's] nationality/ethnicity group?
[] 01 Krio
[] 02 Mende
[] 03 Temne
[] 04 Madingo
[] 05 Loko
[] 06 Sherbro
[] 07 Limba
[] 08 Kissi
[] 09 Kono
[] 10 Susu
[] 11 Fullah
[] 12 Krim
[] 13 Yalunka
[] 14 Koranko
[] 15 Vai
[] 16 English
[] 17 French
[] 18 Arabic
[] 19 Other
[] 20 None

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Section 1 - Population
Columns P1 to P18 -- These should provide particulars of all members who slept in the household/institution on census night. They therefore apply to all persons.

Column P8 -- Nationality/ethnicity
92. Answers to this question will differ depending on whether the respondent is Sierra Leonean or a foreign national. For Sierra Leoneans, record the code of the ethnic group. For example, Mende is "02", Temne is "03", Limba is "07", etc. For foreign nationals the code is "16", "17", "18" or "19" as appropriate (refer to code list).

P8-10 Nationality/ethnicity
What is [the respondent] nationality / ethnicity group?

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_NATION — Nationality
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All persons [Questions P01-P20]

[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

P08. Nationality

If Non- Sierra Leonean, Go to P10

Write the code of the nationality _ _ _ _

[] 6001 Sierra Leonean
[] 6002 Nigeria
[] 6003 Gambia
[] 6004 Guinea Republic
[] 6005 Ghana
[] 6006 Liberia
[] 6007 Cote d'Ivoire
[] 6008 Cape Verde
[] 6009 Senegal
[] 6010 Mali
[] 6011 Togo
[] 6012 Benin
[] 6013 Burkina Faso
[] 6014 Guinea Bissau
[] 6015 Niger
[] 6016 Zambia
[] 6017 Kenya
[] 6018 Other African Countries
[] 7001 United Kingdom
[] 7002 Other European Countries
[] 8001 United States of America
[] 8002 India
[] 8003 Lebanon
[] 8004 Pakistan
[] 9000 Other
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Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

Columns (P08) -- Nationality
102. This question asks about the nationality of all persons in the household. Write the appropriate code for each person in the household. Use code list.

103. Note that question on Nationality also applies to the Special Population Questionnaire. Record the appropriate nationality code of all persons who spent census night in institutions. Use code list.

Slovakia 1991 — source variable SK1991A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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Part A - Information about persons
Instructions for completing Part A - Information about persons
[Instructions include an example that is omitted here.]

11. Citizenship ____

Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, foreign (specify country), stateless
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Part A - Personal information

Question 11 Citizenship:
Citizenship of the Czech Republic has been granted to persons born in the territory of the Czech Republic, citizenship of the Slovak Republic to persons born in the territory of the Slovak Republic. Citizens born abroad have citizenship of the republic of which they were residents at the time of birth. Citizenship thus determined shall remain valid unless the person has changed it by means of an additional declaration. Children under 15 years of age have the citizenship of their parents: in the case of different citizenship of parents, they acquire the citizenship of the republic in whose territory they were born, unless the parents elected a citizenship of the other republic within 6 months of the child's birth.

Slovakia 2001 — source variable SK2001A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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Personal form

9. Citizenship

[] Slovak Republic
[] Without citizenship
[] Other ____
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Explanations for filling in the personal form

9. Citizenship

Children up to age 15 have the citizenship of their parents. In the case of different citizenship, children are given the citizenship based on the mutual decision of the parents.

Slovakia 2011 — source variable SK2011A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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A. Data on population

6. Citizenship

[] SR
[] No citizenship
[] Other: ____

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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Data in the pre-census database for buildings, dwellings and persons were taken over as of 9 November 2001.

From the pre-census database data are provided for contents stated in Article 6 of the Census Act. Data that are thus not on the P-3 Census questionnaire for persons are:
Place of birth,
Last migration,
Marital status,
Employment status,
Usual working hours,
Place of work.

For individual groups of population from the pre-census database the following data were provided for questions on the P-3 Census questionnaires for persons:
Question No. - Content
4 - Sex
23 - Address one year before the census, i.e. on 31 March 2001
24 - First residence after birth
35 - Education in the program for obtaining recognised education
36 - Level and type of education after finishing the program
37 - Place of education
42 - Activity status

If on the P-3 Census questionnaire for persons the box left of the question number is marked X, the question needs not be answered because the data have been obtained from the pre-census database.

South Africa 1996 — source variable ZA1996A_CITIZSA — Citizen of South Africa
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Section A:

To be completed for each person in the household in a separate column. Remember to include babies. Please include yourself.

9.1. Is (the person) a citizen of:

[] 1 = South Africa only (including the former TBVC states)?
[] 2 = South Africa and another country (dual citizenship)?
[] 3 = Another country only?

9.2. ____ (If dual citizenship or citizenship of another country) What is the name of the country? Write in the name of the country.

South Africa 2001 — source variable ZA2001A_CITIZGR — Citizenship (grouped)
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Section A: Information for persons in the household -- ask of everyone
[Section A of this form, each question has 10 answer rows for writing individual answers for up to 10 individuals in the household. Only the first is shown here, which is exactly the same as the other nine.]


P-10. Is (the person) a South African citizen? Dot the appropriate box.

[] Y = Yes
[] N = No
If yes go to P-11

P-10a. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ If no, what is the name of the country of citizenship?

Use capital letters only.

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Question P-10 and P-10a -- Citizenship

This question has two parts, P-10 and P-10a. The second part only applies to people who answer "No" to the first part. So people who answer "Yes" to the first part will "skip" P-10a and go to Question 11.

P-10 "Is (the person) a South African citizen?"

Remember that people who were not born in South Africa can be citizens of South Africa. The reverse is also sometimes true. That is why we need this question as well as the last question.

Accept the respondent's answer. You do not need to ask for proof. However, if immigrants hesitate to tell the truth, remind them that the information is for statistical use only, and will not be disclosed to any other authority or organisation or private person because the Statistics Act restricts the use of census data to statistics only.

Dot the correct box, i.e. Y or N box.

If Yes go to P-11. In other words, if Yes to P-10, skip P-10a and go to P-11. If No to P-10, write the name of the country of citizenship in P-10a.

P-10a "What is the name of the country of citizenship?"

Write one letter per box. Use capital letters only. Do not leave any spaces between words. Write as many letters as you have spaces for.

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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P-09 South African Citizenship
Is [the person] a South African citizen?
Mark the appropriate circle with an X.

1. Yes
2. No
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4. Section B: Migration (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Information is used to measure the movement of people from one geographical area to another for better understanding of the population and for planning purposes.

This section must be completed for every person listed on the questionnaire.
A person whose usual residence is outside South Africa should not answer the questions on province or municipality of usual residence.
If municipality/magisterial district is not known, leave the question blank.
b. Example - Migration (below):
All three people in this scenario were born in Western Cape.
Questions on country of birth and the year they moved to South Africa are only for those who were born outside the country.
The question on citizenship is answered by all persons listed on the questionnaire.

[Figure omitted, example]
c. Example - Migration cont. (below):

Francinah was visiting her daughter on census night.
Only visitors report on the province, municipality and nearest city/town where they usually live (P-10a, P-10b and P-10c).
Infants (younger than six months) should answer YES on (P-10) if their parents/guardians intend for them to live with the household for at least four nights a week for the next six months.
Persons who have recently moved to a new place and intend to live there for at least four nights a week for the next six months should also answer YES on P-10.

[Figure omitted, example]
d. Example - Migration cont. (below):

Diana has not been living in this place since October 2001.
She moved into this place in November 2007 from within Western Cape.
Adam was born after October 2001 and has never moved.
Francinah has never moved from her place of usual residence (Please note that Francinah is a visitor and is reporting on her place of usual residence).
As Adam and Francinah have never moved, they do not have to complete the questions.
Household members that have moved more than once should report their last move.

[Figure omitted, example]
e. Example - Migration cont. (below):

Household members that moved, should complete the province, municipality and nearest city/town of previous residence.
Diana moved from Stellenbosch local municipality where her nearest city/town was Franschhoek where she was staying with her mother (Francinah).
Adam and Francinah have never moved, so they do not have to complete the questions.

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_CITIZEN — South African citizenship
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.2] Migration
Now, I am going to ask you some questions on migration. Migration is the movement of people from one area/place to another.

[] What is the respondent's country of citizenship?

[Note: No other countries were listed in the original form.]

[] 1 Andorra
[] 2 United Arab Emirates
[] 3 Afghanistan
[] 4 Antigua and Barbuda
[] 5 Anguilla
[] 6 Albania
[] 7 Armenia
[] 8 Angola
[] 9 Antarctica
[] 10 Argentina
[] 11 American Samoa
[] 12 Austria
[] 13 Australia
[] 14 Aruba
[] 15 Aland Islands
[] 16 Azerbaijan
[] 17 Bosnia and Herzegovina
[] 18 Barbados
[] 19 Bangladesh
[] 20 Belgium

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_NATIV — Nationality
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8. Nationality
[] 1 Spanish
[] 2 Spanish and another nationality:
Country for the other [non-Spanish] nationality:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[] 3 Foreigner
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[] 4 No nationality

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_NATION — Country of nationality
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Country of nationality
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_NATION — Nationality
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What is his/her nationality?
If he/she has double nationality, Spanish and another, mark both options and write the corresponding country.
If he/she has double nationality but neither is Spanish, write only one of them.

[] Spanish
[] From another country _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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1.A.8 Country of nationality

Nationality is defined as a legal connection between an individual and his/her state, acquired by birth or naturalization whether by declaration or acquired by choice, matrimony, or other terms according to the national legislation.

It allows completing the information about migrants that provide their place of birth since both identify situations of foreigners born in Spain or current Spaniards that were born abroad. Because of such, just like before, it deals with a variable relevant to the effect of determining groups with a migratory past.

Categories of this variable:

List of countries

Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_NATION — Nationality
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5. What is [the respondent's] nationality?
Use the nationality codes on the separate sheet
_ _

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Q5 "What is [respondent's] nationality?"
  • Every person is a national or citizen of a country. You should start with the first person listed ("Person 01"); ask, "What is [the respondent's] nationality?"
  • Write the appropriate code for the response given using your nationality code list in the boxes, and then shade the corresponding numbers as you did with age.

[Below the text is a form showing question 5 and a list of nationality codes. This illustration is omitted here]

Suriname 2004 — source variable SR2004A_NATION — Nationality
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Personal form

All persons in the household
[Questions P07 to P12 were asked of all persons in the household.]

P09. What nationality is this person?

[] 1 Surinamese
[] 2 Dutch
[] 3 Guyanese
[] 4 French
[] 5 Brazilian
[] 6 Haitian
[] 7 Chinese
[] 8 US
[] 9 Other
[] 97 Don't know
[] 99 No response

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_NATION — Nationality
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Personal module

All persons in the household
[Questions P01a to P06c were asked of all persons in the household.]

P10. What nationality is this person?

[] 1 Surinamese
[] 2 Dutch
[] 3 Guyanese
[] 4 French
[] 5 Brazilian
[] 6 Haitian
[] 7 Chinese
[] 8 US
[] 9 Other Caricom (Caribbean Community)
[] 10 Other, please specify ____
[] 97 Don't know
[] 99 No response

Switzerland 1970 — source variable CH1970A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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A. Questions to all persons
[Applies to questions 1-15]

8. Nationality (Swiss/foreign dual nationalities should only indicate their Swiss citizenship):

[] Swiss
[] Foreigner (foreigners specify their nationality in question 27)

For Swiss nationals (citizens of more than one municipality should list the most recent acquired one):

____ Citizen of which municipality
____ Canton (abbreviation)

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Question 8: Place of home residence (home town) Heimat
  • Women married to a Swiss enter the same place as their husbands.
  • Women married to a foreigner and their children who have Swiss citizenship, enter the Swiss place of residence.
  • Widowed or divorced women enter the place of home residence of their last marriage if they did not revert back to their former home place.
  • Communities in one canton with the same name should be described precisely, e.g. Oetwil on the Lake, Oetwil at the Limmat.

Switzerland 1980 — source variable CH1980A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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A. Questions to all persons

9. Nationality
Swiss/foreign dual nationalities should only indicate their Swiss citizenship

For Swiss: only indicate the last acquired citizenship

[] Citizen of census municipality
[] Citizen of another municipality, i.e. ________ Canton

For foreigners: refugees, stateless persons and those without papers indicate their former native country

If you are without papers, stateless or a refugee, please mark with a cross [_]

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Question 8: Place of birth

The inhabitants of the cantons Bern and Jura take into account the situation as it has developed after their new forming.

Question 9: Place of residence (home town) [Heimat]
  • Women married to a Swiss enter the same place as their husbands.
  • Women married to a foreigner and their children who have Swiss citizenship, enter the Swiss place of residence.
  • Widowed or divorced women enter the home place of residence of their last marriage if they did not revert back to their former home place.
  • Communities in one canton with the same name should be described precisely, e.g. Oetwil on the Lake, Oetwil at the Limmat.

Foreigners with several citizenships should enter the country of the last obtained citizenship. Foreigners who have no papers and are also unable to obtain such, or who cannot get protection from the diplomatic office of their home country, enter persons without papers, without citizenship or being refugee.

Switzerland 1990 — source variable CH1990A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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4. Nationality
[] 1 Swiss
[] 2 Foreigner

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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4. Nationality

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_NATION — Nationality at birth and today
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Personal questionnaire

7. Please note. Answer questions a) and b) only if you have Swiss nationality.

a) Have you had Swiss nationality from birth?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[If no,] since when do you have the Swiss nationality? _ _ _ _ (year)

b) Do you currently have an additional nationality?
[] 1 No
[] 2 Yes
[If yes,] of which country? (Only one answer)

[] 2.01 Italy
[] 2.02 France
[] 2.03 Germany
[] 2.04 Austria
[] 2.05 Spain
[] 2.06 Portugal
[] 2.07 Netherlands
[] 2.08 United Kingdom
[] 2.09 Turkey
[] 2.10 Serbia
[] 2.11 Bosnia and Herzegovina
[] 2.12 Croatia
[] 2.13 North Macedonia
[] 2.14 Kosovo
[] 2.15 Sri Lanka
[] 2.16 Other: ____
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3.3 Structural statistics

3.3.2 Basic output
The structural statistics provide additional information on the basic statistics, together with base information for the analysis of the thematic statistics of the census system. They cover the resident population, excluding people who live in institutional households. The information on dwellings relates to occupied dwellings. The structural statistics provide annual results on the following topic areas:

T4 Information provided by the structural statistics

"People, households and housing"

Focus topic "Migration"
Population with a migration background


- Nationality at birth
- Country of birth of mother
- Country of birth of the father
- Second and third generation
- Mode and year of acquisition of Swiss citizenship
- Second citizenship

Tanzania 1988 — source variable TZ1988A_CITIZEN — Country of citizenship
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All persons
[Questions 2-13 were asked of all persons.]

8. Is [the respondent] a citizen of Tanzania?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_CITIZ — Citizenship
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07. Citizenship
[Respondent] is a citizen of which country?
Write the code of the country.
_ _

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B. Questions for all the people
This part involves all people who slept in the household the night before census day. The questions in this part are also found in the short questionnaire.
The questions in this part must be asked to every person following the order set. You must follow the flow of questions as arranged and read the question as written in the questionnaire. For more explanation, refer explanations in part 3.7 (how to ask questions).
Part "B" of the questionnaire contains the following questions:

Question 7: What is your citizenship?
Every person in the household must be asked the question of citizenship. If a person is a citizen of Tanzania, either by birth or registration, fill code "60" in the space provided in the questionnaire for this question, shade code "6" and "0". If a person is a citizen of another country, fill the country's code and shade in the respective codes depending on the answer given.
Use the following codes:

60 = Tanzania
61 = Angola
62 = Botswana
63 = Burundi
64 = Comoro
65 = Kenya
66 = Lesotho
67 = Malawi
68 = Mauritius
69 = Mozambique
70 = Namibia
71 = Rwanda
72 = Seychelles
73 = Somalia
74 = Swaziland
75 = South Africa
76 = Uganda
77 = Republic of Congo
78 = Zimbabwe
79 = Zambia
80 = Other African countries
81 = India
82 = Pakistan
83 = Asian countries
84 = Italy

[p. 30]
85 = Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden)
86 = Great Britain
87 = Germany
88 = Other European countries
89 = Canada
90 = U.S.A.
91 = Other countries

[Illustration for question 7 is omitted]

Tanzania 2012 — source variable TZ2012A_TANZN — Citizenship status
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B. All persons
[Questions 1-19 were asked of all persons.]

13. Citizenship

[The respondent] is a citizen of which country? If Tanzania, write 1 in the box in the left. Write code of the country in the two boxes on the right. For dual citizenship, write code "98". Codes are on a separate sheet.

[] 1 Tanzania
[] Other _ _
[] 98 Dual citizenship
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Question 13: [the respondent] is a citizen of which country?

Explanation/clarification of the question: This question aims to understand the nationality of every person in the community, whether it is by birth or registration.
Answers to this question will enable the nation understand the exact number of citizens of Tanzania, citizens of other countries present on the night before census, and those with two nationalities. The nation will understand the distribution of nationalities in the country.

Thailand 2000 — source variable TH2000A_NATION — Nationality
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S9. Nationality_ _
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Column S9: Nationality
The question asked [to the respondent] will be "What is your nationality?"

Record the nationality of the respondent in column S9

Togo 1960 — source variable TG1960A_NATION — Nationality
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9. Nationality or ethnic group ____

For residents of Togo indicate ethnic group
For foreign people, record their nationality: English, Lebanese, Ghanaian and so on
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Column 9: Ethnic group or nationality
Use code number 6 which is divided into 2 parts:

- the first gives the nationality for foreigners: items 211 to 499;
- the second gives the ethnic group for residents of Togo items 1 xx and 500 to 9 xx.

Turkey 1985 — source variable TR1985A_NATION — Nationality
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Part IV: Questions on personal characteristics

16. Citizenship

(If Turkish citizen, check "T. C."; if citizen of a foreign country, enter the name of that country.)

[] 1 T. C.
If not T. C., specify ____

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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (11-42)
This section includes questions (questions 11-42) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted.
Whether or not the household head is at home, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from question 11 to question 42). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section is identical to the one written in in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, also write down all the characteristics of the other household members at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write onto the dotted line in printed letters, in order of their ages, the names surnames and all the characteristics of those, who, while being present at home, are not household members. Answer questions with a box, by placing an "X" into it.

Question 16: Your nationality?

(For nationals of a foreign country, write in the name of the country in which they are nationals)

For citizens of the Turkish Republic, an "X" is to be placed in the 01 "T.C. - Turkish citizen" box. For a non-Turkish citizen, write the country of that person's nationality into the "___" space. For people with more than one nationality, if one of them is the Turkish Republic, mark the T.C. box for that person's nationality. If besides Turkish nationality, more than one nationality is held, write the nationality that is preferred. For those who are not nationals of any country, write "None".

Turkey 1990 — source variable TR1990A_NATION — Nationality
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14. Citizenship
(If Turkish citizen, check the box T.C., if citizen of a foreign country, enter name of that country.)

1 [] T.C.
If not T.C. specify ____

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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (8-34)
This section includes questions (Questions 8-34) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted. Whether the household head is at home or not, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from Question 8 to Question 34). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section are identical to the ones written in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, (except for household members not at home) also write down all the characteristics of all the household members who are present at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write using printed letters into the pertinent section and in order of their ages the names surnames and all the characteristics of those who, while being present at home, are not household members (guests). Answer questions with a box by placing an "X" into it.

Question 14: Your nationality?

(For non-nationals of the Republic of Turkey, write in the country name)

For people who are citizens of the Turkish Republic, an "X" is to be entered into the 01 "T.C." box. For a non-Turkish citizen, write the country of that person's nationality into the "____" section. For people with more than one nationality, if one of them is the Turkish Republic, mark the T. C. box for that person's nationality. If, apart from Turkish nationality, the person has more than one nationality, write the one that is preferred. For those who are not nationals of any country, write "None".

Turkey 2000 — source variable TR2000A_NATION — Nationality
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19. What is your nationality?
(For those who are not Turkish citizens write the name of the country.)

[] 1 T.R. [Turkey]
[] 2 Does not have any nationality
Country name ____

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Question 19. Your nationality?

(For non-nationals of the Republic of Turkey, write the country name)

In filling out this question:
For people who are citizens of the Turkish Republic, an "X" is to be placed into the T.R. box.

For people who are not citizens of the Turkish Republic, the name of the country corresponding to their nationality is to be written into this question's "Country name" section.

For people with more than one nationality, if one of those nationalities is the Turkish Republic, an "X" is to be entered into the T.R. box for that person's nationality.

If a person who is a not a Turkish citizen has multiple nationalities, the one preferred is to be entered into this question's "Country name" section.

For those declaring that they have no nationality, an "X" is to be marked for this question's "No nationality" option.

Uganda 1991 — source variable UG1991A_ETHNIC — Ethnic group or citizenship
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For All Persons

6. Ethnic group or citizenship (Ugandans state tribe / others state country)

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[Question 1 - 13 apply to all persons]

Question 6 Ethnic Group or Citizenship

99. "Is this person Ugandan?"
If so, write the tribe.
If they are not Ugandan, ask and record the country of citizenship.

100. Record the tribe or group to which a person considers he or she belongs. Accept the answers as they are given you. The census is not concerned with the legal status of a person.

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_ETHNIC — Ethnicity/nationality
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For all persons

P7 Ethnic group or citizenship Is (name) a Ugandan? (If Ugandan, write ethnicity code, otherwise, write the country code of Citizenship)

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[Question P1 - P15 apply to all persons]

Question P7: Ethnic Group or Citizenship
Ask, Is (name) a Ugandan?
100. If this person is a Ugandan, write the code for his/her ethnic group/tribe. For Ugandan citizens whose ethnic group is not included on the code list, use code '69' for Other Ugandans. Record the code for the tribe or ethnic group to which a person considers he or she belongs. In case of children of inter-tribal marriages, record the answer as given by the respondent. Accept the answers as they are given to you. The census is not concerned with the legal status of a person.
101. If the person is not a Ugandan, ask and record the code for the country of citizenship.
Parental Survival

102. These questions on parental survival concentrate on the survival status of only the biological mother/biological father of the person.

Uganda 2014 — source variable UG2014A_ETHNIC — Ethnicity or nationality
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Section 1: Particulars of household members

For all persons

P8 What is [the respondent's] ethnicity? If non Ugandan write code of country of citizenship. (Refer to code list P8) _ _ _

United States 1980 — source variable US1980A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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12a. Is this person a naturalized citizen of the United States?
[] Yes, a naturalized citizen
[] No, not a citizen
[] Born abroad of American parents

United States 1990 — source variable US1990A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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9. Is this person a citizen of the United States?
[] Yes, born in the United States -- [Go on to question 11]
[] Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
[] Yes, born abroad of American parent or parents
[] Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization
[] No, not a citizen of the United States

[A person should fill the yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization circle only if he/she has completed the naturalization process and is now a United States citizen. If the person was born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas, he/she should fill the yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas circle. If the person was born outside the United States (or at sea) and has at least one American parent, he/she should fill the yes, born abroad of American parent or parents circle.]

United States 2000 — source variable US2000A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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13. Is this person a citizen of the United States?
[] Yes, born in the United States [Go on to question 15a]
[] Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
[] Yes, born abroad of American parent or parents
[] Yes, a U.S. citizen by naturalization
[] No, not a citizen of the United States

United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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8. Is this person a citizen of the United States?
[] Yes, born in the United States --> Skip to 10a
[] Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
[] Yes, born abroad of American parent or parents
[] Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization
[] No, not a citizen of the United States

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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8. Is this person a citizen of the United States?
[] Yes, born in the United States -> skip to 10a
[] Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
[] Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents
[] Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization. Print year of naturalization: ____
[] No, not a U.S. citizen

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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[E] - Answer questions about Person 1 on the next page if you listed at least one person on page 2. Otherwise, skip to page 28 for the mailing instructions.

8. Is this person a citizen of the United States?

[] Yes, born in the United States [Skip to 10a]
[] Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
[] Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents
[] Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization. Print year of naturalization _ _ _ _
[] No, not a U.S. citizen
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Answer person questions 7 through 17 for all persons on pages 2, 3, and 4.

Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. (Questions 1-6 appear on pages 2, 3, and 4 of the questionnaire.)

8. If the person was born in the United States (50 states and the District of Columbia), mark the "Yes, born in the United States" box. If the person was born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas, mark the "Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas" box. If the person was born outside the United States (50 states and the District of Columbia) or at sea and had at least one parent who was a U.S. citizen at the time of the person's birth, mark the "Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents" box. Mark the "Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization" box only if this person was born outside the United States (50 states and the District of Columbia) and has completed the naturalization process and is now a United States citizen. In the boxes below "Print year of naturalization," print the four-digit year this person completed the formal naturalization process. If this person is not a U.S. citizen, mark the "No, not a U.S. citizen" box. Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) or "green card" holders, or other non-naturalized immigrants or visitors to the U.S. are not citizens of the United States and therefore should mark the "No, not a U.S. citizen" box.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_CITIZEN — Citizenship status
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8. Is this person a citizen of the United States?

[] Yes, born in the United States - Skip to question 10a
[] Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas
[] Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents
[] Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization - Print year of naturalization - _ _ _ _
[] No, not a U.S. citizen
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Person questions 7-11

Answer questions 7-11 for the first five persons listed on pages 2-7 of your questionnaire. Person 1 on page 2 should correspond to Person 1 on page 12; Person 2 on page 3 should correspond to Person 2 on page 19; etc.

P8. If the person was born in the United States (50 states and the District of Columbia), mark the "Yes, born in the United States" box.

If the person was born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas, mark the "Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas" box.

If the person was born in a foreign country, in American Samoa, or at sea AND had at least one U.S. citizen parent at the time of the person's birth, mark the "Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents" box. Mark the "Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization" box only if this person was born outside the United States (50 states and the District of Columbia) and has completed the naturalization process and is now a United States citizen. In the box below "Print year of naturalization," enter the four-digit year this person completed the formal naturalization process.

If this person is not a U.S. citizen, mark the "No, not a U.S. citizen" box. Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) or "green card" holders, or other non-naturalized immigrants or visitors to the U.S. are not citizens of the United States and therefore should mark the "No, not a U.S. citizen" box.

Uruguay 1963 — source variable UY1963A_NATION — Nationality
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7. Legal nationality: ____

Write down the nationality that a person declares.
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Title 7: Legal nationality
192. For the people who called themselves Uruguayan by birth, simply write down: "Uruguayan".

193. In the case of Uruguayans by nationalization, write down "Uruguayan nationalized" or, in an abbreviated form, "Uruguayan na.".

194. For foreigners, write down the declared nationality, such as: Argentinean, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian, etc. If any foreigner has difficulty naming their nationality, make a note in the "Observations" section, giving as much information as possible.

Venezuela 1971 — source variable VE1971A_NATION — Nationality
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9. What is your legal nationality?
[] 1 Naturalized Venezuelan
[] 2 Born abroad to Venezuelan parents
[] 3 Foreign

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7.20. Current legal citizenship (Q - 9).

Those born abroad will be asked their current citizenship. By the time of the census, a person born abroad could have retained the citizenship of their country of birth or they could have acquired a different nationality. The following situations should be kept in mind:

a. The person could have acquired Venezuelan citizenship, in which case the "naturalized Venezuelan" box is marked.

b. If the person is born abroad but is the child of a Venezuelan mother or father, mark the second box, "born abroad to Venezuelan parents".

c. For the person born abroad who retains the foreign citizenship, mark the third box, "foreigner".

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_NATIONAL — Nationality
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6. What is your current legal nationality?
[] Naturalized Venezuelan
[] Born abroad to Venezuelan parents
[] Foreigner

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Question 6

-- What is the person's current legal nationality [citizenship]?

This question is only presented to those born abroad. Three alternatives should be provided:

-- Naturalized Venezuelan: when this has been legally conferred.

-- Born abroad to Venezuelan parents.

-- Foreigner: born abroad, not a child of Venezuelans, and not a naturalized Venezuelan.

Venezuela 1990 — source variable VE1990A_NATION — Nationality
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For all individuals:
[Questions 1-10 -- are for all person]

6. What is your legal nationality?

____ Venezuelan by naturalization (nationalized)
____ Born abroad to Venezuelan parents
[] Foreign

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Questions 1-10 -- are for all persons

Every person in the household should be asked these questions.

-- In the case of people who are absent or of small children, ask the Head of Household or the person who can give the most reliable information.

Question No.5

[Place of birth]
[The instructions refer to a graphic of section VI, question 5 on the census form.]

-- Read the question and the possible answers and fill in the cell corresponding to the answer:

-- If the answer is this same state, go to Question No.8.

-- If the answer is another state

Ask which state and write down the answer in the space provided.
Go to Question No.8.

-- If the answer is another country

Ask which country and write down the answer in the space provided.
Go to the next question.

Questions 6 and 7

-- These questions are only for those who answered "another country" in Question No.5.

Question No.6

[The instructions refer to a graphic of section VI, question 6 on the census form.]

-- Read the question and the possible answers and fill in the corresponding cell.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_NATION — Nationality
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6. His/her current legal nationality is:
[Question 6 was asked of persons born outside Venezuela.]

[] Venezuelan, by naturalization (naturalized): Continue with question 9
[] Venezuelan, born in another country, son/daughter of father and/or mother who is/are Venezuelans by birth or naturalization: Continue with question 9
[] Foreigner: Continue with question 9

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4.4 Legal nationality

This refers to whether the enumerated person is a national or foreigner according to the process by which a foreigner acquires legal citizenship or nationality in the country [país] where the census takes place.

The nationality data is used as an indicator of the foreign population's level of integration. The nationality data of those born abroad, distinguishing for country of birth, will allow the visualization of the variations among the different migratory trends regarding the practice of adopting Venezuelan nationality as a mechanism of assimilation into the accepted society.

The following categories are distinguished:
-- Naturalized Venezuelan: The person who was born abroad and who has been conferred Venezuelan citizenship according to the law.

-- Venezuelan, born abroad to mother and/or father who are Venezuelan by birth or naturalization: The person who was born abroad and has been conferred Venezuelan citizenship for being the child of a mother and/or father who are Venezuelan by birth or naturalization.

-- Foreigner: The person who was born abroad and who has not acquired Venezuelan citizenship.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_CITIZEN — Country of citizenship
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P-9 What is [the respondent's] country of citizenship? _ _ _
(For non-Zambians, write name of country and enter its code. For Zambian, just enter code 148.)
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P - 9 What is [the respondent]'s Country of Citizenship?
22. Write the name of the country of which the person is a citizen in the space provided. Then enter the appropriate country code in the appropriate boxes. A list of countries and their respective codes is given in Appendix 4 on page 93.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_NATION — Citizenship
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7. Citizenship
(non-Zambia enter country code, Zambian enter code 148.): _ _ _
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P7: What is [the respondent's] country of citizenship?

Write the name of the country of which the person is a citizen in the space provided. Then enter the country code in the appropriate boxes. A list of countries and their respective codes is given in Appendix 6.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_NATION — Nationality
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Is [the respondent] Zambian?
P8. If Zambian, code here then skip to P11
[] 1
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P ? 8: Is [the respondent] Zambian?

In this question find out if the person is Zambian. If Zambian, shade code 1 and skip to P-11.

Zimbabwe 2012 — source variable ZW2012A_CITIZEN — Citizenship
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B- For all persons
[Questions 9 and 10 were asked of all persons]

10. What is (the respondent's) citizenship?

Enter country code ("000" for Zimbabwe)

Country _ _ _
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Section B: For all Persons
Begin by saying, "I would like information on ALL people who stayed at this household on the census night. This information is on the names of the persons, their relationship to head of household, their age and sex, survivorship of their parents etc. It is important that you give me as accurate information as possible about each person".

Q10 Citizenship
Do not deduce someone's citizenship from the language an individual speaks or their country of birth. Record what the respondent tells you. As a way of probing you may ask if the individual has a passport and if so, the country that issued the passport.

NB: Citizenship is not the same as country of birth. Country codes are in Appendix 2.