Questionnaire Text

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Residents of age six years and over
[Question 26 through 33 asked of resident persons aged 6 and older.]

31. Type of occupation

[] 1 Employer (em)
[] 2 Public sector employee (spb)
[] 3 Private sector employee (spv)
[] 4 Casual work - "by the job" (ta)
[] 5 Cooperative (cop)
[] 6 Independent (ind)
[] 7 Family helper (af)
[] 8 Apprentice (ap)
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Attention: Questions 26-32 apply only to residents of the household who are at least 6 years of age. Therefore, these questions do not apply to: visitors, any and all resident children (present or absent) who are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years of age, or born in 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, or, 1993, or who were born between November 1 and December 31, 1992.
Resident children (present or absent) born between January 1 and October 31, 1992, are now 6 years of age; therefore, questions 26-32 apply to them.

Special case: For any child who is a resident (present or absent) and was born in 1992, without the month being specified, questions 26-32 apply. For resident children (present or absent) to whom questions 26-32 do not apply, draw a slash through column 26 and the following columns.

Question 31: Current employment status
The "Current Employment Status" refers to the hierarchical position of an "employed" person or simply any worker within the company; the industrial, artisanal or commercial unit; the farm; the Government, etc., in which he or she currently practices or has previously practiced his/her economic activity, employment, trade, or duty during the reference period, i.e., in the last 4 weeks prior to the census taker's visit to the household.


For purposes of the census, a distinction must be drawn among 8 possible situations: employer, public sector employee, private sector employee, day laborer, member of a cooperative, self-employed worker, family assistant, and unpaid apprentice.
A worker is a person bound to an employer, public or private, by an employment contract that provides for salary-based compensation, in kind or in cash, for the work he/she provides. The census is also concerned with the type of employer, hence the distinction made between a public sector employee and a private sector employee.

"1 = EMP" Employer: This is an employed person who operates his/her own business. He/she owns the means of production, equipment, machinery, buildings, etc., has concentrated decision-making powers, and employs workers in this enterprise who are paid, in kind or in cash, in return for the work done.
"2 = SPB" Public sector employee. All civil servants and public officials, including contract workers employed by the Government, a semi-public administration, or local authorities, and the employees of public institutions, are considered public sector employees. In this case, we are referring to the Ivorian national public sector. Employees of international organizations or of the embassies and consulates of foreign countries established in Côte d'Ivoire are employees of the international public sector and the foreign public sector, respectively. They must be classified as public sector employees.
"3 = SPV" Private sector employee: All salaried workers in agricultural, industrial, commercial, transportation, and service enterprises, banks and insurance companies in the private sector, and workers from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are grouped in this category.
"4 = TA" Day laborer: This is a worker or service provider who has very rudimentary equipment, most often carried in a bag, and who waits for prospective customers on a street corner or a makeshift shed, or who is itinerant. He/she is paid per service or task performed.
"5 = COP" Member of a cooperative. This refers to an employed person who offers goods (agriculture, livestock) or services (trade, transport, etc.) in association with other people. Each member is paid based on the value of the goods or services produced.
"6 = IND" Self-employed: A self-employed person is an individual engaged in his or her own career or business, alone or with the help of family members or unpaid apprentices.
"7 = AF" Family assistant: A family assistant is a person, male or female, who contributes labor to a family business without receiving compensation in cash or in kind. The term "family business" refers to an agricultural operation, a commercial operation, a crafts operation, etc., owned by a member of his/her family.
"8 = AP." An Unpaid Apprentice is a person who is learning a manual trade through an apprenticeship, in the workshop or in the field, with a master. He or she receives no compensation in cash or in kind in return for the work performed.

Note: An apprentice paid in cash or in kind must be considered a private sector employee.

How to conduct the interview on current employment status?
To all residents aged 6 years or older who are declared "employed," ask the following question:


1- Do you work or conduct business on your own behalf, without associating yourself with anyone else, in a company, an establishment, an industrial, artisanal, agricultural or commercial production unit, or a facility that provides services, whose means of production and equipment belong to you?

1.1- If the answer is "yes," two cases are possible and it is necessary to continue the line of questioning as follows:
a) In the course of this economic activity, do you make use of any temporary or permanent staff to whom you pay a salary in cash or in kind for the work completed? If the answer is yes, then the individual in question is an employer. Circle code "1 = EMP." If the answer is "no," ask the following question (b).
b) In the course of this economic activity, do you work alone or do you employ a few members of your family, without formally paying them for the work done?
i) If the answer is "yes," then the individual in question is self-employed. Circle code "6 = IND."
ii) If the answer is "no," there are clearly inconsistencies; repeat the questions with more explanations so that the individual will better understand the nature of the information sought.
1.2- If the answer is "no," the individual in question is neither an employer, nor a self-employed person, nor a day laborer. Then ask the following questions to determine whether the individual is a public sector salaried worker or a private sector salaried worker.

2- Do you work or conduct your business on behalf of a government office, an organization, a company, an industrial, agricultural, commercial, or artisanal production unit, a facility that provides services, or an ordinary household (or an individual) that compensates you, on the basis of a verbal or written contract, in the form of a wage or salary, in cash or in kind, in return for the work done?

2.1- If the answer is "yes," the individual in question is a salaried worker. Then ask the following question:
a) Do you work for the Government, a local government, an international organization, an embassy or consulate, a public undertaking, or a state-owned company? If the answer is "yes," then the individual in question is a public sector employee. Circle code "2 = SPB." If the answer is "no," continue to question series (b).
b) Do you work in a private business or institution, a non-governmental organization, or a household? If the answer is "yes," then the individual is a private sector worker. Circle code "3 = SPV." If the answer is "no," then there appears to have been a misunderstanding. All questions must be repeated with more explanation.
2.2- If the answer is "no," the individual in question is not a salaried worker. Then ask the following questions to determine if the worker in question is a day laborer, a member of a cooperative, an unpaid apprentice, or a family assistant.

3- Do you practice your trade (craftsman, worker) on behalf of various clients (individuals, companies, etc.) who pay you by the job?" If the answer is "yes," the worker in question is a day laborer. Circle code "4 = TA." If the answer is "no," ask the following question:
4- "Do you conduct your business (trade, crafts, agriculture) on your own behalf, or in association with other people (in a cooperative)? If the answer is "yes," then this worker is a member of a cooperative. Circle code "5 = COP." If the answer is no, continue the interview.


5- "Do you conduct your business in a family business (boutique, small-scale production, commercial operation, farm, workshop, etc.) run by a relative who pays you no salary in return?" If the answer is "yes," then the individual in question is a family assistant. Circle code "7 = AF." If the answer is "no," ask the following question.
6- "Do you conduct your business or practice your trade with a master (worker, craftsman, service professional, etc.) who provides your professional training and therefore does not pay you any salary in return?" If the answer is "yes," then the individual in question is an unpaid apprentice. Circle code "8 = AP." If the answer is "no," then all questions must be repeated.
The current employment status also pertains to residents aged 6 years or older who are declared "unemployed" in column 28, "type of activity." We must therefore repeat the same sets of questions for each person declared "unemployed," this time referring to the last economic activity carried out before individual came to be unemployed.