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Housing features and amenities

51. Residence occupation status

[] 1 Owner
[] 2 Lease-purchase
[] 3 Operating lease
[] 4 Staff accommodation
[] 5 Free accommodation
[] 6 End-of-term owner
[] 7 Other, specify ____
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6.3.1- Features and amenities of the dwelling of an ordinary household

The questions about housing pertain to the characteristics and amenities of the household's dwelling, or of its primary dwelling, in the event that the household occupies several buildings for residential use. However, in regard to the number of rooms available or occupied by the household, all residential rooms located in the building or buildings occupied by the household for residential use are to be taken into account.


For each question, circle the code that matches the correct answer. For questions involving numbers, legibly write the numbers declared by the head of household in the appropriate grids.

Note: Details must be provided when the "Other, specify" option is selected. In cases where the answer to a question is visible (Questions 39, 41, 42), do not ask the question.

Question 51: Residence occupation status
Ask the following question: "Are you renting this house?"

1 - If "yes," ask: "Is it a lease-purchase or a simple lease?"

Circle the code for the correct answer.

2 = Lease-purchase
3 = Simple lease

2- If "no," ask, "Are you the owner?"
2.1- If "yes," ask, "Are you paying back a loan on the dwelling?"

2.1.1- If "yes," circle code 6 = term owner
2.1.2- If "no," circle code 1 = owner

2.2 - If the answer to the question, "Are you a homeowner?" is "no," ask, "Are you (according to codes)

4 = housed free of charge by your employer (staff accommodation)?"
5 = housed free of charge by a relative or friend (free accommodation)?"

2.3- If none of the previous situations apply to this household, circle code 7 = Another case to be clarified.