Questionnaire Text

Benin 1992 Ethiopia 1984 Laos 2005 Sierra Leone 2004
Benin 2002 Ethiopia 1994 Laos 2015 Sierra Leone 2015
Benin 2013 Ethiopia 2007 Lesotho 1996 South Africa 2001
Botswana 2001 Fiji 1976 Lesotho 2006 South Africa 2007
Botswana 2011 Fiji 2007 Liberia 2008 South Africa 2011
Brazil 2010 Ghana 2000 Malawi 1987 South Africa 2016
Burkina Faso 1996 Ghana 2010 Malawi 1998 South Sudan 2008
Burkina Faso 2006 Guatemala 1981 Malawi 2008 Sudan 2008
Cambodia 1998 Guatemala 1994 Mali 2009 Suriname 2004
Cambodia 2004 Guatemala 2002 Mozambique 1997 Tanzania 1988
Cambodia 2008 Guinea 1996 Mozambique 2007 Tanzania 2002
Cambodia 2013 Guinea 2014 Myanmar 2014 Tanzania 2012
Cambodia 2019 Honduras 1988 Nepal 2001 Togo 1960
Cameroon 2005 Indonesia 1990 Nepal 2011 Togo 2010
China 1990 Indonesia 1995 Nicaragua 1995 Trinidad and Tobago 2011
China 2000 Indonesia 2010 Nicaragua 2005 Turkey 1990
Colombia 1993 Iran 2006 Pakistan 1973 Turkey 2000
Colombia 2005 Iran 2011 Papua New Guinea 1980 Uganda 2002
Côte d'Ivoire 1988 Iraq 1997 Papua New Guinea 2000 Uganda 2014
Côte d'Ivoire 1998 Jamaica 2001 Paraguay 1982 Vietnam 2019
Dominican Republic 1981 Kenya 1989 Rwanda 1991 Zambia 1990
Dominican Republic 2002 Kenya 1999 Rwanda 2002 Zambia 2000
Dominican Republic 2010 Kenya 2009 Rwanda 2012 Zambia 2010
Ecuador 2010 Kyrgyzstan 2009 Senegal 2002 Zimbabwe 2012
El Salvador 2007 Laos 1995 Senegal 2013
Benin 1992 — source variable BJ1992A_CHBORNM — Male children born alive
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Female residents of 12 or more of age
[Questions in columns 22-25 were asked on female residents age 12 or older.]

Born alive children [columns 22-23]

Report the number declared by gender, in the grid. If not applicable, mark down 88 in the grid.
(22) _ _ Male
(23) _ _ Female
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Columns (22) to (25): these columns only apply to female residents of at least 12 years of age i.e. those born before February 1980.
For women younger than 12, and males, these columns do not apply. For these persons, the agent shall not report anything.

Columns (22) and (23): Total number of born alive children
The census agent shall ask the question: "How many children born alive have you had so far?"
A child born alive is a child who, at birth, manifested a sign of life (scream, breathing, heartbeat) even if the child later died.
Report the total number of boys in column (22) and the number of girls in column (23).

Benin 2002 — source variable BJ2002A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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For all persons
[Questions in columns 1 to 11 were asked of all persons]

Now we would like to ask for information on you and the persons habitually living in your household or currently residing in your home

Female residents of 10 or more of age
[Questions in columns 24-27 were asked of female residents age 10 years old or more]

(24) Born alive children

How many born alive children have you had? Write down the declared number according to gender in the appropriate boxes.

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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v) Sociocultural characteristics

vi) Fertility data
Columns (24) to (27) only apply to female residents of 10 years or more of age (To this effect, verify with column 4 for gender and 6 for age). For women younger than 10, and males, these columns do not apply. For these persons, the agent shall not report anything in the boxes.

Column (24): Total number of born alive children
A child born alive is a child who, at birth, manifested a sign of life (scream, breathing, heartbeat...) even if the child later expired.
The census agent shall ask the question: "How many children born alive has [the respondent] had?"
Report the total number of boys in in the grid marked with "M" for male and the number of girls in the grid marked with "F" for female.

Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_CHBORNM — Male children born alive
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For women aged 10 years or older
[Question 26-29 were asked of residents aged 10 years or older]

26. Born alive children - How many born alive children have [the person] had?

Write down the declared number according to gender in the appropriate boxes

_ _ M
_ _ F
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26. Children born alive

The questions concerning live births only apply to resident woman of 10 years or more of age.

Children younger than one year registered in the household as household members and whose mothers no longer reside in the household [due to death or departure] shall not be considered in the births to women historical calendar.

Is considered live birth any product resulting from conception and which, after expulsion or extraction for the mother's body, exhibits any sign of life such as shouting, crying, breathing, heart beating, mobility [movements], even if he only lived for a few minutes after birth.

[Page 75]

Q: "Has [the respondent] already given birth to a living child?"

If the answer is no:
Write down in the reserved boxes "00" for males and "00" for females.

If the answer is yes:
Ask for the number of male births and female births;
Write down the declared number of male children and female children in the boxes reserved to that effect.

Botswana 2001 — source variable BW2001A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born
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Fertility and child survival -- females

A27. How many children have been born (include those who have died) alive by [the person]?

_ _ Males
_ _ Females
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Questions A27 - A30 must be completed for all females aged 12 years and over, regardless of their marital status and their relationship to the head of household. For males of any age and females under 12 years of age, enter a dash in these columns. For young girls (e.g. 12-15 years old) who are still living at home with their parents, this question may be considered rather personal. Take care how you ask the question.

117. Column A27: Children born alive

Q: How many children have been born alive by[the person]?

In column A27 you must record (as a two-digit code) the total number of children ever born alive to the woman/girl. Children born alive are those children who cried at least once after birth. All other births are stillbirths. Remember to include all those children who have died, but do not include stillbirths. When recording, you must always ensure that the total number of male children ever born to a woman in A27 equals to those living with the mother (in A28) plus those living elsewhere (in A29) and those dead (in A30). Similarly the sum of females in A28 and A29 and A30 should sum to females in A27.

121. Check that the number of male children and female children entered in column A27 is the sum of the male and female children respectively entered in columns A28, A29, and A30. Reconcile any differences with the respondent before leaving the household.

Remember that the codes in columns A27 - A30 are all two-digit codes. In most cases you must therefore remember to put a zero in front, e.g. 2 children would be coded as 02.

If a woman has never had a live birth, enter 00 in all the columns. Never leave any column blank. If a woman has children in only one or two categories, insert the figures in the appropriate columns and enter 00 in the remaining column(s).

If unknown, enter 99 and explain in the comments box.

Botswana 2011 — source variable BW2011A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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A. Person Information

Fertility and child survival

25. How many children have been born alive by [the respondent]?
[Include those who have died]

Number of males ____
Number of females ____
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154. Columns A26-A31: Fertility and child survival (females only)
It must be noted that fertility is defined as actual birth performance of a woman.
Questions A26-A29 must be completed for all females aged 12 years and over, regardless of their marital status and their relationship to the head of household. For males of any age and females less than 12 years of age, enter a dash in these columns. For young girls (i.e. 12-15 years old) who are still living at home with their parents, this question may be considered rather personal. Take care how you ask the question.

Questions A30-A31 are only asked of females aged 12 to 49 years old. For others, enter a dash in these columns. The enumerator should always check at all times that the number of children in A26 should be equal to the sum of this in A27, A28, and A29. The enumerator should therefore always crosscheck that these balances before moving on to the next section.

The relevant portion of the sample questionnaire is shown on page 61 for easy reference.

155. Column A26: Children born alive
Q. How many children have been born alive by the respondent?
In column A26 you must record (as a two-digit code) the total number of children ever born alive to the woman. Children born alive are those children who cried at least once after birth. All other births are stillbirths. Remember to include all those children who have died, but do not include stillbirths. When recording, you must always ensure that the total number of male children ever born to a woman in A26 equals to those living with the mother (in A27) plus those living elsewhere (in A28) and those dead (in A29). Similarly the sum of females in A27 and A28 and A29 should sum to females in A26.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_CHBORNM — Males born alive as of July 31, 2010
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6. Resident characteristics

For women aged 10 years or more
[Questions 6.63 to 6.69 were asked for women aged 10 years or more]

6.63 How many live births did you have up to July 31, 2010?

[] 1 Live births

6.631 _ _ number of male children (go to 6.64)
6.632 _ _ number of female children (go to 6.64)

[] 2 None (skip to 6.69)

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For female residents 10 years of age or older

6.63 - How many sons and daughter have you had born alive before July 31, 2010?

1 ? Had children born alive
___ Men
___ Women

2 - Had no children (alive)

To answer this question, you should consider as live birth, those which, after birth, regardless of the duration of pregnancy, showed sign of life (breathing, crying, movement of voluntary muscle contraction, heartbeat, etc.), even if he/she died thereafter.

Record by gender, the number of children born alive before July 31, 2010.

For example: if the person had two sons, both should be recorded in category 2 Men and 0 Women.
When the person had no children (alive) before July 31, 2010, mark 2- Had no children (alive).

Burkina Faso 1996 — source variable BF1996A_BIRTHM — Male live births
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Female residents age 12 years or older:
[Questions P24 to P26 were asked for females 12 years of age or older.]

Survival of children

P24. Live births: How many live births total has [person] had?

Write the given number, divided by sex.

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_CHBORNM — Male live births
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Survival of children
[Question P.26-P.28 were asked of female residents age 10 years or older]

P26. Live births:

How many live births total has [the person] had?

Write the given number, divided by sex.

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

Cambodia 1998 — source variable KH1998A_CHBORNM — Children ever born, males
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Form B: Household Questionnaire Part 3: Fertility Information of Females Aged 15 and Over Listed in Column 2 of Part 2

Fertility Information

_ _ 4 Number of Children Born
(Give number in two digits like 01, 02,...................10, 11 etc. If none, write 00)

How many children have been born alive to the woman ?
_ _ (a) Male
_ _ (b) Female

How many of them are living?
_ _ (c) Male
_ _ (d) Female

How many of them have died?
_ _ (e) Male
_ _ (f) Female

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Column 4: Number of Children Born

110. The questions in this Column have been designed in such a way as to elicit the vital information we require without embarrassing the respondents. We have to find out the total number of children born to a woman, number of children living and number of children dead among them. Please remember that the nature of responses you will obtain will depend, to a great extent, on how tactfully you put these questions. Great care must be taken to choose words which, while retaining the exact meaning of the questions, will not give rise to any emotional feelings. Finally, please note that the word "children" in the questions refers to the woman's own offspring of whatever age and sex and not the children of a brother, sister or husband or other relative or non-relative or adopted ones who may be living with her. You should also note that some of the respondents may be old and their memory weak. You should, therefore, exercise patience and help them to recollect the correct number of children born to them. If no child is reported for any of the questions, write 00 in the column concerned.

Note: It is common experience that the birth of the child may not be reported readily if the child is not actually surviving at the time of enumeration. Infant deaths are still high in the country. There is a chance of a number of such cases being missed unless specifically questioned about. It is necessary to record all live births even if the child has died soon thereafter or had not survived to the day of enumeration. Where a woman first answers that no child was ever born to her, you may perhaps question her as follows: "It has been found in some houses that a child was born and had died soon after or a few days or months later and such cases had not been reported. It is my hope that there are no such cases here. Am I right?" This may bring in the required response. If she reports 'No' then you can be sure that no birth has been missed.
Columns 4: (a) and (b): How many Children have been born alive to you? (Separately by males in column (a) and females in Column (b))

111. Record the number of children born alive to the respondent in the space provided, for male children in Column (a) and for female children in Column (b). Give the number in two digits as instructed at the heading of this column. When administering this question care must be taken to ensure that only the number of children born alive to a respondent is recorded. When a child is not born alive it is called a still birth. Still births should not be included while furnishing information in Columns 4 (a) or 4 (b).

112. It is therefore necessary for you to know the definition of live birth (or children born alive). It is as follows:-

Live birth is the complete expulsion (delivery) or extraction from its mother of a product of conception (baby), irrespective of the duration of pregnancy. The baby after such separation, breathes or shows other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached. Each product of such birth is considered as a live-birth.

To put it in simple terms, a live birth is one in which the baby has cried.

Columns 4: (c) and (d): How many of them are living? (separately for male children living in Column (c) and female children living in Column (d))

Cambodia 2004 — source variable KH2004A_CHBORNM — Children ever born male
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Form B: Household questionnaire Part 3

Part 3: Fertility information of females aged 15 and over listed in column 2 of part 2

[Questions 1-8 were asked of females age 15 and older]

Fertility information

Number of children born (give number in two digits, like 01, 02... 10, 11, etc. If none, write 00)

[4] How many children have been born alive to the woman?

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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82. Filling-in of Form B Household Questionnaire: Part 3: Fertility Information of Females Aged 15 and over Listed in Columns 2 of Part 2
This part of the questionnaire relates to fertility information. These questions will be asked in the case of female aged 15 and over in the household who have already been enumerated in part 2 of Form B household Questionnaire. Note that fertility information should be collected in column 4 to 6 for all women ages 15 and about in the household irrespective of their age or marital status. In other words, this will include elderly women and women who were never married, widowed, divorced, or separated.

86. Column 4, 5, 6: Number of children born.
The questions in these Columns have been designed in such a way as to elicit the vital information we require without embarrassing the respondents. We have to find out the total number of children born to a woman, number of children living and number of children dead among them. Please remember that the nature of responses you will obtain will depend, to a great extent, on how tactfully you put these questions. Great care must be taken to choose words which, while retaining the exact meaning of the questions will not give rise to any emotional feelings Finally, please note that the word "children" in the questions refer to the woman's own offspring of whatever age and sex and not the children of a brother, sister or husband or other relative or non-relative or adopted ones who may be living with her. You should also note that some of the respondents may be old and their memory weak. You should, therefore, exercise patience and help them to recollect the correct number of children born to them. If no child is reported for any of the questions, write 00 in the Column concerned.
Note: It is common experience that the birth of child may not be reported readily if the child is not actually surviving at the time of enumeration. Infant deaths are still high in the country. There is a chance of a number of such cases being missed unless specifically questioned about. It is necessary to record all live births even if the child has died soon thereafter or had not survived to the day of enumeration. Where a woman first answers that no child was ever born to her, you may perhaps question as follows: "It has been found in some houses that a child was born and had died soon after or a few days or month later and such cases had not been reported. It is my hope that there are no such cases here. Am I right?". This may bring in the required response. If she reports 'No' then you can be sure that no birth has been missed.

87. Columns 4: (a) and (b): How many Children have been born alive to you? (Separately by males in column (a) and females in column (b))
Record the number of children born alive to the respondent in the space provided, for male children in column (a) and for female children in column (b) Give the number in two digits as instructed at the heading of this column. When administering the question care must be taken to ensure that only the number of children born alive to a respondent is recorded. When a child is not born alive it is called a still birth and it should not be included while furnishing information in columns 4 (a) or (b).
87.1 It is therefore necessary for you to know the information of live birth (or children born alive). It is as follows:
Live birth is the complete expulsion (delivery) or extraction from its mother of a product of conception (baby), irrespective of the duration of pregnancy. The baby after such separation, breathes or shows other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached. Each product of such delivery is considered as alive-birth.
To put it in simple terms, a live birth is one in which the baby has cried.

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_CHBORNM — Children ever born, male
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Form B: household questionnaire - part 3: fertility information of females aged 15 and over listed in column 2 of part 2
[Questions 1-6 were asked of females age 15 and older]

Number of children born
(Give number in two digits, like: 01, 02... 10, 11, etc. If none, write 00)

4. How many children have been born alive to the woman?

a. Male _ _
b. Female _ _

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Filling in of Form B Household Questionnaire Part 3: Fertility Information of Females Aged 15 and over Listed in Column 2 of Part 2
110. This part of the questionnaire relates to fertility information. These questions will be asked in the case of females aged 15 and over in the household who have already been enumerated in Part 2 of Form B Household Questionnaire. Note that fertility information should be collected for all women aged 15 and above in the household irrespective of their age or marital status. In other words, this will include elderly women and women who were never married, married, widowed, divorced or separated.

110.1 You have already listed the names of usual members present and visitors present in the household on Census Night in Column 2 of Part 2. You have also filled in Columns 3 to 23 of Part 2. Now you have to first identify from Columns 2, 4 and 5 of Part 2, all females aged 15 and over in the household. As an indication that you have identified each such female, you should tick mark the serial number of the female concerned in Column 1 of Part 2. You have to collect fertility information about these women and record them in Columns 4 to 8 of Form B Part 3 of the questionnaire. The following are the instructions for filling in Columns 1 to 8 of Form B Part 3 of the questionnaire:

Columns 4 to 6: Number of Children Born

114. The questions in this Column have been designed in such a way as to elicit the vital information we require without embarrassing the respondents. We have to find out the total number of children born to a woman, number of children living and number of children dead among them. Please remember that the nature of responses you will obtain will depend, to a great extent, on how tactfully you put these questions. Great care must be taken to choose words which, while retaining the exact meaning of the questions, will not give rise to any emotional feelings. Finally, please note that the word "children" in the questions refers to the woman's own offspring of whatever age and sex and not the children of a brother, sister or husband or other relative or non-relative or adopted ones who may be living with her. You should also note that some of the respondents may be old and their memory weak. You should, therefore, exercise patience and help them to recollect the correct number of children born to them. If no child is reported for any of the questions, write 00 in the column concerned.

114.1 It is common experience that the birth of the child may not be reported readily if the child is not actually surviving at the time of enumeration. Infant deaths are still high in the country. There is a chance of a number of such cases being missed unless specifically questioned about. It is necessary to record all live births even if the child has died soon thereafter or had not survived to the day of enumeration. Where a woman first answers that no child was ever born to her, you may perhaps question her as follows: "It has been found in some houses that a child was born and had died soon after or a few days or months later and such cases had not been reported. It is my hope that there are no such cases here. Am I right?" This may bring in the required response. If she reports "No" then you can be sure that no birth has been missed.

Columns 4: (a) and (b): How many Children have been born alive to the woman? (Separately by males in Column (a) and females in Column (b))

115. Record the number of children born alive to the respondent in the space provided, for male children in Column (a) and for female children in Column (b). Give the number in two digits as instructed at the heading of this column. When administering this question, care must be taken to ensure that only the number of children born alive to a respondent is recorded. When a child is not born alive it is called a still birth. Still births should not be included while furnishing information in Columns 4 (a) or 4 (b).

116. It is therefore necessary for you to know the definition of live birth (or children born alive). It is as follows:

Live birth is the complete expulsion (delivery) or extraction from its mother of a product of conception (baby), irrespective of the duration of pregnancy. The baby, after such separation, breathes or shows other evidence of life
such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached. Each product of such birth is considered as a live birth.

To put it in simple terms, a live birth is one in which the baby has cried.

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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[Questions 1-7 were asked of females age 15 and older]

Fertility information

Number of children born (give number in two digits, like: 01, 02... 10, 11, etc. If none, write 00)

5. How many children have been born alive to the woman?

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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82. Filling-in of Form B household questionnaire part 3: fertility information of females aged 15 and over listed in column 2 of part 2

This part of the questionnaire relates to fertility information. These questions will be asked in the case of female aged 15 and over in the household who have already been enumerated in part 2 of Form B household Questionnaire. Note that information should be collected in this part for all women ages 15 and over in the household irrespective of their age or marital status. In other words, this will include elderly women and women who were never married, widowed, divorced, or separated.

82.1 you have already listed the names of usual members present and visitors present in the household on survey night in column 2 of part 2. You have also collected information about the persons in column 3 to 25 of part 2. Now you have to first identify from columns 2, 4 and 5 of part 2, all female aged 15 and over in the household. As an indication that you have identified each such female, you should tick mark the serial number of the female concerned in column 1 of part 2. You have to collect fertility information about these women and record them in columns 4 to 7 of Form B Part 3 of the questionnaire.

Following are the instructions for filling-in columns 1 to 7 of Form B part 3 of the questionnaire

87. Column 5, 6, 7: number of children born.

The questions in these columns have been designed in such a way as to elicit the vital information we require without embarrassing the respondents. We have to find out the total number of children born to a woman, number of children living and number of children dead among them. Please remember that the nature of responses you will obtain will depend, to a great extent, on how tactfully you put these questions. Great care must be taken to choose words which, while retaining the exact meaning of the questions will not give rise to any emotional feelings. Finally, please note that the word "children" in the questions refer to the woman's own offspring of whatever age and sex and not the children of a brother, sister or husband or other relative or non-relative or adopted ones who may be living with her. You should also note that some of the respondents may be old and their memory weak. You should, therefore, exercise patience and help them to recollect the correct number of children born to them. If no child is reported for any of the questions, write 00 in the column concerned.

Note: it is common experience that the birth of child may not be reported readily if the child is not actually surviving at the time of enumeration. Infant deaths are still high in the country. There is a chance of a number of such cases being missed unless specifically questioned about. It is necessary to record all live births even if the child has died soon thereafter or had not survived to the day of enumeration. Where a woman first answers that no child was ever born to her, you may perhaps question as follows: "It has been found in some houses that a child was born and had died soon after or a few days or month later and such cases had not been reported. It is my hope that there are no such cases here. Am I right?" This may bring in the required response. If she reports 'No' then you can be sure that no birth has been missed.

88. Columns 5: (a) and (b): how many children have been born alive to you? (separately by males in column (a) and females in column (b))

Record the number of children born alive to the respondent in the space provided, for male children in column (a) and for female children in column (b).Give the number in two digits as instructed at the heading of this column. When administering the question care must be taken to ensure that only the number of children born alive to a respondent is recorded. When a child is not born alive it is called a still birth and it should not be included while furnishing information in columns 5(a) or (b).

88.1 It is therefore necessary for you to know the meaning of live birth (or children born alive). It is as follows:

[p. 39]

Live birth is the complete expulsion (delivery) or extraction from its mother of a product of conception (baby), irrespective of the duration of pregnancy. The baby after such separation, breathes or shows other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached. Each product of such delivery is considered as alive-birth. To put it in simple terms, a live birth is one in which the baby has cried.

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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Form B household questionnaire part 3

Fertility information of females aged 15 and over listed in column 2 of part 2

Number of children born
Give number in two digits like 01, 02, 03, ... 10, 11. If none write '00'):

4. How many children have been born alive to the woman?
_ _ 4a. Male
_ _ 4b. Female

Cameroon 2005 — source variable CM2005A_CHBORNM — Number of male live births
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Females 12 and above
[Questions 34-36 were asked of females age 12 and older.]

34. How many live births has she ever had?

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

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34. Woman's name and number of live born children

Live births
Live births means all products of conception which, after expulsion or extraction from the mother's body, shows any sign of life, like crying, tears, breathing, heartbeat, motility, even if it only lived a few minutes after birth.
-Write down the name of the each woman age 12 or older respecting the order number of the registration rank of the first page of the questionnaire.

[Example omitted]

Q: Did ______ deliver a live baby?
If the answer is no:
-Mark in the reserved space 00 for the male sex and 00 for the female sex in Q. 34 and Q35

If the answer is yes:
-Ask the number of male births and the number of female births;
-Mark the number of children of male sex and the number of children of female sex declared in the reserved space.

China 1990 — source variable CN1990A_CHBORNM — Number of male births
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14. No. of children ever born and now living:
Women age 15-64.

a) Children born alive:
Male: _____
Female: _____

b) Children living at present:
Male: _____
Female: _____

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14. Number of Children ever born to a Woman and now living ---Those women aged 15-64.

This part includes two questions: (1) the number of males and females born alive to a woman (including those born alive but deceased soon after); (2) the number of living males and females at the time of Census, among those born alive. The number includes those who live in the household as well as those who do not. However, the deceased children before the time of Census are included. Children ever born alive and living at present are biological children and do not include those of husband's ex-wife, step children, and in principle adopted children. For some women who keep the adoptive relationship confidential, the adoptee can be considered as biological children and living children.

China 2000 — source variable CN2000A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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For women aged between 15 and 50.
[Questions 25 and 26.]

25. Number of liveborns

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

Number of living children

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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Part One. Personal Records

R25 and R26 only apply to female between age 15 and 50.

R25. Number of children born to the respondents
Fill in the number of children ever born to the female respondents by the time of census. Record the number of boys and girls separately.

Number of live-born children records the number of live new-born children the female respondent gave birth to. It includes those born alive but died soon after. Fill in the number of females and males separately. Live-born means: at the time of delivery (no matter how long the duration of pregnancy was), the baby had breath, heartbeat, umbilical pulse, voluntary muscle contraction, or other signals of life.
Number of living children records the number of living females and males that the respondent gave birth to. It includes those who live in the household as well as those who do not.
This question asks about only the biological children and do not include those of husband's ex-wife, step children, and in principle adopted children. For some women who keep the adoptive relationship confidential, the adoptee can be considered as biological children and living children.

Colombia 1993 — source variable CO1993A_CHBORNM — Sons ever born
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F 4. Ask these questions of all women who are twelve years old or more.

40. How many children have you had in your life (live births)?

_ _ Number of sons
_ _ Number of daughters
00 None (continue with the next person)

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F4. Ask these questions to all women 12 years old or older

40. How many sons or daughters born alive has ... had in her whole life?

Ask the interviewed person for the number of sons and daughters, born alive, that a woman has had during her whole life; write separately, in the corresponding boxes, the number of male and female children.

[Below the text is a form.]

Keep in mind that a mother when taking account of her children can forget some who died or do not live with her. Help with her with questions like "did you count those who are away?", "did you count any who have died".

If the interviewed person has doubts about what "born alive" means you can make it clear in accordance with the following:

Born alive

It is considered that a baby is born alive when at the moment of birth it shows signs of life like breathing, crying or moving. If a child upon being born shows any of these signs of life and then dies, it is born alive, and therefore should be counted.

It is important to keep in mind the previous because some women declare as still born children who, having been born alive, die during their first hours or months of their life.

If a woman or the interviewed person do not remember or do not know the number of male and female children, born alive, that she has had, write "99" in the boxes corresponding to "No. of male children" and "No. of female children" and continue with the next question.

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_CHBORNM — Number of boys born alive
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For women 12 years old or more (generated by the DMC)
[Questions 55-58 were asked of women age 12+.]

55. Has [the respondent] had a son or daughter that was born alive? (basic)

[] 1 Yes

How many? _ _
How many males? _ _
How many females? _ _

[] 2 No (Continue with Control 10)

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Child born alive

It is every newborn child who shows signs of live after birth, like moving, breathing or crying.

If when being born the baby shows any of these signs and a little later died, it is a child born alive. Therefore, it should be included in the number of children had and excluded from the number of surviving children.

Côte d'Ivoire 1988 — source variable CI1988A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born
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Women age 12 and older
[Question 34 through 36 were asked to women age 12 and older.]

34. Total number of live births

Ask the question, "How many live births have you had in your life?" Indicate the reported number in the coding table.
_ _ Total
Ask the surveyed woman to indicate how many male live births she has had. Indicate the reported number in the coding table.
_ _ Male
Ask the surveyed woman to indicate how many female live births she has had. Indicate the reported number in the coding table.
_ _ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions to ask resident females ages 12 years and older

Women who are visiting the household are not concerned by this section of the questionnaire.

Question 34: Total number of live births

Ask the question, "How many live births have you had in your life?"

A live birth is a child who, at birth, demonstrated signs of life (crying, breathing, heartbeat, etc.).

Indicate the reported number in the total column. Note the number of boys in the male column and the number of girls in the female column.

Côte d'Ivoire 1998 — source variable CI1998A_CHBORNM — Male children born alive
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Female residents of age 12 years and over
[Question 36 to 38 were asked of female residents age 12+.]

36. Total number of live-born children

Ask the question: How many live births have you had in your life? Ask the number of boys and girls. Record the number of boys in the "male" box and the number of girls in the "female" box.

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Note: Questions 36, 37, and 38 relate exclusively to women, whether present or absent, who reside in the household and are 12 years of age or older.
For male residents 12 years of age or older, you must draw a slash through column 36 and the columns that follow.

Questions 36, 37, and 38 pertain to live births. Thus the questions must be asked of all female residents 12 years of age or older. By live birth, we mean all children born alive, that is, any product of conception that has manifested any sign of life (screams, crying, breathing, heartbeat, etc.) after complete extraction of the body from the mother. Stillborn children, however, which should not be counted for these purposes, are children who died before the complete extraction of the body from the mother (dead fetus), called stillbirths.

Question 36: Total number of children born alive
Ask the questions: Since you started having children, how many children have you had who were born alive? How many boys? How many girls?

Write the number of boys in the male grid and the number of girls in the female grid. These numbers are expressed using two digits, like this: [example omitted.]

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_CHBORNM — Male children born alive
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For women 12 years of age and older [Applies to questions 66-72.]

D. Fertility Characteristics

66. How many children born alive have you had in total?

____ Total
____ Males
____ Females
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For women 12 years of age and older

Question 66:How many total children born alive have you had?
(It should be indicated that a child born alive is one who showed some sign of life at birth, e.g. breathing, crying, movement, even if the child passed away immediately; therefore it should be included)

The total number of children born alive is recorded.

The number of males and females is recorded and the corresponding circles are filled in.

If there were no children born alive, the number "0" (zero) is recorded and the zero circles are filled in.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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For women of 15 years old and more
[Questions 64-67 were asked for women age 15+.]

64. In total, how many live-born children has [the respondent] had, including those that died a few hours or days after birth? If any, indicate the number; if not, fill the oval box, and skip to the next person.

_ _ Sons
_ _ Daughters
[] None
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions 64-67 should only be asked to women who are 15 years old or older.

Question 64: In total, how many live births has (NAME) had, even if the baby died a few hours or days after being born?
Consider live births to be only those that "after being pushed out or removed from the mother's womb, was breathing or with some other vital signs, such as heartbeat, a pulsating umbilical cord, or muscle movements or voluntary contractions, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta has been removed or not".

Record in each box the total number of male children and female children that the woman has born.
If the woman answered that she has not had any female or male children alive, fill in the bubble to none and continue with the next person.

In the case that all children are male record "00" in female children, and if all children are female record "00" in male children.

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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For women age 15 and older (check from questions 27 and 29)

56. In total, how many live births has [the respondent] had, even if the baby died a few hours or days after being born?

If the interviewee has had children, record the number of children born. If the interviewee has had children of only one sex, record the total number and write "00" in the box corresponding to the other sex. If the interviewee has never had children, fill in the bubble "none", then go to the next person.
_ _ Female children
_ _ Male children

[] None (go to next person)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 56. In total, how many children has [the respondent] had, even if the baby died a few hours or days after being born?
The purpose of this question and the following questions is to gather information in order to estimate two important demographic variables: mortality and fertility.

All children born alive are considered alive if they are breathing, had heart beat or any other sign of life. Ask the mother about her live births, since it is common for mothers to not count as live births those children who were born alive but died a few hours or days after being born.
Read the information above question 56 which indicated that the question is only for women age 15 or older. Therefore you should only ask this question to all women who are 15 years old or older, as stated in the instructions you should check the age and sex of the women from questions 27 and 29.

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born
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Women twelve years old and older
[Questions 36-40 were asked of women 12 years and older.]

36. How many sons and daughters born alive has [the respondent] had during her entire lifetime?

_ _ Total children
_ _ Total males
_ _ Total females
[] 99 Does not know.
[] 0 None (continue with the next person)

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[Section 4]

Step 16: Continue with section 4, information about the population, / F: Fertility and mortality.

  • Follow the sequencial order of the questions.
  • Remember that the questions are only for women 12 years old and older.
  • All of the questions should have an answer, if the informant does not know, mark x as corresponds.
  • If the woman has never had children, mark x in 0 (none) and continue with the next person.
  • Pay attention to the leaps in questions 36 and 40.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_LIVEBTH — Ever gave birth
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[Questions 25-30 are for females age 12 or older]

25. Have you had a live-born child?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (end the interview)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 25-30 are for females age 12 or older. For all girls younger than this and for males, cross out questions 25-30 with a diagonal line]

Question 25: Have you had a live-born child?

A live-born child is a child who showed signs of life when he/she was born, such as breath, muscle movement or a heartbeat, even if the child died immediately.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born
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[Questions 25-30 are for females age 12 or older]

26. How many live-born children have you had?

Males /_/_/
Females /_/_/

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 25-30 are for females age 12 or older. For all girls younger than this and for males, cross out questions 25-30 with a diagonal line]

Question 26: How many live-born children have you had?

In this box write the exact number of live born children, including those who are dead and those who are currently alive, whether they are residing in the dwelling or not.

Include all children without exception, regardless of whether the mother had them out of wedlock, whether they were legitimate or illegitimate. Do not include adopted children.

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_CHHOMEM — Number of male children living at home
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What is the total number of children ever born to [person]?
37. Living at home
_ _ Males
_ _ Females
38. Living elsewhere
_ _ Males
_ _ Females
39. Dead
_ _ Males
_ _ Females
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Columns 37 - 40: For All women Ten Years Old and Over

In these columns all women aged ten years and over will be asked the number live birth they have given and the number filled in these columns.

Before entering any data in these columns, it is important to understand the definition of "live birth". Live birth means a newborn baby has life as the time of birth. In general number of babies born live does not include abortion or still birth.

Columns 37 - 39: Total number of children ever born to [the respondent]?

For women ten years and over who has never had children born to them "00" will be entered in the card columns under columns 37, 38 and 39.

Column 37: Living at Home

Number of children by gender living with the household their mother is a member of will be entered in card columns 68 and 69 under column 37. Code "00" will be entered in card columns 68 and 69 for women aged ten years and over if the children do not live with them.

Column 38: Living elsewhere

In column 38 card columns 70 and 71 number of children living elsewhere will be entered by gender. If the children born to the woman do not live elsewhere then "00" will be entered in this column and in card columns 70 and 71.

Column 39: Dead

Number of children dead by gender, if any, will be entered in column 39 card columns 72 and 73. However if there are no children dead "00" will be entered in this column card columns 72 and 73. When filling this column it has to be noted that children dead means those who died after they were born.

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_CHAWAYM — Number of male children living elsewhere
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
What is the total number of children ever born to [person]?
37. Living at home
_ _ Males
_ _ Females
38. Living elsewhere
_ _ Males
_ _ Females
39. Dead
_ _ Males
_ _ Females
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Columns 37 - 40: For All women Ten Years Old and Over

In these columns all women aged ten years and over will be asked the number live birth they have given and the number filled in these columns.

Before entering any data in these columns, it is important to understand the definition of "live birth". Live birth means a newborn baby has life as the time of birth. In general number of babies born live does not include abortion or still birth.

Columns 37 - 39: Total number of children ever born to [the respondent]?

For women ten years and over who has never had children born to them "00" will be entered in the card columns under columns 37, 38 and 39.

Column 37: Living at Home

Number of children by gender living with the household their mother is a member of will be entered in card columns 68 and 69 under column 37. Code "00" will be entered in card columns 68 and 69 for women aged ten years and over if the children do not live with them.

Column 38: Living elsewhere

In column 38 card columns 70 and 71 number of children living elsewhere will be entered by gender. If the children born to the woman do not live elsewhere then "00" will be entered in this column and in card columns 70 and 71.

Column 39: Dead

Number of children dead by gender, if any, will be entered in column 39 card columns 72 and 73. However if there are no children dead "00" will be entered in this column card columns 72 and 73. When filling this column it has to be noted that children dead means those who died after they were born.

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_CHDEADM — Number of male children dead
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What is the total number of children ever born to [person]?
37. Living at home
_ _ Males
_ _ Females
38. Living elsewhere
_ _ Males
_ _ Females
39. Dead
_ _ Males
_ _ Females
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Columns 37 - 40: For All women Ten Years Old and Over

In these columns all women aged ten years and over will be asked the number live birth they have given and the number filled in these columns.

Before entering any data in these columns, it is important to understand the definition of "live birth". Live birth means a newborn baby has life as the time of birth. In general number of babies born live does not include abortion or still birth.

Columns 37 - 39: Total number of children ever born to [the respondent]?

For women ten years and over who has never had children born to them "00" will be entered in the card columns under columns 37, 38 and 39.

Column 37: Living at Home

Number of children by gender living with the household their mother is a member of will be entered in card columns 68 and 69 under column 37. Code "00" will be entered in card columns 68 and 69 for women aged ten years and over if the children do not live with them.

Column 38: Living elsewhere

In column 38 card columns 70 and 71 number of children living elsewhere will be entered by gender. If the children born to the woman do not live elsewhere then "00" will be entered in this column and in card columns 70 and 71.

Column 39: Dead

Number of children dead by gender, if any, will be entered in column 39 card columns 72 and 73. However if there are no children dead "00" will be entered in this column card columns 72 and 73. When filling this column it has to be noted that children dead means those who died after they were born.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_MALEHOME — Male children ever born living at home
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Section III: Detailed particulars of household members

Asked for women aged 10 years and above
[Questions 34-38 were asked of female residents' age 10+.]

Total number of children ever born alive

34. What is the number of children living at home?

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column 34 - 38: Are questions referring the fertility experience of women aged 10 years and over.

Column 34 - 37: The total number of children ever born alive

This question is going to be asked for female member of a given household who are aged 10 years and above regarding the number of children they have ever born during life time
pg 81
(which includes children who are living with them, children who are dead and children who are living in other places). Nevertheless, Females whose age is less than ten years and members who are males of any age are excluded from being asked this question.

Before forwarding the question to the respondent, the enumerator should understand the concept of being "born alive". Being "born alive" means without considering the number of months the fetus stayed in its mother's womb, if the child breaths at the time of birth or if he/she shows life before or after the umbilical chord is cut; such as when the child experiences a heart beat, umbilical chord beat, crying, muscle movement etc?, it is only under this condition we come to say that the child is "born alive." What should be noted here is that if the child shows life even for a very little time and die soon no matter how long the pregnancy lasted, the child will be considered to be "born alive". However, in situation when the fetus dead in the womb and abortion cases are not taken in to an account.

Traditionally, some mothers consider their adopted children as their own biological children, so due attention must be taken while asking the question to the respondent. What is required to collect is the information regarding the number of children ever born by their biological parents. For this purpose three separate questions (questions regarding children who are living with their parents, who are not living with them and who are dead) are built to collect the required information on the number of children ever born by a given respondent. This method helps parents to remember their entire biological children; so we can get the exact information on the number of ever born children. But adopted children are not counted and therefore enumerators should take care while collecting the information.

Column 34: What is the number of children living at home (Male, Female)?

For women age 10 years and above the question concerning the number of children they ever born and currently are living with them will be asked. The information (the number of ever born children who are living with their mothers) to be collected will be recorded separately by sex on the spaces provided. Under this question children who are included are:
Pg 82

If the respondent is currently married, the children who are born from the current spouse and living with them now.

If the respondent was married before current marriage, children who were born before current marriage and living with their mothers in the current household.

In addition, children born out of marriage or born before their first marriage and are living with their mothers in the current household.

Nevertheless, children who are born from the husband and any other women or children who are not born from the respondent are not included. For females who are 10 years and over but don't have children with them or never born before "0" will be written in the space provided.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_MALEAWAY — Male children ever born living elsewhere
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Section III: Detailed particulars of household members

Asked for women aged 10 years and above
[Questions 34-38 were asked of female residents' age 10+.]

Total number of children ever born alive

35. What is the number of children living elsewhere?

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column 34 - 38: Are questions referring the fertility experience of women aged 10 years and over.

Column 34 - 37: The total number of children ever born alive

This question is going to be asked for female member of a given household who are aged 10 years and above regarding the number of children they have ever born during life time
pg 81
(which includes children who are living with them, children who are dead and children who are living in other places). Nevertheless, Females whose age is less than ten years and members who are males of any age are excluded from being asked this question.

Before forwarding the question to the respondent, the enumerator should understand the concept of being "born alive". Being "born alive" means without considering the number of months the fetus stayed in its mother's womb, if the child breaths at the time of birth or if he/she shows life before or after the umbilical chord is cut; such as when the child experiences a heart beat, umbilical chord beat, crying, muscle movement etc?, it is only under this condition we come to say that the child is "born alive." What should be noted here is that if the child shows life even for a very little time and die soon no matter how long the pregnancy lasted, the child will be considered to be "born alive". However, in situation when the fetus dead in the womb and abortion cases are not taken in to an account.

Traditionally, some mothers consider their adopted children as their own biological children, so due attention must be taken while asking the question to the respondent. What is required to collect is the information regarding the number of children ever born by their biological parents. For this purpose three separate questions (questions regarding children who are living with their parents, who are not living with them and who are dead) are built to collect the required information on the number of children ever born by a given respondent. This method helps parents to remember their entire biological children; so we can get the exact information on the number of ever born children. But adopted children are not counted and therefore enumerators should take care while collecting the information.

Column 35: What is the number of children living elsewhere (Male, Female)?

The question refers to children who are "born alive" and currently residing in other places rather than with their families. The separate questions will be asked by sex so that the number of children who are not living with their mothers by sex will be obtained. And the information to be collected will be filled in on the space provided. If the respondent have no children who are living in other places and never born before, the space provided must be filled with "0" for both sexes. Under this question children who are included are:

If the respondent is currently married, the children who are born from the current husband and living in other places.

If the respondent was married before the current marriage, children who are born before the current marriage and living in other place.

In addition children born out of marriage or born before their first marriage and are living in other place.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_MALEDEAD — Male children dead
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Section III: Detailed particulars of household members

Asked for women aged 10 years and above
[Questions 34-38 were asked of female residents' age 10+.]

Total number of children ever born alive

36. What is the number of children dead?

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column 34 - 38: Are questions referring the fertility experience of women aged 10 years and over.

Column 34 - 37: The total number of children ever born alive

This question is going to be asked for female member of a given household who are aged 10 years and above regarding the number of children they have ever born during life time
pg 81
(which includes children who are living with them, children who are dead and children who are living in other places). Nevertheless, Females whose age is less than ten years and members who are males of any age are excluded from being asked this question.

Before forwarding the question to the respondent, the enumerator should understand the concept of being "born alive". Being "born alive" means without considering the number of months the fetus stayed in its mother's womb, if the child breaths at the time of birth or if he/she shows life before or after the umbilical chord is cut; such as when the child experiences a heart beat, umbilical chord beat, crying, muscle movement etc?, it is only under this condition we come to say that the child is "born alive." What should be noted here is that if the child shows life even for a very little time and die soon no matter how long the pregnancy lasted, the child will be considered to be "born alive". However, in situation when the fetus dead in the womb and abortion cases are not taken in to an account.

Traditionally, some mothers consider their adopted children as their own biological children, so due attention must be taken while asking the question to the respondent. What is required to collect is the information regarding the number of children ever born by their biological parents. For this purpose three separate questions (questions regarding children who are living with their parents, who are not living with them and who are dead) are built to collect the required information on the number of children ever born by a given respondent. This method helps parents to remember their entire biological children; so we can get the exact information on the number of ever born children. But adopted children are not counted and therefore enumerators should take care while collecting the information.

Column 36: What is the number of children dead? (Male, Female).

By asking the respondent that among the children who are "born alive" how many of them died, the information will be filled on the space provided. But if there is no child dead the space will be filled with "0" for both sexes. When the enumerator fills this question you should remember that children ever dead mean, children who are born alive but dead after some time. As mentioned earlier it is important to remember that children who are dead include children born with marriage and died or children born out of marriage and died.

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_CHHOMEM — Number of sons living at home
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Section 3: Details of persons in the household

[Questions 26-29 were asked of long form respondents 10+.]

26. Of the children you have borne, how many sons and daughters are now living with you?

Record "0" if none.
Record "0" for women who have no child at all.
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 26-29:- Are questions referring the fertility experience of women aged 10 years and over.

Question 26-28:- The number of children the respondent has ever born

This question is going to be asked for member of a given household who are females aged 10 years and above regarding the number of children they have ever born during life time (which includes children who are living with them, children who are dead and children who are living in other places). Nevertheless, Females whose age is less than ten years and members who are males of any age are excluded from being asked this question.

Before forwarding the question to the respondent, the enumerator should understand the concept of being "born alive". Being "born alive" means without considering the number of months the fetus stayed in its mother's womb, if the child breaths at the time of birth or if he/she shows life before or after the umbilical chord is cut; such as when the child experiences a heart beat, umbilical chord beat, crying, muscle movement etc..., it is only under this condition we come to say that the child is "born alive." What should be noted here is that if the child shows life even for a very little time and die soon no matter how long the pregnancy lasted, the child will be considered to be "born alive". However, in situation when the fetus dead in the womb and abortion cases are not taken in to an account.

Traditionally, some mothers consider their adopted children as their own biological children, so due attention must be taken while asking the question to the respondent. What is required to collect is the information regarding the number of children ever born by their biological parents. For this purpose three separate questions (questions regarding children who are living with their parents, who are not living with them and who are dead) are built to collect the required information on the number of children ever born by a given respondent. This method helps parents to remember their entire biological children; so we can get the exact information on the number of ever born children. But adopted children are not counted and therefore enumerators should take care while collecting the information.

Question 26:- How many children have you borne who are now living with you (Male, Female)?

For women age 10 years and above the question concerning the number of children they ever born and currently are living with them will be asked. The information (the number of ever born children who are living with their mothers) to be collected will be filled and marked separately by sex on the spaces provided. Under this question children who are included are:

- If the respondent is currently married, the children who are born from the current spouse and living with them now.
- If the respondent was married before current marriage, children who were born before current marriage and living with their mothers in the current household.
- In addition, children born out of marriage or born before their first marriage and are living with their mothers in the current household.

Nevertheless, children who are born from the husband and any other women or children who are not born from the respondent are not included. For females who are 10 years and over but don't have children with them or never born before code "0" will be filled and marked.

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_CHAWAYM — Number of sons living elsewhere
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Section 3: Details of persons in the household

[Questions 26-29 were asked of long form respondents 10+.]

27. Of the children you have borne, how many sons and daughters are living elsewhere?

Record "0" if none.
Record "0" for women who have no child at all.
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 26-29:- Are questions referring the fertility experience of women aged 10 years and over.

Question 26-28:- The number of children the respondent has ever born

This question is going to be asked for member of a given household who are females aged 10 years and above regarding the number of children they have ever born during life time (which includes children who are living with them, children who are dead and children who are living in other places). Nevertheless, Females whose age is less than ten years and members who are males of any age are excluded from being asked this question.

Before forwarding the question to the respondent, the enumerator should understand the concept of being "born alive". Being "born alive" means without considering the number of months the fetus stayed in its mother's womb, if the child breaths at the time of birth or if he/she shows life before or after the umbilical chord is cut; such as when the child experiences a heart beat, umbilical chord beat, crying, muscle movement etc..., it is only under this condition we come to say that the child is "born alive." What should be noted here is that if the child shows life even for a very little time and die soon no matter how long the pregnancy lasted, the child will be considered to be "born alive". However, in situation when the fetus dead in the womb and abortion cases are not taken in to an account.

Traditionally, some mothers consider their adopted children as their own biological children, so due attention must be taken while asking the question to the respondent. What is required to collect is the information regarding the number of children ever born by their biological parents. For this purpose three separate questions (questions regarding children who are living with their parents, who are not living with them and who are dead) are built to collect the required information on the number of children ever born by a given respondent. This method helps parents to remember their entire biological children; so we can get the exact information on the number of ever born children. But adopted children are not counted and therefore enumerators should take care while collecting the information.

Question 27: - How many children have you borne who are now living elsewhere (Male, Female)?

The question refers to children who are "born alive" and currently residing in other places rather than with their families. The separate questions will be asked by sex so that the number of children who are not living with their mothers by sex will be obtained. And the information to be collected will be filled and shaded on the space provided. If the respondent have no children who are living in other places and never born before, the space provided must be filled with "0" for both sexes. Under this question children who are included are:

- If the respondent is currently married, the children who are born from the current husband and living in other places.
- If the respondent was married before the current marriage, children who are born before the current marriage and living in other place.
-In addition children born out of marriage or born before their first marriage and are living in other place.

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_CHDEADM — Number of sons dead
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Section 3: Details of persons in the household

[Questions 26-29 were asked of long form respondents 10+.]

28. Did you have children who have died?

If "yes," how many are males and how many are females.
Record "0" if none.
Record "0" for women who have no child at all.
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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Question 26-29:- Are questions referring the fertility experience of women aged 10 years and over.

Question 26-28:- The number of children the respondent has ever born

This question is going to be asked for member of a given household who are females aged 10 years and above regarding the number of children they have ever born during life time (which includes children who are living with them, children who are dead and children who are living in other places). Nevertheless, Females whose age is less than ten years and members who are males of any age are excluded from being asked this question.

Before forwarding the question to the respondent, the enumerator should understand the concept of being "born alive". Being "born alive" means without considering the number of months the fetus stayed in its mother's womb, if the child breaths at the time of birth or if he/she shows life before or after the umbilical chord is cut; such as when the child experiences a heart beat, umbilical chord beat, crying, muscle movement etc..., it is only under this condition we come to say that the child is "born alive." What should be noted here is that if the child shows life even for a very little time and die soon no matter how long the pregnancy lasted, the child will be considered to be "born alive". However, in situation when the fetus dead in the womb and abortion cases are not taken in to an account.

Traditionally, some mothers consider their adopted children as their own biological children, so due attention must be taken while asking the question to the respondent. What is required to collect is the information regarding the number of children ever born by their biological parents. For this purpose three separate questions (questions regarding children who are living with their parents, who are not living with them and who are dead) are built to collect the required information on the number of children ever born by a given respondent. This method helps parents to remember their entire biological children; so we can get the exact information on the number of ever born children. But adopted children are not counted and therefore enumerators should take care while collecting the information.

Question 28:- Did you have children who have died? If yes, record how many died (Male, Female).

By asking the respondent that among the children who are "born alive" how many of them died, the information will be filled on the space provided. But if there is no child dead the space will be filled with code "0" for both sexes. When the enumerator fills this question you should remember that children ever dead mean, children who are born alive but dead after some time. As mentioned earlier it is important to remember that children who are dead include children born with marriage and died or children born out of marriage and died.

Fiji 1976 — source variable FJ1976A_CHBORNM — Boys born alive
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For all women born in 1962 and before
[Questions 17-19 were asked of women born in 1962 and before.]

17. How many children has [the person] borne alive?

Write number of boys and girls. If none, write 0.
____ Boys
____ Girls

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_CHBORNM — Total male children ever born
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For all women born in 1992 or before
[Questions F1-F6 were asked of women born in 1992 or before.]

F3. How many live born children of each sex have in total been born to [the person]?

(If none, write 0)
____ Male
____ Female
____ Total

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_CHBORNM — Number of children ever born -- male
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P18 Children ever born: Answer for females 12 years and older. (For females under 12 years and all males go to next member)
[Questions P18a and P18b were asked of females 12+.]

P18a Male children ever born: How many male children has (name) ever born alive? (Living with you or elsewhere or dead) _ _

Mark the box with X in the column to make up your code.

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P18 Children ever born: "answer for females 12 years and older (for females under 12 years and all males go to next member)"

Question P18 is to be asked of only of females who have ever had a live birth. A live birth is defined as the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, which after separation, breathes or shows any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been out or the placenta is attached.

P18a Male children ever born: How many male children has (name) ever born alive? (living with you or elsewhere or dead)

The question is to find out if the respondent has ever given birth to a male child and the number. Probe, for some women may forget to tell you about male children who died very young. The number includes those of her own male children staying with her, those staying elsewhere and those who died.

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

[P20a and P20b were asked for females age 12 years or older.]

P20a. Children ever born
How many children has [the respondent] ever born alive?

Male _ _
Female _ _
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P20a. Number of children ever born alive (answer for females 12 years old and older): How many children has (name) ever born alive?

Question 20a is to be asked of only females aged 12 years and older. A live birth is defined as the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of the pregnancy, which after separation, cried, breathed or showed any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached. Children born alive includes male and female children born alive and still living and those who have since died. It excludes children who did not show any signs of life at birth (still births/fetal deaths).

Information on the number of children born alive includes all children born alive during the lifetime of the female concerned up to the Census Night. The number recorded should include all male and female children born alive whether born in or out of marriage, born in present or previous marriage, or in a de facto union. It also includes all children of the female concerned living with her in the household as well as those living elsewhere. Excluded are adopted children, step children and children of other relations, e.g. sisters and cousins.

You should record the number of all live births of the female concerned by sex and in 2 digits. If the female concerned has not had any live birth during her lifetime, you should record 00 in the boxes provided and go the next eligible female.

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_CHBORNM — Male children born alive
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VII. People in the census household

Only for women 15 years of age and older
[Questions 21 - 24 were asked of women age 15+ old]

21. Total children born alive

How many children born alive have you had in total?

[] 00 None
[] [If any write the total number]
_ _ Total
_ _ Males
_ _ Females
[] 99 Unknown
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E. Fifth block: fertility and mortality characteristics (for all women 15 years of age and older)

Questions 21-24 are designed to obtain information to allow estimations of levels and trends in fertility, mortality, and population growth.

The adequate investigation of this question requires that the enumerator be delicate and extremely diligent in the request for information. Questions 21-24 should be presented to all women 15 years of age and older, irrespective of their marital status. If possible, these questions should be presented directly to each woman. Women sometimes forget to declare children born alive who have passed away, children who are alive but living in another place of residence, and also newborns. This should be kept in mind to avoid omissions.

It has been verified that certain enumerators suppose that unmarried women do not have children and therefore do not present the pertinent questions to them. This is inadequate and leads to the collection of poor quality data.

Question 21: total number of children born alive

This question is presented to all women 15 years of age and older, irrespective of their marital status.

1. How to formulate the question

How many children born alive have you had in total?

The following definition should be taken into account:

Child born alive: The child who, after birth, breathes, cries, or moves; whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut, whether or not the child is connected to the placenta.

If any of these vital signs are present, the child is considered to be born alive, even if passing away immediately thereafter.

2. How to record the data

Before recording the information, pertinent questions should be asked until it is certain that no child born alive has been omitted and those children born alive who died shortly after birth or in the first months of life are included. Those children who do not live with the mother and reside in another place as well as newborns should also be included.

[p. 89]

The number of children born alive, by sex, is recorded after the corresponding word: "total", "males," "females." If the enumerated woman has not had any children born alive, the word "00. none" is marked.

When the informant does not know if the enumerated person has had children born alive, the category "99. unknown" is marked.

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 21 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_CHBORNM — Number of boys ever born
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VII. People in the census household

For women 12 years old or older
[Question 20 - 24 were asked of women age 12 years old or older]

21. Total of son and daughter born alive

How many children born alive have you had in total?

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
_ _ Total
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Questions for females aged 12 and older
The purpose of questions 20-24 is to obtain information that allows estimates as to the level and trend of fertility, mortality, and growth of the population.

[p. 68]

The enumerator must be dedicated and careful in order to obtain the appropriate information in this important question set. Ask all females older than 12, regardless of their marital status.

If possible, ask girls and women directly. They may forget sometimes, and state that children who have died were live-born, or are alive living elsewhere, and newborns. Keep this in mind so as to avoid missing anyone.

Note that information about live-born children should include all children that the girl or woman has had, either as the result of a marriage or cohabitation, or from a current or former marriage.

Remember that the following questions are to be asked of all girls or women aged 12 and older, regardless of their current marital status.

21. Total number of live-born children
Keep in mind the definition of live-born child as you ask this question.

Ask, "How many live-born children, both male and female, have you had in all?" Record the total number of live-born children, live-born sons, and live-born daughters separately in the appropriate grid spaces.

[A graphic of box 21, "total number of live-born children," is reproduced on the right-hand side of the page.]

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_CHBORNM — Number of boys born alive
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Chapter VII. Characteristics of the people

For women 12 years and older
[Question 22 to 25 are for women 12 years and older]

22. How many daughters and sons born alive have you had in total?

_ _ Males
_ _ Females

[] 1 None (proceed to another person)
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Section 7: Individual characteristics

This section records individual information for a maximum of ten people - those listed in section 6, "total number of persons in the household." If there are more than ten people in the census household use as many additional forms as necessary.

[A graphic of the "individual characteristics", located at the top of section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Person number: In the grid spaces on the upper left side of the form, write the number that corresponds to the person according to the order from the list of persons in section VI. The head of household is number 1.

Name: In the appropriate space, write the name of each of the persons who make up the household according to the order in which they appear on the list in question 3 of section VI. Begin with the head of household and continue writing according to the order established.

Information supplied by respondent: This is when the person interviewed gives information about his/her own self. Fill in the appropriate oval according to the information you receive.

Questions 1-11 should be asked for all permanent residents of the household in the dwelling.

Questions 22-25 are for females aged 12 and over.

Note that they may have or have had children even if they are single or minors.

Ask these questions directly of each female. Try to make sure that they do not forget to include live-born children who have since died, those who are still alive and living elsewhere, and recently born children.

[p. 71]

22. Total number of live-born children
Ask, "How many live-born children has the person had in all?"

[A graphic of question 22, from section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Live-born: This is a child who breathed, cried or moved when he/she was born, even if he/she died immediately afterward and regardless of whether or not the umbilical cord had been cut or the placenta delivered.

Write the total number of children indicated by the respondent. Do not forget to include children who live elsewhere, as well as those who have died.

If the answer is "none," go to the next person (female aged 12 and over).

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born
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Resident women aged 12 years or more
[Questions 20-22 were asked of women aged 12 years or more. Questions 20-22 were related to the number of live births]

P20 Total number of children ever born, by sex

_ _ Males
_ _ Females
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Columns P20, P21 and P22: Questions Related To Live Births
Columns P20, P21 and P22 are related to live births. Thus the questions should be [directed to] resident women aged 12 or older. By live birth is understood all children who were born alive, that is, the product of any conception that showed any sign of life (shouting, crying, breathing, heartbeat, etc.) after complete removal from the body of the mother. Still-born children, who will not be considered here, are children who die before complete removal from the body of the mother.

In column P21, it is a question of finding out how many of the children given birth to by the mother, from her youngest [childbearing] age to the present, are still alive at the date of the census. Gather the information according to the sex of the children.

In column P22 it is now only a question of live births who have survived through the course of the most recent annual period, that is, the 12 last months preceding the date of your visit to the household. Here you should also gather the information according to the sex of the child.

One can imagine a series of well-articulated questions to cover all three columns in the following way:

1) How many children have you given birth to, from your youngest [childbearing] age up to today? How many boys? How many girls?
2) How many children are still living today? How many boys? How many girls?
3) Over the last 12 months, how many live children have you given birth to? How many boys? How many girls?

What is in question here are quantitative variables, and so you should write the numeric responses in the numbering grids provided: 2 numbers to express the number of live-born children, the number of surviving children, and the number of live-born children in the last 12 months for each sex in columns P20, P21 and P22.

Guinea 2014 — source variable GN2014A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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III. Individual characteristics

Female resident of 12 years or more
[Questions P28M - P29F were asked of female residents aged 12 years or older.]

P28. Total live births

How many live births has [the respondent] delivered over the course of her life?

If no male children, enter 00 in P28M. If no female children, enter 00 in P28F. If P28M = 00 and P28F = 00, go to the next person.
_ _ P28M. Male
_ _ P28F. Female

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_CHBORNM — Number of males born alive
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For women 12 years of age and older
[Questions 26-30 were asked of female aged 12 years or older]

29. How many children born alive have you had?

____ Total
____ Male
____ Female

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29. How many children born alive have you had?
Record the total number of children, along with the number of boys and number of girls.

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born
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VIII. Women with status of married, divorced, widowed
[Questions 39-46 were asked of women who indicated being married, divorced, or widowed, as per question 5.]

42. Number of children born alive

_ _

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F. Block VIII. Women who are married, divorced, or widowed

Question 42: Total number of children ever born alive
Fill in total number of children ever born alive in the provided space. Fill in box number 104-105 for boys, and fill in box number 106-107 for girls.

Children ever born are any children who at the time of their births showed any signs of life, even if momentarily, such as heart beat, breathing, crying, or other signs of life. Children who at the time of their birth did not show any signs of life are called stillbirths.

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_HOMEMALE — Number of sons in household
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VII. Ever married women age 10-54
[Questions 701-716]

707. How many sons and how many daughters live with [the respondent]?

Sons _ _
Daughters _ _

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6.7 Block VII. Women age 10-54 who ever married
This block is only asked to women aged 10-54 years old who ever married in order to obtain information on marriage, number of children born alive, children currently alive and deceased children. The characteristics are very useful to count the total number of births and the number of stillbirths. Try to interview the mother in question.

Block VII is filled in after the characteristics of all household members are recorded into Block V and Block VI. In a set of SUPAS95-S there are 4 pages of Block VII that are in pages 26-29. Write the characteristics of ever married women age 10-54 first on page 26, then on page 27 and so forth. If in one household there are more than four ever married women aged 10-54 years old, use an extra page.

For Block VII, read the questions that are printed in small letters.

Question 706 to 716: Number of children born alive
These questions are to collect the characteristics on all of the children born alive to the respondent, regardless of who the father is. When collecting the data on this matter, please explain to the respondent that the events to be covered are the children born alive even if [they are] not living in the same household or have passed away. Born alive is a child who, when born, showed signs of life such as crying, moving or breathing, even if the child only lived a few moments.

Also ask the respondent not to report the number of stillbirths (when the child did not show signs of life), foster children, or stepchildren.

Question 707: Number of born children who live with the mother
Read this question clearly. The data recorded here are for biological sons and/or daughters who usually live together with the respondent in the household where the interview was conducted. Fill in the number of biological sons and daughters who live together with the respondent. If only sons live there, write "00" in the boxes of "Daughters" and vice versa [if only daughters live there].

Indonesia 2010 — source variable ID2010A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born
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Ever married women age 10 or older
[Questions 219-221 were asked of ever-married women age 10 or older.]

[Questions 220-221 were asked of ever-married women age 10 or older who had a live birth.]

220. How many of [the respondent's] children are:

a. Living in this household?

_ _ Sons
_ _ Daughters

b. Living elsewhere?

_ _ Sons
_ _ Daughters

a. Have died?

_ _ Sons
_ _ Daughters

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Ever Married Women Who Are 10 Years or Older
[p. 142]
Questions number 219, 220 and 221 are asked to women who have ever married who are 10 years or older. If Q203 has a code 2, Q204 (age) 10 or older, and Q215 has codes 2, 3 or 4, then Q219, Q220 and Q221 must be asked. If not all requirements are met, then Q219, Q220 and Q221 should not be asked and should be left BLANK (Don't enter code 00).
The information which will be collected from every female household member who has ever married aged 10 or older is: has she ever given birth to a baby born alive, number of children still living, number of children who have died and whether she has given birth to a child after 1 January 2009. Information about number of children born alive who are still living and number of children who died must be recorded in detail classified by sex and whether or not the living children live in this household or a different household. Stillborn children are not included in this question.

Questions 220a, 220b and 220c: Total Number of Children Born Alive
Ask the total number of own children who were ever born alive to the household member who meets all the requirements [respondent has had a live birth]. Record the total number of children born alive, those who are still alive and live in this household or live in a different household as well as those who have already died. For the household member who has been married several times, this should include the children from all marriages from the first through the last.
Child born alive is an own child who at the time of its birth had signs of life, even though only for a very short time, such as heart beating, breathing, and crying.
Stillborn means that at the time of birth the child did not show any signs of life. A stillborn child is not included in this question.
If a child lives outside this household and it is not known whether the child is still alive, then it is assumed to be still alive.
In order to be clear and correct, the enumerator should read aloud the results he/she has recorded to confirm the information with the respondent. Say:

"So that I am sure that I have correctly recorded the information, please correct me if I have made any mistakes.

a. Number of own children of (Mrs. Arina, for example) still alive and who live in this household is (2, for example) boys and (1) girl.
b. Number of own children of (Mrs. Arina, for example) still alive and who live outside this household is (1, for example) boy and (no) girl.
c. Number of own children of (Mrs. Arina) who have died is (no) boy and (1) girl."

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_CHBORNM — Number of live-born boys
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For women who have codes 1, 2 or 3 in Column 20
[Questions 30-34 were asked of ever married women]

For code 1 in column 30
[Questions 31-34 were asked of ever married women who gave birth]

Number of live-born children


31. Boy _ _

32. Girl _ _
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27.1. Number of live-born children, Columns 31 through 34

27.1.1. Total, Column 31 and 32
"Number of live born children" is the number of living children a woman (who has been married at least once) has given birth to up to now. These children might be alive or dead at the present time and might be living with this or another household. Ask the total number of live-born children for any woman who has been assigned code 1 in Column 30 and write the answer as a two-digit number, based on the gender of the child, in each of the boxes in Columns 31 and 32.

- Note that for those women who have been married more than once, the sum of the number of children obtained from all the marriages should be written in both of these columns. For instance, for a woman who has given birth to a son in her last marriage and 2 daughters in her current marriage, write 01 in Column 31 and 02 in Column 32.
- Note that for those women who have given birth only to boys or girls, write the number of children in one column and mark the other as "--".

Iran 2011 — source variable IR2011A_CHBORNM — Number of live male births
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Fertility status - for women aged 10 and over who have been married, widowed, or divorced from question 30

[Questions 32-36 for those who answered yes to question 31]

32. Number of children ever born (in total)

_ _ Boys
_ _ Girls
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Columns 31 -36, reproductive status -General description

[Picture omitted]
Fill this columns if codes 1, 2, or 3 is checked in column 30 and leave them blank for the rest.
? Fill these column for females only.
Columns 32 and 33, number of live newborns

Fill these columns if "yes" is checked in column 31 and leave blank for the rest.
Column 32, total number of live newborns

[Picture omitted]
Enter the total number of live newborns delivered till the time of enumeration for each female married at least once.
These children may
? not be alive at the time of enumeration
? live with the household under enumeration or another.
? from one or more marriages
Specify the number of live newborns based on gender as two-digit number e.g. if a woman has one son from previous marriage and two daughters from current marriage write "01" and "02" in respective rows. If all of the live newborns are the same gender, fill the row of other gender with "00".

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_CHBORNM — Number of live-born male children
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To be filled by people age 12 and older
[Applies to questions 38-45]

[Questions 42 to 45 are for married, divorced and widowed women]

43. Total number of live births during married life

Male ____
Female ____

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43. Total number of live born children during marriage life:
Recorded the number of live born (male and female) in numbers in the field specialized for each one of them. Those who were born from the recent marriage or the previous marriage and these two numbers must include the live born those who died after a short time or a long time from their born and this does not include the infant that was born dead or the embryo that falls dead. If the women don't get birth to a live the word (zero) must be put in the space.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born
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Section 5: Fertility
[Questions 5.1-5.11. for females ages 14-49]

5.2 How many live born children and of what sex?

If not stated, record 99 [for total]

Total_ _
Male_ _
Female_ _

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Section 5: Fertility
[Females ages 14 to 49]

5.91 General
This section is comprised of question 5.1 through 5.11, and the information is to be completed only for females ages 14 to 49. The questions are of a very personal nature and you must assure the respondent that this type of information is very crucial to population/planning, since it provided very useful indicators of population growth. Be very careful when asking the questions from young women. In all instances, you must assure the parents and the youth how important these questions are to the study of and planning for issues related to reproductive health among young people. Reassure them of the confidentiality clause regarding Census data collection

These questions are related to the number of live-born children a woman has had. Some women might tend to exclude children who were born alive but subsequently died. These children are not to be excluded from the count. A live birth is the product of a pregnancy that shows some sign of life after expulsion, even if [the child] dies a few minutes after.

5.92 Questions 5.1-5.2: Number of live-born children ever had and their sex.

Using two digits score the total, as well as the number of male and female births. For numbers between 1 and 9, write 01-09.

Kenya 1989 — source variable KE1989A_HOMEMALE — Male children living at home
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D. Females aged 12 years and over

How many children has [the respondent] born alive who are living in this household?

P40. Boys ____
P41. Girls ____

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The questions in columns P40 to P51 apply to all women and girls aged 12 years and over

146. Answers are required of all women in this category. It does not matter whether or not they are married, single, divorced or separated; whether or not they are still attending school; or their relationship to the head of the household: you must ask the questions of all women and girls aged twelve years and over. The first thing to do is check column P00 to identify all those to whom these questions should be addressed.

147. For males and for girls under twelve years of age, leave columns P40 to P51 blank.

148. Many women do not like answering questions about their children. There are various reasons for this, but it is your job to obtain the answers. It will require firmness, politeness and tact.

149. Ask of all females age 12 and over whether they have borne any live children.

150. A child borne alive is one who cries after birth. The census is concerned only with children borne alive. Do not include stillbirths; that is, children who were born dead and therefore did not cry at the time of birth.

151. If the woman has never borne any live children, write '00' in each of columns P40 to P51.

152. If the woman has borne live children, ask, 'of the children she has borne alive, how many are living in this household?'

153. Write the number of boys who are living in the household in column P40 and the number of girls in column P41. If none of the boys or girls are living in the household, write '00' in the appropriate columns. You should be able to verify this information from column P00. If, for example, the woman has only two boys and two girls, you should write '02' in column P40 and '02' in column P41.

154. Next, of the children borne alive, ask her how many are living elsewhere?'

155. Write the number of boys who are living elsewhere in column P42 and the number of girls in column P43. If none of the boys or girls she has borne alive are living elsewhere, write '00' in the appropriate columns.

156. Include in these columns all the children she has borne alive who are living elsewhere. It may be that they have grown up and married, or have gone off to work, or are living with relatives, or are in a boarding school, and so on. Make sure that none of the children she has borne alive are missed and ask further questions to probe the matter fully, such as, 'are any of your children away, at work, or with relatives?'

157. Then ask, 'of the children you have borne alive, how many have died?'

158. Many people do not talk of the dead and many others find it painful. It is best to ask this question in a matter of fact way and without embarrassment. Please refer to item 150 above for the definition of a live birth.

159. Write the number of boys who have died in column P44 and number of girls in column P45. If none of the boys and girls she has borne have died, write '00' in the appropriate columns.

160. If, in-spite of your best efforts, you cannot obtain this information about the children who have died, code '99' in column P44 and P45. Do not leave any of these columns blank.

161. Before proceeding to columns P46 through P51, probe to know whether the number of children given in columns P40 through P 45 is correct by asking the woman again how many children she has given birth to. If this number differs from the total number in columns P40 through P 45, adjust your entries accordingly.

162. Ask, 'in what year was her last child born?'

163. Record the year of birth in column P47. For the years 1970 to 1989 state the year, but if the child was born before 1970 and the year is not known you may write '1969'. Code the last two digits of the year (e.g., 70 for 1970, 79 for 1979, and so forth).

164. If the child was born in 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 or 1989, ask, 'in what month of the year was the child born?'

165. Code the month in column P46. Use '01' for January, '02' for February, etc. If the child was born in 1984 or before, you need not code the month of birth. However if the month is known, even for years before 1984, you may code them.

166. Then ask, 'was it a boy or a girl?'

167. Code the sex of the last borne child in column P48. Code '1' for males and '2' for females. If they were male twins, code '3', if female twins code '4', it twins with one of each sex, code '5', code '6' for other multiple births.

168. In column P49 indicate whether the child is still alive. If in column P48 it was indicated that they were twins or multiple births, preference will be given to dead children. If all the children of the above birth categories have died, preference will be given to the one who died latest. If the last born child is alive, and is living with the mother in the household, check that the year of birth agrees with the age of the child given is in column P12. If the dates do not agree, find out what has gone wrong and make the necessary corrections. If the child has died (see column P49), code the month and year of death in columns P50 and P51, respectively.

Kenya 1989 — source variable KE1989A_AWAYMALE — Male children living away
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D. Females aged 12 years and over

How many children has [the respondent] born alive living elsewhere?

P42. Boys ____
P43. Girls ____

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The questions in columns P40 to P51 apply to all women and girls aged 12 years and over

146. Answers are required of all women in this category. It does not matter whether or not they are married, single, divorced or separated; whether or not they are still attending school; or their relationship to the head of the household: you must ask the questions of all women and girls aged twelve years and over. The first thing to do is check column P00 to identify all those to whom these questions should be addressed.

147. For males and for girls under twelve years of age, leave columns P40 to P51 blank.

148. Many women do not like answering questions about their children. There are various reasons for this, but it is your job to obtain the answers. It will require firmness, politeness and tact.

149. Ask of all females age 12 and over whether they have borne any live children.

150. A child borne alive is one who cries after birth. The census is concerned only with children borne alive. Do not include stillbirths; that is, children who were born dead and therefore did not cry at the time of birth.

151. If the woman has never borne any live children, write '00' in each of columns P40 to P51.

152. If the woman has borne live children, ask, 'of the children she has borne alive, how many are living in this household?'

153. Write the number of boys who are living in the household in column P40 and the number of girls in column P41. If none of the boys or girls are living in the household, write '00' in the appropriate columns. You should be able to verify this information from column P00. If, for example, the woman has only two boys and two girls, you should write '02' in column P40 and '02' in column P41.

154. Next, of the children borne alive, ask her how many are living elsewhere?'

155. Write the number of boys who are living elsewhere in column P42 and the number of girls in column P43. If none of the boys or girls she has borne alive are living elsewhere, write '00' in the appropriate columns.

156. Include in these columns all the children she has borne alive who are living elsewhere. It may be that they have grown up and married, or have gone off to work, or are living with relatives, or are in a boarding school, and so on. Make sure that none of the children she has borne alive are missed and ask further questions to probe the matter fully, such as, 'are any of your children away, at work, or with relatives?'

157. Then ask, 'of the children you have borne alive, how many have died?'

158. Many people do not talk of the dead and many others find it painful. It is best to ask this question in a matter of fact way and without embarrassment. Please refer to item 150 above for the definition of a live birth.

159. Write the number of boys who have died in column P44 and number of girls in column P45. If none of the boys and girls she has borne have died, write '00' in the appropriate columns.

160. If, in-spite of your best efforts, you cannot obtain this information about the children who have died, code '99' in column P44 and P45. Do not leave any of these columns blank.

161. Before proceeding to columns P46 through P51, probe to know whether the number of children given in columns P40 through P 45 is correct by asking the woman again how many children she has given birth to. If this number differs from the total number in columns P40 through P 45, adjust your entries accordingly.

162. Ask, 'in what year was her last child born?'

163. Record the year of birth in column P47. For the years 1970 to 1989 state the year, but if the child was born before 1970 and the year is not known you may write '1969'. Code the last two digits of the year (e.g., 70 for 1970, 79 for 1979, and so forth).

164. If the child was born in 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 or 1989, ask, 'in what month of the year was the child born?'

165. Code the month in column P46. Use '01' for January, '02' for February, etc. If the child was born in 1984 or before, you need not code the month of birth. However if the month is known, even for years before 1984, you may code them.

166. Then ask, 'was it a boy or a girl?'

167. Code the sex of the last borne child in column P48. Code '1' for males and '2' for females. If they were male twins, code '3', if female twins code '4', it twins with one of each sex, code '5', code '6' for other multiple births.

168. In column P49 indicate whether the child is still alive. If in column P48 it was indicated that they were twins or multiple births, preference will be given to dead children. If all the children of the above birth categories have died, preference will be given to the one who died latest. If the last born child is alive, and is living with the mother in the household, check that the year of birth agrees with the age of the child given is in column P12. If the dates do not agree, find out what has gone wrong and make the necessary corrections. If the child has died (see column P49), code the month and year of death in columns P50 and P51, respectively.

Kenya 1989 — source variable KE1989A_DEADMALE — Male children who have died
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D. Females aged 12 years and over

How many children has [the respondent] born alive who have died?

P44. Boys ____
P45. Girls ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The questions in columns P40 to P51 apply to all women and girls aged 12 years and over

146. Answers are required of all women in this category. It does not matter whether or not they are married, single, divorced or separated; whether or not they are still attending school; or their relationship to the head of the household: you must ask the questions of all women and girls aged twelve years and over. The first thing to do is check column P00 to identify all those to whom these questions should be addressed.

147. For males and for girls under twelve years of age, leave columns P40 to P51 blank.

148. Many women do not like answering questions about their children. There are various reasons for this, but it is your job to obtain the answers. It will require firmness, politeness and tact.

149. Ask of all females age 12 and over whether they have borne any live children.

150. A child borne alive is one who cries after birth. The census is concerned only with children borne alive. Do not include stillbirths; that is, children who were born dead and therefore did not cry at the time of birth.

151. If the woman has never borne any live children, write '00' in each of columns P40 to P51.

152. If the woman has borne live children, ask, 'of the children she has borne alive, how many are living in this household?'

153. Write the number of boys who are living in the household in column P40 and the number of girls in column P41. If none of the boys or girls are living in the household, write '00' in the appropriate columns. You should be able to verify this information from column P00. If, for example, the woman has only two boys and two girls, you should write '02' in column P40 and '02' in column P41.

154. Next, of the children borne alive, ask her how many are living elsewhere?'

155. Write the number of boys who are living elsewhere in column P42 and the number of girls in column P43. If none of the boys or girls she has borne alive are living elsewhere, write '00' in the appropriate columns.

156. Include in these columns all the children she has borne alive who are living elsewhere. It may be that they have grown up and married, or have gone off to work, or are living with relatives, or are in a boarding school, and so on. Make sure that none of the children she has borne alive are missed and ask further questions to probe the matter fully, such as, 'are any of your children away, at work, or with relatives?'

157. Then ask, 'of the children you have borne alive, how many have died?'

158. Many people do not talk of the dead and many others find it painful. It is best to ask this question in a matter of fact way and without embarrassment. Please refer to item 150 above for the definition of a live birth.

159. Write the number of boys who have died in column P44 and number of girls in column P45. If none of the boys and girls she has borne have died, write '00' in the appropriate columns.

160. If, in-spite of your best efforts, you cannot obtain this information about the children who have died, code '99' in column P44 and P45. Do not leave any of these columns blank.

161. Before proceeding to columns P46 through P51, probe to know whether the number of children given in columns P40 through P 45 is correct by asking the woman again how many children she has given birth to. If this number differs from the total number in columns P40 through P 45, adjust your entries accordingly.

162. Ask, 'in what year was her last child born?'

163. Record the year of birth in column P47. For the years 1970 to 1989 state the year, but if the child was born before 1970 and the year is not known you may write '1969'. Code the last two digits of the year (e.g., 70 for 1970, 79 for 1979, and so forth).

164. If the child was born in 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 or 1989, ask, 'in what month of the year was the child born?'

165. Code the month in column P46. Use '01' for January, '02' for February, etc. If the child was born in 1984 or before, you need not code the month of birth. However if the month is known, even for years before 1984, you may code them.

166. Then ask, 'was it a boy or a girl?'

167. Code the sex of the last borne child in column P48. Code '1' for males and '2' for females. If they were male twins, code '3', if female twins code '4', it twins with one of each sex, code '5', code '6' for other multiple births.

168. In column P49 indicate whether the child is still alive. If in column P48 it was indicated that they were twins or multiple births, preference will be given to dead children. If all the children of the above birth categories have died, preference will be given to the one who died latest. If the last born child is alive, and is living with the mother in the household, check that the year of birth agrees with the age of the child given is in column P12. If the dates do not agree, find out what has gone wrong and make the necessary corrections. If the child has died (see column P49), code the month and year of death in columns P50 and P51, respectively.

Kenya 1999 — source variable KE1999A_CHBORNM — Number of males ever born
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C. Information regarding females aged 12 years and above:

How many children have you born alive?

Mark X in the box and fill single digit only for 10 and above

P-40. Boys ____
P-41. Girls ____

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Columns P40-51: Particulars of all live births

88. The questions in columns P40 to P51 apply to all females aged 12 years and over

89. Answers are required of all females in this category. It does not matter whether or not they are married, never married, divorced or separated; whether or not they are still attending school; or what their relationship to the head of the household is. You must ask the questions of all females aged twelve years and over. First thing to do is check in column P11 and P12 and then identify all those to whom these questions should be posed. Make sure you make your entries in the correct serial numbers for the eligible women.

90. For all males and for girls below twelve years of age, leave columns P40 to P51 blank. Also, if a female aged 12 years and above has, for some reason, declined to respond to the questions, leave columns P40 to P51 blank. However, this will not be tolerated. For childless women, code "0" in the appropriate bigger boxes.

91. Many women do not like answering questions about their children. There are various reasons for this, but it is your job to obtain the answers. It will require firmness, politeness and tact.

92. Ask of all females aged 12 years and over "Have you borne any children alive?"

(a, A child borne alive is one who shows one or more of the following signs of life immediately after birth:
(i) Crying or similar sounds
(ii) Movement of the limbs or any other parts of the body
(iii) Any other tangible signs of life.
The census is concerned only with children born alive. Do not include stillbirths, that is, children who were born dead and therefore did not show any sign(s) of life as above at the time of birth.

(b) If the woman has born any child alive, write the number of boys in the bigger box in P40 and the number of girls in P41 if it is a single digit. However; mark an "X" in the smaller box and then fill in the last digit for 1019. The following are examples:

93. If the woman has born children alive, ask, "of the children you have born alive, how many usually live with you in this household?" Write the number of boys who usually live in the household in column P42 and number of girls in column P43. If none of the boys or girls she has borne alive are living in the household, write "0" in the appropriate boxes. For female headed households, you should be able to verify this information from column P10 and P11. If for example the woman has only two boys and two 'girls then you should write "2" in column P42 and "2" in column P43, leaving the smaller boxes in each sub-column blank.

94. Next ask, "of the children you have born alive, how many usually live elsewhere?"

(a) Write the number of boys who usually live elsewhere in column P44 and the number of girls in column P45. Fill in a single digit in the bigger box under the appropriate column if less than ten (10); for 10 and above mark an "X" the smaller box and fill in the last single digit in the bigger box. If none of the boys or girls she has borne alive live elsewhere, write, "0" in the appropriate bigger boxes, leaving the smaller boxes blank.

(b) Include in these columns all the children she has borne alive who usually live elsewhere. It may be that they have grown up and married, or have gone off to work, or are living with relatives, or are in a boarding school etc. Make sure that none of the children she has borne alive are missed out. Ask further questions to probe the matter fully - "are any of your children away?" "at work?" "with relatives?", etc.

95. Then ask, "of the children you have born alive, how many have died?"

(a) Many people do not want to talk of the dead and many others find it painful to talk about their dead children. It is best to ask this question in a matter of fact way and without embarrassment. Please refer to paragraph 92(a) above for the definition of a live birth.

(b) Write the number of boys who have died in column P46 and number of girls in column in P47 using the same procedure as in 94 (a). If none of the boys and girls she has borne alive has died, code "0" in the appropriate columns.

(c) If, in spite of your best efforts, you cannot obtain this information about the children who have died, leave columns P46 and P47 blank. However, you should not encourage this.

96. Before proceeding to columns P48-P51, probe to know whether the number of children given in columns P42-x'47 is correct by comparing with the entry in columns P40 and P41. If these totals differ, probe further and adjust your entries accordingly.

97. Ask, "in what year and month was your last child born?" Record the month and year of birth in columns P48 and P49 respectively. Code the month in column P48 i.e. "01" for January, "02" for February, "12" for December. Code the last two digits of the year i.e. "80" for 1980, "89" for 1989 in column P49 etc.

98. Then ask, 'was it a boy or a girl?' Write the sex of the last borne child in column P50. Code "1" for male, "2" for female, "3" for male twins, "4" for female twins, "5" for twins with one of either sex, and "6" for other multiple births.

99. In column P51 indicate whether the child is still alive. If the last live birth is alive and living with the mother, check that year of birth agrees with the age of the child which is in column P12. If the dates do not agree, find out what has gone wrong and make any correction that is necessary. For single births code "1" if the child is still alive and "2" if dead. For twins code "3" if both twins are alive and "4" if only one of the twins is alive. For multiple births, code "5" if all the multiples are alive, "6" if two of the multiples are alive, "7" if only one of the multiples is alive and "8" if none of the multiples is alive. Write "9" if the survival status of the last birth is not known.

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_CHBORNM — Number of boys born alive
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B: Information regarding females aged 12 years and above
[Questions P-24 to P-36 were asked of females age 12+ only.]

Particulars of all live births
P-24, P-25. How many children have you ever born alive?

_ _ Boys
_ _ Girls

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

- Section B: Information regarding females 12 years old and above. This section covers columns P24 to P36. It pertains to live births and should be asked of all females aged 12 years and above and make appropriate entries for each. As much as possible, obtain the information directly from the female concerned. Information should only be obtained from someone else if the respondent cannot be reached.

31. Section B: Information regarding females aged 12 years and above

31.2 Columns P24?P25: Children born alive

Ask: "Have you ever borne any children alive?" (How many children have you ever borne alive?).
A child born alive is one who shows one or more of the following signs of life immediately after birth:

- Crying or similar sounds
- Movement of the limbs or any other parts of the body
- Any other tangible signs of life.

The census is concerned only with children born alive. Do not include stillbirths, that is, children who were born dead and therefore did not show any sign(s) of life as above at the time of birth.
If the woman has born any child alive, write the number of boys in the boxes in P24 and the number of girls in P25.

Kyrgyzstan 2009 — source variable KG2009A_CHBORNM — Number of male children born
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18. Women, 15 years of age and over, specify

How many children have you given birth to?

Boys _ _
Girls _ _

How many children are alive?

Boys _ _
Girls _ _

How many of them live elsewhere?

Boys _ _
Girls _ _

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Question 18. For women (aged 15 and over)
The question is to be asked of women at the age of 15 years and over, both married and not married.
For persons under 15 years of age this question is usually not to be filled in. But if a woman interviewed gave birth to children, the answers to following questions should be recorded for her either.

?) How many children were ever born, of whom how many boys and how many girls?
The total number of children born is to be recorded (excluding still births), whether all of them are alive at present or not and whether they are members of the household or live separately.
In separate boxes the number of boys and girls is to be entered.
Adopted or patronized children, as well as husband's children of a former marriage are not to be included in the number of children born to a given woman.
If a woman did not give birth to any child, "?" is to be entered in items "?", "b", and "c".
In separate boxes the number of boys and girls is to be entered.

Laos 1995 — source variable LA1995A_CHHOMEM — Number of male children born alive and present at home on census night
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E. For women, aged 15 to 49 years
[Questions 17-18 were asked of women aged 15 to 49]

17. Have you given any live birth?

If no: Enter N/A and continue with next woman
If yes: How many children born alive to you?

[] 1 Yes
Were with you on census night?
____ Male
____ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section E: For women aged 15 - 49 years
The purpose of questions 17 and 18 is to collect information for estimating fertility and infant and child mortality, preferably directly from the woman concerned.

Information on live births (fertility) should be obtained for all women aged 15 to 49 years. For all others, i.e. for women less than 15 years and those more than 49 years and all males, "N/A" should be recorded.

Information should be requested of all women 15-49 years, irrespective of their marital status or whether you think they have borne children or not. Efforts should be made to get responses from the women themselves and permission to do so should be obtained from the head of household. If the woman concerned is not present, someone else - preferably the head of household - should be used to answer the questions.

Definition of live birth
A child born alive is one who cries after being born. Thus, a live birth is a birth which results in a child that shows any sign of life irrespective of the time of period within which these signs are manifest.

Question 17: Children ever born
Identify all eligible women using the age of the woman. Check with question 2 for consistency; the number of children in question 2 must be equal or higher than the number in question 17 (the higher number in question 2 accepted because foster children also are eligible in that question).


There are four parts to this question and the order of asking them is as follows:

How many children born alive to you (or the respondent) were with you (or her) on the census night?
Record the number (incl. "0") of males and females.

Laos 1995 — source variable LA1995A_CHAWAYM — Number of male children born alive and elsewhere on census night
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
E. For women, aged 15 to 49 years
[Questions 17-18 were asked of women aged 15 to 49]

17. Have you given any live birth?

If no: Enter N/A and continue with next woman
If yes: How many children born alive to you?

[] 1 Yes
Were elsewhere on census night?
____ Male
____ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section E: For women aged 15 - 49 years
The purpose of questions 17 and 18 is to collect information for estimating fertility and infant and child mortality, preferably directly from the woman concerned.

Information on live births (fertility) should be obtained for all women aged 15 to 49 years. For all others, i.e. for women less than 15 years and those more than 49 years and all males, "N/A" should be recorded.

Information should be requested of all women 15-49 years, irrespective of their marital status or whether you think they have borne children or not. Efforts should be made to get responses from the women themselves and permission to do so should be obtained from the head of household. If the woman concerned is not present, someone else - preferably the head of household - should be used to answer the questions.

Definition of live birth
A child born alive is one who cries after being born. Thus, a live birth is a birth which results in a child that shows any sign of life irrespective of the time of period within which these signs are manifest.

Question 17: Children ever born
Identify all eligible women using the age of the woman. Check with question 2 for consistency; the number of children in question 2 must be equal or higher than the number in question 17 (the higher number in question 2 accepted because foster children also are eligible in that question).


There are four parts to this question and the order of asking them is as follows:

How many children born alive to you (or the respondent) were elsewhere on the census night?
Record the number (incl. "0") of males and females. These are children still alive but who were not at home on census night, e.g. they may be staying with some relative, be at a boarding school, have been given up for adoption or are grown-up children who have left the household.

Further probing may be necessary as all these children are to be entered whether they are members of the household or not.

Laos 1995 — source variable LA1995A_CHDEADM — Number of male children born alive but who died
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
E. For women, aged 15 to 49 years
[Questions 17-18 were asked of women aged 15 to 49]

17. Have you given any live birth?

If no: Enter N/A and continue with next woman
If yes: How many children born alive to you?

[] 1 Yes
Have died?
____ Male
____ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section E: For women aged 15 - 49 years
The purpose of questions 17 and 18 is to collect information for estimating fertility and infant and child mortality, preferably directly from the woman concerned.

Information on live births (fertility) should be obtained for all women aged 15 to 49 years. For all others, i.e. for women less than 15 years and those more than 49 years and all males, "N/A" should be recorded.

Information should be requested of all women 15-49 years, irrespective of their marital status or whether you think they have borne children or not. Efforts should be made to get responses from the women themselves and permission to do so should be obtained from the head of household. If the woman concerned is not present, someone else - preferably the head of household - should be used to answer the questions.

Definition of live birth
A child born alive is one who cries after being born. Thus, a live birth is a birth which results in a child that shows any sign of life irrespective of the time of period within which these signs are manifest.

Question 17: Children ever born
Identify all eligible women using the age of the woman. Check with question 2 for consistency; the number of children in question 2 must be equal or higher than the number in question 17 (the higher number in question 2 accepted because foster children also are eligible in that question).


There are four parts to this question and the order of asking them is as follows:

How many children born alive to you (or the respondent) have died?
Make the appropriate entries under columns for males and females.

This information is extremely important and it is difficult to obtain accurate data, because some respondents may fail to mention children who died very young or a long time ago. Probe by asking "Any male or female child who was born alive but only survived a few days or hours?"

Many respondents will be reluctant to talk about child deaths and become sad or upset that you are asking such questions. Be very tactful in such situations. Explain that you know the subject is painful but that the information is very important for calculation of death rates (mortality).

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_CHHOMEM — Male children living at home
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
E. For women, aged 15 to 49 years
Ask woman that are present at enumeration
[Questions 18-20 were asked of present women age 15 to 49].

[In Question 18] If no (2) or (9): continue with next woman. If yes (1): How many children born alive to you...
Were with you on census night?
_ Male
_ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section E: For women aged 15 - 49 years
The purpose of questions 18 -- 20 is to collect information for estimating fertility and infant and child mortality, preferably directly from the woman concerned.
Information on live births (fertility) should be obtained for all women aged 15 to 49 years. For all others, i.e. for women less than 15 years and those more than 49 years and all males, use the tick-box for alternative "9" in question 18, and leave the rest blank.
Information should be requested of all women 15-49 years, irrespective of their marital status or whether you think they have borne children or not. Efforts should be made to get responses from the women themselves and permission to do so should be obtained from the head of household. If the woman concerned is not present, someone else - preferably the head of household - should be used to answer the questions.
Definition of live birth: A child born alive is one who cries after being born. Thus, a live birth is a birth which results in a child that shows any sign of life irrespective of the time of period within which these signs are manifest.

Question 18: Children ever born
Identify all eligible women using the age of the woman. Check with question 2 for consistency; the number of children in question 2 must be equal or higher than the number in question 17 (the higher number in question 2 accepted because foster children also are eligible in that question).
There are four parts to this question and the order of asking them is as follows:

b. How many children born alive to you (or name) were with you (or her) on the census night?

Record the number (incl. "0") of males and females.

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_CHAWAYM — Male children living outside of home
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
E. For women, aged 15 to 49 years
Ask woman that are present at enumeration
[Questions 18-20 were asked of present women age 15 to 49].

[In Question 18] If no (2) or (9): continue with next woman. If yes (1): How many children born alive to you...
Were elsewhere than with you on census night?
_ Male
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section E: For women aged 15 - 49 years
The purpose of questions 18 -- 20 is to collect information for estimating fertility and infant and child mortality, preferably directly from the woman concerned.
Information on live births (fertility) should be obtained for all women aged 15 to 49 years. For all others, i.e. for women less than 15 years and those more than 49 years and all males, use the tick-box for alternative "9" in question 18, and leave the rest blank.
Information should be requested of all women 15-49 years, irrespective of their marital status or whether you think they have borne children or not. Efforts should be made to get responses from the women themselves and permission to do so should be obtained from the head of household. If the woman concerned is not present, someone else - preferably the head of household - should be used to answer the questions.
Definition of live birth: A child born alive is one who cries after being born. Thus, a live birth is a birth which results in a child that shows any sign of life irrespective of the time of period within which these signs are manifest.

Question 18: Children ever born
Identify all eligible women using the age of the woman. Check with question 2 for consistency; the number of children in question 2 must be equal or higher than the number in question 17 (the higher number in question 2 accepted because foster children also are eligible in that question).
There are four parts to this question and the order of asking them is as follows:

c. How many children born alive to you (or name) were elsewhere on the census night?

Record the number (incl. "0") of males and females. These are children still alive but who were not at home on census night, e.g. they may be staying with some relative, be at a boarding school, have been given up for adoption or are grown-up children who have left the household.
Further probing may be necessary as all these children are to be entered whether they are members of the household or not.

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_CHDEADM — Male children that died
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E. For women, aged 15 to 49 years
Ask woman that are present at enumeration
[Questions 18-20 were asked of present women age 15 to 49].

[In Question 18] If no (2) or (9): continue with next woman. If yes (1): How many children born alive to you...
Have died?
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Section E: For women aged 15 - 49 years
The purpose of questions 18 -- 20 is to collect information for estimating fertility and infant and child mortality, preferably directly from the woman concerned.
Information on live births (fertility) should be obtained for all women aged 15 to 49 years. For all others, i.e. for women less than 15 years and those more than 49 years and all males, use the tick-box for alternative "9" in question 18, and leave the rest blank.
Information should be requested of all women 15-49 years, irrespective of their marital status or whether you think they have borne children or not. Efforts should be made to get responses from the women themselves and permission to do so should be obtained from the head of household. If the woman concerned is not present, someone else - preferably the head of household - should be used to answer the questions.
Definition of live birth: A child born alive is one who cries after being born. Thus, a live birth is a birth which results in a child that shows any sign of life irrespective of the time of period within which these signs are manifest.

Question 18: Children ever born
Identify all eligible women using the age of the woman. Check with question 2 for consistency; the number of children in question 2 must be equal or higher than the number in question 17 (the higher number in question 2 accepted because foster children also are eligible in that question).
There are four parts to this question and the order of asking them is as follows:

d. How many children born alive to you (or name) have died?

Make the appropriate entries under columns for males and females.
This information is extremely important and it is difficult to obtain accurate data, because some respondents may fail to mention children who died very young or a long time ago. Probe by asking "Any male or female child who was born alive but only survived a few days or hours?"
Many respondents will be reluctant to talk about child deaths and become sad or upset that you are asking such questions. Be very tactful in such situations. Explain that you know the subject is painful but that the information is very important for calculation of death rates (mortality).

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_CHHOMEM — Male children living at home
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E. For women aged 15-49 years old (Directly ask female)

Number of children ever born alive

Q29. How many children are living currently with you?
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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4.6. Section E: For women aged between 15-49 (ask women directly)
The purpose of section E is to collect information on the fertility of women aged between 15-49 years. They will be interviewed about giving live births, age at first birth, and last birth. Surveyors should ask these questions directly to women. In case the target female interviewee is not at home, the surveyor can ask the head of the household instead.

Question Q29, Q30, Q31: Number of live births
Refers to the total number of children born including those who are alive and those who have died. Children who are still alive may be staying with their mothers or elsewhere. Adopted children, loved ones, children of fiancées, or cousins born by other people are not counted.
Write the number of live births for each question below:

Q29: How many children are with you now?
Refers to the total number of children who are living with the mother regularly at present.

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_CHAWAYM — Male children living elsewhere
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E. For women aged 15-49 years old (Directly ask female)

Number of children ever born alive

Q30. How many children are living elsewhere?
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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4.6. Section E: For women aged between 15-49 (ask women directly)
The purpose of section E is to collect information on the fertility of women aged between 15-49 years. They will be interviewed about giving live births, age at first birth, and last birth. Surveyors should ask these questions directly to women. In case the target female interviewee is not at home, the surveyor can ask the head of the household instead.

Question Q29, Q30, Q31: Number of live births
Refers to the total number of children born including those who are alive and those who have died. Children who are still alive may be staying with their mothers or elsewhere. Adopted children, loved ones, children of fiancées, or cousins born by other people are not counted.
Write the number of live births for each question below:

Q30: How many children are currently living with others?
Refers to the number of children who stay at other places such as living with relatives in other places, in boarding schools, given to other people to take care of, or children who have their own family. Please ask more carefully because the child who lives in another place is not considered a member of the household because the name of the child is not listed in the family book of the household. So, the head of the household may forget to include the name of the child in the family book.

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_CHDEADM — Male children who died
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E. For women aged 15-49 years old (Directly ask female)

Number of children ever born alive

Q31. How many children have died?
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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4.6. Section E: For women aged between 15-49 (ask women directly)
The purpose of section E is to collect information on the fertility of women aged between 15-49 years. They will be interviewed about giving live births, age at first birth, and last birth. Surveyors should ask these questions directly to women. In case the target female interviewee is not at home, the surveyor can ask the head of the household instead.

Question Q29, Q30, Q31: Number of live births
Refers to the total number of children born including those who are alive and those who have died. Children who are still alive may be staying with their mothers or elsewhere. Adopted children, loved ones, children of fiancées, or cousins born by other people are not counted.
Write the number of live births for each question below:

Q31: How many children have died?
Refers to the number of children born alive during a certain period of time and then died.
How to write for verses 29, 30 and 31
You must specify son or daughter as 2 numbers in the two boxes with code 1 for the daughter, and two boxes with code 2 for the son, for example: 00, 01, 02...
Example: Mrs. Sida has 5 children, of which the number of children with her is 1 son and 2 daughters. The number of children who went to other places is 1 daughter and she has 1 son who died. Therefore, it must be written as follows:
[A table is omitted here]

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_CHHOMEM — Male children at home
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Section E. For women aged 12 years and over

27. Categorize number of children according to the status given below.

[Enter NA if not applicable.]
How many children born alive to (the respondent)?
Were with her on censes night?
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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5. Part E of the questionnaire

Columns 26 to 30 should be asked only of women aged 12 years and over

138. Column 27 to 30. Enter NA if the person is male or female under 12 years and 99 if the respondent does not know about the woman's fertility and the woman in question is absent. If the woman is 12 years and over and has never born a child enter a 0 in sections 271 to 276.
Sections 271 and 272 Total number of children living with the mother at the time of census. Write in these columns the total number of male and/or female children actually born to this woman living with her.
Sections 273 and 274: Those who are living elsewhere (such as those in institutions, married and living with their family elsewhere).
Sections 275 and 276: Those that were born alive and died even if they only lived for a few minutes. Do not include still births (ba hlahileng ba khathetse).
Note: before asking the next question check that the total number of children given in column 26 agrees with the numbers given in sections 271 to 276.

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_CHAWAYM — Male children elsewhere
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Section E. For women aged 12 years and over

26. Has (the respondent) given any live birth?

[Question 26 not applicable to males and those under 12 years.]
Enter 00 if no. If Yes, how many children were born alive to (the respondent) altogether?

____Live births
Were elsewhere on census night?
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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5. Part E of the questionnaire

Columns 26 to 30 should be asked only of women aged 12 years and over

138. Column 27 to 30. Enter NA if the person is male or female under 12 years and 99 if the respondent does not know about the woman's fertility and the woman in question is absent. If the woman is 12 years and over and has never born a child enter a 0 in sections 271 to 276.
Sections 271 and 272 Total number of children living with the mother at the time of census. Write in these columns the total number of male and/or female children actually born to this woman living with her.
Sections 273 and 274: Those who are living elsewhere (such as those in institutions, married and living with their family elsewhere).
Sections 275 and 276: Those that were born alive and died even if they only lived for a few minutes. Do not include still births (ba hlahileng ba khathetse).
Note: before asking the next question check that the total number of children given in column 26 agrees with the numbers given in sections 271 to 276.

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_CHDEADM — Male children dead
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Section E. For women aged 12 years and over

26. Has (the respondent) given any live birth?

[Question 26 not applicable to males and those under 12 years.]
Enter 00 if no. If Yes, how many children were born alive to (the respondent) altogether?

____Live births
How many have died?
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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5. Part E of the questionnaire

Columns 26 to 30 should be asked only of women aged 12 years and over

138. Column 27 to 30. Enter NA if the person is male or female under 12 years and 99 if the respondent does not know about the woman's fertility and the woman in question is absent. If the woman is 12 years and over and has never born a child enter a 0 in sections 271 to 276.
Sections 271 and 272 Total number of children living with the mother at the time of census. Write in these columns the total number of male and/or female children actually born to this woman living with her.
Sections 273 and 274: Those who are living elsewhere (such as those in institutions, married and living with their family elsewhere).
Sections 275 and 276: Those that were born alive and died even if they only lived for a few minutes. Do not include still births (ba hlahileng ba khathetse).
Note: before asking the next question check that the total number of children given in column 26 agrees with the numbers given in sections 271 to 276.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_CHBORNM — Male children born
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Section F. Women aged 12 to 49 years (Fertility)

34. Have you ever given a live birth?

Enter 00 if no. If Yes, how many children were born alive to (the respondent) altogether?

_ _ Live births
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Part F of the questionnaire
For women aged 12 to 49 years (fertility)

104. Column 34: Have you ever given a live birth. If yes how many.

Enter the total number of live births the woman has ever home that is the total number of children ever born. The total given here should be consistent with the total number from column 39 to column 44. If the answer is no, enter 00 and skip to column 45.

Liberia 2008 — source variable LR2008A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born
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Females aged 12 years and over

P25-26. Total children ever born
If none record '0'

P25. M _ _

P26. F _ _

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_CHBORNM — Children ever born, males
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Women aged 10 years or older
[Questions P and Q were asked of women aged 10 years or more]

Number of children ever born alive

Living in this household
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
Living elsewhere
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
Have since died
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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Number of children ever born alive

74. You are required to collect information on the number of children ever born alive to women aged 10 years or more. A live born child may be defined as the one who, after separation from its mother, breathes, cries or shows any other evidence of life such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles.

75. Do not use a question such as "Mwachembela kangati" which would generally induce a woman to tell you the number of times she had delivered. But you are required to find information on the number of children who were actually born and who at birth were alive. Even if a child died later, as long as it was live at birth, such a child must be counted. On the other hand, a child who was born dead should not be counted.

76. On the question of the number of children ever born alive to a woman, ensure that all the children a woman gave birth to are counted. You should not include those children who are staying with the woman but not borne by her, for example, a woman may have been married to three husbands and is now living with the third husband. She had one child with the first husband and this one child is currently living with his father; and had three children with the second husband and of these three children, only one is staying with her, and the other two are either with their father or grandparents; and there is the last born from the present husband plus two other children borne by


the previous wives of the present husband. So this woman has only two of all her children staying with her and two from other wives of the present husband. The total number of children ever born alive to this woman should be recorded as 5, number of children ever born alive and living in this household should be recorded as 2, number of children ever born alive and living elsewhere should be recorded as 3, and number of children ever born alive but have since died should be recorded as zero.

Women aged 10 years or more
[Question (p) and (q) should only be asked to women age 10 years or older]

Number of children ever born alive:

(i) Living in this household: Ask each woman age 10 years or older the number of children ever born alive to her who are currently living in the same household. Record the number of male children and female children in columns 44-45 and columns 46-47, respectively.

(ii) Living elsewhere: Ask each woman age 10 years or older the number of children ever born alive to her who are living elsewhere that is away from the household the woman is living in. Record the number of male children in column 48 and female children in column 49, accordingly.

Remember that all children, young or grown up, who are living on their own or with relatives whether within or outside the same village or place but away from the household the woman is living in are to be recorded in this category. Emphasise to the woman that you want to know the number of all her children who were born alive irrespective of their ages and where they are living.

(iii) Have since died: Ask the woman the total number of children she has ever borne alive, but have since died. Record the number of male and female children who have died in column 50 and column 51, respectively.
While probing for this information make sure that the woman does not exclude any of her children who might have died shortly after birth as long as they were born alive.

[Rest of the paragraph is unclear in the original copy.]

Note: You should make sure that you do not leave any columns from 42 to 55 blank for any woman aged 10 years or more. For instance where a woman has reported to have no children ever born alive under any specific column in question (p) or no live births under any specific column in question (q), you should record zeroes) and not leave the columns blank.

Malawi 1998 — source variable MW1998A_CHBORNM — Total male live births
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Children ever born [Questions B20-B26]
[Questions B20-B30 were asked of women age 12 and older]

How many live-born children has this woman borne? If none, enter "00".

B20. Total _ _
B21. Male _ _
B22. Female _ _

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Part B: Characteristics of Individual Household Members

5. Women age 12 years or older
Questions B20 to B30 should be asked only of women aged 12 years or more.

Children ever born alive:
a.) You are required to report information on the number of children ever born alive to women aged 12 years or more. A live born child may be defined as the one who, after separation from its mother, breathes, cries or shows any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of involuntary muscles.
b.) Do not use questions such as "mwachembela kangati" which would generally induce the woman to tell you the number of times she had delivered, because you are required to find information on the number of children who were actually born and who at birth were alive. Even if a child died later, as long as it was alive at birth, such a child must be counted. On the other hand, a child who was born dead should not be counted.
c.) On the question of number of children ever born alive to a woman, ensure that all the children a woman gave birth to are counted. You should not include those children who are staying with the woman but not borne by her. For example, a woman may have been married to three husbands and is now living with the third husband. She had one male child with the first husband and this child is living with his father. She had three male children with the second husband and of these three children only one is staying with her and the other two are either staying with their father or grandparents. She had the last born male child from the present husband plus two other female children born by the previous wife the present husband. This woman has only two of all her own children staying with her and two from the other wife from the present husband. The total number of male children ever born alive to this woman should be recorded as "05" and the other number of female children she has borne should be recorded as "00". Thus the total number of children born alive to the woman should be recorded as "05": that is, "05" male children plus "00" female children.

How many children has this woman borne alive?

B21-B22. Number of children ever born alive:
Ask the woman for the number of male and female children she has ever borne alive. Record in 2 digits the number of male children in column B21 and the number of female children in column B22.
Note: Because of lack of adequate space in all relevant columns, the word "Female" has been abbreviated to 'Fem' on the questionnaire.
Make sure that the entries in column B21 and B22 add to the corresponding totals in column B20. If they are inconsistent, verify the entries and correct them accordingly

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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[Questions P30-P33 were asked of women age 12 years or older]

P30. How many children were born alive to [the respondent]?

Male _
Female _

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Questions for women age 12 years or older (birth details)
[Questions P30-P33 were asked of women age 12 years or older]

P30. Number of children ever born alive
Ask the respondent the number of children she has ever born alive ("Born alive" means that they must have shown a sign of life, e.g. crying at birth) during her lifetime. Enter the number of males in the first box and females in the second box and then shade the appropriate digits.

If there are more than 9 females or males, just write 9.

If the respondent has never had children in her lifetime, write 0 in the "Male" box and 0 in the "Female" box.

The number should be written irrespective of whether children born to the woman are no longer staying with her and may be dead but they were born alive.

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_CHBORNM — Male live births
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Women age 12-49 years
[Questions P31-P33 were asked for women age 12-49.]

P31) Total live births
This question should be asked only to women age 12-49: How many live births has [Name] had?

M _ _
F _ _
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Questions P29 to P33 are for people aged 12 years or older. Questions P31 to P33 are only for women aged 12 to 49 years. Total live births (Column P31)

This question is for women aged 12 to 49 years. The purpose of this question is to collect information on children born alive. A live-born child is a child who, at birth, has shown signs of life (crying, breathing, heartbeat, etc.) even if it he/she subsequently died. The agent asks the following question: "How many total live births did [NAME] have?"

The agent records for every woman the number of live births since her first delivery up to the census date (including un-surveyed children in the household and those who died). These are the biological children of women and not adopted children. Abortions, miscarriages and stillbirths are not taken into account. Enter the number of live births in the boxes for each sex: "M" for male or "F" for female. Enter "00" if there are none.

[Omitted example]

Instruction: For people who are not relevant to this question (women under 12 and women over 49 years) put a hyphen in reserved space. This instruction is for columns P32 and P33.

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_CHBORNM — Male children born alive
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[Questions 6 through 31 were asked of usual residents of the household.]


28. How many children born alive has (the person) had?

____ Male
____ Female
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Questions for women only from 12 to 50 years of age
The following questions are extremely important and at the same time very sensitive. Try to obtain accurate answers, formulating the questions clearly and correctly record the answers.
Pay attention to the responses to detect whether there are inconsistencies, because the questions are interrelated.
To identify women who should answer the following questions should check the age stated in P4.

P28. How many children born alive have you had?
Read the question, wait for the answer and ask how many children born alive of each sex the respondent had. Then note the number stated in the space provided.
Keep in mind that:

- Every woman should indicate their own children, by gender, whether living with them or not. You must not include in this question the adopted children or those who are of marriage the husband with another woman. For example, the stepmothers should not consider their children as stepchildren;
- It is considered "child born alive" the child who, at birth, showed any sign of life: breathed, cried, or moved, even if they died shortly later;
- You should not include as the answer to this question the children who were born dead, that is, the children who, after the time of separation from the mother's body, have not breathed or showed any other signs of life;
- You should also include in this question the children born after 1 August 1997.

Example of completing the report:

a) if a woman has never had children, fill in the P28 and P29 as follows:
Men 1 |0|0| 2 Women |0|0| and end the interview with this woman;
b) if she has had three children, 1 being a male and 2 female, complete this:
Men 1 |0|1| 2 Women |0|2|

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_CHBORNM — Male children born alive
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[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

For women aged 12- 50 only.

33. How many children born alive has [the person] had?

_ _ 1 No. of Male
_ _ 2 No. of Female
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For women aged 12-50 only

P33. How many children born alive has (the person) had?

Read the Question, wait for a response and ask how many children of each sex they had. Then, write that number in the corresponding space.


Each woman should indicate her own children by sex, either or not alive. They should not include the adopted children or those who belong to their husband's marriage to another woman. For example, the stepmothers should not consider their stepchildren as their children;
We consider as born alive the child who showed some vital sign at birth, i.e., breathing, crying or moving, even if he/she died shortly after;
You should not the children who were born dead, i.e., those who after the separation from the mother's body were not able to breathe or did not show any vital sign;
You should also not include those children who were born after TWELVE a.m. of August 1, 2007.
Examples of how to fill in the Enumeration Form:
a)If a woman has never had a child, fill in P33, P34, P35 and P36 as follows:
1. Male [0] [0]
2. Female [0] [0] and finish the interview with this woman;
b)If a woman has 3 children, from which 1 is a man and 2 are women, fill it in as follows:
1. Male [0] [1]
2. Female [0] [2]

Myanmar 2014 — source variable MM2014A_CHBORNM — Male children born
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Ever married women (aged 15 and above) (25 through 31)
[Question 25 through 31 were only asked of ever married women age 15 and older.]

25. Number of children ever born alive

If no children, write "00".

_ _ Male
_ _ Female
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Births to Ever Married Women Section (Fertility)

186. The questions on births and children related issues will be asked to ever-married women aged 15 and above. Many women may be reluctant to answer questions about their children. There are various reasons for this, but it is your duty to obtain the answers. It will require firmness, politeness, tact, understanding and, for some questions such as death, sympathy.

187. Only females above 15 years who have ever married should respond to the questions on births. Use Q4 - sex, Q5 - age, and Q6 - marital status, to determine eligible persons for this section. These questions will be used to estimate fertility and childhood mortality levels in Myanmar. The information would also be used to undertake population projections required for future planning purposes.

Question 25: Number of children ever born alive
188. Ask each ever-married woman age 15 years and above "how many children has [the respondent] ever given birth alive?" How many males and females?

189. Live births include even those births where the child lives for only a short time. Twins count as one live birth. But this question records the number of children, so twins will be recorded as two children. Live births do not include stillbirths, that is, children who were born dead and therefore did not show any sign(s) of life at the time of birth. The census is concerned only with children born alive.

Nepal 2001 — source variable NP2001A_MCHBORN — Children ever born, male
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Only for married women (15-49 year of age)
[Questions 13 and 14 were asked of only married women age 15-49 years.]

13. How many children were ever born to ____?
(State all children live born by sex)

4. Total

Son ____
Daughter ____

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Column 13: How many children were ever born alive____?
[Only for ever married women between the ages of 15 and 49 years]
1. Living together son ____ daughter ____
2. Living separately son ____ daughter ____
3. Dead son ____ daughter ____
4. Total son ____ daughter ____

Born live means -- children that give signs of live birth by crying or by some movement after the birth are known as live births. If children don't have any sign of live birth like crying or movement, sound, then this birth could not be a live birth. Still birth (abortion or end pregnancy) should not be counted; however all the live birth should be enumerated.

For all women ever married (marital status of codes 2 through 7 in column 11) and aged 15-49 years, it should be asked how many children (son/daughter) were ever born alive, and recorded in the form. The fertility-related questionnaire should be administered to concerned women only. The answer category obtained by asking men might be wrong.

To minimize the problem of undercounting all live birth children, the current status of children living together in the household, living separately, or dead should be asked and reported separately, and the total should also be written. For the purpose of enumeration, only the number of children delivered by concerned women should be mentioned. Children delivered by other women, like adopted sons or daughters, should not be included on her number of child born.

1. Sons and daughters living together: The number of sons and daughters living in the same household (with their mother) should be mentioned here. Usually unmarried and married sons and unmarried daughters live with her mother.

2. Sons and daughters living separately: The number of sons and daughters living separately, if they are not living in the same household or with her mother (migrants due to marriage or living outside for study), should be mentioned in this column. If any sons or daughters are living separately inside the country or outside the country, they should be enumerated as not living together with her mother.

3. Dead sons and daughters: The number of sons and daughters who died immediately after live birth or dies after some times. The number of sons and daughters should be mentioned separately. But still births should not be included.

4. Total sons and daughters: As mentioned above, among the total number of children born alive, the separate total of sons and daughters living together, living separately or dead should be mentioned separately. If separate totals and the grand total are not consistent (different), then ask the reason of difference and make corrected accordingly.

Note: While administering these questions, the sons and daughters dead after live birth should be asked in depth. However, the topic of dead sons and daughters is a very sensitive subject, so some may refuse to give information on dead sons and daughters. Some may have the concept that this information need not be reported. But for the purpose of fertility and mortality related study, this information is important. Especially the children dead immediately or after some time of live birth are considered to be under reported. For collecting information on fertility, special time should be allotted and the status of sons and daughters should be mentioned separately.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_CHBORNM — Number of sons ever born
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Personal Information

[20] How many children were ever born to [the respondent]?

Only for married women [15-49 years of age]
State all children born alive, by sex.
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [If No, go to 22]
If Yes,
[Indicate number of sons and daughters for each category]
4 Total
_ Son
_ Daughter
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Fertility status of married women in fertility age [columns 20-21]

Column 20: has [the respondent] ever given birth to an alive child?
(Ask the married women aged 15-49 years old)

1. Yes
Description: living in the household
Son: _ _
Daughter: _ _

Description: living elsewhere
Son: _ _
Daughter: _ _

Description: dead
Son: _ _
Daughter: _ _

Description: total
Son: _ _
Daughter: _ _
2. No [Go to question 22]

The purpose of this question is to determine fertility rate of married women in fertility age. Therefore, this question should be asked the married women in fertility age (15-49) at the time of enumeration.

Born alive means the child born by giving sound, crying, and movement when out of the mother's womb or giving indication of living. At the time of birth if a child does not give any indication of living such as sound, crying, or movement, then such child is not considered alive. Miscarriage or stillbirth is not also considered alive. If it is stillbirth, there is no need to include in counting. But the living child should not be left in counting.

[Image is omitted]

Ask whether they have alive children to women who have been married once (any marital status from reference 2 to 7 of column 7) and women from 15-49 years old, and if they have, circle the reference 1. Also ask how many alive children they gave birth and their current status (living in the household, living elsewhere, or dead), and accordingly fill up the information in the related box. While writing the number of children, only state the children born from the counted woman's womb. The children born from others, another wife of husband, adopted children should not be written under the children from the woman.

[p. 71]

The questions related to birth are known more to the concerned woman. If you asked these question [to a man], the responses likely to be wrong and hence, such question should be asked to the woman as far as possible.

4. Total children (boys and girls) - Among the children born as stated above, after writing separately the numbers of children living together, living elsewhere, and dead, write the total all of these children, by asking them again, in the last row of the table. If the number of children written separately and the total number of children do not match, then ask why it is different and be confirm to correct it if required.

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_CHILDREN — Has had live-born children
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For women age 14 or older
[Questions 19-25 were asked of women age 14 or older]

19. Has the woman had any live-born children?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Continue to the next person.)

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Questions only for women who are age 14 or older
This series of questions will only be asked of women age 14 or older. For the case of all of the females younger than 14 and all males of any age, you will annul the questions from 19 to 25 by making a diagonal line through each of the boxes.

Question 19: Has the woman had any live-born children?
We understand as live-born the boy or girl who at the moment of birth shows signs of life: breathing, crying, muscle movement or palpitations, even if the child died immediately.

This question should be asked of all women age fourteen years and more. If the answer is "No", continue with the next person and make a diagonal line through each of the questions from 20 to 25.

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_CHBORNM — Total live-born males
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For women age 14 or older
[Questions 19-25 were asked of women age 14 or older]

20. How many live-born children has the woman had in total?
Total _ _
Male _ _
Female _ _

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Questions only for women who are age 14 or older
This series of questions will only be asked of women age 14 or older. For the case of all of the females younger than 14 and all males of any age, you will annul the questions from 19 to 25 by making a diagonal line through each of the boxes.

Question 20: How many live-born children has the woman had in total?
In the boxes of this question you should note exactly the number of live-born children in total, including those who have died and those who are currently alive, whether or not these children are residents in the dwelling and even if they live in another country or were born in another country.

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_CHILDREN — Has had live-born children
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[Questions 32-38 were asked of women age 13 or older]

32. Has [the woman] had live-born children?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (continue to the next person)

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For females age 13 or older (Questions 32-38)

This information is extremely important and should therefore be answered directly by each girl or woman as much as possible.


This is a child who showed some sign of life at birth (breathing, crying, muscular movement or heart beat), even if s/he later died.

Question 32. Has [the woman] had any live-born children?

Mark an "X" next to the option stated by the informant.

If the answer is "No", go to the next person.

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_CHBORNM — Total live-born males
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[Questions 32-38 were asked of women age 13 or older]

33. How many live-born children has [the woman] had in total?

Total _ _
Male _ _
Female _ _

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For females age 13 or older (Questions 32-38)

This information is extremely important and should therefore be answered directly by each girl or woman as much as possible.


This is a child who showed some sign of life at birth (breathing, crying, muscular movement or heart beat), even if s/he later died.

Question 33. How many live-born children has [the woman] had in total?

Use two digits to write the total number of live-born children, and how many of them were males and how many were females.

If the total number of males and females does not add up to the total number of live-born children, verify the information with the informant.

Pakistan 1973 — source variable PK1973A_CHBORNM — Total male births
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Children born
(For ever married women only)

How many sons?

23. Were ever born to you? _ _
24. Are still alive? _ _

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8.3 Children ever born

Col 23. The following questions must be asked, the answer of which shall be entered in this column. "How many (total) boys were born to Mr. X/Y?"
Total boys means the boys which were born to a women during reproductive age (until the time of enumeration) the still births are not included in this question. The number which is written is this Col. will be only boys born alive irrespective of whether the boys were born during the current marriage or earlier marriages, whether they are alive at present or dead, and whether they were somewhere else at the time the entries were made.

Papua New Guinea 1980 — source variable PG1980A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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For all females 15 years of age and older (born in 1965 or before)
[Questions 15-16 were asked of females age 15+.]

15A. How many children have you given birth to?

Include live births only.

____ Number of boys
____ Number of girls
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Section 6 - The census questions

Urban RNVs and rural villages

Question 15
This question has 4 parts, A, B, C and D.
For all females 15 years of age and older (born in 1965 or before)

A. How many children have you given birth?
B. Have any of your children died?
C. Do any live somewhere else?
D. How many live here with you?

Part A

-This question refers to all children born alive. We are trying to find the total number of "live born" children that a woman has had. We want to exclude still births, that is, children born dead.

Papua New Guinea 2000 — source variable PG2000A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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Continue only for all citizen women aged 15 years or more
[Questions 20-23 were asked of females age 15+.]

20. How many children has [the respondent] given birth to?

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Records of births and deaths of children
The next four questions are about the number of children women have had, and the number of children who have died. This is important information to help us estimate how many people PNG will have in the future, and to help us plan for maternal and child health services.

Question 20. Total children ever born

Q20. How many children have you given birth to?

Who to ask: Ask all PNG citizen women born before 9 July 1985, who are aged 15 years or more. If date of birth is not recorded, use age given in years.

Get this information for: All PNG citizen women aged 15 years or more.

How to ask: "How many children have you given birth to?"

-This means all children born alive, even if they died soon after they were born.
-When the respondent tells you the number of children, ask "How many of these babies were boys and how many were girls?"
How to record: Record the total number of boys in the box for boys, and the total number of girls in the box for girls.

If the woman has never given birth, write "0" in each box. Do not leave blank spaces for this question.

Do not ask any more questions if the woman has never given birth.

[P. 110]
Note: Record all of the respondent's natural births, i.e. the total number of children she has given birth to,

-even if the child no longer lives in the household, and
-even if the child is no longer alive.

Include any birth which showed signs of life (by crying, breathing or moving), even if the baby died soon after birth.

This question is also used to check against the total number of children Questions 21, 22 and 23.

--Do not include stillbirths, (i.e. giving birth to a dead child)
--Do not include adopted children (i.e. children the woman did not give birth to herself).
--Do not include step-children (children of the husband who have a different mother), or foster children.
--Question 20-23 are sensitive issues. You must remember this, and be careful not to upset or offend the respondent.
--Explain the questions clearly and remind them politely that they should include children who have died.
--If possible, ask each woman herself, separately. Explain to the head of household that the woman, or mother is the best person to give accurate information about her children.
--Try to avoid having other people answer for the woman.
--Ask all women 15 years or older, even if they are not married.

If the woman says she has never given birth, do not ask her any more questions. Move on to the next respondent.

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_CHBORNM — Total male children born alive
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Only for women 14 years of age and older

For those who answered "yes," ask the following questions:

How many children born alive have you had in total?

____ Total
____ Males
____ Females

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Question 10

[A depiction of question 10 to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

If the answer is no or do not know, annul the rest of the questions in this box. If the answer is yes, ask the following questions.

How many children born alive have you had in total?

On the corresponding line write the total number of children born alive; the number of men and women, including those who are absent or who have died.

[A depiction of the question to the right of the preceding text and a drawing below the text are omitted here.]

How many of them currently live in Paraguay?

Write down the total number of men and women children who currently live in Paraguay, be it in the place of enumeration or in another district.

[A depiction of question to the right of the preceding text and a drawing below the text is omitted here.]

[P. 43]

How many of them currently live outside of the country?

Write down the total number of men and women children who currently reside outside of the country. Do not include those who are outside of the country on a visit or for business.

[A depiction of question and a drawing to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

How many children have died?

[A depiction of question below the preceding text and a drawing to the left of the text is omitted here.]

Write down the total number of children, men and/or women, who have died. Do not include those born dead.

On what date was your last child born? Is that child still alive?

On the corresponding line write the day, month, and year of birth of the last child born alive.
Make an X in the corresponding box, indicating if this child is alive or dead.

[A depiction of question to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

Rwanda 1991 — source variable RW1991A_CHBORNM — Males ever born
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Women aged 12 years and older (born before August 1979).
[Questions P26-P33 were asked of women age 12+]

P26. Children ever born: number of boys _ _

How many children did [the respondent] ever have? Write 0 if none.

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born alive
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D. Population aged 12 years or more
[Questions P26-P30.]

Females only (Women aged 12 years or more)
[Questions P27-P30.]

P27. Children ever born

How many children born alive did ____ ever have?
Specify in the appropriate boxes the number of boys ever born and the number of girls ever born, according to the declaration of the interviewee.
If no child were ever born, write 00 in these boxes

_ _ M [boys]
_ _ F [girls]

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D. Questionnaire designed for persons 12 years old or more

Questions asked to persons of the female sex, of at least 12 years of age (P27 to P30)

The questions going from P27 to P30 aim at knowing:

The fertility of Rwandese women, that is their number of children ever born (P27).
The number of children surviving, that is who are still living (P28).
The number of children born alive during the past 12 months, either still alive or already deceased (P29 and P30).

1. For female children aged less than 12 years, as for all persons of the male sex, the census enumerator will not write anything in P27, P28, P29 and P30.

2. These questions will be asked to all concerned persons in all discretion and privacy.

3. In order to ensure that all questions were asked, it is necessary to fill in the appropriate boxes with zeros "00" if the interviewed person never had any child.

P27: Live births

For women (or single mothers) aged at least 12 years of more, one will ask the number of children ever born. Write down this number as the number of male live births in P27 (M) and the number of female live births in P27 (F).

A child born alive is a child who showed signs of life at time of birth; among those signs one finds: a regular breathing, heart beating, cries, and so forth.

If the persons had no live births at all, write "00" in the appropriate boxes.

Children who died immediately after birth are also counted among the live births. If the enumerated person is a woman, but who is not there on census day, one will ask accurate and reliable information to the head of household, or to any authorized person.

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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Section P: Characteristics of population

[Questions 33-36 were asked of resident women aged 12 years or older.]

33. How many live births has the respondent ever had?

If none, write 00 for each sex and proceed to the next person.

Male _ _
Female _ _
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P33 to P36 for resident women aged 12 years or older

P33: Live births
Ask: How many live births [the person] has ever had?

Many women do not like answering questions about their children. There are various reasons for this, but it is your job to obtain the answers. It will require insistence, politeness and tact.

A live birth is one who shows one or more of the following signs of life immediately after birth:

Crying or similar sounds
Movement of the limbs or any other parts of the body
Any other tangible signs of life

The census is concerned only with children born alive. Do not include stillbirths, that is, children who were born dead and therefore did not show any sign[s] of life as above at the time of birth. If the woman has born any child alive:

Write the number of boys in the box provided
Write the number of girls in the box provided
If none, write 00 for each sex and proceed to the next person

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born
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Women aged 12 years and more
[Questions B21-B22 were asked of women aged 12 years and more]

B21. Number of children ever born

Record the number of children ever born, broken down by sex

Males: ______
Females: _____

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B21. Number of children ever born

This part applies only to women aged 12 years and more.
Write an oblique hyphen for women aged less than 12 years.

Record the number of children ever born, broken down by sex.

[Example table omitted]

Note: These are all the children ever born to that woman who is being enumerated (whatever the age of the children, and whoever the father), whether still alive or deceased after the birth. A child is said to be born alive when he or she showed any sign of life at birth (cry, breathing, heart beating, etc.). These children may live with their mother in the household, or may live elsewhere.

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_CHBORNM — Number of male children
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B. Individual characteristics

Women aged 10 years and older
[Question B43-B46 were asked of resident women age 10 years or older.]

B43-B44. Total live births

How many total live births by sex has [the respondent] had?
_ _ B43. Male
_ _ B44. Female
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4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B43/44: number of live births by sex
This part (B43 to B46) is only for women aged 10 years or older.
Record the number of live births by sex.
Example: If the woman has two boys and three girls record:
/_0_/_2_/ under male
/_0_/_3_/ under female.
NB: These are all children born alive to the woman surveyed (regardless of the age of the children and regardless of their father) who are still alive or died after birth. A child is born alive when he or she manifests any sign of life at birth (child's cry, respiration, heartbeat, and so on).
These children can live with their mother in the household or elsewhere.
NB: Do not leave blank, enter 00 if there is no live birth.
[p. 50]
It will be important to remember the births followed by deaths that respondents tend to omit for involuntary or voluntary reasons related to taboos or bans. If the woman had no live birth, record 00 in the ''male'' box and 00 in the ''female'' box.
NB: Do not leave an empty box, put the number of births according to sex.
If there is no birth, put 00 in the corresponding boxes.
Example: A woman who has had a male birth: record 01 in the male box and 00 in the female box.
For a woman who has male twins, record 02 for male and 00 for female.

Sierra Leone 2004 — source variable SL2004A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born
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[Questions P26 - P33: Females age 10 years or older]

How many children have been born alive to [the respondent] who are:

P26. Male _ _
P27. Female _ _

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Columns P26 to P33 -- Fertility
These questions apply to all women age 10 years or older. For all males and for girls younger than 10 years, draw a straight line in each of these columns as appropriate.

134. These questions must be answered for all women age 10 years and older, irrespective of their marital status, and whatever their relationship to the head of the household.

P26 and P27 -- Total children born alive
135. In these columns you must record the number of children born alive by women age 10 years or older, even if the children) is/are dead.

136. A child born alive is one who cries or who shows some other signs of life after being born.

137. Include all children who have died, even if they died shortly after birth, all children who have grown up and left the house, all children born to other men as well as to the present husband.

Do not include:
138. Children who were born dead and did not show any sign of life, adopted children, children born to the present husband by another woman, grandchildren, nephews/nieces, etc.

P26 -- Total male births
139. Ask: "Has this woman borne any children?" if the answer is "Yes", then ask:
"How many male children has she borne alive?" Write the number in column P26. Record "00" if she has not had a live male birth. Always use two digits.

P27 -- Total female births

"How many female children has she borne alive?" Write the number in column P27. Record "00" if she has not had a live female birth. Always use two digits.

147. Sometimes a woman may forget to mention children who died in infancy and does not wish to be reminded of painful events; you must therefore put this question tactfully and sympathetically.

148. If a woman has never borne a child, record "00" in each of the eight columns. Similarly, if a woman has children in one or two categories only enter the numbers as appropriate and record "00" in the remaining column or columns. Never leave them blank.

149. You have to be careful when you record answers pertaining to the total number of children borne by a woman in her lifetime. The total number of children ever born by a woman will not likely exceed 17 and use that number as a guide. You must therefore probe further if the total number of children recorded for a woman in P26 and P27 exceeds 17.

[Questions P26 - P33: Females age 10 or older]

P26-27 How many children have been born alive to [the respondent] who are:
Total ("00" No child)

[] M __
[] F __

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born alive
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[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

Females aged 10 years and over [Questions P34-P37]

Children ever born

How many children have been born alive to [the respondent] who are:
If no child, write '00'

P34. Total births

_ _ P34M. Total male births
_ _ P34F. Total female births
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Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

Columns (P34M) to (P37F) -- Fertility.
Questions P34M to P37F apply to all women aged 10 years and over. For all males and for girls aged less than 10 years, put a dash in each of these spaces as appropriate.

161. These questions must be answered for all women aged 10 years and over, irrespective of their marital status, and whatever their relationship to the head of the household is.

P34M and P34F -- Total children born alive
162. In these columns you must record the number of children born alive by women aged 10 years and over, even if the child(ren) is/are dead.

163. A child born alive is one who cries or who shows some other signs of life after being born.

164. Make sure you record all children the woman gave birth to, including all children who have died, even if they died shortly after birth; children who have grown up and left the house; children born to other men as well as to the present husband/partner.


165. Do not include children who were born dead and did not show any sign of life (still births), adopted children, children born to the present husband by another woman (step children), grandchildren, nephews/nieces, etc.

P34M -- Total male births
166. Ask, "Has (name) given birth to any child?" if the answer is 'yes' then ask, "How many male children ever born alive to (name)?". Write the number in column (P34M). Record '00' if (name) has not had a male live birth.

South Africa 2001 — source variable ZA2001A_BORNMAL — Male births
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Ask of women aged between 12 and 50 years (born between 1951 and 1989)

P-20. Total births

If none write [0] [0] and go to P-21. Include ALL her children, i.e. those who are still living, whether or not they live in this household, and those who are dead. Do not count stillbirths (children born dead).
[Example given of total children: 03 for total, 02 for boys and 01 for girls.]
_ _ How many [total] children, if any, has (the person) ever had, that were born alive?
_ _ How many of these were boys?
_ _ How many of these were girls?

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Question P-20 -- Total births

"How many children, if any, has (the person) ever had that were born alive?"

Start by asking for the total number of children born alive. Include all her children, i.e. those who are still living, whether or not they live in this household, and those who are dead. (The next question will record how many are still alive.) However do not count still births or adopted babies.

If the respondent says that she has 1 child, but that child is 'late' (passed away) you write 01 in the box for "Total" and ask:

"Was it a boy or a girl?" Then write 01 in the relevant box.

[P. 54]

If she has more than 1 child ask:

"How many of these were boys?" and write the answer in the box, e.g. 02.

"How many of these were girls?" and write the answer in the box, e.g. 01.

Then you confirm the total, e.g. in this case: 03 children who were born alive.

If there is a discrepancy, e.g. total number is 4 but the woman says 2 girls and 1 boy, probe. Ask if the total includes children who have died or are living somewhere else.

If the woman has had no children, enter 00 in the boxes for total, boys and girls and ask no more questions of this woman. Skip P-21a and P-21b and go to the household questions.

National Bureau: Note that you must write 00 in all the boxes for women who qualify for this question and have had no children, not just the total boxes. (But do not write 00 in these boxes for men or young girls or older women. For these people we do not fill in this question at all.)

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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Section F: Fertility - ask of women aged 12 to 50 years (born between and including 1957 and 1995) listed on the flap
[Questions P-40 to P-47.]

P-41 Total children ever born

a. How many children has (the person) ever had that were born alive, even if they died soon after birth?
_ _
b. How many are boys?
_ _
c. How many are girls?
_ _
Include ALL her children, i.e. those who are still living, whether or not they live in this household, and those who are dead. Do not count stillbirths.

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5.7. Section F: Fertility

This section is to be asked only of women aged 12 to 50 years (born between and including 1957 and 1995) listed on the flap.

(P-41): Total children ever born
a. How many children has (the person) ever had that were born alive, even if they died soon after birth?
b. How many were boys?
c. How many were girls?

Confirm that total of b. and c. equals a. If there are any discrepancies, probe.

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_CHBORNM — Total number of boys born alive
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.8] Fertility
Now, I am going to ask you questions about your biological children.

[] How many children has the respondent ever given birth to that were born alive? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[] How many are boys? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_CHBORNM — Males ever born
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Number of children ever born alive
[Questions 26 - 32: Women aged 12 to 54 years]
If no children, write "00"

26. What is the total number of children [the respondent] has ever born alive? (even if the child was only alive for a short time and died soon after birth)

Male _ _
Female _ _

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7.7. LFQ fertility questions 26-32
The remaining questions are only asked of women aged 12 to 54 years old. If you are asking questions for a male, or a female 11 years old or less or 55 years or older, stop and go to the next person listed on the questionnaire. In the 15 states of North Sudan, these questions are not asked of never married females as reported in Q24.

Q26 "What is the total number of children [the respondent] has ever born alive? (even if the child was only alive for a short time and died soon after birth)" Continuing with the first person listed "Person 01" who is female 12 to 54 years (and not never-married in the 15 states of North Sudan), ask question 26.

  • Attempt to ask these questions directly to females 12-54 years old (and not never married in the 15 states of Northern Sudan). The respondent for the household may not be able to supply the information for questions 26 through 32.
  • Write the total number of males ever born alive to the respondent in the boxes under the column "male" and the number of females ever born alive in the boxes under the column "female".
  • You must use two digits in the boxes provided as some women may have had more than 9 live births.
  • Use leading zeroes, for example if she has only one male child you should write "01" and not just "1".
  • If she did not have any male births then write "00" in the "male" column. Do the same for the female children born to the respondent.
  • Shade in the numbers corresponding to the numbers written in the boxes.
  • Do not leave these questions blank for any female aged 12 to 54 years (and not never married in the 15 states of Northern Sudan.)

Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_CHBORNM — Males ever born
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Number of children ever born alive
[Questions 26 - 32: Women aged 12 to 54 years (if in North Sudan only complete this section for women who are or have ever been married)]
If no children, write "00"

26. What is the total number of children [the respondent] has ever born alive? (even if the child was only alive for a short time and died soon after birth)

Male _ _
Female _ _

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7.7. LFQ fertility questions 26-32
The remaining questions are only asked of women aged 12 to 54 years old. If you are asking questions for a male, or a female 11 years old or less or 55 years or older, stop and go to the next person listed on the questionnaire. In the 15 states of North Sudan, these questions are not asked of never married females as reported in Q24.

Q26 "What is the total number of children [the respondent] has ever born alive? (even if the child was only alive for a short time and died soon after birth)" Continuing with the first person listed "Person 01" who is female 12 to 54 years (and not never-married in the 15 states of North Sudan), ask question 26.

  • Attempt to ask these questions directly to females 12-54 years old (and not never married in the 15 states of Northern Sudan). The respondent for the household may not be able to supply the information for questions 26 through 32.
  • Write the total number of males ever born alive to the respondent in the boxes under the column "male" and the number of females ever born alive in the boxes under the column "female".
  • You must use two digits in the boxes provided as some women may have had more than 9 live births.
  • Use leading zeroes, for example if she has only one male child you should write "01" and not just "1".
  • If she did not have any male births then write "00" in the "male" column. Do the same for the female children born to the respondent.
  • Shade in the numbers corresponding to the numbers written in the boxes.
  • Do not leave these questions blank for any female aged 12 to 54 years (and not never married in the 15 states of Northern Sudan.)

Suriname 2004 — source variable SR2004A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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Personal form

Women aged 12 to 64
[Questions P26 through P30 were asked of women aged 12 to 64.]

P26. How many sons and daughters has this woman given birth to that were born alive?

If: NONE, enter: 0 / 0 and go to P32

_ a. Daughters
_ b. Sons

Tanzania 1988 — source variable TZ1988A_CHSURVHM — Male children surviving and living in this household
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19. How many children were born alive to [the respondent] and who are now living in this household?
If none, enter "00".
Indicate the sex of the children:
____ Males
____ Females

Tanzania 1988 — source variable TZ1988A_CHSURVEM — Male children surviving and living elsewhere
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Females 12 years and older
[Applied to questions 19 to 22]

20. How many children were born alive to [the respondent] and who are now living elsewhere?

If none, enter "00".
Indicate the sex of the children:
____ Males
____ Females

Tanzania 1988 — source variable TZ1988A_CHDEADM — Male children not surviving
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Females 12 years and older
[Applied to questions 19 to 22]

21. How many children were born alive to [the respondent] and who are now dead?

If none, enter "00".
Indicate the sex of the children:
____ Males
____ Females

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_MCHILDHH — Male children ever born and living in the household
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

E. Female respondents age 12 and older
[Questions 21-24.]
Children ever born

21. How many male/female children were born alive to [respondent] and are now living with her in this household?

If she is not staying with any of her children, write "00".
Male _ _
Female _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

E. Women with the age of 12 and above
This part is important so, you should be very careful when asking questions and filling in the answers. Questions 21 to 24 are specifically for women age 12 and older.
All men (without age consideration) and women younger than 12 years should not be asked these questions. You acquire every detail about the number of children born alive from the woman you are interviewing for the whole period, up to the night before the Census day.
[p. 62]
It is stressed that a baby born "alive" is one who shows signs of being alive (he/she breathed or cried), even if for a short time. Please make sure that the children mentioned by the respondent are only those she gave birth to, not those she is raising.
Remember that the night before the Census day is the one between the 24th and the 25th of August, 2002.Therefore, all babies born after the night before the Census day should not be counted, though they will be in that household when your enumerating those in the household. For example, all children born after midnight in the night between August 24th and 25th, 2002 are not to be counted. This may happen when you are forced take more than a day to enumerate in your area.
The answers are to be given by all women age 12 and older without taking into consideration their marital status. Even if she is still in school or university, as long as she is 12 or older, she must be asked this question.
Note: Questions about births are to be answered by the respective woman, for she is the one who knows her birth history.
It is possible to meet women who do not want to give information about their children. There are different reasons that may lead to this situation, but make sure you get the correct information about the live births from that woman. If this situation arises, seek for help from the street/village chairman/sheha or any leader in that area.

Question 21: How many children have you given birth to? How many are male? How many are female? How many are living with you here?
This question wants to know the number of children born alive to the woman you interview, and how many live with their mother in the household. Don't forget to ask how many are male and how many are female. Write the answers using two digits and shade the corresponding space.
[Illustration for question 21 is omitted]
[p. 63]
For example, if a woman has two male children, then shade code "02" in the space provided for male children and code "00" in the place provided for female children. If a woman does not live with the children or has never given birth to a live child, write "00" and shade the appropriate space depending on the sex of the child.

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_MCHAWAY — Male children ever born and living elsewhere
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E. Female respondents age 12 and older
[Questions 21-24.]
Children ever born

22. How many male/female children were born alive to [respondent] and are now living elsewhere?

If she has no child living elsewhere, write "00"
Male _ _
Female _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

E. Women with the age of 12 and above
This part is important so, you should be very careful when asking questions and filling in the answers. Questions 21 to 24 are specifically for women age 12 and older.
All men (without age consideration) and women younger than 12 years should not be asked these questions. You acquire every detail about the number of children born alive from the woman you are interviewing for the whole period, up to the night before the Census day.
[p. 62]
It is stressed that a baby born "alive" is one who shows signs of being alive (he/she breathed or cried), even if for a short time. Please make sure that the children mentioned by the respondent are only those she gave birth to, not those she is raising.
Remember that the night before the Census day is the one between the 24th and the 25th of August, 2002.Therefore, all babies born after the night before the Census day should not be counted, though they will be in that household when your enumerating those in the household. For example, all children born after midnight in the night between August 24th and 25th, 2002 are not to be counted. This may happen when you are forced take more than a day to enumerate in your area.
The answers are to be given by all women age 12 and older without taking into consideration their marital status. Even if she is still in school or university, as long as she is 12 or older, she must be asked this question.
Note: Questions about births are to be answered by the respective woman, for she is the one who knows her birth history.
It is possible to meet women who do not want to give information about their children. There are different reasons that may lead to this situation, but make sure you get the correct information about the live births from that woman. If this situation arises, seek for help from the street/village chairman/sheha or any leader in that area.

Question 22: How many children have you given birth to who live in other places?
If a mother has children who live away from where you found her, write their total number differentiating between males and females and shading the corresponding spaces.
It must be stressed that if the children live near the mother's household (example in the same village), they should be considered as living away from the mother. If a woman does not have any male children who live away or doesn't have any children, write "00" and shade the corresponding space.
[Illustration for question 22 is omitted]
Note: Use two digits when filling the number of children.

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_MCHDEAD — Male children dead
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E. Female respondents age 12 and older
[Questions 21-24.]
Children ever born

23. How many male/female children were born alive to [respondent] and are now dead?

If none of her children has died, write "00".
Male _ _
Female _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

E. Women with the age of 12 and above
This part is important so, you should be very careful when asking questions and filling in the answers. Questions 21 to 24 are specifically for women age 12 and older.
All men (without age consideration) and women younger than 12 years should not be asked these questions. You acquire every detail about the number of children born alive from the woman you are interviewing for the whole period, up to the night before the Census day.
[p. 62]
It is stressed that a baby born "alive" is one who shows signs of being alive (he/she breathed or cried), even if for a short time. Please make sure that the children mentioned by the respondent are only those she gave birth to, not those she is raising.
Remember that the night before the Census day is the one between the 24th and the 25th of August, 2002.Therefore, all babies born after the night before the Census day should not be counted, though they will be in that household when your enumerating those in the household. For example, all children born after midnight in the night between August 24th and 25th, 2002 are not to be counted. This may happen when you are forced take more than a day to enumerate in your area.
The answers are to be given by all women age 12 and older without taking into consideration their marital status. Even if she is still in school or university, as long as she is 12 or older, she must be asked this question.
Note: Questions about births are to be answered by the respective woman, for she is the one who knows her birth history.
It is possible to meet women who do not want to give information about their children. There are different reasons that may lead to this situation, but make sure you get the correct information about the live births from that woman. If this situation arises, seek for help from the street/village chairman/sheha or any leader in that area.

Question 23: How many children did you give birth to who were alive but died?
Most people do not like to talk about the deceased, and most of them feel pain to talk about their decease children. It is good to ask this question in a polite way without upsetting the respondent.
Write the number of male and female children who are deceased and shade the corresponding spaces. Children involved here are those who were born alive and later passed away. Use two digits in writing the answer given.
If the respondent has never lost a child, write "00" in the space for male children and "00" in the space for female children, then shade in the corresponding spaces.
[P. 64]
[Illustration for question 23 is omitted]

Tanzania 2012 — source variable TZ2012A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born
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E. Females aged 12 years and above
[Questions 28-32 were asked of females aged 12+]

Children ever born

28. How many male/female children were born alive to [the respondent] and are now living with you/her in this household?

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

If she is not living with any of her children, write and shade '00'.

29. How many male/female children were born alive to [the respondent] and are now living elsewhere?

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

If she has no children living elsewhere, write and shade '00'.

30. How many male/female children were born alive to [the respondent] and are now unfortunately dead?

_ _ Male
_ _ Female

If none of her children has died, write and shade '00'.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Question 28 to 32 aims to understand the fertility trends in our communities, including child born alive but died [i.e., stillbirth and neonatal or perinatal deaths], and children born alive in the past twelve months and whether they're still alive.

Explanation/clarification of the question: The purpose of these questions is to get the fertility rate in the country.

Togo 1960 — source variable TG1960A_CHBORNM — Number of males ever born
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10. Number of children
(This question must be asked to women only)

Alive children
_ Male
_ Female
Total children ever born
_ Male
_ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Column 10: Number of children
This column is only completed for women: it should be checked that it this has been done correctly, for boys on the one hand and girls on the other: Number of children living, total number born. In the contrary case, enter N.D. (xx) for "total born" and the number of children recorded on the Collective sheet corresponds to that indicated in the column "living" and N.D. (xx) in each column if no verification is possible. Proceed in the same fashion if one or other of the questions concerning children have remained without response.

Togo 2010 — source variable TG2010A_CHBORNM — Male live births
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Economic activities

Female residents of 12 or more of age
[columns P25-29]

(P25) Born alive children

How many born alive children have you had?

Record the declared number according to gender in the appropriate boxes. If none put 00 in the boxes and go to the following line (following person)
_ _ Male
_ _ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
D- Fertility

Columns P25, P26, P27, P28 and P29 only concern resident persons of the female sex aged 12 or more (those born before November 1998). Check for this purpose column P04 for sex and column P06 for date of birth or age.

For female resident persons aged less than 12 and men, these columns are without purpose and will be filled by dashes.

Columns P25: Children born alive

It is a question of knowing the total number of children born alive (male and female) that the woman has had during her fertile lifetime, including the children who live outside of the household and those who have died.

A child born alive, or a live birth is considered as any child having manifested at its birth any sign whatsoever of life (crying, heartbeat, muscle contraction, and so on) even if he/she died subsequently.

Pose the following question: "How many children born alive has [the respondent] had?" The count will be done by sex. Record the total number of boys declared in the boxes where "M" for male is marked and the total number of girls declared in the boxes where "F" for female is marked.

If the woman has not had any child born alive, record first "00" in the boxes of column
P25, then put dashes in columns P26, P27, P28 and P29 and go to the following line.

NB 35: Each time that the number of children declared by sex is less than 10, you should record 0 followed by the figure declared.

Example: Awa declares having had 3 girls and 2 boys. You will record as follows:

M /_0_2/
F /_0_3/

Trinidad and Tobago 2011 — source variable TT2011A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born
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Section 8 Fertility - For Females Fourteen to fifty-four (14-54) Years

27. Children ever born (live born)

(a) How many live born children has (N) [the respondent] ever had and how many are males and females?

_ _ Total
_ _ Female
_ _ Male
[] 09 NS

(b) How many of (N's) [the respondent's] live born children are still alive and how many are males and females?

_ _ Total
_ _ Female
_ _ Male
[] 09 NS
Interviewer: If none, skip to Q.31
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Section 8 - Fertility

8.1. Children ever born

This refers to all children born alive (excluding fetal deaths) during a woman's lifetime, whether currently residing with her, elsewhere in Trinidad and Tobago or abroad. Also included are the children born alive, but who have died.

Please note that children born dead (still births) are not to be included here.

Turkey 1990 — source variable TR1990A_CHBORNM — Number of male births
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(Ask married, widowed, and divorced females age 12 or older)
[Questions 22-26 were asked of married, widowed, and divorced females age 12 or older]

22. Have you given birth to any live child, whether dead or alive now?
If "Yes", how many live male or female children did you give birth to?

F. Female
M. Male

0 [] Did not give birth
____ F
____ M

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (8-34)
This section includes questions (Questions 8-34) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted. Whether the household head is at home or not, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from Question 8 to Question 34). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section are identical to the ones written in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, (except for household members not at home) also write down all the characteristics of all the household members who are present at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write using printed letters into the pertinent section and in order of their ages the names surnames and all the characteristics of those who, while being present at home, are not household members (guests). Answer questions with a box by placing an "X" into it.

[Questions 21-34 are for persons age 12 or older]

Fertility status (22-26)
(Married, widowed, or divorced women age 12 or older)

Question 22: To this day, have you had any live births, regardless of whether they remain alive or are dead? If you did, how many live girls and boys did you give birth to?

Write in numeric form, the number of the woman's live male and female births until the moment of the census, whether they are still alive or dead at that time, doing so separately for males and females in their respectively designated sections. In situations where either only boys or girls were given birth to, write "0" for the opposite gender [i.e., the one for which here were no births]. For women who had not given birth to any live children, place an "X" into the 00 "No births" box, and do not ask Questions 23-25.

Live birth: Showing a sign of life by taking in at least one breath at the moment of birth. Ask Questions 23, 24, 25, and 26 to women who had experienced a live birth [according to] Question 22.

Turkey 2000 — source variable TR2000A_EVERBRTH — Ever gave birth
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Ask women age 12 or older who are married, widowed or divorced.
[Questions 31 - 33 were asked of women age 12 or older who are married, widowed, or divorced.]

31. Have you ever given birth?

(Whether he or she is alive or dead now.)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to question 35)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 31, 32, and 33 are to be asked of women age 12 or older, replying to question 30 with the answer that they were married, that their husband had died, or that they were divorced.

Question 31. Up to this point, have you ever given birth?

(Whether they [i.e., the children] are presently alive or dead)

An "X" is to be placed into the box corresponding to the answer of the person being administered the census. If the answer to this question is "No", other birth-related questions pertaining to this woman's fertility are not to be asked, with questioning to continue from question 35. If the answer is "Yes", continue from question 32.

This question is meant to reveal whether a woman did or did not experience a live birth.

Live birth: This refers to births where the infant lives for at least a few minutes after being born, displaying signs of life such as crying, breathing, or movement. In the absence of any of these conditions, the birth is not to be considered a live birth, but rather a dead birth. For women being administered the census who had not experienced any live birth up to that point, the "No" option is to be marked.

This question:
is to be answered for all live births, including instances of children who had died after being alive for some time, or in reference to children not living in that house (those who had married and left home or those away from home because they were students).

On the other hand, the "No" option for this question is to be marked if the only children that the woman being administered the census has are adopted children or children of the husband's previous wife. Furthermore, the "No" option for this question is to be marked, even if at the time of the census the woman is pregnant and has not had any live births up to that point in time.

Turkey 2000 — source variable TR2000A_CHBORNM — Male births
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Ask women age 12 or older who are married, widowed or divorced.
[Questions 31 - 33 were asked of women age 12 or older who are married, widowed, or divorced.]

32. How many children (female or male) have you ever given birth?

[Question 32 was asked of females age 12 or older who are married, widowed, or divorced, and have ever given birth, as per question 32.]

Female _ _
Male _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 31, 32, and 33 are to be asked of women age 12 or older, replying to question 30 with the answer that they were married, that their husband had died, or that they were divorced.

Question 32. How many boys or girls have you given birth to?

(Whether alive or dead at this point in time)

The number of girls or boys that this woman has given birth to, whether they are living at this moment or not, or whether they are living at home or not, is to be entered in numeric form into the boxes pertaining to the number of live births of boys and girls, doing so separately for and distinguishing between males and females. In situations where only sons or daughters were born, a "0" is to be entered either into the female or male box, depending on whichever of these there are no children of.

[An example in the original document has been omitted here]

Even if the children born to the woman to whom the Census is administered died after birth or survived and were living in a house other than that in which the census was being conducted, these children are to be included in the number of born children.

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
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For women aged twelve (12) to fifty four (54) years

For all children ever born

P23 How many children has name borne? (Write number, if none, write "00") male ___ female ___

P24 How many are living in this household? (Write number, if none, write "00") male ___ female ___

P25 How many are alive, but living elsewhere? (Write number, if none, write "00") male ___ female ___

P26 How many are dead? (Write number, if none, write "00") male ___ female ___

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Child Birth History
170. Questions P23 to P30, apply to All Women Aged 12 - 54 Years.
171. An answer is required of all women in this age category irrespective of whether or not they are married, whether or not they are still attending school, and whether or not they may have produced children.
172. If the person is male or is a girl aged 0-11 years, or a woman aged 55 years or more write "N/A" for Question P23 and leave the rest of the column blank.
173. We are concerned with the number of children a woman has borne alive. A child born alive is one who cries after being born, breathes or shows any evidence of life such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord or definite movement of voluntary muscles. Do not include stillbirths - that is children who are delivered when they were already dead.
174. Remember to use a two-digit code for all the questions in this section except P28 and P29 which require a one-digit code.
175. It is important that you speak to the woman herself. Some women may not be willing to give information about the exact numbers of children they have produced, if they know that some of them do not belong to their current husband and they are living somewhere else. The female herself will know about the children she has borne and will be able to answer the question more accurately than anyone else.
176. Ask questions P23 - P26 separately for male and female children.

Question P23: Children Ever Born
Ask, "How many children has (name) borne alive?"
177. Record the number of children in question 23. For example if she has given birth to 4 children (a boy and 3 girls), write 01 in the male's part and 03 in the female's part of column. If the woman has never borne any children alive, write "00" in both parts of the column but continue to ask the other questions in this section.
178. Remember to include children who have grown up and left home, children born by the woman to other men as well as her present husband, her children who are living away from home and children who have died even if they died shortly after birth. Be careful to include young babies but exclude stillbirths. Do not include adopted children or step children or children who live with the Household but were not borne by the woman herself.
179. Do not record the answer "none" before probing to be sure that she has never given birth at all.

Uganda 2014 — source variable UG2014A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born alive
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Section 1: Particulars of household members

For females (12-54 years) only

P27 How many children has [the respondent] ever borne alive? Of the total children ever borne, how many are boys and how many are girls? If the woman has never given birth, record 00 in the boxes below. 97 = N/A.

_ _ Total
_ _ Boys
_ _ Girls

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_CHHOMEM — Number of sons living in household
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Part 1. Information on household members

KT6. Check Q3, Q4, and Q5 to define women aged from 10 to 49 (born since April 1969 to March 2009) then go to Q34; otherwise next person.

34. Have you ever given birth?

(Given birth: only count on live births)

[] 1 Given birth
[] 2 Not given birth (proceed to next person)

35. Of those you have given birth to, how many sons and daughters are living in your household?

_ _ No. of sons
_ _ No. of daughters
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 1: Information about members of the household
Part 1 of the Census form consists of 41 questions, numbered sequentially from Question 1 to Question 41.

The respondent is the head of the household or a person knowledgeable about members of the household. For information on employment and birth history of women, DTV needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and collect information. In addition, for other information about members of the household, if the head of the household or the information provider is not knowledgeable, DTV also needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and record the information.

Test 6 (KT6)
The test question is intended to identify female members of the household from 10 to 49 years old (female, born from April 1969 to March 2009) to ask Question 34; for the remaining cases, DTV asks the next person.


In case the month of birth cannot be identified (the month of birth in Question 4 is recorded as "98"), DTV proceeds to Question 34 for women born between 1970 and 2009.

Question 35: Number of sons and daughters born to you currently living in your household?
DTV records the number of sons and daughters born to DTDT currently living in the same household as DTDT (recorded in the list of members of the household in Question 1) in the corresponding boxes. If there is no son or daughter born to DTDT currently living in the same household, DTV records "00" in two corresponding boxes (for electronic form, record "0").
For children who are currently abroad in the prescribed time limits (before going abroad, the children live in the same household with the mother), DTV still counts them as children living in the same household with the mother. (these children are counted as NKTTTT in the mother's household and are named in the list of household members in Question 1).

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_CHAWAYM — Number of sons living elsewhere
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Part 1. Information on household members

KT6. Check Q3, Q4, and Q5 to define women aged from 10 to 49 (born since April 1969 to March 2009) then go to Q34; otherwise next person.

34. Have you ever given birth?

(Given birth: only count on live births)

[] 1 Given birth
[] 2 Not given birth (proceed to next person)

36. Of those you have given birth to, how many sons and daughters are living elsewhere?

_ _ No. of sons
_ _ No. of daughters
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 1: Information about members of the household
Part 1 of the Census form consists of 41 questions, numbered sequentially from Question 1 to Question 41.

The respondent is the head of the household or a person knowledgeable about members of the household. For information on employment and birth history of women, DTV needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and collect information. In addition, for other information about members of the household, if the head of the household or the information provider is not knowledgeable, DTV also needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and record the information.

Test 6 (KT6)
The test question is intended to identify female members of the household from 10 to 49 years old (female, born from April 1969 to March 2009) to ask Question 34; for the remaining cases, DTV asks the next person.


In case the month of birth cannot be identified (the month of birth in Question 4 is recorded as "98"), DTV proceeds to Question 34 for women born between 1970 and 2009.

Question 36: How many sons and daughters born to you are living elsewhere?
DTV records the number of sons and daughters born to DTDT not currently living in the same household with DTDT (living elsewhere or living in the same house/apartment with DTDT but eating separately). If there is no son or daughter born to DTDT not currently living in the same household as DTDT, DTV records "00" in 2 corresponding boxes (for electronic form, record "0").

In case the woman's children are under the management of the military or police and are living in the same household, by convention the children are counted as living elsewhere, DTV records information in Question 36.

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_CHDEADM — Number of sons who died
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Part 1. Information on household members

KT6. Check Q3, Q4, and Q5 to define women aged from 10 to 49 (born since April 1969 to March 2009) then go to Q34; otherwise next person.

34. Have you ever given birth?

(Given birth: only count on live births)

[] 1 Given birth
[] 2 Not given birth (proceed to next person)

37. Were there any instances where you gave birth to a living child but they later died? If yes, what is the number of sons and daughters who died?

_ _ No. of sons
_ _ No. of daughters
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 1: Information about members of the household
Part 1 of the Census form consists of 41 questions, numbered sequentially from Question 1 to Question 41.

The respondent is the head of the household or a person knowledgeable about members of the household. For information on employment and birth history of women, DTV needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and collect information. In addition, for other information about members of the household, if the head of the household or the information provider is not knowledgeable, DTV also needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and record the information.

Test 6 (KT6)
The test question is intended to identify female members of the household from 10 to 49 years old (female, born from April 1969 to March 2009) to ask Question 34; for the remaining cases, DTV asks the next person.


In case the month of birth cannot be identified (the month of birth in Question 4 is recorded as "98"), DTV proceeds to Question 34 for women born between 1970 and 2009.

Question 37: Did you have any children born alive but then deceased? IF SO: give the number of deceased sons and daughters.
DTV asks about the children born alive to DTDT but passed away before the time of the census. This is a sensitive question, DTV needs to interview slowly and carefully, especially in cases where the DTDT's children were born alive but passed away at an early age.

DTV records DTDT's answer in the blank box. If there is no son or daughter born alive to DTDT but deceased before the time of the census, DTV records "00" in two corresponding boxes (for electronic form, record "0").

DTV must not leave a blank in any of the large boxes in the response sections of Questions 35, 36, and 37.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_CHBORNM — Male children ever born
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Fertility (Own children ever born alive)
[Question F-1 to F-6 were asked of females 12 years and over]

F-1 Live birth
Have you ever had a live birth? (Including babies who dies after birth)

[] 1-Yes
[] 2-No (If "No", go to next person or M-1)

F-2 Age at first live birth
How old were you when you first had a live birth? ____

How many children born to you are still alive? How many of these are male and how many female?
(If "None", enter "00" and skip to Question F-4c)

Male _ _
Female _ _
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Chapter VI-Fertility

1. You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years old and over and they involve only their own children.

F - 3: How many children born to you are still alive?
4. Children still alive include all the children that have been born alive to this particular female throughout her life and are still living. Some of these children may be grown up now and may even have their own children. Some of her children may have spent the night with the household, some might have spent it elsewhere or may be living with grandparents, uncles, aunts, or other relatives, and some may have gone away in marriage. You have to record all children ever born to her who are still living. The number of male and female children is to be recorded separately as indicated in the column.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_CHBORNM — Number of male children ever born
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For Females 12 Years and Older ? Fertility
(Own children ever born alive)

27. Of the children born to you alive:
a. How many are still living with you? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____

b. how many are living elsewhere in some other household? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____

c. how many died? How many of these are male and how many are female?

Total: _____
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5.8 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children.

P29: Live Births
This is a child who, after being delivered showed signs of life, like crying, movement by involuntary reflexes, etc. If a child never showed any of these actions when it was born, then it was not a live birth. Married females tend to leave out children from earlier marriages. These are also supposed to be included for all the questions. Shade first box for YES and the second for No. If the answer is NO, skip to Question P-33.

P30: Of The Children Born To You Alive How Many....?
The number of male and female children ever born alive to this female is to be recorded separately in three different categories. These are

a. Still living and still at home with the respondent (i.e staying in the same household with the respondent);
b. Still living but staying with some other households" e.g other relatives, married off, in institutions etc.; and
c. Those who have since died (regardless of whether the death took place just after or much later in life).

If a woman is visiting, then the question of "still living with you" should be asked with respect to her usual place of residence. That is about children she normally stays with. Enter the number of children as reported by sex in two digits e.g. if 1 male child is living with her shade 0 in the first column and I in the second column under male. If the answer is none, enter 00 and shade the 2 zeros in the two columns. Never leave a column blank.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_MALESHH — Number of male live births still living with you
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Females 12 years and older
[Applies to questions 38-41]

Of the children born to you alive how many are?.?

P39. Living with you now?

_ Male
_ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.19 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked to females 12 years and older and not for husbands to answer for their wives. Questions on fertility are to be asked only to those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children. If the female is a usual member present or a visitor, fertility questions have to be asked to them personally. If they are not around, a call back has to be made until they are found and information is collected. If the enumerator cannot find the female respondent even after making at least three visits, the enumerator should inform the supervisor.

P-39: Of the children born to you alive, how many are living with you now?

If the number of male and female children ever born alive to this female respondent are still living at home with the respondent i.e. staying in the same house with the respondent, enter the number of male and female children accordingly.

If a woman is visiting, question P-39 should be asked with respect to her usual place of residence. That is about children she normally stays with. Enter the number of children as reported by sex e.g. if 1 male child is living with her, enter 1 in the box for male. If the answer is none, enter 0 in the box but if the number of male or female children is ten or more enter the two digits in one box according to sex. Never leave a box blank.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_MALESELSE — Number of male live births living elsewhere
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Females 12 years and older
[Applies to questions 38-41]

Of the children born to you alive how many are?.?

P40. Living elsewhere?

_ Male
_ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.19 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked to females 12 years and older and not for husbands to answer for their wives. Questions on fertility are to be asked only to those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children. If the female is a usual member present or a visitor, fertility questions have to be asked to them personally. If they are not around, a call back has to be made until they are found and information is collected. If the enumerator cannot find the female respondent even after making at least three visits, the enumerator should inform the supervisor.

P-40: Of the children born to you alive, how many are living elsewhere?

This question is asking for the number of male and female children ever born alive to this female are staying with some other households e.g. other relatives, married off, in institutions etc.

Enter the number of children as reported by sex e.g. if 1 male child is living elsewhere, enter 1 in the box for male. If the answer is none, enter 0 in the box but if the number of male or female children is ten or more enter the two digits in one box according to sex. Never leave a box blank.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_MALESDEAD — Number of male live births now dead
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Females 12 years and older
[Applies to questions 38-41]

Of the children born to you alive how many are?.?

P41. Dead?

_ Male
_ Female
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
4.19 Fertility: for females 12 years and older

You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked to females 12 years and older and not for husbands to answer for their wives. Questions on fertility are to be asked only to those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children. If the female is a usual member present or a visitor, fertility questions have to be asked to them personally. If they are not around, a call back has to be made until they are found and information is collected. If the enumerator cannot find the female respondent even after making at least three visits, the enumerator should inform the supervisor.

P-41: Of the children born to you alive, how many are dead?

This question is asking for the number of male and female children ever born alive to this female but have since died (regardless of whether the death took place just after birth or much later in life).

Enter the number of children as reported by sex e.g. if 1 male child is dead, enter 1 in the box for male. If the answer is none, enter 0 in the box but if the number of male or female children is ten or more enter the two digits in one box according to sex. Never leave a box blank.

Zimbabwe 2012 — source variable ZW2012A_CHHOMEM — Male children in household
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
E- For women age 15-49 years
[Question 23 to 27 were asked of women age 15 to 49 years]

If yes, how many children born to (the respondent) were with her on the census night?

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section E: For Women Age 15-49 Years
Introduce this section by saying, "Now I would like to talk to you about all the live births you have, (if you are talking to the respondent) or (the respondent) has had (if respondent is a proxy). The live births I want information on are about children born alive who live with you, live elsewhere and those who have died".

Information on live births (fertility) should be obtained for all women age 15 to 49 years. Information should be requested of all of them irrespective of the marital status, whether or not they are visitors, at school, or you think they have never given birth to any children.

Effort should be made to get responses from the women themselves and permission to do this should be obtained from the head of household. Where the woman concerned is not present, a proxy should be used to answer the question.

[pg. 35]

Definition of Live Birth: a life birth is one which results in a child that shows any sign of life irrespective of the time or the period within which these signs are manifested, e.g. crying, movement of limbs.

Before proceeding with the actual interview, identify all eligible women using the age of the woman. Lumping ages should be discouraged as it can be shown on the pyramid that the age distribution has been improperly entered.

How many children born to you (or name) were with you (or her) on the census night?"
Record the number of males and females.

These children should have been present on the census night of Friday 17th August 2012 and be appearing as members of the household.

Zimbabwe 2012 — source variable ZW2012A_CHAWAYM — Male children elsewhere
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
E- For women age 15-49 years
[Question 23 to 27 were asked of women age 15 to 49 years]

If yes, how many children born to (the respondent) were elsewhere on the census night?

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section E: For Women Age 15-49 Years
Introduce this section by saying, "Now I would like to talk to you about all the live births you have, (if you are talking to the respondent) or (the respondent) has had (if respondent is a proxy). The live births I want information on are about children born alive who live with you, live elsewhere and those who have died".

Information on live births (fertility) should be obtained for all women age 15 to 49 years. Information should be requested of all of them irrespective of the marital status, whether or not they are visitors, at school, or you think they have never given birth to any children.

Effort should be made to get responses from the women themselves and permission to do this should be obtained from the head of household. Where the woman concerned is not present, a proxy should be used to answer the question.

[pg. 35]

Definition of Live Birth: a life birth is one which results in a child that shows any sign of life irrespective of the time or the period within which these signs are manifested, e.g. crying, movement of limbs.

Before proceeding with the actual interview, identify all eligible women using the age of the woman. Lumping ages should be discouraged as it can be shown on the pyramid that the age distribution has been improperly entered.

How many children born to you (or name) were elsewhere on the census night?"
Record the number of males and females.

These are children who are still alive but are not living in the household, e.g. they may be staying with some relative; are at a boarding school; have been given up for adoption or are grown up children who have left the household.

Further probing might be necessary as these children are not members of the household.

Zimbabwe 2012 — source variable ZW2012A_CHDEADM — Male children dead
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
E- For women age 15-49 years
[Question 23 to 27 were asked of women age 15 to 49 years]

If yes, how many children born to (the respondent) have died?

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section E: For Women Age 15-49 Years
Introduce this section by saying, "Now I would like to talk to you about all the live births you have, (if you are talking to the respondent) or (the respondent) has had (if respondent is a proxy). The live births I want information on are about children born alive who live with you, live elsewhere and those who have died".

Information on live births (fertility) should be obtained for all women age 15 to 49 years. Information should be requested of all of them irrespective of the marital status, whether or not they are visitors, at school, or you think they have never given birth to any children.

Effort should be made to get responses from the women themselves and permission to do this should be obtained from the head of household. Where the woman concerned is not present, a proxy should be used to answer the question.

[pg. 35]

Definition of Live Birth: a life birth is one which results in a child that shows any sign of life irrespective of the time or the period within which these signs are manifested, e.g. crying, movement of limbs.

Before proceeding with the actual interview, identify all eligible women using the age of the woman. Lumping ages should be discouraged as it can be shown on the pyramid that the age distribution has been improperly entered.

How many children born alive to you (or name) have died?
Make the appropriate entries under columns for males and females.

This information is extremely important and is the most difficult on which to obtain accurate data, because some respondents may fail to mention children who died very young. Probe by asking "Any male or female who was born alive but only survived a few days or hours?"

Some respondents may be reluctant to talk about it or may become sad or upset that you are asking such questions. Be tactful in such situations. Say you know the subject is painful but the information is important.