Questionnaire Text

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Questions 27 through 55 are only for persons aged 15 years and over (born before May 10, 1996).


33. At any time since September 2010, has this person attended a school, college, CEGEP or university?

Mark "x" as many circles as applicable.

Please include attendance only for courses that can be used as credits towards a certificate, diploma or degree (including distance education).

At any time since September 2010:
[] Yes, attended elementary, junior high school or high school
[] Yes, attended trade school, business school, community college, technical institute, CEGEP or other non-university institution
[] Yes, attended university
[] No, did not attend school at any time since September 2010
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Question 26 -- Answer questions 27 to 55 for each person aged 15 years and over.

This means that only respondents born before May 10, 1996 should answer questions 27 to 55.

Questions 27 to 33 tell us about the education, training and recent school attendance of residents of Canada. Governments use this information to develop training and other programs to meet the changing needs of our workforce and of specific groups such as immigrants, Aboriginal peoples and youth.

Question 33 -- School attendance
Mark 'Yes' for the appropriate category for all persons who attended a school or an educational institution at any time between the beginning of September 2010 and May 10, 2011, full-time or part-time, even if they were registered but subsequently dropped out.

Only include school attendance where the courses can be used as credits towards a certificate, diploma or degree from a recognized educational institution.

Educational institutions also include seminaries, schools of nursing, private business schools, private or public trade schools, vocational schools, or schools for people who are deaf or blind.

Include courses offered through correspondence, e-learning or distance education. Also include attendance at the in-class portion of an apprenticeship program.

Do not include training received from an employer unless it corresponds to courses offered by a recognized educational institution.

If the person took courses at more than one institution, mark all categories that apply.