Questionnaire Text

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6. How is this person related to [enter name of person 1: ____]

Person 1:

[] Person 1

Person 2:

Mark "x" and specify one response.

Adopted children should be considered sons and daughters.

Children in joint custody should be included in the home of the parent where they live most of the time.

Children who spend equal time with each parent should be included in the home of the parent with whom they are staying on May 10, 2011.

For all children, please consider the relationship to Person 1 and Person 2.

If none of the choices apply, specify this person's relationship to Person 1 under "other."
Examples of "other" relationships to Person 1:
Brother-in-law or sister-in-law
Niece or nephew
Grandfather or grandmother
Room-mate's son or daughter
Lodger's husband or wife
Employee, etc.
[] Opposite-sex husband or wife of person 1
[] Opposite sex common-law partner of person 1
[] Same-sex married spouse of person 1
[] Same-sex common-law partner of person 1
[] Son-in-law or daughter-in-law of person 1
[] Grandchild of person 1
[] Father or mother of person 1
[] Father-in-law or mother-in-law of person 1
[] Brother or sister of person 1
[] Foster child
[] Room-mate, lodger or boarder
[] Other -- Specify: ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
The Questions
Basic population information
Question 1 (on the paper survey) asks for the name of each person in the household so that the Questions can be asked person by person.

Questions 2 to 6 provide information about the living arrangements of people in Canada, family size, the number of children living with one parent or two parents, and the number of people who live alone. This information is used for planning social programs. It is also used by communities to plan services such as daycare centers, schools and senior citizens' residences.

Your NHS questionnaire contains all the information needed to answer questions 1 to 6. If you still have questions or require further information, please visit the NHS website at or phone the StatCan Help Line at 1-877-308-2777.

Question 6 -- Relationship to Person 1
For each person usually living here, describe their relationship to person 1. Provide one response only for each person.

If none of the choices apply, specify this person's relationship to person 1 under 'other'.

Examples of 'other' relationships to person 1:

[] Brother-in-law or sister-in-law
[] Niece or nephew
[] Grandfather or grandmother
[] Roommate's son or daughter
[] Lodger's husband or wife
[] Employee
[] Etc.

For all children, please consider the relationship to person 1 and person 2.

Adopted children should be considered sons and daughters.

Children in joint custody should be included in the home of the parent where they live most of the time.

Children who spend equal time with each parent should be included in the home of the parent with whom they are staying on May 10, 2011.