10. Of what country is this person a citizen?
Indicate more than one citizenship, if applicable.
"Canada, by naturalization" refers to the process by which an immigrant is granted citizenship of Canada, under the Citizenship Act.
[] Canada, by birth
[] Canada, by naturalization
[] Other country, specify ____
Question 10 -- Citizenship
Mark Canada, by birth for persons: born in Canada (see exception below); born outside Canada, if at the time of their birth one or both parents were Canadian citizens and if this person has retained Canadian citizenship.
Exception: Some persons who are born in Canada should not mark Canada, by birth, if at the time of their birth: one or both parents were government representatives of another country (diplomatic service); and neither parent was a Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant. Mark Canada, by naturalization for persons who have become Canadian citizens. These persons have been issued a Canadian citizenship certificate. This includes persons born in the United Kingdom or in other Commonwealth countries who have immigrated to Canada and have become Canadian citizens.
For persons who were born outside Canada and have not become Canadian citizens, report under Other country the name of the other country or countries for which they hold citizenship(s).
For persons who are dual citizens of Canada and another country, do not report "dual citizenship". Mark either Canada, by birth or Canada by naturalization, and report the name of the other country.