Section I. Description of habitation
[Questions 2-5 were asked of households whose type of habitation was apartment residential house or apartment.]
5. Please, indicate all amenities, available at your house or apartment:
[] 1 Water supply
[] 2 Sewage
[] 3 Bath and (or) shower cabin
[] 4 Centralized
[] 5 Individual boiler or unit
[] 6 Stove or furnace heating
Natural gas supply:
[] 7 Network or pipeline
[] 8 Liquidized (bottled)
Hot water:
[] 9 Centralized
[] 10 Individual boiler
[] 11 Electric range
[] 12 Telephone line
20.5. in question 5 "Please indicate all amenities available at your house or apartment":
A dwelling is considered to be equipped with:
Water supply -- if there is a piped water supply system within the house, to which water is supplied centrally from a water pipe or artesian well. A house with a detached kitchen (a specially adapted permanent structure) is also considered equipped with water supply if a water tap connected to the water supply system is installed in the kitchen. A residential house is not considered equipped with piped water supply if there is a hydrant (a water pump) in the yard, but no water supply within the house;
Central sewage -- if inside the house there is a sewage installation for utility and black waters discharge to the street sewage net or drain wells.
A dwelling is not considered equipped with sewage if it lacks piped water;
central heating -- if there is heating from own boiler-house or any community heating system like block or district heating stations, or from a combined heat and power plant (CHP);
from individual gas-fired heaters or boilers -- if there is heating from apartment automatic gas-fired water heaters (AGW) or low-volume heating boilers for domestic needs;
stove heating -- if a stove is the source of heating;
Gas supply:
piped gas -- if there is a floor gas cooker connected with the gas line both within the residential house and a detached kitchen;
bottled condensed gas -- if there is a floor gas cooker connected to the gas bottle both within the residential house and a detached kitchen.
A residential house is not considered equipped with gas supply if a desktop gas cooker connected to a portable gas cylinder is used;
Hot water:
central hot water supply -- if there is a special central hot water supply system within the residential house intended for domestic needs;
from individual boilers -- if there is a special water pipe supplying hot water from apartment gas or wood water heaters;
bath and (or) shower- irrespective of the way of hot water supply. A dwelling in which a bath (shower) is installed, but there is no sewage available is not to be considered equipped with a bath or a shower;
Electric cooker- if there is a floor or built-in electric cooker available. A house with a detached kitchen in which a floor electric cooker is installed is also considered equipped with a floor electric cooker;
Telephone- if a telephone set connected to the telephone line or radio telephone is available.
If a particular amenity in the dwelling is temporarily inactive (due to damage, repair or for other reasons), the dwelling is considered equipped with this type of amenities.
If there are several types of heating (central and stove) and hot water supply (central and from individual boilers) in the dwelling, only one type- central heating/central hot water supply- is to be completed.