Questionnaire Text

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E. Household Information

Housing unit

[Ask for material of construction of the main house for the household]

11. Walls

[] 01 Conventional bricks / blocks
[] 02 Mud bricks / blocks
[] 03 Mud and poles / cow dung / thatch / reeds
[] 04 Poles and reeds
[] 05 Corrugated iron / zinc / tin
[] 06 Asbestos
[] 07 Wood
[] 08 Stone
[] Other (specify) ________
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187. Columns E8-E13: Housing unit
These questions relate to the housing unit occupied by the household you are enumerating. A housing unit is the unit of accommodation for a household. You will usually be able to answer some of these questions yourself simply from observation. However, if in doubt, ask, and then circle the most appropriate answer code. Note that in each of these columns you are to circle only one code. The relevant portion of the sample questionnaire is shown on page 82.

191. Columns E11/E12/E13: Material of construction of main housing unit
These questions refer to the material of construction of the main housing unit (the floor, the walls and the roof) where you are enumerating.

If it is a lolwapa/dwelling having more than one "sleeping" hut or house, obtain information about the material of construction of the main unit - the "main house" - which will usually be the one used by the head of the household.

If the housing unit is a room, it is the material for the room that is required and this is usually the same as the material for the house.

If more than one type of material is used, e.g. zinc and thatch for the roof, enter the one that has been used for the greater part of the roof.

192. Column E11: Walls
Observe the material of construction for the walls and circle the appropriate code.

1. Conventional bricks/blocks
2. Mud bricks/blocks
3. Mud and poles/cow dung/thatch/reeds
4. Poles and reeds
5. Corrugated iron/zinc/tin
6. Asbestos
7. Wood
8. Stone
9. Other (specify)

If none of the above applies, write the name of the material in the space below the codes.