Questionnaire Text

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All persons 12 years and over
[Questions A16-A26]

A20. What is [the person] marital status?

[] 1 Never married
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Living together
[] 4 Separated
[] 5 Divorced
[] 6 Widowed
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
109b. Column A16-A26: These questions apply only to persons aged 12 years and more. If the person is under 12 years of age, then when you reach column A16 you should put dashes in the shaded areas for columns A16 -- A32 and proceed to the next listed person in the household.

110. Column A20: Marital status

Q: What is [the person's] marital status?

Enter the appropriate one-digit code in the shaded area:

[] 1 Never married:
A person who has never gone through any type of formal or informal marriage (tribal, civil, religious or other) and does not consider that he is presently "living together" with anyone is to be coded as never married.

[] 2 Married:
A person should be regarded as married if he has been through any form of marriage ceremony, whether tribal, civil, religious or other, and is still married.

[] 3 Living together:
A man and a woman may "live together" like husband and wife (even if they do not stay together in the same locality) without having gone through any form of marriage ceremony.

[] 4 Separated:
A person who has been formally married should be regarded as separated if he is living apart from his spouse by Court order, or by mutual or unilateral decision.

[] 5 Divorced:
A person should be regarded as divorced if his marriage has ended. If the person has remarried then he is to be coded 2, as married.

[] 6 Widowed:
This means that either the husband or the wife has died and the surviving partner has not remarried. If the surviving partner has remarried he or she is coded 2, as married.

Note that someone may indicate to you that the person is his spouse, yet, in response to the question on marital status, he said that they were living together, not married, since they had never formally married. You should accept what people tell you concerning their marital status and simply record their response; do not change the relationship code in A2 if the respondent tells you that the head and his "spouse" are "living together".