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E17. What is the principal fuel used by this household for cooking?

[] 01 Electricity
[] 02 Solar power
[] 03 Gas (LPG)
[] 04 Bio gas
[] 05 Wood
[] 06 Paraffin
[] 07 Cow-dung
[] 08 Coal
[] 09 Crop waste
[] 10 Charcoal
[] Other (specify) ____
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150. Column E18: Principal Fuel For Cooking

Q: What is the principal energy source used by this household for cooking?

Ask for the principal energy source used by the household for cooking and circle the appropriate answer code. It is possible that a household may use more than one fuel at any one time but it is the one that is used most often that should be recorded. Only one code should be circled. Possible codes are as follows:

[] 1 Electricity
[] 2 Solar Power
[] 3 Gas (LPG)
[] 4 Bio Gas
[] 5 Wood
[] 6 Paraffin
[] 7 Cow-dung
[] 8 Coal
[] 9 Crop waste
[] 10 Charcoal
[] Other (specify) ____

If the particular fuel used is not listed, write down the type of fuel used in the space below the codes.