Questionnaire Text

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Section A

(Fertility--females, 12 years and over)

16. How many children have been born alive by [the respondent]?


19. How many of these children have died?

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Column A19: Children who have died

How many of these children have died?

In column A19 enter the number of children borne alive by the woman who have since died. Sometimes a woman may forget to mention children who died in infancy or may not want to be reminded of painful events; you must therefore put the question sympathetically and tactfully.

In the sample questionnaire in paragraph 116; since one of Anne's sons died in a car accident last January, 01 is entered in column A19. One of Thembe 's children also died several years ago, so 01 is entered in column A19 for her as well.


Check that the number of children entered in column A16 is the sum of the numbers entered in columns A17, A18, and A19. Reconcile any differences with the respondent before leaving the household.

Remember that the codes in columns A16 - A19 are all two-digit codes. In most cases you must therefore remember to put a zero in front, e.g. 2 children would be coded as 02.

If a woman has never had a live birth enter 00 in all the columns. Never leave any column blank. If a woman has children in only one or two categories, insert the figures in the appropriate columns and enter 00 in the remaining column(s).

If unknown, enter 99 and explain in the comments box.

In the sample questionnaire in paragraph 116, note that the sum of the entries in columns A17 -A19 in row 2 is 04, which is equal to the total number of children ever born to Anne (column
A16). The sum of entries in columns A11 - A19 for Thembe is 02, which corresponds to the number of children ever born to her. Dashes are entered in column A19 for everyone else listed in column A1.