Questionnaire Text

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(Fertility-females, 12 years and over),
[Questions 16 through 19 were asked of all present residents female aged 12+]

19. How many children are dead?

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These questions must be answered for all females aged 12 years and over, whether they are single, married, widowed or divorced or separated, whatever their relationship to the head of household. For all males and all girls under 12 years of age enter '0' in these columns.
In column [P19] write the number of children born to the woman who have died. This should include all those who died immediately after birth, as well as those who may have died at later ages. Sometimes a woman may forget to mention children who died in infancy and does not want to be reminded of painful events; you must therefore put the question sympathetically and tactfully. Check that the number of children entered in column P16 is the sum of children entered in columns P17, P18 and P19. Reconcile any difference with the respondent before leaving the dwelling. If a woman has never borne a child write '0' in all three columns. Never leave any column blank or just put dashes in them. Similarly if a woman has children in one or two categories only insert the figures as appropriate and write '0' in the remaining column or columns.