Questionnaire Text

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Section D
[Questions 1 through 15 were asked of private dwelling]

10. Materials of construction of the walls

[] 1 Stone/bricks/blocks
[] 2 Asbestos
[] 3 Iron/zinc/tin
[] 4 Mud
[] 5 Mud and poles
[] 6 Pole/reed
[] 7 Others
[] 8 None
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Housing conditions

Columns [H9, H10 and H11] material of construction

This question refers to material of construction of the building where you are enumerating. If it is a lolwapa it is sufficient if you obtain information about the material of construction of the main unit-'main house' of the lolwapa. You can by observation obtain the right answer to H9, H10 and H1, if in doubt ask . Enter appropriate codes in the boxes provided.