Questionnaire Text

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Section D
[Questions 1 through 15 were asked of private dwelling]

6. How was this house/plot acquired?

[] 01 Tribal authority
[] 02 Land board
[] 03 Purchase
[] 04 Inheritance
[] 05 Rent: B.H.C
[] 06 Rent: council
[] 07 Rent: individual
[] 08 Rent: Company
[] 09 Self allocation
[] 10 Provided by employer
[] 99 Don't know
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Column H6 allocation of house/plot
Enquire from the household how the house/plot was acquired . If allocated by
01 Tribal authority
02 Land Board
03 Purchase
04 Inheritance
05 Rent : BHC
06 Council
07 Individual
08 Company
09 Self allocation
10 Provided by employer
99 Don't know

Some of the above codes need further explanations:
Inheritance-enter code 04 for plots by inheritance, regardless of means of previous allocation.
Rent-for any household renting from Botswana Housing Corporation or Council enter code 05 or 06; for any household renting (making payment to the owner for the right to stay on the land and/ or to occupy a building owned by the owner) enter 07 if the owner is an individual, 08 if the owner is a company/government/ university.
Self allocation-for tribal/ state land where no allocation was made by any authority enter code 09; for any household where no one member of the household is employed by the owner [individual, company, government, university] and stays rent-free also enter code 09.
Provided by employer-in cases where housing is provided by the employer rent-free enter code 10.