Questionnaire Text

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6. Resident characteristics

For residents age 10 and younger

(Check the first option in where the person falls, in the order listed)
6.13 Do you have the following type of birth certificate?

[] 1 Birth certificate at registry office
[] 2 Certificate of live birth issued in the maternity or hospital (DNV)
[] 3 Administrative registration of indigenous birth (RANI)
(Only for self-reportedly indigenous people)
[] 4 No
[] 5 Not known

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Birth registration

The purpose of question is to know how many people from age 10+ have some form of birth registration.

B 6.10
6.13 ? Do you have a birth certificate?
(Check the first option in which the person fits, in the order listed)

1 - Government Center/Civil Registry
2 - Declared Alive (DNV) by hospital or maternity ward
3 - Registry of Indigenous Births (RANI)
4 - No birth certificate
5 - Do not know

[page 197]

The third option is available only for people who declare themselves or consider themselves indigenous.