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2. For occupied permanent private housing units - Household characteristics.

2.02 The predominant material of this housing unit outside walls is:

[] 1 Masonry - with coating
[] 2 Masonry - without coating
[] 3 Wood suitable for construction (prepared)
[] 4 Coated taipa (coated stucco)
[] 5 Uncoated taipa (uncoated stucco)
[] 6 Reused wood
[] 7 Straw
[] 8 Other material
[] 9 No wall

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2.02 - The main material on the exterior walls is:

You must record the main material used in the construction of the exterior walls of the household building. Depending on the situation, record:

1 - With masonry coating: For walls with brick lining (plaster, plasterboard, and spatter dash), stone, pre-molded concrete or apparent. Consider also those covered with marble, metal, glass or paneling.
2 - Without masonry coating: For brick walls without lining (plaster, plasterboard, and spatter dash).
3 - Wood paneling (set): To walls of any kind of wood that has been prepared for this purpose.
4 - Coated stucco: For walls made of mud or lime and sand with poles and sticks of wood, paneling, plaster or wattle-and-daub coated (plaster, plasterboard, and spatter dash).
5 - Uncoated stucco: For walls made of mud or lime and sand with poles and sticks of wood, paneling, plaster or wattle-and-daub provided there is no finish (plaster, plasterboard, spatter dash).

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6 - Wood remnants: For walls made of wood packaging, fences, scaffolding, etc.
7 - Straw: For walls made of thatch, leaf or tree bark, etc.
8 -Other materials: For walls made of any material that has not previously been described. Example: zinc, plastic, etc.
9 - No wall: For households which do not have walls, and which cover is being supported by wooden poles or similar.
Item 9 should be marked only on indigenous regions.