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2. For occupied permanent private housing units - Household characteristics.

2.01 This housing unit is:

[] 1 Owned by a resident - already paid
[] 2 Owned by a resident - being paid
[] 3 Rented

2.011 Rental price R$____.00

[] 4 Ceded by employer
[] 5 Ceded by other means
[] 6 Other condition

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B 2.01
2:01 - This household is:
This question investigates the condition of household occupations.

Depending on the situation, record:
1 - Resident Owned - mortgage paid: If the household is owned in whole or in part, by one or more residents and already paid in full.
2 - Resident Owned - paying mortgage: If the household is owned in whole or in part, by one or more residents and is not yet fully paid.
3 - Leased/Rented: If the household is rented and the rent is paid by one or more residents. Also consider as rented the household where employer (of any of the residents) pays it, as part of a salary.

In the Sample Questionnaire, you must select the range that corresponds to the total amount of rent due in July and then register the declared value. Do not include property taxes and/or condominium fees.

[page 162]

4 - Provided by employer: If the address is assigned by employer (public or private) of any of the residents, although residents might be charged a fee of occupancy or utilities (condo, gas, electricity, etc.). In this case, you should count households in which the rent is directly paid by the employer of one of the household residents.
5 - Another provider: If the household is given out free by a person who is not a resident or given by an institution other than an employer of any of the residents, although a fee of occupancy (taxes, condo, etc.) may apply. In this case, you should count households in which rent is paid, directly or indirectly, by a non-resident or institution other than a resident's employer.

[page 163]

6 - Other conditions: If the household is occupied differently than the aforementioned options.
Count households in which:

- the rent is paid by resident, although the household is attached to an establishment (office, store, etc.).
- is an agricultural establishment where the family renting resides there, and
- in instances when households are occupied by trespassers.